The Finale of Big Brother Canada 4 is finally here! On tonight’s 2 hour episode we will find out the results of how the final 3 house guests did in Part 1 and Part 2 of the HOH competition. Then we’ll watch live as Part 3 unfolds and the winner of the final HOH decides who is the final jury member and who they take to the final 2. The jury members will ask the final 2 house guests questions and then they’ll vote on who they want to win the grand prize! The winner of Big Brother Canada 4 will receive $100,000, a $25,000 gift card from The Brick, and an OxiClean prize pack valued at $10,000 that includes $500 of fabric care products and a $9,500 wardrobe makeover. (Side note: What was the point of the Jackpot going off all season? Just so Cassandra could sweep up some poker chips?!)
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Twitter Spoilers
Big Thank You to @hamsterwatch for all the spoilers this season!
- HOH Part 1 Winner: The Brothers (Phil)
- HOH Part 2 Winner: Kelsey
- HOH Part 3 Winner: Kelsey
- Evicted House Guest: Tim
- Canada Votes for: Ramsey cast viewers vote, for The Brothers
- Winner of Big Brother Canada 4: Nick/Phil won 5-2 (only 7 votes were read) – the 2 were Jared, Raul
Results from the Show
Part 1 HOH “Tip of the Iceberg”
Tim, Kelsey and Phil compete in this competition. The House Guests must collect the iceberg puzzle pieces, complete their path to the top. They then have to use a cup and race from the pool to the top of their path to fill a tube to retrieve a flair to win! Part way into the competition Tim asks Kelsey if she is even trying? Are you throwing it?! Kelsey says she’s not throwing it.
Part 1 HOH Winner: The Brothers
Tim Vs Kelsey in Part 2 of the HOH competition! “Holy Craps!”
– They have to individually compete to match poker chip clues about events from the season to dice of the house guests.

Tim forfeited at a time of 28.22 when Kelsey had taken a time of 50:03 minutes to complete the challenge.

Part 2 HOH Winner: Kelsey
Arisa talks to the first 5 house guests evicted from the game
Phil and Kelsey face off in Part 3 of the HOH competition. A/B Question Comp
Part 3 HOH Winner: Kelsey
Final HOH Winner: Kelsey
Evicted House Guest: Tim
Final 2 House Guests: Phil/Nick Vs Kelsey
John Pardy season 2 winner of big brother Canada hosts the jury chat.
The jury members ask the final 2 their questions to help them decide who to vote for to win.
Ramsey submits Canada’s vote.

In the audience – the 2 international house guests that didn’t make it into the house: Jase Wirey & Veronica Graf
Jury Votes:
- Jared Votes for: Kelsey
- Cassandra Votes for: ?
- Joel Votes for: Nick/Phil
- Raul Votes for: Kelsey
- Maddy Votes for: Nick/Phil
- Mitch Votes for: Nick/Phil
- Nikki Votes for: Nick/Phil
- Tim Votes for: ?
- Canada Votes for: Nick/Phil
Winner of Big Brother Canada 4: The Brothers
The brothers win $100,000, a $25,000 gift card from The Brick, and an OxiClean prize pack valued at $10,000 that includes $500 of fabric care products and a $9,500 wardrobe makeover.
Kelsey wins the $20,000 runner up prize.
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so no jackpot room?
Hey bud, we’re gonna have to get you back to the hospital. You need your mess bad!
Tim was a lying ego-maniac SOB who thought we Canadians were so stupid we couldn’t see straight through his Bull Sh*t. Sure he didn’t really want to win.
Sure, he wants to “see more of Canada”, while he jets straight outta here back to Australia. The sum of his “experience” of Canada was the BB studio and the Toronto airport.
Real classy of a guy.
Hey we don’t attack people on a personal level here. Even though the all-caps may turn some off, people are entitled to expressing their opinions.
I don’t appreciate and haven’t appreciated during this BB season these supporters of Tim who attack the commenters themselves on a personal level whenever they express a negative opinion about Tim.
Just because someone has a strong view against Tim, doesn’t entitle you to call them clinically insane and tell them they need to go on medication – that is unacceptable! – – – there are plenty of mean and disrespectful views on every player, including people comparing the Brothers to King Joffrey from game of thrones and wishing obscene things upon them — people can and obviously do post their opinions about the public figures on Big Brother, but commenters don’t need to be attacked personally, or feel afraid to post against Tim because they don’t want to get attacked. I can tell you this has happened to me! And repeatedly. Even if I was defending someone else that they should be able to express their opinion without getting personally attacked – I was called extremely disrespectful names, including disgusting and demeaning names to women. This is unacceptable! Maybe others have not posted because Tim supporters have run them out and sometimes it felt like these supporters have taken over aggressively some BB forums… which is just ridiculous.
Tim’s gone back to Australia, maybe you should move on as well…
Live Stream of the FINALE at 7pm Eastern Time:
Thanks for the great coverage Dawg.
OMG the brothers are going to win!!
Umm pretty sure the jury votes for Kelsey
Maddy, Canada, Nikky, Joel, Tim = that’s min. 5/9
Mitch will think Brothers more deserving than Kelsey, but may vote for Kelsey because of his promise to vote for “any Third Wheel member in final two”
Cass should vote for Brothers on game, but if she won’t if she wants to be personal or bitter about it.
That’s 5-7 out of 9.
A Jury would never vote for a returning player to win. Oh wait, this is BB Canada ala Gary Levy, woops, lol never mind, my bad!!
Kelsey is no Gary. kelsey is no where NEAR what Gary was.
you don’t vote for a zombie to win!!!
Nick is actually one of the best players in Big Brother history.
He is an absolute Big Brother genius, AND a competition beast!
Did you hear how he answered Cass’s jury question? Brilliant.
How he handled and manipulated Kelsey after Jared left.
How he handled the situation of Cass & Tim revealing to Kelsey the room convo with Phil when Kelsey was Hoh.
How he won all those comps!
Nick is absolutely deserving of the title! Phil.. not so much… But hey, Nick should absolutely be an All-Stars candidate.
He won the game, in spite of dragging around his dingus brother all season. By himself he would have been a dominant player.
Yes FO SORE. Its even more astounding how good Nick is at this game considering he DIDN’T KNOW THE GAME coming in!! *He was recruited only as a “twist” for Phil (the brother who was actually a Big Brother fan). So at least Philip was useful in that he started off teaching Nick the game at the start.
Just think, Nick won 5 competitions, and he only played in half of them. If it were just him, he might have won 7 or 8. He also came in second place when Raul was blatantly cheating in his HOH win. That one was sketchy as hell.
The guy was one helluva comp beast, that’s for sure.
You’re delusional, do you even watch Dan’s seasons? Nick had ZERO social game!!! Phil constantly had to pull Nick to the side and coach him on how to play the social game!!
… Dan couldn’t ever find his way to any competition win… whereas the Brothers have four POVs and three HOHs in just one season
Hahaha! Lmfao!!! Ok, enough! You’re comparing arguably two of the dumbest people in BB history against the best of all time. I have to mutts that I rescued, they’re not all that bright. I renamed them Phil and Nick! But at least I don’t have to hear the dogs talk, and if they ever learn, I can at least have them put down!
You are going to PUT DOWN YOUR DOGS because the people you didn’t want to win won a TV SHOW???? WTF is wrong with you ?? You need to have the humane society called on you and save those poor animals away from a psychopath like your. You hate two people you don’t even know so much you’re talking about killing innocent animals who has NOTHING TO DO with this????
I’m pretty sure they weren’t serious! Little gullible are we? Lmao
You are a troll or a complete idiot! Dan’s winning season he had 3 hoh’s and 2 pov’s by himself.
He was put in as a “brothers” Twist. When Nick was put into the game, he did not know the game.
All the more does this highlight his natural aptitude for this game. Look at his progression.
Wow!!! Worst Big Brother ever!!! I wouldn’t of watched a minute if I would of know it was end up like that!
Lol, what a weird thing to say. Sucks to be you then.
How’s that weird? Two of the worst players of all time were in the finale!
Suck it Tim supporters!
Suck it for cheating by voting for Tim on the website from outside Canada (you know, ‘those’ go arounds)
Thanks for creeping me out with your sheep fanaticism.. bye.
yeah bring it, down votes! Love it! Tim was a weaselly, spineless, no-loyalty player; who was more full of shit than a flip flop factory. and twice everybody’s age. Suck it.
Remember: ten or more down-votes from Tim-zombie-fanatic-sheep is only representative of about one in the real world… you cannot kill what isn’t living.
spoilers are out on final two on hamster watch..i do hope people give tim a standing ovation and i do hope they say canada’s vote was for Tim.
they won’t
He was paid to be there…he earned his pay check to increase tv ratings,he got a big fat cheque no stand O deserved!!!!
They were all paid to be there
lol.. another delusional Tim cult member
Tim and Cass are the only ones who deserved to win.
Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.
boo hoo hoo.. Cass lost all credibility.. yeah great game play. Tim: I’m not playing to win, I just want to help a Canadian win… oh wait, I was full of shit, now i’m playing to win. Yeah REAL deserving..
Its called Big Brother. Lying, cheating, and manipulating.
and, most important of all, getting people to keep you… big fail on that one
Lie to the house guests, but not to the audience and the live feeders…he lied that he was part of the threekshow, he wanted Joel out for a long time, only humored him cause of his relationship with Cass, said horrible things behind his back, lied to us when he said he didn’t really want to win and lied to us when he said he felt betrayed by his alliance, he was gonna cut them no matter what.. I don’t care, it’s big brother, but don’t lie to us, the fans….we can see right through your crap…he threw several tantrums when he didn’t get his way., and will be know as a love lost here, glad he got the boot, the one good thing that Kelsey did in the game…
And don’t worry, 10 downvotes from Tim-zombie-fanatic-sheep is equivalent to one vote in real life
Yes, its insane this internal monologue he has with himself. What crap, and self-delusion …at the age he is, playing a game with a bunch of kids much much younger than he is… yet he is the one throwing tantrums, and expecting double standards and everyone to indulge or even applaud his antics… Its a bit sad.
are you really creating multiple profiles to comment on your delusional posts? dear God…. get of your higher horse. Tim was one of the best players, he was entertaining, aware of what he was doing and funny. The game is over… stop making things up. you are not lying and manipulating anyone, and you are not gonna win anything.
BBcanned: get out of here with your bitter, bitter vitriol:
These are the things you wrote in just this post:
You claimed the brothers “physically bullied people multiple times” — I am sure they would have been pulled out if they did even the slightest.
You claimed watching them was like: “like watching the coronation of Joffrey Baratheon after the decapitation of Ned Stark!”
you then went on to say that the analogy was “TOO FUNNY but sadly true at the same time!”
you then mocked and denied another commenter that they were “competition beasts” .. when that is the definition of winning the most comps and multiple back to backs.
You call them names and things like “very immature and up their own asses” (by the way, your expressions and inclinations of dialect out you)
Then you call the jury “dumb” while you expected them to be “bitter”
Look, you clearly have some issues. You have a more than unhealthy hatred for these two young boys who seem perfectly nice playing a game on a television show, whom you don’t even know. Get a life. Most of these people on the show are actually genuinely nice folk.
I should get out of here? Wow.. Now I understand why u like the Bros.. Same bully tactics.. Nasty, entitled and by reading between the lines of your comment… A little racist too.
By the way. I didn’t make the comment on game of thrones… I quoted it.. And it was EXTREMELY FUNNY. You cannot even read properly.
Ps up their own asses is a Aussie expression.. I’m not Australian but I know it because I read. You know.. Even if I was Australian there would be nothing wrong with it… The problem seems to be with u.
Probably u were one of those who thought it was a crime having two international HGs. That’s why u like Nick and Phil who were so genuine and nice that they kept telling each other to threat people better.
What exactly is made up??
Its on TV, there’s nothing people can’t see!
@BBcanned um…I commented on the above post by *some one else* with user name “Anonymous”.
That’s exactly what he’s doing! This dude has issues!!! Then again, he is a fan of Dumb and Dumber
You two are messed up.. (or maybe its you two who are the same person)
Once again: I replied to this above commenter, because I agreed with their comment. But you know what? Believe whatever you want.. you’re clearly lunatic.
I think you need to get a life. The show is over. I am happy about the winner. Too bad you aren’t, and bitter about this. You are clearly unhealthily obsessing about this. Maybe go see a therapist, I dunno… or like adopt more dogs and name them whatever you want… pathetic….
Too bad Cass and Tim lost.. they sucked. The bros got the better of them. Sorry, Truth hurts! Nick rocked, and people seem to be agreeing, especially given that he came in not knowing about Big Brother, learned, and carried it home.
Sorry as well that you’re saying you wasted three months of your life – suck to be you, I guess.
If you can’t handle reality TV and have to resort to being nasty and crazy on forums accusing people of crazy shit… then stop watching BB Canada if you don’t enjoy it. Or maybe go back to your BB AUS or BB Uk or whatever it is that you’re comfortable with. We aren’t places you need to resolve your personal issues…. bye.
The only person who seems to have issues here it’s you. Issues with people who disagree with your ideas. Of course I’m bias towards other players and I have all the rights to say they are bullies and they are bumb, and they won because they lucked out. THEY PUT THEMSELVES POSITION TO BE CRITICISED, nobody asked them to go to A REALITY SHOW . BB has a lot of fans and a lot of blogs.
YOU ARE NOBODY TO SAY “get out of here” to anyone just because they don’t share your opinion or tell me what i can watch or not…. If you cannot handle the blogs or comments, it’s YOUR issue not mine. You are just another poster like me! NO MORE NO LESS!
Lmao, so let me guess, you have roughly 20 cats and the neighborhood children are scared of you right?
“Deserved”?? Tim didn’t even want to come to Canada to do the gig. He came for the $$ they paid him. He wasn’t even really playing through most of it. He knew he was paid for “entertainment value”. He didn’t even care enough to study – he could have EASILY won the final HOH if he just studied. You think HE is “MOST” DESERVING???
Tim: oh uh, the Brothers are onto me, now they’re going to put me up. “I volunteer to go on the block!”
Tim:*trying his best to win part 2 of final Hoh**fails miserably* – then in DR: “the best way I can take control .. is to walk away”, “not studying is my strength”
He is so *Full* *of* *shit*
Production just made Kelsey the winner! Ridiculous
Man, the Threakshow got steamrolled at the end. They were in such a powerful position going into the final five. What an disaster.
They fell apart because Tim has no loyalty and looks out for numero uno.
Really? You don’t know how? How about: POV comp two weeks ago when Tim said “its every man for himself now”, didn’t trust Joel to win, and insisted on winning it himself. Then he and Cass threw Joel under the bus. Yeah.. that’s what happened.
Tim pretended to work with everybody in the house at some point. He never returned loyalty. Of course any ‘alliance’ Tim is in will fall apart! What a joke.
This is exactly what Emmett pointed out right at the start. No one would want to really work with Tim, because he will give nothing back.
sorry about your pants being on fire, mate
Again it’s Big Brother
yeah, and they lost. And that was why. boo hoo hooo …
It’s funny how Cass said that you HAVE to tell at least one lie to win BB. So then how come the bro’s won then? It seems she doesn’t understand the game as well as she thinks she does.
Sorry Michael but the Brothers DID lie:
Just off the top of my head I’ll give you 3:
1. When Tim asked them if they were trying to get him evicted and trying to get Jared/Kelsey to change their vote they said no.. THEY WERE
2. They told Joel they were taking him to Final 2 – lie
3. They told Jared/Kelsey they never said to put them up: they did on numerous occasion with the last time being when Cass was HOH
I wrote the above quickly so I could have come up with tons, but just to prove the point. Didn’t you hear the
audience groin when Phil said you could win big brother by not lying and being honest? Didn’t you hear him a few moments later contradict himself and say “by answering questions strategically using the right words” (readLIE, but cover your ass).
They know they lied, the jury knows they lied, production knows they lied, Canada knows they lied, but it doesn’t matter now b/c they won doing it.
1. They were bs-ing each other. Both sides knew what was going on. Tim was playing both sides against each other. They knew it. Then Tim realized they knew it. And they knew Tim knew that they knew it. Eventhough nobody admitted anything. That’s just game.
2. After Joel was outed as never actually with them – he was with the Threekshow. And that’s the truth. You don’t just expect people to take you to final 2 when you don’t intend to be true to the alliance: grow up.
3. Cass as Hoh, it was either them or Jared/Kelsey.
There is dirty, and lying for the sake of the thrill (excessive); and there is just being socially smart and not saying things to people’s face so as to offend them. There’s playing in such a way as to try not to do someone dirty, and not trying to go out of your way to give a big “f* you” to someone else. There’s something at the core of Cass of game that she just needed or perhaps enjoyed doing the “f* you” to people. If you’re ten then you don’t understand that distinction.
Bottom line is that Nick&Phil played their role more convincingly to the people they were playing with than Cass or Tim. When you lose your credibility and people basically stop believing you – then you have to resort to going into a vicious cycle of going deeper and deeper into extremely of new lows and playing people more and more dirty — that’s lack of control, that’s bad game play. Sorry but the most explosive, crazy game play that might be most entertaining to watch isn’t the same thing as the “best” game play. The end.
Fair enough, although I do see a distinction.
First, I think the brothers really did intend on taking Joel to the end, until they realized he didn’t even really like them.
But as for the other lies you listed, those are a bit different. Those are lies when someone backs you up into a corner and says “did you do this?!”, in that situation you don’t really have a choice but to lie. What they DIDN’T do, is scheme up any lies or disinformation. They reactively lied in self-defense, they denied, but they didn’t actively lie the way others did, and IMO that is a big difference
They still played about as clean of a game as one possibly could while winning, and I commend them for that.
There wasn’t much choice for the jury at that point. Vote for someone that threw her game away for friendship or a pair that at minimum won competitions when required. They ALL lied within the house. Cass just wanted Phil to admit to it.
If you maintain or believe that none of the F2 lied during the game you are as delusional as those players at the end.
And it is okay to lie within the game.
Own your game, and don’t believe your spin.
We all would appreciate that from the players.
it is likely too late for me to comment, but I feel the need to respond re the brother’s played with integrity and did not lie.
On Day One, both brothers made the conscious decision to pretend that they didn’t know each other (ie lie to all the house guests). They were not even in the house together for more than a minute and they were lying. Arissa outed them! How does that fit in with their assertion of integrity and no lying?
Not saying whether they should have won or not, just saying that before you jump on their honesty bandwagon, think about day one!
Sorry but Joel rejected Tim’s help when they were the only three left in that veto comp. Joel said so himself in the houseguest’s hangout jury interview. If you are Tim who is the target that week why would you throw the veto to someone who rejected your help and expect that person to use that veto on you? Also even if Tim did throw that comp Joel had no chance of beating Phil and then Tim would have gone home in final 5.
Joel’s DR sessions: he was clearly absolutely unambiguously with the Threakshow til the end. They even made Joel feel so awful afterwards – to the the point that Joel BLAMED HIMSELF for the fact that he couldn’t save him alliance that week, blaming himself that he “let them down”, that it was “his fault”. He said “I messed up” when his loyalty was with them all week.
He was ABSOLUTELY BROKEN down as a person by that – he cried. He was so convinced by Cass that he was in it until the end with them.
Tim? Not so much… cuz that’s how he played all season, cuz that’s his MO and that HE HIMSELF would have done what he suspected Joel of doing. Joel was a VICTIM of this.
To “work with” Tim is the equivalent of letting Tim vampire off of you and feed of you then sacrifice you before himself. This is what happened every single time when Tim tries “work” with anybody in this game. Tim does not do “alliances”, Tim does parasitic feeding off of your life in the game.
Tried very hard to stay out of your crazy talk but can’t do it. This was a total fix by production. Tim guaranteed was paid to throw it or was only allowed to get to f3..he probably wasn’t allowed to win in his contract. He already for paid half the prize at least to be there. Think about it..if Tim knew he couldn’t go further then why wouldn’t he leave for Cass?? production wouldn’t let him! He signed a contract & in doing so he had to play productions game. Call him all the names u want but his fans know damn well that he threw that for a reason & it wasn’t so the other 2 could have a chance to win. Give me a break!
Wow, how deep in the cool-aid are you?
The extent of these conspiracy theories for justifying Tim. For not breaking the “Tim cult of personality” bubble. Could it be that Tim isn’t perfect and the god that you worship him to be? No! it must be everyone else forcing Tim to behave the way he did. Even Tim’s behaviour isn’t his onus.
Tim’s behavior has been consistent throughout this game. Last night was no different. For Christ sake, get off the choo-choo train.
So… production made Tim flip out, go into a tantrum, yell a bunch of stuff about the Threekshow, and beast-mode win the POV – they MADE Tim flip-out on Joel. Joel was always trying to win the POV FOR HIS ALLIANCE.
Tim never really was loyal to Joel.. he was planting seeds against him for a while… yeah this is ALL production’s doing…
When Tim came out, sat next to Cass on stage, she was clearly shocked and said to him: “why are you here?”
From all the things and all the thousands of conversations that Tim has had these past three months in the house, he has always been consistent in the fact that he could very well win, and the number of times he talked about final two. The ways and myriand convos he’s had with Cass about their goal of being in the final two the two of them. NOW you are coming up with this BS about how Tim’s contract never allowed him to go that far? Saying Tim threw that final Hoh part 2? He clearly did not throw it. It shows through and through in his demeanor, in his bitter comments, how he was acting on stage.
If you really still believe in the infallibility of Tim, and that all his failures in the game were forced upon him by this evil force called “production”, then go ahead.. good luck..
The production thing is such crap.
Everyone was first saying stuff about Kelsey being favoured by production.
But in the finale, Kelsey was given far less speech time and time to give her case by Arisa. She was cut off from her speech and her answers on several occasions. She was reminded to “keep it concise”, and they were like “thank you Kelsey” cutting her off a couple of times.
How absurd are you to say that Tim did the things he did because he was forced to and because she signed some sinister contract to play this spineless, no loyalty character? yet it is a character that maintained this fanatic cult of personality following (because that is the BB UK and BB AUS format – being a personality cult for the masses means to win their version of BB)
If Tim was forced to throw it, he wouldn’t have been questioned so hard by Arissa on it. She probably wouldn’t even ask about it.
He just sucks at comps. Always has.
Tanica, all season long I’ve read through your Tim-worship. Right from the beginning you were on that train, as if you already knew him and were already deeply converted… for some reason (c’mon we all know)
This is a new level of fanaticism to now blame anybody else for somebody’s actions and behavior. This is not how BB US or BB CAN works .. it is a social experiment, not a popular-vote contest like American Idol … these people aren’t idols.. stop treating them like yours.
Did I know of Tim before the season started? Yes! Do I think he played a great game alongside Cass? yes!
I believe what I believe to be true & you believe what you need to be a complete douche about it!
So I cheered for Tim…did you not have a favourite? BBCAN & US are known for production manipulation & people have been saying this whole season that Nikki & Tim got to jury b/c of their contracts. So it’s ok to say it in a way that makes them look bad but when someone says it to make the show look bad that’s not ok?
it is not that far fetched to think production wanted a Canadian to win but wanted entertaining people in the house until the end..sorry but I am sticking to my original statement.
Burn me at the stake..Jesus Christ!
Let your favourites take onus of their own actions. Period. You can support whomever, just don’t make shit up. the old production really old
My niece told me that most people are voting for Tim for Canada’s vote on twitter and the brothers are far behind. If Tim does not get Canada’s vote then production fixed it. Also why did they not show the times for the POV comp last night.
Canada’s vote goes to one of the final two. Tim is not in the picture.
the POV comp times were: cass had second best time, then Tim, then Kelsey.
Absolutely the worst final two ever.
Maggie /Yvette. far worse.
When the twist to bring back a house guest with a fake eviction was handed to the house guest, I knew that production has something to do with Kelsey. I’m 100% sure production got something from Kelsey or She’s a Relative of someone at production. Here you go! Worst BB finalist in BB History. BB USA is much more BETTER than BB Canada.
Could be some truth to your statement. her real last name has never been put out there
I think it’s Kelsey Faith Nicholas.
The worst final two in the history of “Big Brother Canada”. Acted like prepubescent boys around Kelsey
who should never have been brought back after the useless fake eviction. I too believe something fishy
with Kelsey’s return. The real player was Lovita, but then she didn’t draw the boys like Kelsey.
So we who usually enjoy BB had to tune out and only review the spoiler website until the end because
I could not stand the childishness. In the end Tim became very popular, but I think I have to agree that we couldn’t let someone from another country win BBC, but look what we ended up with. I was rooting for
Joel and Cassandra and after them Tim, but we were left with brainless fools in the end.
If next season goes this route…I’ll be giving BBC a pass from now on…worst BBC in it’s short history.
I Voted for the Brothers to win
C’mon Kelsey simply can’t win. Default: Brothers!
You did it again Production. I really shouldn’t be shocked by this, but I am. Anyways, onto BB18.
ya ithink the brothers shouldnt have played this hoh
I think how it turned out with the Brothers, and especially how this affected their relationship, is beautiful. There was a clear evolution for both Nick and Philip from week one all the way through to this final week – it was just brilliant.
I’m genuinely happy for them. As well as what this will do for their lives.
Nick clearly wants to be close to his brother (and pretty well Nick was the reason they won) but Phil will read and hear how his brother was the better of the two and that he won because of Nick’s play and will be a resentful prick. I see much more bullying and insults from Phil in Nick’s future.
Nah, Phil got humbled big-time after Cass totally played him when he put up Nikky and Tim like a fool (and Nikky ended up getting evicted). He started letting Nick take the lead – that was a real turning point and turning point of respect for them. Phil knows full well the competition win record – he knows Nick helped me win. Did you see how they were when they won and realized neither could have made it without the other. Really sweet moment.
I WANT ARISA’S DRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOVE IT! – Yes, I am yelling!
lol Nick’s frustration sitting there watching the final hoh comp like “wtf phil” you know he knows the answers
Tim is now saying he didn’t really want to win. And that’s why he is out of the house now.
Is he really that self-deluded? I just think he’s been so full of shit this whole season. He believes one thing one minute and another the next.
If you REALLy didn’t want to win – WHY DIDN’T YOU GIVE IT TO CASSANDRA – who would have given ANYTHING to stay…. You need help if this is really your relationship with yourself.
I honestly just can’t believe it….I would bet my life they paid Tim to throw in the towel. If he was going to do that on his own then why not let Cass try?! She would have kicked Kelsey’s ass & then Phil’s & she would have won! Worst finale ever. Done with BBCAN
You can see Tim was really really trying to win. And he was really frustrated and disappointed with himself when he couldn’t get it, and that he clearly self-defeated. All this can be explained by his clearly super huge ego.
Agreed. Tim had no idea what was going on and up to that point he was competing hard. He did not even have the right competitors at most times. He could have stayed there all night trying to figure this out.
I think Tim was very gracious about it. He tried his best the first competition, tried his best the second competition. When he figured he could not make it, he was not bitter city. He tried to manipulate the brothers. It did not work. He has played before has won. It was so refreshing to see one of the best players this season be so humble and accepting of his loss.
Cass would have a hard time kicking her own ass. She was not good at any competitions. She wasn’t about to kick anyone’s ass… even when she was helped.
Watch The final 4 POV… the Never a Have Not card was the hardest for Kelsey and for Nick to find… because when they had their turns the card was not sticking out 6″ past the edge of the painting like it was for Cass.
Ummmm what?? Cass would have killed Kelsey in the second comp..she knew her shit and she def wouldn’t have given up..she would have done the same to Phil in the end..she’s decent at mental comps.
Decent on mental comps. She won one comp herself all season. Look at her face during the who said what, she guessed on a few of those questions. Praying she got it right. Sure she lucked out and got more right that the others who were also guessing. Not much support for her knowing her $h!t or being strong on mental comps. I guess we see what we want to see. Personally, I would have taken Cass to final 3 simply because she was useless in all types of competitions.
Worst season of all 4 season’s.
Close one between this one and Season 3.
But my reason isn’t because of your “sore-loser Tim didn’t win” reason, Katlo. Believe it or not, Tim wasn’t that great of a player because he didn’t play with the group he was in and, in that respect, he failed miserably. He didn’t make it all that much better.
If anything, those stupid twists and the ‘wild card’ (aka Nikky being a limp dick “player”)(aka Kelsey not actually knowing a thing about big brother but somehow “cast” as one of the show’s “showmance” stars) completely ruined it.
Woulda been a good season, but the outcome made it the worst!
What you’re saying doesn’t add up, Sabs. If you were entertained by the season and watch till the end, then you liked the season. If you’re just sore that your fave didn’t win – the one “outcome” doesn’t change the quality of play and personality dynamics of the season. Don’t be that sore loser who bashes everything because the ending didn’t go your way.
Thx Bros mom, you can tell there’s a lot of comments on here by family members of the bros, along with extra likes. All year everyone hate the dummies, but all of a sudden on the last post they have a little support? Seems fishy! And yes I was entertained all year, other than fast forwarding when those two idiots talk. I wanted to see them get booted and hear the crowd boo them when they walked out. Maybe I am being a sore loser a bit, but only because I wanted them to lose so bad
Usually when someone obsesses over folks that bad they secretly harbor a burning love for them…
Sabs clearly has the hots for the brothers… you said you named your dogs after them? … I dunno… are you going to start stalking the Pax Bros?
Sad…. get a grip… get another hobby
Tim didn’t get a standing O, Bros didn’t get booed. only in your crazy fantasy reality.
Its over. Tim sucked out in the final HOH. Its not a good look. Ti’ms already leaving Canada (couldn’t get out of here faster). That horde fanatically supporting Tim moved on. You need to get a life.
Tim didn’t get a standing ovation???? Think you should watch it again, they were in their feet edits he even walked out the door!
Season three was boring from start to finish. Season four was fantastic until the final two.
Season three is still the worst of the worst. Season four is slightly worse than season one, which was a tad worse than season two.
Season Two
Season One
Season Four
Season Three
Season 3 is by far the worst. Sooo FIxed.
After that i go with season 1. I don’t like these twists that production gives Canada a say soo late in the game. Season 1 had Canada vote Garry back into Final 5, when Peter (not that he would have a chance over Gary) never had a chance to get back in. And Season 3 with Double Vetos at final 6 or 7 was one of the worst twists I’ve seen ever and could have backfired on production. This season Canada voting for who they want to HAVE A SHOT in final 9 HOH wasn’t that bad.
Casting this season i didn’t think was that bad. I wished they had more “gamers” less “famers” at the end but the stronger players were taken out early which i think is why a lot of people are soo negative towards this season.
Season 4 like Season 3 casting sucked: they keep deciding to cast these terrible dud players but who they think are “showmance stars”.
Never should have cast Kelsey or Maddy for their looks and showmance potential. Let’s not even talk about Nikky, and her stupid, stupid dumb ass and only contribution of significance to the seasion: keeping Maddy over Dallas.
I’m still sore about Loveita getting evicted so early AND THEN Kelsey (???) being the one going back in. She would have electrified the game.
And about Sharry getting evicted first – smart women of substance. Not just for ‘showmance’ potential. Kelsey then got out Mitch — another great game player.. The Ramsey had to leave – another player with substance potential.
So basically casting Kelsey, Nikky, Maddy ruined the season.
Production: next time cast SMART WOMEN of SUBSTANCE .. not just as “potential” candidates to be in a “showmance”… cmon!
Not happy with seeing the final two being dorkus bro’s and kelsey. Wishing it was Tim or Cass winning it all.
This jury is bitter city. We get it you don’t think they deserve to win. Show some class and stop trying to steal the moment ughhh
BB18 is June 22nd!!!
I was expecting a bitter jury. We got a dumb one.
Every single one of them there thought they deserved to win and could not accept they had been out-played. Ironically enough, it is always the third person voted out that is bitter and Tim was just all smiles while the rest of them were just judgement. The problem is that so many of the juror’s reminded me of Peter Brown’s behaviour. They all thought they understood the game and were just so much more deserving.
Mitch – tried to be more gracious but still did not acknowledge that his campaigning sucked.
Maddy – let’s not even go there.
Joel – clearly did not respect any of the final two – fair they were not the best strategic players but they were there b/c the house had messed up.
They left the brothers in there. The brothers did not have to be strategic. By the end they turned into comp beasts (partially b/c of so little competition left). Like if the players do not understand that such physical players leave early, then how are you surprised and talk about dumb luck in the end?
It is not dumb luck. The threakshow was decimated b/c they were unable to win any comps and they had to throw each other under the bus. The brothers and Kelsey only made it far because they wracked up the wins in the end.
Cassandra and Tim did not bother to study. Kelsey knew her dates like the back of her hand. I mean girl could not answer a jury question but at least she studied so good for her.
Joel could not make up his mind of who he was playing with the end. He’s not a mastermind – he should have picked a side and stick with them. You can’t simultaneously help Phil and go in the DR and say how you would have done everything for your alliance. You could have started by not helping Phil in the comp to save your alliance – just a thought.
Anyway point being, they were sitting there b/c the jury (for as strategic and smart players they all thing they are) did not have the foresight to see that physical players can steam-roll in the end and kept them there. Then they talk about dumb luck…
competition beasts? there was nobody to compete against. Phil could not win anything to save his life but the 1st comp. of the final. They won the first HOH by luck, Canada voted them and Nikki to mix things up and few balls fell in their slots. after that they had Joel, Cass, Tim and Kelsey to play against. Hardly call them comp beasts.
They had little or no social game, no strategy, they physically bullied people multiple times, they were very immature and up their own asses. They totally lucked out!
Hmmm if you read my original comment you can see that I acknowledge it was because of the little competition that was left. But after Jared got evicted they pretty much won HOHs and POVs back to back. It doesn’t matter who your competition is at the end of the day. If no one can win against you then the moment Jared left they were the only competitive people in the house aside from maybe Tim. And you missed my point by a mile. My point was that the other house guests who could not win shit to save their life (including Cass who thought she was God’s gift to the BB game) did not realize that they needed to be out of the game ASAP.
I totally disagree they had little to no social game or strategy.
1) they were on the block what once? The moment they walked in the house they had a huge target painted on their back. Isolated for 24 hours. Instead of talking them out they take out Paige (like what?!?). And then they managed to go escapism every eviction without a nomination. So if they could do that, their social game was not as bad as you say.
2) they were an integral part of the middle realizing they can pin players against each other so that was one of their strategies.
3) for as dump as people claim they were, they were one of the first people on to Tim and his gameplay. You know what else they did – they were smart enough to realize that you don’t shout your target from the top of the mountain if you don’t have the votes. So off they send Maddy to try to do their dirty work. Maddy failed and no one was none the wiser.
So was their strategy level Neda level. No! But to say they had no social, competition or strategy skills is ridiculous. Did you even watch this season?
oh yeah kelsey who has been manipulated by Nick to put up Cass + Tim during her Hoh, to vote out Cass, then vote out Tim so she would go up against the Brothers and lose to them… yeah they’re REAL dumb for voting overwhelmingly for the brother to win over her…
This must be one of the worst outcomes in the BB history. Watching the DISGUSTING Rube Brothers winning the show is like watching the coronation of Joffrey Baratheon after the decapitation of Ned Stark — a major bummer.
Even if BBCAN is 5 classes better than BBUS (at least talking about the past 7 years), this format of BB is obsolete and needs a major revision.
like watching the coronation of Joffrey Baratheon after the decapitation of Ned Stark!
NAILED IT! TOO FUNNY but sadly true at the same time!
I’m sorry, you think the BB US format is worse than your BB UK format where people are paraded around as public spectacles as show animals and voted on as lowest denomination entertainment for mass distraction? Your BB UK format is the equivalent of european public be-headings and mass riots. Talk about lack of class.
All I hear is: “WAHH WAHH WAHH my favorite didn’t win” Suck it up. In this format people compete with each other and try to outsmart each other, and EARN their place based on competition and their own relationships and their own merits. Not pander to the public and become this “personality” cult like Tim has been.
Where are all the posters that said there’s “no scenario in which the brothers can win”?
I posted a detailed statistical analysis a week back, at Final four (after Nick won the HOH) putting brothers’ likelihood to win at over 40%, Cass was a bit over 23%, Tim and Kelsey.
So no, I knew statistically they had the best shot. I think they knew it too (that’s when people were calling them things like “arrogant” and “not self aware)
As soon as I heard it was Brothers Vs. Kelsey final two, I knew that the Brothers had it, based on that analysis of final two jury vote situations.
The Brother supporters (and anybody else) were being drowned out by the zombie heard of Tim fanatic sheep.
your comments are truly annoying… yes, you hate Tim, yes he didn’t win. BOOOHH HOOO…
how long are you going to write nasty teenagerlike comments? Tim did not win, BUT he was one of the best players, he was entertaining and that’s what you hate… those dumb bros lucked up. even I would have won against Kelsey.
Go back to your mother’s basement and watch some porn!
After a great season…to have such a crappy final 2 and winner uhhhhhhhh >.>
If Cass had such great game play she wouldn’t have used that veto on Tim. This is not Survivor “here’s my idol” that was the stupidest thing and she should have known what type of player Tim was. All that hog wash about not wanting to win and helping someone get there. Good lord man how gullible can you be which is what he hoped for I guess lols.
I love how he knew he was arsed and would take forever to get that last answer so he quit. I friggin knew he was going to pretend it was all for one of the other players. UHUH of course it was. You wouldn’t want to take it away from one of these “ding dongs” but you took it away from Cass, your ride or die.
Cass should have won this game YET I am actually happy for the Brothers. Aside from winning it sounds like their relationship was in trouble and this brought them back together which is so sweet and their mom must be happy about that.
Good for you Brothers.
Phil is going to read and hear all about how they won in spite of Phil’s game and because of Nick’s game. Nick knew the answers in the final HOH and was frustrated watching his brother blow it.
After this win Phil is going to continue to resent, bully and insult Nick. Nick will have better relationships with the house guests after the show, Phil will be a jealous, bitter loser who will take it out on NIck.
Nick really wants to be closer to his brother but his brother won’t be able to handle being second fiddle to him.
Actually the tradition is BBCAN winners stay strong in their relationships in the house: We have Season 1 Jillian & Emmett , Season 2 Jon & Neda (also a couple), Season 3.. well none of us like to think this season ever happened (but Sarah I guess is still strong with everyone…Brit, Willow, Godfrey,etc). So why wouldn’t the brothers .. who are, you know, brothers…stay strong?
and why wouldn’t you think this experience brought them anything but closer together as it clearly did?
Pax bros rule. Awesome!
Right on Brothers. You can enjoy and when you watch it back I hope you can reflect on some things….Phil! lols.
What was that fool Jase wearing on his arm. Some thing is wrong with that guy and I am so glad we don’t have to see his weird looking self again……Hope
Im glad theres a minute of a break between BB’s so I can collect my thoughts for the next group of manipulators and liars and of course…..Good guys and bad guys.
So Kelsey evicted Tim?? Omg she really thought she had a better chance at winning against the Bros? Stupid recruit!
She would have been decimated against Tim. I thought she stood a better chance than that against the brothers – I was kind of surprised at the outcome.
Tim for sure had Cassandra, Joel, Maddy (forever anti-Kelsey), and most likely Mitch – so that is a solid four.
Kelsey would have had Raul, Jared.
The brothers would have probably wanted to vote for Kelsey but they would have felt betrayed and would have not taken the betrayal graciously so they might have voted for Tim.
That leaves Canada and Nikki – most likely for Tim.
I like how Maddy trolled the audience when she cast her vote: “I thought I’d never do this”. Implying she was voting for Kelsey heh.
Exactly!! She would’ve lost either way, but her options were, a previous BB Winner who game in late, and had 1 hoh, 1 pov OR the bros who were a big target the entire game, and had 3 hoh, 2 pov’s. Tim was the obvious pick to sit next to. Kelsey was a zombie that infected the game, Another production twist that ended up ruining what could’ve been history making!
Evicting Tim had more to do with consistency. Since her final plea to the Jury consisted of loyalty she couldn’t very well vote out the brothers.
like i said, … stupid recruit!!
Initially i wished for Tim to win, but when i saw he quit in Part 2 and didn’t even bother to study the events of the game (just as Brittnee did last year), i don’t feel so sorry for him getting evicted. Maybe he didn’t even come here to win.Maybe he came here just for fun. He would have had huge chances to win had he tried just a little bit more.Disappointing…
Agreed I felt the same way about Tim and Cass. They both messed up the final four HOH too. Like for god’s sake take some time to study.
I’ve never seen so many people so sour they got out played, especially the ones who aren’t recruits. All the little smart remarks. They’re so mad that Phil/Nick didn’t play the way they thought you had to play. Like it or not they played pretty good. They didn’t back themselves into a corner by talking too much causing them to have to constantly lie like everyone else and they won the competions. Cassandra can’t wrap her head around it because she thinks you got to flat out be dirty as possible. Mitch/Joel think it’s luck cause competions, but that’s part of the game! Don’t sign up if you can’t do both.
I hope people put some of these people in their place now that they’re out. There was so many people that went out of their way to try to have a TV moment. I see Maddy is still just as trashy as ever. She constantly thinks people like her for the way acts. She don’t realize she was the most hated. The way she tried to embarrass Nick on tv is funny considering we all saw and heard what kind of girl she is with her bed hopping.
Cassandra still making comments as if she should of won. People that only watched the edited show blowing her head up. She got carried the entire game and never fooled anybody. Maybe if if she would have stopped trying to intentionally put on an act for little tv moments(which they gave to her. That’s why the cheers.) she could of won.
Agreed – I was so bothered by the jury and you phrased so well what was bothering me. If someone is voted out, you can always trace back to a mistake they made somewhere in the game. The brothers might have not been the most strategic players but aside from Tim, none fo the people sitting in the jury are as great of players as they give themselves credit.
Yes luck is a component of the game too. And so are competitions. So is lying and strategy but hey, if you leave people who can win competitions till the end – strategize your heart out as they win HOH and POV back to back six times. You cannot.
The Jury wanted the F2 to own their game and show that they had a game. Kelsey did not understand the game and fully believed friendship loyalty was enough to win. The brothers presented themselves as integrous when they were not. I think this frustrated the Jury. Let’s face it the brothers won because of Nicks ability to win competitions and not because of their social or strategic game. Kelsey lost because she had a buy back and failed to embrace ‘her game’ : ice-queen.
The brothers won. It’s going to take a while for that one to sink in. the – broth-ers… won?
In terms of comps i guess i can wrap my brain around it. One of them threw some comps (not as many as he says) the other won multiple comps.
In terms of strategy… oh that’s going to take a really long time to make right in my head. Big Brother had to step in to say they wouldn’t be separating. They didn’t take advantage of having two operating as one since one of them wasn’t allowed to think for most of the game. They could have been much more than competition threats. In my mind they weren’t, but even as strategic wastes, i think they were strategically stronger than Kelsey.
The honesty thing they proposed was crap of course, but I think they themselves believed it. Yeah, my eyes are rolling. So are they the most deserving? NO. Did the jury vote correctly between Kelsey and the brothers? YES. So the lesser evil won.
Fyi, Arisa said that Tim and Cass also voted for the brothers. So final count was 7-2.
Cassandra and Tim both voted for the Brothers. Arisa announced near the end when all the fanfare was going on
anyone notice the interactions between tim and cass during the finale? the body language especially. yeah, keep telling yourselves it wasn’t two self-centred users latching on to each other for game and camera time only. i’ve seen warmer autopsies.
Time said it when they were by the pool
We’re both bad news
Not who I wanted to win and not who I wanted in the final two, but oh well. As for the accusations of production setting up the brothers, seriously? You see accusations about production no matter who wins. Personally, production cares about one thing and that is the bottom line, and they get that by the number of viewers, and they get that by keeping it entertaining. Imagine how boring it would be if the third wheel alliance made it to final three or the threakshow, of course they benefit if it’s a mixture. If it was ever proven that production was setting up the winner from the beginning the integrity of the show would be lost, and so would the viewership. Don’t get me wrong, so I think production interferes, yes, but for entertainment purposes, and does it mess with our favorites, definitely, but I don’t think they are setting up their favorites. So, thank you BB for an entertaining show, and more importantly, thank you Simon and Dawg for this site. Sorry for the rant
It was hilarious seeing Tim competing without any studying and not having a clue about the dates while they knew that they would be tested on the dates of events. It is crazy not to study for a 100k exam. They probably paid him a 100k appearance fee anyway, so he probably challenged himself to see how far he could get without the study part of the game. In the end that was an anti-climax to see because you want to see competitors compete their best instead of just putting in a half-arsed effort with no study and then just giving up right near the end like a dunce.
Ultimately Tim realized that the dingus brothers and Kelsey were better people than him and so he was content to see any of those win, as long as it wasn’t the witch, Casandra.
I thought Kelsey had it in the bag, and that she equally deserved to win. Congrats to the dingus brothers.
Can’t believe Maddy had to get that little comment in about NICK being too clingy! And especially while he’s listening. What BS. The only thing her comments do is push herself further into a negative light.
Hands down one of the most vile people I’ve seen on this show.
Oh god – she had to be unbearable till the bitter end. Funny part is that she was so stuck for words when Arisa first asked her – she had to compose her thoughts and come up with an answer. Of course she could have kept it classy but Maddy has no idea what classy is so she had to go her usual trashy, repulsive way.
Lol… did you see the Maddy-Ramsey awkward hug? First of all, Ramsey definitely got converted during his time away / probably also by his family’s input. First, Ramsey tried to avoid it, not hugging her until the end; she was crying and so emotional to see him … the hug was like 90% her and 10% him.. and his arms are practically hovering over her rather than touching her. Sooo awkward lol
What did Cass say or do during Kelsey’s speech that made pissed her off
kept making faces (rolling eyes, etc.) and gestures while kelsey talked.
I don’t know what Cass said but she was disgraceful tonight. Her behaviour was embarrassing and for some Reason she thinks she’s a star. After her rude comments and body language I am very happy that she didn’t win. She needs to get in touch with reality.
You mean she was the exact same way she’s been all season?
She mentioned how Phil took Jared’s place, or something along those lines. Doubtful J and K are going to be an item long, he’s too jealous and she’s too flirty with others
What a low comment – is she really this dirty in and out of the game? Or was she doing that to try to get Jared not to vote for Kelsey (did she really think that was possible)? Even if that was why she said it, still pretty low – just evicted and being bitter that Kelsey voted her out.
She is such an attention drama hog. Really needs to work on her likeability.
Well Kelsey also stated it in her F2 speech… So…
Not at all: Cass implied to Jared the moment she got to jury that the Brothers have pretty much taken Jared’s place in terms of romantic relationship, and insinuated inappropriateness.
Kelsey said that she naturally worked with the brothers after Jared left because of the three person alliance situation and that they stood on the same side. What she said is strictly about game. Nothing more.
What Cass insinuated was low. Nothing new from Cass.
My gfs best friend works with one of Kelsey’s ex’s. She is exactly the same in real life as we’d guess from watching her on the show. It’s mean but true, she is just not a kind person and expects the world to be out in front of her. The reason Paige went home was because the wanted a bigger target in, and that meant mean girl to stay.
We’ve all seen that side to her, but still, a jaded ex-boyfriend isn’t exactly a reliable source.
Tim was very overrated. He a legend that didnt do any big moves, jumped ship from his alliances a few times, played the middles, hid behind all the big players, and always gave two side of everything a pro/con that not playing BB that just riding along. it a good thing he didnt win his game was highly overrated by a group of people that rarely watch BBUS or BBCAN, it about game play, big moves, shaking up the game, and getting to the end with doing all of this, TIM didnt do any of it and was a huge disappointment even in the final comp…..
and i’m also not a fan of kelsey or Phil
Amen to that! What I have been thinking all season!!
When Tim blew up The Threakshow, his own alliance, by telling Kelsey and the Brothers about it, Cass and Joel should have dumped Tim immediately.
Tim can’t even take credit for getting Dallas out. Tim is a scared little wuss. Does everything to avoid blood on his hands. I think if he actually saw blood he would faint!!
omg…the brothers….so immature
I love this season by far! However, the final 2 was just the worst final 2 ever!! I was dissapointed with the final 2! But oh well it’s over now so ya I gotta just accept the fact that the brothers won! Congrats! Especially to Nick haha!
Yeah, so…as a season goes-complete bunk. In my opinion, thus far, Season 2 was the best thus far. Season 1 was a joke as it was a botched vote and who really cares about Jillian. As for Season 3, despite what Sarah did in the last half of the season, God played his game to perfection. Unfortunately, the jury didn’t see him as doing anything in terms of moves. This season’s road to the end was interesting. But, let’s face it-Kelsey was the pawn for whomever was left in the Final 5. She was never going to get any other votes than the people she ‘friended’. Her speeches to Canada and tonight were ridiculous. As for the Bros, as full of themselves as they became after realizing Canada voted them HOH, it was pure competition wins down the stretch that has them deserving of the title. This year, strategy was NOT, a culprit in deciding a winner. My vote was for Tim, but then he crapped out like a little child. Now that we’ve gotten all wound up, and down, it’s time to get wound up again for BB18. We all know we’re going to have moments of being enveloped by the show, as well as hatred. It’s part and parcel. Everyone should be entitled to love and hate who they want, everyone’s entitled to walk away from it when it becomes too infuriating. Let’s just face it, we love it-regardless. And we’ll be back this summer no matter who is cast…
Thanks to Simon and Dawg for the forum-once again
Well said. This is the first time in my BB history that I didn’t watch part or the whole episodes towards the end. But it certainly wasn’t the worst BB.
Well the season ends with a loud THUD!
Congrats to fans of the Brothers. Personally I wasn’t a fan of their game. I preferred Nick to Phil on a game level, but the minute he offered to put themselves up on the block and had to be convinced not to IMO they should have been allowed to and evicted.
As for Kelsey she did have a chance to win but just like the game did a terrible job managing relationships. Her answers to the jury weren’t well thought out and she even got upset at Cass making faces. It was kind of funny b/c the mean girl Kelsey we saw intermittently came to the forefront. If she had thought this through and told the jury she used the Brothers, made sure to work the HOH’s and house guests to always protect herself but more importantly her shield it might have garnered her more votes. She also should have loudly claimed she was the reason the house dynamic changed when she returned and by forcing Raul to take out his other BFF she set into motion the end of the middle ground. Instead she focused on 2 people in the jury (forgetting there were 8 to address).
Perhaps the most disappointing part for me was Tim quitting in the second part of the HOH. Cass begged him to leave so she could fight for the win. In the end he chose not to which I respected ONLY because I assumed he WOULD FIGHT TO WIN THE HOH. The worst part of that was Cass would have likely beat Kelsey in round 2 and Phil in the final portion and I (many of us) could have had our preferred winner. She would have taken Kelsey with her and the votes on the jury would have been the same Jared/Raul for Kelsey with Cass taking the other 7.
I hope next season (assuming there is one) Robin Katz recognizes the need for more diversity in the house
especially in terms of age in the house. Personally I’d prefer there to be a more even distribution of 4 twenty somethings, 4 thirty somethings, 4 forty somethings and 4 fifty plus somethings. That would allow first and
foremost presumably for a more strategic house, a less catty “high schoolish” house, and a natural tendency for the house to naturally separate into those 4 groups with the most strategic/social players being able to integrate among the other groups. Maybe my numbers are too broad and BB producers want a younger mix, but at least consider putting in 6 thirty plus somethings in the house.
I’ve watched every season of BBCan and almost all of the US versions other the season in the winter and I
dialed out of the nasty season. I can say with no hesitation this season had the makings for brilliance if Mitch and Dallas had stayed over Kelsey and Raul. Possibly we might have even witnessed a bit different game from the brothers if that had happened.
In the end (once again only from my perspective) the F2 of BB4 presents the worst 2 finalists since Gina Marie and Andy.
Moving forward if Robin Katz and BB production refuse to alter their casting process it only serves to create
a house full of floaters. Why bother playing strategic or being a true BB star when the floaters can sit in the bushes playing with each others hair and pretending they are back in school deciding on who the most popular kids are.
Maybe because I’m not twenty or even thirty that’s why I feel that way, but again, I’ve watched BB forever and the players who resonate with me are: Dr Will, Danielle Reyes, Janelle, Dan, Neda, Eric, Judd, Ian, etc… Pretty much players who excel at being great strategists, are comp beasts or play a solid social game (and ideally can do it all). If I wanted to watch the cool kids or romances I’d rent a movie.
Looking forward to BB18, let’s hope for great diversity of house guests and not a house full of 13 twenty year olds, 2 thirty year olds and 1 over 39 year old. And, I pray it is a house with more people who have seen the game than recruits.
Enjoyed the interaction on BBU as always. Thank you Dawg and Simon for all you do. You are the true BBCan4 winners!
Cheers everyone.
I actually read Nick’s “i’d rather self-nominate” move as a huge show he was putting on for game. I don’t think he *really believed you can play the game without lying. For example, they lied through their teeth to Kelsey when Tim & Cass called out Phil for the bedroom conversation when Kelsey was HOH right before nominations. They just didn’t get caught and convinced Kelsey.
They also similarly overplayed the “decency” card and really launched a “morality” campaign against Cass to try to vilify Cassandra to Kelsey, and appeal to Kelsey’s particular self-espoused style of play. Kelsey could very well have kept allegiance with Cass, especially considering that Kelsey and Cass actually played closer together and had more of a history throughout the season. But Kelsey ended up turning on Cass and being with the Brother till the end. Smart move on the part of Nick, I believe.
Nick even admitted this in his jury answers (to Cass’s and Maddy’s questions): They were blown in a lie on the first day, and then put in 24 hour isolation; they being two people, and afraid to be seen together or talking together that much, how were they to keep their stories straight if they did try to manipulate or lie? -it made perfect sense that their BEST strategy was to go the opposite route and play the “honesty” and “moral” angle – and vilify those who played the other way. So me, that’s adapting to the cards they were dealt and playing the best strategy for their situation.
Normally I don’t jump on board with the call for more diversity… however, every year there are black HG’s, there’s been Arab HG’s…. but where the hell are the Chinese at?! Have the producers never walked through a Canadian city before? No Sikh’s either?
How is this BBCAN if there hasn’t been one Chinese or Sikh houseguest in 4 years?
As for your point about Cass, I don’t think she would have beaten Kesley. You’re really overestimating her at comps. She even said on the feeds, she didn’t actually throw that HOH to the bro’s, she just can’t think under pressure. Neda had the same problem which is why she lost. She was smarter than Jon, but not when the spotlight is shining on her face. Kelsey doesn’t have that problem though.
They probably don’t have any Chinese people because they have French and Native Indian instead. Which I love.
Really. I’m embarassed to be Canadian right now. Those two dumb-ass, self-absorbed, broken little boys are the best Canada could produce?? Probably the least deserving idiots to ever win anything in game show history. The entire cast was a collection of useless, unlikable idiots and they now represent Canada to the world. They are the pinacle of Big Brother fan-dom in Canada to whoever had the stomach to watch this travesty play out. They represent me, they represent you. –gag–
Phil asks Tim which is closer, Australia or the moon because he can see the moon but he can’t see Austrialia. No, dude, you’re killing me.
Someone… I think Phil and Nick… sat around pondering whether the moon revolves around the Earth. Fucking killing me.
Maddy explains to Tim that the capital of BC is Vancouver Island. A land mass, not even a fucking city. I… can’t even.
Dallas and that fucking speedo thing he was gauding around in. And the koala fit. Grow the fuck up, boy.
Arisa has to say 3 times “I repeat, you’re voting for who you want to WIN” because BB Canada has been an idiot-filled disaster from its inception.
The Big Brother concept is fantastic. Watch again the great seasons… Dr Will, Evel Dick, Tim’s Australian win, Janelle’s first season. Touching moments, genuine conflict, intelligent plans foiled or brought to fruition. Battles. Thoughtful and genuine relationships. People to love and people to hate. Brains. Balls. This year’s cast (and BB Can casting in general) are totally banal, forgettable, and about as fun and functional as a flacid cock. All I can think when I watch BB Can is that the brother’s new shaved heads will be convenient when it comes time for the exploratory brain surgery needed to determine how anyone can be that fucked in the head and still keep breathing without a machine to help. C’mon Arisa, hook ’em up with Sarah’s hosting gig on the Sideshow why don’t you? No? Shameful and pathetic.
The BB concept is fantastic and has been proven to work well outside Canada. Whoever’s in charge of it needs to nix the agreement with the current producers and give the franchise to someone that can represent. Period. (but keep the prop guys from last year… the ant maze was fucking cool)
That’s all I’ve got. See you for BB18 but I won’t be watching BB Canada next year, I seriously can’t take it anymore.
You think that 2 Brothers who won a game show represent Canada yet you are probably someone who said you want Tim to win, meaning you don’t give a shit who represents Canada.
Get real dude, im sure you were just a peach when you were 20 yrs old right? Probably did no wrong and said all the right stuff all the time. Must be awesome to go through life flawless. Thing is Angel, there isn’t 400 cameras on you all day long watching every move you make listening to you eat sleep breath and shit.
Im pretty sure Canada win survive the Brothers BB win. All it did was remind me of how young you really are @ 20.
Good for them!
Not all 20 year olds act like 5 year olds! Look at Ramsey, he’s not much older than that, and they are night and day in comparison
Yes hes so much more mature then they are. Didn’t he have sex with that nasty little slore on tv? I guess you’re right, that’s pretty mature.
“..the best Canada could produce??”
They aren’t there to be model Canadian citizens! They are there to play a cutthroat game of elimination! BB isn’t a nice game, it’s not suppose to be nice!
“…they now represent Canada to the world..”
WTF are you smoking? When did Canadian BB winners become Canada’s ambassadors to the world?!?! The world doesn’t give a fuck who won a Canadian reality tv show!
“…They represent me, they represent you.”
They represent BB Canada winners, which isn’t saying much considering production’s continued interference with the integrity of the game! Thank God for that spaz Topaz!! Fate stepped in on that one! Imagine how you would feel had Glitter Gary won! Would you have thought he represented the best Canada could produce? Cmon!
“… BB Canada has been an idiot-filled disaster from its inception.”
I can’t argue with you there!
Just now watching the Side Show:
Cassandra went to Kelsey to discuss keeping her & Kelsey told her there was no way because (Kelsey’s words) “You didn’t even play a game, you were playing for final 2/second place all season, you don’t deserve to be here and I (Kelsey) carried you all season and got you to fourth place” Bottom line Kelsey implied the only reason Cass ever was in the house was all because Kelsey allowed her to stay. WOW — wait til Kelsey sees who
REALLY played the game!
On the side show, that was Cass’ bitter perspective. I don’t think that was all in one sitting bluntly in your face told to Cass, because we saw on the feeds the part where Kelsey said that she had made the decision to save Cass of her own accord, so Cass owed her her life in the game. Yes Kelsey was deluded, but the conversation we saw was not the way Cass describes it. It’s yet another example of Cass manipulating perception of her ‘opponent’ in order to gain sympathy, something we saw all season long.
No matter what, Cass was always going to be a bitter interview after eviction.
Her pre-season interviews of no friendships and only first place counts foretold that one.
Very disappointing final. Tim was an easy winner.
Tim threw both the final HOH comps. I suspect he threw the last veto comp to make sure Cass left.
Kelsey had a big advantage being on vacation form the house for a week with Loveti. Getting so much valuable information..
The brother were given an HOH. They often cheated at comps where one would work strategy for the comp with the other not allowed to play. They admitted they worked the house as two people not just one player.
We still don’t know who Cass & Tim voted vote..
Arisa said it at the end of the show, Tim and Cass BOTH voted for the Brothers
Awesome and Entertaining season! Absolutely enjoyed all the ups and downs. Thank you Dawg and Simon for being the go to source for it all.
Glad the Paq’s Bro’s won. They were funny, entertaining, smart, stupid and pulled through when they had to.
Sucks that most people here dislike them.
Congrats Brothers!
Cass > Tim > (Kelsey = Brothers). FINALE SPEECHES WERE HORRIBLE! definitely a forgettable season. congrats to brother though.
Worst final 2 EVER!
HaHaHa. I hope, really hope, that from now on, the delusional people that said, just yesterday, that Tim will win the 1st or 2nd competition, and that the Brothers lost all 3 comps, will have a serious change of mentality. Don’t let your brain muddy your analysis of people.
Did anyone notice that Kelsey did not even acknowledge Jared when coming out of the house and looked a lil pissy at him for some reason. I wonder why, he helped her get that far. A hug or something wouldve been appreciated…no?
sorry ending to a sorry season
Kudos to Nick too bad he was not a standalone houseguest…arg
why it happen and how it happened do not know
best player had to take his dufus dingus bro along
would of, should off liked to see Mitch, Dallas, Loveita and Maddy closer to the end.
Rolling Stones “you can’t aiways get what you want”
This was definitely not the outcome I hoped for (final 2 or winner). I’ve never been and never will be a fan of people claiming to play this game cleanly. Nonetheless, huge thanks to Simon and Dawg for all your work this season! It’s so appreciated! All in all, season 4 was pretty entertaining.
I love it at the end when Arisa is trying to interview the brothers and she asks Phil a question and he replies “I just peed.” Arisa quickly turned away from him and spoke to Nick. Fucking hilarious!
As for whether the brothers were deserving winners they were the best out of the final three. Production was never going to let Tim win because he was there just to provide some fun. Tim’s meltdown in the second round of the final HOH was so fake it was ridiculous. Kelsey took 51 minutes to complete her round whilst Time had about 42 minutes to solve his last question. He supposedly had no idea what the answer was, but he really didn’t try. Production normally would have told him to continue, but clearly it was not meant to be.
While I respect your opinion and many have said they thought Tim was just a production plant I don’t agree the F2 HOH was staged for him to do that.
Here’s why:
1. he fought so hard in part one and was neck and neck with Phil
2. Why go out of his way to ensure his F3 deal with the Bros/Kelsey the week prior if he planned on leaving
3. Arisa posted how much the entire BB crew loved Cass and how her fan base was huge. In fact if you saw the Side Show this week it was mentioned at least 3 times during the Cass interview how it just didn’t feel right that Cass left or didn’t have her massive fan base to greet her or that she left at all. They kept apologizing and
saying it sucked she was F4 w/o an audience there. Peter, Sarah and Arisa all basically said she played a
brilliant game with Peter calling her the best Canadian player ever. I’ll take umbrage there b/c as much as I
enjoyed Cass, Neda was an amazing player.
4. Throwing in the towel only served to ruin that portion of the finale and I’m sure that’s not something the
powers that be wanted.
5. Most importantly if production never intended for him to win then they could have made a BIGGER, BETTER TV moment by having Tim stand up in the instant eviction and stop Kelsey and say I’m done. Good luck to all 3 of you and while hugging Cass say NOW WIN IT.
Cass apparently was only a minute off Nick’s F4 POV time which given it was similar question based comp stands to reason she would have beat Kelsey’s time and the POV she won was very similar to the part 3 HOH. So in my mind if production planned on Tim never reaching F2 it just would have made far greater sense to get the player Canada would prefer (as per polls) of the other 3 to that chair while also milking the production value.
Let’s face it Cass or Tim winning this season was the only way the show would have gotten extra traction and been discussed as a great year. Social media is abuzz over the F2 being the worst ever (and they are including BB USA) in that mix! The producers know who is more beloved so it wasn’t ideal for them that Tim would stay only to ask him to throw a comp.
Bottom line, he knew there was no way he was getting to F2 without winning and he did fight hard to win part 1. Personally I think that’s just part of his personality he tends to do silly things like that. Remember how he got mad at Nikki & Cass at different times this season and then he would kiss and make-up with them. I think he just snapped.
I’ve keep searching for backyard interviews b/c I’m dying to know if anyone asked him if he regrets not leaving for Cass given how things turned out. And conversely how Cass feels knowing he stayed and then quit part 2. If I were Cass I’d be ticked.
Anyway, morning show was interesting. A little girl who is there every year had gifts for Nikki (a stuffed toy British Bulldog) and something I couldn’t make out for Cass.
Someone else had Canadian related items for Tim/Nikki.
As for the show segments (and how it’s gone every year) they started with Arisa, then segued to F3 inside then joined everyone outside. As always the F3 get questions b/c hey they are F3.
The hosts asked the group questions either tweeted, emailed or asked in person and though I can’t remember them all Cass got asked 2 questions, one about slop and one whether she would have changed any of her
strategy and received huge cheers to her answers. Nikki was asked about whether she’ll travel/return/stay in Canada. Mitch discussed his situation when he went from Mitch Muffin to Mitch Mastermind. Jared was snarky when asked if he regretted not cutting his hair saying he wasn’t going to jump just b/c someone said so (inferring Cass) and then said his hair was worth more to him than Cass. He got some shade from the audience on that
The hosts asked questions of their own one to Ramsey asking about Bros (I think did they deserve to win) to which he replied positively but he also threw shade about them lying and never owning any of their shit.
The audience clapped LOUDLY for that comment. They also asked a question about what they missed in the house to which Loveita demonstrated her awkward self by talking about wanting to be back in the house. She passed the mike to Dallas (who for the record was wearing sunglasses and looked super hung over. The host
repeated what did you miss the most “IN” the house and he replied Paige. I think he’s still drunk from last night LOL. Then he passed the mike to Paige and Arisa talked about her being a super fan. Maddy, Joel, Sharry, Raul and Christine weren’t asked anything
Other than the F3 Cass was the only one asked more than 1 question and again from my perspective it was
obvious she was the Canadian fan favorite. Every time she was asked something Kelsey got that bitchy look on her face and Jared didn’t look happy either. Cass in fact sat at the opposite end from Jared and was seen chit chatting with people in the back row (Dallas, Love and Maddy seemed to be who she was joking around with).
Also the Bros overall seemed happy and why shouldn’t they be, they won! But Kelsey seems bitter which lends itself to either her being a bit out of shape over the jury not respecting her game (she really did think she had it in the bag) or she’s heard the social feed re: worst F2 ever. Whatever she didn’t seem happy anyway though. The Bros also looked a bit hung over (esp Phil) but Kelsey looked really pretty. Christine looked as bored as ever LOL
Anyway thought I’d update for those who haven’t seen it.
Thanks for the in-depth. And thanks for the update!
Slept on it. Read some reviews, and some editorial opinions. Came to a few conclusions.
Bear with me. Tim and Cass didn’t deserve to win simply because their alliance didn’t win any of the last four HOH. Their entire alliance was cerebral/manipulator heavy, but comp. light weight. Comps aren’t everything, but they are something. Especially at the end of the game.
Yeah, when it comes to strategy, I completely agree the brothers are not high on my list of deserving players for the season. The captain of the ship Phil was wrong way more than right in his analysis of other players and of what was going on around them. Nick who usually had the better read of the land, was usually dismissed.
In terms of edit, yeah, they weren’t the stars of the season. But when the stars of the season drop the ball, do you blame the other team?
Joel pretty much dropped the ball and crumpled up and died in his last week in the house. His entire campaign was the wrong track to take, which he’d have known if he hadn’t spent his last week separating himself and not watching what was going on at all. So he’s supposed to be a social player working the middle ground. In his last week he was a theoretical player sitting alone in a room. He may as well have self-evicted.
Cassandra’s last few days in the house were not strategy gold. Unlike the week before, where Cassandra had Tim helping her campaign (he passive agressively pushed Cassandra to stay as his agenda a lot) after her friendship manipulation still had Kelsey saying Cass should be evicted. Without help, Cass’ method of rabble rousing and character assassination to turn the tide against her opponent fell flat in her final few days. While Tim was making week 11 deals in week 10, Cass was making week 10 deals with no future security. She was a whining, petulant spoiled poor loser brat in her final days, when she should have been in full suck-up mode. Did she once remind the brothers they didn’t want internationals in the finals? No, she tried to manipulate Tim to quit in the same way she’d been manipulating Joel. In essence, neither Joel nor Cass proved to have an adaptive ability that was required in their end games. For lack of ability to evolve in the game, they cost themselves the prize.
As far as finalist Tim goes: finalist Tim quit. Last season i went on a tear about Britt not having studied her days. It’s common knowledge that knowing the days will be a component of endgame challenges. Not studying those days in my opinion is not doing your job. With the amount of down time house guests have, not taking a few of those moments to study is throwing away the win. So, Tim didn’t prepare. Tim quit the challenge. Tim deserved to lose. All of his sound bites about giving the opportunity to someone else, that’s just bruised ego stroking. Oh get real, the egomaniac failed to win, so the egomaniac says he chose to lose. Who couldn’t see that coming a mile away. As soon as he forfeited, I sat waiting to roll my eyes for the moment he would say that he chose to give the win to someone else. Complete nonsense so that he can say he had a hand in molding the winner of big brother canada, yeah, he molded the winner by sucking and throwing in the towel in his final competition. Approx twelve faces on those dice some of them repeats. He quit after trying to get the final question right for 20 minutes after getting the first questions in between 8:30 and 9:00 minutes.
The brothers and Kelsey were not an ideal final two, but they won the right in the last four weeks to be in the finals by winning every hoh comp after Cassandra’s daddy was brought in as a pinch hitter. Good for them. They may not have been ideal, but they didn’t drop the ball, unlike their competition.
A lot of the bitterness I’m reading is sour grapes that the fan favorites failed more than the less desirables succeeded. I may not have liked them, but the truth is the more entertaining and better edited crew that made up the freak show cost themselves the game by failing to prepare for the inevitable contingencies that occurred.
DAMM right. tim is a strait up fool and moron. if you watch the part he came out and said “i chose to lose and let them have their turn” you will see the audience applause and there is girl in the audience sitting next to the black guy and you can read her lips saying “ya sure say that after you lose idiot” im glad canada isn’t retarded and see’s this annoying carrot top wannabe for the retard he is. go back down under and sleep with your kangaroo’s weirdo. you strait up suck. thank god you didnt’ win.
Jared must be choked cause you know that phil wants to get it in there so bad. and the last 6 weeks jared wasnt around so it looked like her feelings drifted to phil and plus he has about 70k worth of assets to spend so that skanky gold digger will for sure try to get a piece of the cake. so looks like jareds gonna have to find some it else where .. oh what a burn blue balls. shes hawt too . did you see the realtor challenge when she was in those
purple spandex pants. you could totally see her g-string through it.. dam thats some jelly
First, awesome job once again by Dawg and Simon, you two are the best in the business. Second, I thought all the finale’s of Big Brother have interviews with the house guests in the back yard but I’ve yet to find any using Google or on youtube. Anyone have links for the interviews?
Not the backyard interviews you were asking about, but here are some interviews that have been posted so far:
I forgot to pose this question:
Does anyone else think the casting process needs to be altered / refined?
There were far too many “coincidences” and oddities in casting this season.
Joel works for Corus radio (part of the shaw media machine) and does theatre with Kelsey’s mom.
Kelsey dated the guy Jared went to the Calgary Stampede with.
Jared has a history with Cassandra.
Loveita and Ramsey share family friends / families live in the same neighborhood.
Maddy and Christine met at previous castings for big brother (expected and not statistically impossible but a little bit strange).
One of MItch (a former child actor) or Ramsey grew up playing hockey with Gary from Season 1.
All of this is stuff that was talked about on feeds.
So what’s up with the lazy / weird casting process where it appears that very few of the people cast this year weren’t actually acquainted with someone else in the cast before the season began? Why bother even having open casting calls when the majority of the people that don’t have some shady connection are evicted in the first few weeks?
Is everyone that watches the show supposed to ignore the herd of elephants in the room?
Also, when Jon came to jury and hugged Cassandra, it looked a lot like they already knew each other. Anyone else think that? Maybe it was just me but I thought it looked weird.
They use these people so they can manipulate the game better. Most of these contestants come from mind controlled families. Most actors have been brainwashed at an early age and are from mind controlled families.Do research on mind control. That’s how everything is manipulated Hollywood,television,news, media ect……..Most actors marry other actors because they come from these same types of families and are not aloud to socialize out of the system.(friends, marriage and relationships). That’s why everybody in their system is connected somehow. Big Brother would not be able to manipulate normal people they have to be brainwashed puppets. None of them come from your everyday families.
Honestly, could Maddy be any more of a little biatch. My god man can she get over herself? She is one stinking person. I cant believe she thinks she is not a mean brat and did nothing bad in this game. Her eye rolling and bratty antics were so annoying. Then poor Ramsey had to act like he gives a shit about her when he went out there to join them. Wonder how her bf is doing.
They should have a BB with all the people we didn’t like. See who could last the longest amongst the worst of the worst instead of the best of the best lol. Now that would be something to watch eh.
PLEASE, Tim totally knew at that point he was fucked and couldn’t win this. Even though he could have if maybe he had stayed and tried and studied. He was not that much of a gamer, he played just like everyone else.
Its like people think when someone wins BB it was all because they are a good strategist and what not….NO that’s not always the case. Someone had mentioned Yvette and Maggy…GOD I forgot about them this is how messed up that was haha. So its not always about that. Tim knew how to talk and use words to convince people of things and knew when to compliment someone and on what. (Advantage growing up with sisters lols). He was a better talker, he could string a sentence together better then most, doesn’t mean hes some hard core gamer. He was desperate to be liked just like the rest of them who he called “misfits”….he wanted approval and went hard to get it. He just wasn’t to messy about it like most people come off…Advantage!
Most people here think they could do so much better. I would bet dollars to donuts that the same ones running their mouths/fingers, are the same ones who don’t know how to speak to people. Check out some of the comments. Most people cant hide their real feelings and this is why a lot of them get into trouble hahaha. The ones that can hide the emotions will definitely have a break down at some point because it has to come out. Hence a freak out like real tears or throwing a bat or ripping up a set out of frustration. I don’t know whats worse.
Anyway I had fun this season and look forward to the next pack of wolves coming in to play amongst the sheep.
You don’t HAVE to win the comps, NONE. You just have to be able to talk people into throwing them to you or making sure the comp winners are your best buddies. Its being able to get people to trust you in general and at the critical moments of the game that counts. But you don’t HAVE to win shit. Esp if you suck at sports or games on a whole, even some simple cards. There is always the “Fluke win” that is very relied upon. Apparently you don’t even have to be liked to win.
Its not really that much of a social experiment anymore but just a game show based on this. There is way to much involvement behind the scenes and manipulating things for a certain out come instead of letting it be organic and some what honest.
To much now of them reading the comment sections of things (which is just for fans to talk and vent) not for production to read and see who is the most popular and then shift the game that way. WTF, that’s not an experiment anymore, its a crowd popularity contest I guess just like life.
I always said that its just as bad for labeling Jared as a “good looking guy ect” and not liking him because of it, like it is to label Joel as a Geek and like him only because of that…I always thought he was a weasel through out this game and he knew how to play, the crowd did not like this until they did.
Glad the brothers took this and it was Kelsey at the end too. I knew she wouldn’t win ( I know but we all knew didn’t we lols) I am just glad she was there because of all the unnecessary hate she got. Good on ya’s. The best was seeing her evict Tim. Im glad the Brothers and Kelsey stayed together til the end. Once Cass used that veto I knew her game was really over. I wanted her to be at the end and win because , not that she “deserved it” but she worked hard for it…Some didn’t work as hard.
I have been wrong continuosly out the game,so sorry
But i do believe Nick deserves sole recognition for the Bros winning!!!
wow- so unimpressed with Maddy’s annoying need for attention in the finale show. The fake tears for Ramsey, the boo-ing when Tim came out…someone needs to tell her how to behave…
Maddy wasn’t so much booing Tim as she was booing because Tim had been evicted. She wanted Tim to win.
yes- I didn’t word that right. Either way, it was very unclassy…which sums her up!
Will Kelsey go down as the worst speech during a BB finale in the whole world? WTF was that? Terrible! She should have never returned. What a waste.
OMG enough with the Kelsey bashing. Kelsey came back into the game with a weak support system in place to protect her yet she managed to finish in second place. Not being a competition beast like a BBUS Janelle, Kelsey had to work hard to keep herself off the eviction radar and play a strategic social game. Once Jared and Raul were gone, Kelsey basically reinvented herself. She neutralized all of Tim’s BS, manipulated Cass into seeking other targets, and was smart enough to bring herself into good favor with the brothers. Yes, Kelsey flirted with the brothers to achieve that. Why is this a crime? Flirting was an available and effective tool in her toolbox. While I’m certainly not claiming that Kelsey is a legendary BB player, she deserves credit for making it to final two without a lot of game variables working in her favor. But go ahead and keep hating on the pretty girl. It happens all the time.
On paper, the brothers look good for their stats. They are now tied for second with most hoh’s in all bbcan seasons (with record held by Jillian s1 at 4.) they now have the record for most pov wins with 4 (previously Emmet s1, Jon s2, Ashleigh s3 had the record at 3) and they’ve taken over the record for most comps won (previously held by Jon s2 with 6). Out of 12 hoh they took part in, they won 25% of the time, they won 57% of the pov they played in (4 of 7 pov comps). their total comp record being 36.36% in comps (8 out of 22 comps they competed in). They’ve also got the new record for number of days in the house with 77. So in statistical analysis of their achievements they don’t actually look too bad.
They were handed an HoH! The past 3 BB Canada winners have all benefitted from production interference! (It would have been the last four, but Topaz corrected that mess in season one!)
S2 getting Andrew out with the Canada HoH twist shifted the power to Jon’s side of the house, and they ended up steam rolling the rest of the season!
S3 Sarah and Queen B’s special coup detat have-not veto! With the production interference and also winning an HoH, they were in power for 3 weeks straight!
S4 the Bros being allowed to play as one player, and most importantly, getting HANDED an HoH!!! Ridiculous!
Would you say the same if it had been handed to Nikki? I notice you don’t comment on Cassandra’s dad winning HOH for her. That was just as ridiculous. Production twists happen.
Yes there are production influences every year, I totally agree. But if they are going to count Suzette picking up the phone on night one as winning an HOH, then the vote-in HOH isn’t so much different.
I was speaking about BB winners, I guess reading comprehension isn’t your forte!
Kelsey; the most narcissistic, delusional bitch. She got ‘people as far as she could’. She took credit for ‘getting Mitch out’? She wasn’t HOH when Mitch was evicted. I hope she wastes her money on the other two heads of that egotistical 3-headed monster. Her, Jared, and Raul were so impressed by their own reflections in the mirror, they thought that was enough. Yuck.