Big Brother Spoilers: Cassi Colvin Gets Sudsy on The Bold and the Beautiful

Big Brother 13 contestant Cassi Colvin — a real-life model and Olivia Wilde lookalike — makes her acting debut on The Bold and the Beautiful October 20 in a role that won’t require heavy lifting. She plays a model, conveniently named Cassi, who’s working with up-and-coming designer Hope Logan (Kim Matula) on the new “Hope for the Future” fashion line.

“Thank God I was answering to my own name so I didn’t miss a cue!” says Colvin, a 15-year vet in the modeling biz who started posing professionally at age 11 and went on to lucrative contracts in New York, Milan, Sydney and Hong Kong. “I had a great time on The Bold and the Beautiful but the job came right out of the blue — I’d never even seen the show,” Colvin says. “I’m not looking for an acting career at all. My big dream is to get my wings!”

While waiting for that call from Victoria’s Secret, the twangy Texan went on Big Brother last summer and tried to hide her profession to avoid jealousy. It didn’t work. The eventual champ, Rachel Reilly, took an instant dislike to Colvin and made sure she was quickly bounced. “I’m comfortable in my own skin and I like who I am on the inside and Rachel couldn’t handle it because of her own insecurities,” Colvin says. “I wasn’t affected by what she thought of me and that was a big threat to her.”

Damn! In a near collision we would have relished, Reilly will also be a guest on B&B — but just a few days after Colvin. Details on that next week!


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29 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers: Cassi Colvin Gets Sudsy on The Bold and the Beautiful”

  1. Great news, I loved Cassi she was the only one in the house with class (can’t be bought at the gas station outside the trailer park or in a bar in Vegas) She is a real beauty inside and out and it is no wonder that the trash that ended up winning had problems with her, Cassi seems to shoot straight and since she wouldn’t coddle trash she had to go. She made it on the B&B just on her looks and personality not because CBS threw her a half million, and it’s a good bet she will be asked back.
    Good luck Cassi even though you won’t need it.

  2. OMG!! Guys, better line up now!! She is hot, Sexy, and beautiful!! She will be audition for the ABC the bacholerette!!!! Sign up for the audition for upcoming the ABC the bachelorette!!! Cassi Colvin from Nashville, Tennessee. By the way Cassi, I put the Ten in Tennessee!!!!!

  3. Still bashing Big Red, huh? Can’t you EVER admit defeat Cassie? Dream on about the wings… I was amazed to see you in real make-up and modeling attire, you look 100% different; just goes to show they can photo shop anyone and make them look good! WTG, again, Rachel!!!!!

  4. I’m actually suprised Cassi hasn’t gotten a call from Victoria’s Secret yet. She is definitely pretty enough to model for them. She reminds me of miranda kerr, who is a VS model by the way.

  5. Ladies, Hide your boyfriends because Cassi will steal every single guys to date with and better yet Hide your husbands as well!!!!

  6. Even better, She will be perfect in Sport Illustrated Swimsuit edition. Forget Alicia Hall!!! We already got a fine sexy woman ever. She Hot, Pretty, and even she is really good looking!!!!!! I would even have sex with her!!!!!

  7. First off Captain, You’d have sex with anyone. But, the BIG question is…Would ANY of THEM have sex with YOU??? As for Brendon & Rachel, they’ll BOTH be on B&B on Oct. 28-31st episodes. (and NO, his naked jack-off pictures have not harmed his TV popularity at all, only maybe INCREASED it. Except for maybe with the guys who are jealous of his XTRA-LARGE endowment, like those writers above)

    1. Kind of sounds like you have his picture as you desk top, people who use capital letters are in the same boat as those who drive extra large 4X4’s, kinda small package so they have to yell to get some attention. Maybe you shouldn’t worry about Captains sex life and get over your Brendon envy, just saying.

    2. Wow Frank. So tell me did you measure Brendon’s “XTRA-LARGE endowments” yourself or did he show it to you personally on Skype? Is TMZ missing a story about you two that we don’t know about? BTW snap out of your homo-love fantasies of Brendon because a) he is not gay and b) he has a girl.

  8. Well B.B. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a “homo” (nice antiquated word, shows your advanced age 🙂 to see that Brendon is well endowed from internet photos, or to see that from your wish that they had fired him and Rachel from B&B for his naked photos, that YOU are the one jealous of both Brendon himself and his size (no doubt because you’re carrying about 4 inches and can’t find a girl as feisty and hot as Rachel, due to YOUR pee-wee size AND old and wrinkled advanced ballsac age)……as for “Squabble”…… does your boyfriend always rush to his old wrinkled butt buddy’s defense so quickly?

    1. Wow someone broke out the dictionary antiquated. Most straight guys don’t browse the internet looking at guys junk, but to each his own. Your closet must be getting pretty small, might want to come out don’t seem like too much more could be keeping you in it. I wasn’t coming to Captain or BBkings defense just think it is weird you would bag on someone for liking Cassie and in the same comment praise some other guys junk? Anyway how is the weather in San Francisco?

  9. cassi

    still blaming rachel for every problem that happen to her . cassi knows that dani wanted her out because she was to close to dominque but yet she dani wanted cassi out along with rachel but it was dani’ s doing ….. cassi keep falling into the old tradition blame rachel for everything . u would gain more respect by being honest cassi u got got like jeff does say

    1. It’s really sad about “Squabble” & BBKing’s hate for Brendon & Rachel. You are absolutely right “Spicy” that those two butt buddy boys have nothing but intense hatred for Rachel all summer long. It only became more intense after Brenchel won the 1/2 million. Those two hicks went bonkers! Jealousy is a horrible thing, and those two are jealous of all people with money, all good-looking people, and youth. They are so bitter…..But Hey, They both have to lump it and FO

  10. I never wanted Brendon to be fired from the B & B, that’s a lie. I simply asked a question as to whether or not he was fired simply out of curiosity. I would personally think it would suck if he was fired because what happened on Skype is no one’s business but his girlfriend’s and his own conscience. Thanks for spreading misinformation about me btw.

    1. You’ve constantly written that you wish Brendon would be fired from Bold & Beautiful and let go from BB for his naked photos. Now you are trying to lie to prove you aren’t a bigot because you were caught. You are a HATER! A hater of Brendon, Rachel, Jeff, Jordan and even Me. It is your profound jealousy of the whole lot of us that makes you so angry. Your own posts for the last few months prove it. Although everyone on this site already knows it.

  11. As I said in an earlier post, when you have to yell or you have to tell people how “great” you are you are making up for some deficiencies in your own personal life. I could give a sh*t where you live most real men don’t live in NewPort or is that what you are calling San Fran these days.

    1. Oh “Squabble” stop being such a hick. Stop being jealous of everyone from California just because you come from some backward boondocks gutter city. Do “Real Men” come from the hick-hellhole that you are from?…..Or just old, ugly, ignorant, bigoted, fat slobs like yourself?

      1. Ford lovin Brendons pemis Granada, not jealous of california at all and the west coast is beautiful all the way down to about Bandon Oregon maybe to the red wood forest. Other than that not so much, could really care less if the big one (not your boys junk) strikes maybe that worthless welfare state would drop into the ocean, would really pollute the water though.
        We both watch BB but thats about all we have in common, I like spending time with my family and friends you like admiring men and their package. I say to each his own, your male porn addiction has no real effect on people unless you are a male prostitute in New Port, then it means a few extra bucks in the pocket.
        You have an obsession with other males body parts Brendon’s junk and my wrinkly *ss not to mention BBKING’s wrinkly *ss and limp dick (wonder if it was limp before you started your craving). Since you aren’t getting enough man to man (except from your fella that says you are so good looking) makes me wonder if you have to register with the local PD when you move.
        There is help though call your local substance abuse center (yes to you semen is an addictive substance) and they can point you in the right direction, I hope you get the help you need or are jay walking in front of Rachel next time she drives.

  12. Readers have been reading all summer about BBKing and his jealousy of Brendon and hatred for Rachel by King’s posts. We can see that you hate smart, witty, good looking people who win. That is because you are none of those things yourself. That is also why you have it in for me. Get over your jealous nature BBKIng, it seems sad and pathetic. Plus, most of your info about BB is wrong. I can tell YOU were never a live-feeder and have very limited knowledge of the events inside the house this summer.

    1. Frank, with all due respect please get some psychiatric help. You have many psychological deficiencies judging from your statements. You are a narcissist, a misogynist, a compulsive-liar, and have an unhealthy penis-fetish. Also you believe you’re psychic since you claim to know everything about me, including how I look like. That’s serious delusional behavior.

      And plus dude you can’t be any of the things that you claim you are (smart, witty, good-looking). You can’t be that smart because you ran a failed business called UniqueVideo. Smart people don’t go bankrupt. You’re not witty because all you do is spew vulgar ad hominem attacks. Wit requires insight and the ability to be funny and taken seriously simultaneously like Oscar Wilde. And you can’t be good-looking and that is why your picture is missing from your MySpace page (you provided the link to your MySpace and I simply clicked).

      1. More lies, you can’t stop them can you? I hate to brag but BBKing I’m rich enough to buy and sell you. Stop by my new house in Newport Beach, CA. and see for yourself. It’s about 3mill. What’s your Place worth? I’d guess about 20-k and that’s pushing it. So sad, so very sad.

    1. Really Funny post CJ, it gave me a good laugh because it’s so true. This post looks like a goddamn war zone…..It’s just that nuts like BBKing and Squabble have driven a lot of us crazy this entire summer, and now many of us have had our fill….but you’re right, this infantile lunacy must end, regardless of how hilarious and delightful it had been up until now 🙂

  13. Hope Cassi stay being a model! I don’t want to hear any word out of her mouth “I’m comfortable in my own skin…. Girls dislike me bc they couldn’t handle it with their own insecurities……”, blah, blah, blah….. Cassi, get over yourself, please!

    1. Well, one thing we all know for sure Pearl, after seeing her on the soap, she sure can’t act. Perhaps, she should spend some time taking acting classes, instead of worrying about how beautiful she is and how women are jealous of her looks.

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