Big Brother Canada 3 Week 9 Summary and Double Eviction Spoilers


This was the final regular week in the Big Brother Canada 3 house. Zach and his Goblins gave it a honest effort to stay in the house but ultimately it was too great an obstacle for them to overcome. After navigating some of the most treacherous eviction Nights Zach time in the house is coming an end.

Tonight is a double eviction this is how those usually go
Zach and Pili nominated
House votes
Zach goes home (probably 😉 )
HOH is played
POV is played
POV Ceremony
House votes
Someone goes home
4 players remaining
*The finale is on Wednesday May 27th After Dark Ends on Friday so maybe feeds go down Saturday during the day. Last year they stayed on until the bitter end.

Spoilers from Twitter

(Thanks Hamsterwatch )
Zach evicted
Brittnee won HOH nominated Pili and Ashleigh.
Ashleigh won the veto
Pili evicted.
Final 4 is Sarah, Brittnee, Godfrey and Ashleigh

Spoilers from the Show

(Show starts at 4pm PST)

Zach and Pili nominated
Ashleigh votes to evict Zach
Godfrey Votes to evict Zach
Brittnee votes to evict Zach
Zach is evicted.

HOH Winner is Brittnee
Nominations are Pili and Ashleigh
POV Winner is Ashleigh
POV Ceremony Nomination are Pili and Godfrey

Ashleigh votes to evcit Godfrey
Sarah votes to evict Pilar
Brittnee breaks the tie and Pilar is sent to the Jury house

Feeds come back and we find out the new HOH is Sarah

Curious about how this last week will pan out

Last year this is how it went down

May 1st Thursday – Eviction / HOH – Adel was evicted / Sabrina won HOH
May 2nd Friday – Awards Show Dinner / Nominations – Sabrina nominated Jon & Heather
May 3rd Saturday – POV Competition – Jon won
May 4th Sunday – Feeds BLOCKED for the season at 1pm
Between May 4th May 7th – 4th House Guest evicted / Part 1 & 2 of the 3 Part HOH competition took place.
May 7th Wednesday – Final 4 eviction results – Jon evicted Heather (Final 3 were Neda, Jon, Sabrina)
May 8th Thursday – Finale – Part 3 of 3 HOH was played – Jon won it and evicted Neda / Jon won BBCAN2 6-1

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3 Weeks after BBCAN3 is over BB17 starts! we’ll be covering the feeds round the clock get your CBS All Access early and re-watch the past 16 seasons of the show.


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123 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada 3 Week 9 Summary and Double Eviction Spoilers”

        1. LOL. The rules states that they should put water and try to get the ball, she was trying to suck the ball out of the jar which is pretty funny and stupid but is far from cheating.

        2. How did she cheat? The rules were to fill your jar and remove the ball. It did not specify that you could not use your mouth. Points for creativity.

          1. i asked if anyone saw her TRYING to cheat. And you’re asking me how she cheated? Your reading comprehension sucks!

            1. well you used the term cheating… just because you put “trying to” does not change the meaning of your comment!

              1. Exactly! it doesn’t! it changes “The Truth’s” comment! Thank You for your display of clarity!

                1. I stand corrected. The implication was that she was attempting to cheat and for me it’s very black and white. Either you’re cheating or your not. There’s no such thing as “trying”. She was just skirting the rules. Smart girl.

  1. Everything about this makes me happy!!! Pili staying in the game would have been to enticing to take to the end with Pili out of the mix, Sarah, B and God will not want to take Ashley to the end because of all the jury votes she would have (not because she played a good game, but because she was in an alliance with everyone that is now in the jury)…I’m hoping she goes next and it will be 1 of the 3 that were not included in the 7 person alliance (Diapers + Chop Shop) after Jordan left to win the game!!! Ha.

  2. I wasn’t a fan of the Diapers but find myself suddenly rooting Ashleigh on. I guess it’s the love for the underdog. :). Plus it will keep things interesting.

    1. Part of me wants to root for Ash but she just has no game in her. All of her decisions has been provided by Zach and there are only a few more competitions left to make me want to like her. She could’ve been a Janelle but she’s peaking at a wrong time.

      Still hoping for a Godfrey-Sarah or Britnee-Sarah finale, those pairs sitting beside each other will make an unpredictable winner.

      1. I think Britney and Sarah have to take each other to the end to have a shot at winning because if it’s either Ash or Godfrey who are sitting beside one of them I think the jury will vote for Ash because of the alliance she was in, and Godfrey because the guys will all Bro out. It would be nice to see B and Sarah in the end because at least those two played the game and were not afraid to get their hands dirty…I want Sarah to win because she has played the game since she walked in the door and B second because even though she didn’t like being the “pawn” she laid down and played pawn for a good portion of the game.

      2. “She could’ve been a Janelle but she’s peaking at a wrong time. ”
        Technically, shes peaking at the right time.

  3. yay…but too bad ash won the veto but that is what it come down to at this point. win it to be in it…that’s why neda was not final 2 … be at the end it comes down to controlling the outcome as in winning….no one would take ash due to these wins she has no allies she will have to win her way there and if she does she deserves the votes over anyone but britt right now. but anyone next to sarah is 2nd place due to those boys delusions lol

    they wil persist in giving cred to sarah not britt imo

  4. Godfrey is now officially the Victoria of the season.If he manages to get rid of one of Britnee or Sarah next he is now a shoo-in for final 2.

    1. Godfrey loses stuff strategically, Victoria lost stuff because well…she sucked.

      Also, Godfrey has a personality.

      1. Victoria has personality too, she is entertaining, the difference with G is that people laugh WITH G while people laugh AT Victoria.

        As for throwing challenges, G sucked during the puzzle veto and he did not throw that one. Having said so even if he is throwing challenges or not, on paper with Sarah and Brit getting all the power in the last few weeks of the house, he has played the coaster game. If the diapers won this past HOH then he could argue that he had been floating but with what has happened Brit and Sarah has just been carrying him around.

    1. Sideshow spoiler alert!
      I just got home from the live taping of the sideshow with Zach and Pilli (I’m in Toronto)
      Peter & Zach had their face-off and discussed their twitter war. Peter definitely had some words for him but ultimately extended his forgiveness and friendship. Zach seemed to be humbled (finally!) which he really needed. Got way to cocky. He didn’t know Pilli had been evicted (he thought it would be Britt) and was surprised to see her. Pilli came bouncing out and giggled the whole time bringing nothing of value to the conversation. Sarah & Kenny (from last season) were also guests. The show’s head producer announced that feeds would be down but I can’t remember if she said Sat or Sunday –sorry:(
      I know she said there would be a comp on Sunday.

    1. I’d rather her win POV so she’s gets to vote out one of the other 3. If she won HOH, then Godfrey would vote out Sarah and Sarah/Britt would vote out Godfrey.

      No matter how you feel about the houseguests, it would be entertaining to see two of those three scramble to get Ash’s vote.

  5. I know Ashleigh hasn’t played a great game but I do feel for her, her HoH went to shit, she couldn’t compete in the next HoH which was kind of ridiculous but still didn’t even complain! And she’s won 2 vetos (according to the spoilers) one of which she had to win otherwise she’d be evicted. And she’s seen her closest two people leave, Zach and Pili.
    never really rooted for her but she has stepped up her game.

  6. LOL. Funny how Sarah haters bashed Sarah when she was saying that she will spread the Bruno hate on the jury when she gets voted out and Bruno is classy and ‘knows that everything is just game’.
    The clip on the jury just shows how classy Bruno is. :))))

    1. I was slightly disappointed in that segment, I thought Bruno was better than that. I do sort of feel Willows reaction was a bit staged.

      1. My thumbs up was for the first part of your comment but I disagree with your second statement…I think Willow’s reaction was real and that’s the problem I have with how Bruno presented the info to Willow…funny how on the side show (in front of Canada) he was saying if God wasn’t there at the end and Sarah was he would vote for her because she played the best game and then as soon as he gets together with the other house guests he blows up Sarah’s game with Willow…taking a final shot at Sarah but deeply hurting Willow in the process.

    2. If Bruno was classy he would’ve consoled willow saying the only reason why she voted to keep Pilar was because she thought the guys were saving Kevin. Honestly if ashleigh makes it to the final 2 and she wins, it’s bb3 usa all over again. Game play should always be number 1 when deciding who wins.

      1. All he did was tell the truth. Sarah evicted Willow and thats a fact. Get over it because Sarah is getting what she deserves

        1. what she deserves? what planet are you on? this is a game, and the contestants are the HGs and only the ones who remained in the house. Bruno is now a juror and he is suppose to judge the game of the contestant. Sarah’s vote was taken because of a specific calculation. He know it and he’s lying. He think he’s still playing and not acting as a juror! Shows how little class and honesty the guy has! I’m so glad he was kicked out! He’s a mean person with angry management…. he should have never been selected. After seeing how he charged Sarah in the back room and the was he barely contained his nastiness in the car going towards the jury house… I really think he could be have been dangerous if he stayed in the game.

          1. So where were you when Sarah said she would poison the jury and that she hoped Bruno got a bad edit? Oh thats right sitting in a corner being a hypocrite.

          2. I love how people like you exaggerate facts to demonize him. CHARGED Sarah! Not exactly. He argued with her when she started getting in his face. But once again whatever Sarah does is ok but when she gets it back that person must be a misogynist with anger management issues. You need to spend more time educating yourself on what those words actually mean.

          3. I agree. I just watched the episode and what Bruno did was terrible. He’s so bitter that he doesn’t want Sarah to win at all and willow was definitely hurt in the process. None of the other jurors will deny it, because Sarah did vote willow out. They’ll just omit the reasoning behind that vote.

            I never really liked Bruno but that was just low, I felt.

      1. Depends who wins the next HOH. If B wins, I think Ashleigh. If Sarah wins I think it’s Godfrey. If either A/G win, neither.

      2. is someone that has been pretty much on easy street until week 9 an underdog? I think she’s a dark horse right now for sure. I think she had a really horrible night. for sure. after hearing that sarah has won hoh for the second time, a really horrible night.

        1. You’re right she has had a easy run until recently. She did have a HOH Voided, saved herself from being evicted last two weeks and has now lost everyone in her alliance. All this happened in the last two weeks.
          Sarah and Brittnee had it very rough in the beginning but since winning the twist they’ve been dominating HOH competitions.

          1. I agree having the hoh voided was a rough break. but, even that rough break didn’t put her in actual peril. that rough break was much harder on Bruno and then Zach by extension.
            she’s been on slop once for seven days. godfrey and sarah are somewhere around the 20-25 day range. britnee is around the 30-36 day range. for many of those days they were targeted to be have nots to weaken them. each of Godfrey and sarah have been the target for eviction and had to win a veto to save themselves as well. I guess being considered the bottom of the totem pole for 1/2 of the game outweighs being on the bottom of the totem pole for a max of two weeks imo. but I definitely agree she has the hardest road to travel right now in week10.

      3. Sarah has the toughest road ahead … She noms .. Ash n Godfrey …
        Ash wins veto … Brit goes on the block …Ash votes out Brit
        In F3 Ash will take Godfrey to F2
        Godfrey will take ??? flip a coin
        So Sarah has to win n choose n the F3 or she’s toast!
        If its Sarah/Brit/Godfrey F3
        Sarah wins … she will take Brit to F2
        Brit or Godfrey win … who knows??

        1. Sarah is HOH so she doesn’t have the hardest road. I would say Brittnee and Ashleigh are the underdogs.

  7. I noticed that the show continued to make Zach’s campaign to Godfrey a non entity, but showed the temptation of brittnee. I found that interesting as a person that attempts to see how production’s editing department crafts their narrative.
    Bruno going to jury house was interesting. I guess I have the answer to my question of whether he would be the player he was in the game or the person he was in his exit interviews when getting to jury.

  8. Arisa mentioned something about the final week will shock. I do not remember exactly but it got me thinking maybe there will be three people sitting in the end.

    1. I think these comments relate to one of three things:

      1) Canada will once again get a vote (based on 10 being in jury and needing an uneven number)


      2) Either there will be a competition to actually get to vote

      OR (My personal favorite)

      3) At final 3 each of the remaining house guests get to pick a person to eliminate from voting off jury taking them to 7 votes.

      Think about those implications.
      Sarah: Likely would be an easy selection and eliminate Bruno regardless of who was F3
      Godfrey: Not an easy choice but I imagine he would choose a girl like Willow or Sindy
      Ashleigh would possibly eliminate Willow (?? guessing she would think Willow would vote for Sarah) or Sindy but definitely none of the diapers.
      Britt would likely remove a diaper or Chop Shop member maybe Bobby or Zach or Pili (not sure who she would pick)

      1. The thing about Canada voting in the final 3 is that in a 4-4-1 tie scenario: if Canada votes HG with 1 vote it’s still a tie 4-4-2. It would be unfair to consider the 2ndnd highest vote getter as Canada as a juror only gets only ONE vote just like the rest of the jury. 2nd placer and 3rd placer should be scrapped no matter what coz it’s unfair, you can’t win the game because one of the jurors (Canada) put you on ther 2nd place.

        How about this in a 4-4-1 tie scenario the HG withwith 1 vote leaves and becomes a juror and then votes breaking the tie. So it’s an interesting dynamic in their if you bitch slap a finalist in your final speech then if that finalist becomes a juror you probably would lose!

  9. Shocked Pilar left, but it made sense under circumstances. Hopefully Britt/Sarah leave on Sunday.

    1. I’m so glad Pilar left. Of the 5 remaining she was the worst player. I would have irked me to no end if she had made the finale. I’d rather Ashleigh won POV and make her follow suit the next eviction.

    2. I hope Godfrey wins, I feel Sarah and B are there because they got a break with the power they received from Canada or else the be gone. Don’t like either of them and hope they lose especially Sarah

      1. I could not agree more….this season is the worst in the history of big brother shows….too many ‘twists’ and it totally dictated the outcome of this season….hated it. And, yes, I do not like Sarah and Brittany BUT! my husband loves Sarah and he even agrees it seems fixed. Don’t know that I will be watching this show anymore. 🙁

  10. Did Godfrey throw that veto comp? Or is he just really that bad at comps? lol

    If Godfrey wins the next HOH i would be happy to see him win the show, but if he cruises to the end without ever making any big moves (other than saving himself against JP – which even then was arguably Sindy’s doing) then I won’t like that.

  11. Why is everyone suddenly pro Ashleigh? You guys get swayed so easily. She’s still a dumb blonde who had no game.

    1. People only like underdogs. The bigger the underdog you are the more you’re loved by fans.

      She also is pretty good at comps. Won a few and came 2nd in a lot of them. Her game wasn’t that bad. She’s final 4….

      1. I fundamentally disagree with you. Rachel was the biggest underdog but most HGs and America hated her. I personally rooted for her because yes, she was an underdog. Ashleigh has had her alliance and Zach as a shield for the entire game. She’s hardly an underdog.

        1. That was then and this is now. She’s a huge underdog now. It’s essentially 3 vs 1 at this point.

  12. i am not at all surprised to see how bruno has poisoned the jury against sarah, he has just proven that he truly hates women and cannot stand to lose to them. he must have a very sad life if that is what he needs to do in order to be happy. i just hope that pilar is able to sort things out for willow…poor willow. what a cruel man bruno is.

    1. Get over yourself. Many jurors have been very specific with the information they tells others when they join the jury house. Sarah was going to do the same thing, but it was not an issue for her to say that.

      1. Bruno could of easily explained why Sarah voted that way …
        From what info she had … she made the best decision …
        Bruno and Zack stabbed Kevin in the back which is actually what happen
        Sarah did not expect them to do that (was told differently)
        Bruno could of also mentioned that the reason Sarah and Bruno got into the fight
        was because Sarah was trying to save Willow.
        I still put the blame on jealous Brit for nominating Willow instead of Ash …
        Dumb move! … jealousy
        So in the end Bruno is still a piece of s#it for doing that to Willow ..
        he new it would hurt her and he did it on purpose.
        In the end the truth will come out.

        1. By then hopefully Sarah loses the money on Willow’s vote which would make this epic.

          Funny how Bruno is a POS in your eyes for telling the truth, yet Sarah is an Angel even though she admitted she would have done the same thing. What’s even more amazing is I’m sure you don’t even realize what a hypocrite you are.


          1. won’t happen though…willow has had interviews since and said she wants Sarah to win..this is after finding out about the vote…so too bad so sad for u hater

      2. Hey Unanimous……They cant get over themselves…..Their Sarah supporters….everything she does is fine and Bruno does the same thing and he has a sad life and is a woman hater….OH and a monster…oh and my favourite an abuser of woman some said….LOL!!!!.yeah he hates woman so he goes and marries one and has 2 children with her…sounds like hate to me!!…lol…Sarah mentions she would poison the jury if she leaves the house and its a ok!!…..Bruno does it and shit hits the fan……talk about double standards much there sarah lovers!!

        1. I am not a Sarah lover whatsoever and I think Bruno is a total dickwad!. He mentioned on the show he USED to have an anger problem but I think he is just a jerk. He knew Willow is very emotional and to tell her that so she wouldn’t vote for Sarah to win shows he does not have respect for women. If you don’t think he has issues tell me why he is so hellbent on Sarah losing? He said during his interview that she is playing the same game as him so why does he feel she does not deserve to win? I guess he feels his strategy sucks too? I think not! Also to make someone sob because of your spin on the vote is a pretty horrible thing to do as well. Funny how he never disrespects his “bros” only the women. Everything I have seen from him screams total jerk! He also is such a phoney when he is interviewed. He plays the nice guy which clearly he is not.

          1. You’re full of crap, you absolutely are a Sarah lover and are a hypocrite at that. He told the truth, Sarah did evict Willow. She is getting exactly what she deserves and I hope she loses the money on Willows vote. I have a grin just thinking of it.

            1. Look troll let’s see proof I am a Sarah lover. Not once have I said I ever wanted Sarah to win nor have I ever supported her. YOU ARE A TOTAL IDIOT.

          2. Well said Tastyjane. I agree with your assessment 100%. Ignore the Sarah vitriol which i suspect in probably 1 or 2 people using multiple user names.

    2. I remember us all talking about how classy his exit was but sure enough he is no different than any previous seasons evicted houseguest. He is bitter and it doesn’t look good on him. Hopefully by the time the finale comes around he’ll come to his senses and vote rationally. Whomever that choice may be, just not one based on anger.

    3. Here we go Bruno is a misogynist because he tells the truth. Do you idiots even know the meaning of the word? All he did was tell the truth. Willow was evicted because of Sarah. She’s getting exactly what she deserves because she admitted she would have definitely done the same, which seems to be okay in the eyes of the hypocrites.

      1. Typical sarah lovers blaming bruno for sarahs mistakes……bruno voted to keep willow and sarah voted her out as simple as that!!..oh and the last time i saw it wasnt bruno kissing willow and telling her he loved her and touching her playing with her hair and all that shit……no bruno hates woman remember…lol… was sarah doin that …Bruno does not owe willow anything and he told her the truth……Sarah is the wind bag who voted her out….but no blame bruno hes the monster who went against queen sarah and was hated for making a move that benefited bruno….He was right when he said sarah was poison …..she was absolutely poison for his game…just another truth that sarah lovers hated cause it was the truth and it was against sarah.

      2. You are obsessed with Sarah to the point you are scary. Maybe she should hire some protection from you when she gets out. Get some help.

        1. Obsessed with sarah???….LOL!!!…….are you kidding me??……..HAHAHAHA!!…….No …the only people obsessed with this darling of a woman is you sarah lovers……who cant come to terms of how much of a classless person she truly is…….she blames evryone for her own missteps ….she could of voted for willow no one had a gun to her head saying she couldnt vote for willow…but now its brunos fault she didnt vote for willow to stay……what..she doesnt have a mind of her own…..its always everyone elses fault but not miss perfect sarah…give me a fucking break!!

  13. the winner of final four hoh is guaranteed to make it to final three, but the pov holder is the person with power. they are the only vote. they determine else will be in final three.
    If I were choosing a favorite i’d want that person to be the pov holder this week.

  14. So where are all the “Bruno is such a HUMBLE MAN” hhahahah

    Called that he would be a bitter jury member!

  15. LMAO, and where was the person commenting on an earlier post that Bruno was so classy and didn’t continue to talk bad about Sarah when he left the house? #theirony

    1. He wasn’t talking bad, he just told her that her precious Sarah, was her demise in the game. I’m glad he did it since they gave Sarah such a good edit and made it look like Bruno was the one that started the fight in The house. She also said the other day that she hoped Bruno got a bad edit when he left the house. Can’t stand Sarah. Very disappointed that she won hoh. Karma will eventually get her.

      1. you would have to agree he was selective in his retelling.
        the argument was started when sarah went into the pantry saying we’re going to save willow right? to which godfrey and Bruno said no.
        in saying Zach and I always wanted to keep you, we wanted to work with you, he is therefore lying to somebody.
        it’s funny that the rest of the jury went into the jury house putting all their cards on the table. Bruno chose to do otherwise. hey, his choice, but he sort of threw away the spin he gained in his exit interviews.

  16. Why would Bruno NOT talk bad about Sarah? If the shoe was on the other foot she already stated she would try to poison the jury against him!!! Tit for Tat I say. Besides, what loyalty does he owe that Scarecrow? She and Bruno disliked each other from the start, and didn’t trust one another. She blew their fight all out of proportion and Brittnee fell for it. I have no sympathy for her, and you will all see, he will vote for her in the end. That ought to shut you all up. What a bunch of friggin whiners you all are. He didn’t poison anyone. Sarah voted Willow out, and that’s the truth. So he hasn’t poisoned anyone.

  17. I had hope for Bruno after seeing him talk about how Sarah was a good game player on his eviction side show but as I predicted, he is a bitter jury member which is sad. If Britnee and Sarah are in the finale I would hope that strategy and game play is what is taken into account the most. I do know, however, that personal feelings always play a part (throwing it back to Adam’s joke of a vote at the BB13 finale after saying he would vote for whoever won the final part of the 3 part HoH comp). Definitely hoping for a SBG finale!

  18. What a night!!! I am really happy with Britt and Sarah. I think either could or should win BBC3. I like how they kept their word to God. Also, they stuck together since the beginning. They didn’t have 8 alliances with everyone in the house or sell out each other. Everyone else in the jury bounced from person to person. They stuck true to each other and should be proud to be final 4.

  19. Sarah haters logic

    First few weeks = she sucks at the game because she can’t win a competition and doesn’t do anything, she also has no loyalty for throwing Brit under the bus and hiding their gaming relationship
    Weeks when Brit won HOH during triple eviction, superpower and won an HOH= production rigged the twists for her, her HOH win and she has been carried around by Brit
    Current situation = Sarah is a bitch

    1. Winning competitions does not make you suck at BB. Dr. Will used his social game to get far and hasn’t won comps. Your logic is so ridiculously flawed that I cannot believe I am wasting my time writing this comment. Sarah’s social game is great and she had already won 2 HOHs and 1 Veto. I do not understand how the 100 Minutes of Hell comp. was geared towards her at all. The Veto competition that she won, she was neck in neck with Zach and won that fair and square.

      1. I’m rooting for either Sarah or Brit to win it all. As of now I want Sarah to win it all but if Britnee wins this veto I may prefer her to win it all. I’m just pointing out how illogical Sarah haters are.

  20. It’s been a busy few days, but I’m so happy to return to good news! I’m glad that everyone saw the value in taking Zach out. I’m surprised that Britt won round 2 HOH! Good for her though because now she has 3 HOH wins under her belt, and Sarah has 2?! I think it was actually smart that Pilar left because I don’t think SGB could risk letting Ash get to the final 3.

    1. Sarah and Britt BOTH won switching gears

      Britt won both the triple/double evictions

      Sarah has now won back to back in ones she could win and she won the POV to save herself.

      The two of them sitting beside each other would make a compelling situation b/c Britt’s wins were critical same night wins. Whereas Sarah’s wins could be considered just as critical or one of SB would be gone.

      I also think Sarah threw the SP to Britt b/c she was on the block. It will come down to the jury believing Sarah was the master manipulator vs. Britt who’s considered more of the comp winner BUT if Sarah wins Veto to keep Britt safe I think it would take out Britt’s comp wins.

      Based on tonight’s edit it seems like Bruno intends to keep working the jury against Sarah …. BUT as Kevin said when he left this isn’t boys vs girls it’s Bruno vs. Sarah. AND… remember this week Sarah had to collect some things to give Willow (this would have been after Bruno got to jury) Sarah commented Willow didn’t ask for her ring back. To me that is more the reality than what they showed. We’ll see

  21. Hmmm, I like Godfrey’s personality but throwing comps at this point in the game?! I don’t think it’s all strategy, to be honest. I hope he wins something but so far he’s just won one POV and that was based on some luck. Otherwise I don’t think he’ll deserve to win. What will be his play? “I coasted through the game and made empty threats?”

    Surely we don’t understand how it is in the house, so if you’re judging people by the comments they make inside the house with the comments made outside the house, it’s kind of dumb. I’m sure the Bruno/Sarah fued would end the moment she gets evicted or the season ends

    Also, I feel for Ashleigh. That’s a sucky position she’s in.

  22. Just came back from the Sideshow taping, loved how Peter confronted Zach!! Zach seemed very awkward

      1. From my memory: Peter right away confronted Zach about his hateful tweet. Zach said as soon as he got on the show he was prepared to be confronted about this. Peter was classy and in the end he said he forgave Zach because Zach was going to see how it felt to be cyber bullied right when he gets access to social media. People clapped. Through out Peter’s little speech, Zach has an awkward smile and rubbing his knees, but he claps too.

        After that Peter told Zach he’s played one of the best games of the season. During the commercial breaks I saw them interact a little with smiles, across from their chairs.

  23. Just wondering why Sarah is the only HG who has a blog for her plan to make it to F2 promoted on the BBCan Twitter page? It reminds me of the solo commercial she got last week. I’m not a Sarah hater, just wondering . . .

  24. It’s almost a certainty that Sarah is destined for 2nd place. It’s a toss up between God and Britt for who wins, with Ash needing both an unlikely POV and HoH win in the next two comps to take it all.

    1. Why would Sarah be destined for 2nd place? She could be in 2nd place if the jury is bitter, but then it would depend on whether she was up against Britt (who the jury may be bitter to as well). Sarah is seen as a master manipulator to a lot of jury members. A lot of them believe she’s been using Britt to do her dirty work. And she got Zach out on her HOH, when he was the most likely to win (besides Britt).

  25. I neither liked nor disliked Bruno (the hand gestures and pointing in the DR was annoying) but that was a real dbag move tonight. I don’t care about it affecting Sarah’s game but doing that to Willow was downright cruel. I don’t even care for Willow and she was overreacting and unrealistically overemotional but seeing her freak out when he told her that and his comments afterwards show what kind of a person he is. I don’t know how anyone can defend him after that.

    1. I can defend him easily……..He simply told her the truth and you say it was a dirtbag move ….are you fucking kidding me???He owes willow nothing and he told her the truth……..oh right i forgot sarah is perfect she the absolute model of decency and respects everyone in the game……shes never lied or talked shit about anyone……….she never whines cries and has hissy fits when things dont go her way…….shes not a two faced hypocrite who says nice things to your face and the moment your gone shes bashing you like theres no tomorrow….yes an absolute darling!!……you know there is a bigger bitch out there then sarah and her name is karma!!

  26. I love how the SArah haters are just grasping at straws now…just suck it haters..Sarah will win..hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  27. I just watched the show tonight and I’m truly shocked at Bruno’s attitude. This is a game, and the contestants are the HGs and only the ones who remained in the house. Bruno is now a juror and he is suppose to judge the game of the other contestants. Sarah’s vote to keep Pili was taken because of a specific calculation. He knows it and now he’s lying. For some weird reason he still thinks he’s in the game and not acting as a juror! Shows how little class and honesty the guy has! I’m so glad he was kicked out! He’s a mean person with angry management…. he should have never been selected for BB. After seeing how he physically charged Sarah in the back room and the way he barely contained his nastiness in the car while he was being taken to the jury house… I really think he could be have been dangerous if he stayed in the game (he looks like anything could easily set him off). BBcan has to make sure that the bitter juror is not going to invent lies and nasty twist to influence the game in the wrong way!

    1. Ah boo hoo Bruno told the truth and you hypocrites can’t handle it. When Sarah said she would do the same thing and she hoped he got a bad edit not one of you had a problem with that. Also you should visit with people who have actually been abused and understand the difference between adults arguing and someone being abused. Sarah initiated the whole argument by getting in his face and she couldn’t handle it when he served it right back.

      1. Sorry your hate for Sarah is blinding you. Are you Bruno’s dad?

        A- Bruno did not tell the truth, he twisted it. he did not tell Willow why Sarah voted how she voted. . he’s playing with her emotions (again a man who has problem with women) hiding part of the truth.

        B- the way he said it is just as important as what he said. There was an angry nastiness in his tone. He wanted to hurt Sarah (who is just playing the game better then him) and he couldn’t care if he hurt some one else in the process.

        C- He admitted it himself in the car he would make up LIES to influence the game in the jury house.

        D- the fact that Sarah said she would have spread rumours in the jury house does NOT mean that she would have if / when she went there. Sorry ifs don’t work.

        E- About the argument they had: Sarah used words… Bruno CHARGED HER PHYSICALLY and his level of anger was really concerning.

        F- just because there are “people who have actually been abused” (do you know if I actually experienced that in person IN MY LIFE?), doesn’t justify B.’s action AT ALL.

  28. I just wanted to say how much i liked zachs speech, it seemed very genuwine. I also found it interesting when asked by Arisa who his pick to win was, he said Sarah. I do appriciate how much of an actual game player he was/tried to be. He went down fighting but was a class act in the end. Who knows, maybe we misjudged where his vote to win will go…one would assume ash if she makes it, but i see a glimmer of hope that he would reward best game play. I also saw that glimmer ealier when he voted to save Willow over Pili. Anyway, hoping for a God Sarah F2. 49% because i want Sarah to win, 51% because i want to hear the obviously epic F2 speech God will have prepared.

  29. I think Ashleigh made a mistake voting to evict Godfrey. I think by doing this she has given Sarah and Britt reason to turn God against Ash. Not that I am saying that God will buy whatever S and B will sell him but from Ash perspective she should have known that Pilar was the getting evicted.

    I want Brit to win. She has evicted nearly a third of the house.

    1. B has evicted a third of the house because of the “twist” triple eviction and over the top veto power production gave her. Cant stand her over the top acting in the diary room. not a fan.

  30. I can’t deal with Bruno did. He may not hate women but he did think that his posse of bros was superior. He targeted naeha and Sarah and Johnny and Brittnee relentlessly. Also, zach was smart, he knew how to reel Bruno in. All the talk about how he always goes for bros before girls, Bruno was loving it. It’s all there. Stop defending him. When Sarah said that she’d poison people against Bruno, she was pissed. Bruno was done with the game, he should’ve left the fued behind. That was not a cool move what he did.

    I really do hope a girl wins. It was the girls that got most of their stupid alliance members out.

  31. First Sarah should have voted out Godfrey as well Britney not because I like Pelee but because she definitely is less of a threat to take to the end and I’m just talking game wise I really don’t like Pelee she’s very annoying I prefer Godfrey but I’m just talking game!!! From the beginning my pic with Sarah to win I really hope she takes it but she might’ve just handed it over to Godfrey…Bruno is such a loser for going to the jury and telling Willow that Sarah never pictured just so that Willow doesn’t vote for Sarah clearly Bruno is jealous of Sarah from the start he only wishes that he could’ve played half a smart game as she did

  32. First Sarah should have voted out Godfrey as well Brittney not because I like Pilar but because she is definitely is less of a threat to take to the end and I’m just talking game wise I really don’t like Pillar she’s very annoying & has NO GAME it’s almost as if she thinks shes just there to hangout & play house with friends, she could care less to win So Ya I prefer Godfrey but I’m just talking game!!! From the beginning my pic was Sarah to win I really hope she takes it but she might’ve just handed it over to Godfrey…Bruno is such a loser for going to the jury and using his cheap antics telling Willow that Sarah never picked her just so that Willow doesn’t vote for Sarah….Clearly Bruno is jealous of Sarah from the start & he only wishes that he could’ve played a smart game as she did…Sarah For The Winnnnn cuz she played an amazing game socially she played an amazing game where HOH and competitions are concerned she never really stepped on anybody’s toes and she respected every single house guess the whole entire time while still plotting her own game…Sarah has all the qualities of a true winner and I really hope she takes it because she really deserves it she’s very smart and very nice at the same time which makes her very very special!!!! Bruno was a sock a sourpuss and a very emotional player in a Negative Way, Sarah might be a little bit of an emotional player but it’s in a positive way that’s the difference I love Sarah & she’s a really nice and good person on the outside of the house and on the inside of the house!!!!

  33. First Sarah should have voted out Godfrey as well Brittney not because I like Pilar but because she is definitely is less of a threat to take to the end and I’m just talking game wise I really don’t like Pillar she’s very annoying & has NO GAME it’s almost as if she thinks shes just there to hangout & play house with friends, she could care less to win So Ya I prefer Godfrey but I’m just talking game!!! But I can also say that Godfrey never really had any game and he never really made a big move is socially he got in with people but he threw many competitions and I don’t really think he made any big moves so I don’t think he had the best game he just has a cool personality!!! Ashleigh sucks completely she never had any game she’s only now starting to pick up the pace because she’s fearing for her life but ultimately her whole entire game sucked!!! Britt made some big moves and she did have some wins on your own I like her but I think that without Sarah she wouldn’t have been that mentally strong to carry-on through the game so I do think Sarah helped her out a little bit in directly so I won’t be mad if Britt wins But shes not my first pick…From the beginning my pic was Sarah to win I really hope she takes it but she might’ve just handed it over to Godfrey…Bruno is such a loser for going to the jury and using his cheap antics telling Willow that Sarah never picked her just so that Willow doesn’t vote for Sarah….Clearly Bruno is jealous of Sarah from the start & he only wishes that he could’ve played a smart game as she did…Sarah For The Winnnnn cuz she played an amazing game socially she played an amazing game where HOH and competitions are concerned she never really stepped on anybody’s toes and she respected every single house guess the whole entire time while still plotting her own game…Sarah has all the qualities of a true winner and I really hope she takes it because she really deserves it she’s very smart and very nice at the same time which makes her very very special!!!! Bruno was a sock a sourpuss and a very emotional player in a Negative Way, Sarah might be a little bit of an emotional player but it’s in a positive way that’s the difference I love Sarah & she’s a really nice and good person on the outside of the house and on the inside of the house!!!!

  34. I will be quite dissapointed if Britt wins the majority of her power has come through game saving “twists”. Her over the top acting in the diary room is hard to watch.

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