We couldn’t of been more excited when we found out Canada was finally getting it’s own Big Brother Series. Finally information is release about the Time Line, Format, Casting and Start date is known so we can start planning on how we are going to apply and get Simon and Dawg on the show. The Format so far looks the same, no word about feeds. From the press release the game rules looks like a duplicate to the US version.
Big Brother Canada Casting
- July 2012 through January 2013
- Casting call to coincide with premiere
of Big Brother on Global - Teasers air beginning July 12
- Online casting submissions
- Cross-country tour September
Big Brother Canada House Construction
- September through November 2012
- Construction begins in September
at an indoor location near Toronto - House includes an indoor/outdoor
Big Brother Canada Start Date
- Airing on Slice
- Feb 18 x 10 weeks with 3
one-hour episodes per week - 2 episodes taped, 1 episode live
- Airing on Slice
Press release *Tentative timeline
Let us know if you are serious about applying to the show.
hopefully us Americans will be able to watch BB Canada as well when it starts
Sure hope this will be in the states!
I’m sure it will be and if it isn’t OBB may be able to rig something up to allow our US fans to enjoy the show.
Of course if Simon and Dawg get on the show than OBB will have to take 3 months off.
You two deserve it. !!!
Simon, if you get in, you have to “mule” a blackberry in and give us first hand accounts as they happen. We would expect nothing less from the #1 site for BB
February, Won’t it be cold for an outdoor set? No swimming pool i guess.
online source has the average temperature in Toronto for February is (-10 / -2°C)
hey guys the new BB14 house pics are released!!!!! here’s the link type in this URL thank me later: http://imgur.com/a/LFNcJ
Thanks for the link SMG i’ve posted them on the site
Where’s a link to apply?
No Links for Big Brother Canada application yet..
Are links to apply up yet? I feel like id be perfect for this. Ive always wanted to do this. Im like the perfect candidate, the nerd, somewhat athletic, Christian, black, and young all rolled up into one haha.
I have watched all seasons of BB, and I want IN. I am totally up for participating in the Canadian version of the show! Tell me how, where, what I need to do? thanks 🙂
I am so up for big brother Canada!! Im addicted to the show. What do I need to do to apply?!
Information for Big Brother canada casting hasn’t been released yet.