Big Brother Legends Break into the Big Brother 25 house to “Unleash This Seasons Twist”

The premiere of Big Brother 25 is less than a week away with the premiere episode airing on Wednesday, August 2 at 8/7c and the anticipation for what is in store for us and the new house guests is hard to contain. Ordinarily we would have been a third of the way into the season by now so it is hard to wait this long for any information about the upcoming season to be released. Just this morning CBS tweeted out that 3 big brother legends broke into the newly redesigned house to “unleash this seasons twist”. Of course they chose Simon’s all time favorite all star legend Frankie Grande (BB16 & CBB18 UK) to return along with my favorite Brittany Haynes (BB12 & BB14) and Danielle Reyes (BB3 & BB7).

Frankie “The moment is finally here, we’re going to activate the time laser, go back in time to our seasons.”
Danielle “It is time to rewrite history and take back the victories we so deserve.”

Brittany “Bye, bye” (To The Brigade alliance BB12)
Grande states that the Hitmen (BB16’s final 2 – Cody Calafiore and Derrick Levasseur) “Are toast! Sorry, Derrick, but I’m going to expose your little undercover secret!”

Brittany “I will not be losing my dignity on a slippery wiener this time,” (The hot dog challenge from her season, BB12)

The BB legends then fire up the “Time Laser” and it beaming out across the house. They realize somethings gone wrong.

Frankie “What have we done?”

Danielle comments they got the laser from “Meow Meow Enterprises”

The full extent of what they’ve unleashed as a twist for season 25 twist will be revealed on Wednesday’s premiere episode. Until then, tell us what you think this seasons twist will be in the comments below…

Tell us your thoughts on what you think this seasons theme will be from the below tweet that CBS was hinting at:

5 thoughts to “Big Brother Legends Break into the Big Brother 25 house to “Unleash This Seasons Twist””

  1. I am hoping that some old stuff comes back like Pandora’s box and Food competitions. I really enjoyed the Big Brother special earlier this week

  2. Happy move-in day, can’t wait for 50% of the cast to get socially cancelled and their lives ruined forever for something in their past, how dare they not be perfect creatures

  3. Is it wrong that, with the release of the houseguests, I already don’t like Luke due to the picture he chose to release with his profile?

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