POV Holder: | Emmett | Next POV | April 27 |
POV Used | NO | POV Ceremony | April ? |
HOH Winner: | Jilian | Next HOH: | April ? |
Original Nominations: | GARY & TALLA | ||
Current Nominations: | GARY & TALLA | Last Evicted Houseguest | TALLA |
Have Nots | Gary |
Tonight airs the May 2nd, 2013 – 28th Episode of Big Brother Canada. As it stands before the Big Brother Canada Live Feeds were turned off, Jillian WON the second to last Head of Household power and nominated 21 year old GARY LEVY from Toronto, ON, and 26 year old TALLA REJAEI from Edmonton, AB. During the Power Of Veto Competition Emmett WON, securing his position along with Jillian in the Final 3.
On tonight’s episode we see the Power Of Veto competition that Emmett won and watch the results of the EVICTION, where Emmett casts the sole vote to evict either Gary or Talla. This eviction is speculated to have been taped some time between Sunday and Monday. We predict that Emmett will evict Talla as he believes he has a better shot of winning against Gary should they make it to the Final 2.
Following the eviction it is also speculated that the FINAL 3 will have competed in the Final 3 Part HOH competition some time between Monday – Thursday.
– Emmett cast the sole vote to EVICT: TALLA and she told him she was BUSY!
– No Live Feed leaks 🙁
– No Live audience either so no spoilers
Actual TV Episode Results:
Emmett tells Talla before the vote that he is keeping Gary and voting to evict her. Emmett gives Talla the bracelet that Dan Gheesling gave him.
Emmett votes to EVICT: TALLA
Tonight’s TV Episode will be uploaded here:
** Tomorrow nights FINALE episode is a 2 hour starting at 9PM EST **
I personally want to thank all of the amazing OBB fans that have once again helped make this another great season. We are sad to see the end of the Big Brother Canada Live Feeds but can’t wait for the remaining TV episodes to reveal the final days in the BB house and the winner of Season 1. Due to the popularity of this first season, I have no doubt there will be a second season early in 2014.
Although, it’s sad to see the end of BBCA drawing near we are EXCITED that it means the Big Brother 15 is that much closer to premièring (June 26, 2013).
Simon and I will be covering the live feeds for BIG BROTHER 15 so make sure you bookmark us! 😉
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And Follow: @BigBspoilers and @Dawgsbigbrother on Twitter for the most up to date spoilers.
Talla’s makeup is atrocious LOL. what a clown!
*** does anyone know when / where voting for canadas fav player is ?!?! ***
am i just an idiot or is it not happening or what ? :S
Do you actually think these online votes count? Production chooses who they want to win and yet have the gall to say it’s Canada’s choice. I have no faith in online voting so that is why it should be reserved for minor things that affect the house.
Your name says it all!
Yeah well it will only take 30 seconds for her to wash it off, however you’ll always be a clown for makings such a shallow comment.
Jillian is STARTING to think Emmett is playing for himself, wow,,,, better late tha never lol
Talla, cracks me up sometimes! Emmett tried to gain her vote by giving her Dan’s necklace. Then during her speech she talked to Jill, Gary and Emmett last. On top of that she told Emmett she will never forget what he’s about to do. That like a big FU to Emmett. I don’t think that Emmett has secured Talla’s vote. And at this point looks like Emmett is going to win unless Gary decides to Jill to the final 2 ( which is somewhat likely) or Jill takes Gary (lol who are we kidding that’s not likely)!.
Didn’t Jill say that her Emmett are the first showmance in the final 2! THAT IS INCORRECT! Boogie and Erica were a showmance and they were final two. The only big left that Jill to get rid of Emmett.
* Dan’s bracelet
I don’t consider Erika and Mike Boogie much of a showmance, he always referred to their relationship as a ‘ho-mance. ‘ Meanwhile Jill and Em have never said a bad thing about one another.
“Starting” being the key word here. It’s far too late to start wondering that, Jillian… far, FAR too late. And I find it humorous that she’s only considering withholding information from him–like that’s her worst case scenario. Withholding information from someone who has ALREADY made it to the final 3 and only needs to win a few comps to get to final 2.
Jillian would have trouble getting Emmett out at this point even if she tried to! And I find it QUITE unlikely that she will try.
So, once again Emmett cheated but why should I be suprised. And for those who say he didn’t think about it: He said that on purpose, he saw Jillian like himself was struggling to find her second bag and when he realized what the mistake he realized that she must of made the same mistake. That’s why he said it out loud so she would hear and be closer to winning the POV so he would be safe. Jillian admitted to hearing it and changing her answer as a result. I’m sick of Emmett cheating and thinking he can get away with it.
He didn’t cheat!!! Cheating would be if he told jillian the answer he was talking to him self that it was subtraction not addition if every player was cheating for this then every bb would have people dq. As for the rules they state that you can not help another player in a competiton he was taking to himself behind a chalk board and wasn’t helping anyone every player has talked to themselves out loud through this hole competition. Why do i think if it was any other player but emmette this wouldn’t be a problem.
If it was any of the players who did it I would have said something. Just hear me out please… In the competition Emmett and Jillian were both evidently looking for their second bag and we’re taking a long time to do so. Emmett must have realized that Jillian made the same mistake since she was on her second bag and was looking as long as he was. He went back and finally realized the mistake he made and probably thought to himself that Jillian had made the same mistake since she was on her second bag and looking for the bag just as crazy as he was. That’s probably why he said it out loud. Why would he specifically say “OHHH, IT WAS A MINUS SIGN”. Most people just exclaim a sound to themselves. I just think that it’s too coincidental that Jillian herself even said that’s what made her change it and that Emmett has helped Jillian in a competition. Emmett’s tried to help Jillian before to ensure his safety by helping her win. He’s done it so many times that’s the only reason as to why I’m saying this. Also this makes sense as to why he thought he was going to be disqualified on Sunday (if you refer to the past posts).
Simon and Dawg, I would really like to hear you point of view on this, thank you again for all you hard work.
How can you possibly know what “Jillian” is thinking! And how would he know what one she was on? For all he knew she answered all the questions before she went to look for the money bags! And when he muttered to himself about the subtraction, wouldn’t he have helped Gary and Talla as well? They were certainly stuck on that one too! To each their own how they interpret things I guess.
Yah, I don’t think when he spoke out loud he intended for Jillian to hear. He was just frustrated after looking and looking so when he realized that it was a minus he just blurted it out.
Just like when Talla had her own moment in one Veto comp, she also was talking out loud, freaking out, screaming the numbers. It was just frustration that’s all.
I really hope so
Very different. Her yelling during the HOH maze meltdown and the POV bridge competition didn’t affect ANYONE. The only players that could hear her had already done the competition.
My crazy cat lady detector is going off…
When Emmett spoke out loud, he didn`t just say it so Jillian could hear. Gary and Talla also could hear but neither one knew what he was talking about but if they did, they could have adjusted their answers and won, IF they were smart enough in math…………which they weren`t.
Emmett`s realization that there was a minus sign there flew right over the math-empty heads of Talla and Gary, so if it was cheating, the others all had the same advantage to win and none of them did. I don`t think Talla and Gary even knew what Emmett was talking about or which problem he was working on. That was probably why he wasn`t called out on it.
I was posting in Sunday’s post about tonight’s episode, Thanks for making this post so I can vent fully lol
I was saying how the editing is hialrious, making it seem like the eviction is actually tonight (when by clothing, I think it happened Sunday, maybe Monday)
Once again, Emmett should have been DQ’d. This guy cannot follow instructions haha I guess when Gary read the rules, it didn’t say no talking but seriously “It’s a minus sign” isn’t cheating? lol
OMG Arisa just told us we have an hour till eviction, so seriously, they think people are going to think they edited this during the last 30 minutes? lol
When people “cheat,” they do it to unfairly get ahead. I don’t think accidentally helping out his competition can qualify as cheating. And if it was, she didn’t win, so the whole situation is void.
Thank goodness Super Floater is finally gone, but at this point it doesn’t matter. Gary gets to the end he’s got it locked. Emmett became a villain too late. he should have got some blood on his hands earlier. I still say its just a game and let’s keep it movin’…… Only 1 person can win right.
Thanks Simon and Dawg for your hardwork and awesomness. Even though I haven’t been following the updates or the show the past few weeks I still appreciate all you do and can’t wait until BB15 starts (because frankly I am not a fan of BBCAN). I would love to be able to donate, but am currently unemployed, however I do plan on contributing once I am able to because you deserve it
Emmett’s really playing it, even when he’s being so nice to Talla it’s all game. Gotta hand it to him.
emmett has played the game the way the shield wished they had.. ..lesson of the season: don’t read about other people’s strategies on how to win the game..be a likable person and you can go all the way.
Gary, if he wants a fair shot of winning must take Jillian to the Final 2. Emmett must take Gary to the Final 2 in order to win, he can also win against Jillian but he would be able to secure Andrew/Jillian votes against Gary. Jillian can only maybe win if she doesn’t win the Final HOH. Jillian may be a bad thinker but I tell you, this girl was a beast and i applaud her for trying in the only way she knew how to.
i think she would have a chance to win if she won final hoh and took gary….because thats just one more hoh and she could make a case….if theyre bitter theyll be bitter anyway but she has a better chance with gary than emmett to win
I find it funny that Emmett has unwittingly brought 2 people to the final three who would EACH benefit from taking each other instead of him. Jillian has a chance to beat Gary, and Gary has a chance to beat Jillian, but neither would beat Emmett (most likely, anyway). Of course… Jillian will take Emmett anyway because she’s not great at thinking what is best for her game. Gary might make the switch, though. He’s gotten what he needs to out of Emmett and can drop him now if the chance allows.
she may be a beast but it doesnt matter, everyone hates her and talla just proved how truly dumb she is by thinking any different
I am half half on that i thought it was sad and i felt bad because she didn’t see it comming (still not sure why) but on the flip side she hasn’t won anything and from what i can see has no real social game she just floated by so it is hard to root or respect a player like that
WAIT, SO WE WERE RIGHT? talla really played dumb? haha i teared up when she left 🙁
They were just referring to her BB game knowledge. She’s clearly not the brightest. Nice, but not bright.
were they though? she did sound… uh, less “dumb” and arisa did say she noticed talla playing dumb but ah maybe it’s just me being a talla fan
she was also extremely coherent in her post-show interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbyER0xdMLM i think talla can be very smart and cunning. i knew for a while now that she definitely knew the big brother game and was putting on her ditzy act a little bit. i think talla enjoys acting ditzy sometimes and using her tallaisms, thinks it’s fun, but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t know what’s going on (you saw it in her drs and when she spoke of going after the milkman). she was very close to winning comps several times and she did have a good social game (not in the sense that she was manipulative, but she was generally friendly and fun with most HGs and knew what info to release/what not to release to maintain those good relationships). if you think about it, she was aligned with tom and liza at the beginning, was close with aj, alec, peter and topaz and then managed to get close to andrew and jillian near the end. unfortunately none of the players took her seriously as a player (bc of her ditzy side and unfortunately, probably just due to her size -_-), but she did forge these social ties that got her so far in the game. she made it past alec, peter and andrew, which i thought was a big deal and jillian would have actually brought her to final 3! (over gary) probably due to this non-threatening bubbly persona. i think people that say that she had no social game is crap.
I am beyond annoyed with the BBCAN Slice game. I had Talla as first finalist, and when Emmett told her he was going to evict her, I changed it to Gary and lost half my points for it (cause I think it’ll be Jillian/Emmett final 2). They have TALLA as first finalist which is NOT accurate. She’s not a finalist. First finalist would be 3rd place. So if I had just left it and assumed BB Slice were dumb, I would have gotten all my points, and now I have none. NOT pleased.
I was confused by “First Finalist”… isn’t that Jillian since she won the HoH, therefore she was guaranteed the first person in the final 3?
well if she was playing dumb she did a great job but she really didn’t use her being under the raidar well she had no stratagy or any game what so ever
it was such a relief to know that Talla is actually not that dumb at all…i would have rooted for her if she was truly herself and not going all air-headed, it is clear she was exaggerating the air head card to the maximum. She was naive to trust Emmit but i am still in shock that she can carry a real conversation and knew what she was doing…….unbelievable! Oh Talla….
Emmet just lost himself another jury vote Gary would have voted for him regardless. Now Jill has Talla, aj and Andrew and just needs to convince Topez which is possible considering Topez had no relationship with emmet this entire game.
Yah Gary would have but I think he kept him because he feels that regardless of who wins Final HOH between Gary and Jillian they will take him. Plus he thinks he can beat Gary because Gary was brought back after being evicted and the jury might hold that against him.
Jillian on the other hand if she’s Final 2 with him it might be more fight than it would be with him and Gary.
Emmette was always going to lose talla she has had a stronger connection to jillian and to be honest i don’t see her winning against gary or emmette. even if talla votes for jillian i don’t see her convincing topez if talla is hurt by emmette what do you think topez was the turning point against jillian is her lying to her on the iceburg comp and putting alec up then lying again and putting topez up there is no way talla of all people is going to convince anyone. When they showed the jury topez seemed amazed by emmette more then irritated which is what she is towards jillian. If emmette made enemies in andrew and talla well jillian has alot more in fact peter told her (as did dan just not so angerly) that she won’t win which she stormed out. If talla stayed jillian had a fighting shot but between gary and emmette i don’t think she can beat either with the jury.
Actually Emmett had planned to take Talla to the end with Him and Jillian. He expressed this in the HOH room early in the game. The rational behind it I think was that he and Jillian would crush her in the final HOH. So, in effect he and Jillian were ensuring her advancement within the game. This is why she made it past Alec, Peter, Topaz and Andrew. It was to ensure the pairs F2 without worries. To bad Emmett didn’t remember this at F4.
Emmett, you should’ve kept Dan’s bracelet. It will end up doing you no good. Talla will be voting for either Jillian or Gary in jury. Telling Jillian he had a final two with Talla? I think Jillian is finally on to Emmett, just in the nick of time. Emmett’s “final week, total self-implosion” continues……
I personally think he gave her the bracelet for her vote and for her to go to jury and sing his praises about giving up the bracelet and not wanting to evict her yadda yadda yadda…..hope it backfires on him and Gary wins the title
Angela, you’re a million % right. That’s exactly why he gave it to her – to try and salvage her jury vote. My only point was that Emmett won’t be getting it, bracelet or no bracelet. With Arisa, Talla was totally singing Jillian’s praises, and said Jillian deserves to win BBCA.
Agreed. Every time she sees that bracelet she’s going to remember that it is DAN’S bracelet and that EMMETT gave it to her… I still don’t think that she’ll vote for him in the end, but this certainly makes it more likely than it was before. Talla tends to get upset about things really easily, and then get over them really easily as well. So once she’s calmed down about Emmett she might remember him in the jury house a bit more favorably if she has that bracelet on.
Yes and hopefully a few days in the jury house with the others away from Emmett she will see/hear the truth from others and make the right choice with a brain and not because of a stupid bracelet
lol at retards saying he cheated, he didnt give anyone any more information than was provided to them by proclaiming its a minus sign.
To those people that use the words `retard`, `mental`, `moron`or `idiot` that are directed at either the houseguests or people making comments, please stop. Those words are hurtful to certain people and even though I know you don`t mean it in that way, just seeing them and knowing they are directed at a person hurts.
There are organizations that are working very hard to educate people to not use those words to describe another human being and it would be very helpful if the people on the OBB boards omitted those words.
Thank You
TBH Talla is pretty dumb but she was acting even more dumb through out the whole season, like she said to Arisa. That’s pretty smart of her. I actually liked her and will miss her. GLITTER GARY FOR THE WIN!
Maybe it is a good thing the feeds have been down because they would have been extremely boring watching Gary put makeup on for more than half the day and E/J milkmancing.
Predictable! Funny if Gary wins. Those two think they have it made in the shade.
Heart broken (but not surprised) to see Talla go this evening. One of the saddest evictions I’ve ever seen on BB. Almost all of the touching moments that happened this season revolved around her (and Andrew & her). She made this season so much fun to watch and brought a special warmth to a game that is so often cold and cruel.
Andrew and her together were the saviors of the After Dark and the feeds. Their banter back and forth was comic gold and even in their bickering that warmth still radiated out. Only at the end of their relationship (under great stress) did things sour between them. The video “Stooges Last Night” briefly rekindled the good vibe between them, and I was so glad they had that last chance to be friends again.
Her DR entry about her motivations to win the game was also very moving to me. Usually these reality show confessions annoy me and do nothing to cause me to care about the person, but Talla’s was very touching and I’m glad Canada got to see that she cares about others besides herself. There’s a lot more to her than meets the eye.
One thing that’s for sure. She has the stuff to go onto other projects in entertainment/media and BB could really be a spring board for bigger things in the future. If I was part of the BB production team, or Slice, I’d grab her by the collar before she got away and sign her up (and Andrew too for that matter). The two of them together could really make waves.
While I would never declare her to be the best player in BB history, I can say IMHO she’s one of the sweetest most endearing players ever and hands down my FAVE. I can’t even remember the last time a TV show had me laughing out load at 1Am on a Tuesday night, and then there’s Talla. All alone on the After Dark doing some mundane task and talking to herself, and I’m laughing my ass off. She’s got something special. At least she made it to the end. Only one episode to watch without her (thank God for that).
Talla haters. Don’t bother! I’m in mourning……………And remember:
The Power Of Small Is A Very Big Power Indeed.
Thanks Simon and Dawg on another great season of keeping us informed! Much appreciated.. can’t wait to tune in tomorrow for the finale and in June for the next season of Big Brother US – should be interesting to see what happens when more house guests are playing… more houseguests = more drama in my opinion!
What I found sooooo amuzing is that Jillian herself made a big deal about being a math teacher but got the answer wrong even after Emmett loudly said it was a minus. Yep I want her to teach my kids. She had 50-11=38. When I was in school it was 39.
Yeah. Emmett was cheating by trying to let Jill know what mistake he assumed she was making. Odd Talla appeared to look under every bag for one with the number 26 and couldn’t find one.. And what’s up with Gary. Didn’t even look like he was trying …. Same old…….sigh…… sad face…….
Oh and 1 last thing:
no fav player prize
is it just editing or is jillian really starting to realize what emmitt has been doing all along …. see we really don’t know because the feeds have been down. loved talla!! the exit was of the most emotional eviction that i have ever watched. wish people wouldn’t say mean things about the people after all they are real people. of course there were people that weren’t my favorites but that doesn’t give me the right to say mean things. finally thank you to all the houseguests that had the courage to put themselves out there weather it was they put on their makeup, ate, cooked or behaved when they ever intoxicated. i know for sure that their families are going to love them just as much when the game it over. my niece was on a reality show and let me tell you it heartbreaking when you see someone you love on t.v, for our entertainment, go through emotional moments.
Will miss ya Talla! It’s all you Gary! Don’t be a fool and take Emmett to the finale, you have a better chance at beating Jillian.
Sooo was the conclusion that she was playing dumb all season? I feel like Arisa was trying to force that on her….
At this point I am Ok with either Gary or Emmett winning. Jillian played dumb. She’s lucky she’s a strong competitor.
Meh. Too bad there wasn’t someone interesting in the finals. Love gary but he had a second chance. I cannot consider Jill to be a good player Because yes, she has won comps but I’ve never seen her on the block and work under pressure. Plus this obsession with Emmett is just plain annoying. And Emmett cheats his pants off. Imagine him coming back next year to give advice. What would he say? Cheat as much as possible and try to get away with it?
I dunno, I guess I like cheering for the underdogs. People who everyone wants out but they get so far because they fend for themselves. Dan and Boogie were such good players because they got themselves out of situations when they were on the block. They were also entertaining.
Theres Only so much of the milkmance i can handle.
For me it is hard not to root for emmette not so much jillina emmette walked in the house and with in the first few minutes found himself on the block, in general he should have been gone long time ago he is by far one of the strongest to walk in the house but no one ever did consider him a threat in fact there were weeks he just glided under the radar which i found facenating. He started working the house since day 1 and long before anyone else did i like to give credit where credit is he made allence when he had to, stayed true when he could but at the end of the day this is a game and only one person could win. I think emmette played a flawless game and has made the least enemies in the game. Jillian has won alot but she didn’t make a lot of friends in the house and didn’t make deals when she should have and made deals when she shouldn’t. To be honest if emmette didn’t guide her game i am not sure she would have made it to the final 3.I think her worst game move in this game was her deal with topez which will come back to haunt her even though gary has her convinced that the jury respects her choices they really don’t. I think jillian has the worst odds of winnig no matter which boy she takes if she takes gary she loses emmettes vote and if takes emmette she loses gary’s vote and i think the only votes she will get will be talla and andrews vote maybe if talla stayed she would have a fighting chance but i don’t see who will vote for her. The only x on gary is he came back into this game after being evicted and he hasn’t really won anything his hoh win everyone that could win was dq but bb isn’t won on just wins it is also how liked you are so gary seems to have a good social game which could get him the win but only if he is up against jiilian a personal note i think that would be a disgrace. I think though if jemmette win the final hoh and they will take each other gary’s only chance is to beat jemmette but if history is any inclination it will be a hard fight.
Gary fans are so delusional no way he’s beating either of these two. The stooges would not vote him if Jill is at the end and Peter ain’t voting for him if e is at the final. Alec is also likely to vote for a competitor not someone whose had a month off and received info from the evicted.
Gary will not win. Jillian doesn’t have enough enemies to lose against him.
My predictions:
Jillian vs. Emmett (Emmett WINS)
Emmett has Alec, Peter, Gary, Topaz (they all hate Jillian, Peter even said he’ll never vote for Jillian)
Jillian has Andrew, Talla, AJ
Emmett vs. Gary (Emmett WINS)
Emmett has Andrew, Alec, Peter, Jillian, AJ
Gary has Topaz and Talla
Gary vs. Jillian (Jillian WINS)
Jillian has Andrew, Talla, Aj, Emmett
Gary has Peter, Alec, Topaz
So the only way Jill can win IMO is if she takes Gary instead of Emmett.
I think you’re right here except I don’t think Peter would vote for Gary over Jillian. It might kill him to do it, but if he really “respects the game” I can’t see him voting for Gary.
I don’t know… Gary actually did make some pretty good moves in the game: getting Tom out, saving himself from eviction several times. In fact, BECAUSE he came back from the Jury house he had a huge target on his back and everyone was trying to get him out! But yet here he is, two evictions later, still in the game.
There’s something to be said for that. Jillian has done more, sure, but Gary has still been a good player.
I am not sure about that i think jillian has a better chance against gary then emmette but if jillina is the one to backstab emmette i don’t think he will vote for her if gary does it then she will get his vote.
emmette vs. jillian, emmette gets gary, peter, topez and alec vote
Jillian gets talla and andrew
Jillian vs gary, gary gets topez, alec, peter and if jillian kicks emmette out he will vote for gary
jillian will get talla and andrew
aj is the bubble vote i am not sure where he will fall i don’t think he is on either one of there side he will look at game play and social but last time he saw the jury he wasn’t that happy about jillian backstabbing topez but he could go anyway.
I think AJ will vote depending on game(less luckily to vote emotionally since he’s older and understands BB), but he said on his exit interview that he’s rooting for Andrew and he thinks Jillian will win because he said she was competitive and good social player, so I think he’s voting Jillian for sure.
Sarah, you sure are confident about who’s voting for who, aren’t you? I’m not nearly as sure. But I can’t agree on two of your three vote breakdowns:
-Yes, Emmett wins vs. Jillian. I agree on that.
-I do *not* think Jillian would still vote for Emmett, if Emmett takes Gary over her to the final. (Emmett already asked Jillian the “Would you vote for the person that evicted you?” question, over the weekend. Jillian immediately said, “Of course not – no! Why?”) Jillian would see it as the ultimate betrayal, not to mention the “woman scorned” angle. Emmett doing that to Jillian would makes what Dan did to Danielle last season look like child’s play, in comparison! I really think Jillian would vote for Gary. I’m also not sure that AJ would vote for Emmett, either. Emmett just singlehandedly evicted his two other stooges, the past two weeks, and they *both* know Emmett was the sole mastermind behind it! AJ never had much interaction with Emmett. Emmett *only* still gets Andrew’s vote, because Andrew totally despises Gary, and will never forgive him, for being brought back into the game by Production. Andrew would vote for Marsha The Moose before he would for Gary! I see Gary squeaking past Emmett, 4-3.
-in a Jillian vs. Gary final. it’s 3-3, and it 100% comes down to Emmett. I think Emmett bases his vote on just *one* thing. If Jillian wins the final HOH, and takes Gary and not him, Emmett then votes for Gary. If Gary wins the final HOH, and takes Jillian and not him, Emmett then votes for Jillian. Emmett will *not* vote for the HG that didn’t bring him to the final. Period.
Therefore, I see it as much more wide open than you do, Sarah. I have no favorite HG, as usual. But your vote breakdown helped me visualize things perfectly. My brain thanks you very much for that! 🙂 Besides, throwing our own theories out there if half the fun! After having it all sewn up after his last POV win, Emmett’s numerous gameplay/strategy errors since Sunday have now turned BBCA into just about a toss-up! I do know that Slice is plenty happy Emmett kept Gary over Talla!!!!!!
Hi Jim,
I wouldn’t say I’m totally confident. You can never be with BB but these are predications thus far. Jillian HATES Gary. She said it before and I think if she had to choose between Emmett and Gary. She will pick Emmett. She is almost as gullible as Danielle so I think she will eventually do what Danielle did, and vote for the person that used her for their gain in the game.
As for AJ, he definitely liked Jillian a lot, so do his other stooges so I would be surprised if he didn’t vote for Jillian. He will also think in terms of gameplay (comp-wise) and she did win a lot of comps and evicted a lot of people.
Emmett told Dan he has a speech he can “crush” Jillian with, so I think if he evicts Gary or Jillian. They won’t be friends outside the house. I doubt Emmett even likes Jillian. In the game he kept her because she kept him safe AND she jacked him off lol.
Also I agree, I didn’t think Emmet might be pissed off. It would be interesting to see how he votes Gary vs. Jillian.
Thanks! I always do my own little predictions prior to the finales. I don’t have favorites either but I voted for Gary to come back cause I thought he would make it the furthest. I wouldn’t mind E or G winning but not Jillian! After she said in the DR today that she thinks Emmett might playing for himself – um DUH jillian!
Hey Jim!
I thumbed up your post since I agree with 99% of what you wrote – 1% less than usual! 😉
Still, there’s 1 comment I want to disagree with:
“Emmett’s numerous gameplay/strategy errors since Sunday have now turned BBCA into just about a toss-up!”
Do you notice that it’s ever since the feeds were cut that Emmett has suddenly started making so many mistakes that it’s a toss-up?
BB wants to make it seem as much as possible like it’s a toss-up before the finale. That’s best for the ratings.
They hyped up the “Emmett didn’t tell Jillian about his F2 deal with Talla” in Jillian’s DR session. When Jillian and Emmett talked about it, he defused the situation within a few minutes, saying that he already told her, that he knew it was BS anyway, and that it didn’t matter since he’d evict Talla. Jillian was fine with it at that moment. Until BB insisted on it in the dr.
Obviously, Talla’s best defense against getting evicted by Emmett was to say she’d never forgive him. No matter what he’d say, she still would have said that.
About him taking Gary over Talla: Gary will not ever get a vote from those who call themselves true fans of the game, since he was the 8th Houseguest evicted. His game ended at that point and his sole role became to cast a vote for the winner at the end. This is why people want to take him further even over Talla, because the jury is even less likely to vote for him over Talla. Topaz will vote for him because they’ve built a strong friendship in the house and she’s not a huge BB fan. Talla might vote for him if she thinks he’s Canada’s beloved sweetheart and she could build on that friendship for her future career in the public eye. That’s it. They show us how Gary says he’s popular with the jury, but they don’t show us how in the jury house, AJ, Alec, Peter and Andrew say that they’d never vote for Gary. They would even have voted for Talla over Gary because she would have made it by herself, using up her only life in this game. Gary used up his life in this game on day 43.
AJ, Alec, Peter and Andrew would never want to take the chance of being remembered as “a bitter Jury” who’d vote for “anyone but the one that lied to them and got them out”, given how they see BB14’s jury.
Emmett had to make decisions based on the fact that noone wants to take him to the F2. He might sound confident in his F2 deals when we see his scripted one-liners from the DR, but I’m convinced he felt that if Talla or Gary won the POV, he was out. I’m sure he really wants to win the final comp, so that Jillian doesn’t get to choose between him or the money.
And now I’m leaving the “I’m convinced that…” for a “I don’t know, but it might be…” when I say that Jillian probably feels the same way about Emmett: I might be wrong, but I could totally imagine Jillian hoping for Gary or Talla to win the POV. That way, her only real threat to win in the F2 would be gone, and not by her own hands. After all, the night before that POV, she didn’t mind getting really drunk. Not the best preparation the night before an important comp. She told him she wanted to win this just as much as if she wasn’t HOH… but do you think she’d have gotten that wasted if she had been in danger herself?
Maybe the girl really is in love. Or maybe she believes in Gary’s tales about the jury respecting her game. But I think it’s more likely she has a pretty good idea of what her odds are against Emmett.
So ever since Sunday when the feeds were cut, I’d say BB has been trying to edit the show like Emmett wasn’t a 100% lock. The only difference is that we didn’t have the live feeds to see what’s really going on. My prediction: Emmett wins easily IF he makes it to F2.
If Jillian chooses Gary over Emmett F2, Emmett will give Gary his vote.
Well I think your 3 guesses are exactly where I’d be in General especially both Jillian senarios. I think Gary versus Emmit will either be 5-2 or even 6-1 for Emmit or possibly 4-3 Gary. Andrew certainly could bring AJ and vote for Gary instead of Emmit. I think in the end it’s perhaps 25% chance that they vote Gary. Tough for Andrew as Emmit clearly backstabbed him needlessly but also remember how upset Andrew was/is that Gary got another chance at the game.
Jill can beat emmet if she throws Peter under the bus during her speech Topez would like that. Plus Topez never talks about Emmett why vote for someone who you’ve never been in an alliance, who wanted to evict you and who ended up evicting you. Also Talla is close to Topez and is going to gas up Jill’s game.
Well if you want go by what we saw in the jury topez was really angry at jillian she is the one who lied to her not emmette so she is clearly holding a grudge we saw that when we saw the jury, we also saw she was impressed how emmette has played his game topez may have had an allience with jillian but she betrayed that allience and i don’t see her getting over that. It is true that topez and emmette had very little interaction together but when voting she will look at his game and how he played. I don’t see how throwing peter under the bus will help not really sure what you are refering to but peter already develged his interaction with jillian to the jury. Peter will be pushing for emmette if he is in the final 2 and more then likely will convince alec to vote if it is gary in the final 2 with jillian she has better chance but i still think that the boys have the advantage
Lol, Peter’s on the jury, she’s not going to do that.
Alec hates e more than j as was shown when they could come back into the house. And j evicted Peter which will make Topez happy.
Emmett, Emmett, Emmett – now we know why he was so worried on the weekend when backyard lockdown was happening & he bitched just his luck he’d been DQ’d again. Love how some are making it sound like he was just talking to himself when he yelled out about the minus sign. Didn’t he say in Diary that he did it on purpose so Jill would hear him? It was so obvious what he was doing as he did it, the wording & projection was unnatural. Plus, hello – he was in a competition for the most important POV of the season (as he said many times it was) – there is no way he would have yelled out such an important clue that could have given Gary & Talla an edge on him. He knew Jillian was at the same question as he was & got stuck same as he had (& how easy a mistake that was to make, assuming it was an addition – don’t think any of us can truly understand the stress they are under during these comps)
Someone mentioned Talla’s melt down during the maze, yelling the numbers. Very different scenario as the only houseguests who could hear her had already played, so she wasn’t giving anyone an advantage. Plus, Talla yells pretty much at the drop of a hat, Em is usually so low key he puts us in a doze. The only time he yells is when he’s been DQ’d, so yeah, that yelling out the minus sign was definitely not an innocent moment.
Do you make this stuff up as you go along? Emmette never said in the diary room he yelled out minus so jillina could hear it which the other two could alsp hear too and it wasn’t the answer and unless emmette has x-ray vision how on earth could he tell what question jillian was on this is riddiculus. He usually is low keyed but he was fustrated that he couldn’t figure out the answer and then it hit him, he didn’t yell the answer out. This is so stupid. It is only ok to say things out loud if you are by yourself news flash the rules are the rules no matter who is in the room and if he actually said the answer maybe but he didn’t say an answer or give an answer to anyone so this discussion is stupid. If it was anyone other then emmette then nobody would have a problem with it.
Okay, breaking my word – but honest, last 1 for the night. Just had to reply because once again, Hallie, you’ve called me stupid. Don’t know why you can’t reply to a post offering a differing opinion on your adored one without being so insulting & rude. I’m sure now that I’ve finally called you out on it this tiresome habit of yours, you’ll say you didn’t call me stupid but just cause you’re doing like Em’s done many times in the game, denying something doesn’t mean it isn’t so. You used that word so many times in your post (& others), your intent is clear. Fortunately, most posters on this board, should they disagree with a fellow BB fan, are able to articulate their argument without resorting to insulting or demeaning the other.
For the record, I did not say Em cheated in the Veto – I said he yelled out loud to help Jillian. So to use your own words “Do you just make stuff up?|”
Did you not see that I asked: “Did he not say in Diary….?” I didn’t record the Ep & they go by so quick. The edit of the actual comp was interspersed with Diary room commentary & voice overs with each player. They focused on that particular section quite a bit – so sue me that I might have gotten the exact wording wrong. But what I did not get wrong & which several other posters wrote in their postings as well, is Em’s description of what happened & Jill’s was pretty damn near to what I wrote. Regardless, it does not detract from the point I (& others) made about Em’s actions.
Nor the fact Em clearly knew what he had done was skating the line, which is why he was so worried he’d be DQ’d again… & also something that does not reflect well on Em, as many have observed, is the fact he thinks he’s being picked on, that he has no responsibility in his DQ’s happening.
It is tiring how you continually accuse me & anyone who has a difference of opinion, of being a stupid hater. I don’t hate the milkman (even if I am lactose intolerant – seriously!) I just don’t have the rose colored glasses you wear to blind me from some of his faults in the game. Everyone knows I was an Andrew fan but even with that, I did not shirk from posting observations of things he did/said that weren’t positive. Funny, you didn’t post then accusing me of being a stupid traitor.
Okay, so now really am heading off to the land of nod.
Hallie, I disagree. It was more than obvious that Emmett was attempting to aid Jillian, much like with the toothbrush incident. True, he did not yell out the answer, or call out Jillian’s name, however his action was definitely intended to refocus her. It was pretty clear she was rattled (as evidenced in the wrong answer) and he was aiding her. Was it a clear rule violation…maybe not in the strictest sense. But, it definitely is a form of cheating.
I must admit, I now agree that Emmett played by far the best game. I mean everyone loves him, hes making big moves without taking the blows. He is much smarter then I gave him credit for! Go Emmett!
Oh PS Emmett didn’t cheat. He gave no pointers that wasn’t visible by everyone. Everyone could see the minus sign, so he gave up nothing that would give anyone an advantage.
Talla wasn’t the best player this season, but her social game obviously worked for her. Jillian and Gary were so sad to see her leave, and she had no enemies among the jury or people evicted pre-jury. She was so entertaining and her eviction today was so heart-breaking.:(
Probably the most disappointing show tonight, Emmett is such an arrogant smooth snake! Jillian annoys the crap outta me and deserves to be ditched by E and G for behaving like a highschool girl looking for attention at every moment of the day! With the 3 remaining people left i could care less who wins ! I’d be more interested to see what happens to these fools when they get back to normal life and realize what Canada thinks of them , i think that would be more entertaining! Especiallly Jillian for tryin to act like such a goody gody but apparently forgetting that we were watching . Would luv to see here face when she hears about her youtube sex scene lol! Lookin forward to BBUS and can only hope they have better casting with more entertaining people!!!
More observations from the Ep tonight: As someone mentioned, Em is definitely cracking under the pressure. He made several big mistakes with Jillian that are coming home to roost.
1) Let slip the F2 deal with Talla & just couldn’t think fast enough to quell her suspicions. Obvious from Jill’s body language she was putting distance between them – physically & emotionally. Same body language she used with Talla during their convo after the VETO when T talked F3. It wasn’t the fact he F2 with Talla – she knows they all promise that. It was not knowing about it before he let it slip – & she knows it was a slip. Really made her question why she told him about F2 with Andrew. It got Andrew out & she knows it.
2) Em’s edict to Jill to get close to Talla backfired – as he acknowledged. Karma – he didn’t tell her to do this just to secure her loyalty but also cause he didn’t want to spend time with her himself. The reason Talla didn’t buy into what he was shoveling when he told her how much he loved her, enjoyed having her there, etc. but needed to keep Gary cause of their working together since day 1 is cause she knew he didn’t like spending time with her.
His “just a friendly famer boy” persona would slipped here & there anytime he spent time with her, showing his true feelings – during Talking with Talla an obvious one; bet she even overheard him when he begged Prod. to call him to diary when with her & even when he “tried” to smooth her hurt feelings when she got mad no one would listen to her reasons for being there, he actually kept insulting her. To paraphrase: you talk so much, you drown us in words, you talk, talk, talk but don’t say anything, etc. etc.
3) Jillian really was ticked that he wouldn’t let her tell Andrew he was going & yet, here he makes big deal telling Talla. Realizes he’s been screwing her to use this tactic to secure votes for himself. Jill knew Andrew was evicted cause she told Em of their F2 & now knows Talla is gone cause of her F2 – he thought it would trump his F2 with Talla if push came to shove.
These things together along with a few other things are finally causing her to step back a bit, take a breather – a little easier to do since it looks Em wasn’t doing the “let’s kiss so you don’t talk” thing :-). Did she wake up too late?
Oh & before I get slammed by some, I DO NOT hate Em, I just don’t like certain aspects of his game.
Chili, it is unfortunate that Jillian speaks a mile a minute and doesn’t give pause to hear the person she is speaking with. Had she went to Talla and let Talla speak she may have heard Emmettes rationalization of his allegiance to Gary and when that allegiance was established. It would give her more insight into her chances with Emmette taking her to F2.
Hi Name – I initially was thinking the same about the 1st part of the convo between Talla & Jill but then realized as the ep unfolded that it might have been yet again a trick of editing that made it seem like Jill was the only 1 talking. Definitely in the beginning Talla was doing the silent routine, obviously still in shock (reveals just how deep her sense of entitlement was that she was so sure she was staying).
We then saw the Em/Gary convo where Gary urges him to go talk to Talla again, pushing how Jill was in there swaying her vote – then there’s an edit to Jill/Tall in the bedroom, Jill isn’t talking, she’s looking at Talla who is standing facing her. We can’t tell if she’s talking but it did seem like Jill was in listening mode – there’s a chance tonight might show more of the convo?
However, whether Talla shares or not, I don’t think it really matters at this point. With the things Jill said in Diary & her reaction to Em’s “Talla – F2” slip, Jill’s eyes are opening to what Em’s been up to & she’s not happy – even without knowing the half of it! I think she’s replaying every convo with Em & game play direction he gave her through a very different lens now. That lens would make her rethink a lot of things, Dan’s convo & the letter from Mom who said something about playing her own game.
Jill had a pretty feisty look in her eyes last night when talking about this so you know, a woman scorned and all – she might yet make that big move Dan was urging for if she is the one making decision on F2. And if she is with him F2, then I think her speech to the Jury might be very different than originally planned.
Okay, last post for the night – promise! 😉 However, will continue to read your posts & voting with my thumb. Sharing this 1st season of BBCan with so many wonderful & equally passionate fans of the game has truly enriched the experience. Plus add me in the shout out to Dawg & Simon, not only for your hard work in watching the feeds continually & writing such brilliant recaps but also for providing a quality discussion board that allows such invigorating & challenging discussions.
So more observations: A couple have opined Jillian wouldn’t have gotten as far without Em. I believe differently – Em benefited the most from their relationship & not just cause he didn’t have to go cold turkey in abstinence for 2 mths! ;-). Among the reasons – With the number of times Em was DQ’d which would have left him exposed to potential “not so comfy stool time”. Any other alliances he could have set up just might not have been as strong as what Jilli’s loyalty & comp winning skills afforded him.
Say his alliance had been solely truly with the Shyld; it would have resembled the Matt/Lane/Hayden/? alliance – as much as he was the leader, at the 1st opportunity they kicked him, fearing the threat he would be to their game down the road. Just don’t think the Shyld’s combined ego could have handled the thought of anyone outshining them. A Tom alliance would have ended the same way it played out this season.
Who else? Andrew – he definitely would have gone with Jill if he’d been given the chance. Without a strong protector like Jillian I think Em would have been too exposed. Again, not heating on the milkman, in fact, the point is he would have been targeted for the threat he posed. The reason no 1 made a serious move against him in the game that was played is precisely because Jill had key wins, plus his own wins made it impossible for anyone to engineer anything.
Ironically, as much as a lot felt Suzanne was a weak player – yet another 1 there to enhance her “brand” – she actually made 1 of the biggest moves in the game, putting up Tom & Em for eviction. She sized them up pretty damn quick, knew they were the biggest threats. What a diff. game it might have been if Tom hadn’t won the Veto, huh?
Good night everyone. See you on the flip side…
I agree chili, but it’s way too late for Jillian’s awakening, he already screwed her , no punn intended.
Emmett only speaks when he needs to, so blurting out the minus in the comp, was completely deliberate IMHO.
As for lala, she was never playing dumb, 4 + 3 = 5 , duhhhhhhh,,, if the tala fans need to believe she is pretending , well, whateverrrr
So Talla puts together a few clever moments in her convo with Arisa & suddenly we’re suppose to think her dumb blond routine was just that, a routine? Sorry, not buying it. She never let the mask slip, even when she was alone. There was no need for the act when she knew only viewers were watching. Just a few examples: When Aneal was doing his torrent of tears, he let us see he was playing everyone; in BBUS, when Dan came out of 24 hr. isolation, seemed so ill, but then, when he knew the others couldn’t see him, smiled at the camera to let everyone know he was pulling a fast 1.
While in Diary, there were times Talla would say something that made her seem aware but more often than not, no. If she was playing the other house guests, there was no need to perpetuate the façade in Diary. I mean, she was entertaining as a Stooge, but her drinking was so over the top – even scary a couple of times. As the game wore on her, sense of entitlement made her more arrogant & down right mean at times.
As for her eviction being so sad, maybe my heart is still stinging after her turning on Andrew – er, not 🙂 – but I did not find this the saddest eviction of the season, let alone ever. All I saw was her sense of entitlement. How dare anyone vote her out! She was suppose to coast all the way to F2 then everyone was suppose to give her the win. She acknowledged she didn’t win anything, do anything & yet still had full expectation that no one was to evict her. Especially not Emmett, since she had F2 with him. Ahem, did she not watch the milkmance video for 3 days running?
I don’t know. Just don’t get the hoopla over her eviction.
ah I’m such a talla fan and also new to this so sorry if I come off as ignorant. If talla was really acting dumb, I think it was her choice I guess to not let it slip because I’ve heard that in other seasons they sometimes release dr videos and etc. talla knew the game well, so it could be a valid theory.
Best line of the whole episode:
“Emmett, I’m not trying to pressure you, but I’m pressuring you” LMAO
took me all season to really find out what an annoying girly voice Emmett really has. LOL
whiny little voice, like nails on a chalk board.
Maybe I’m just anxious for this season to end. ;p
I like seasons when I have a favorite much better and this season I couldn’t pick one at all. THOUGH IT WAS A FUN SEASON.
Jillian was my girl on day one but meh not enough to love her like I do Jeff and Jordan <33
Bring on BB15 B!!!tchesssss
Thanks Simon and Dawg for this site. 😀
LOL Talla has fans, and best part of this season…Peter or Alec didn’t win!! HAHA
I still think Andrew deserved this season. : /
Soooo, im guessing there is no Canada’s favorite player??? That really sucks! I was saving all my points to vote for Andrew. Thanks for nothing BBCA..
Emmicheate, I am pretty sure you did call out to help, just in case Jillajuck needed it… and she did so it is a cheat just like you helping her in coaching her how to brush teeth clean even if she did not use your support. This time you both should have been evicted!! You are cute but beep you do not get my vote cuz you are not sincere! Even thought I did want you to fix your moms kitchen!!
All these knuckleheads on here feeling sorry for Talla really need to get a life!! What social game did she have?? They all thought she was selfish and spoiled. All she did was talk crap and get drunk. Even when she was being interviewed by Arisa yesterday after her punkass got evicted she stood up at the end for a great crotch shot!! Lol! There should never be any mercy for undeserving finalists. She sucked since day 1 and her feeling betrayed and crying at the end was just an example of horrible sportsmanship. Good riddance! Hope my boy the MilkMan brings it home. I wouldn’t even mind Jillian winning because she has definitely fought for her spot. Until BBUS 15. This is finesse1978 signing off. Major love and respect goes out to Simon and Dawg for putting this all together and giving me hours of fun and excitement!! 2 Great People!!
For all of you that say Emmett didn’t cheat ………. YOU ARE WRONG. He cheated. It is a well known fact that you CANNOT give direction or help other players while playing for the Veto. Yelling out the minus sign is still helping someone. I think if there was more players he probably would have been DQ’d but because we are at the end prod. probably felt to let it go.
Like I have said before Emmett has proven over and over in this game that he can’t follow instructions or rules. Sorry to say but can’t stand the guy. The way he talks to everyone like they are a 6 year old when he doesn’t get his way. I am praying that Gary wins the HoH and takes Jillian to F2 he has the best chance to win against her. Would love to see Emmett get a taste of his own medicine while having Gary say ” awwwww Don’t pout Emmett it’s just a game” while his ass walks out the door !!!
I hope that if and when I get to be a House Guest on BB Canada that Emmett comes back at the same time, so I can school his A*S.
Guess you could have used your points to enter for $300.00 brick card but if you didn’t scroll down to the bottom you would have missed it. The deadline was the 14th .
So many awesome points of view and I to will miss the daily reads and be able to express my thoughts,views.
It amazes me that everyone is so on the bandwagon for Andrew about Gary returning to the game. Andrew played a terrible game but by not just letting it go and moving on he may have had a better chance. The one that was truly burnt this season by a twist was Topaz. She picked herself up and tried to get through it. All Andrew did was complain and going on and on and on. It still amazes me that anyone could ever believe e/j were ever going to take them anywhere!!
Maybe I’m reading into the clips BBCan showed on Twitter today (Jill smiling while packing, Gary looking distressed while packing, and Emmett pacing around the room)…it looks to me like Jill won the final HOH and Emmett is preparing for his speech to take home the money, has anybody else seen those clips?
Ist: thanks for posting that. 2nd: I didn’t see the clips the same way. I didn’t get a ‘read’ on anyone as to what may have happened. They all three seemed to be doing what they have been doing the past week or more.
Part of me has kinda always wanted Emmette to win. I liked his social game and he ability to manipulate people. It makes for interesting tv but over the last few weeks he has started making me not like him so much.
While I think yelling out during the last POV was stupid, I think he just did it because he was frustrated at himself and we have all seen Emmett lash out verbally when he gets upset. I dont think he did anything strategically or intentionally. He was just angry.
However over the last couple of weeks I think we have all been exposed to the real Emmett. A guy who is used to being in full control or no control at all. I really like the alpha male personality but not the “do it now woman” personality that he is portraying.
I don’t know him personally so I am not going to attack his character but from what he has chosen to allow, us the viewers, to witness? Not good Emmett. Not good.
This is where it gets tricky though. In the parameters of the Big Brother game, does Emmett deserve to win? As the viewers with access to blogs, you tube and online streaming, we see the whole picture. The jury only sees their narrow, first person perspective to the game and the players. I think Emmett may pull this one out and win it but if the jury had the opportunity to leave for a month, watch the show and then come back? It would be a MUCH different result.
On my last couple of posts I talked about not liking the orchestration of production to dramatize things for manipulate viewers. Well there they went and did it again but this time I believe it’s something never been done in ANY EVICTION exit EVER. Did anyone else notice the melodramatic music accompanying Talla’s exit and eviction? I’m not a Talla hater or lover but I really hate the condescending nature of BBCAN that we somehow won’t be aware of or it will be subliminal or something. That’s what I think anyway. I didn’t like it all season and it seems they stayed true to keeping the feel of a soap opera/reality show more than a good old fashioned season of Big Brother without all the unnecessary interference to sway viewers’ emotions. I know this may not be something others agree with, but I like to watch intellectuals (hopefully) and physical beasts and charming personas play this game. I look forward to at least a fraction of that if they proceed to a 2nd season. Peace fellow BB viewers.
Remember BB5? Drew dumped Diane in final three and took cowboy… Hope that happens to Jillian
To all future women who are selected to play in future Big Brother seasons:
Leave your emotions at the door and don’t expect to find your husband or soul-mate while playing Big Brother.
Don’t play second fiddle to any male and stay clear of a showmance as it will only inhibit your game play and come back to haunt you in ways you can’t even begin to imagine.
Take a stern lesson from Jillian and don’t be a sucker in the BB House cooking, cleaning, doing laundry and tidying up for ‘your man’. Why do you think that it is your responsibility to make his life easy and comfortable while he lounges about, relaxes in the hot tub, does his work outs and makes game moves during his copious spare time.
Use your head and play the game for yourself. Don’t be the ditch around some guy’s tower, the moonlight in some asshole’s cave and don’t give your blessing to a guy’s power.
Be a strong role model for all of the young women who watch Big Brother and who aspire to someday have the opportunity to play the game.
Poor Jillian, what a foolish, stupid girl.
Hey BrewHAHA – poor Jillian, what a foolish, stupid girl – what’s your bank balance?
Well said BrewHaHa. Productions should copy and hand out your rules to all females applying to be on any BB show.
No prediction..
Just my first choice for the win would be Gary.. He made some moves before he was voted out of the BB house.. Then manage to get more votes than other jury members to get back in. Once back he teamed up with Emmett. Tried to put a wedge between the power showmance couple. And outlasted both Andrew and Talla. He did all this by keeping his cards close to his chest. He played as smart as he could with annoying glitter, fake tears, makeup, charm and style…
My second choice is Emmett. He manage to get the target off his back from day one and keep it as a moving target on others. He hid behind and used the shyeld and Jillian to control. He worked on a DR public image of a sweet, lovable caring farm boy. Unfortunately he had no problem cheating, lying, being two-faced. So many times he was nice to others as a strategy instead of a moral compass. Emmett is cold. He’s in it for the money and left all emotion except for his sex drive at the door..
Third choice is Jillian.. She won lots of comps.. Did she really neeed to? Was that a sound strategy? She lied to everyone about everything all the time. She lied because she lacked skill and knowledge of the game. Lies were more of a defence, than gameplay.. I couldn’t understand, as a teacher, why she didn’t do her homework and watch a few BBUSb seasons before entering the BBCan house.. Then only once she’s in the house did she study constantly. I know. For comps. But why not before? Her girl next door persona and her ruthless actions were always in opposition.
Production messed with the game too much. The twists. Not keeping as many players in the game for as long as they could.. Cheating. Playing favorites. Using alcohol like a bad date in a cheap bar.
“you don’t need power to have power.” – Peter
Call it having a wild imagination or desire to want someone to be as good as Dr. Will; I have a fantasy that goes like this: Jillian has been playing the “head in the clouds”, “dreaming of what her wedding dress is gonna look like”, *girl” BUT she is actually playing Emmett better than he has been playing her. What if… now that would be worth all the twisty moves production pulled and all the powershifts that I didn’t like Yeah; could be I just need to tone down my creative imagination or Jill’s got a set of balls stashed in those yoga pants. I am really hoping for the latter (I really don’t have a vested interest in who wins), because it would be sensational. We shall see. I wasn’t one who ever felt Jillian’s emotional attachment to anything or anyone and if that was the case – good for her. She would go down as pro. Like I said, just my fantasy. I personally don’t like wishy washy or mancing of any kind in BB (unless it is completely organically grown) and *authentic*. What are those chances? I’ve only watched 2 seasons of US BB and this BBCan so I don’t have anything to gauge that last statement. Here’s hoping all your BB dreams get fulfilled later tonight (if you have them). I just want to winner to answer what I hope to be excellent jury questions. Later dudes and dudettes.
Just caught a few mins of the repeat of lst night’s ep – Since he’s been back, Gary has been selling Em hard on the story that he wants Em to win it all, he’s just happy to be playing for $20K. He’s laying it on thick now, saying he’s working for Em’s win & ihas spelt it out plainly to Em he doesn’t want Jill to win it over Em. Remember the convo when they were playing chess, Em had to shush him because he was referring to Jillian in derogatory terms. Em shushed him not because he didn’t like his “showmance” being referred to so badly but because she might overhear!
Last night, Gary pressured Em to go interrupt Jill’s talk with Talla cause she was working on Talla’s Jury vote & again asserted he’s there for Em to win it all. Em just seems to accept this as his due. Has he said anything to the contrary on the feeds or in Diary? On 1 hand I can’t believe anyone would believe a player telling them they’re not there to win, their game is to get you to the win (remember, that was BBUS Shelly’s game move too) & generally I’d say Em would call bull on this & was just stringing Gary along to use him, get whatever help he could. But as the last wks have unfolded, & reading the feed recaps, I’m thinking that Em might actually be buying it.
What do you think?
that was complete bullshit!! Done with BBCAN!
For all you Gary haters out there I hope y’all saw how he won fair and square the final HOH and that it was not fixed or else he would have gone home with the $100,000. It was his except that “skanky” Topaz gypped him out of it with her stupid behaviour. I’m so disgusted with that girl and her unbecoming behaviour and sincerely hope that the next black girl on a future Big Brother Canada conducts herself with more class.
On Global’s Morning Show today, the cast and Arissa were on discussing last night’s event. Jillian advised that she will be using the money to pay off her student loan and the rest will go as a downpayment on a house. Looks like Emmett won’t be able to help her spend it – I think her family may have gotten to her quickly enough to wake her up. By the way, she said she is a supply teacher which is not a permanent position.
One of the hosts of the Morning Show told Topaz that she thinks she voted for Jillian on purpose, but Topaz swears that it was an error and that she got confused with the lights and the audience blah, blah, blah. That girl had an opportunity to put Emmett & Jillian up when she was HOH for a day. All she could think about was stupid Alec.
Emmett is still seething from last night. As for Gary, I truly believe he has a good heart and does not hold grudges. He’s quite happy to get $20,000 and the exposure for his fashion ideas. In fact, he and a fashion designer from a reputable firm put on a fashion show with some of the houseguests – Talla, Danielle, Aneal, Kat and Suzette. Ultimately I think Gary may end up doing well in the Fashion world and will probably recoup the $80,000 he lost in the show many times over in the future.
Good luck Gary!
You hope the next black girl on a future show conducts her self with more class – don’t hold your breath.