Big Brother Spoilers – A broken record, A yeast infection and 36 hours to get rid of Yukon Cornelius

POV Holder: Elissa Next POV Aug 24th
POV Used YES POV Ceremony Aug 26th
HOH Winner: Aaryn Next HOH: Aug 22nd
Original Nominations: Elissa and Helen
Current Nominations: Helen and Spencer
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard, Candice, JUDD, Jessie
Have Nots (head cheese and habaneros) GM, Amanda, Helen and Elissa


7:55pm HOH Everyone but Helen and Elissa

S$x talk…. you gotta flashback to get it all.. very graphic
Andy is gay and his last boyfriend had a magnum sized _______
“During Or@l a well placed f!nger in a b***h**** can make a person c** much faster” -Andy
“Two in the pink one in the stink” -Amanda/GM
Amanda has done a lot of different things in bed pretty much everything you can think of.
Aaryn has never been with a girl doesn’t want to try @nal
GM punched a guy once when she was having s$x
Amanda/Gm like to be choked a little bit
Spencer loves Marilyn

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7:55pm Elissa and Helen Kitchen making slop food

Elissa: “The Vetos are harder than HOH’s”
Helen: “you are right.. the Vetos are mental and physical whereas the HOH’s are just mental.. I get straight A’s it’s weird I don’t do better’
Helen saying she wishes the show would be filled with people that are 30 and up she thinks the conversations will be much more interesting.
Elissa: “This seems like a young cast”


8:30pm HOH Spencer, MC, Andy and Helen
Talking about Adam from Big Brother 13, Helen asks if he looks like Specner.
Spencer says he looks nothing nothing like Adam.
Helen:’ I haven’t met anyone that looks like you.. I have only seen a half dozen people in my life with a beard like you”
Andy asks her is she’s seen Rudolph with Yukon Cornelius
McCrae says Adam was funny on the feeds he had to dress up as a elf for a week.

Aaryn comes up says shes making them chicken and mash potatoes
Specner: “Hey Aaryn.. you’re wifey material”
Aaryn: ‘Thanks Howard”

8:47pm HOH Helen, Andy, McCrae and Spencer
Talking about the new arrested development episodes. McCrae thought they were good he thinks they’ll get better as the season progresses. Andy says his friends had mixed reactions towards it.


8:50pm Gm and Aaryn
GM checking out Nicks, Aaryn and her own memory wall images.
Aaryn: “Holy sh!t balls America I just made gravy”

Helen joins them in the kitchen. Aaryn making mashed potatoes GM is helping her out. Aaryn: “How many blondes does it take to make mash potatoes” Helen tells them mashed potatoes is really hard to make in the house. (Very little talking going on)

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9:07pm HOH Spencer, Andy and McCrae

Andy says he gotten along with Helen since week one they had a good connection. She’s more conservative than him but they both enjoy each others company.
Andy:” It’s weird Helen is this strange mixture of a very cut throat person that does what it takes to succeed.. but she’s also goofy.. You know what I’m saying”
Spencer: ” Goofy sweet”
McCrae and Spencer agree they can see people in Helen’s office hating her. MC adds that people probably don’t mind because at the end of the day the job gets done.
Andy:’ I’m very conflicted on how she is being portrayed on this show”
Spencer:’ me to”
Spencer: “I think it’s what we see.. She’s sweet and caring but sometimes her tactics are way off base”
Andy and MC agree.
Spencer: “You know” (lol spencer is doing it now)
MC mentions how early in the season people were saying that Helen is from virginia she could be a CIA agent, “That freaked me the f*** out”
Andy: “There’s no other way” McCrea agrees now but at the beginning they didn’t know.
Spencer: “She doesn’t do what she says she does.. I think she’s talking about a previous job when she’s talking about her employer”
Andy: “She’s a lobbyist”
Spencer:’ I heard she works for the oil and gas companies”
Andy tells them that Helen has been downplaying her job with everyone in the house. Andy:” She was a very active lobbyist”
Spencer: “She’s is savvy… Dude”
MC: “Really thats awesome”
They head downstairs to eat dinner.


9:30pm Backyard Elissa and Helen
Helen says Andy is kinda with everyone in the house but his loyally is with Amanda.
Helen: “You know.. Amanda and Aaryn kiss each others butt you know.. I don’t think they will ever get rid of each other.. you know”
Elissa: “Maybe not.. and that means Aaryn had a really lucky game”
Helen: “that means you gotta do it you know”
Elissa: “All the HOH’s she won.. she was the last player and that song played for 15 seconds”
Helen: “I don’t know why no one picker early you know.. because they are protecting her”
Elissa: “Another skank player”

Elissa says if Candice had to choose between Aaryn and Amanda she will resign from jury as well.
Helen: “I think she will cry”
Elissa: ‘What was JUDD’s strategy.. I like JUDD”
Helen: “JUDD probably hates me but we’re going to have a couple beers and get to the bottom of what he was doing”
Elissa: ‘I loved JUDD it was you, Aaryn and Amanda”
Helen: “It was us.. JUDD didn’t want us in jury”
Elissa: “I think he wanted one of us out so we’re not together..” Elissa blames Amanda for telling JUDD to target Helen/Elissa.

Elissa about Aaryn “She’s such a liar don’t you think ”
H: “I won’t call anyone a liar in this game you have to lie”
E: “She’s inconsistent”
H: “yes I’ll say she’s inconsistent”
E: ‘Un-reliable.. someone you don’t want in your alliance”
H: “there was some things she’s done that has worked out.. all together she’s not my lieutenant she is going to do what’s best for her game”

Elissa thinks the jury is going to be super biter she says if she was in the jury she would never vote for Aaryn to win the game.
They go through all the jury members and come to the conclusion that Aaryn will not win against McCrae and Amanda.
Elissa: “She’s not going to win period”
Helen: “Unless she’s up there with Ginamarie.. “
Elissa: “She’s won two HOH’s out of pure luck”
Helen: “She taking me out of the game I’m a HUGE person to take out of this game”
Elissa: “She didn’t put us up under her own mind she’s putting us up because of Amanda”
Elissa asks her if she would vote for Aaryn to win. Helen says it depends on how her game plays out. Helen thinks if Aaryn takes out her, Elissa and McCrae she might get her vote.

Helen says she has 36 hours to decide what to do to be safe in the Big Brother house.. Everything she is coming up with isn’t sticking.
Helen points out that Spencer has gotten really close to Andy and McCrae, they will side with him over some of the girls. helen thinks Spencer is on the verge of winning the hOH.

Elissa: “Aaryn wasn’t a decent human being until we found out there was a jury house.. she wakes up every morning san say to herself just be fake for 4 more weeks.. She’s been awful to everyone in this house except for her little mean group”

Helen says she is going to get drunk if she gets evicted.. Helen: “How can I get Amanda to get pissed off at Spencer.. I get pissed off at Spencer all the time because of all the things he says is crude”

Elissa say Aaryn says the worst things in the house followed by Ginamarie then Spencer, “He’s not very PC”

Helen:” NO spencer is worse.. Oh my god his mouth is so dirty.. he’s a judge’s son he should not be speaking like that.. and at the same time he amuses me”

10:00pm Bedroom MC, Elissa and Amanda

Amanda says she doesn’t have a yeast infection in the form of a song.

10:40pm Helen and GM are alone in the hot tub. Helen trying to get GM’s vote on Thursday GM is trying to get Helen’s jury vote.

Lot’s of chit chat going on. They get 6 Beers .

10:46pm HOH Andy and Aaryn
Andy telling telling her Amanda and McCrae are 100% behind the moving company they have not told him anything to make him think they want her out.
Spencer joins them.
They talk about how scary the game is getting. Aaryn complains about Amanda talking to Elissa.
Spencer: “I’m at the point where I have to win Veto every week to stay”

Aaryn says she wanted Elissa gone this week and Amanda wanted Helen gone
Spencer:’ To me one is as good as the other.. they both are coming after me”
Aaryn getting upset about the possibility of losing GM next week. Spencer mentions he lost Howard. Andy says he’s losing Helen this week. He Explains that he knows Helen would have not come after him but on the flip side Helen is going after the people he thinks have a better chance of getting him further in the game.

Aaryn: “I wouldn’t be upset if us four made it far (Spencer, Andy, Aaryn and GM) .. I love Amanda and McCrae but I’m also worried about them moving forward” Andy and Spencer agree. Spencer says historically showmances

Spencer: “I know if i’m back on the block i’m not the pawn.. this is my last week as a pawn”

Spencer: “People don’t talk sh!t to me past Elissa.. ”
Aaryn brings up that once Elissa is gone they will be the targets, “I don’t know I guess we have to take it one week at a time”

11:11pm HOH Spencer, Andy and Aaryn
Aaryn says what is pissed her off more than anything is Elissa comes to her and GM and says she wants to work with them to get out Andy, Spencer, Amanda. Now Elissa is going to Amanda and trying to get them to turn on her.

Andy: “The thought of her winning HOH makes me want to die”

Andy says the last time he was this worried about going into a HOH was the before Aaryn first HOH win.

Aaryn tells them that Amanda tells everyone the exact same thing and when the people are in power she becomes their bestie. Aaryn warns Spencer if he wins HOH Amanda will be up in the HOH 24/7.
Andy: “It’s getting real”
Specner goes into the HOH bathroom
Aaryn asks Andy if he’s thinking about throwing. Andy says hell no. They both hope GM wins the HOH but Andy says he would never throw it.
Aaryn: “once Helen leaves.. me you GM and McCrae are the only ones t
Aaryn: “Do you think McCrae is coming after me.. do you think if I am up he’ll vote me out”
Andy: “No”


11:20pm hot tub Helen, Elissa and GM
Helen and Elissa are back on the lets go after Amanda and McCrae angle.
Helen is telling them they have to tell Andy if he doesn’t vote Specner out this week then when Elissa wins HOH she will put him up. Elissa agrees says that is what she’ll tell him.

Helen thinks GM should go Andy and tell him all these people will put him up next week if he doesn’t vote to Keep Helen.
Gm plays along says she’ll talk to Aaryn, GM says She likes Helen as a game player and a lady.
Helen: “if you guys threaten tell him he’s going on the block if he goes against me that will scare him”
Helen:” Why does he want to hang out with people that have only won one competition” (Psst Helen stop talking)

GM: “Ladies you are always cool in my book I’ll talk to her… I’m not a manipulator .. Goodnight i’ll see ya”
Helen: “Love you GM”
Gm leaves

Elissa:’ We just have to do what it takes to get you to stay.. I think GM realizes”
Helen agrees, “GM knows GM knows.. you know.. .
Elissa:’ Aaryn needs to know if you stay I’m cool with them but if you leave I’m putting Aaryn and Amanda up”
Helen:” Tomorrow it’s going to have to be guns blazing”
Hleen:’ How do we get Andy and Amanda to fight.. ”
Helen:’ He’s so up her but.. you know.. McCrae, Andy and Spencer are super close”
Elissa: “They are working together.. why are girls so stupid.. they are so stupid it’s embarrassing.. it’s so embarrassing”
Helen:’ Yup”
Helen:’Aaryn’s biggest regret will be getting me out of the game”

11:50pm HOH Andy, Gm, Spencer and Aaryn

Andy says they had a very weird conversation with Elissa on the livign room couch.
Andy explains that Elissa got really mad at Specner for saying her son danced, “do not say things about my son that are not true”
Spencer: “She said he sang…”
Aaryn: “How mad”
Spencer: “Elissa mad creepy mad.. ”
Aaryn:’ Reenact it”
Spencer: “uhh Spencer I did not say my son dance stop putting words in his mouth”
Spencer points out that 5 minutes after Elissa was saying her son has the cutest little dance to a song.
Spencer:” So you son does dance”
Andy: “It’s bizarre.. I don’t seem like I can have a conversation in this house with her that is real”


11:59pm Bedroom McCrae and Amanda
MC says if Amanda goes out he’s going to go with Spencer to the end. He thinks Andy is a much harder sell

Amanda: “Lets stick to the four for now”
MC: “Yes.. but we need to worry about Aaryn.. Aaryn scares me.. if she keeps going rogue… what the f*** is wrong with her”
Amanda:’ We have to break up Gm and Aaryn”
MC”: Ya”

Amanda: “We don’t want Gm to win either”
MC: “No not at all”
Amanda says she will stick with the “mom squad” and McCrae should hang with the “Cool Kids”


12:11AM backyard all cams. mom squad and MC/Amanda
Amanda being extra nice to the mom squad.

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126 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers – A broken record, A yeast infection and 36 hours to get rid of Yukon Cornelius”

    1. Everyone who doesn’t wear a white sheet hates Aaryn. If I lived in the bb house with these people, I would go insane listening to what comes out of their potty mouths. I give respect to Elissa for not getting in their faces. Violence < venting, I choose the latter.

    2. Also every time Helen says “ya know” take a drink

      BB15 drinking game is now

      Every time Helen says “ya know” or “ok” take a drink
      Every time Elissa hates on Aaryn take a drink
      Every time Ellissa says “umm, hmm u” or any of the like take a drink
      Every time Andy enters the room take a drink
      Every time GM talks about nick, drink
      Every time GM is vulgar, drink
      Every time McCranda does anything sexual, drink

      We will add as time goes as usual.
      Better get the 30 pack ready

      1. People, people…all this talk about about turning our anger, pity and disgust into a drinking game will only lead to whoo-hoo girls with newly formed beer guts and more bad decision making (the first of which being that were all still watching this special olympics edition of BB–no offense; olympians are way smarter and much braver). My suggestion is similar, but will avoid a whole new crop of alcoholics and derelicts and save a lot of livers. Same prompters for drinking apply, however what if instead of booze it’s a bong-load and if you live in California like I do, you can start right now. The marked difference between the consumption of liquor and smoking weed after each HG annoys us with their mundane, brain-numbing and increasingly murder-inspiring repetition of personal “ism’s”, is strong and (I feel) extremely convincing: 1.) alcohol makes you stupid, loud, regretful, FORgetful, and above all else; increasingly slutty—we’ve had enough of that, thank you—whereas WEED is not only 2.) legal (at least in Cali) for anyone over 18 with a Dr.’s note and /or those of us with a steady, reliable connection, but also has the distinctly weed magic ability to make any thing–and I mean EVERYTHING–so much FUNnier and way more worthwhile and interesting. Those of us who complain about HG’s doing boring things, talking about boring shit, or playing a painfully boring game get a special added bonus. When your stoned, isn’t it almost always a guarantee that while watching t.v., having a conversation or just staring at the carpet fibers as if for the very first time, the odds are of you losing ALL complex and (seemingly) meaningful train of thought and being COMPLETELY ok with that. It’s even ironic that being lit leaves you with the loss of breath that comes from laughing instead of from choking who ever told you to watch this shit and tears of laughter and joy instead of tears of sorrow and loss from all the minutes of your life wasted on watching these losers without the ability to stop . That’s the missing link to all our problems: Booze + watching regularly + posting = increasingly hostile and agitated viewer with no end in sight. The alternative? A blunt smoked solo or shared with friends and fellow viewers + watching even the most tediously slow paced or non- productive episodes in MARATHON format = good times, you guys; good times.

      2. How about this…

        Every time McCranda does anything sexual…throw up all the beer you drank…and start all over again.

        1. “About Amanda”, your suggestion is funny because it’s already come true…Gina Marie’s way ahead of you except she’s throwing up food, not alcohol and it’s not whenever MC and Amanda get naked, it’s all day every day!

      1. She claims she’s not racist, but she can’t get over it, and hasn’t stopped talking shit about Candice, she’s jealous we know, but I’m saying. If you’re not that type of persona and didn’t mean what you said, why keep talking about it? That tells me a lot about how a person truly feels, if they can’t drop a subject.

        If the chick isn’t racist, she’s a enthusiast for racists everywhere.

    3. The WORST person that I CANNOT STAND and HATE in this game so
      far is JEREMY!!!
      NO KAITLIN!!!
      NO CANDICE!!!
      NO JUDD!!!
      NO ELISSA!!!
      NO HELEN!!!
      NO GM!!!
      NO ANDY!!!
      NO MCCRAE!!!
      NO HELEN!!!
      NO SPENCER!!!
      NO AARYN!!!!!!!!!
      NO AMANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      OH F’IT…I GIVE UP…THEY ALL SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. Jesse & Howard were my two favorite people in the house this season. Judd wasn’t bad…but made dumb decision. Elissa isn’t bad…but she’s not that bright. Candice wasn’t bad but was WAY too defensive when she should have played it cool & David we never really got a chance to know. All that being said EVERYONE else in this house has SERIOUS issues and belong in a psychiatric ward. I personally hate Helen, Gina Marie and Andy the worst…Amanda is pure evil, but those idiots are the ones who are letting her control them.

    4. Elissa is strange. Something is just not right with that woman; she cannot carry on even a simple conversation, and my gosh is she jealous of Aaryn. She tried to accuse he of hiding the alcohol when Aaryn didn’t. Elissa is a psycho biotch.

      1. BUT…….. Elissa does come across as being insanely jealous of Aaryn..
        There has to be some kind of ‘twist’ here but I can figured why.

        1. Duh… the twist, Captain Obvious is that Elissa is a bonafide “hater”.

  1. can we see helen and amanda get in a fight over elissa? like starting yanking her from each others arm. that would be hilarious after a slow day of watching aaryn make mashed potatoes.

  2. Ugh somebody shoot me. I dislike every1 left. I want to watch what’s going on in the jury house. Helen is right, they should cast older people, it would be more interesting.

    1. Helen shocked me there with the liar comment! Sounded like some actual wisdom going on there for a second.

      Aaryn is 22 and pretty, of course El is gonna hate on that. Probably the least crude of 3AM actually.

        1. They’re all liars, but this is BB. Jessie played on words: when Amanda asked Jessie was it her idea or Helen’s, Jessie said I’m in no position of power to make that move or something to that effect. True, Helen entertained the idea many times (as Amanda tried to get Helen out during Gina’s HOH but Aa told her that Gina would never put Helen on the block).

          With so much disgusting behavior going on, people getting all worked up because someone lied in BB.

          BTW, Helen did not throw Jessie under the bus; she has been under the bus. Andy ratted out Jessie of the plan to get Amanda out. Aa knew Jessie was trying to get Amanda out. Everyone knew Jessie was trying 2 weeks in the row to get Amanda out.

          Was that a big secret? Who didn’t know. Helen was right: it was a common knowledge.

          Helen is delusional, bad game player, and annoying but with this cast, she’s definitely not one of the bottom feeders.

  3. On the east coast BBAD sucked soooooo much. Good luck to the other time zones my friends. Cuz it may brutal . . .

  4. Does anyone know if in past seasons the HG’s have discussed how they are being portrayed on the show all of the time? These HG’s seem to be obsessed with talking about that. They will all be surprised when they get out and see what people really think of them. Helen especially.

    And on a side note, Andy was spot on as to who Spencer looks like. That was funny.

    1. The production asked them to not use racial slurs on the the loudspeaker and I think DR had Amanada give Arayn that phony speech about her being seen as a racist but:

      All of a sudden we are hearing about the “Brenchel Army” and HGs are talking more and more about the enternet and how their lives will be outside the house so somebody somewhere leaked something and what triggered it may have been Aryans questioning the DR about why her fathers picture was cut-out earlier this week.

      Aryans weird statement that she didn’t know about the live feeds was odd and seemed scripted but they went right back to their racism and disgusting conversations so I don’t have a clue what these idiots are up to.

      1. Thank you for responding. I just found it weird that they seem so occupied by it. And they all seem to have some inflated opinion of themselves. They each think they’re the star of the show and they seem occupied with whether America will respect they’re game or not. Tonight on BBAD Helen was telling GM that America must love her on the show because her personality was so great. WRONG! But I agree with you. I think production is feeding the HG’s info and trying to steer them in certain directions. Aaryn’s dad requesting to not be seen on the show via his picture was actually a smart way to send her a message. Unfortunately the damage has already been done. Millions of people have already seen her true colors no matter how much she tries to bite her tongue. Hopefully she grows from this experience. I doubt it though.

  5. These are the jobs waiting for the HG’s when they get out:

    Helen: fox news anchor
    Elissa: real golddiggers of orange county
    Mccrea: pizza hut commercial (500, 000 winner)
    Amanda: parkbench add for real estate
    Andy: terminex commercial (ratman)
    Aaryn: clan leaflets left on your driveway at 2am
    Gm: pagent consultant for honey boo boo
    Spenser: to catch a predator

    Welcome to fame folks

  6. Elissa, stop your frickin whining about Aaryn already. I sense some sort of jealously here. Yeah she’s better at comps than you, and is probably going to win the game. I have never seen a bigger winer in my life. Oh, I’m allergic to slop, oh i need a Yoga mat, oh sleeping in the have not rooms is gonna ruin my career, an on and on and on…………. I feel sorry for her husband. She must wine constantly at home. I hope she gets a dog muzzle in her HOH basket if she ever wins one.

    1. Elissa is under orders from Production to keep running Aaryn down so that people will not want to vote for her. If people think with reason(people at home-cast has no reasoning ability) they will realize that all things considered she has played the best game.

      1. What planet are you from? Elissa has played NO game. She’s been protected by Hell en and Amanda up to now. She has no social skills. She refuses to interact with anyone except Helen. All she does is run her mouth about how terrible everybody else (except her and Helen). And everything about her is fake (eye lashes, hair extensions, Botoxed duck lips, being a gold digging stuck up Stepford wife, et cetera.). People like her make me sick. She doesn’t deserve shit from her play in this game, which has been a BIG ZERO!

      2. I agree… I think Production has TOLD Elissa to keep running Aaryn down so she doesnt win Americas Favorite. How would that look for CBS to give Aaryn America’s favorite after they made such an issue about racism and put all the focus of it on Aaryn. What is completely unfair is that they never ever pointed the finger at GM or Amanda for racism and they are worse.

        In the interview with Elissas husband on Canadian TV… he admits that Elissa will live in the US after the show because she is now under contract with CBS… so she is definitely working for BB Producers.. and probably is a Producer of the show herself… just like she told Judd. Her job is to push along players BB wants to win and harm the ones they dont want to win. RIGGED!

        I also agree with the person who suggested the reason the diamond power of veto nor the pandoras box has been used yet is because they are waiting for either Amanda, McCrae or Elissa to need it and give it to them.

    2. Usually I would agree about the whining, but if I was stuck in this BB house of the most disliked group of cast still playing of all BB seasons …. F ya I’d whine!!!! If only their were cheese to go with this whine. Unfortunately, Andy is doing a good job eating up the cheese and not sharing it with anyone… Not even with the mean girls. Hahahahaa … like the sneaky rat he is. Lets see if this rat gets the last laugh in the end. He’ll be the first rat to win it all.

  7. LOL, who’s the weird loner guy that keeps talking about Elissa’s lips in every post?

    I’ve never seen a person that obsessed and dysfunctional on a online forum….it’s odd.

  8. Gross!!!! Stop singing about your yeast infection Amanda!!!! Are you deliberately trying to make America vomit. McCrae must have low self-esteem – he isn’t shutting her up.

    1. That is not yeast infection. That is supposed to be the new special ingredient for McPizza. Ask McCrave himself, he loves it.

  9. Good God could A-MAN-DUH possibly be more vile! I really don`t think her at home boyfriends parents will be to upset that she ditched their son for pizza boy !Their probably elated that their son dodged a bullet ! Her parents must be so proud of her also.I bet when they found out she was on BB they told all their family and friends so they could watch her, however now they are probably cringing everytime she opens her ugly mouth in fear of what disgusting things are gonna come flying out of it.Can you imagine having to face your colleagues at work being her parent!!!If CBSthinks this is entertainment they are sadly mistaken!

    1. I wouldnt be too sure about that; her parents probably already know how disgusting she is. Nothing to be proud of there. She learned somewhere it was ok to behave so horribly.

      Amanda doesnt have respect for anything, or anybody and is self centered. Her parents probably raised her to believe the sun and moon are hanging in the sky just for her.

      Self centered, entitled, spoiled, unfulfilled, classless little girl. The OLDEST looking 28 year old I have ever seen, with her hunchback.

    2. I like Amanda. Have all season. She has her imperfections like anyone else but at least she lives her life the way she wants and doesn’t give a shit what all the politically correct haters think. Same with everyone in that house come to think of it. I love it. And if you are so offended by what is being said or how the show is being portrayed then don’t watch. But I think people talk out of both sides of their ass. The reality is they can’t get enough of this show. But then they go on blogs like this and whine. Awwwww. Anyway, Amanda’s parents should be proud for raising a strong-willed female who doesn’t let anybody walk over her and who obviously has done something right for a group of total strangers to make her the de facto head of the house who is calling all the shots. Her detractors are just jealous. Go all the way, Amanda. You deserve to win.

      1. Did you really just call Demanda a “strong-willed woman”? HA! Her tearful meltdowns when she loses yet another competition…. the way she bullies and intimidates everyone into doing her bidding because she lacks the social graces to convince them like a normal person…. the fact that she basically has to force McPussy to have sex with her at all times in order to feel wanted and appreciated…. those are signs of weakness, not strength. Luckily for her, the rest of the house has been too dumb to realize this and use it against her, and that’s the only reason she’s made it this far in the game.

      2. Of course her parents are proud. What Jewish parents wouldn’t be proud of their daughter making jokes about farts smelling like Auschwitz?

        1. Jackie great comment. I thought the same thing when AManduh said that idiotic statement. My father was in the 101st Airborne in WWII, fought in hand to hand combat, saw many men died, earned two purple hearts and two Bronze Stars, but told me the worse horror he ever witness was rescuing survivors of a German concentration camp. She is just plain stupid. For Helen to call her one of the smartest people she has ever met tells me Helen doesn’t go out that much or she surrounds herself with stupid ignorant people like Amanda Rocks people.

      3. Hey Amanda Rocks, when is your next KKK meeting. Will it interfere with your John Birch Society meeting? Do you like working at Bank of America and foreclosing on peoplels home’s who actually paid their mortgages. Did you have fun working at Enron? Is George Zimmerman enjoying your home? Did you enjoy Tim Rice’s new documentary, “White Like Me; Race, Racism and White Privilege In Americ?” Is Rush Limbaugh your main man?

        1. Eff you BuffaloBill. FYI I am a liberal Democrat. But, like Amanda and most of the other HGs, I couldn’t care less what you or any other politically correct asswipe thinks. If you wan to censor speech or sanitize how a group of strangers are supposed to act around and with each other, BB is not your game. You better move to Russia or China if you want that, dickhead.

      4. Oh yes I bet her parents are very proud, Talking about how her nasty discharge looks after having an orgasm would make any parent proud, She is truly a disgusting pig

  10. Helen: I’ma leave big brother house with class………I’m going to stick my head so far up Amanda’s butt, that i will sleep there until jury….wow smells like onion in here….

    1. Helen: I won’t call anyone a liar
      She’s been bashing Jessie for over a week now for being a liar. She did again today when talking to Mcrae. I get that Helen would say that to try to make people believe she was never targeting Amanda, but she does this in private talks with Elissa! Helen will only call you a liar when you’re telling the truth. That’s how far off she is on judging what’s going on. Right now she still doesn’t believe Andy was Amanda’s agent!

  11. How old are the people in these comments sorry people this is how people of this generation talk people are comfortable talking about these things now get used to it don’t get me wrong this is a very boring season but none of these people are disgusting apparently you’ve never heard of the jersey shore how do you comment the things say and not be like I am so old lol potty mouth how do u type that and be like this is a reasonable choice of words to state my views lol

    1. Sean, Just because the Jersey Shore cast come off like a bunch of morons like this cast ,does not make it ok or acceptable to be vile human beings while on T.V. Show a little class and this is way beyond simply being a potty mouth.

    2. Just because you uncouth,vulgar,vile minded people talk like that doesn’t make it right. I just can not understand how anyone could think this behavior is ok. Where did we as parents go wrong. It’s sad that society condones people’s right to behave like heathens.

      1. Like you are perfect Sandy. When was the last time you didn’t swear or talk about someone? Only difference is that you don’t have a camera on you. This a reality tv show where the aim is to get the HGs to pick off everybody BUT you. Mind manipulating is key so if you have to get a little dirty so be it. The goal is to get the HGs to hate the other guy, so of course there is going to be back stabbing and lying. That’s the game. As far as swearing or being crass, today’s generation is not your mother’s. The advent of social media and all the “it’s all about me” mentality, this is what you get. And a $500k prize for the last person standing will make anybody just about do or say whatever it takes. And Sandy, you don’t let anybody tell you what to do or how to live your life so stop opining on how the HGs are supposed to act. If you are so offended then don’t watch. But you won’t. Because you really aren’t.

        1. “Only difference is that you don’t have a camera on you”

          Exactly! That’s the point! They have cameras that will capture this forever. I am sure when in groups of FRIENDS you are more likely to say what is on your mind. But not in “public”. TV/internet is public.

          “today’s generation is not your mother’s”

          Nothing to be proud of.

          “The advent of social media and all the “it’s all about me” mentality, this is what you get”

          Don’t blame it on “social media”. You were already high on yourselves before the internet came along. I know, I know. You are “special”. Accomplish nothing but feel special. That was the mantra. But that doesn’t mean society has to go down with you. (And it is down. Obviously, or so many people wouldn’t complain about it)

          And the internet is not just your’s. It belongs to everyone. So suck it up! You don’t sit back and take it (cuz it’s all about you after all), so don’t expect anyone to.

    3. Are you proud that this is what you sound like? My children do not hang with people like these, and do not have to use curse words to complete a sentence. My children of ” your” generation are intellectual and witty. I am very proud of my children and would be horrified if they EVER spoke/acted like these people. We are not prudes because we think these house guests are awful, we are telling you that this is ugly behavior and should not be accepted as the norm. It’s a freak show (sorry freaks).

      1. The truth is that your kids DO talk like that. They just don’t do it in front of you because obviously you are the very judgmental type. I wish you and all the other haters would take a long hard look in the mirror. And ask yourself when was the last time you swore. And talked about somebody. If you are honest with yourself I’d bet it wasn’t long ago. So stop judging these HGs. Or stop watching the show if you are so offended.

        1. “The truth is that your kids DO talk like that. They just don’t do it in front of you”

          And that is what makes them different from HGs. They recognize that there are certain things you don’t say in certain company. It has always been that way. The problems come when they can’t distinguish between a potential employer and their bestie. When they can’t distinguish between their boyfriend and their family. (different types of intimacy, and secrets shared)

          The livefeeds are made public. Anyone can see them, even their families. I would definitely look at any of these HGs differently if they were my family. Chances are they have never showed this kind of behaviour at home or at family functions.

          1. I agree with everything you said Melanie. But my point is that these HGs don’t care that they are being shown 24/7 or what anybody thinks. So why do you? It’s their lives. You don’t have to like them but at least respect their right to make their own decisions regarding what they say or how they act. Personally, I’m a libertarian. I’m not in favor of censorship of any kind. Most of what Spencer says disgusts me but I don’t have a problem with him saying whatever he wants. Or any other HG for that matter.

  12. Holy Cow!! Helen is a lawyer!!! Got her JD (Juris Doctor) from Univ. of Iowa (’90-’93). No wonder, explains a lot more. Go to Likedin…She’s the Assistant General Counsel at the Illinois Dept. of Insurance (Government agency) since April of this year and was a staff lawyer there from 1996-2013. Alrighty then!
    Note:you’ll see there other cast member checking each other out. Jeremy is a crane operator

      1. She has to be about 43 or 44 she looks young always has we went to college with Helen in 1990-1992 she was 20 years old in 1992 . Do the math she has to be 43 . All celebrities and tv people lie about there ages . Most always knock off 5 to 7 years off there real ages all of them . Sharon Stone has told many young actors and actresses thye need to knock off 4 to 7 years off there real age . Good looking people can get away with it . Helen is very very pretty when she takes her hair down . And is a amazing woman outside of Big Brother house . But in the House she has been the biggest fool ? They had 2 times America gave them to vote Amanda out ? 2 times Helen needs glasses

    1. Wow! That explains a lot. No wonder she’s so good at lying and spinning things. I wonder why she’s saying she’s a lobbyist instead of a lawyer? Spencer and McCrae thought she was lying about her career anyway. Snake was a good description for her.

      1. At the end she could not lie or spin things against Jessie. Jessie was able to go head to head with Helen. Helen couldn’t keep up and would storm off. Helen is a fool.

  13. This season’s cast should not be referred to as “house guests”. They are more like “house plants”! Some already have modeling, acting, production experience. and have expressed an interest to pursue careers in the entertainment industry post BB. These people seem to be the one’s involved in the most dramatic “hot topic” interactions such as racism and bullying, thus giving them their much desired camera time. Amanda has already had a role in a CBS production a few years ago. Elissa has been on the Anderson Cooper show where she won a honeymoon and has ties with the industry through her sister and friends. Aaryn has been in pageants and was a cheerleader as well as small acting rolls. McCrea was in a commercial and I believe he is a DJ and produces music when he’s not delivering pizzas. GM has pageant history, Maxim model and connections to production. Candace was the first black Miss Louisiana, NFL cheerleader, and her adoption story was featured on the OWN (Oprah) network. Howard was a football player and has done some acting/modeling and would like to return to L.A. Even Andy has done impov acting. Spencer, Jessie, Judd, Jeremy, Kaitlyn and David all seem like average clueless Americans, just like the rest of us. And Nick was last seen boarding a ship to anywhere but here!

  14. BB15 is officially going to go down as the house of sissy ass….celebrity -” wannabes “!

    Imo – this group of players can not compare to BB14 – they PLAYED a game! The game was called Big Brother!! And they
    Were entertaining to tune into …unlike this season of slime-balls!

    They were well worth watching! Didn’t need a crusty-crotch whore and pussy chaser/ pizza boy (bfjoke) trying to HOG the damn cameras every night on BBAD!

    Unlike the BB house this season with ALL the “rejects” from
    “Dummies R Us”

    1. I see Helen the manipulator is back to her old tricks. I knew it. She went from loving everyone and making peace with Amanda and McCrae to throwing them under the bus again and plotting that she needs to stay so she can evict them. What a piece of work. This just proves again that nothing but lies come out of your mouth and you aren’t sincere about anything when you lay on the compliments to everyone. It’s all designed to evoke sympathy for you and to get you votes in the end if you somehow miraculously make it back in after your eviction Thursday. You are a fraud Helen. I doubt Elissa is buying into it but who knows. She’s a dumb ass. (I laughed out loud when she said she home schooled her son because she is too busy traveling to have him enrolled in a school. Yeah, you a teacher. Too funny). Helen, strategize and try to manipulate all you want but you are not going to get Andy, Amanda, or McCrae to flip their vote. Just shut the hell up. Bye bye you big phony!

      1. To be fair, strategizing and scheming is a crucial part of the show. Criticizing Helen for that is pretty dumb. But she’s also one of the most nauseatingly fake people I’ve ever seen and she thinks she’s a million times better at the game than she actually is. Can’t wait to see Helen’s reaction when everyone decides it’s “too early” to go against Demanda’s orders and “votes with the house” to get rid of her.

  15. Aaryn said her modelling agency thought it was a joke for her to go on big brother. She says now they must regret it because of how popular she will become LOLLL little does she know that her modelling agency dropped her

    1. Another modeling agency will pick her up. The one who dropped her only did it for “politically correct” reasons. Most people don’t care what she said or did and 95% of the country wouldn’t know her name or face if asked. The BB community isn’t even a pimple on the ass of America. Sorry to break the bad news to all you BB haters. CBS played up the race angle for ratings. And then in a PR move designed to appease the politically correct haters they started using the disclaimer that views of HGs are not those of CBS. They even added two jury seats mid-game because poor Candice was being evicted that week and they had to again appease the PC community. No, Aaryn will do well in her future. Maybe even do a photo shoot for Playboy. If any one of these HGs are going to make it from their success on this game it will be Aaryn and Amanda. Good for them! They played the perfect game. And really, they are no different than anybody else in America. EVERYONE has prejudices. And everyone gossips and talks about other people. So save the self-righteousness and leave the judging to your maker.

      1. I really don’t think Aaryn is even pretty. They must have to use a lot of photo shopping to make her look attractive. Not jealous just speaking my truth. GM looks like Sheri Oteri from SNL. I think Helen is pretty, Elissa wears too much makeup and finally Amanda looks too much like a dude. The guys are all ugly.

      2. “And then in a PR move designed to appease the politically correct haters they started using the disclaimer that views of HGs are not those of CBS.”

        No they didn’t. They did that so their advertisers wouldn’t pull their ads. And whenever there is opinions on a show on a network/station, they always show the disclaimer so they are not held responsible for the views of the guests/speakers. If they didn’t do that, then they would censor what they show you, pick and choose based on what won’t get them in trouble, and you’d be forced to watch innocuous programming and never learn anything they didn’t teach you in school.

      3. Yes Aaryan Nation will get a job as a Host for Fox & Friends with all the other racists hosts. She will marry George Zimmerman and raise some nice racists children and all will wear their white sheets on Sunday.

  16. Maybe if Amanda wld stop washing her box with mc’s dirty D (since he hardly showers) she wldnt have an itchy snatch. And she’s always complaining his breathe stinks..hmmm wonder if its what’s he’s eating Amanda?!! McC is the only one who has been on SLOP all summer..Amanda!! Can’t believe this guy is throwing away his game for sum stink.

    1. Amanda need a bucket of bleach and drano to cleanse the stench from that nail biter’s cheesey d*ck. Not even Josephine the plumber could snake that skank’s hole clean.

  17. Note to: Jamesway
    An excellent list of jobs for the BB has beens! Imo the winner will not !!! End up being McCrea Tuglord Olson…the fake pizza boy-he works in production and has a podcast – too!
    Check out his fb page/photos!?!

  18. Why is it that when a girl hates another girl it’s called jealousy? For the record, that is not always the case. Do you really think all these people (houseguests included) on the message boards are jealous of Amanda?
    The reason I say this is because when GM is hating on Candice or Elissa talks about Aaryn, it does not necessarily mean they’re jealous. Some people are just not likeable; period.

    1. For the most part I agree except in the case of GM (and Aaryn to a lesser extent). I think part of the dislike may have been genuinely just not liking who she is, and a huge part of it is their obvious racism.

      But Candice is also very accomplished and she’s accomplished in and has excelled in things that both GM and Aaryn have a desire to excel in. College educated, beauty pageants, NFL cheerleader, etc. I believe jealousy mixed in with racism is what fuels GM’s and Aaryn’s hatred of Candice.

      1. No what fuels most of their dislike of Candice is Candice taking their things without asking and then wearing them, snooping through their dresser drawers, and to some extent the lie Spencer told. Also, Candice got in the gutter with the best of them so it just proves that a college education, winning a beauty pageant or cheerleader does not mean you have class which Candice did not or no one bothered to teach Candice respect for other people’s things. Also, being an NFL cheerleader often means you are pretty skanky or have you not watched the news as to how many cheerleaders get into fights at bars. Being a cheerleader is not an endorsement for class; it is more of an endorsement for bad behavior.

        1. Name, this is not personal toward you but support for Candice (whom I do not know and only saw on the feeds)–to all who believe those girls claims of Candice…
          We keep hearing that same old song about what Candice supposedly did- ex.sneaking through drawers? Where is proof?? These are the same mean girls that have fabricated almost slanderous lies about others, show outright hatred and cannot stop comparing everything about themselves to others? You’re really jumping the shark by referring to “skanky” cheerleaders-ever notice it’s the media that shows bad behavior but there are hundreds to thousand of squads that are truly professionals? (no. I’m not a cheerleader) Don’t you think that if Candice had said or done something to offend them they should be adult enough to pull her aside and speak to her? Seeing Candice’s behavior on the live feeds leads me to believe Candice would have honored any request. Instead we just kept hearing about stuff in their bash sessions, spewing gross narratives and enjoying themselves. How could Candice ever know what they thought? Just like all the lies in that house- nobody ever goes to the source and has a normal discussion. By the way, as per GM, how does she know Candace is a rat when they didn’t talk game/alliance with her and only got their info from Amanda (and later the Helen lies)? Remember, it started with Amanda’s early weird obsession with Howard and Amanda found Candice’s support for him unacceptable. That all happened week one. From there on that whole crowd kept them as outsiders. (ex. Amanda claimed Howard was a dangerous huge schemer and had deals with everyone. How did they all swallow that lie when none of them saw him running around pulling an Andy?

          The outright onslaught of hate, cruelty and ostracism that Candice endured would have driven your average person to say and do things that would have had them arrested. What is one thing that Candice said or did that warranted her treatment? Candice was polite, caring, sympathetic (even comforted GM when her so-called BFFs were laughing at her behind her back!), funny, kind, dynamic, well-spoken and did not open her mouth until she finally had to defend and protect herself…and by then she was in terrible pain having found out only a fraction of what was said about her! Don’t get me wrong, she was like anyone with faults but the difference is they treated her as if she wasn’t allowed to have faults, wasn’t allowed to play the game and that she should just lay down, shut up and take whatever they gave her. Yeah, that was fair. In my personal opinion she is their universal punching bag and things became inhumane at times. Just image what it would have been like in her shoes. I just think it was all so brutal- never mind in the real world but in confinement of the BB house all is exponentially amplified.

        2. That’s classic “Name”. Blame the victim (Candice) instead of the perpetrators (Aaryn and GM). You know that all the vile racist comments made to and about Candice had absolutely nothing to do with her touching other people’s stuff!

    2. Why yes Boxer. I DO think that all these posters hating on Amanda is because they are jealous of her cunning and intellect. Thanks for asking.

  19. I read in here Amanda walks around in soiled panties, surely you jest. What self respecting woman would be so shameless? Is this really true? YUK!!!!!!

    1. A-MAN-DAH was born a male. She is going through her transitioning and is just test driving with MC. He(she) has loose bowels due to the meds needed daily.

  20. Man they showed the Elissa/Andy/Spencer discussion on BBAD. I gotta hand it to the guys, they really tried…but ouch.

    She’s an odd duck (no pun intended)

  21. ELLISA is LYING! She told HG that she was married SO young and but her son is in 3rd grade! But her HUSBAND told the reporter that they have only been married a YEAR!! That means this isn’t her FIRST marriage! That they own 5 homes and go on VACATIONS all over the world at 3 weeks at a time! She also said that she flys to CANADA every other weekend to be with her husband who lives there while she lives in N. Carolina!! SHE never talks about HER step children!! WHY??? NONE of this makes sense? When it doesn’t make sense then someone is LYING!! lol

    1. elissa hasn’t shared her life info on purpose….she doesn’t trust these people with her life and she is right….she is very smart to not share much info with them….granted she shouldn’t have shared some of the affluent aspects of her life…but other than that I get what she’s doing. It’s funny how angry the other hg’s get because they don’t know much about her…..the question is why are they so angry???? What’s that about????

    2. Elissa probably is honouring a request of her step children’s mother to keep quiet about them. I understand her reluctance to volunteer info about her family as so many relatives and hgs have been subjected to threats. I agree that she should not speak of her affluence but I am glad that she does try to keep the children’s lives private.

  22. With the exception of Helen and Elissa, these are the most disgusting people I’ve ever seen. Some things just don’t need to be shared, especially on national television.

  23. From a game perspective Amanda and Aaryn are the only two that deserve to win the game. Amanda has legit controlled the game and taken out her equal Helen. Aaryn also controlled it with all her wins being HoH for nearly half of the evictions. Everyone else in the game is just a nicer person, but this game isn’t about who is nice. It’s about playing the best game.

  24. Did anyone notice that something actually flew out of MC’s hair!!!! It was right after 1amET/10pmWT when A-Man-Duh said he was stinky. Keep a close eye out for some kind of critter that escapes from his greasy head. Hell that bug didn’t want to share a bed with that bitch! Remember use shampoo folks….CBS Cares.

  25. Had some time to kill so did some research….
    Helen’s LinkedIn says she’s a lawyer but here’s the real kicker…AMANDA Zuckerman’s LinkedIn (it IS hers, the photo is her) says she’s been an actress with the Dolce Group from 2007-present—-Remember Dolce Group? (Geisha House-Hollywood; Les Deux, Ketchup, The Phoenix House–see It was co-founded by none other than Mike Malin, i.e. Mike “Boogie”!!!!! This is not kosher at all! Will some of you guys please check this stuff out and let me know what you think? I’m a little blown away that it seems that Amanda the beast has been under the employ of Boogie and his partner, Lonnie More (both multi-millionaires and visionaries in the restaurant/entertainment field) for the last 6 years?! Will some of you please help confirm or deny this info? Thanks

  26. I finally figured out what this cast reminds me of. Amanda is the Corporation and the rest of the cast is our do nothing Congress who are the puppets for the corporation. The evicted guests are the American people who constantly get screwed by the Corporation and do nothing Congess. How do you like those apples.

  27. Helen said she doesn’t like to call anyone a liar. She should listen to what she preaches. She called Jessie a liar to her face while they were playing pool than storms away. How can anyone want Helen to get back In the game. I would take Candice, Jessie or Judd this Thursday.

  28. I almost fell out of my chair laughing when Helen said she wouldn’t call anyone a liar. Ummmmm……Howard had to go because he lied to you, it took Spencer weeks to “earn” back your trust, Judd had to go because he was ” lying” about MVP and just last week you stormed away from Jessie when she was trying to talk to you saying she was a liar, then spent the rest of the reiterating that all while you were LYING through your narcissistic sociopathic teeth. You know…ok,ok,ok? I do not want to see her back Thursday.

  29. When Elissa said don’t put words in my mouth she was smiling and being playful. She was acting like people do when they are teasing a friend. She is correct this cast is too young! I would like to see a cast of people all over 30 next season, if there is a next season.

  30. I hope for Mcrae sake they test for STD’s before letting HG in, pretty sure he’s gonna have something fall off after he gets out of the BB house and it’s not gonna be pretty. And he might as well marry Amanda because no other woman in America is gonna touch him with a ten foot pole !!!

  31. i am just wondering why is it so many peeps are bashing elissa when she talks about aaryn who is still a threat, but they don’t seem to have a problem with aa, gm and the others constantly bashing candace, howard and others who are out of the house, and have been for weeks. and didn’t aa constantly bring up elissa for the longest time? it is just recently that she has stopped.
    also trying to figure out what most of the HG are talking about when you only get to hear every fifth word because they cuss so much. pretty bad when there is a 30 second silence on the feeds because the words are so bad.. and it seems that so many people on here think that kind of language is okay? i realize america is about free speech, but really? is this what we want free speech to be?

  32. Note to: Amanda Rocks

    WHO ARE YOU¿ Are you on Amanda Zuckerman’s wealthy Jew- ish families payroll? WTF? WHY would a 38 year old (btw she lied- she’s not 28) VULGAR… Jewish woman appear on this very highly rated National TV Reality Show ?
    Enjoying herself immensely in front of millions of people while they are watching as she DOES her stuff with a pizza boy in his early 20’s?
    AND on this show in front of MILLIONS of people she is on 65-cameras!! AND they show her giving blowjobs/handjobs and ALSO asking for a 23 yo…dick up her ass!
    Do you really believe this is a good career change?
    AND why is it that you’re cheering on this Jewish Whore to win $500K on BB15 ¿

  33. BB has to change the scene with a Pandora’s box or something to shake up the house, cause paranoia or fighting. Everyone is so predictable – Andy the rat/snoop, spencer the gentle red giant pervert, Amanda the whiney wanna be actress on broadway, Helen the diplomat, Elissa the airhead yoga queen – GM the desperate stalker of Nick and inability to spell or talk in complete sentences – Aaryn the rancher/racist of So.Texas who is not a model or close to being one. Every other season had entertaining people and even the losers were interesting to watch.

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