POV Holder: | JON | Next POV | ? |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | ? |
HOH Winner: | Sabrina | Next HOH: | Next HOH is final HOH |
Original Nominations: | Jon and Heather | ||
Current Nominations: | Jon and Heather | ||
Have Nots | Jon is on slop/can’t shower till he leaves |
12:50pm – 9:15pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the final 4 house guests to compete in the Power Of Veto competition. This is the most important Veto of the season as it allows the winner to decide who they want to evict, unless Sabrina as head of household wins it then she chooses who will decide who gets the sole vote to evict. The winner also secures their spot in the final 3 along with Sabrina.
When the feeds return we learn that JON WON the VETO!!
Punishments from the veto:
– JON is on slop and can’t shower till he leaves.
– Neda has to wear the dress costume till she leaves.
– Heather chose not take the punishment of a squirrel costume.
FINAL 3 House Guests so far are: Sabrina & Jon! Jon has already told Heather that he is choosing to evict her and keep Neda. Only a miracle or a twistos twist can save Heather now..
Sabrina and Heather are in the bathroom talk. Heather is telling her that she know that she is leaving. Sabrina says that it makes her sad that she is leaving. Sabrina says that Heather played an amazing game. Heather in in the bathroom alone says unless Canada wants to save me!
9:20pm – 9:40pm In the bedroom Jon and Neda are talking. Jon says that he and Neda are going to be known as JeDa. Jon asks Neda to say in hindsight it was a bad move getting rid of Adel. Neda won’t say it because in the end it all worked out. Jon tells her that she is so annoying. Neda says we are going against someone that can’t win endurance. Jon says she can’t win physical either. Neda says that Sabrina said she wanted to spend the money if she won on a rolex. Neda says that makes me sick! Jon says you and me will be a toss up if we’re in the final 2. Jon says she is taking it far better than I thought she would have. Jon says that he told Heather that he was pretty much going to take his chances with Neda. Jon gets called to the diary room. Heather comes into the bedroom and is packing her bags.. She reveals to Neda that she didnt work out .. not because she was lazy but because she didn’t want people to think she’s a competitor.

9:50pm In the bathroom Jon gives Heather a hug. Sabrina comes into the bathroom and Jon points at her and yells TURD!!! Jon and Heather talk alone in the bathroom. Heather asks Jon if he is going to tell Neda about our day 1 thing? Jon says I don’t know? It’s up to you? Heather asks will you tell her in your speech? Jon says yeah probably. Jon asks who do you think Neda would take to the final 2? Heather says she thinks it will depend on the next few days.. It will be a very hard decision like it was for you to choose between her and I. Jon says I think Neda has played a pronominal game! Heather says that it couldn’t make me happier that you two have made it to the end. Jon brings up how mad it makes him that Sabrina wants to buy a rolex with the money if she won. Jon tells Heather that she will make $20G’s outside the house faster that she thinks. JON is on SLOP till he leaves .. “I am going to lose so much weight! SLOP SLOP SLOP!” Jon tells Heather that she is very smart but that she played such a dumb dumb the first few weeks..
JON giving HEATHER a hug.. @bigbspoilers #bbcan2 pic.twitter.com/JiaH1tI6EY
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) May 4, 2014
10pm – 10:35pm Jon asks Heather if there are nail shops in the world. Heather is surprised by the question and tell him yes. Jon asks how much could it be like $10. Heather says no more like $40. Jon is blown away that people would pay $40 to have their nails done. Heather gets her nails done so that people comment on them and says she ends up getting more tips. Jon tells Heather that he never thought he would make friends like Neda and Heather. He tells her that he loves her and Neda so much. Heather says that she laughed at her boyfriend Will when he told she would make life long friendships inside the house. Sabrina joins them and says she is sad that it will all be over soon. Jon asks Heather if she is too? Heather says that she wishes she could have won some money first. Heather says that she’s excited to at least spend a few days in the jury house. Jon comments on how he, Sabrina and Neda will never get to experience that. Sabrina comments on how Jon can’t shower till the finale.
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Woohoo you go Jon !!! U deserve it
screw you jon for calling Heather an idiot, YOU will be the idiot when Neda evicts you and decides to rather have a cow sitting next to her in F2
Oh my God so excited jon won!!
Come on Jon! Open your eyes!! I was JeDa fan until she tried to turn on him. It would make it more interesting if Heather campaigned and ratted her out.
That wouldn’t work though, since they both discussed early on the fact that they would lie to the other people telling them that they would be willing to turn on each other, so that people didn’t view them completely as a pair… Jon would have no way of knowing that Neda was actually dead serious about it.
Please Jon…..stop being so dumb! Start realizing that Neda is never going to take you to F2. Take Heather with you, you idiot! OMG, is Jon this stupid?
Ummm… Heather is not taking him to F2 either! So where’s the logic?!?
Atta boy Pardy!
Well Heather is out now that sucks
I think we will se Neda/Jon F2 unless Sabs wins HOH
I am so glad that Jon won the veto. It would be great if he would get rid of Neda but I think he is too loyal but, he may surprise us!
Fingers crossed Jon can get to final 2 and then win it from there!
However….Jon was not talking too loyal of neda behind her back with Adel as per their plan. If Sab comes clean to Heather about it being Neda’s idea to get Heather out… Heather could and certainly has plenty she could inform Jon about, ie: neda’s intention to get him out if it was her vote (intentionally no caps on neda’s name… no respect). Then one has to wonder if in Jon’s mind, will he think his chance of beating neda is better than beating Heather?
I think Sab is now thinking (I can see the wheels turning) she might have better chances if neda goes (not my thoughts lol but). So Sab and Heather could very well assist in Jon in an awakening possibly.
It breaks my heart to think Heather will go tomorrow…. but more so it makes me want to vomit listening to neda’s we, we, we and then how she is already arrogantly talking about her prize plans. It’s NOT in the bag neda…. you’re just being overly “cocky” right now. BTW… shouldn’t she be packing as well?
I think Neda CAN win over Jon… If she works magic on Heather and Sabrina…she can get Rachelle and Allison….maybe even Arlie (he might be bitter and he knows Neda pushed to take him out)….even Adel says that Neda is the best player in his google hangout..but he’ll probably vote for Jon! Canada’s vote would most definitely go with Jon…
Here’s hoping that juror’s will vote based on gameplay and the clear winner would be NEDA!!! Worst case scenario…even if Sabrina wins the comp she’ll take Neda as well…and she would probably win as well!!!
…and screw all you people that say that Neda turned on Jon!!! SHE NEVER DID!!! She talked about it only if she had the opportunity ONLY because she believed she couldn’t win against him…if you’re playing the game you would all do the same…not just hand someone $100,000!!! If she believed she could win with Jon she would have never doubted it… If the roles were reversed…Jon would be thinking the same… I don’t blame Neda at all!
Exactly!! Some people seriously cannot get this in their head! It’s double standards.
I agree!!! I hope they don’t make desicion or having poor judgment in reality .god help their souls 🙂
Kyler I used to get pretty upset at those ppl early on but lately their comments just makes me laugh lol. So don’t let them bring you down to their level and cheer for your favourite player.
Neda .Jon all the way!
Sorry don’t let them drag you down to their level but pull them back on yours 😉
So glad Jon won but so sad he’s keeping Neda. If he wins the next HOH we all know he’s taking Neda, in which case Neda will tell jury that Jon was her puppet. Damn Jon wake up and get rid of Neds now because she was planning on getting rid of you
Well he is Neda’s puppet, she told him to put up Arlie and he did, told him to put up Adel and he did. If that’s not Neda controlling Jon and his own strategy that would mean poor gameplay from him because those two (especially Adel) will not turn their backs on him.
At this point Neda just need to sit back until final two. Sabrina and Jon would take her to the final two, whether she’ll win or not is still a toss up but hopefully she does not lose because of Canada’s vote, that will be like the topaz’ vote of the season. Jon is the more likeable one but Neda is far the superior player; if not for Neda, Arlie will still be in the game and that will change the chances of him winning competitions.
Neda’s chances of winning is still higher though if she wins the final HOH but I think she’s really capable of talking her way to win the jury votes.
My prediction on how the Jury will vote
Jon vs Neda
Adel (J)
Canada (J)
Allison (toss up)
Arlie (toss up)
Sabrina (N)
Heather (N)
Rachelle (N)
Jon vs Sabrina (Jon wins for sure)
Adel (J)
Canada (J)
Neda (J)
Heather (J)
Arlie (toss up)
Rachelle (S)
Allison (S)
Neda vs Sabrina
Adel (N)
Heather (N)
Canada (N)
Jon (toss up due to bitterness)
Arlie (toss up)
Rachelle (S)
Allison (S)
So happy Jon won! Neda is still an idiot for keeping Sabrina.
Neda’s far from idiot because keeping Adel will only mean that she needs to fight it out on the final HOH and not wait for people to take her there. Given the scenario that Adel is still inside the house, Neda might have won the previous HOH, Jon still wins POV and takes out heather. During finals she will have to put her trust on Jon because she has a 70% chance on losing endurance to adel and 100% chance of losing to Jon in the physical. And given the notion of the third HOH it could go either way and adel winning it will only make grant her the third place.
With the current setting, Neda even if she lose the final HOH, she is a sitting duck waiting to be given at least 20,000. Sabrina will not take Jon in the finals and Jon will not take Sabrina in the finals.
So how she is stupid again for taking Adel out?
‘I don’t think Arlie or Allison are toss ups at all. They know well that Jon was Neda’s puppet up to Adel at least, and they are superfans, they appreciate the game play of Neda. Allison is also going to know Neda was in the War Room when she did the Instant eviction, and watched the people in the house, and came out and no one knew at all. She’d appreciate that secret and being able to use what she saw and did while there to get to F2, if that is what she was able to do.
Watching the episodes you saw A & A both react to the Neda pics as “puppet master’ or Evil Queen or whatever it was. That is pretty high praise from a BB fan HG lol.
for the purposes of the jon neda f2: in jury, I think the superfans, the people that truly love and know the game, are the most likely to be bitter towards the person that caused them to lose the game. I don’t think neda has a lock on arlie and Allison at all. they don’t blame jon. they squarely blame neda. when they saw the video recap of rachelle’s eviction nomination, they said adel should have taken out jon and neda. that doesn’t sound like a lock. I read on here previously that Arlie already said if jon gets to finals he gets arlie’s vote. commenter after commenter said Allison sure didn’t play like a superfan. why expect her to vote viewing logic and gameplay instead of bitterness then?
jon has adel as a vote. lock. neda has heather as a vote. lock.
rachelle will follow what Allison does because Sabrina isn’t there until the last second. Allison will vote jon . rachelle may like neda as a friend, but she won’t vote neda because she didn’t buy the bon voyage speech. if we learned one thing from watching the gremlins… they are petty and vindictive.
the Canada vote…. neda’s been getting a bad rap lately. that hurts her votes. personally I’d voter for her over jon, but I can see a lot of people voting nice guy over neda. look at all the comments about poor jon being deceived by neda in the past week. those thoughts will still be with the voters. Canada doesn’t tend to vote game, they tend to vote emotionally. who do they feel more emotionally invested in. who got to the end more against the odds, that’s how Canada will vote.
sorry, I know that my jon vs. neda analysis is against most of what I’ve said in the past couple of days. I still think she should win against him , but I didn’t know about arlie’s exit interview statement saying jon if he makes it to finals at that time. it caused me to reassess my stance.
I had to remember that the houseguests this year have been extremely petty when given the opportunity. I based my original assessments on what would be said to a logical jury. not a bunch of petty children.
snooty & snotty & petty teenZ …..or…… way bright but cruel five year olds?
another name says: May 4, 2014 at 3:02
am sorry, I know that my jon vs. neda analysis is against most of what I’ve said in the past couple of days. I still think she should win
against him , but I didn’t know about arlie’s exit interview statement saying jon if he makes it to finals at that time. it caused me to
reassess my stance. I had to remember that the houseguests this year have been extremely petty when given the opportunity. I based
my original assessments on what would be said to a logical jury. not a bunch of petty children.
Read more at: http://www.onlinebigbrother.com/big-brother-canada-2-power-veto-competition-results-jon-says-jeda-sick-name/?replytocom=856086#respond
Copyright © OBB
ummm…. I’m new this year to leaving comments on threads…. what is the addition of my comment to your response? sorry. I’m easily confused by tech.
My only difference to your proposed votes is Arlie who I believe will vote for Neda regardless. Alison will hopefully finally PROVE she is a super fan & vote for the best player, but alas I think she’ll vote for Jon “because she likes boys better”. There is a chance Sabrina could convince her why Neda played a better game though & convince her otherwise.
Thumbs up to the person who posted Canada will be as bad as Topaz if we vote for Jon over Neda as the best player! It’s NOT a popularity contest it’s a GAME & she has played the far superior game. With Heather still in the house there was an argument for her as well but of the 3 who’ll remain it’s hands down NEDA!
I think Jon would still vote for Neda. I dont think he would be that bitter that he would vote for Sabrina over his best friend an the 1 person he was aligned with the entire game. He will be mad no matter what but not to the point he would let her lose the game! He will be happy to say the girl he played the game with won the game.
Im rooting for a Jon an Neda final 2 and I hope Neda wins! Sabrina has had an alright game but not better then the other 2 thats for sure!
Wrong to assume that Jon is sending Heather home!
He may decide to backdoor Neda at the last minute – he will show that he is able to turn on her at the right time, keep his original word with Heather for F2 and prove that his strategy works better as he can adapt in the worst scenario (being on the block).
Also he may want to have a reprieve from Neda lobbying and batting his ears until eviction.
He also knows that Neda’s jury vote would be on him if he is against Sabrina, but not against Heather in F2. So 50/50.
And if he evicts Heather, she will vote either for Neda or for Sabrina in F2 against him.
hence as far as jury votes factor in, it is better for him to send Neda to the jury.
And he can take his chance against Heather and Sabrina for the next comps.
There is only a 0.01% chance that Jon will vote out Neda….
Neda will win if she goes to final.. Guarenteed..
Neda vs Jon
Adel – J
Canada – J
Arlie – N
Sabrina – N
Rachelle – N
Allison – N
Heather – N
Neda vs Sabrina
Canada – N
Arlie – N
Allison – N
Heather – N
Jon – N
Adel – N
Rachelle – S
Good list but Allison might be bitter
Man I wished heather would have won. Kills me slobrina is in the finals( IMO she doesn’t deserve it). John should have taken heather where’s their alliance from day 1? Not liking anyone left now
Once SAbs won HOH, no one had a choice about her being F3. their only chance was to not blow the HOH comp, and they both failed. I would prefer to see all those 3 in F3, but i don’t mind that Sabs is there if both Jon and Neda can win what they need to win and be the one to send her out. At this point, after Heather’s immature reaction to being on the block against sabs when Jon was HOH I can’t wait to see her go. Spoiled brat poor sport. She might have been gone then, because of it imo.
YAY FOR BIG JAAAN! imo he’s much more deserving than Heather.
Neda by her lonesome right now has 50/50 odds of winning the entire game.
She however has 1 in 4 odds of getting $20,ooo.oo! S@bs + luck = money
Ya ya ya ya..whatever whatever Neda haters 🙂
I would like to congratulate Neda & Jon on final 2 🙂
It’s not final 2 yet… still 4 in the house, lots can happen still, don’t pull a neda!
Heather has 99.999999999999999% odds of spending a few days in the jury house!!
i truly agree that NEDA easily has 50/50 odds of shopping at the BRICK! either way!!!!!
Sabrina could luck into BB*C’s $20 G only to have JON show his 1932 “hoover flags”!!!
Wait….wait. As Neda said, dont celebrate too early, there could be a lighting that can take her out of the game before F3 🙂
Love that girls paranoia……
Best outcome ever. Plus he may get my vote for keeping Neda over Heather. fully expect heather to sulk her way thru to the eviction, but glad to see her go. Such a bad sport sometimes.
If Neda is actually the one to decide, which is unlikely, if she does pick Jon over Sabrina, she will get my vote. if she picks Sabs, she won’t. just my opinion ., Jon did exactly what anyone would expect him to do, and gives her a chance to get further. If she doesn’t win her way thru this, she won’t deserve to win at F2. If she wins at least something, i will be OK with that. but if Jon ends up winning everything in order to get her there, she will have to be OK with 2nd place. I think even 2nd makes a big difference in her life, and Sabs doesn’t need to win to feel like she had the ultimate experience. Jon deserves to be exactly where he is right now.
Personally I think that Neda’s advice and steering him in the right direction more than once got him right here, alongside her. it is only the last 2 or 3 events that have really skewed her abilities. Right after Jemmett, and sister visit, that she took both completely wrong. Better she hadn’t won those at that time lol.. she is right about not having Adel now, for both their games, Adel would have half a chance to win something.
Go JON! I just don’t know if he has it in him to win the final comp since its trivia.
I think Jon will win if he takes Neda…..he was a physical threat since Arlie left the game and won when he had 2….he knew nobody was taking him to final three including Neda and he won…..also it shows his loyalty to the only true alliance with Neda. As much as head wants to take Jon out she hasn’t had the chance because Jon has won every time he had 2 and let’s be honest because of him Neda is still in the game…I know they both helped each other but Jon truly had to fight since Kenny was in the house and all the first five alliance wanted him out….that is impressive and in my mind has earned my vote…media is smart and she has played a flawless game but she lacks charm and that also plays into who wins since Canada has a vote, that can may well be the deciding vote,so these are my predictions:
Arlie will vote for Jon solely because even though Neda convince Jon to put him up, he still had the ultimate power to do so not Neda
Allison I think would vote for Jon because of their Newfoundland connection….
Rachelle for Neda unless they convince her otherwise
Adel will vote for Jon…..because he knew his back was against the house the whole time and he won to get to the finals
Sabrina will vote for Neda but she might surprise me because once she gets to the house I think she might end up voting for Jon
Canada I think will vote for Jon…..he has been popular from the beginning and I know I am voting for him if he goes till the end.
Allison seemed pretty bitter towards Neda; cutting off her head in the jury house.
I highly doubt she votes for Neda in either scenario.
Neda can sit back and relax, regardless of who wins the power to evict, they are taking Neda.
So glad Jon won. Sorry to see Heather go though. Would rather her be final three than Sabs.
I can’t believe she didn’t put Neda up in the first place.
another power couple in the final. -.-
Good for Jon! He would have been going home this week if anyone but him won the veto. Sending Heather home is the right move. Both Neda and Heather might take Sabrina to the F2 instead of Jon but if he takes Neda, he could at least tell the Jury that he was loyal to his strongest alliance.
jon shud evict neda poor guy doesnt realize nedas taking his kindness for weakness …Well if that happens & she takes sabs to the final 2 i hope neda looses !!
My! My! Jonny Boy & Heather having a great chat – kinda of unveil their strategy to each other, ie play dumb & observe to learn where flow goes early in game.
Jon working hard to get Heather’s jury vote. Smart man.
This time, Heather is using her head, packing her bags right off the bag and no campaign overtly at the beginning.
Had a DR session and we’ll see if that changes.
Neda is acting cocky assuming completely that she is in F3. But still working to capture Heather’s jury vote,
Sorry Sabby is kinda of aimless – nobody really care much about her, no influence on next couple of days. Until comps, she is largely irrelevant as her HOH win.
It would be sweet if Jon plays for himself – toss neda last minute without notice.
Folks, remember Jon was ready to do so in Adel’s case, until neda screwed up and spilled the beans contrary to her word.
He is still pissed somehow at neda- tried rather unsuccessfully to get neda to admit it was a mistake to send Adel home instead of Sabrina.
He can pin his decision on sending neda home on the fact that she fired a couple of times on Joneda/ jeda alliance first.
And if she still begrudges him for such a bold move, then it will all buth confirm that she is an inferior BB player, worse lesser person.
Did you watch the feeds? She is not acting cocky at all. She is even refusing to celebrate she is in F3, until it officially happens…..if that is being cocky then ok…
I hope Neda wins the first round and takes Jon because I think she could give a great speech this way, She has played an excellent game. So has Jon. Good luck to them both.
This Canadian jury member won’t be voting. They are all BFF. No one is playing the game. So boring and predictable.
so jon’s punishment of no showers for the rest of the game… sounds like more of a punishment for everyone else.
when people say Sabrina’s hoh is irrelevant… if that were true she’d be the one packing her bags this week. her nominations were irrelevant. getting hoh secured her a place in final 3. that is relevant where every week in the game is another chance to win the game.
jon will keep neda. jon should keep heather. when f2 comes up if its jon and neda, he will no doubt be made to look like a fool. not one of his moves were made without someone pulling his strings. I think he’s a nice guy. I think he played a great physical game. other than that… he did a whole lot of junk pulling. Jon is to Neda what Rachelle was to Sabrina. would you vote for Rachelle? Never.
everyone wants to win final hoh. being an also ran means having no power and depending on someone not to screw you over.
jon is afraid he can’t win the physical or endurance against heather. irrelevant. if she beats him in one he plays Sabrina in the other. he makes the third round.
if instead he takes neda: he wins the first round. neda vs. Sabrina in second round. hate to say it but in comp records for physical comps they are pretty much equal. so he makes third round against a question mark.
in the heather scenario he knows he faces heather in round three.
in the neda scenario he can’t be certain who he faces in round three.
everyone has said the final mental challenge is not really mental, but how well people knew the other houseguests. anyone can win it technically. but do you want to give Sabrina the chance to win, or make sure she’s shut out? you’re more certain to shut out Sabrina if you take heather than neda. you have an f2 deal with both neda and heather. you have no deal with Sabrina. take the person that can beat Sabrina FOR SURE and keep her out of the third round.
just an opinion.
Why do people hate neda on this site. Shes is the best player in the house. Shes clearly the person who runs the house and im really sad that from the poll it looks like jon would get americas vote. Yes he did make moves but neda was the one behind all of it. Canada pleeaaase vote for strategy, not for the person who you think is nice. This is big brother common. Nd really arisa, this isnt the first time a country a jur.
Well, apparently in Big Brother:
– You should not play pure strategic game
– You should not EVEN THINK who to bring to F2 & turn on your strongest allie even if he is a guy who is loved by everyone & you think you might lose to him
– You should not turn on your alliance, you have to sit back & wait to be evicted
– You should not lie
– And, when you are the cross road with your one true alliance, you should not make a decision that is good for your game, but need to give up your game
– All in all, you should put the people you met 2 month ago ahead of your game & the chance to win 100k to help you family
p.s. go to tumblr/twitter….lots of love for Nedballs!!
Well, apparently in Big Brother:
– You should not play pure strategic game
– You should not EVEN THINK who to bring to F2 & turn on your strongest allies even if he is a guy who is loved by everyone & you think you might lose to him
– You should not turn on your alliance, you have to sit back & wait to be evicted
– You should not lie,manupilate
– And, when you are at a cross road & your decision is not good for both of you, you should pick the one choice that is not good for for your game
p.s. go to tumblr & twitter LOTs of love for Nedballs & Heather from live feeders…
I’m so happy that in 4 days I’ll never have to listen to or hear about or see Sabrina again.
didn’t you hear? next year’s sideshow is Sabrina and Adel.
I’m kidding. they’re waiting for allstars to reunite those two. I’m kidding again.
came across weird statistics that the record for most consecutive big brother nominations for evictions is some guy named nok from big brother thai. nominated for eviction 11 times in a row. I’m guessing their nominations are by popular index not by hoh nomination like in north America. how low a threat do you have to be to be nominated 11 times running and survive 10 of them? and how much does the public have to dislike you? and he doesn’t hold the record for most nominations, just most consecutive nominations. some Albanian woman was nominated 13 times. how long is a season if you can be nominated 13 times non consecutively?
puts the 6 in a row Sabrina nomination run into perspective….
I think and I am not watching the live feeds but I do read on various sites, that Neda will kill to win and will do everything. She was only making one big mistake and that were her goodbye messages. Once she was told that she should be nice she did not make any mistakes that I know of.
he does come across as ruthless though. Gameplay wise she should be the winner.
Then we have John. I was not a big fan at first but now that we get to see more of him, I realize he is just a gentle giant and I want him to win just because he is such a nice person.
So if it were those 2 in the final 2 (I think it will be Sabrina and Neda , then it will all come to how the jury will vote. Will they vote for the best game player. John would be there too and he would be voting for Neda even if she would backstab him I think, or will they go for the nice guy.
Very interesting. I enjoyed watching Sabrina win just because it has all been so easy once BB messed up the first 5’s game.