For Archive purposes This list contains New and Old
Sarah & Willow
Final 2 deal
Bobby & Bruno (They came up with their name here)
Sarah, Sind and Brittnee
The Chop Shop
Ashleigh, Bobby, Bruno, Graig, Zach, Willow
(Bruno and Graig have a final 2 deal)
Bro’s Alliance
Bobby, Bruno, Zach, Graig, Godfrey, Jordan, Kevin
(Bruno, Graig, Godfrey have a fake final 3 deal)
TOP 11 Alliance
Brittnee, Bobby, Sarah, Zach, Jordan, Ashleigh, Godfrey, Willow, Bruno, Pilar, Kevin
(Formed when they learned 1 of the first 5 evicted would re-enter the house)
Bruno & Godfrey – Final 2 Deal
Hexagon Alliance Purple Cobra’s
Jordan, Zach, Johnny, Kevin, Sarah, Brittnee
– Formerly known as the “Purple Cobra’s” until they were told to change the name due to the name being copyrighted
“BB3 Jason & Danielle”
Jordan and Sarah
Sarah and Brittnee
Kevin and Johnny
The Diaper Alliance
Zach, Jordan, Kevin, Ashleigh, Pilar
Final 2 deal
Naeha, Sarah
Zach and Jordon (final 2 deal)
“Bromuda Triangle”
Zach, Jordan and Kevin
(with Pilar and Ashleigh as spokes)
The Fortress
Kevin & Jordon (fake on Jordon’s part)
No Name
Brittnee, Sarah and Naeha
(Although Naeha was trying to get Britt out week 2)
Zach, Jordan and Willow
(final 3 deal however Zach and Jordan aren’t serious about it but Willow is)
Godfrey & Jordan
Drunken final 2 deal initiated by Godfrey.
(Jordan thinks its a joke & Godfrey doesn’t remember making it)
Pilar & Kevin
Willow and Sarah

Jordan and Sindy
Bobby and Brittnee
Zach and Ashleigh