Big Brother Canada 5 POV Results “I’m thinking Dallas, which sucks cause I like him”

Dillon won the Power of Veto

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The video posts take a long time to craft. If a game critical spoiler is known I post them on this page.

8:40pm Have nots Kevin, Neda, Ika, Cindy, Cassandra
Wondering who they should backdoor..
Kevin mentions that Emily was blocking Demetres during the POV. They wonder what Dillon will do if he wins the HOH.
They bring up how Emily sucks at the game so getting rid of her is stupid. Demetres keeps asking them if it should be Dallas.
Neda – we have the numbers
Demetres – if we put up Dallas we have our 5 we need just 1 more
someone says “Karen” and “French connection
Demetres I’m thinking Dallas
Demetres says he likes Dallas but he cannot have him and Dillon competing in the HOH next week.
Ika mentions Dallas going home would make it look like not all the vets are working together.
Kevin – Dallas is freaking out about the replacement nomination
Ika – we cannot let Demetres hang out to dry next week we have to win HOH
Neda says getting rid of Dallas makes sense. Kevin Agrees then leaves.
Cassandra leaves.. Demetres warns them that Cassandra is catching wind of Ika, Cindy and Neda. Cindy points out every time they are talking Cassandra comes in. Neda and Ika are gone.
Demetres leaves..

Neda and Cindy are the last ones in the have nots, chatting about scenarios
Neda – I actually like Demetres (Actually)
They agree they haven’t been pushing Demetres very hard on who he should nominate.
Neda – I actually enjoy Dallas.. (Actually)
Cindy “actually” likes Dallas to

8:32pm Karen and Dre
Karen thinks she’s safe because the other players don’t want to get rid of her they want her to stay in the game to “take out the boys”
Karen goes on about getting Dallas out.. Karen’s doesn’t mind Kevin, Bruno, or Dallas being nominated. She prefers Dalals becuase he’s the one Gunning for her.

9:05pm HOH Gary and Demetres CAm 1-2

Dallas saying he’s going to push for Karen to go up. Cassandra tells him what Dallas has planned is not how you talk to the HOH. She will come back to him in a hour.
Cassandra tells Dallas and JAckie not to worry . Dallas asks who she’s pushing for.
Cassandra – none of your concern just sit back and let me do it

9:17pm Cassandra and Demetres HOH
Cassandra says her targets are Bruno and Dillon if she wins HOH.
Cassandra tells him Bruno was the one that was the mastermind to flip the house and get Demetres out last week. Reiterates it wasn’t Kevin and Dallas.
Demetres – F*** did that hurt watching those people flip on me..
Demetres says he doesn’t trust Jackie. Cassandra tells him Jackie is not a threat she has a hold on her.
Cassandra – Emily is not a threat.. Karen did better than her (In the POV)
Cassandra keeps telling him Bruno and Kevin are after him saying they are much bigger threat they are good at comps and were the mastermind of last week.
Demetres says getting rid of Bruno or Kevin may be getting too much blood on his hands.
Cassandra – talk to Ika
Demetres says he only talks to Cassandra and Ika.
Cassandra – I have a hold ON dallas because he’s from my Season
Demetres – he’s a wildcard and he’s working with Dillon

9:32pm Demetres and Cindy in the HOH
Demetres is relaying what Cassandra said to him. Brings up that she is pushing for Kevin and Bruno to go up and is downplaying Dallas. Adds that Cassandra thinks she ha a hold on Dallas.
Demetres says he told Cassandra he’s considering one of those three boys but never said it would be Dallas.
Demetres – It’s obvious what I should do. (Put up Dallas)
Demetres asks her what he should do should he tell Dallas.
Cindy thinks he should “Shock” him. Demetres agrees.
They talk about the plan to make the house think it’s Jackie going up.

Demetres is worried that people are catching wind of their alliance.

Ika and Demetres in the HOH 10:00pm

Ika and Cassandra
Cassandra tells her that Dallas won’t be coming after them, Bruno will.
CAssandra says Demetres is open to put Bruno up.. He knows it wasn’t Dallas being the mastermind of that Scheme. Cassandra asks her if she’s OK talking to Demetres. Ika is but doesn’t want Cindy to walk in every minute.
Cassandra – bring him down to our Cave.
Ika – Kevin, Bruno and Dallas lied to him (Demetres)
Cassandra says mention to Demetres that Dallas is a open book and “Cassandra” can control him because he’s from her season.
Ika – I don’t trust Dallas.. If we can’t get Bruno up they’re (Nominated) we have to think of
something else.
Ika points out the reason Dallas is F***d is after those 3 guys screwed Demetres over kevin and Bruno ran back to Demetres and smoothed things over and Dallas didn’t he hung out with Dillon.
Cassandra says the vet alliance will be broken up this week regardless they are better off with Dallas in over Bruno.

Cassandra – you’re hanging with Dillon too much
They tell Dallas right now the Vets are strong. Ika asks Dallas if he’s been talking to any of them.
Dallas – you guys
Ika laughs – Dallas
Dallas – honestly guys if I go up I go up..
Ika – we don’t know where his heads at 100%

10:39pm Storage room CAssandra and Dallas
Cassandra says right now he’s going up on the block. He needs to go up the HOH and talk to Demetres and convince him to put up Bruno.
Cassandra says Bruno is more sketchy than Kevin.

10:50pm Cassnadra and Gary Cam 3-4
Gary – Dallas isn’t going to last long weather he goes now or later.. I can get Dillon and Emily under my wing.
Cassandra says Bruno is with them since night one.
Gary – I don’t feel like I want to hustle so hard to get Bruno on the block.
Gary – Demetres has his mind made up and it’s going to be Dallas.. lets push to get Emily out if you want Dallas so much.

10:53pm Demetres and Dallas Storage room
Dallas – you keep me safe this week I’ll keep you safe next week that’s my f***G word.. Karen is my f***G target.. it’s a weak target but she’s sabotaging my name bro.. Bruno is giving me weird vibes lately..
Dallas says he thought he was cool with Kevin and Bruno but not anymore.. Dallas says it was Brno that convinced them to flip.
Dallas says putting up Karen might not be his best play, she’s a weak target and that’s who Dallas is going after.
Demetres – Honestly I’m going to be honest with you.. Karen leaving the house doesn’t do a whole lot for my game
Dallas – she did go after you once..
Demetres – I’m worried you are going to be with Dillon..
Dallas – how about we create a f***G truce.. we are physical players people will come after us.
Demetres says there’s nothing but a wasted HOH asks who he should put up. Dallas says one of the people that voted him out.

11:12pm Cassandra and Ika
Cassandra says if Ika pushes Demetres he’ll put Bruno up. Warns her Bruno is playing hard and he’ll win HOH next week and put Gary and Her up.
Cassandra – veterans are done after this week.. We won’t have that to fall back on
Ika – Kevin is so weird
Cassandra says Emily and Dillon have an alliance with Bruno
Cassandra – get them to say that
Ika – are yo usure
Cassandra – 100% sure..
Ika – like what you see or what you know
Cass – he’s not going to tell me but it’s obvious
Cass warning again that Kevin and Bruno are playing so hard out they’re. They are trying to pin the drama on the women.

12:30am Ika and Demetres HOH
Demetres says he wants to put up Dallas and not “B1tch out”
Ika – he was the other person that wad working with those people.. It makes sense.
Demetres explains it was “those 3 boys” that betrayed him and now he’s working with 2 of them so ‘Sorry Dallas you’re the odd guy out”
Ika – everyone is sketched out by Bruno and Kevin.. they think they are playing such a great game
Demetres – do we trust those guys
Ika – if they won HOH we wouldn’t go up .. I trust you, Neda and Cindy

12:50am Ika, Cassandra, Gary and Dallas
Ika – you should have thrown Emily under the bus when you were talking to him.. Make sure she goes home..
She adds Dallas trying to get Karen up is was stupid.
Ika explains that Emily was standing in the way of Demetres during the POV hindering him he should have mentioned that.
Cassandra – go in there tomorrow morning..

Dallas – if I go up on the block to I have the back of the vets..
Gary – yes you have my vote dallas..
Ika – you spent all your time with Emily and Dillon you spent no time with Neda, Kevin, Bruno and Condy
Dallas – do we need to confirm it every day
Gary maybe..
Ika says it’s either going to be Dallas or Jackie,
Ika – when you were playing with Dumb and Dumber they were in they’re making friends
Ika says she’s spending too much time outside th4e vets
Dallas explains he thought that was the plan.
Ika – you just ran over there
Gary – and never came back..
Ika – Dillon is going around saying he’s taking out vets..
Dallas – he’s killing my game..

Ika says the vet alliance is broken
Gary – it’s broken to the point of no return
Ika – I think Dallas is going home.
Dallas – can I repair it
Gary – tomorrow you have to go through the whole house
Ika – the newbies don’t want to see another newbie go home
Dallas – I thought Emily was annoying
Ika – if a vet is sitting next to her she’s not annoying

Cassandra – you’re going home
Ika – you are going home
Dallas – for sure.. Fighting or no fighting..
Ika – you’re going home..
Gary – you got to fight
Ika tells him nobody likes Dillon he’s got to cut ties with him.
Cassandra – yo need to beg for your life

Dallas says he’s going to arrange a vet meeting tomorrow.
Gary – Dallas rally up the vets
Ika – call the meeting but no one will be as honest as we are..

Late Night Ika, Gary, Cassandra

18 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada 5 POV Results “I’m thinking Dallas, which sucks cause I like him””

  1. Wow! Dallas had no idea how bad his day was going to turn when he got up this morning! I was NOT a Dallas fan during his time on BBCAN4 but I actually liked him a little better this time around. After that conversation with Cass and Ika in the bathroom, I doubt the poor guy is going to get any sleep tonight!

  2. Dallas made the same mistake he did last season; choosing horrible allies, being overly transparent, and never listening to anyone. Don’t really feel bad for him.

    Ika and Demetres are a flirtmance in the making. People are going to gun after them in a few weeks.

    Cassandra needs to give up on her plan with Bruno. She should wait until a newbie wins next week, since NO ONE is biting this week. It was dumb of Neda to let Ika and Cassandra bond all day.

  3. Now i love Gary and Ika more. And Cassandra really play the game. Cindy and Neda just waste their secinf chance. I really hope Neda will be first jury. Im done seeing her game

  4. Bruno and Kevin haven’t learned anything from their Season of BBCan. They are still playing too hard, to fast and trying to be the Alpha male. You can already see Bruno doesn’t care what any female has to say in that house! Neither will last very long this Season.

  5. The T club was entertaining as hell

    I need Ika and Cassandra to win this game, they are so entertaining.

      1. Why not keep them on every page like for all the other seasons? Now I have to click 2 pages. smh. That’s just dumb.

        1. You could always watch the feeds yourself. Instead you bitch about someone taking their time, watching the feeds & posting synopsis for FREE! Talk about ungrateful. GTFO

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