POV Holder: | Liz | POV Competition | Aug 15th |
POV Used | No | POV Ceremony | Aug 10th |
HOH | Liz | Next HOH | Aug 20th |
Original Nominations: | Johnny Mac and Becky | ||
After POV Nominations: | Johnny Mac and Becky | ||
Have Nots | Vanessa, Johnny Mac, Steve |
7:25pm Pillow fight
7:33pm Meg, James and Liz
They tell Liz about vanessa talking to Steve and Jmac. James adds they were talking game.
7:55pm James, Liz and Meg
Talking about how pissed Shelli was that James was wearing Clay’s shirt
James – when a predator takes an alien out he puts it’s head on a stick
Meg – I told him to take it off..
They start talking about how everyone has a person in jury they don’t want back.
James- Jackie won’t hold a grudge
Meg – Jackie is going to be livid at Steve
Becky, Julia and Jmac joins them and the chit chat start
(Below are a collections of lines that make up the chit chat… )
James – people get sick eating the mad cow disease
James – Squirrels got big bawls
Becky – you can’t bring up Nazi or Hitler in Germany
Becky – Tequila makes me sick, Vodka and Tequila I don’t do, I like whiskey
Julia- The best margarita I ever had was in mexico everything was so fresh they used.. basically it was the best margarita I’ve ever had in my life
Julia- do you have a Roccos Tacos
Becky – Artisan means so homemade uber fresh.. tastes so good it’s artisan style
Becky – hear that.. that is the sounds of a bat.. that’s a bat squeak not a bird squeak
Becky tells them a story about getting hit in the face with a bat while driving home from a soccer game (A living bat)
Becky – I had salamanders, I had a water turtle we had a 4 foot snake
Jmac – my friends sister bred ball pythons and the mice
Becky – do you know Taylor swift’s cat? .. do you follow her on instagram
Julia – no
8:08pm Vanessa destroying Steve at chess
8:50pm Steve and Jmac
Chit chat. Steve gets Jmac wet with the hose.. Apologizes after.
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8:53pm Julia and James FIGHT
Another Claw fight James wins this one #BB17 @DawgsBigBrother pic.twitter.com/08Aq6Ofiu2
— OnlineBigBrother.com (@bigbspoilers) August 19, 2015
9:05pm Hot Tub Meg and Steve
Steve – it’s been light hearted this week which is nice
Meg – I don’t think anyone believes they are going home though
Steve – Becky and Jmac think they are safe..
Meg – Yes, to a certain extent
Steve – I didn’t know that.. Becky has told me repeatedly she’s the target
Meg – that’s strange.. She hasn’t told me sh is safe, She seems confident about it all
They agree with Becky leaving on Thursday there is some stiff competition in the jury house to come back in.
Steve -gender split will be even if Becky leaves.
Steve says he doesn’t blame her for not talking game with him any more
Meg says she’s not talking game with anyone right now, adds that the blindside makes her think the whole house was against her.
Meg – I know that was the case
Steve – can we talk during the music tomorrow morning.. something is on my mind about Home and I want to get it off my chest
Meg tells him for sure just wake her up in the morning, “Yes of course Steve”
James joins them.. tells them they have BB court tonight.
9:30pm Big Brother Court preparation
Vanessa is the prosecutor Meg is the ‘Victim’. She’s the victim of James and Austin throwing candy at her hard during the choclate candy fight.
Austin and James will represent themselves. Becky is the judge. Jmac is the medical expert because Meg (Aka Grandma) had been injured from it.
Vanessa is working on the case and her opening statement “If Grandma gets hit you must convict”
9:50pm Hammock room Vanessa and Becky Vanessa explaining to Becky the judge how courts work “It’s very important they don’t lead the witness”
Vanessa – if you agree sustain if you don’t agree over ruled
Now in the backyard Vanessa telling Austin and James how a court case works
Vanessa – I’m calling Grandma and the medical examiner
Jame’s- I’m calling the daughter, Julia
Austin – I’m calling Grandma
Vanessa – you can’t if I’m calling her you can cross examine her
Vanessa – opening statements, I call my witness you cross, You call your and I cross, closing arguments
Austin and James left outside scheming about the court case. They are going to they and say Meg slipped on tresemme and fell on a chocolate.
James – I feel we’re in court for real
Austin – They’re taking this seriously
Grandma joins them
Grandma makes it out #BB17 @DawgsBigBrother pic.twitter.com/x11KHqBCXI
— OnlineBigBrother.com (@bigbspoilers) August 19, 2015
10:02pm The court begins
Becky tells them no throwing chocolate candy and now mentioning Irish Springs
james is funny if I was on big brother it never be borning
The “trial” was the funniest thing this season. Anybody still bored should go watch reruns of The Walking Dead.
“5 pelts to make a welt” – LOLOLOL
LOL the whole court activity was hilarious to watch.
Please, make it stop. The feeds are so incredibly boring. This is what happens when “fans” get what they want. All the gamers are gone except for Van. Enjoy your weeks of boredom once Van is out, if you are lucky Jackie will return and you can watch 3 goblins sleep instead of 2!
I must say that the houseguests this year have great imaginations as far as trying to keep themselves occupied. A lot better than sitting around rehashing the same old stuff all the time.
They really are very entertaining. The last 2 nights of BB After Dark have been hysterical! It was so funny when James was getting pelted with chocolates and he yelled “Big Brother stop this” and when him and Austin were in the makeshift jail and Vanessa dropped the soap on the floor in front of them. Johnny and Meg were really funny too. This really is a great cast of people for entertainment value. They make me laugh out loud. I believe outside of the game they are all great people and are a lot of fun.
BBcourt??? Really??
With Vanessa scripting everyone’s part because she went to law school and lecturing Becky. Boorrrriinnnggg. If this is funny, you’re not getting out enough. Again all at Megs expense, and James & Austins boorish behavior gets swept under the rug. Meg cannot stand being sweet after all the crap she has to put up with from James since Day 1, but that’s the strategy she picked. Or the only guy left to hide behind since she had no BB skills.
Seriously, the guys this year are horrible. And we have to watch the girls giggle while they put the guys in Jail. Topped off with Steve’s false sympathy for Becky’s foot while he picks his nose and wipes it on her blanket. Disgusting. This season is like one big looong stag film. Belch, burp, fart, insult, paw, grope, bang, pornos and torture, while the girls grit their teeth, hide under blankets and beg for psychotropic meds.
Lame, boring, stupid feeds. This season showed so much promise. Starting to think this is summer camp and a bunch grade schoolers.
BB needs a major overhaul.
The Judge is hot….she can sentence me to some hard time….she rules
I really despise steve in this game….Can he really be this slow?
Having watched only the last 5 yrs of Big Brother Feeds I have to admit this is the most talented and funny crew for the game. I mean name me one other BB Season when they did a food challenge and and CourtTV episode… I love them all but Vanessa…
All of the extra activities is because of the record number of floaters in the house. Beyond coattail riding and floating, they have little to nothing invested in the game at this point, so why not pass the time by throwing foil balls into pots with your BFFs. People are normally playing big brother long before mid-August and they don’t like each other enough to make up games. Since all but one of the gamers has been evicted so far, this week is the equivalent of the first week of a normal big brother season because all of the floaters are just getting to know each other. It’s as if this season is two big brothers in one.
We all know floaters make it to the end but none of us knew all of the floaters would make it to the end.
At least this group has some good imaginations. Always making up games, activities, pranks. Nice to pass the boring days. Good for them.
Still laughing abut the comment that Jmac made by Dawg and Simon…. “RWWWWHAAAAAA wyyyyyyRAAAAaA”
That sums up Jmac so nicely… Love it
Points for staving off the boredom by doing ridiculous things. Skits, commercial jingles, PotBall, cooking shows, court…I’m kind of into it. I mean, every moment they’re playing made up games are moments we don’t have to watch Austin and Liz’s PDA party.
I had a lot of fun listening to the court case.
What do people want? Don’t you agree this is one of the most entertaining seasons in a long long time? Like the feeds last year were as boring as watching a pot of water boil. This season these guys are making an effort for us at least and themselves to pass the time.
I can honestly say that I do not like any oh the hg’s in personal level ; they all have their own faults.
So I have picked my favorites on game play only. So taking that into consideration the only ones that I feel that have played the game the entire time are Vanessa and Shelli. I find every contestant unlikeable from one degree to another. And the only ones that I find are playing a good and manipulative game is Van and Shelli. The rest are playing summer camp or have zero idea of how to play so at this point I feel as though only Van and Shelli deserve to win the game. And James to a lesser extent.
Disclosure: I can change my mind , depending on how things change over the next few weeks.
Praying we don’t have to endure a BB wedding with the sideshow freak and his lizard handmaiden.
I want to love Jmac because he is a PSU alum but he also scares me representing my alma mater at times. Guess he’s better than Steve for the win.
Whose leaving next week? Presume that Becky goes Thursday.
Goblins are HOH……. Van, J Mac or Steve. This likely would be Austin’s call and they may keep Van another week til the HG returns. I think this is J Mac goes over Steve.
Austwins HOH…….they keep Van and either J Mac or Steve go up and out. I think they keep Gobs safe but it’s a 60:40 split. Again in the end J Mac likely goes.
You better win HOH….. J Mac/Steve better not throw this HOH. They nom Goblins on the Freaks and Geeks deal. Van goes up only if POV is used. I think Freaks and Geeks won’t use POV keeping Vanessa another week safe. James or Meg go unless J Mac or Steve put the other on the block. Yes these noobs could be that stupid.
Van the only hope to go after Austwins but won’t happen. Goblins or Johnnie Mac and I think J Mac in trouble here to.
In real danger Johnnie and slightly less Steve. I actually think Vanessa gets a pass. Then the HG returns making them an instant target. I think this will be the next double. Returning HG plus Van evicted. 6 left with Austwins Goblins Steve or J Mac. Note that’s 3 more evictions without Austwins being targeted. Meg the do nothing triplet will be F2 choice so assuming 1 twin goes along the way she has about a 50% shot at 50K. Looks like Liz has best shot at 500K if Van goes.
BB : What three things would you want to take into the BB house? — Austin : Three ‘Color Me Badd’ CD’S , so if I broke two , I would still have one left …–.Me: This is both the funniest and the saddest thing anyone has ever said….ever
Simon or Dawg, who’s planning all these games and activities? Austin and/or James?
excuse me I’m snoozing
Normally blogs keep me up during my graveyard shifts….I guess its coffee for tonight
Thanks Simon and Dawg though for the blogs even on a slow week like this one.
Judas reminds of Satan and his twins are the those evil little chicks from The Shining. I hope Vanessa squirms out of another pickle an wins. She and James are tremendously entertaining.
I watch wwe on a regular basis and nothing to do with Austin but I find that some BB fans who post on here are similar to those who post on the wrestling message boards.
No matter what happens no matter how the story lines change no matter who’s champ or HOH there were will always be over the top bitching and negativity.
You know what else these fans have in common? They won’t miss a column or a show!
So watch and enjoy, read and enjoy, and take the entertainment for what it’s worth— OR do something else!!!!
Johnny’s whole obsession with getting rid of Vanessa is based solely on his desire to please Becky. He is so in love with Becky it’s creepy. Becky doesn’t even give a shit about Vanessa anymore because she knows Vanessa outplayed her. But Johnny he still feels if he gives Becky Vanessa’s head he will get her love. The dude is true creeper with his focus on getting
out Vanessa.
Your whole BB strategy can’t be obsessing on getting out one person. Johnny either sleeps. Sits and stares or talks to Steve and every sentence Steve says Johnny replies “No we have to get out Vanessa” Stfu already creeper.
I agree he is overly focused (or obsessed if your glass is half empty) on Vanessa.
I think its not so much because of Becky, but more because He tried to plant information to make the divide between goblins and freaks greater, and got found out. His first visible offensive game move, and he couldn’t pull it off, so the person that shined the spotlight on him has become his enemy. Sour grapes.
Best comment tonight, when Austin says he wants a lawyer , Becky responses with “you can’t afford a lawyer. You can’t even afford a shirt. “