Big Brother Canada 7 house looks great. Every Year they seem to put a lot of resources into it. (Like that light wall in BBCAN5 That was cool)
Big Brother Canada 7 starts March 6th.

House pictures via
Big Brother Canada 7 house looks great. Every Year they seem to put a lot of resources into it. (Like that light wall in BBCAN5 That was cool)
Big Brother Canada 7 starts March 6th.
House pictures via
Wow! Canada blows US out of the water with this BB house!
Looks Amazing!!!! Big Brother Canada house’s always have the best decor!
YUP.. BBCAN is always the nicer house. BBUS has been picking it up lately though.
I cant wait for the season and look forward to your great coverage Simon and Dawg. I assume sequester was Monday, and I heard they walk in this Saturday. So perhaps cast reveal is this Thursday and Friday?
Hey Feeds Gold! Your right. I’m thinking Thursday or Friday. Anyone heard rumours on vets?
I haven’t heard anything. I hope its 16 new house guests.
I’m sure BBCAN will figure out some neat twist.
LOL yup..
The twists turned me off of BBCAN ..
How do we watch in the US? We moved and I need to know how to watch my fellow Canadians!
Super easy get this VPN. It’s what I use when I want to watch all the us BB’s
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