Big Brother Spoilers: Brendon says Dani just back stabbed and betrayed 4 people.. twice, she is not getting our jury votes! From the Penthouse to the Outhouse..

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6:35pm Brendon and Rachel both tell each other that they would rather be here arguing and fighting with each other than be apart. Brendon tells Rachel that if he can he will win POV and take her off the block so that she can stay and fight. Brendon says that he couldn’t do that for her last year but he will this year. Brendon tells her to BLANK up! Brendon and Rachel both tell each other that they respect and look up to each other. Rachel says that she doesnt think she can do it without him. Brendon says yes you can! Brendon tells her to play to win ..and to not let her emotions get in the way …think about what you are going to say before you say it. Brendon tells Rachel that it is time for her to start believing in herself …that she can do it with or without him. Brendon tells her that he is here for her even if he isn’t here. Brendon tells her that she is doing it for them. Rachel tells him that she wants to marry him right now. Brendon says that he is happy he is here with her …he says that he is happy to play with her …do you know how many men and women can’t play with each other. Brendon tells her that she can do it without him. All you have to think about is your goal. What is your goal.

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Rachel says to get married. Brendon says but that isnt going to get you to win this… Rachel says to think about the 500 thousand. Brendon says that he wants to marry her too …just not in the big brother house. Brendon says that he is going to find the cure for cancer, patent it and make money for the rest of our lives. Brendon tells Rachel that she can trust Shelly.. she wants to work with us. Brendon tells her that if Dani wants to work with her ..just be nice to her so that you can get ahead. Brendon tells her that this year you have to play smart and not for vengeance. Brendon says that he will walk her through everything she needs to do before he leaves. He says that they talked about this and prepared for it. Brendon says that if he does walk out that door on Thursday ..and when we do finally see each other ..we will miss each other so much.

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6:45pm Dani and Kalia are talking in the HOH room about competitions. Dani asks Kalia if she is going to try and win the POV? Kalia says that she will do whatever she wants ..if you want me to win it she will …if you want me to through it I will. Dani says that she talked to PT about it …that if its a prize POV she would take all the prizes with Brendon and Rachel on the block because either way one of them is going home …so I might as well take some prizes. Dani says that she really doesn’t care if one of them wins the POV … but that she would really rather not have to put someone else up … but if I had to put up Jordan ..I think she would at least feel safe … I just don’t want her to be mad at me. Dani says but if there is a trip ..maybe I’d take it. Kalia asks Dani …I just have to ask you something … if Dominic was still here .. do you think we would still have a final 2 deal? Dani says yeah ..because I think if he was here ..we would always be big targets and one of us would be gone. Lawon joins them up in the HOH in his robe. Kalia asks him why he came in looking so creepy.

7pm Jeff and Jordan are in the lounge room talking. Jordan says that she really thought it was Brendon and him going up. Jeff says that he didn’t think thats what was going to happen. Jordan starts going over the votes Jeff and Brendon would have had. Jordan says if they win the Veto she is going to put one of us up. Jeff says that he knows Jordan would have a better chance at winning than he would and that she wouldn’t need to worry about being up on the block because she would have the votes hands down. Jeff says he is going to tell Brendon that he’s voting for him to stay. Brendon and Rachel come into the lounge room with Jeff and Jordan. Brendon says that he really thought Jeff would be going up ..seeing as you were her target. Brendon says that he really doesnt think her plan it to back door Jeff or Jordan. They talk about part of her nomination speech “A Queen is a pawn that makes good moves” Jeff says thats a like from Gym Class Hero’s. They talk about how they are building already out in the backyard. It is going to be a crazy competition. Jordan says that she can’t stand to be on lock down any more. Brendon says that everyone needs to stick together and get her out next week. Jeff says lets just stay calm until after the POV. They laugh about who Dani will pick for the POV houseguest pick. They say she’ll pick Kalia, thats the only person she can ask. They laugh. Brendon says that its BLANK ..she looks at it like we betrayed her… she was betraying us! Brendon says that at this point it is a moot POV.. it doesn’t matter who wins …one of us is going home either way. They speculate on what type of POV this one will be …They talk about what a snake Dani is and that no one can trust her deals any more.

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7:10pm – 7:20pm Dani comes in and asks them if they are okay. Rachel says yeah they are okay. Dani says that its nothing personal, she says she is sorry …and that its just a game. Dani says that there are trust issues now. Brendon says game on. Dani leaves. They talk about how the only chance they have is if Jeff wins the Veto and then takes Brendon off and then we convince her to put up someone random. Jeff says it would be better if Brendon wins it. Rachel says no because then she could and would put you up. They joke about Jeff having the Diamond Power of Veto. They talk about how Dani gave Dominic a vote but that she didnt even give her boyfriend Nick a vote during her season. They talk about what twists might happen and wonder if someone is coming back. Rachel says that they have never brought back someone that was evicted before the jury house… to come back and be in the jury house. Jeff says that it is just really unfair if someone comes back. Like if I got voted out and come back ..people would be like he cheated ..its rooked. Just like if I had a diamond power of veto and America voted it to me …everyone would still say I cheated… its rooked. Rachel laughs and says its rooked.

7:30pm Rachel says that she thought this might happen but that at least it wouldn’t be until next week. Rachel says that we are BLANK by our own person. Jeff says why do you think I got so mad! Jeff says that always in the history of Big Brother .. if there is someone that the whole house is against .. it is that person that wins. Rachel wonders what the people watching the live feeds think. Jeff says that the people love it and want to see the villains get BLANK! Brendon says that Dani just back stabbed and betrayed 4 people… twice …she is not getting our jury votes. Brendon says no matter what happens …send her packing ..send her BLANK home. Jeff says that he just wants a jet pack to get out of here for a day. Jeff says that he wouldn’t stir the pot until after we win the veto …and then strike up a deal.

7:35pm – 7:45pm Meanwhile up in the HOH room Lawon, Dani and Kalia are talking about random things. Brendon and Rachel leave to go to the havenot room. Rachel grabs pillow and says they never said anything about bringing in pillows. Dani sees Rachel leave the lounge room on the spy screen and says that she thinks Rachel just gave her a dirty look through the camera. Jordan and Rachel go into the havenot room and lay down. Jordan and Rachel talk about how they don’t think she will make a deal. Brendon and Jeff come in with food. Jordan is grumpy. Jeff asks how many period do you have a month? Brendon says just put her up next week and send her home.. crazy ass! Jeff says that we can’t just keep bashing every scenario …lets just wait till the POV happens and see from there.. Jeff says that Dani knows she can’t get anywhere with those people. Brendon says from the penthouse to the outhouse… Jeff asks if Dani gets Pandoras box do you think she’d get it now. Brendon says no ..not while they are up there.. Brendon then explains what happened in his Pandora box and how it worked.

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7:50pm – 8pm All four cameras switch to Lawon, Dani and Kalia up in the HOH room. They are talking about Dominic and his girlfriend back home. Kalia and Lawon are explaining that it was already pretty much over ..that she was moving away for a nursing job. Dani is asking Kalia questions about Dominic’s relationship with his girlfriend from home, They talk about how the house is really getting smaller. Dani says that technically this is the 5 week we have been in the house. Dani says that for the most part she has enjoyed this house compared to her season ..she says that her last season was a lot rougher. Lawon says that it changes week by week. Dani says day by day! Kalia asks Dani if she likes the actress keira knightley. Dani doesn’t remember what shes been in. Kalia goes through a list of movies. Dani says that she doesn’t watch movies. Lawon says that he doesn’t believe that.

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108 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers: Brendon says Dani just back stabbed and betrayed 4 people.. twice, she is not getting our jury votes! From the Penthouse to the Outhouse..”

  1. “Rachel wonders what the people watching the live feeds think.”

    Well most of us are Happy one of you are going home, the rest “Brenchel Drones” are having a fit and throwing tantrums doing you proud Rachel……

    1. I am not a drone but it is more interesting with both them in though Vegas Rachel may return if Brenden is gone fingers crossed

    2. I think Jeff answered that perfectly for us. As least now he knows that there’s a good possibility that America sees them as the villians due to their arrogance. Of course if you asked him if he’d change anything he did last week, he’d prolly say No.

      1. I really don’t think he was referring to BR and JJ as villains. I think he was talking about Dani and the others. But who knows, I could be very wrong.

  2. You guys are in for one. When brendon goes home this week he’ll be brought back in over Dom. Period. The producers would make that happen. Had Dani sided with RB then she would have been safe. Neither would have put her up if they won hoh. You really think jj would win a mental hoh compared to r or b ? Or any of the newbies for that matter? No No! My predicition is Brendon wins pov uses it on rachel, then is evicted, Rachel wins hoh(given) targets danielle. As to weather Danielle wins pov thats to be determained, then brendon comes back. There’s no way Dom would get voted back in over brendon. The producers still want their couples show down. It’s laughable that Dani thinks that. God she’s so screwed next week. Stupidest move possible. And I bet you I’m right, wait and see 😉

    1. I don’t think that America likes B/R that much. If it were J/J I would agree with you. If producers bring Brendan or Rachel back in the house it would be totally rigged. I just do not see America voting for them. Why wouldn’t producers want to see Dom come back. He brought life the house. The house is so dead and I know that they can see that. Also I think they like this little thing that is going on between him and Dani. We will have to see, but I hope that the power does not fall back into the vets hands next week.

    2. Well the producers can make anything happen right. But I don’t think Brendon would get more votes over Dom from the viewers. This dudes rep has taken a hit with the jerking off pics lol and and its not like he’s been the nicest guy this season. Onthe other hand, I think Rachel’s rep may have improved a bit since last season – she seems to me like she’s toned it down a bit.

    3. Your a retard, producers realize the couple showdown would be ass, because it wouldnt occur till final four which sucks. Dom and Dani against JJ would happen immediately and Dom is way more liked then Brendon

    4. If brendon is going home next week, I dont think America would bring Brendon back he’s arrogance and he’s stupid not good enough to be a ph.d student. I would rather be dick going back to the game. and he’s a good player in the big brother history. no one else except the donato’s gang. jeff is not smart and and so does jordan the stupid player in the big brother history too. jordan is very stupid player dumb the way she talk not very clear stupid jordan hate her!!!

    5. I hate Rachel, Brendon, Jeff and jordan Oh shelly also they need to go home. next week Rachel would never win the HOH next week. Its going to be Kalia and brendon call kalia fat, Kalia is not fat go kalia and lawon and Dani go Dani gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. good luck Dani and Kalia and Lawon.

    6. I had enough of Rachel is soooooooooooooo dramatic and Im always watching big brother after dark and she’s sooo insecure of other people in the house whose talking to the HOH. and shelly basically the stupid mother making alliance with Brendon and Rachel. Im a mom I would never leave my 8 year old home with my husband. I would rather be staying home and take agood care of my baby. I hate shelly very much, Brendon always saying this F. word and I would never go with him to be my personal Doctor ever he’s bad P.H.D. basically he’s a snake a floater’s calling Kalia a Floaters. bye bredon go home I hate you. hate is a strong word. go home brendon now.

      1. Your feeling
        Towards brendon is how individuals feel about you after reading your mentally disabled attempt at an opinion.

    1. I’m still laughing at that one!! What an ego, not to mention being incredibly delusional! A cure for cancer? Brendan? Oh GMAB! (my side hurts from laughing so hard)

    2. OMG so funny. Cure for cancer and patent it huh?I guess he thinks he’s on the right track. Sometimes I can’t tell if they are turning it up for the cameras or if they are really that immature and delusional.Maybe its both.

  3. As for the crack comment on the last page I’m going to laugh in your face when he comes back. He will be sent back in over Dom. Period. End of story. Thats it. The producers would be fools not too and America is gonna want the drama that comes with it after brendon comes back. Dom willnot make the game interesting. Brendons return would. I don’t need to explain this. It’s going to happen. As much as you don’t like brendon he’d wreck havoc in that house with a return. I like Dom and would rather him come back but after todays nominations it’s not gonna happen. Think of it from a production standpoint? Dom or Brendon? Same for America too, brendon will bring the drama.

    1. I don’t know what you live in but most of America doesn’t like Brendon and if we vote someon back in Brendon will get more votes than Keith, maybe Cassi, but not Dom.

    2. Gonna be a long wait…. I won’t live that long.

      besides Rachel is the Drama bringer not Brenda, get it right, remember last season when Rachel got evicted Brndon didn;t bring an inch of drama and Bragade made him think he was one of the crew and he fell for it like the idiot he is, and producers had to step in and bring Rachel back for that 24 hours of Drama Ragan putting that ho in her place was the best part of season 12.

      1. Whenever anyone comments on Ragen, and his hostility towards Rachel…I want to throw up. He’s nothing but a bully towards women. He sure as hell wouldn’t be that cruel to a man. He would get his lights knocked out.

        1. Wtf are u talking about u rachel was a mess i hate overly defensive women who defend other women knowing they are a mess

  4. RBJJ will regret playing Checkers while Dani is playing Chess.

    Have Adam and Porshe been sleeping since noms? As much as I like to watch BR go down in flames, I am so sick of every show revolving around them.

    1. The game of Big Brother is Chess not Checkers, and Checkers is the only game Brenchel plays(social wise).

    1. Boy George liking like the gorgeous Angie Everhart HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA in her alcoholic dreams. The only way Rachel looks good is if she has a cake of makeup on her face, she looks like a man without makeup ie Boy George impersonator.

    2. I agree, the JH is probably set for 2 weeks from now with the Vote beginning Sunday and the winner announced Thurs show.
      Keith and Cassi have been sequestered a long time in a hotel room. they cant drag this out any longer otherwise it affects the JH.

  5. I cant stand Rachel but I think it is better to get Brendon out first because Rachel wont be able to cope psychologically without him.

  6. Bahahahaha jj said they would Backdoor Dan if they win hoh next week. God dani is so dumb. BR would have kept their word an would be public enemy number one. If brendon leaves though and doesn’t come back (he will though) rachel will probably make it to final four.

    1. Were they alone talking about this or with BR when they talked about it? JJ do not want BR to know they have a week deal with D, so it would make sense if they told them that. Of course, there will be about 2 weeks before this has a possibility of happening and a lot can change in that time.

  7. Jeff has no right to say someone being voted back in is not fair when he was given a game changing power in the game for being liked.It’s not fair just because he knows that if someone comes back they won’t help him, but if the person to come back would be someone from his alliance he would be extremely happy and tell everyone that it’s just a game and to relax. HYPOCRITE YO!

    1. Juce you are very insightful. Psychology degree perhaps? It’s not fair? Please try and become a member of adult society.

  8. Personally, I am sure Rachel will go nuts without Brendon, so I would say that the producers would probably want to keep Brendon out once he is gone. That way, we can have psycho Rachel go after Danielle, then Danielle win the POV, then Rachel go insane that she cannot get rid of Danielle.
    After that, Danielle can win another HOH and put Rachel up with Jeff. Jeff and Rachel can start arguing a lot because Rachel wants to stay and be loved.
    That would be pure bliss – two absolutely self-obsessed people who act like the center of the universe just having nastier and nastier arguments

    1. That would make awesome TV! I can already picture it! Wenchel is so nasty! And I can’t stand her voice!!!!!ugghhhh!

  9. Even if both sets of couples stayed in the house the showdown would only end up being between Brendon and Jeff. Brendon would make Rachel shut up and Jordan would be to scared to lash out on Rachel.

    1. She did the same thing on her season. She is the one that pushed Jeff to backdoor Russell. People say she didn’t do anything on that season. Not so. She messed up Jeff’s game and got lucky enough to make it to the end with a person she couldn’t lose against. That one move ruined Jeff’s game but not hers. I’m not surprised she would do it again.

  10. I want Rachel to Stay We wanna see Vegas come out like last season. but she will be whining the whole time though, she might need a Xanax

  11. I wish for once and for all we see the end of Brendon and/or Rachel. The phony sentimentality and romantic notions irritates me. They do it for tv. Its like one of those bad Mexican novellas. And they forever play the victim card. They have no problem bulldozing everybody else when they are in power.

  12. A little funny fact: Brenchel are only awesome in comps because they play against people who either suck or are throwing the comp, when their playing against people who are actually trying to win they always lose.

  13. LOL @ B saying she is not getting their jury votes! Dood, you will not be in the jury to vote and if Dani takes Ratchel to final 2 she won’t be in the jury to vote either. When R shows her ass in the next 2 weeks without Brendon, everyone will despise her again and no one will vote for her to win. And even if Rachel ended up in the jury house she’s obviously not that good at convincing people of anything with the exception of Porshe and there’s plenty of game left to be played to get people back on Dani’s side before the finale. The same can be said if Rachel goes and Dani pulls Brendon to final 2. No one in the house can stand BR.

  14. I hate Rachel the most but think that they need to get Brandon out FIRST. Rachel will not be able to cope psycologically without him and will implode.

  15. For some reason, knowing Dani is the “spawn of Evel Dick” I am curious about her mother, who is never mentioned, just her granny and her dad. Who raised her and why is she so steely hard on the exterior?

    1. From what I know, Dick and his mother brought up Dani and her brother. The mother left, when they were very young. Wish I had more to tell you. Maybe google it, and see what happens.

      1. Where have you been? Keith, Cassie and Dom are sequestered, not at home. America will be voting an evicted houseguest back in, probably right after they vote on Thursday.

        1. Well it’s not official that they are sequestered… Besides if they are, in my opinion Cassi would get the votes to re-enter the house over Dom. Cassi fur sure had way more fans then Dom.

  16. you and mike can go get it on with brendumb when he gets kicked out, because i’m sure he’ll need some action

    1. Kalia was the second place winner of the HoH comp. Meaning she beat everyone but Dani. I’m sure she can win something. No one gives credit where credit is due.

  17. “do you know how many men and women can’t play with each other” Now why don’t you play with me for old times sake.

    I’ve seen these two “play with each other” way too much over the last 2 years! Adios Brendon.

  18. If by chance they do bring some1 back which I’m not sure that will happen,,, They should have America vote $ the top 2 compete in a mini comp & whoever wins that should b the 1 to reenter the house,,, Just an idea =))

  19. i would love to see “ill Wil”l in these comps let me guess you would be worse then kalia and lawon

        1. A Xanax is an anti-depressant something Rachel needs to take a lot of, so she can stop playing a personal game.

  20. They still think they can win? HAHAHAHA Delusional Train is at full force, someone cut the breaks

    LOOK the only chance brenchel has of winning BB on any season is if all the other HGs are fans of there’s. the way they act socially nobody likes them, it don;t matter how many comps they win SOCIAL GAME wins Big Brother, they have yet to figure that out.

  21. sorry but after brendon is evicted id much rather have Cassi come back over Dom, that would be the bigger shake up… you would possibly see a JJ, shelly and cassi team up and with dani trying to create better numbers by bringing rachel back into her fold and have dani, rachel, kalia and lawon vs JJ, shelly, Cassi and have adam floating in the middle… makes the house much much more even and more interesting instead of Rachel, JJ and Shelly vs Dani, Dom, kalia and lawon

    1. Unfortunately if Cassie does come back she won’t have a clue what’s gone on in the past 2 weeks or who to trust. She would be at more of a disadvantage strategy wise than Dominic would be.

    2. I want Cassi back as well but I seriously doubt Rachel would ever team up with Dani after getting out “her man.” Dani burned that bridge.

    1. Not yet. When they get down to 9 players, they start the jury. Seven to vote for one of the two finalists.

  22. if it comes to america’s choice i will vote to bring brenden or rachel back….the house will be too damn boring without their drama

  23. not sure if my last post went through but i think that Cassi should come back over Dom… it would balance out the house and get JJ to make a better position in the house, JJ, Cassi, shelly and adam vs Dani, Rachel (after dani decides she needs an extra player and rachel wants nothin to do with Cassi), Kalia, lawon and Porsche

  24. News flash!!!! 99% of the Big Brother viewers DESPISE Brenda and Rachoe!!!

    There are always some wing nuts that have to go against the grain.

  25. I’m not a huge Brenchel fan, but having one win the POV and saving Rachel would be awesome! I’m kinda missing the Vegas Rachel….cause she was quite a character, but she did tone down from last season and she made it two weeks without crumbling too! I don’t know people from BB12 have been saying Rachel was actually okay until her showmance happened!

  26. HAHHAHAHAH RACHEL will have power again soon enough can’t wait for this moment brendon may be living but the beast is going after dani’s ass for sure bye bye dani it’s only a matter of time oh and the person who said that brendon should have found the cure for rachel acne is ridiculous stop bullying people your prob uglier then rachel why don’t you post your pic in give us the link to let us judge you ugly ass same as Ill Will

      1. I agree with you most people who are making fun of the houseguests are most likely ugly…. but the difference is they’re ugly INSIDE and OUT!

  27. Why they talk about how Kalia is walking around the house like she owns it. Like they were not doing that for 3 weeks?? so they can gloat and throw it in people’s faces but nobody else can?

    1. People with power are hypocrits, people that lose power are hypocrits. Welcome to the teenage girls gossip club (brendon fits in pretty well).

  28. Brenchel’s acting like they’re on the next cattle car to Aushwitz, staring in their own pathetic version of Sophie’s Choice! Cuing the Titanic theme song…

  29. Whats with the bbad snooze fest? I almost never watch and I thought it would he awesome tonight.

  30. Ill Will since you MR know it all i would love to see you in BB house let me guess first person to be evicted to suck LMAOOO NEXT…….

    1. U crack me up man. U mad because people talk the truth about your Idols.

      I’m gonna start calling you The Madd Brenchel Fan from now on.

      1. It’s funny how you go off on people and their opinions, but when people go off on yours you freak out! I think I sense a HYPOCRITE in my radar….but that’s just MY opinion!

        1. Freak out, where? show me the post, the only one freaking out on here is “guy”. I’m just messing with him, but he’s acting like Brenchel all crying about it. People don’t like his Idols so he talks BLANK about them OK I can do that too.

          I don’t care it’s all in fun.

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