Big Brother Canada Live Audience Tickets, Get them NOW!


Holy maple syrup Big Brother Canada is just around the corner. I wish there was more news about the show but Insight Production has been all mums the word. Cmon people send us some spoiler pictures us fans are freaky about this show!

Either way today we find out that Big Brother Canada will have live evictions much like BB USA and some of the audience tickets are available now. Awesome news if you live in Ontario too bad for us in British Columbia (Simon and Dawg 🙁 ). I Shouldn’t complain at least we’re finally getting a BB and the last time I check Environment Canada the weather outside where I live is 8 degrees and in Toronto it’s -5 with a winter storm warning in effect.. HA

What Tickets are available?
Tickets for the first four evictions are available now
February 28
March 7
March 14
March 21

How to I get my hooks on a ticket?
Contact [email protected] with the subject line: Big Brother Canada Tickets for [Date Requested].

Please include your name, email address, phone number & number of tickets requested in the body of your email.

What are the Rules?
At least 11 years of age and able to travel to the Greater Toronto Area

How many tickets are up for grabs?
no Idea, there is no guarantee you’ll get one. I think it’s first come first serve so better get one quick before Dawg starts grabbing them all and sells them on Ebay.

Any More news about Big Brother Canada?
News about the Host link
News about the Free feeds link
Control room pictures

6 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada Live Audience Tickets, Get them NOW!”

  1. I so wish we were able to watch the show. Please keep us informed. I have to say that this web page was super informative during the last American Big Brother, so I will be basically watching it through you guys. I am still excited for it to start. Thanks for having such an awesome page!

  2. I would rather have our weather than be close enough to go to the live show, especially knowing Simon and Dawg are the best! I’d rather hang out here in BC with all of you! Looking forward to a fun season. Is there any info on the HG yet?

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