Big Brother Canada: Suzette starts making some big moves of her own to save herself from eviction!

POV Holder: TOM Next POV March 9th
POV Used YES POV Ceremony March 11th
HOH Winner: TOM Next HOH: March 14th
Original Nominations: Gary & Suzette
Current Nominations: Suzette & Aj
Last Evicted Houseguest Danielle
Have Nots Alec, Topaz, Aneal, Jillian

Big Brother Canada March 11 2013 713pm

6:50pm – 7:30pm Liza heads up to the HOH room. Tom wants to talk game with her. He asks her what her game is, what’s her strategy? Tom tells her that right now she sucks at competitions. He says that right now she is playing the game right and says that everyone trusts her. Tom says that his gut right now is screaming Andrew, not this week or next but soon. He is being weak and waiting to make his big move. Tom says everyone is talking Aneal and Gary but I want Andrew out of the house before he has the opportunity to make a big move. I don’t think anyone has the balls to put up Andrew. Gary would and Aneal would but I don’t see them winning an HOH any time soon. Liza says its not good tv for one of the 9 to win. The producers are going to tailor the competition for one the others to win. Tom asks Liza who she would put up if she won. She says Aj and Andrew. tom asks if Andrew wins POV and comes off what would you do. Liza says I could fix it. Tom asks what would you do give him a h@nd j0b? Liza says that she was approached with 2 separate final 5 deals, where you were one of them. Tom says you were probably approached by Jillian and Andrew. Liza says that she isn’t going to say. Liza says that the person in the house that doesn’t know what the fu*k is going on is Topaz. So for her to be cutting deals is ridiculous. Tom says the people I want out the most are Andrew and Topaz. Topaz does fu*k all and is useless. And Andrew is coming after me or someone close to me. Tom says that he would rather have Aj than Topaz in the jury house. Tom thinks they could get Aj to put up Andrew by telling him that he wasn’t considered for jury house but if he puts this one person out that is sinking him more than he knows …he could go to jury with them. Liza tells Tom that she was talking to Gary and says that he is indebted to you and yours. She says that he feels like he owes you and those with you. Tom says that Gary is just looking for social acceptance. They talk about putting up Aj and Topaz. Tom says then we could back door Andrew. Liza says I would rather watch Andrew play for POV and lose. Tom says either way if we get out Andrew or Topaz its win, win for us. Tom says then we could use Aneal later in the game, but he better not turn on us. Liza says he won’t he is 19. Tom talks about wanting to get Jillian out before Jury. He says that he would be voting to keep her but telling other secretly to vote her out. Tom and Liza continue to go over what if situations. Tom thinks if Gary wins HOH he can convince him to put up Andrew and Jillian. Then either way no one hates us. Tom says either I need a cold shower or I need to go work out because I am turned on. Liza asks this gets you hot? Tom says yes! Tom says either Emmett is fine with Jillian going home or he goes crazy and makes himself a bigger target.

Big Brother Canada March 11 2013 737pm

7:40pm Liza start giving Tom a back rub. Meanwhile Suzette starts making some big moves of her own to save herself from eviction:

Big Brother Canada March 11 2013 651pm

7:45pm Out in the backyard Alec coaches Gary how to workout. Gary has his “workout gear” on.

Big Brother Canada March 11 2013 743pm

8pm – 8:25pm Peter explains to Talla that there are an infinite number of her in different dimensions. Talla’s mind is blown. Liza comes into the kitchen and start to laugh uncontrollably when she sees Gary’s workout gear. Peter says it looks like he is in prison gear. Talla says it looks like he is in a Richard Simmons video. The camera switches to Andrew and Aj out in the hot tub room talking about Talla. Aj says that she is very physically attractive but she is mentally disabled. Aj laughing and says that’s an insult to mentally disabled people. They head back to the backyard couches.

8:35pm – 8:45pm Jillian made a ice cream dessert for Talla and a couple others. Talla has a couple bites them starts doing the dishes. Talla asks Jillian if she can freeze her ice cream? Andrew and Aj start laughing. Talla says oh my god I can’t believe I just asked that! Andrew asks if that corner of the island is sharp enough to bash his head on. Aj laughs. Tom joins them in the kitchen. He wonders what is up with Talla. Aj says that its the ONE cup of coffee she had. Aj says I should go give her a smoke. Andrew says give her a joint… ..or a rag of chloroform.

Big Brother Canada March 11 2013 835pm

8:50pm – 9:20pm Talla joins Topaz, Suzette and Gary in the pool. They discuss going in the pool while being on their periods. Talla and Gary start doing a synchronized swimming routine. Tom come and does a cannon ball into the pool splashing them all. Then Topaz starts talking about her pubic hair. She then stands up and pulls her bathing suite down forgetting the camera is on her. Suzette, Talla and Gary all scream. She pulls them back up and can’t believe she just did that.

Big Brother Canada March 11 2013 850pm

VIDEO of Topaz pulling her swimsuit down: Topaz Flashes her Vag1na

Big Brother Canada Topaz pulls down her bathing… by dm_513e8b5e17a67

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13 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada: Suzette starts making some big moves of her own to save herself from eviction!”

  1. We need a catalyst to break up the showmances cause it’s getting stupid to watch on the feeds. Who do you think will flip the house the most? I think Aneal, Andrew and Gary have a big potential to flip the house.

    1. It’s scary to go after a 9 person alliance, but it really needs to happen. I think if Tom or Liza were taken out, the group would break into the much smaller alliances that are already in play.

  2. I haven’t been keeping up with all the live feeds. How many of these showmances are real? I get the feeling that Topaz/Alec are just for convenience. What about the rest?

    1. Here’s a list of poeple that are getting cozy with each other (IE physical touching) Please add more if I missed one

      Topaz and Alec (I think this is real they are just trying to distance themselves from each other)
      Liza and Tom (This is for convenience)
      Jillian and Emmett (This is real)
      Andrew and Gary (Flirtmance that’s gone too far for gary)
      Liza and Peter (He was rubbing her thigh last night but there isn’t much there except for game)

      Andrew and Aj (This is a oldmance as real as it can get 😉 )

  3. I know alec is playing smart and trying to lay low …. but i think it would be a good idea for him to try and win next hoh and take out Liza.

    Liza thinks she can control a couple of the floaters and wants one of them to win so they can go after Alec or Emmet and she can think she is some brilliant mastermind.

  4. I’m really hoping There is a shift in Power and I would love to see Andrew and A.J. be in charge! I hope Andrew isn’t all talk.

  5. I think somebody posted earlier that Emmett is falling hard for Jillian, and I totally agree. It will be his downfall in this game.

  6. Apart from being a douche, Tom just did a really stupid thing. In the beginning his target was Gary. Then he won the POV and took Gary off. I don’t know if I believe that Gary will keep his word. He would be dumb if he did. If I am in an alliance with this guy, I would be getting nervous about how volatile and changeable he is. So now he puts up a “pawn” and the target is Suzette (just a few days ago he was saying she’s not a threat) instead of having just two people pissed at him, now Andrew and AJ have a good reason for putting him up. I really want Andrew to win the next HOH, because I think he is the only one that would put Tom and Emmett up. One of them comes down and Jillian or Liza go up. Either way, the alliance will be shaken and the game will be ON!! Not that I want Suzette to stay, but if the house flips and AJ goes, Tom will be in big trouble and Andrew will be super pissed. Tom and Emmett think they have this game all figured out. They just have to win all of the competitions and that’s all there is to it. They even get to pick who they want in jury. Just about every meathead ever on BB figured that one out. Problem is that they almost never make it to the end. Actually I can’t think of one that ever won.

    1. The reason no 1 cannot remember it is becaue it hasn’t happened! This simplistic power game usually loses for the same reason. BB is a SOCIAL GAME. I’ll repeat this plenty of times. Relationships win the money not MUSCLE! Over he next couple of weeks a few senarios emerge. 1st Gary has to go. I know the talk has been on going but does anyone really mean it? Second Liza has made deals with everyone! Lol Topaz and Gary may of had enough! Third the girls alliance strikes back. Tom hits the bricks! AJ gets backdoored… Tom hits the bricks!!! Someone wakes up and realizes Talla is dangerous… Tom hits the bricks! Tres versus Quatro the other figure the obvious. Tom is a liability and… Tom hits the bricks. I sense a theme here!
      Best 3 players today… 1) Peter,, no baggage or showmance, very focused and strategic. Never mentioned as a nom by other HGs. 2) Gary/Topaz.. it’s true Gary is everyones favorite topic but Topaz is strategic brilliance. She sleeps, she schemes, give her an opportunity to be the deciding vote you’ll get ruthless schiociopath(bad spelling :P). I’d never get close to this one. Isn’t Alec doing a doctorate. Really bad idiot! Read a F**king book doc! 3rd Anyone who is really willing to make a move. They are all scared of consequenses. S…t happens pull the trigger! You never know who is playing til you put them to the test. Same money at 12 as at 3 so play THE FREAKING GAME!!!

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