Big Brother Canada 2 Sabrina

Big Brother Canada 8 – What we know and expect

Big Brother Canada 3 Godfrey Jump

Big Brother Canada 8 casting should now be completed. Looking at the casting website the last call was November 2019 in Toronto. There were 12 open calls in total with British Columbia holding the most at 3. Seconded by Alberta with 2, Lucky for us “Cowboy’s Night Club” was one of the listed venues which should bring in the red meat for the season.

By now Kasssssssting and their ilk will have poured over who the next great Instagram Influencer they will KASTED for this 2020 season. Apparently January 2020 is callbacks. Good luck whoever applied!!!

From the casting website

Do you think you have what it takes to win BIG BROTHER CANADA? Are you a BIG personality with STRONG opinions? Are you competitive and willing to fight for what you believe in?

If only…

Big Brother Canada 2 Sabrina

2019 Big Brother Season

The 2019 season gave us BBCAN7 and BB21, two of the most boring seasons in recent memory if not ever. The bar is super low in 2020 all they need to do is breath and we’ll beat last year.

Fingers Crossed…

2020 Big Brother Season

With all that said I am still excited for Big Brother Canada 8. Some of my favorite seasons came out of the BBCAN franchise (Check these older BBCAN posts out here, here and here). They can do it again! Here’s a free tip for casting ask the applicants one question. “do you plan on leveraging your Big Brother appearance to become an Instagram fashion/travel influencer?”. If the answer is yes,ย  place them in the nope pile. Whoever is left biam.. they’re in.

Just try it once it can’t get any worse…

The one shining light from Big Brother 2019 was Celebrity Big Brother 2 but sadly that show did not get a Winter 2020 installment. (maybe fall 2020 ๐Ÿ™‚ )

Big Brother Canada 7 Dane

Future @ OnlineBigBrother?

OnlineBigBrother is gearing up for the BB year. Even if BBCAN8 is sh1t we’ll find a way to polish it up. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m planning on BB22 to be Allstars a Kraken vision during the holidays and a post by Julia Chen of an empty chair has me totally convinced.

Big Brother Canada 1 Talla and Topaz

Happy New Year everyone !!!

16 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada 8 – What we know and expect”

  1. So excited already for BBCAN8, nothing will be as good as BBCAN2 for me, Sabrina was BB gold and Jon, adel, nedballs hahahah and the rest of the cast were GOLD. Last season was just a shit-show of crappy man alliance steam rolling a bunch of weak ass compatitors, the game play sucked except for a couple who made it to the finale. Hopefully this season we see some personality and some crazy ass competitors and some decent gameplay. It is what it is. Kassing has been casting the same shit for years now so I don’t expect a lot more, we need houseguests who are off the wall, not afraid to offend , not cookie cutter snowflakes trying to promote their agenda and create a so called brand. Bring Big Brother back to a fight to win the game and let the drama begin, stop with the dumb-ass twists trying to create drama, the drama happens naturally, the twists seem to stop the drama……….just my thoughts, see you dirty feedsters on the live feeds hahahahaha

      1. toataly agree and I also think most so called all-stars they bring back are not nearly as good as their first time on the show, even though production tries to get the same love for them only a few have proven to be worthy. IMO the only way BB should bring back a past HG’s is to have a complete season of past HG’s, either all newbies or all all-stars and season 8 would of been the perfect time for an Canadian all-star cast. Unfortunatly Kassing has used so many Canadian in previous seasons that an all Canadian all-star cast may not happen. But this would have been the perfect season to do it with, this is just my opinion, I know many will think I’m crazy but it would be good. Anyway Love your site and I’ll will be catching lots of shit on the feeds again this year, thank you so much for this site

  2. Yeah!!! So glad youโ€™re back! Canโ€™t wait for this season. Holding my breath that itโ€™s going to be great. Hoping for some east coasters. (Scotians preferably)

    1. Heya Katie ๐Ÿ™‚ They should just pick a person from every province. I would say territory but the population pool might be a bit tiny..

      1 Ontario 12,851,821
      2 Quebec 8,164,361
      3 British Columbia 4,648,055
      4 Alberta 4,067,175
      5 Manitoba 1,278,365
      6 Saskatchewan 1,098,352
      7 Nova Scotia 923,598
      8 New Brunswick 747,101
      9 Newfoundland and Labrador 519,716
      10 Prince Edward Island 142,907
      11 Northwest Territories 41,786
      12 Yukon 35,874
      13 Nunavut 35,944

    1. Good question. I don’t think the official day has been announced. All they’ve told us is February TBA. BBCAN 7 started March 6, 2019

  3. I agree the bar is set very low for the 2020 seasons of BBCA and BBUS to be better than last year’s seasons.

    I still have not finished S21 but will most likely before S22. I just can’t be bothered.. I dipped out after Sam was evicted but still checked here, some other sites, and sometimes live feeds (so thanks for doing God’s work) to keep updated.

    I’m beyond annoyed that they scrapped Celebrity Big Brother. Even getting the type of celebrities they got the first two years, for me at least, created a great show. I hope like you said they do it this year after all just later on.

    If not they better bring that sh*t back in 2021!

    1. For me liking Celebrity Big Brother was a strange thing cause I’m not into celebrities at all and I totally thought I would hate it. But I didn’t. I think the short season helped plus the “celebrities” they cast from a variety of subfields (sports, comedy, TV, music) were decent.

      I’m thinking a BBOTT format on a sped-up timeline could be gold for feed fans. 2 evictions, 14 regular people cast, get it done 6 weeks. few to no twists just classic fast BB.

    • BBCAN 1 – 71 days Feb 27 2013 to May 2
    • BBCAN 2 – 71 days March 5 2014 to May 8
    • BBCAN 3 – 70 days March 23 2015 to May 27
    • BBCAN 4 – 77 days March 2 2016 to May 12
    • BBCAN 5 – 69 days March 15 2017 to May 18
    • BBCAN 6 – 69 days March 3 2018 to May 10

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