Big Brother Spoilers: Dani says that Jeff better not put me up… it will be hell for everyone tomorrow if he does..

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12:10am In the HaveNot room Dani and Kalia are talking. Dani say what makes no sense or logic” that Jordan doesn’t know what Jeff is going to do. Kalia says that she still hopes he leaves it the same. Dani says we need it to stay the same, if I go up i’m leaving. Kalia says she may leave because she is a bigger threat than Porsche. Kalia says Dani will never become Jeff & Jordan and Rachel. Kalia says that she wonders what can she offer to keep herself. Kalia says that she doesn’t know if we can trust Shelly. Dani says that we can’t trust her period. Dani says that Porsche isn’t on our side either. Dani says Adam will do whatever he wants. Kalia says he has to convince Adam to keep her. Dani says that she needs to talk to Jeff and says that he wouldn’t say anything if he’s trying to backdoor me. Kalia starts talking about how she told Jeff she can trust him she’s never lied and that she said that she came here to play while others are here to do nothing. Kalia says that Jeff agreed. Dani says that she is focusing on him keeping it the same and her staying. Dani says that she just wants to make sure their understanding is good. Dani says that she held up her part of the deal twice. Kalia asks if she can get Adam. Dani says he will do what he wants. Kalia says she needs Rachel. Dani says that Jeff needs to be nice because of Jury votes and that Porsche doesn’t seem to understand that. Kalia says that she may want to call Rachel on her debt for keeping her. Dani says lets go outside so we can trap Jeff.
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12:30am Out in the backyard, Jeff and Adam are playing pool. Kalia and Dani come out into the backyard and says that they think they found a clue the front door is open but no one seems interested take a look. Dani and Kalia make their way to the bathroom. Adam comes in asking about the clue. Adam is told to stop playing with door. Kalia starts begging Shelly for her vote. Shelly tells Kalia she has her vote. Shelly asks Kalia if she has any idea if the nominations will stay the same. Shelly says she has no clue. Shelly and Dani make their way back outside and sit on the couches. Porsche joins them and wonders when the POV ceremony will be tomorrow. Dani says around 10am. Porsche starts complaining about the cold showers. Rachel joins them on the couch. Dani leaves finds Jeff as they talk in the purple room.

1am In the purple room, Jeff and Dani talk. Jeff says that he is nervous. Dani tells Jeff that Rachel threw Jeff and Jordan under the bus three weeks in a row and she has been honest with the exception of week three. Dani says that its coming down to it and its hard for Jeff and Jordan to stay together without help. Dani says that it would suck to be back doored. Dani says that she plays hard. Dani says a small number who would vote for… Jeff asks how far it would go? Dani says that she is open and willing to talk about it. Dani says that she wants to get rid of Porsche make a final three or final four deal. Dani says that she thinks this Thursday will be fast forward and next week double eviction, that’s the hardest bump to get over. Jeff says that they didn’t have it their season because of Chima self evicting. Jeff says that he is keeping it quiet for people to be surprised or not surprised. Dani says that it would really suck to be back doored and that she has gone out of his way to prove it. Jeff says that it has showed him. Dani starts bashing Rachel saying she’s a pathological liar. Jeff asks what deal she has with Kalia. Dani says that basically they just have each other’s back. Dani says that it would super suck if she got back doored. Dani swears that Jeff has her word. Dani says that he is one of them to vote for till the end and that it has to be somebody that deserves to win. Jeff says that he will take what she says in consideration, till the ceremony. Jeff asks if the fortune tells is ever going to talk? Dani and Jeff and their conversation.
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1:15am – 1:30am Dani goes to tell Kalia in the HaveNot room all about her conversation with Jeff. Dani tells Kalia that if she goes up she is gone and if she doesn’t then Kalia will go. Dani says that either way he’ll be sorry. Dani says that Jeff acts like he knows everything… Dani says that she couldn’t get any other info and tells Kalia what she told Jeff. Dani says that she doesn’t like the way he talk to her like he is above her. Dani says that he better not put me up… it will be hell for everyone tomorrow if he does.. Dani says that she is pissed right now because he is going to put me up. Dani says that Jeff didn’t put her up not to piss her off and fight really hard to win veto and he’s “not stupid, he’s not smart but he’s not that stupid. Dani says that she thinks Rachel is really pressuring to backdoor me Dani says that she wants to punch her in the face. Kalia says that we’ll just have to wait and see. Dani says that she has Shelly’s vote but Adams may be harder to get because he and Porsche are close. Dani says that she isn’t going to be able to sleep tonight. Dani says that she would be shocked if she didn’t go up. Kalia asks really? Dani says yes. Kalia says that if he back doors Dani …he is gone next week. Dani says that it will be you against me. Kalia says that sucks. Dani heads out to the backyard.

In the backyard, Jeff, Porsche, Rachel, Dani and Adam are now talking in the backyard. They talk about random stuff. They talk about people quitting and leaving the big brother house. They talk about past seasons, houseguests and twitter. Dani leaves to get ready for bed. Jeff heads up to the HOH where Jordan is, and tells her that he and Dani talked. Jeff says that Dani asked if they were still good. Jeff laughs. Jordan tells Jeff that Shelly told her that it’s the best move for Jeff to put up Dani. Jeff tells Jordan the conversation he had with Dani. Jeff says that Dani just said whatever he wanted to hear. Jordan says that Dani doesn’t have anything on us. Jeff says that during his speech he is going to tell them that people know his word is good in the house until you cross him and then all bets are off! Jeff says that he is also going to tell Dani that she didn’t save him and if her plan had gone off without a hitch then Jeff would have been sent home. Jeff says that he has done all the hard dirty work in this game this far and he wants a chance to just float for awhile. Jeff says that he hopes the floaters start to take each other out. Jeff and Jordan think that Adam has been acting fishy. Jordan says that in a perfect world it would be you, me, Rachel, Shelly and Porsche. Jordan says that in the event of a double eviction that she would go after Adam. Jeff agrees. Jeff says that his mind is made up ..Dani has to go. Jeff says that he doesn’t want Adam to benefit from his dirty work this week and then flip and come after Jeff next week. Jordan says that after the POV ceremony she might hide in the HOH room just to avoid all of the awkwardness. Jeff thinks that he is going to be a target during the double eviction. Jordan and Jeff start studying the events of the house.
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3am In the backyard, Porsche, Adam and Kalia are talking about random stuff. Porsche complains about always coming in second place. Adam tells her that second place is $50 grand. They talk about movies and travelling. Jeff joins them. They talk about how different it would be if Dick was still in the game. Porsche and Kalia head inside. Jeff asks Adam if Porsche and Kalia feel safe. Adam says no. Jeff heads inside and finds Porsche in the kitchen. Jeff asks her what is she willing to offer him? Porsche says that she would make a one week deal with him. Jeff mentions again that Porsche never talks game with him. Porsche says that her, Rachel, Brendon, and Jeff all shook hands back in the beginning. Jeff doesn’t remember shaking hands with her. Jeff says he doesn’t know, you’ll see what happens tomorrow and you can come talk to me. Porsche tells Jeff that she is intimidated by him. Jeff laughs and asks her how do you know somebody if you never talk to them… Jeff then heads up to the HOH room.

3:45am – 4:50am Porsche, Kalia and Dani talk in the HaveNot room. They ask Dani if she asked for a deal with Jeff. Dani says no ..that she already did her part by saving him and Jordan twice. Porsche talks about her conversation with Jeff and says that she is the worst game talker. Dani asks if Jeff does evict her will Porsche go after Jeff. Porsche says yeah of course. Porsche wonders if it would be better to put him up or back door him. Dani leaves. Kalia tells Porsche that if Dani leavse Porsche is the only person she can trust. Kalia says that Dani doesn’t deserve to be back doored. Porsche says that it was Dani’s idea to back door Jeff in the beginning. Kalia says that Dani kept Jeff safe while they had the HOH’s. Dani comes back and they talk about random stuff and then decide to go to sleep..

6:40am All the houseguests are still sleeping..
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238 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers: Dani says that Jeff better not put me up… it will be hell for everyone tomorrow if he does..”

  1. i will be super pissed if dani goes home because it will become very boring without and might as well be the jj show i hope porche makes a good move and elimates jeff to show that she is here to stay rooting for porche to win if dani goes home…

    1. Sadly that is what is going to happen… Dani was too naive thinking that Jeff was going to keep his word, now is a little too late. Now I would rather see Rachel or Porsche winning, especially P, she has being pretty steady and haven’t read/see her lying as the rest of the HG’s, Rachel lies a lot but compared to Shelly, Rachel is Mother Theresa.

      Hope Shelly never wins HOH, her cry is pretty ugly!! she would do a huge drama if she receives a letter from home, he face is disgusting!

    2. After Dani is put up on the block,, she should pull “Big Jeff” to side and pretty much let him know that she will never vote for him to win the 500 g.. she needs tell him she’ll do everything in power to persaude the other jury members to vote against jeff.. would be nice to see him sweat.. she needs to remind Rachel, she’ll that she’ll be all alone with Branden in the Jury house.. hope Dani shakes the house up before she leaves.

      1. She will do that anyway. Remember Dani made a deal with Brendon and back doored him immediately.
        Dani does not keep her deals. She is the dark side, very sarcastic and arrogant. Glad to see her leave.
        Kalia will have a melt down, Porsche will float to Shelley and Adam and try to get them to turn on Jeff and
        Jordan. Should be entertaining. Wish one of the houseguest would give Porsche something to wear besides
        Betty White’s sweat suits. The girl wants to be a TV star, but here she is on Showtime and CBS looking
        like she does not have any clothes and can’t fix her hair. Maybe Salvation Army could send some clothes over for her to wear. It sure would be a lot better than what she is wearing.

        1. Hellooo. It’s double evction week. Even if Dani goes, she won’t have very much alone time with Brendon. Give your heads a shake.

    3. Don’t understand why Dani says it sucks to get backdoored? She would do it to anyone without a second thought at least Porsche remembers all their dirty works the way it really happened. The only reason Dani didn’t target Jeff before was because she was trying to hard to get Brendon out first!

    4. Don’t understand why Dani says it sucks to get backdoored? She would do it to anyone without a second thought at least Porsche remembers all their dirty works the way it really happened. The only reason Dani didn’t target Jeff before was because she was trying too hard to get Brendon out first!

  2. Sorry, but I had to repeat myself. IMO, This is the worst season of BB ever. The newbies are like a bunch of fan boys and girls who are just happy to be around the vet couples. Kalia makes me sick. She talks way too much, makes the dumbest facial expressions and seems to be in love with Jeff.

    I don’t think her terrible HOH move was about her fearing Jeff. Watch and listen to her carefully everyone! She has a schoolgirl crush on him and he can’t even stand her. LMAO! Silly rabbit! Jeff is the real reason The Hut has always tried to play all “buddy buddy” with Jordan. She just wants to be close to Jeff. Poor Dani! Her whole game changed when Dick left, PT the genius tells Shelly of all people about his sub alliance with DBR, Shelly tells Jordan outside, and then they both go to the HOH room and lie to BR saying Dani is trying to come after all of them. BR actually believing that crap changed the game.

    Honestly, I don’t know why it took so long for people to figure Shelly out. I would’ve known what was going on after Keith left and for sure after Cassie. People are throwing vetos left, right and center lol and JJ control the house. UNDERSTAND THIS… THERE WAS NEVER REALLY A DKP ALLIANCE! KALIA THE HUT HAS ALWAYS BEEN WITH JJ. SHE WOULD SELL OUT DANI ANY DAY JUST TO DRINK JEFF’S BATH WATER.

  3. Dani is such a brilliant game player, yet this is the 1st time she has talked to jj this week.
    she makes no logical arguement to keep herself and evict someone else
    She wont throw K or P under the bus
    She keeps up with the rachel has to go BS

    She sucks at this game without daddy. She has made the worst tactical moves all season long. And for horribad game moves she should go. But at least go down fighting you dumb ass!

        1. i just had a salad for lunch. it was DEEEEELISH!

          on another note… its funny how it was ok (for the DK lovers) for DK to backdoor Jeff, but its not ok for Jeff to backdoor Dani. what kind of retarded thing is that? i suppose that THOSE are the ppl that wouldnt last a min in the bb house. if someone tries to steal your rice and beans, you gotta attack before you go hungry. its just nature.

          stop being sore looooooooooooooooserssssssssss.

          lets enjoy the house. im actually looking forward to seeing DK squirm and start throwin each other under the bus. this is gonna be epic!

          really wondering who will follow her. its really anyones game at this point.

    1. You’re missing reason as to why! Dani is brilliant at playing this game and because of that very fact, she knows that Jeff is going to backdoor her. She’s said so enough times ever since he won HoH and more so after he won POV. She gets it! She’s done some talking to Jeff to remind him of the times she’s saved him and Jordum but, make no mistake about it, she’s well aware of Jeff’s vengeful side and how his huge ego won’t allow for him to forget what Dani attempted to do to him weeks ago. Dani’s not a kiss ass like ALL the others in the house and I admire her for that. Why beat a dead horse; if she’s going, she’s going. No sense groveling to an ass like Jeff who says he wants strong players to win, yet allows floaters to make it to the end over stronger players like Dani, whom he knows is a superior competitor.

      1. Dani is a good competitor but sucks at the social, tactical, and strategic side of the game, which is far more important:

        1-Dad set her up for a final 5 deal whereby everyone else would do the dirty work for her
        2- she blew up the alliance because she wanted dom’s c^&k
        3- she formed an alliance with 2 incompetent slugs
        4- she was impatient and made her “bold move” 5 weeks too early
        5- she had a friggin golden key and still screwed it up
        6- she looks good in a bikini
        7- she was an ahole when in power
        8- her only accomplishment was getting lawon and brendon out. Big effin deal

        without her father she is a below average player.
        Shelley cant win chit, but she is a great tactician and strategist and will go father in this game……..

        1. OK, OK, I’m with ya on #s 3, 4 & 6. You would have had me with #8 but, “her only accomplishment” … Ya went too far with that! 😉

    2. “Dani is such a brilliant game player, yet this is the 1st time she has talked to jj this week.”

      She talked to Jeff about where he stood before nominations.

      I’m starting to get the feeling that to be a JJ fan you can’t watch the feeds. You get what CBS gives you and of course you’re gonna love them.

    3. You are right. Even Dick said that Dani made the move against Jeff too soon. She is playing a bad game.
      The only social game Dani has is with Kalia and now Porsche. Porsche moved over to the DK alliance because Kalia won head of hosehold. She is with the HOH except for this week, she hates Jeff and always says she is going to put him on the block. She has burned her bridges with JJ. I think Porsche is the only one not playing the game. I cannot believe that Porsche thinks she is going to be America’s Player. The girl is nuts..

  4. How did everyone who pays for the special production feeds vote the bring Lawon back…by now it is common knowledge that they are bringing Lawon back with “super powers”…how you like him now 😉 We just have a few more days until the house is once again LAWONIFIED!!! My vote was for the idea of them lowering him into the yard with a super hero costume during the HOH.

    Team Dani is going down….go team SSILF…BB hasn’t had someone shooting this straight since “the friendship”…plus she is so hot…i love the pic they posted on the special production feeds of her in a flannel thong…Tony is a lucky guy….those who don’t get the production feeds are really missing out, it well worth the money.

      1. You are definitely a sucker. but being a sucker isn’t so bad. Someone will put you in their mouth so it’s all good in the end.

  5. Be careful what you wish for! Don’t get so Cocky Dani! Jeff will definitely backdoor you. You will do nothing. Table will be turn and you will get your justice. Don’t worry, Kaila will join you as well. Make Rachel happy to get rid of Dani and Rachel make jeff happy to get rid of Kaila. Beside, Dani your responsible of the dirty work and help Kaila doing her Dirty work. Bye-Bye DK, Porsche your next.

  6. I would make a deal with Dani if she could be trusted. But she can’t. Pull P off and let DK sweat it out all week. Can’t stand K or S! A seems like a pretty cool guy out of the house.


    I would love to see final five be Rachel HOH Jeff, Jordon, SS, and Adam, R nominates S&A, R then wins veto. Jeff and Jordon worried about jury votes split the vote leaving R to send one home. R then goes VEGAS on Shellys ass before kicking her out he door.

  8. Wow that’s a surprise that Dani deems Porsche untrustworthy. If Dani goes to jury I hope that horn dog Brendon gets totally discombobulated. It will be funny to see how Rachel implodes but not funny if she starts being nasty to Dani. They should do live feeds of the Jury house or a separate web show

    1. Jeff need the BB duck because according to him, he has done
      all of the dirty work and needs float time. lol
      So far his only job has been to wake Jordan up and continually tell
      her that she is back on BB.

      Really dislike the guy – the “B” in his name doesn’t stand for
      “Big,” it is for BOGUS.

      1. Jeff’s barely smarter than Jordan. He’s like a bunch of shiny stones. Gives you something to look at, but don’t expect anything else out of him. And I know that many JJ fans don’t want to acknowledge it, but you don’t have to dig to deep to uncover the truth. He rocks a pink hoodie on TV, he’s not that into Jordan, and him and his “buddies” will get together and sing boy band songs. I keep waiting for him to get in trouble for singing showtunes. The male fans of Jeff should rejoice, its a matter of time before he realizes that he is down with the pole, not the hole.

  9. Skeletor is such a hypocrit. It’s funny how she acts like a big baby too now that it’s her ass that is in jeopardy. That’s what she gets for acting like her shit don’t stink when she is in power. Cya Skeletor

  10. Seriously,Porsche. Are you stupid enough to put or backdoor Jeff? Let see you try it, if you do. Jeff will come after you and there will be repercussion and you will feel that raft of Jeff. So, Porsche be careful what you say or going to do. Because Jeff will make you pay. Jeff already get rid of Dani and Kaila. Porsche is the next victim. Jeff says “that how he roll.”

      1. okay NUMBER ONE why are you replying that BS to me, NUMBER TWO the more you comment hysterically about NOT being psycho the more you look psycho, NUMBER THREE get the F out of here with “tell it to my face” it is too early in the morning for all that drama.
        Jesus Friggin C

    1. Adam said it best. If Jeff goes up he’s going home. I don’t doubt for a second D,K,P and A would vote him out in a heartbeat, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Rachel did as well (it would be awesome to hear a ‘I can’t vote against the house Jeff’ comment from Rachel, that alone would make me a fan).

      1. Keep dreaming! Jeff will never go home. probably be either Kaila or Porsche. They both sucked this competition. Beside, their weak in everything. So, better luck next time.

        1. Jeff is going to be walking out that door right behind Dani. Sorry to break it to you but Roach will backstab Jeff. Adam is at the point of backstabbing Jeff because Adam doesn’t need him anymore. K & P are going after Jeff too. So who can save Jeff from Double eviction? Jordumb? ShelHe? Highly unlikely, Jordumb was given her HOH and ShelHE hasn’t won anything up to this point. No, the only person who can save Jeff is Dani, if they were to make a deal. So Jeff will be going right out the door behind Dani and we will be left with a pill of trash as the remaing HG’s. This season was a disaster!!

          1. Don’t planned on that. Kaila will probably follow Dani to the jury house. Both probably be scared and should not backdoored anyone. So, good luck in the JH. Jeff will win HOH for the second time.

      1. LMAO….so, what do you guys think the “RAFT OF JEFF” would look like? LOLOLOL

        Would it have tubes made of Dani, Kahlia, and Porsche all tied together…..with SSS’s stick body being the rudder….let’s see, what else….


        STILL LMAO!!!

        I. LOVE. THIS. PHRASE!!!!!

    1. Kalia wins HOH and, in a surprise move, evicts Jordan.

      Porsche wins the next HOH and successfully evicts Jeff and
      tells him that it is too bad HE never found the time to talk
      Game with her. lol

      Final Two: Porsche and Rachel ( One Newbie vs One Vet )

    2. I’m now pulling for Rachel and Porche final 2!!! Idk why i like Rachel….shes a nut!! Dysfunction appeals to me…haha!!
      This is a long shot…but at this rate, they are all gonna start taking each other out. They have played too nice for too long….still waiting for the chaos!!!

    3. I’m holding off until Thursday and the new HoH. If one of the newbs steps up and wins HoH and then actually grows enough of a sack to put up the vets I will be Team#thatperson. If Adam can do it and pulls the trigger he will have redeemed himself in this game.

    4. Simon – too soon for me. The optimist in me is still hoping for a “Hail Mary pass” as they say in football, which will somehow save Dani from eviction or, have her coming back if she is. Again, a long shot, I know but, until she’s gone for good, I have no desire to speculate which of the remaining lame ass players I would like to see win.

  11. I want to hear more bout Rachael allege “pregancy” now that’s the most interesting conversation I’ve heard on this season PERIOD!…no pun intended…lol

        1. I think someone else said it as a joke, and it made the rounds of the house and at some point morphed from a joke into people thinking it was true (which isn’t surprising in a house where there’s nothing else to do but eat, sleep, workout, tan, and gossip)

  12. so B/R were talking shit behind JJ back for three wks
    Why didn’t Dani say anything in those three wks?Now she wants to brng it up her back is against the wall. Its just a littl to late. Dani’s gonna go APE shit (pun intended) when J puts her up, cant wait.

    K put J on the bloc, J put K on the block. D tried to backdoor J, Now J will backdoor her…..sweet indeed, poetic justice.

  13. I truly hope Dani unleashes psycological hell on the house this week by doing the following:

    1. Getting inside rachel’s head telling her how much she and brendon will have.
    2. Letting S&A know that J&J don’t respect them.
    3. Telling Kalia that Jordan is a racist and would like nothing more than to see a noose around her neck(it’s probably true since she found out Brendon is part latino, and made a big deal about it)
    4. Flirting with adam, making him believe he could actually score that.
    5. Reassuring Jeff and the house the only possible way for him to win is if JJ are the final 2

    And when she leaves…give everybody a big “f” you…no hugs except for KP…I hate that fake A$$ sucker hugging shyt…these ppl just voted you out…dont hug them…wake up

    1. Its a GAME!!!!!!!! So you dont shake hands after a ball game or a hockey game? OMG You need to relax and take a pill…

      1. What are you some pill popping druggie? I think most people chill on their own or have a smoke or a drink. Didn’t realize that everyone needed to buy into this Xanax nation BS. And I wouldn’t hug them either, but I do shake hands after a sporting event. but if a player on the other team did things that I felt were dirty or dishonest, I wouldn’t shake their hand. If I don’t like or respect you, I won’t fake like I do. Sorry, was raised to be honest, not fake.

        1. I’m sorry but the BB game is about lying, deceiving and actually backdooring is a good technique to get rid of strong players so Dani should be shaking hands to everyone and saying good game guys.

    2. I could see her doing this. Dani has learned a lot from Evel Dick about chaos. IT would be funny, and good TV. I think Dani should also comment on how BR were willing to backdoor Jeff. (correct me if I am wrong).
      If all of that, if it sunk into these idiots, could flip the house upside down and make for an interesting 3-4 weeks.

  14. Blind rage Dan didn’t save Jeff ever she was to busy want Brandon out.she couldn’t see or think anything else. She gets what she sews. When dani kowlia porch and shelly started Their bullshit rage of lies and crap talk towards rach they all lost sight of the game because of their maturity. No one deserves what them four have and are doing period. I hope the worst for them even after the season is over. Bad form all around…

    1. OMG, they are gonna be so crushed Brad. I mean, your opinion has to mean sooooo much to them. How will they go on with their lives now that you wish ill of them.

      Umm, do you know what you’re doing is called?? Its called being a hater. not really any different than what you are complaining about. just sayin…

    2. True. They’re a pathetic bunch. I think Porsche may not really be that bad, but she got stuck with that group and so she has to fit in, but Shelly Kalia and Dani are 3 of the most vile people I ever saw on BB. So full of hatred. I feel so bad for Shelly’s little girl since she is seeing her mom act like this. They are making themselve look bad on TV with all the hate talk, not Rachel. And it is also true that is is affected their game at this point.

    1. Good luck with your new shows. I think you will be back. After all “curisoty killed the cat”. You will not be able to stay away.

      1. No one needs to watch the boring BBAD or the sanitized CBS – Julie Chen
        This site is more fun and informative than both of the others.

  15. They are all assholes when they win hoh. I love how dk are amazed how bad being havenots is, like they are the only ones to experience it. I am not a porche fan but she has a positive attitude and makes the best of situations. She is the polar opposite of rachoe!

  16. I totally agree. This season will be nothing without Dani. She makes the entire show worth watching. I seriously will not watch the rest of the season if they send Dani packing.

  17. Your right, what goes around comes around, Dani tired to BD Jeff only difference is that it didn’t work!!! She tried to screw him now he is just getting her back!!!

  18. I am sure Jeff is sitting in the HOH room saying…”I want to get rid of Dani….. but if I do, it will make the season boring for the Live Viewers…. Maybe I should keep her, and throw away my chances of winning 500K”

    1. Jeff won’t win anyways.
      The same thing that happened to him with Russel, withh happen because of Daniele.
      He’ll probably walk out the door this week during Double Eviciton or next week. Unless of course CBS has anything to say about it.

        1. No, I’m saying I’d like to see him take on a deal with a real competitor rather than the two attacted to his butt. Well mostly Adam. And they don’t get me wrong I was a huge JJ lover in season 11, but they are far from those underdogs I once loved that’s for sure.

        2. You seriously think the game will be boring if Dani leaves. Wow, you must like to sit in bed and talk in whispers. Dani by far is the most boring person in the house. Dani never participates in group activities. Dani = BORING.

    2. LOL…You’re giving Jeff way too much credit. He’s not capable of coming to a conclusion. Not sure he can think more than one week ahead. And I am gonna laugh my ass off, when just like deja vu, Jeff get’s evicted by someone he deems a floater yet again. He made the same mistake in his past season by taking out the biggest target, and he doesn’t have the game to be the one with the biggest target on their back.

      1. well… if he keeps dani he will be out… if he gets rid of her hes got more of a chance of lasting a couple weeks more (unless porche and kalia win the hoh). he is doing whats best for him. wouldnt you try backdoor the person that conspired to get you out of the house the first couple weeks? common sense says yes. yes?

    3. I agree! What is all this talk about “it’s not fair to Dani” and “Dani doesn’t deserve to get backdoored”. Is there a definition for someone who deserves to get backdoored? BB is not a court room and was never meant to be “fair”. It’s a low and dirty game; Dani fans thought she should have backdoored Jeff but now that Jeff might b/d Dani it’s “not fair”. UGH. It’s a game and getting out the people who are in your way to getting 500k is how it should be played. At least Jeff is playing for himself and not depending on others to drag him through the game like dead weight. I don’t dislike Dani at all but bottom line is she is Jeff’s number one threat. He knows this and he isn’t here to help Dani win; he is here to help Jeff win. And as far as I know, Jeff never made a final two or final three deal with Dani. Even if he had, who the hell actually follows through with all of their deals to the end? Dani didn’t. Alliances changes and deals change throughout the season.
      Dani also said she wanted to get Jeff out after Brendon….

      1. couldnt have said it better. i think i love you.

        sidenote – now dani is trying to get porche to campaign on her behalf??? seriously??? omg… a new kind of low. good luck w that dani. porches not good at brown nosing! haha

  19. I think there’s not much Drama in the house because Jeff, Jordan, Adam, maybe Porsche, and Daniele don’t exactly like that type of stuff. JJ want to keep a peace within the group, Daniele walks away from drama(it’s a good thing) Adam I think is either too uncomfortable in those situations or just plain scared, and Porsche I thought she was going to be a bitch when I first saw her, but she’s so calm

    1. If we want high drama, we need Rachel and Brendon. Brendon brings out the worst in Rachel.
      Brendon is gone. I think we will get drama if Kalia and Porsche are on the block, Dani is gone and
      those two do not win the POV. There will be drama! Por will say how she always comes in 2nd, etc.
      But without Jeff and Dani playing for the next HOH, Por might win and if she does, Jeff is gone.

  20. Oh ya whining ass dani is sooooo fun to watch. My stomach hurts!! Waaaa. I hate slop Waaaa listen everyone I’m crying in the cold shower waaa Waaaa waaaaaaaaaa. LOL seriously? That’s so worth watching ……

  21. I’m also going to stop watching if Dani leaves. If she goes up, I hope she gets a Pandora’s box or a Diamond Power of Veto or something that will keep her safe. The producers better give her something or else they’ll lose alot of viewers.

    1. But if Jeff got that this seasn u guys would cry & complain how rigged the game is……ooooh I forgot its only good to rig it to benefits your favorite hg. How stupid of me. 🙂
      Grow the f up. Get over Dano is about to leave the building.

  22. Dani leaving will suck for us Dani fans but we have to remember there’s still a lot of people in the house it won’t get boring yet even if Dani leaves.. Wait until its JJSA in the final 4 before you call it boring.. I’ll be right beside you on it.

    After the double eviction if we are lucky the entire house dynamic will change and we should get 2 more entertaining weeks.. If we’re unlucky we’re stuck with JJSA..

    1. if Dani leaves will be boring… because also one more person will be leaving thursday…and if Porshe or Kalia leaves also on the 2nd evictrion…
      Yeah The show will 100% suked…

      1. the show is aleady boring. dani staying or going won’t make any difference. i really don’t understand how some of you can form a love for any of the players on this show. the very nature of the game requires the participants exhibit very undesirable behaviors, i.e. cheating, lying, back-stabbing, alliance breaking. and when you watch people long enough many behaviors will start getting on your nerves (smoking, overeating, hair pulling, whining, fast talking). the sad thing about the game is that all the interesting players who make aggressive moves (brendon, jeff, dani) are all going to be gone and the slugs who have no blood on their hands are left—I guess when PSA and the only players still in the game one of them will have to start doing something and by defau;t winning a competition. the biggest disappointment for me this year has been Shelly and her totally over-blown reaction to rachel and pretending to be so above everyone else–disturbing for her to talk about her daughter on bbad too. just not appropriate.

    2. I hear ya and respect your opinion, but the rest of the HG’s are so boring. What’s going to be the change??? Jordan starts saying, now we can pick them off one at a time? This season is going to float on down the drain, with ratings to match…

  23. Oh come on now, Dani is horrifyingly terrible, she is the single most annoying piece of garbage on the planet, the Adolf Hitler of Big Brother. So wonderful to see her possibly leaving and hearing all the whining, crying, and gnashing of teeth over it. I have wanted her gone ever since her annoying overuse of the word Denunzios in the beginning of the game and now perhaps it will be so. Oh happy happy day! Bye bye worthless Hooters waitress, daddy can only get you so far.

    I hope Jeff is a real punk about putting her up, perhaps make a zombie comment similar to what Dani said earlier in the game. It’s too bad they couldn’t force her to eat slop in the jury house as well.

    1. Only the lowest form of trash on this planet would make such a comparison.

      the Adolf Hitler of Big Brother

      Your not even worth spitting on if you were on fire. Too compare anyone to that monster, you are a sorry POS.

    2. She’s selfish and immature. Makes it hard for me because I find her fun and cute and all that, but she has a shitty personality.

  24. And the award for the cockiest HG goes to: Big Jeff

    “Jeff says that he has done all the hard dirty work in this game this far”: overstatement of the day

    “and he wants a chance to just float for awhile”: understatement of the day

    1. Ya know, the other day I was saying that Dani would leave the house in style, blah, blah, blah. Ya know what? Totally disregard everything I had said about that. I hope she totally gives them the hell in the house that they deserve. I hope she totally goes all Evel Dick on their smug a** faces, maybe smack some pans together while she’s at it. I hope she tears the house apart.She might be leaving this week, but ya know I’m still Team Dani even if she’s gone, and to hell with the rest of them.

      1. I’ll drink to that!!!

        Just be within earshot of Rachel and talk about coming on to Brendan in the Jury House. I would get the 3 day free trial of the feeds for that.

      2. Dani has been cocky and arrogant for the last 3 weeks. She and her minions have had control of the house.
        So let me get this right. When Jeff is in control he is cocky, but during the last 3 weeks Dani has been a saint?
        Don’t think so, she can cut you down to your bones with one very smart, snide comment. Dani needs her Dad to tell her what to do. She is bad!!! I hope Big Brother does not bring her back. They already brought back one houseguest and I hope they do not bring back her back. But you never know, guess we will find out if the “fix” is in or not at CBS.
        BTW not all of America hates Brendon. I voted him back in for the drama of it all. Knew it would really piss off Dani and Kalia. And it did. Too bad the Queen was HOH and sent him packing again. Would have been fun!

    2. He does walk around like a tough guy wanna be. The way he talks, too. It’s a bit annoying, but I find him more of a caricature, if anything.

    3. Jordan won HOH week 2 and he won this week and he has won 2 veto’s = JJ won 2 out of 7 vetos and 2 out of 7 HoH’s. Not to mention two weeks ago they used Shelly to infiltrate Kalia and Dani’s circle and convince them to evict one of there alliance members all while flying under the radar, they have been playing the best game of possibly every1 except Porsche (which is sad to say but true) Kalia trust her ,Jeff is gonna make a deal with her ,she made up with Shelly, and Rachel and Adam like her she is sitting pretty as of now of course.

  25. This season started really boring, once only the vest was winning it all.
    And while the newbies were doing nothing, it was clear that the 5 vest were going to make the final 5.

    But when Dani tried to backdoor Jeff and changed sides….that is where the show got started..
    If Dani leaves will be hard to watch the show…not only because she is the main piece in this season…
    but Jeff and Jordan dont do anyhting.they are really boring…. Rachel is boring also alone, Adam and Shelly are just JJ`s but kisser..
    Kalia is too scared with Dani, without Dani she will probably sleep the whole day….maybe Porshe would be the only hope to make some game moves there//

    but anywyas…if Dani leaves , she show will be over, because anything good and any game moves will happens.

    PLEASE…. give a Dani a Power of coutn… SHe needs to stay//

  26. I do agree the show will probably be boring though. If I didn’t have such an overwhelming sense of dislike for Dani I’d probably want her in the show to keep it interesting as well.

  27. I don’t think final 4 will be jjsa Simon. Looks like it already got some doubt festering. It may end up Jordon Rachel porcia and adam in final 4. The double eviction might twist it that direction.

    1. Could be SAKP


      LOL any number of combos… there’s no way to predict what the outcome will be all i’m saying is JJSA would not be exciting for me to watch just like DKP+ Jordan would be boring as well.

  28. Actually probably the most entertaining thing for the show once Dani is gone is Jeff getting the boot. Best chance for changing up the dynamic of the house.

  29. dani needs to promise rachel the world and convince her that jeff and jordan are taking shelly and adam to the final 4 which is true. then she needs to tell adam that he will never beat jeff and needs to join forces with her. then whoever jeff takes off the block will be the third vote and dani stays. then its all them vs jordan and shelly for hoh and i like those odds.

    rachel will never go for this though so it wont happen but it would be good

  30. Porsche??? Why in the world would you want the biggest floater in BB history to win? She has done absolutely NOTHING this whole season! Bye, bye Dani, glad to see you go…..Adam, you’re next!

    1. I would say Adam is a way bigger floater than Porshe and Rachel has proved to be one too when Brendon left the 1st time. Porshe was in an alliance with Rachel and Brendon until they mistreated her. Plus Porshe had the first golden key in the game . So it wasn’t like it could be full game on for her until that was over.

    2. Adam, ShelHe, Jordumb? <– All of these are bigger floaters than Por.
      Adam's POV handed to him (Jeff was doing good, and Dani hadn't missed a shot until they made the deal on the spot)
      Jordumb HOH handed to her (Jeff and Breduma threw the golf comp. And how the F*** did Jordan get the right answer looking at a bar of soap?)
      ShelHe hasn't won anything but she did get Kalia to make one of the worst moves of the game. So she is better than the other two
      Por has finished 2nd 3x she is close to winning.

      Rank of floaters (remaining HG's)
      1. Jordumb or Adam
      3. ShelHe or Kalia
      5. Por
      6. Jeff
      7. Roach
      8. Dani

      Higher number means not a floater.

      1. Jeff has his hand in Jordan’s back like she’s a marionette doll. So I really don’t consider her a floater with the benefit of Jeff being there. She’s definitely in an alliance and has been since day 1. I think maybe people have different opinions or understandings of what a floater actually is. Some think it’s people who don’t really play the game. Others think it is a player who goes to where the power goes. I feel like it’s the latter. Insert Adam.

        1. I stand corrected not a marionette doll a ventriloquist dummy was the word I was looking for. Though not intended is more fitting.

  31. If Dani leaves I’m not watching anymore. No way, no how. I will never ever ever watch another hockey game for as long as I live. You can count on that. haha

  32. Well proof positive, Jeff is as stupid as they come, never learned in his prior season that backdooring the person who actually shakes the game up comes back big time. Jeff thinking he will float along after evicting Dani and watch the floaters (as he calls them when he and Jordo are the biggest floaters in BB history) take eachother out and watching Jordo agreeing like the stupid floater she is, will be Jeff’s downfall and eviction with Rachel sitting there waiting to throw him out real quick, Porcha and Kalia targeting him while Jordo, Shelly and Adam just float along their merry way!

    Instead of Jeff making a smart move, he is repeating his stupid moves thinkking everyone in the house loves him, well last week proved Adam doesn’t and is just along for the ride by not agreeing with Jeff the wonderful in saving Brendon, so what power do you have with your alliance Jeff??? NONE, all your eggs are in the basket of a mental case Rachel and a dim wit Jordo for now! Given the choice, Rachel will not allow Dani to go to the jury house if it is between Dani and Kalia.

    Jeff the complete asshole thinking he has all the power when he is a sitting duck in the next eviction, ego again huh Jeff….lol

    1. I agree, he aligned with people that couldn’t win and Russell, then got rid of Russell. Sorry, but Jeff’s game isn’t good when he’s the biggest target. And once Dani leaves, that’s exactly what Jeff is, and even the spineless jellyfish, given the next chance will vote Jeff out the door. A final 3 deal with Dani, gives him protection. But if Jeff thinks for one second that Rachel or Adam has his back next week, then he is dumber than Jordan. I am going to love the comments next week by the JJ fans when Jeff is on his way out or is already sitting in the Jury House.

  33. jeff obviously didnt learn his lesson during season 11…. i cant wait to watch him walk out the door after dani… lets see how great your idiot girlfriend and team pussy does?

  34. So it’s okay for Dani to threaten the house and say she’s going to raise he’ll if she’s nominated but if Jeff says that he’s a big bully. Dani is a great competitor but she shouldve teamed up with JJ instead of going all goo goo eyes for Dom and trying to team up with Rachel.

    She had the chance to get rid of Jeff but she got caught up in the BR drama and they became her enemies. That’s her own fault.

    I’ve been a JJ fan from the beginning and I hope they make it to final 2. Dani would’ve had smooth sailing if she teamed up with JJ.

  35. Can someone please explain what they mean by Fast Forward? I have watched BB since season 1 & I can’t figure it out. Thanks!

  36. Do I dare say “goodbye Dani”. 🙁 I really don’t want to though. I’d love it if she got another shot with some special power, or another twist. Seriously, this is going to suck, and the season will be a dud after Thursday. If Jordan makes it to the end then I’ll freak. This season was obviously made for the vets. If Jeff does make it to the end then I’ll understand because he’s a strong player. If Rachel does then I get it too, though I can’t stand her (and chances are good she’ll leave at some point before the end).Come on CBS, please listen to the other fans for Dani’s side of the house. 🙁

  37. Jody I agree with everything you just said! That’s exactly how I feel.
    I don’t want to watch BB anymore if Dani’s gone, and I can’t stand Shelly, but the part of me that wants JJ to be taken DOWN makes me want to watch so I can see Shelly screw them over!
    Ah. This season was supposed to go so differently…lol…..

    Team Dani to the Bitter End! 🙂

  38. Simon, I’m wondering if the two evicted hg could potentially have a comp to get back in.. I don’t see another sequesture happening where someone comes back.. but what would be better for ratings than a Dani Jeff battle to stay. Just wondering if you think something like this could be a possibility considering the twists are not over? Tons off ppl are going to be watching this week bc of the build up with dbl eviction and all the Dani fans hoping for a miracle.. I see something big to shake things up.. if you are cbs, why waste a great opportunity to do something else that bb has never done before.. just wonder you or anyone else’s thoughts..

    1. My bad.. I asked Simon the q.. but this is dawgs post.. much love to the both of you for your time on this site. It’s been my bb saving grace while on vaca this week. I have the mobile feeds, but no flashback so this blog has been key.

  39. Am I reading that right? Kalia still thinks they actually saved Rachel? She still doesn’t realize that Jeff’s side had the votes to keep her all along?

    And Dani and Kalia just don’t seem to get the concept of making your case for why you should stay. They seem to focus more on why they “deserve” it and never talk about how them staying would benefit the person or people who would be keeping them.

  40. I might not be a Jeff fan but Dani needs to go. She had a chance to make a strong alliance with BR and she let personal feelings get in the way and backdoored Brendon.. Karma is a B*tch and it just smacked her in her face..I loved how she threw her crappy alliance under the bus.. I mean did she really think she could get far with who she has in her alliance?.. She needed BR and she through a hissy fit that cost her the game..

    1. br basically told Julie they wouldn’t have honored the deal.. although, I thought that rolling the dice in that situation would’ve been her only chance to win the game.

      Dani wouldn’t have tried to backdoor Jeff week 3 had ED still been there.. she felt it necessary and panicked a lil when she shouldn’t have.. she should’ve laid low until the merge.. however, bad move or not, it did show that her final 3 deal with BR was Bs early bc they obvi were going to roll with jj… the couples twist added a weird dynamic to the game that did not benefit ppl paying for themselves..

      I think I should prob drink for saying obvi.. lol

  41. I say go commendo on their a**es, Dani. Go Dani go!!! Now that is what I am routing for this week. Since it appears she’s being backdoored, etc.; I’m not routing for anyone to win. I’m routing for her to make this week a living hell for them. Go Dani go!!!!

  42. Time for Dani to go see Brendon, maybe he can get her pregnant also……there is a great idea for a reality show. Bye bye Dani like watching you in a bikini but it’s time to say adios.

  43. I couldn’t be happier right now. I said it from the beginning. That dumbass move of Dani’s was eventually going to screw her over. Had she aligned with BR and put up Jeff last week, she probably would not be going up tonight. Kahlia and Porsche was her downfall…they only made her sink even further. So goodbye and good riddance DKP!!!

  44. Oh yea Dani is interesting to watch, She is on slop for 1 day and her stomach hurts slop just makes her feel misable, she don’t like the cold showers on, and on Jordan was on slop for 2 weeks and Dani was talking about how misable Jordan was.. seems to me Dani can’t take it suck it up, It sure is different when the show is on the other foot. GO Jeff get cry baby Dani out… she needs to go now.

    1. Of course they are going to complain about cold showers and slop. Who can blame any of them? That really has nothing to with Jordan. Dani also thought Jordan was miserable not just because of the slop, but because Jordan was acting like she didn’t want to be there. And was borderline antisocial like she was better than other people.

  45. I think all of us Dani fans should just sit back and enjoy today’s updates….

    1) We will know here in a bit if she’s for sure up… which she probably will be…. nothing we can do about it now
    2) So we may as well get over it now, and hope that Dani will bring some drama over the next few days! 🙂
    3) What we can look forward to now is (rubbing hands together and evil laughing)… the inevitable demise of JJ! How sweet does that sound.

    Of the people remaining, I hope Porsche takes it all….

    1. I agree, she shouldn’t have. But even Dani knows that she made a bad move by trying to do such a bold move that early..

  46. People, people, people!!! This is a f***ing tv show!!! If you don’t like it there is always ABC, NBC, FOX AND A TON MORE of shows to watch!!! CBS is there to make money but I highly DOUBT this show is anymore rigged than Survivor or Love in the Wild! Just root for your team and stop all the threats and bashing of people you don’t know! Do you honestly think CBS is gonna give someone something just to make “you” happy??? Why don’t you try a little less “live feed” or Showtime and maybe you could appreciate this for what it REALLY is…TELEVISION!!! Stop living vicariously through these people and go have a beer!

    1. Are you kidding? Of course CBS would do something to make a viewer happy because they DON’T want them to go to watch something else on a different network.

    2. Oh yes Mimi, you are so “right”. Well you know this is the fun part about having freedom of speech, and being able to make comments over the internet. It’s all for fun, and for us to say things about how we feel, and nobody knows us so it’s no big deal. So for freedom of speech’s sake I’ll continue to voice my opinion as much as I want. Thank you.

  47. I’m with you there! What a joke this season has been. With Dani’s departure, I’m not going to watch BBAD anymore and, if I miss the CBS nights, it’s not going to be any real loss. It has nothing to do with the person I was routing for having left and so being pissed, but simply that I don’t find the other HGs (individually nor collectively) interesting to watch. The heavy handedness of the vets and their intimidation tactics of the newbies from the beginning, who seemed in awe of the vets, created an atmosphere where gutsy strategic moves were considered by most (except Dani & perhaps Dom) to be too  intimidating and too risky.  This, combined with the mousy cast they have this year (a couple of exception as mentioned), has made for a disastrously boring season.  

  48. What can Dani do to make it hell for them? She can do what she likes but thursday night she will here the applause from the Live audience and see Julie up and personal. I like Dani and think she is a good player but like Anonymous says she aligned herself with a weak Alliance. She should have stayed with BRJJ and then pick a side if the made it to the final 5. Also no one who have gone after her she had no ties, the targets would be on JJ and BR.

    1. I have to say this, while it would have benefited anyone to keep BR in an alliance, they were horrible people to be around. I can take alot of fussing and hissy fits, but those two def. got on my nerves and I am just watching them. I could fast forward through them. Imagine having to live with that every day. I would have put them up and told them that they acted like idiots/bullies/psychos and that is why I was doing so. Who wants to live with that? However, it did get Dick the win… This season has been less than exciting from the get go. I think everyone needs to work on their social skills.

  49. Everything that’s happening this weekend you can’t get mad at jeff …dani did this to herself trying to make big moves too early in the game….she didn’t save jeff she just wanted breandon out more then him and jeff was her next target he just beat her to it…not to mention dani had her chance to win the veto oh well guess she’s not as bad a$$ as everyone thinks she is…and jeff is making the best decision for him and jordan team jj all the way :)))

  50. Dani says it will suck to be back doored. If she does then she will feel how Brendon felt when he got back doored. She needs to taste some her medicine.

  51. Why do people like Porsche? She’s the stupidest person in the house. Listen to her talk. It’s like she barely knows she’s here.

  52. If Dani leaves (which would be awesome, bcuz she deserves it) you guys always have Rachel’s annoying antics to tune into all day everyday! Ugh!

  53. It’s going to be a boring and disappointing game after Dani is gone. So sorry Dick left her to fend for herself. It would have been totally different if he had stayed. Jeff is a complete jerk and Jordan is pathetic. Rachel is pathetic. Shelly is pathetic. Kalia is an idiot. Adam is a freakin floater and ass kisser so I guess I hope Porche somehow pulls it all out, but chances are SLIM of that. Can’t stand anybody else. Kalia could have been okay, but that move of putting Lawon up was dumber than dirt…. And she thought she was making brownie points. Like I said, she’s an idiot. Anyway Dani will be MY vote for America’s favorite….

  54. I can’t believe all you BB fans are upset Dani might be leaving. Are you upset because you can’t watch any more of her BAD game play? I mean she has made some major blunders this season. Plus, she lays around & complains 24×7 or when she’s up in HOH she’s always talking to Kalia the Hut! How is that the least bit entertaining? I am not the biggest Jeff fan this season, but I can say that JJ have played the best game so far. Given the circumstances, they have done the best they can to get farther. It will all depend on who wins comps now to see who the winner will be. Honestly, had Dani sided with JJ instead of BR she probably would be sitting pretty right now. (aka Rachel’s current position, but better) Dani could have won the same HOHs, still taken out Brendon & maybe one other player. She could have still had a “side” alliance with Dom & Kalia. She could have done her own thing, but stayed in an alliance with JJ so there was trust there which is what she needs right now & she would have had a better shot at getting to the end with those two. However, she chose to side with BR which was her 1st BIG mistake. Her 2nd BIG mistake was trying to BD Jeff & getting so upset when it didn’t happen. Her 3rd BIG mistake was not winning POV this week. How is that good game play? There will be 2 double evictions coming up (or 1 double & a fast forward). Then the finals…lots of excitement around the corner. I just hope that it is NOT Adam & Shelly in final 2. That would be a worthless season.

    1. JJ have played the best game so far? Are you on something?I’ll give Jeff credit in saying that he’s been actually playing the game. But all Jordan has to do is sit and look pretty, acting like she’s America’s sweetheart, and all the while doing absolutely NOTHING. Oh yeah, okay, if that’s the best game play then she deserves to win again.

  55. I really like dani she is really play’s ppl but she made a bad move. Now she is gone for sure, CBS will not consider Dani back because they brought brendon and i think dominic had more votes. IF this is big brother dani leaves but if this a big brother production she stays lol


  56. I would have loved a final three of Rachel, Jeff and Dani. Improbable but ratings gold. But I think Dani made her bed and has to lie in it.

    Dani fans – She’s not all holy. She moans, bitches and whines with the best of em. She’s a hypocrite and at the end of the day, a shit game player. Completely overrated.

    Jeff fans – You do realize that you’re supporting a homophobic misogynist right?!

    Rachel fans – Less said the better.

    This game does bring out the worst in ppl but I think Kalia and Dani have shown their true colors in the last couple of weeks. First time that they’re down in the dumps and they’re capitulating. Cutting ppl down, believing their own realities and having pity parties. Goodness I expected more from Dani. In the end, I won’t be sad to see her smug face out that door.

  57. Why does Dani keep saying “backdoor” she got to play in the veto. This is not a backdoor situation. At all.

  58. All I can say is that Dani should be backdoored, she wanted BR to do it to Jeff but they didn’t want to break their alliance. Dani then got all emotional and went after those two instead, it had nothing to do with keeping Jeff safe. B is gonna laugh so hard when D walks into the Jury house next.

  59. Bringing up that Dani kept Jeff and Jordan safe during the two HOH weeks she had is stupid. Only reason she “kept him safe” was because he wasn’t the biggest target. She was focusing on getting rid of Brendon.

    Now Jeff is HOH and he’s doing the same thing, trying to get rid of the biggest target…. It’s the exact same thing Dani did!!! Now a bunch (not all) of Dani fans are complaining and saying it’s a stupid move? How is it a stupid move? With the way Dani is playing it’s pretty obvious she’ll go right for Jeff because he’s starting to become a threat in competitions.

  60. This game is not just about winning competitions. Lying is a huge part of the game. Pretending you are not lying is a valid game option and it has kept Shelly in this game.
    (There are many aspects to the game: Social, floating, competing mentally, competing physically, throwing competitions, lying, etc. etc. etc.)
    Everyone in the house lies, talks shit about other hg’s and gets an out of control ego when they are in power.
    The only person that stands out to me is Rachel and her mental/emotional highs and lows. That is NOT a game play, that is total mental instability!

    1. Like I said, I understand those aspects of the game and appreciate that about the show. But what burns me up is when ppl say something is not there character (lying, etc) and then turn around and do the same thing.. that shows true colors, not good gameplay. Don’t take the moral high road and not back it up.. its fake, period.

  61. stupid comment. anyone is free to play the game the way they have to to stay in the house. Dani lied and backstabbed but if she stayed sweet and innocent to her alliance she would’ve made it further into the game.

  62. It’s laughable how every year folks post comments about not watching anymore when HG they root for is or is about to evicted; only to continue watching.
    No one cares if you stop watching….lmao bitches…

  63. UGH! don’t want to see Dani leave! JJ need a slap in the head! Jeff isn’t gonna get the Brenchel jury vote anyway after all their talk about competitors they will be bitter bettys and vote for the other person just like they did last season.

  64. I became a big time Dani fan these past few weeks. With the rest of the house just being a gang bang for JJ, I may just fall away from the rest of the season. Dani made her bed, no question. She was too fast with trying to backdoor King Demon of the Douchebags Jeff and she didn’t get all the way in Kalia’s dumb ass about ridding of either Rachel or Jeff. She needed to get way deep in that ass! LOL Sorry for being graphic, but if I was Dani, I would’ve slapped the pie filling out of Kalia for not thinking correctly.

    After reading this update with Big Jeff the Ve-TO! Destroyer going around using Evil Jeff tactics, I thought to myself “why in the hell would anybody want to play this damn game?” lol I mean seriously. If I was in there, I would’ve killed at least four people in there, along with Franklin just because of his creator. You couldn’t pay me enough to be stuck with all those lying, ass kissing, brain the size of a peanut nimrods all this time. I would go insane.

    1. I think it would have worked if Dom had kept it to himself. Cause Rachel and Brendon had kinda agreed to it after jordan and jeff had not invited them but Adam,Shelly and Kalia for the Luxury dinner. This is when the JJSA alliance all started. Infact events leading up to that dinner jordan and jeff were already acting up. I think Dani’s mistake was Dom and later on Kalia. Dani didnt want to over impose kalia’s decision when she was HOH but I guess she kinda wishes she had.

    1. WTF?! CBS & BB Productions did not SELECT these HGs out of THOUSANDS of interested candidates to simply host a NATIONAL TV show to help one lucky person win 500K. They most definitely are there to entertain us! Sorry to say, but that has to be to most moronic comment I’ve read on this site in awhile.

  65. I think production people also get to pick sides as the show goes on, and they begin to bring up challenges that suit their favored HG and whoever is in charge this time kinda favors Jeff.

    He had absolute power this week. won HOH, picked “Have Nots”, nominations, replacements if necessary.

    I can imagine a twist where the “Have Nots” get to nominate those for double eviction. I dont think Jeff would like his choices for the Have Nots especially if gets to a POV game that does not necessary play to his strength. In the Soapy HOH contest his nearest rival was miles away, common now wasnt that obvious it was designed for him. I think the competitions should give everyone a fair chance to win. mix-up competitions/tasks giving everyone some room to make up the ground.

    1. I think all the competitions were set in the beginning of the season and production is not just winging it just to get their favorite people.

  66. Kalia says that Dani doesn’t deserve to be back doored. Porsche says that it was Dani’s idea to back door Jeff in the beginning.

    Dani tried to backdoor Jeff and did backdoor Brendon who didn’t even get a shot at the POV. But she doesn’t deserve to be backdoored, even though she had a guaranteed shot at POV? At least Porsche gets it.

  67. Don’t forget everyone their needs to be 8 juniors whichs means either we vote or Evil Dick votes so either way it goes Jeff propbably doesn’t have a chance in hell of winning if it came down to it I personally would rather see Rachel walk away with the 500 grand than that cocky son of a B*&#h Jeff and I don’t even care for Rachel the reason i don’t see Jordon winning is because she win once already give someone esle a chance

  68. Hahahahahaah these comments are soooooooo funny (August 22, 2011 at 10:18 am). We all like who we like, talk shit about the players we don’t and wonder why others don’t see that Jeff is an assh*** or that Jordan is dumber than “Balock’s Mule” , that Shelley is a slimey snake that just may make it to the end or close to it, that Kalia is almost as dumb as Jordumb and should be evicted Thursday. Adam is so far up Jeff’s ass that I think I see him in the back of Jeff’s throat everytime Jeff opens his mouth. Rachel looks like her cootie stank and she needs to go somewhere and sit her ass down in a bathtub and soak it. Porche has surprised me, I hope she wins the next HOH. LOL Decided not to tell y’all who’s really getting a special power. Hahahahahahaha

  69. DANI IS SUCH A LIAR it just makes me sick to my stomach. I will never become like Jeff or Jordan. She is so much worse than anyone in the house and that includes Rachel. She is a liar and backdoored her alliance in the very beginning. She is getting exactly what she deserves by being backdoored. She is the bully and liar of this entire game and will be doing a very HAPPY DANCE when she is evicted!!! GO TEAM JEFF and JORDAN!!!!!!

  70. its bull jeff thinks he’s done all the dirty work when hes done nothing but win hoh once and put up 2 floaters, yet dani has won hoh, veto and send a key player home with only 2 people on her side, plus jeff has the whole house doing his bidding, so its not like he even has to lift a finger. jeffs so stupid

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