Big Brother Canada 3 Eviction / HOH Results Bobby Vs Graig

Wednesday Eviction and HOH results.

Seeing as the feeds were blocked for most of the week there isn’t a whole lot we can say.

Last week on Wednesday Sindy was evicted from the Big Brother House. Kevin won the HOH and was told (in secret) to nominate two house guests for eviction. Kevin nominated Brittnee and Naeha.

On the Thursday night they had a instant eviction with a public vote, everyone saw each others votes (vote count here). Naeha was evicted (even though the night before she had made deals with Kevin, Jordan, Zach to take out Bobby. But of course Kevin had already selected his nominations). The Next HOH winner was Brittnee who put up Kevin/Bobby. (The two people that nominated her) Johnny won the Power of Veto and saved Kevin. Britnee was then able to nominate Graig her true target.

It is clear that Graig is going home. A little bit of campaigning was seen but for the most part he just laid down and died with a short episode of contemplating quitting.

Where does this leave us? 60 alliances all intertwined with Jordan/Zach in all of them. There’s newport, Purple cobras/Hexagon, Diaper alliance, fortress, Chop shop, Showmances (Pilar/Kevin, Zach/Ashleigh), Chop suey etc etc. Jordan/Zach continues to play the middle making sure their alliances target each other all while moving the target off themselves. How long can they get away with this? In a twist less world maybe all season, but no one wants to watch that this ain’t BBUS somehow somewhere A twist will shake up the house.

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Some notable posts from the week


My Predictions

Graig is evicted the HOH is a crapshoot Zach wins it.

Twitter Spoilers

(very reliable thanks @hamsterwatch )
Graig evicted 10-0
HOH winner unknown
New twist allows viewers to vote on different types of vetoes where 1 or 2 nominees could come off the block

Results from the show

Sarah votes to evict Graig
Pilar votes to evict Graig
Ashleigh votes to evict Graig
Willow votes to evict Graig
Johnny votes to evict Graig
Zach votes to evict Graig
Jordan votes to evict Graig
Bruno votes to evict Graig
Kevin votes to evict Graig
Godfrey votes to evict Graig

Graig evicted

Twisto twist = next week we decide what the power actually is we can vote for either a forced veto (Veto must be used) or a double veto which means both nominees must be replaced by the HOH.

HOH winner is Bruno

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There’s a lot of Alliance but we’ve tried to make sense of it all.. Read our alliance help guide




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39 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada 3 Eviction / HOH Results Bobby Vs Graig”

    1. LOVE BB but it’s true.. 3/5 of the first evicted houseguests were evicted by a twist (BBUK twist, Instant Eviction, POV twist).

  1. Zach winning is disastrous for his game but is fantastic viewing, hopefully the side that he chooses to put up explodes and blow up his and JP’s game. For sure they will be forced to align themselves now and soon all the floaters will pick a side.

  2. Graig got his Karma for targeting Nae just b/c she is brown and has a similar name like to Neda she is not her
    I hate all the boys except Jonny
    Kev is pretty much hopeless if he could look around him and see Jp is just using him and not tell him everything
    Kev,Bee,Sarah,Jonny and get Pilar b/c Kev has her wrapped his finger they could do some damage

  3. Zach’s only hope of not being outed as throwing the comp with an advantage is if hoh is a puzzle type base. puzzles are the easiest to throw. if it’s puzzle he’ll throw for sure.
    I don’t think bb wants to blow up Zach’s game. they’ve been marketing him since day one. I think the new veto power is to solidify a two sided battle. three/four sided doesn’t fit the paradigm.

  4. I was at the taping today and here are a couple of bits of info:

    The twistos twist is that we can either vote for a) make one person come off the block or b) have both come off the block. Why would people only vote for 1 person I have no clue.

    Arisa is great at banter, I wish they allowed that more then make her read a prompter.

    also, Godfrey’s McDonald’s coworkers were there cheering him on..

        1. Not necesseraly… if we choose the second option (both nominee replace), the POV holder may opt to not use the veto and no one is replaced. Why choose the first option if the second is also mandatory PLUS the two must be replace.

          1. I don’t think that’s how it works. Either way someone will be replaced it’s just a matter of whether it’s one or two people. If we pick option one the POV holder I assume takes the target they want off the block and if we chose option 2 then both targets have to be changed.

            What isn’t clear is whether they’ll play POV regardless which is the ONLY way all 3 of Johnny, Sarah and Britnee (JSB) can be safe as we know Bruno will put up 2 of them and if both are replaced the other will go up. Unless of course the POV is still played and the 3rd member wins it.

            Since I want to see some of the middle ground people sweat I hope we force them to put up 2 new nominees. And as mentioned I also hope it means the POV competition occurs so there is the possibility of all 3 (JSB) being safe. I wonder who would Bruno replace the nominees with then. Assuming he won’t go after the chop shop that means Zach, Ash, Willow and Bobby are safe & now he’s tight with Godfrey & Jordan which only leaves Kevin/PeleeHe won’t put up anyone from the Chop Shop & he’s tight with Jordan and God so that only leaves Pilar/Kevin basically. Not a great situation for Bruno given Kevin did what HE WANTED by taking out Naela.

            What would Newport do? Would they throw Kevin away? Would they throw Willow under the bus? Certainly would make things more interesting and might actually expose Newport to at least some people in the house which I think I’d enjoy given they are starting to be too full of themselves.

            The other thing I’m curious about is why Jordan who really is the brains (in my opinion) is content to let Zach bring Ashleigh with him to F3 so he makes F2 no matter what. Why doesn’t he have a third party? Even if they proceed with Newport plus operation double date it puts Jordan in the center of 5 (2 couples). Unless he plans on cozying up to Sarah to bring her as his 3rd party.

            1. Thats not the way I read it. Option 1 is a “forced” veto. Option 2 is a double veto but not a “forced” veto. Ive got tickets for next week’s eviction and I cant wait to see what happens.

    1. Thank you for letting us know what you saw at the show. It’s really cool to hear all about it. If you end up going to any other tapings let us know about them too 🙂

  5. I want to see Godfrey win just for the hell of it and to see if he would wreak havoc. I would love to see him let loose like the Tazmanian Devil lol.

    On another note – JMO – I know many dont like all these twists but I kinda like the facelift. Every game needs to evolve if it’s going to stay relevant. Canada cant be the same as or less than any BB game out there now on the airwaves. We have to be different. You gotta admit – it’s far more intense with anticipation of what’s getting thrown at them next

  6. The best twist of the season will be giving the Veto holder the power to not only take a nominee off the block, but to also name the replacement nominee! LOL, watch everyone scramble!!!

  7. LOL BEST EVICTION SPEECHES EVER, never laughed so hard! #NAMASTE.

    Bobby and his “I don’t know… maybe I won’t win HOH anymore… willing to work with people” … Oookaay there buddy.

    1. I know right, the look on Johnny face was priceless…. I like that Graig,and were was he this whole time.

  8. who’s Bruno?????????
    there was a Bruno in the house? really.. this season is getting weirder and weirder

  9. So Bruno is most likely gonna be doing redemption for Graig, so the chop shop is most likely gonna be in power. yawn. #votefor2vetosused.

  10. I’m voting for taking both nominees off…at least the person has a choice not to use it, its their game… We should not force the veto to have to be used….

  11. Not shocked at all that Graig was unanimously voted off. Dumb move. Bobby is the better player in all aspects, and it will be harder to rid of him later.

    Bruno winning HOH could be interesting in the fact that he thinks Zach is really shady, and Graig told him to watch out for him. If the Double Veto is used, Zach could easily go up.

  12. BBCAN cast is always so much better. Plenty of likable characters and you feel like you really are cheering on someone without necessarily despising the others.

    BBUS is precisely the opposite. The level of obnoxiousness is always so high that only after a few weeks you maybe like 1 or 2 characters while you find yourself strongly disliking the others. Here on onlinebigbrother Dawg is often the most popular houseguest.

    Now, either Americans are really more brutal and obnoxious than Canadians, or the casts of the respective shows don’t really reflect the countries…

    In any case BBCAN >> BBUS

  13. I am really happy Bruno won HOH! He’s my favourite so far and Jordan next. I think he’s going to put up Britnee and sarah. If they both come off thinking he’s going to put up johny and Kevin.

    1. I like Bruno’s loyalty, but it’s interesting he doesn’t trust ANY females. I’ve heard him question Ashley and Willow who are both in the Chop Shop. But I’ve never heard him really question any of the guys. Even when he brings up couples it’s always the fact they are close to a girl that bothers him. Funny how the boys can have bromances all day long, but have a closeness to a female (even Sarah and Johnny) and it’s an issue.

  14. The house-guests have potential. However they are overshadowed by the producers determination to shine. So the focus is on twists and other distractions rather than the players. Instead of the viewer getting to know the participants at the start, the attention was on the producers game. The house furnishings, etc. This takes away from the game.
    We have the three half hour shows, about the three hour shows, after the hour show. Plus another hour show about the show on Global on Saturdays. The after midnight on slice. The online Play along with contests, games. twists, points, a store, blah blah. The 24 our feed (sometimes). I’m sure I missed something.
    Even with all this I found myself looking at the time 10 times during the show tonight. So a bit boring. Hopefully it will pick up. In the meantime I’ll visit here and just watch the regular shows.

  15. He and Bobby will chat. I think it’s a backdoor week.. So no matter who goes up the feeds should tell us who the target is long before Sunday. Excluding the veto twist the 2 targets are Johnny or Kevin IMHO. Someone mentioned Zack earlier. I do not see that as it breaks up the chop shop down to 4 if he goes. They do not have the numbers to take out their own at this point.
    2 of these four are going up…. Brit, Sarah, Kevin and Johnny with an outside shot of Pili as a pawn instead of Brit but she just sent Graig home so Pili rather than Sarah? Naw it’s 2 of these 4. Think Jordan is safe, Pili can go anytime, Godfrey isn’t in the picture. I think the interesting bit is what hardwood says to Bruno regaurding the noms and the target. See 12 left HOH and 2 noms no vote. Gonna see some scrambling after POV to keep from being exposed on a vote. In danger hardwood and Zack in particular depending on whose eligible for eviction next Wednesday..

  16. BBCan does not define their Double Veto… leaving everyone to speculate on its powers and use. BB is a petty, manipulative bitch. Did you see how BBCan blamed Canada for the poor live feed coverage of houseguest conversations because Canada voted 70% for the ‘wrong’ fan feed. Prior to the fan feed coming live BBCan provided consistent coverage of any area housguests were talking (game or otherwise) with 4 cameras that rarely duplicated coverage of other camers. Then, as soon as Canada has the fan feed option, BB cameras frequently duplicate (sometimes 3 or all 4 cameras covering the back yard). BB manipulates everything and then blames the fan base. BB damages one of their cameras and then blames and punishes the houseguests (not a true April Fool joke… a mean spirited, petty attack on people using a tradition as cover and justification). The challenges aren’t just challenging they are cruelly exaggerated torturous examples of a sadistic, vindictive mind(s). BB has some serious issues… anti-social, borderline criminal… while justifying everything or blaming others.

    1. This reads a lot heavier than the actual light hearted nature I have of this perspective/view/opinion.

  17. Oh, and really hoped Graig had really blown up / lost it… to replace the tiresome “V” finger catchphrase with… Ginja Snaps

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