Big Brother Spoilers “Dude you want to Sleep with me”

POV Holder: McCrae Next POV June 27
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony June 29th
HOH Winner: McRae Next HOH: Wed July 3rd
MVP: Elissa
Original Nominations: Candice, David, Jessie
Current Nominations: Jessie, Elissa and David
Last Evicted Houseguest ?
Have Nots Andy, Elissa, Jessie, Howard, Helen


9:05pm Cam 3-4 have nots Howard reading the bible while the other cast play charades in the back yard.


9:09 Backyard Charades everyone but McCare and Howard

They must have given GIGI something because she’s sure happy now. For the last 6 hours she’s been crying and saying she’s going to quit. At about 9:10 Amanda heads up to the HOH to talk with McCrae.

Cam 3-4 9:10pm HOH Amanda and McCare

Amanda: “I’ve been flirting a lot with Jeremy”
McCrae: ‘Good keep him close”
Amanda: “Is that why you came up here”
McCrae: “No.. I don’t know everyone was pi$$ing me off down there”

Jeremy is so scared right now.. he’s asking about HOH and what comes next..
Amanda: ‘he should be cared”
McCrae: “i don’t know i’m too nice for this fu***** game”
Mc mentions that Candace has a 2013 car and he drives a piece of crap.
Amanda: “does it bother you that I have a Audi”
MC: “Yeah cause Audi drivers are a$$ holes”
MC says that Judd asked him if he was getting any and he said no.
Amanda: “Ya I have a boyfriend.. You’re my comfort here and he’s my comfort there.. this is my biggest internal struggle”
MC: “I understand.. ya”
A: “I don’t know how it’s all going to be portrayed.. we might be in here for months”
A: “So if he (Boyfriend) would to Google Amanda.. hookups Big Brother”
MC: “Ya”
A: “Cause his mom has the feeds” (boyfriend’s mom)
MC: “You should go into the diary room and start talking smack about me say you are using me.. might be a good idea”
Amanda won’t do it..


9:36pm Jeremy and Kaitlin Cam 3-4 bedroom
Jeremy kissing her neck. She tells him to stop because she gets hickey’s easy.
Jer: “I’ve had some gnarly hickeys in my day had to wear a turtleneck once”

Kaitlin: “We for sure have Judd’s vote”
Jer: “I think we have Andy”
K: “no..”
Jeremy thinks that Elissa is messing up Andy’s game.

David joins them
Says everyone but KAitlin and McCrae were playing Charades. Comments that McCrae spends all his time in the HOH room.
Kaitlin says she would to.
Jeremy starts saying that the meanest players do well in the game. Mentions evil dick winning Big Brother 8.
David leaves
Kaitlin starts counting the votes she thinks they have Howard and they might have Andy’s. She’s sounding pretty confident that Elissa is going home this week. She had talked to Howard by the pool earlier and she feel good about it. Jeremy isn’t sure they have Howards vote to evict Elissa.
Kaitlin mentions how they offered to flash Judd if he stuck with their side.
Jeremy laughs says that Judd is in for sure.

Kaitlin mentions how Jessie is following Nick around. Jessie told “Everytime I go near him he ignores me.. I told him that it’s in his head”

Nick joins them
Jeremy: “Was Jess following you around”
Nick: “Oh god ya..”
Kaitlin: “She told me she was going to do it because she says you always avoid her”



10pm – 10:10pm In the bedroom – Aaryn, Gina, Kaitlin and Jeremy are talking about the bed situation. They laugh about the charades and some of the funny things that happened. Jeremy admits to them that he and Spencer were cheating. He says that they would tell each other and then go up and make one motion for a four word movie and the other would blurt out the answer. They study the wall and wonder if they will need to know it for a competition. Aaryn lays on the bed and starts making farting noises. Gina starts doing it too. Jeremy starts being arrogant again. Kaitlin starts getting pissed off and says that she doesn’t know if its arrogance or stupidity. Aaryn and Gina head into the lounge where Spencer, Judd, Andy and David are hanging out.

Meanwhile up in the HOH room – Nick, Amanda and McCrae are joking around. Nick is facing the camera with his shirt off and rubbing his chest. Amanda says that there are two cameras on him – she calls them the two creepy uncles.


10:19pm HOH David, Nick, McCrae and Amanda

David: “Dude You want to sleep with me”
Nick: “umm .. OK”
David: “What you want to sleep with me”
Nick: ‘Do you?”
David: “Aaryn said you wanted to sleep with me like bad dude”
Nick: “NO.. I mean I will if I have to.. but I never said anything”
David leaves..


10:37pm Cam 1-2 Backyard Hammock Aaryn, David, Howard and Spencer

Aaryn: “So David comes out into the kitchen and I’m like So i’m sleeping with Gina (my new name for GIGI) tonight because Nick asked he if can sleep with you tonight”

A: “I had a completely straight face and he (David) was like WHAT.. I was like Ya is that cool.. he was like NO WHERE NICK.. I’m like I don’t know where he is why wouldn’t that be OK..”

A: “He storms up stairs to find Nick and he’s like DUDE you want to sleep with me tonight.. and Nick thought that DAvid was joking.. So nick goes ya bro totally.. let’s sleep together.. and he’s (David) is all like WHY DUDE”
David: “no way.. i’ve never slept with a dude in my life”
Howard : “You’d have to be there”
Aaryn: ‘I thought it was a good joke”
Spencer says he didn’t laugh but he see the humor in it.

Cam3-4 1:05pm Kitchen Elissa, Amanda and Judd Elissa brings up that production gave Judd his “Xanax”
Elissa: “They won’t even give me a Benadryl.. but they gave you the Xanax during the day”
Judd: “Ya I’ve been taking them for 6 years”


11:07pm HOH Cam 3-4 Jessie and McCrae
Jessie: “Sometimes the girls Kaitlin and Aaryn will show you attention then withhold attention”
MC: “Ya they’re kinda f**** b***** to you”
Jessie is thinking something is up because Elissa is buddy buddy with Amanda. Jessie explains if Elissa was worried about going home she wouldn’t be downstairs baking cookies and acting so happy. Jessie thinks she’s going to get blindsided.
McCrae still thinks Elissa is going home he tells her if Elissa stays then he’s screwed because this is what everybody is telling him.
Jessie: “If I went home I would hate all of you.. I would go onto the internets and spread sh!t about all of you”
McCare says if Elissa stays all the blood is on his hand, “They swear up and down that it is Elissa.. “
Jessie: “Who is they”
MC: “Those three that were up here.. Helen.. Andy Amanda.. after the POV ceremony nobody talked game with me anymore
11:26pm cam 3-4 Amanda joins them tells Jessie to not worry she is safe this week they head outside.
Amanda: “If Candace took my slippers again I’m going to harpoon her”

11:37PM Cam 3-4 Backyard couch Judd, McCrae, Amanda, Kaitlin, Jessie. Mc is telling them about Big Brother 9 where there was a person named Natalie that was always flashing the dudes. Judd: “Yeah that was the season that turned me onto Big Brother After Dark” Amanda wants to go skinny dipping.. she asks Kaitlin if she would go skinny dipping wearing bandaids over her niples and a thong, “Flesh coloured thong”
Kaitlin: “Ya anything for TV” They laugh

Kaitlin says that Elissa cornered her last night and said “Do you think that you and Jeremy were meant to be.. like what kind of f**** question is that.. obviously not.”..
Kaitlin: “Like why do you corner me and ask me these things that make me so uncomfortable.. last night She (Elissa) was so rude to me”
Amanda: “Really… you were guilty by association”
Kaitlin: “She was like If I was your sister I would be insanely mad and disappointed with you because of the people you are surrounding yourself with”
Kaitlin: “I’m like it’s a fu**** TV show and I’m locked in here”
Judd: “Why a TV show”
Kaitlin: “I don’t know.. to be honest”
Kaitlin: “she was like Kaitlin.. this isn’t the real world.. this is BIG BROTHER you are on BIG BROTHER.. Serious your sister can run around with her a%% cheeks flapping around.. and I can’t be upset right now.. your sister probably gave a BJ on TV“

Amanda gets up to grab some band aids so she can jump in the pool. McCrae tells her not to cause the bandaids will just come off and production will stop them.
Judd: “this grass is still sticky “
Amanda: “Like my v****ia”


12:07AM Backyard Elissa and Jessie Jessie says she feels alone because everyone else in the house has paired up.
Jessie: “My whole life people have been jealous of me”
Elissa: “really”
Jessie: “I’ve been blessed with good looks… boys always say I look good without makeup on.. I don’t believe it’s something to do with my personality” (LOL it’s official BB15 Jessie = BB14 Danielle)
Elissa: “So people are just jeleous.. Girl”
Jessie: ‘Ya mostly girls and all I wanted to do was be their friend.. it’s sad to me.. I have trouble making friends.. Girl friends”
Elissa: “I would have been nice you to if you were nice to me.. hehe”
Jessie: ‘I have my sister and my two really good girlfriends at home”
Elissa: “I think everyone should have been nice about it”

Elissa: Why the first night did you say to me.. you’ve seen season 12″
J: ‘I don’t remember that”
E: “Ya you said to me .. you’ve seen season 12 when we were all talking about past season”
j: “I don’t remember saying that to you must have been someone else”
E: “That’s the first thing you said to me.. ”

12:16AM bedroom Candace, Howard, Spencer, Andy, Nick, Gina and Helen

Spencer saying he grew up ion a family that was very open minded about race. He was taught that if you love somebody their race doesn’t matter. Spencer: “Same if I was gay.. my mom was awesome there would have been no weirdness”
Candace: “I dated a Italian/Columbian”
Andy: ‘Right before I cam here I was in a bar and had a Latin experience.. made out with him for about a hour.. ”

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15 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers “Dude you want to Sleep with me””

    1. I agree most the cast mates are intolerable. And what is it with Jessie and this whole ‘ everybody is jealous of me because of I’m pretty’ thing? It’s getting old. Nobody is jealous and just because you speak something into existence doesn’t mean it’s going to happen, Jessie. As far as the very offensive and disgusting comments that HMs are making, I think it’s only far that the whole house is informed of the rule break. Allegedly HMs sign a contract saying that they will refrain from saying racist slurs and slurs of that sort? If this is the case it is only fair that the rest of the house is informed of these infractions.

  1. Just wanted to thank Simon and Dawg for running this site, it’s been my favorite one for the past few years and it really makes the BB season more enjoyable.

  2. Lol Aaryn you are so funny I saw David go upstairs to ask are you sleeping with me I thought when Amanda said like 2 times she’s like I don’t know what you guys are talking about that’s when I myself started laughing because she’s lost she don’t even know what they are talking about lol I thought the whole thing about it was really funny and I wonder if David is gay?? Because he don’t even want to sleep with him if I was having a showmance with somebody in the house and if people were saying you should sleep with another girl I would be like hmm?? Strange no way im sleeping with another girl it sounds kinda weird but at the same time stupid lol and us people that are watching the feeds would be like is David gay?? Hmm that’s a good question? Probley not but man David is SOOOO FREAKING HOT I would want to date him lol he’s really not my kind of type I like the short black haired dude with muscles like a body builder type lol but he is freaking HOTTT!!!! I sure hope he don’t go home on Thursday I would be sad:( because it gets spicy in the house and I love that:)) Please David don’t go home fingers crossed:/ Go Aaryn:))

  3. this dan 2.0 in the house is getting creepy. its the way he talks to people and sort of sees through them. nick could very well be a cousin of dan’s and it really wouldn’t surprise me at all.

    david is the type of guy who shows exactly who aaryn really is. I’m not one to bash people, but he really is a total moron, and if you fall for him that quickly its not due to his personality. maybe hes a really caring guy or something, but he comes off as the most superficial and borderline stupid person ive seen on this show. keeping him around is a total waste.

    what is with the cast obsession of discussing disgusting sex stuff and usually things that involved butt’s and poop? having a hard time getting into gameplay with this many people, but may never get into it this year with the lack of any real interest in the game.

    1. I think Judd is more of Dan type character, but Dan from Season 10. Judd is underrated by a lot of folks. He’s a superfan, but not a dull-OTT superfan. Judd has blended nicely into the background this first week.

      Some of Judd’s great gameplay was on display the other night, right before the Jeremy house blow up. Judd was sitting in the room with David and Aaryn as she was sucking down wine, trying to hide it from the house. They both tell Judd to go eat since it was passed mid-night and he could eat again. He said, “nah, I’m ok, I’m just going to stay so the rest of the house know it was me who ratted you out over the wine”, and just played it off real cool, and then he went to eat about 20-30 mins later. The Jeremy fight happened, and Judd just faded into the background. He’s playing a strong game, in my opinion.

  4. At first I thought I would hate Jessie the most due to her intense fascination with herself, but between the sexists, racists, homophobes, and bigots in the house, Jessie’s delusions are somewhat of comic relief. I want to know what backwards, backwoods, corner of the world production went to to find these people because whoever was in charge of casting should be fired asap. Team Elissa all the way!!!!

  5. The reaction Aaryn’s joke on David received should be a HUGE wake up call for her. If people can’t even pretend to find your jokes funny to your face, then those people really, really don’t like you. I do however think she’s going to be around for awhile. If the current plan holds and David is bounced,, Aaryn will be blindsided and likely blow up. And a smart player(s) will be there to pick up the pieces and use her as a shield, keeping her around as a heat magnet.

    The only thing I wonder about the MC’s plan is the wisdom of getting rid of David, when the easier path to keeping Elissa is dumping the annoying AND friendless Jessie. In BB, a player always needs a Mirror: Say you’re the typecast “good looking guy/athlete”, then the second David is gone, the players who fear that typecast will put the target on you. So considering that 3/5 of the MC fit that mold, it makes far more sense to keep David, ESPECIALLY with Aaryn looking like a puppetmaster and becoming increasingly unpopular. If you keep David, you ensure that the house will be looking in their direction, before they look at you.

    Jeremy especially and Nick as well, due to their fake alliance, should see the danger of getting rid of David, when Jessie is of little use to the MC and would be less likely to put the house on edge. It’s great that they think they can manipulate the vote to point the finger at others…but that’s a dangerous proposition, especially when you’ve been talking to so many people. I look at BB like a prison and during your 1st week in prison, you look around find a guy with no friends and no protectors, then you beat the s**t out of him. This shows the others that you are no push over and avoids rattling their cage and forcing a reaction. David has friends, Jessie doesn’t and being up front is explainable, thus avoiding the blow up/finger pointing, while keeping the heat magnet Elissa and the mirror David

  6. I’ve never seen so many arrogant, delusional, ignorant, douchebag like morons in one season… I cant believe im saying this but Team Elissa!!

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