Big Brother Spoilers: Adam says day 66 Adam does not use veto …day 69 pray to fu*king god that Kalia gets voted out! *Updated*

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10am Adam wakes up, changes his battery, goes to the washroom and then heads out into the backyard for a smoke. Adam starts studying the dates and events of the house. Adam says wait until you  BLANK see tonight. Shopping Spree with Tori Spelling and Rachel locked up in the HOH room with Jessie. Adam says day 66 Adam does not use veto …day 69 pray to  BLANK god that Kalia gets voted out! Kalia joins Adam in the backyard. Adam starts talking about his dreams. Big Brother then cuts the live feeds to wake up the houseguests.
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10:25am Up in the HOH room Jordan and Rachel are talking. Jordan is talking about how she was talking to Kalia last night and didn’t want for anyone to get the wrong idea about what she was doing. Jordan says that she really wanted to talk to Rachel and Adam. Jordan says that even this morning she wanted to talk to Adam and he is out there with Kalia. Rachel and Jordan talk about how they hope they can trust Adam. Rachel says that Adam gave you Fara’s necklace so hopefully we can trust him… I think we can. Jordan talks about how Kalia was telling her why she really needs the money. Rachel says okay well this isn’t a charity. Jordan says that she told Kalia that everyone sees you as a threat …you’re really good at questions. Jordan says that Kalia wanted to prove that she could do it without Dani. Jordan says well that’s why we need to get rid of you. Jordan says that her gut is leaning towards Kalia leaving. Rachel says good … I was worried you would change your mind. Rachel says just think about with Porsche yesterday in the OTEV where we were asked who has lost 17 competitions and she picked Keith… Rachel says of all people why would you pick Keith. Jordan and Rachel both say they feel bad for Kalia but that we want to stay. Jordan says that Kalia said that she would keep me as long as she could but what that means is that they are going after you. Rachel says for sure. Jordan says that she wants to talk to Adam to reassure him.

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10:45am Meanwhile out in the backyard, Adam and Kalia are talking. Kalia is working Adam. Adam questions how many deals she has made in the house and not kept. Kalia says that from the beginning you have been saying newbies to the end and if you don’t use the veto then you are doing the opposite of that. Kalia says that Jordan has already won doing the exact same thing. Kalia says I promise you that if you use the veto on me …I will win next week and I will take you to the final two. Kalia says that Jordan and Rachel can’t tell you that ..they aren’t taking you to the final two. Adam says that there is still a lot of game to be played. Porsche tries to come out and Kalia tells her to give them a minute alone. Kalia says that we have a chance to take our power back… I know you don’t want to make people mad … Jordan won’t go to the jury mad. Kalia says I guarantee they will not take you to the end. Kalia says that this is honestly and truly your best move. Kalia says that if you don’t use the veto you are sending me home. Kalia says think about the easy versus the hard. Think about keeping your alliance here. Kalia says that she is all but begging him to please use the veto. Kalia says I will not put you up next week. Adam says that is the worst thing time makes you think …but its also a good thing it also give you perspective. Kalia says that she will cut her hand and shake hands with him. Kalia says that she does not lie and never has.

10:50am – 11am In the kitchen, Porsche tells Rachel and Jordan that Kalia is working Adam out in the backyard and wouldn’t even let her out there. Porsche comes back out into the backyard and asks if they are done yet… there is a lock down in 5 minutes. Adam heads inside and Jordan says you still aren’t using the veto right… Adam says I want my necklace back. Jordan yells ADAM! Rachel says you know he’s not using it. Adam says that she was just out there chewing my ears off. Adam tells them that if he doesn’t use it he is going against their alliance… Adam says Umm you were my alliance for two days. Adam says if I was really going to use the he wouldn’t have given them Fara’s necklace. Adam says that she was out there saying that you (Rachel) will not win the veto next week. Rachel says oh hell no that bisnatch is skating on thin ice …last night she is saying we had a final two deal and now she is saying I won’t win the veto. Adam says that he will listen to her …and plead her case …and let her dig her ditch. Rachel says that she is about to go out there and …. Adam says no don’t do that … you would lose respect for her if she wasn’t fighting to be here.

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11am Kalia heads inside to change. Kalia talks to herself and says that was round one … he has ten more where that cam from. Out in the backyard, Adam, Rachel, Porsche and Jordan are working out by walking around the yard. Kalia watches them all workout from the couch. Big Brother puts the houseguests on an outdoor lock down.

11am – 11:45am Adam, Porsche, Jordan and Rachel continue to workout and talk about random stuff. Kalia lays out to sun tan.

12:05pm Jordan and Rachel continue to walk around the backyard. Adam and Porsche are on the backyard couch playing the I vote to evict game. Adam says I vote to evict pushups or situps. Adam says I vote to evict comforter or pillow. Porsche says comforter. Adam asks I vote to evict breakfast or dinner. Porsche says dinner so that I will lose weight.

12:25pm Porsche is trimming Adam’s back hair. Porsche says see this is why you should keep me, who else would shave your back. Adam says not to worry about it. Porsche says her therory is if they want to win $500,000. they have to get rid of Rachel & Jordan. Adam says if he earns his way into the final 2 then he will see what happens then. Porsche talks about how jury can pick on friends not game play. Porsche says she can’t see taking a vet as an option to the final two. Adam says that if he wins the one part of the three part competition and she wins the other part he would definitely consider taking her because he wants someone in the end that earns it. Kalia joins them in the bathroom. Adam, Kalia and Porsche talk about random things.

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145 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers: Adam says day 66 Adam does not use veto …day 69 pray to fu*king god that Kalia gets voted out! *Updated*”

  1. Today on Rigged Brother
    Adam is up in the HOH room talking to Vomit and Two Face (rachel and jordan) they are telling him he can’t change the nominations, he tells them “I know AG told me in the diary room that since America is on to the whole Rachel and Jordan to the final two thing and they need a diversion, that if I would cooperate a naked Tori Spelling would be waiting in the diary room if I won and she was … feeds cut feeds back on Still Adam, Vomit and Two Face in the HOH room Adam reassures them of their final three deal he says “that he was told by Ag if he wins the next HOH Jeff will be waiting for him in the diary room wearing only bacon” …feeds cut…
    feeds back on HOH room Vomit and Two Face are talking, every one else is out on the couch, Vomit is mad and says “production didn’t tell me that Adam was supposed to win this one all they have to say is act surprised, if I had known I wouldn’t of tried at all, like you never have to” Two face doesn’t answer so Vomit asks if she is all right, Two Face looks around the room starts to dance and says “milk, milk, lemonade around the corner fudge is made” Vomit shakes her head and says she wants another $250,000 if she has to drag Two Face to the end mumbling that this was not part of the deal…feeds cut…
    Feeds back on … money is falling from the ceiling in the HOH room Vomit and Two Face are happy again…
    Mean while out on the couch Kalia Porsche and Adam are talking about their supporting roles in BB13 Adam says “if he only can win this HOH he could die happy with no regrets” feeling his life would be complete. Porsche says “at least AG told me it wasn’t personal, but this season had been scripted for awhile and just be glad you made it on tv” Kalia comments that ever since Jeff was evicted her tampons and underwear aren’t disappearing any more…feeds cut

    1. “Feeds back on … money is falling from the ceiling in the HOH room Vomit and Two Face are happy again…”


      1. Rigged Brother update
        Adam is called to the diary room, seems production thinks he might use the veto he is met in there by Ag. Adam says “well this can’t be good am I getting the Chima treatment.” AG says “if you were only so lucky” and pulls out a hand gun and starts firing Blam Blam Blam, Adam reacts pretty quickly and takes a couple of steps and falls down (maybe threw it) Ag jumps on top of him puts the barrel in his mouth and says “do you feel lucky punk?” Adam responds “Jeff I love you.” Ag pulls the trigger and nothing happens. Adam isn’t sure what to think and asks if this was a joke. AG says no just a warning but if you use that veto we “will microchip you and update hourly your position on our web site, you know what those JJ fans will do to you right” Adam states he understands…feeds cut

    2. Now why the f*ck is this website more entertaining than the CBS show itself?

      Calling AG…. I think you need squabble to inject some life on your doomed show.

      Squabble for Team Production, yo!

          1. For Dani?

            Kalia came in second.
            Shelley held on for a long time.
            Porsche? I can’t recall. Same for Rachel.
            Wasn’t Jordan the first woman out?

    3. I have no idea what your post said because I don’t read them since they are so long and your name calling is so immature. This is a game of strategy, endurance, lying, making deals, hustling, and calling shots. No one plays it clean or with integrity.Some win it by not winning. Look at Dr. Will.

      Start talking game instead of just trash talking and your posts might be worth reading.

      1. Don’t waste your breath they are bitter because dani left and will hate all the vets no matter what it is alway rigged because for the vets unless team dani wins then it is far bla bla bla it is getting old

        1. yes kalia is a big pia PAIN IN ASS she, is persistant but god anybody think she should torture i mean question terrorists she might be good at it

        2. bitterness is a B*atch!!! Vet’s all the way & hopefully an Allstar coming soon with all the great people!! Imagine BB without Rachel/Jordan…..A nasty girl who passes gas on T.V and a girl who never washes her hair or her grey sweat pants…I thought for sure the show would be a bust if vet’s were gone:) Thank God we have 2 real players !!! Team Dani is so AWESOME sitten watching one by one going to jury house…

        3. Actually I was Team Dani but I’m fine if Rachel wins (though I’d still prefer Porsche) because she at least plays her heart out.

          1. porshe plays her heart out!!!!what other show is she on?i’d like 2 watch it n between bb where she does notta!!

      2. well said Card Poet! and who are you calling two face?? Rachel and Jordan has been loyal to thier team since day one. I know there were flaws in thier alliance but they still stayed true to thier alliance.

      3. Oh take the stick out of your ass it’s a JOKE. If you dont like squabbles stories don’t read them and move on! It’s that simple. The immature response would be to comment and start an argument :/

        1. Funny that they don’t complain with all the names Kalia and Porsche are called, read a few posts and see if these “high integrity” people call them out.

          1. I agree on this one:Funny that they don’t complain with all the names Rachel and Jordan are called, read a few posts and see if these “high integrity” people call them out. Yes, I know. I totally a greed. Squabble for Team JJBR & J/R Yo!

      4. I so agree with you … if this person isnt rambling about BB being rigged, then this person (not sure if i should use that word) is showing just how nasy IT is .. It has gotten to the point i dont waist my time reading the crap IT has to say … I do wonder how IT knows BB is rigged .. if that is the case why are certain players gone… geeeeeeesh .. so fit up with these slandering people… GO GIRL GO (RACHEL) FOR THE WIN 🙂

      1. I absolutely believe America voted Brendon back in.
        Think about it:
        Most people love Jeff and Jordan.
        Even though most people dislike Brendon, Jeff, Jordan, and Brendon were in a tight alliance.
        To help Jeff and Jordan, the only person able to be voted back in that would be the biggest benefit to Jeff and Jordan was Brendon (definitely not Dominic, probably not Keith, maybe Cassi, but most definitely Brendon).
        So, if you wanted Jeff and Jordan to do well, you would probably have voted back Brendon just for that, even though you didn’t like Brendon and Rachel.

      1. Sorry about the cruel names, you are correct I shouldn’t use them and will stop. This is only entertainment for the true BB fans, notice that while I support no one and only bag on Rachel, Jeff and Jordan some times Brendon (likeable except for his taste in women) that it automatically assumed that I’m a Dani fan. Not the case I’m just not into scripted reality shows.

    4. I feel your pain squab can’t believe a rep from CBS comes to your house every week to turn your tv on and make you watch bb.

    5. OMG…get a Life!…why are you even bothering with big brother…it is what it is! I hope your not two-faced & vomiting bacon on finale night…get your puke bucket ready!

      1. Confucius says “to take offense when none was intended makes you a fool, to take offense when offense is intended makes you bigger fool”

    6. Squabble I totally laugh on this one as well:Today on Porsche & Kaila failure Big Brother
      Adam is down in the bathroom talking to Ms Barbie doll and Crybaby (Porsche and Kaila) they are telling him he can change the nominations, he tells them “I don’t know AG told me in the diary room that since America is on to the whole Porsche and Kaila to the final two thing and they need a diversion, that if they cooperate a former BB10 & BB11 Jessie would be waiting in the diary room if you or Kaila won and he was … feeds cut feeds back on Still Adam, Ms. Barbie Doll and Crybaby in the bathroom Adam reassures them of their final three deal he says “that he was told by producers if he wins the next HOH Jeff will be waiting for him in the diary room wearing only bacon” …feeds cut…
      feeds back on Living Ms.Barbie doll and Two crybay are talking, every one else is out on the couch, Crybaby is mad and says “Porsche didn’t tell me that I’m was supposed to lose this one all they have to say is I’m hungry for McDonalds, if I had eaten I wouldn’t of eaten at all, like you never told me to” Ms.Barbie doll does have a answer so Crybaby asks if she is all upset, Ms.Barbie doll looks around the room starts to eat and says “yum, yum, cheeseburger around the backyard is made” Crybaby complaining her head and says she wants another Quarterpound cheese burger if she has to go to Jury House with Crybaby complaining that this was part of the plan…feeds cut…
      Feeds back on … Happy meal & clothes is falling from the ceiling in the living room Crybaby and Ms. Barbie Doll are crying again…
      Mean while out on the couch Rachel Adam and Jordan are talking about their supporting roles in BB13 Adam says “if he only can win this HOH he could die happy with no regrets” feeling his life would be complete. Rachel says “at least Kaila told me it was success, but this season had been more fun for entire time and just be happy you made it on tv” Jordan comments that ever since Dani was evicted Jeff cookie dough and pictures are reappearing any time…feeds cut.
      Porsche & Kaila failure Big Brother update
      Kaila is called to the diary room, seems Kaila thinks Adam not use the veto she is met to be upset by Adam. Kaila says “well this can be good am I getting more McDonalds.” Producers says “if you want something to eat well were order food for you” and pulls out a lots of money and starts order 1 Quarterpounder cheeseburger w/Fries & Drink, Kaila reacts pretty quickly and takes some time to eat of cheeseburgers and some fries (maybe a drink) Producers walked with Kaila puts her meal in her mouth and says “do you think that I will go to the Jury House?” Kaila responds “Porsche I love you yes I’m going to the Jury House .” Producers gives her a McDonalds and something happens. Kaila is sure what to say and asks if this was a thank you for giving me a McDonald’s value meal. Producers says we “will order more you want and give you an update hourly for your craving for more pizza hut on our way, you know what those Dani fans will do to you right” Kaila states she understands…feeds cut
      I know I love to laugh this one. Squabble, your the man. I totally agree. Keep send those updates.

  2. 2nd post: I hope the FT speaks to Kalia. The FT says, “You can choose to accept this fortune. If you do, you will be safe this week. But there may be consequences” Kalia grabs the fortune as if it’s a greasy grilled cheese sandwich. It says, “You are safe this week, but you are not allowed to speak for the rest of your time in The BB House (not even a ummhmm), starting now. You will be immediately evicted if you make any sound”. This means she will not even be able to tell her long drawn out story about how the FT saved her. How long do you think she will last?

    1. That would be awesome. The hutt would last about one second. I feel sorry for the house guests this week cause the hutt is on one. I could not imagine being cornered by her and having to hear her through everyone she was friends with yesterday under the bus. Hope they call her out on all the bullshit. She is getting to be as bad as Sheldon. To bad Dani wasn’t still around cause I would have loved to see Dani cut the hutt’s throat that would have been the best.

    2. that would be freaking AMAZING! why cant big brother come up with things like that to make the show more interesting again?!

    3. Yyou will never get the Readers Digest version of a story from Kowlia
      Either she has all the answers or she knows someone thats done it before.
      The queen of the convo takeover.
      Its always me me me with her.

  3. How did dirty fatso kalia last this long? cant wait to see the look on her master Dani’s face when she walks into the jury house.

    1. Kaila lasted this long because she won 2 HOH. She has been playing the game. What the heck has Adam or Jordan done to warrant being in the house. Those 2 are the floaters they keep talking about.

      1. PLS Kaliah lasted this long because their were bigger targets then her thats all and she may have won 2 hoh one she got rid of her own allience member so she isn’t a smart player as for adam and jordon well they played more of a social game and if you have noticed it seemed to have worked for them

      2. jordon won two competitions adam won two kalia won two portia won two rachel only one wiyh greatest odds against her won course jordon gets credit for keeping her balanced and yes smart

    2. Aunt Cowlia the Hutt is not Dani’s slave.

      She lasted this long because someone in production may be lusting after Aunt Cowlia the Hutt’s shaved hoohaaaah.

      1. Seriously? How is Jordan “dirty” or a “bimbo”?!? People really need to get over saying such disgusting things about these people – especially when it couldn’t be further from the truth. You may not like her or the way she’s playing the game, but to state such a thing is simply ignorance on your part.

  4. Adam is starting to channel his “little Jeff” persona. You know what they say, karma is a bitch. Adam more than likely will be going to Jury house this week, right behind Kalia. Porsche should win the HOH and put up Rachel and Adam. Rachel wins POV. Jordan replaces her. Rachel evicts Adam. JPR Final 3!

  5. On KALIA: There is an old joke about people who talk a lot: “Do you know the 12-Step program for people who talk a lot? On and On Anon.” The joke recognizes that fact that incessant talking is a common addiction.

    Non-stop talking is about using others for attention and approval because of not giving oneself enough attention and approval. The talker is not actually offering anything to the listener. Instead, the talker, in going on and on with a monologue, is pulling energy from the listener. People who end up listening to a talker go on and on are often caretakers who are afraid to hurt the talker by disengaging or by telling the truth about their boredom.

    Talkers are often needy people who attempt to assuage their emptiness by trapping people into listening to them. For example, I’ve seen people telling a bank teller their life story, while the trapped teller doesn’t know how to disengage without being impolite. The problem is that one of the reasons these people are without friends is that no one wants to be with them. It’s draining to be at the other end of a needy person who uses talking as a way to fill up.

    1. OK. That makes me a caretaker then, having to listen to all that blah blah.

      Next time, I won’t be reading such a long post unless they throw in the prospect of seeing the speaker’s shaved hoooohaaaaah.

  6. i think team bacon will use the veto anything to get to the final 2. he is still playing both sides he cant make a move on his own he is a little boy being told what to do ( soooooooo sad grow up and be a man) float to the final 3 then out the door you go

    1. Porshe doesnt deserve a hostess or announcer job Look at how she pesents herself everyday one dress one pair jeans and sweat suits
      REALLY hostess of what a gym

      1. Porsche has already said shes had to move home several times cause shes messed up in life…hope she gets herself togehter…but i dont see her as a host for anything but maybe evil dicks website…so basically not doing anything…and I like Porsche…

        I think winner should be Rachel,Porsche,Kalia, Jordan and Adam dead last and awards for being the most uninspiring people to ever be on tv…fiction and non-fiction category

      2. You do realize they can only bring a limited amount of clothes in the house right??? they can’t bring a whole wardrobe which is why Rachel wear UCLA clothes all the time…

  7. If Adam doesnt use the veto and kalia goes home he has no chance of winning the best he can do is come in second. If he is against either R or J he will have four votes against him. If he is against rachel the three vets and danni vote against him danni would never vote for adam because she thinks he is a mega floater and has said although she hates rachel she respects her for actually playing the game. If he is against jordan it will be the three vets and shelly voting against him. Hopefully porche wins hoh which she probably will and R and J will campain to evict adam which should happen. Adam doesnt deserve to win this game because he only won one veto and the other was thrown to him. He was always first or second out of comps so this tells me he was throwing them or he just got luck with this one.

    1. Wrong, he needs to go final 2 with a vet. Then he has Dani and 3 newbies hopefully voting for him. If all the vets (4) are there they may not vote for him. Brendon may hold a grudge for him voting him out. His best chance would be with Jordan or Rachel. Bye Kalia, you’re too dumb for words.

  8. I just don’t understand what Adam is thinking by aligning with Rachel and Jordan in the final three. I’m starting to think he’s planning on taking Jordan to the final 2 and revealing to Brendan/Rachel that Jeff through the Cornhole veto and he believes this will convince them to vote for him over Jordan. That’s the only possible logic I could see to align with Rachel/Jordan.

    1. Taking Jordan to F2 is the obvious winning solution for Adam. If you don’t get that, you are a fool and mentally challenged. There’s no one else he an come close to beating.

      Team Lawon 4 Life yo!

  9. Campaigning to stay in the house is one thing. Badgering someone to the point where they hate you more than they already do is another, and counter productive. Kalia is such an ignorant player. Everything she does is backasswards and idiotic. She votes out her own players, she votes against the wrong people, and she has the WORST social game this year. Cannot wait for her to walk out the door. I just feel sorry for the jury house when she arrives. They’ll have to listen to her constant yammering by day and “private time” with herself by night. Poor bastards!

    1. I agree. Kalia is hurting herself with her non-stop bullying of Adam.
      IMO, Jordan is running right next to her in that competition. Jordan, “ADAM!!!!”
      Porsche and Rachel talk to Adam but haven’t been cornering him and bullying him.

      1. the way jordan yelled at Adam u can tell she treats people based on how much they kiss her ass…Jeff treats her like shit so she loves Jeff…Adam kisses her ass so she bosses him around…Jordan is a by-product of production making her seem down to earth and sweet…However when she doesnt get her way shes a big whiner…She a cute girl and in life cute girls get what they want and people coddle them…Same with Jeff..the only way to really judge someones character on the show is when they exit the show and then see someone talk shit to them in the final farewell…

    2. Yep I’m expecting her to snap and yell, “My dad HATES you!”

      Still laughing about that line. Um, since he’s a Keith Richards wannabe who has temper tantrums the same way Dani does who gives a flying eff what he thinks?

  10. Big Brother is always interesting the study of the “WHY”

    “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” is one of Newton’s Laws of Motion.

    Adam has a great social game and he modifies his behavior as needed.

    Adam’s game play is to lay low, A FLOATER

    He self edits his comments

    He chooses his battles

    Maybe that is a reflection of his age …

    Adam does have game play and it is working

    I hope Jordan, Rachel or Adam continue to the F3

    THANKS FOR THIS SITE, Great, Great job, I will be making a contribution so that we can all meet again next year.

    1. Mom, I too agree with you. Would love to see Adam, Jordan and Rachel final three. Rachel and Jordan saved Adam twice and glad to see that he is keeping his words. He has a better chance of going first and second with Jordan and Rachel than Kalia and Porsche. He is playing fair and as for Rachel, she deserves to win this game too, as she has been bashed, ostracized, make up lies to and still here fighting to survive and she has won several comp. Good that Porsche told Adam that she Kalia received 5000 from Pandora’s box, as Adam will not feel so bad getting rid of her, wish he would tell Rachel and Jordan.

  11. OMG kaliah is so embarrising herself her we have an allience was just pathetic and really bad argument since he has been in an allience with jordon and rachel since week 3. Jordon won bb already so she doesn’t need to win or my favour you can vote jordon out because she won’t be mad and why wouldn’t she be mad. Since adam has pretty much wanted her out for awhile i don’t see him saving you but it is pathetic her attempts. I do feel sorry for adam i bet he can’t wait till monday

  12. Kalia is a push over! Poor Adam, such a gentle man…he could have just shut her down…she’s desperate…a loser kalia!

    1. Adam does what he always does he listens but he already knew what he wanted to do and if he was going to backdoor jordon to save kaliah he wouldn’t have given jordon his word he would do what has done all game and that is say he is unsure. We have heard him talking to himself that he won’t use it but honestly i think he just wants kaliah out he wanted her out since before rachel won hoh

  13. Watching BBAD and my ears are hurting so bad. Kaliah has diarrhea of the mouth. Get a roll of tp and shove it into her mouth. SHUT UP!!!

  14. I’m not a “Jordan hater”…………but didn’t she and Kalia have an alliance to the end?? Jordan has latched on to Rachel (as she was latched to Jeff….). This girl has done absoutely nothing but “float” to where she’s at. She has pointed a finger at everyone about lying and floating and that’s all she’s done. Okay, okay, it’s a game and if she wants to float and lie……okay, but don’t cry fowl when the others do. I don’t respect her and don’t want to see her in a final three. Ground control to Porche and Rachel……….take your protein pill and strap your helmets on………….go, go and duke it out for the $$$.

    1. jordan said they did have an alliance that they would never put each other up, but she told rachel when kalia evicted jeff. their alliance was broken. she hasn’t told kalia that though. so, that’s why kalia is still pleading to jordon

      1. This goes both ways – Kalia is not really aligned with Jordan either. She’s just trying to use that alliance to help her game (which I don’t blame her). But she has zero intentions of keeping it. She wants it to be her and Porsche in the end.

  15. yeah that’s it so why did jeff get evict if bb wants them to win omg did you ever think maybe adam just doesn’t want to play the game with kaliah

  16. Why does production cuts the feeds when they wake them up? just in case they don’t get up big brother bring out the ice water? HAHA

    Honestly that’s how I would wake them up everyday design a trap over each of the beds to force them awake by doping ice waters on their heads, and let the live feeders watch.

  17. Kalia is the person we all know & try to avoid. She finishes your sentences, agrees with your conclusions & tries to convince you of her sophormoric ‘read’ on people. C’mon, Jordon reads people better than Kalia. She thinks she is half step ahead of your thoughts when isn’t even reading the same page.

  18. As if Adam will use the VETO, he’s probably indebted to Rachel for giving him Tori Spelling. He will totally be under Rachel’s clutches for the rest of the game.

  19. I could be wrong but IMO the best person to take to the end would be Jordan because she already won, and the only one who would really vote for her is Jeff. Back a few weeks ago Brendan and Rachel both said that they wouldn’t vote Jordan to win, so I don’t know why everyone is thinking they would vote for her cause they said themselves that they wouldn’t.

  20. If you think Big Brother is rigged, submit a complaint to the FCC.

    Here is a sample letter.

    To whom it may concern,

    I have been watching the television program Big Brother 13 on CBS, which is purportedly a competition with a grand prize of $500,000 and a second prize of $50,000.

    There have been more than a few incidents which lead me to suspect this show is being unfairly influenced by the producers or completely manipulated to pre-determine particular contests and, hence, is not a real competition as is represented to the viewing audience. Furthermore, the producers of Big Brother have implemented a vote by text mechanism, where the general public is invited to participate in the outcome of various components of the show by voting with their mobile devices through text messaging; there is a charge for each vote and it is represented that the viewer’s votes will be tabulated and the result will be representative of the actual votes.

    Some examples of manipulation include:

    1. A contest where contestants were required to guess the identity of a celebrity based on cumulative clues. A contestant guessed the identity of said celebrity based on one clue alone, which in and of itself was so broad and generic, that it is highly unlikely that any contestant would be able to guess the answer based on this one clue. Initially, it appeared to be very lucky, but when viewed in context with the other data below appears to be too coincidental. This was the incident where Jordan guessed David Hasselhoff and won a special power which affected the outcome of the contest.

    2. A contest where contestants had to buzz in and answer random questions based on past activities of the show. One particular contestant clearly buzzed in and answered multiple questions before the questions were completely asked, and in at least one case, within the first few words of the question. There was clearly not enough information given in the question at the time the contestant buzzed in to even know what the question was. This was the incident where Kalia won the quiz and gained “Head of Household” which affected the outcome of the contest.

    3. One contestant was clearly aligned with a particular team in the contest (contestants are able to choose their own teams/alliances), but immediately after speaking to production in a private “diary room” session, she proceeded to change her alliance/team and this substantially impacted the outcome of the contest. This is the incident where Shelly came directly out of the diary room and “switched sides”.

    4. Big Brother has a system where live feeds are broadcast via streaming media 24/7. These feeds are randomly interrupted (cut off) with “we’ll be right back” content equivalent to the vertical bars of the past. On several occasions, contestants have have mentioned that production has manipulated them or instructed them to make certain decisions. Typically, when these conversations start, the feeds are cut to the “we’ll be right back” screen and audio is also blocked, but there has been at least one instance where microphones have been accidentally left on and audio has been broadcast during these blackouts. Recently, several contestants were discussing how the contest was being manipulated to ensure two contestants made it to the final show (where they would win the $500,000 and $50,000) and the broadcast switched to the “we’ll be right back” screen. In this particular case, the audio was accidentally left active and production could be heard confirming that the contest was, in fact, either pre-determined or manipulated to ensure two contestants would be in the finals…and the

    While this program is not solely a contest based on a series of skill testing questions, there are components of the show that are based on skill testing questions and I believe manipulating the outcome of these contests violates the Communications Act of 1934. This is especially concerning because there are prizes awarded to contestants based on their performance in these contests and also based on their ability to make it to the end of the game where the opportunity exists for a grand prize of $500,000 and a second place prize of $50,000.

    Additionally, since the general public who voted via cell phone text message were charged a fee to vote, and were led to believe their vote would be counted and would contribute to the determination of the overall result (based on votes), I believe it would be fraudulent if the producers charged for this and did not accurately report the results.

    Big Brother has an active viewership and there are several online blog sites that discuss the show’s events, activities and outcomes. Lately, many of the participants of these sites have also come to the conclusion that this is not a fair contest and is likely being manipulated by the producers of the show in order to garner the highest ratings. An example community site is

    I hope your office will look into this matter further.

    Thank you for your time.

    1. Really? How about just cutting to the chase. Dear FCC, I am watching a show and it is not going my way, PLEASE, PLEASE, make them do what I want. Normally I would have mommy do it, but she is still mad at me for spilling the grape kool aid on the carpet.

      1. you can submit that if you like. It would be commensurate in content with most of your other comments here.

    2. Really? Let’s just cut to the chase.
      Dear FCC,
      Big Brother won’t play my way, would you tell them they have to PLEASE! I would ask mommy but she is still mad about me spilling the grape kool aid on her bed, it’s not fair, I would not of been jumping on her bed if she bought me the new trampoline like I told her to.

    3. Does Big Brother have a online site where all rules. manadates or policies are outlined. Detailing the line of authority they producers have on the House Guests, the influence they have on House Guests or their possible impact on the outcome of the game.

      Also I think there is a legal difference between as a “Game” or a “Contest” also between “winner” and “prize”

    4. Rachel’s Shrink, if you think BB is rigged! How it was rigged? Do you see anything switching question strategy? Did you see any problems of the HOH or POV competition? (e.g. the equipment installation). Do you have America vote Polls and count total? If you have a proof of Big Brother Rigged. Show me the results of total votes by America, I will believe you.

  21. Adam should use the veto, take off porsche, jordan goes up, adam votes to evict kalia though, porsche evicts jordan, rachel breaks tie and kahlia goes home, adam stay with JR and on good terms with P, K goes to jury not so mad at A since he did use the Veto.

  22. Proof?

    I see all these posts about production dictating the game, but it is all minor league conspiricy theory. Just because things don’t go the way that you want does not mean the game (or life for that matter) is rigged. Get over it and yourselves.

  23. Apparently the FCC form only accepts 1,000 characters.
    Here is a pared down version at 987 characters.

    Here is the exact link to the complaint form.

    Big Brother 13 on CBS is represented as a skill based competition with a grand prize of $500,000 and a second prize of $50,000.

    It appears this show is being manipulated to pre-determine contests and affect the overall outcome and winners of the game. Further, there is an option for viewers to vote via text message and it is represented that these votes will affect the outcome of the game.

    Examples include:

    1. A multi-clue contest – contestant correctly answers with near zero information
    2. A contest where a contestant answers questions before they are even asked
    3. Manipulation of a contestant who, after meeting with production, immediately changed her game strategy
    4. Big Brother confirmed this on a streaming feed where the video was cut, but the audio was accidentally left active

    I believe this violates the Communications Act of 1934 and I believe it is fraudulent to charge for votes and disregard them.

    More insight may be gained at

    1. I found the following when searching if BB qualifies as a game show under FCC regulations. Apparently a complaint was filed with the FCC over BB8. Per FCC, BB does not meet the definition of a game show.

      “A “game show” in which selected contestants (vs. members of the
      public) participate is governed by Section 509 of Title 47 of the
      United States Code (USC), and regulated by the Department of Justice.
      However ”Big Brother” does not appear to meet the definition of a
      “game show.” Rather, it is a ”for entertainment only” program,
      somewhat similar to professional wrestling in that it is a
      pseudo-contest in which the outcome is fully, or in some measure,

      Courtesy of damNation2 from CBS Boards

      1. thanks for posting that….I knew it was rigged…but whoever is doing the rigging is working harder than the HG’s as their favorites are not winning …….unless Adam helps them…( maybe he is a plant….could he really be that stupid:?)….

  24. I love strong game players…so dont get me wrong here…I am all for rachel winning the season.


    I have to give ADAM credit for just how he floats. he tells people what they want to hear, he will act interested, and does a great job at changing subjects. he is sincere and in terms of PURE floaters, is one of my favs…watch the next BB episode, you will see what I mean. he looks them in the eyes, he acts really interested in EVERYTHING, this goes such a long way

    1. I agree… floating is an underrated skill and Adam seems to have mastered it. Strong players in Big Brother usually do not make it far. They vote each other out. Therefore, being a floater is the best strategy. It’s best to just stay under the radar and not really try to compete until the last few competitions. The question is , will he own it? If he makes it to the final 2, will he argue that he was being a floater in order to win the game, or will he try to convince the jury that he was a strong player.

  25. porsche’s argument for why she should be taken to final 2 by adam is AWFUL. take a vet BECAUSE of the other 3 on jury, otherwise they have the power…gosh she dumb

    and keith, REALLY…either she threw that or is just that stupid(michael jackson guess)

    1. People have been saying this for years. Also it isn’t rigged as most say it is just highly manipulated by production for ratings. The show is designed to be entertaining and that means giving the other side power when they don’t have any. The duo twist is a perfect example because production knew Jordan would have gone home, becasue Rachel would have won veto, so in order to satisfy the viewing audience they added a twist were both RJ would be safe. In doing so production also opened up the possiblity to get out the most hated person by JJ fans, Shelly. Making JJ fans ever more happy. JJ fans make up 50+% of viewing audience. Ths how is not totally rigged, just highly controled by production.

  26. K people stoo complaining about Rachel and Jordan best competitor ever and Jordan, like if Porsche didn’t open pandoras box I hope you realize that Rachel
    Would benin thenjury house with her booky, so she deserves to be there over Porsche COWlia and Adam, worst game players ever, TEAM DANI DID IT TO THEM SELVES YO!!!

    1. Oh, I’m with you on that. My comment was meant to be Sarcastic. If you look at the other “Brilliant thinkers” before me that claim that BB13 is fixed now. Bet they werent saying that before. Danielle made bad moves and that is why she IS GONE!!! hahahaha

    2. actually u are wrong if there was no pandoras box rachel would have still won the veto and taken herself off… than odds are adam would have went up against jordan and jordan would have been sent home (even though there is a small chance shelly would have went up and adam and rachel would have voted to keep jordan)….. so in all i dont think pandoras box made much of a difference i think either way rachel and jordan would have both stayed

  27. Can’t wait for Kalia to leave Thursday! Her voice makes my skin crawl…she needs to just shut up for one second!!!! She needs to go so I can stop throwing up everytime she talks!!!

    1. I wish I can learn to fart like her… Shameless on national TV! Yah!!!! Best moment of the season since Lawon claimed he would get special power if he gets evicted!

      Team Lawon for life yo!

  28. Jordan is not as dumb as she seems, it is a FACADE, Jordan acts stupid so you don’t thinks she is a threat. Jordan is in college, the only dummies in college are some of the athletes. The real Jordan came out when she did all of the talking during Porsche’s HOH, even Rachel told her she had never seen that side of Jordan. Jordan kills you with kindness.

  29. omg i am getting so tired of all the whiney dani fans. you say jeff and jordan fans are bad? when shelly flipped most were saying how bad it was she lied to a close ally. as with real life, yes there were a couple looney bins out there. but some of these thin gs being said about jeff and jordan are down right ridiculous, not to mention illegal! to say jordan is retarded, and i think someone said she is in the kkk, is called libel because your writing it on the internet with absolutely no proof. even if you read these things somewhere else, you do not know any of these people in real life. you are spreading damaging things about someone you dont even know! you don’t know any of the people, not even the flavor of the week you are worshipping.

    p.s- pushing the show to go in a certain direction is not rigging it. yes, cbs wants a certain outcome to happen, but that is because a majority of america wants the same thing. they need that majority to watch for ratings, because if they don’t have the ratings then there is no more big brother for any of us to watch! stop watching if your not happy about it and let the rest of us watch in peace!

  30. This season has had the most exciting twists in the BB history. I wish they make the first twist permanent as it gives ppl second chance to come back and fight. This creates more animosity and division in the house. The second twist was good too although i don’t think hey will repeat that again. You can clearly see that the second twist had to happen with 6 HGs remaining for it to have the greatest impact in the game.

    Love BB. Kudos to production! My favorite tv show!

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