Big Brother Canada 4 March 13 Evening Live feed updates “this would be the best backdoor this season”

POV Holder: Dallas Next POV March 12th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony March 14th
HOH Winner: Loveita Next HOH: March 17th
Original Nominations: Cassandra and Christine
Current Nominations: 1? and ?
Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry
Have Nots Joel & Cassandra

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There will likely be a lot of alliances during the season – keep track with our alliance help guide.

8:00pm cam 3-4 Dallas and Tim , Phil, Mitch red room
Talking about the Jackpot. Tim is convinced Jared is holding back information about it. Dallas leaves.
They start talking about Jared and Loveita getting closer.

Tim, Cassandra and Mitch talk votes CA, 3-4
Tim and Mitch are telling her she has the votes to stay.

8:00pm Cassandra and JAred, Mitch Kelsey CAm 1-2
They tell Cassandra she has the three of them as well as Tim.

Niki and Loveita HOH


9:06pm Maddy, Loveita and Dallas pink room CAm 3-4
Loveita – Are you planning on using the ‘VEAT’
DAllas – no
Lovetia – Ok i just want know so that i’m… prepared
DAllas – that was my plan if it’s all good it’s all good.. CAssandra going home. (They high five)
Dallas adds that he would like to do a bigger backdoor.
Loveita – do you want to come into my office
Dallas thinks Loveita has a deal cut so his plan won’t work.
Dallas – You gotta think they got Kesley, they got Raul, they got Mitch, that’s it
Dallas – we got Joel, we got Maddy, we got ramsey, we got myself.. we got the numbers girlfriend this is the week to flip it upside down

Loveita leaves. MAddy and Dallas discuss getting JAred put up. They are sure of their votes to get him sent home.

Jared and Cassandra in the storage room
Casandra says she’s smart but she’s not smart on Slop. Jared says he’s not talking game to Dallas anymore.

JAred – as long as Niki votes to keep you, we’re good.. Niki’s going to vote with Tim, we have Kelsey,mitch, Raul, Tim
Kelsey – Joel
JAred – your sure joel
JAred – he’s on a short leash.. We just need Niki Joel is kinda questionable

9:30pm DAllas, Maddy and Loveita HOH
Pushing to get JAred or Raul nominated.
Maddy says she’s gunning for those three (Raul, Kelsey and Jared) bad she’s not leaving the house until she gets one of them out
Maddy – once he behead one of those F*** dragons dude we have a head start
They count the votes, they are confident to have 6 votes. worst case it’s a tie.
Dallas – this would be the best backdoor this season
They push Jared hard.
Dallas – they got Sharry we owe this to Sharry

Tim joins Dallas and MAddy leave
Part 1
Loveita tells him Dallas wants to use the Veto and make a move.
They discus Dallas’ motives.

(Video uploading)

10:30pm Part 2
Niki joins them.
After some talk doesn’t look like Loveita is going along with the plan to backdoor Jared, Raul or Kelsey.

11:13pm Loveita and DAllas HOH
Dallas trying to get Jared nominated.

11:24pm Mitch and Loveita HOH

12:00am JRAed, Kelsey and Phil

12:23am CAm 3-4 Jared, Raul, Kelsey and Nick

12:36am Cam 3-4 Kelsey and Cassandra

12:36am Mitch, Jared and Raul
Mitch says they have no idea what is going to happen. The whole house is in a state of confusion
Jared mentions how sketchy Phil is. Raul agrees.
Sounds like there play is to get a brother nominated.
Mitch says he sees the house splitting into two sides. He warns them that the “four” of them are seen as a group and Kelsy /Jared are seen as a pair.
Jared is going to talk to Phil but as it looks right now different girls will latch onto him and manipulate him. Jared wants to keep Cassandra. Mitch agrees.

1:01am Bathroom Phil, Joel and Kelsey
Kelsey is pushing them to keep Cassandra telling Phil not to feel threaten by Cassandra. She brings up Phil hearing Cassandra was telling Loveita to put the brothers up. Kelsey wants him to know that’s not true.
Kelsey goes on and on about sides of teh house and htey have to be on the side with the numbers. Phil tells her to chill out it’s only week 3.

1:10am BAthroom Mitch, Kelsey and Jared
Kelsey – Right now it’s use four time and Joel (To keep Cassandra)
Kelsey – Right now we have the majority as long as Joel stick with us
There’s some concern coming from Kelsy that Jared is going to be “Backdoored”

Kelsey found out that Dallas and the brothers have patched things up.
Jared – If I got backdoored she would be public enemy number 1

1:30am Cassandra and JOel

Crack kills

15 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada 4 March 13 Evening Live feed updates “this would be the best backdoor this season””

  1. can’t see loveita going with the Dallas plan at all, but if she thinks she is getting cassandra out she will be sadly mistaken. i doubt if she realizes that tim will vote to keep her, but then she also doesn’t seem to realize that christine is far worse than keeping cassandra in the house. at least for her, but now it is too late cuz she’s basically run around telling everyone about cassandra, flipping out because they don’t see it like she does, and paranoiding herself into a frenzy, which will basically convince everyone they should keep cassandra because 1. cassandra’s target will be loveita (which s true also for christine) but also 2. loveita will keep focused on gettin cassandra out and not looking at any of them.

  2. So Tim, come chat with me after you trashed al day and still want me to work with you!! Such a shady snake you are, go back to your shady alliance and tell them Dallas has flipped and one of you are going up with your fair maiden! Now slither on away now your excused!

  3. So Tim you come in here ad want me to work with you after you have trashed me to the entire house all day huh! You my friend are a slimy snake, so slither on back to you evil passe and let them know Dalllas may use the POV and one f them is going up with your far maiden Now slither away, you are excused Mahahahaahaha

  4. I just thought about the game long term. It’s in the best interest of the people who are floating in the middle to keep Kelsey, Jared, and Raul… for now. They can be used to pick off Loveita, Dallas, Maddy, and Ramsey. What’s even more important about the people in the middle sticking together is that they would have the numbers going into jury. It would be Tim, Nikki, Joel, Mitch, Phil/Nick, and Cassandra vs. Jared, Kelsey, and Raul. I mean the people in the middle may lose some of their numbers along the way, but the chances of someone(s) from the middle getting to the end is highly likely in this scenario.

  5. I really want to know what Mitch is thinking. I was watching Mitch spill everything to everyone in the live feeds, and I’m still so confused

    1. Mitch knows that Loveita is a sinking ship, and he’d never align with Dallas. It’s in Mitch’s best interest to feed information to Jared, Kelsey, and Raul because it builds even further trust with that trio. The only people Jared trust fully in the entire house are Kelsey, Raul, and Mitch. This is good for Mitch because when the jury phase roles around it means that the Third Wheel alliance is highly unlikely to come after him before final 4 (if even then lol, because multiple people have said they want Mitch to win the game).

      Mitch wants the Third Wheel alliance, Joel, Cassandra, Phil/Nick, and Tim to work together because Mitch is aware that he can be, and currently is, the metaphorical glue between these different groups. Joel, Phil/Nick, Cassandra, and maybe even Tim wouldn’t go after Mitch if the Third Wheel makes it to the jury phase intact. And don’t forget that this is still a numbers game. and if Mitch can get Joel, Phil/Nick, Cassandra, and Tim plus the Third Wheel alliance to jury together than the people not part of the Third Wheel alliance will have a numerical advantage over them 2-1.

      Essentially, Mitch is playing the game ala Jun and Andy’s (though Mitch has not said anything bad about another HG the way Andy talked about Elissa) style. He’s making sure that he actively floats to the varying dynamics of the house, curries favor with each group, and positions himself between these groups so that when the dust settles he’s still unscathed.

      I know some people may not like Andy’s gameplay, but he was and is in my honest opinion one of the best social players to ever play BB. The only thing I would say was kind of bad about Andy’s gameplay, and what probably would never work again, was that he spilled the beans constantly. There is a huge difference between a rat who just tattles as a means of staying in the house, and someone who purposely releases information to benefit their position in the house.

    2. Bob the Builder MItch is playing the same game Andy did in the US Big Brother 15 they called him a Rat however he won. Everyone liked him and trusted him and believed in him very sneaky!! If YOU HAVE TIME YOU SHOULD CHECK IT OUT ON YOUTUBE BUT WARNING MEAN NASTY AND CRUEL HOUSEQUEST A HEAD!!!

    3. Mitch and Joel are doing the same thing they did week one. They are maintaining a working relationship with Loveita because she’s hoh and she trusts them. At the same time they are fearful that their names are being linked to hers and therefore guilt by association when someone takes a shot at her (neither wants to be Sharry). They are doing everything they can to ingratiate themselves to the people that they did week one and two because they are on the fringe of the alliance, so not worth being a target, but protected by the numbers (bigger fish to fry)in the Jared camp.
      Mitch is giving them all the information but coating it in Loveita is doing her only option, staying in the middle and reaching out to both sides. He says repeatedly that she won’t go along with the plan hoping they’ll trust her more, but he’s actually adding fuel to the fire for the part of them that think she’s sketchy. I don’t think he actually cares if Loveita stays more than a week or two, as long as she remains a target. He was trying to sneak in the distrust of Cass, without pushing but it fell on deaf ears to Raul because it’s not what Kelsey wants.
      Speaking of Cass, isn’t it funny that everything she’s denying she said (the bitch comment wasn’t said to Loveita, it was said to Kelsey Loveita was not standing next to her as she claims in her joke denial, backdoor Kelsey, backdoor the brothers) is actually true. She did say all three things. She just didn’t expect that her campaigning to Loveita would become public knowledge, and now plays wounded. If it works and they are stupid enough to believe that she won’t be sketch, they deserve to have her put the knives in their backs.

  6. None of these people are likable. I don’t care how many thumbs down I get for this, but Nikki is annoying and a non-entity and Tim is nothing special either.

  7. This is gearing up to be a very exhusting yet fascinating season. I have a feeling it’s gonna be downright bloody with this divide going on. It would be amazing to see Nikki and Tim go far!!

  8. So Kelsey is definitely employing the BBUS16 ‘hair-stroking’ method (but only with boys, I notice). Gay or straight – she’ll rub your hair if it gets her closer to the end. Just watching her do this to Mitch on the latest after dark and I would be like, get your effin’ hands off me; I don’t know you like that. That’s just me, though. It’s icky to watch.

  9. I know its early but I just want to take the time and have a mini rant about production. Why on god green earth do production constantly feel the need to block the feeds all the time, esp when we all know that they can fill all the material in a 45min show… gosh!! end of mini rant. Pls I hope Loveita backdoor Jared lol,

  10. After the noms, Maddy said to Ramsey ‘we can’t right now..we don’t have a and so hates Kelsey (a guy’s name). Which guy hates Kelsey? Any help please and thank you.

  11. I got the answer myself – Tim hates Kelsey. Wow – props to Tim for his acting talents. On another note – Maddy is a badass and I hope she wins an HOH soon. It’s hard to watch her eating her fingers though.

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