Big Brother Spoilers “Don’t tell anyone they’re a swing vote.. Other than that you’re doing a great job.”

POV: Faysal Next POV: July 7th
POV Used No POV Ceremony July 9th
HOH: Tyler Next HOH: July 5th
Noms: Sam, Steve Have Nots Brett, Kaitlyn, Scottie, Winston

Big Brother Spoilers – It’s slow…. 

2:11pm HOH JC and Tyler
JC says their 5 is voting out Steve.
JC – how are you going to get Kaitlyn to vote for Steve
Tyler – trust me.. I’ve been going back and forth a couple ways.. I have to use a last minute freak out..
Tyler is going to tell her he knows who has the power and the person is using it.
Tyler – I’m going to be like Steve is going home

Tyler tells him about the deal with Kaitlyn “I told her package deal”

Tyler says Rockstar is telling everyone JC is against Steve but wants everyone to think JC is up in the air..
JC – what I’m trying to convince her is she’s not a priority on that side
Tyler – don’t try to convince Rockstar sh1t.. don’t even talk to ROCKSTAR
jc – I’m like you’re low priority.. they have a l;ot of powerful.. you adn I are in the same group..

Tyler – Let Rockstar f*up her own sh1t because that’s what rockstar does ..
Tyler – she doesn’t care who in a room she just starts talkign about somebody
JC – I told BRett today that the bros were targets..
Tyler says the BROS know they’re Swagz’ side targets

Kaitlin comes in

2:25pm Scottie and Steve
Scottie says Sam made a pitch to him she thinks Kaitlyn and him are the swing votes..
Steve – she came to you
Scottie – yeah on the storage room.. she was pitching herself to me to keep herself..
Steve – does she have any clue you and I are that tight..
Scottie – I told her she can go around and pitch herself.. She thinks Me and Kaitlyn are the swing votes..
Steve – he’s very misguided
Scottie points out you can’t blame her she’s been outside the hose most of the time.

2:30pm Steve goes to Kaitlyn says that Sam is going around saying she’s the swing vote and trying to get SCotties vote.
Kaitlyn says she’s not she’s not stupid.
Kaitlyn – have you gotten an kind commitment from the bros
Steve – yes

2:33pm Faysal and Haleigh

2:45pm JC, Tyler, Kaitlyn and Scottie HOH
Steve brings up Sam thinking Kailtyn and Scottie are swing votes..
Steve says he’s not worried he wants to know who’s lying to her.

2:51pm Winston and Kaycee
Winston – Domino’s has really upped their game.. they have the app.. ..
Kaycee says she likes Pappa johns
Winston – I’m not above little Caesar, I love it..
Winston goes on about how great it is..

2:59pm Tyler and Sam
Tyler tells her Scottie Told Steve and Steve’s told everyone that Sam said Scottie and Kaitlyn were the swing votes.
Sam – is that major
Tyler – you can’t tell someone they’re the swing vote because then they’ll go tell other people that you think they’re the swing vote.
Tyler – don’t tell anyone there a swing vote
Sam – I didn’t know that was a bad word..
Tyler – that’s a bad word
Sam – ok
Tyler – Scottie has told you a million times he’s voting for Steve to stay so if you go to him, Hey Scottie your a swing vote he’ll be like What the F** why am I the swing vote
Tyler – just don’t try to pitch to him because he already told you who he’s voting for
Sam -ok,  I like him.
Tyler – he likes you to. He’s already told you he’s voting for Steve to stay
SAm says she wanted him to be a partner.
Tyler – don’t you worry. Other than that you’re doing a great job.. and keep talking to people like you were talking to Haleigh and Rockstar but don’t tell anyone there a swing vote.. Now Steve is going to think the votes are close.
Tyler – this week is going to be a blindside for everyone in the house..

3:15pm Tyler heads back to the HOH to meet with Steve, ROCKTAR, Kaitlyn, JC. HE tells them Sam has no idea where the votes are he was just talking to her.
JC says he doesn’t know if the bros are voting for Steve or not. JC adds that he doesn’t thick Kaycee is voting for Sam. She is always talking to Steve.

3:49pm ROCKSTAR and Haleigh
ROCKSTAR says that Sam being a maid isn’t the way to go about it.
Haleigh It’s like she’s not building any friendships any relationships..
ROCKSTAR says everyone is voting to keep Steve, “I feel bad for Sam”

Rockstar says she is voting for Steve but she’s still encourages Sam to put her best foot forward.
ROCKSTAR – Steve is more loyal… Steve also comes with Scottie.. a number..
Rockstar says she wishes there were beds “everywhere” because they are so comfortable. That is why she isn’t being more social.
They mention how Kaycee has been stuck in the Living room “all morning”
ROCLKSTAR – I guess they thought we aren’t utilizing that space
Haleigh – I don’t like it
ROCK – yeah

4:00pm JC is telling everyone he’s Socially liberal but he’s Conservative when it comes to Economy and national security. This blows Steve away..
Kaitlyn – my jaw is literally down to my ankles

JC – a lot of people in the gay community go crazy.. if they see someone screaming they’ll be like Ok l;et me go.. I’m not liek that I lke to have my own thoughts the news.. all the news.. what I thin kI should read.. I have my own opinion I don’t like to be influenced

Steve – I respect everyone’s own opinion
JC – I would never ever ever not talk to someone because they have a different point of view or religious or political
JC – Like a lot of people to in these times in this country i would never.. you go have you own opinion .. like the Hillary Trump thing and you’re Hard core Hillary supporter and like lets say I’m a hardcore trump supporter I would never not talk to you because we have different opinion.

Steve- I’m liking JC more and more
Kaitlyn says she’s the biggest Progressive Liberal Feminist but she likes learning bot sides. Her best friend is a conservative..
Kaitlyn – I can’t change who our president is so I want to be on board.. so I want to know the good stuff that has happened.
Rockstar – follow his tweets he talks about all the great stuff he does on a daily basis
Kaitlyn – that’s not his strong suit
they all laugh..
Steve – talking is not his strong suit
JC – I don’t agree with all the twitting things he does
JC – you know what I believe in Number and facts.. when you put the numbers and facts there the country is doing good..
Steve – you can’t argue with numbers.. I don’t like things he does.. I do like things that happened.. Obama had a lot to do with it.
JC – Obama wasn’t the best president but some things were pretty cool same with this president
Setve – WOW we’re actually having a calm discussion about politics here..

4:40pm Have Nots Angela, Winston and Brett
Brett says the best thing they have going is they’re alliance is not out in the open.
Winston agrees says when the votes comes out 7 to 6 the sides will be known.
Winston – they’ll run the numbers
Brett says the other side has an idea but there’s nothing absolute
Angela – their side is starting to crack
Winston – Steve will fall into our Lap
Angela – I don’t think so Steve and Scottie are going to go with them
Winston – he won’t
Angela says Steve hasn’t talked to her at all. Adds that Kaitlyn is very persuadable and she’s here to make friends
Angela – she likes to be with the good energy
Angela – Scottie is literally an ear for Swaggy
Brett – I think Scottie is playing both side..
Winston agrees “he’s a wild card”
Brett – I’m telling you if that vote comes out 7-6 Scottie knows we voted against he’ll never come to us
Winston – NEVER
Winston wants the house to vote Sam out so they can pull Scottie in.

Brett leaves..

Angela tells him Tyler’s plan was for the last minute to get Kaitlyn to flip is to go to her tell her at the last minute that everyone is flipping she’s got to hop to their side.
Angela adds he was going to say “I’m working both side I’ll take you under my wing and keep you safe if you vote with me. That sides cracking”
Angela – I just hate this last bit of sh1t
Winston – it’s very risky say we wait to last minute, 20 minutes before the vote and we’re not able to communicate with everyone and she doesn’t vote it’s 7 to 6 . IT’s us 5 exposed.. Tyler’s not exposed he didn’t vote.. all of us would be drawn and next week one of would go home 100%
Winston – If we unanimously vote to keep Steve we at least have a shot at swaying Scottie out way.. there’s so many angles we have next week.

Brett comes back

Angela says Sam could be their Pawn.
Brett – it has to be a guarantee if we’re going to do it. (keep SAM)
Brett starts saying that the are targets for next week. JS told him ROCKSTAR has been going around talking alto about “the Bros”
Winston – I’m really scared of her athletic capabilities..

JC comes joins them

Angela – who are we voting for.. I’m scared I don’t think we have the numbers
JC – I’m voting Steve out we have to
JC – Tyler has Kaitlyn.. Supposedly
JC – if we doesn’t go out we’re f*** we’re F***ed
JC says ROCKSTARS is throwing the BROS names out there as targets.
Angela tells him if they do this and vote out Steve and someone flips last minute (Kaitlun doesn’t flip )they are all exposed including JC.
JC – who will Flip

5:39pm HOH Swagz and Tyler
Swagz says he can’t control the girls.

Swagz – even if she has a boyfriend back home we all think she likes Fez..
Swagz says they have the numbers now so if JC or Tyler go up as the pawn against Swagz they would go home.
Swagz counts his votes.. Fez, Haleigh, Bayleigh, Rockstar, Kaitlyn, Scottie and Steve.
Swagz calls JC, Kaycee and Sam are floaters.
Swagz – use ROCKSTAR as a floater if you put ROCKSTAR on the block she’s going home against you and me.. Obviously Rockstar’s in my alliance, but if she’s up against you.. I’m sending her home..
Swagz – Im keeping you here.. it’s smaart.. ROCKSTARs not winning a competition

(LOL swagz… )

6:22pm Bayleigh, Swagz
Bayleigh telling him she can deal with “Blood, Piss, Zits, Puss” but not Puke “I don’t liek teh way it comes out it’s too aggressive to me and it smells weird
Bayleigh goes to the toilet “ewww.. who did this.. pee on the toilet stool and not flushed”

6:50pm JC and Haleigh
JC says he likes Steve he’s a great guy but.
JC – we’re in the same group you and me because we’re not fully in one group
JC says she needs to vote with the right people. Don’t be scared to go against who Swaggy wants her to vote for
JC says she’s on the bottom of the target list. Angela, Brett, Winston, Rachel will get targeting before he \.
JC – by the time he takes care of that we take care of him.. that’s if he targets you
JC – Lets talk to Tyler tonight and see what he says and if he says lets keep Steve.. quiet we keep steve if he says Keep Sam.. Quiet we Keep Sam.

7:00pm Feeds go down for the 4th July party.

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16 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers “Don’t tell anyone they’re a swing vote.. Other than that you’re doing a great job.””

      1. Honey, I’m afraid my cane will do no good against a couple of blockheads!
        If only! *sigh

        But, don’t lose hope, sweet Callie! I have a feeling things will work out! 🙂

  1. For as much as Fez & Kaitlyn were active on the live feeds, CBS’s edit has only shown Fez getting his vegetarian ham & Kaitlyn has been completely absent from this episode. I understand CBS not showing JC since his behavior is rated more towards NC-17.

    1. I think it’s more they wanted to hide him this week until the furor over his antics dies down provided he takes the admonishment to heart and plays nice with folks. I think they’ll show Kaitlyn and Fez on Thursday to tease a Kaitlyn flip.

    1. She’s really negative. Constantly talking crap about whoever is not in the room. That gets old real quick.

  2. I like the fact the vote is close and can still go either way and that’s because multiple people are out there pushing game agendas. It might be like watching football players perform gymnastics, it’s not always good but it’s generally entertaining. People are playing and putting thought into their game all week. I’m not hearing: I’m voting with the house. I REALLY hate that phrase.

    1. We’ve been producing updates at the same pace.. It’s been very slow today. If you look at the posts I produced you’ll find a lot of content, where else is there more? As for Comments.. yeah they’re way down. I can’t control that.

      1. I think last season really turned folks off. Plus it’s been several season of really crappy casts and heavy, obvious production influence. If this cast can maintain this level of interaction some folks may return.

    2. I haven’t been commenting because I find the cast bland and shallow. There isn’t one gracious or lovely person there and the intelligence level is appalling. There isn’t one natural leader even though Swaggly and JC think they are. The things they talk about make them sound like seventh graders used to talk, is this our educational system now? I had thought the cop would at least have more depth but he’s at their level, always using the F bomb (he has daughters!) and repeating himself constantly. The girls are vapid empty heads, I think Tyler is actually the coolest cast member and he’s the uneducated life guard. This cast is dead, all the sites are dead in the comments section, and I think this blog is still the best.

  3. Can people be any dumber ?
    First of all, last I heard there is a man on Shark Tank that is referred to as “Mr. Wonderful”…not Mr. Fantastic.
    Then, explain to me how more than one person can be ‘swing votes’ ? People can perhaps still be undecided, but only one person can be termed a swing vote.
    I think that people should be vetted to get on the show. Why do they include people who are not even familiar with the game? These people aren’t here because they truly care about the game. They are lost and don’t know what they are doing. So many of us that love the game would kill to be included, yet you (pro-
    duction) grab a slew of people who will walk around totally bewildered for the whole summer. It does NOT
    make for good TV.
    Just trying to give production a heads up…
    I’m glad that you guys have this website. Keep up the great work !!!

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