Big Brother Canada Live Eviction / HOH Results!

POV Holder: Next POV March 9th
POV Used POV Ceremony March 11th
HOH Winner: TOM Next HOH: March 14th
Original Nominations:
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest Danielle
Have Nots Talla, Tom, Peter, Alec

Big Brother Canada March 7 2013 5pm
Live Eviction Episode: March 7th, 2013 @ 10pm ET/PT

Live Feed Leak of tonight’s Competition:
Big Brother Canada March 7 2013 455PM

On the block for eviction tonight are Danielle Alexander and Aneal Joshua Ramkissoon.

PREDICTION: Danielle is evicted. There is about 0% chance that Danielle will make a classy exit out of the Big Brother Canada House.

As big brother leaked the type of head of household competition earlier this evening on the live feeds, we learned that the house guests will be competing in a mental A Or B Question competition. Both Simon and I predict Gary will win tonight’s HOH compeition. Who do you think will win?

Actual Results:

Tom votes to evict: Danielle
Topaz votes to evict: Danielle
Alec votes to evict: Danielle
Andrew votes to evict: Danielle
Emmett votes to evict: Danielle
AJ votes to evict: Danielle
Liza votes to evict: Danielle
Peter votes to evict: Danielle
Talla votes to evict: Aneal
Suzette votes to evict: Aneal
Gary votes to evict: Aneal

As there is an odd number of house guests voting there will not be a tie, so Jillian will not need to vote.

By a vote of 8 to 3 Danielle is the second house guest evicted from the Big Brother Canada House!

HOH Competition

  • Topaz and Liza out first round
  • Talla, Suzette and Gary are out second round
  • Everyone stays round three
  • Alec is out round four
  • Everyone stays round five
  • Everyone stays round six
  • Everyone stays round seven
  • Tie break round: How many liters in the batter up challenge. Answer is 3690 liters. Tom is the closest and therefore he is the winner!



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26 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada Live Eviction / HOH Results!”

  1. Depending on the questions, I think Emmett might win. He was memorizing the number stairs, pictures, etc. in the house so if it’s those kind of questions, he’ll probably do well.

  2. .. Danielle is gone but HOH is still unknown. My money is on Gary

    Here is my ranking of the players and how good of a game they are playing
    Tier 1 (running the game )

    Tier 2
    Liza (Classic example of Overplaying)
    Andrew (Playing a decent social game, below radar but not enough to be called a floater, his friendship with Liza is his undoing)
    Emmett (Tight with Peter/Alec has jillian as a vote generally liked by everyone)

    Tier 3
    Tom (everyone hates him he’s a bull in a china shop)
    Garry (almost tier 2 has to control the glitter a bit)
    Topaz (she’s in good with Garry, Tom and Alec. She’s below the radar but still in the game)

    Tier 4
    Jillian (all she’s doing is kissing Emmett and hanging out with the bros)

    1. I have to disagree Simon. I think Liza is playing a strong floating game. Her undoing is going to be a Tom; she has a weird obsession with him. Tom shouldn’t play like he is…he could just manipulate Liza and he could control the entire game. That’s what Dan did in season 14 with Danielle.

  3. I hope Gary wins too, that would sure make this coming week exciting. I want some discord in the 9 person alliance.

  4. I agree that Danielle will be gone and there has been nothing about her that has been classy so far so I don’t predict anything classy about her departure either.

    While I would like Gary to win HOH too and shake some things up I see either Liza, Tom or Emmett winning it. Both Peter and Alec have said they are going to throw it so that leaves people with maybe one whole brain between the lot of them!

    Looking forward to it!

    1. Ann, I’ve enjoyed your OBB comments so far. I like the way your mind works. So keep “chiming in” whenever you can, OK?

  5. So why do the dumb producers of this show think that a show TAPED at 7 and aired at 10 could in anyway be considered LIVE!!! It was all over the Internet and twitterverse the the douchbag won HOH. It was tweeted by people in the audience of the not so live show. Hate to say but only in Canada eh!!!! The not live show and results getting out are putting me off watching anymore.

  6. Simon and Dawg, I just sent you double my usual BBUSA donation. Why?

    The only reason I can even watch BBCA episodes live is the US? OBB
    The only reason I can even watch all the live feeds here in the US? OBB

    In other words, without Simon & Dawg hookin’ me up, I’d have *nada* BBCA. And I love it so far. I haven’t put my finger on it yet, but there is just something about the personalities of most of the BBCA cast (Canadian people, in other words) that I really seem to enjoy. A bit more “down to earth”, maybe?

    Please help OBB. These two guys do all this for us, season after season, simply as a “labor of love.” And I, for one, appreciate their efforts very much!

    1. Much appreciate Jim, I’m very glad you enjoy our style of spoilers. Without everyone’s comments, contributions and social shares OBB would be just dawg and I chatting on skype.

    2. Thank you very much for the donation Jim! Simon and I really appreciate it! We really do it all for the love of the game and to help share all the drama with all the Big Brother fans like you! Without our fans OBB just wouldn’t be the same. And I totally agree with you that this Canadian season is better than a lot of the US seasons we’ve covered and I don’t just think that because Simon and I are Canadian. We are glad the first BBCA season is starting off so well and can’t wait to see how the season plays out. Thanks again and glad you’re enjoying all the work we put into the site.

  7. Yes, Tom won! Finally some fireworks! I’m taking bets on how long it takes him to headbutt someone next week. Over/under right now set at 25 hours after his HoH ends.

  8. I have to disagree with your tier just tagging along is not game play ie topaz and andrew they have come up with any strategy of their you are definitely under estimating some players. That tier 1 and 2 are going to crumble hard. I wonder who will pick up the pieces?

    1. Thanks for you input lucy, you’re right peter and alec could be on the bottom next week. Tom could backdoor emmett. Aneal could win the Next HOH.

  9. The guys new to pick A.. Alec thew it. Production is dumb to give them a majority rules after discussing how to rig it. Nothing new in the Big Brother world.

    All the girls should just self-evict and save themselves the embarrassment.

    -waits a few weeks for Aneal to make a move-

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