POV Holder: | HEATHER | Next POV | April 26th |
POV Used | Yes | POV Ceremony | April 28th |
HOH Winner: | Jon | Next HOH: | May 1st |
Original Nominations: | Heather and Sabrina | ||
Current Nominations: | Sabrina and Adel | ||
Have Nots | None |
8:40am Adel heads into the diary room and we get a quick diary room leak of him looking completely exhausted. When Adel comes out of the diary room he tries to escape from the cameras to sleep in the kitchen cupboards with a pillow. Some how he crammed himself inside and shut it. Not long after he climbs back out looking just as tired as he was when he went in there. Adel goes into the diary room and then comes back out and says I’ve got my second wind! Wake up Canada! Lets do this! Got my second wind!

9:15am – 9:19am Big Brother gets Adel to take the batteries for the other house guests. Adel is excited that someone else is awake with me. He heads up to the main bedroom and talks to them. He says that his eye was so bad he was walking around with a towel over his eyes and big brother turned the alarm on.. I’m not allowed to walk around and sleep. Adel says when you go in the shower there is something in there for me. I can’t say but you’ll know when you see it. Adel leaves and goes to bang on Jon’s HOH room door. He asks Jon if he can breakout and come play.

9:40am – 10:20am Big Brother blocks the feeds and when they come back – Adel, Neda and Sabrina are in the kitchen talking to Adel about his night. Neda comments on how delirious Adel looks. You look drunk. Neda says she’s going to shower. Adel tells her that she actually is pretty without make-up. Neda asks actually?! Adel asks Neda if she saw his bathroom set-up? Neda says yeah. Adel says I was able to sit down in there without big brother knowing. Sabrina says you aren’t allowed to sleep. Adel says I didn’t close my eyes. I know the rules! Adel grabs Neda’s onesie to wash it while she’s having a shower. Adel then joins Sabrina on the couch. He tells her she looks like a gremlin. Sabrina says she’s tired. Adel asks you’re tired!? Sabrina laughs at how Adel has to stay up till 2am. Adel says they will be up with him. Sabrina says no we’ll go to bed at 10pm. Adel says no!! Adel goes to the diary room and comes back and Adel says they said for me to just chill with you! Sabrina says no! Do you want to get choked out? Adel says yeah!
10:25am – 10:40am Adel and Sabrina continue to joke around on the living room couch. Sabrina says that she has been nothing but nice to him and all he does is be mean to her. Adel goes into the pantry and starts cutting a watermelon. He almost cuts himself and says “HOLY SH*T I almost cut off my hand! F**KING PINEAPPLE!!!! I am so tired, I am done cutting sh*t!
10:55am Up in the bathroom – Neda is getting ready and ironing her hair.. Neda says this is what they used to do back in the day right?! It’s not weird. Heather says no, some people still do it, like if they’re in a hurry. Neda says you know what I was thinking .. I could use matchsticks as eye liner. Heather says no. Neda says no like the charcoal. Heather says oh yeah. Neda asks do we have Smarties I could use them for lip liner. She asks if they have any and Heather says no. Neda says that she will use raspberries for blush. Adel tells her to use blueberries for blue blush. Adel says you know what I’m thinking .. use a little peanut butter as cover-up. Neda rubs a strawberry on her cheeks and says it’s not working .. it looks like I have a skin disease!

Sabrina asks Neda if she knows what she is going to do or if she is still thinking? Neda says I’m still thinking.
ADEL comes out of the diary room and Sabrina asks him if they gave him a blue pill. Adel then GOES OFF on big brother saying ADEL YELLS “THEY GIVE YOU THE SAME F**KING PILL FOR EVERYTHING IF YOU’VE GOT A RASH A DISEASE!! Big Brother blocks the live feeds.
11:10am When the feeds comes back is holding a wet towel on his eye..
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Oh Adel, these people plan on taking Sabrina to the end. Crazy as it is, her friends are in jury – she goes final 2 and she wins. I don’t get how the other houseguests don’t see that. It is the point in the game where you must win either HOH or POV or you are SOL Adel. The way the houseguests are thinking is that they can beat Sabrina in competitions. I have a feeling that Sabrina will win HOH, and John is you don’t win POV, you will be following Adel to jury. I hope there is a way for Adel to stay, but unless he point out who is in jury and who will get what votes with Sabrina – he will be the next houseguest evicted. You have had a good run Adel, and I am glad you made it this far – I didn’t think you would the way the game started. Just wondering what “swear on my head” means. Sabrina says it a lot, is that like swear on my life? Just wondering, I never heard anyone ever say that. Getting down to the wire now. Just a couple more months until the US version of BB starts. Cannot get enough BB!
Who are Sab’s friends in Jury? Rachelle, MAYBE Alison. Canada won’t vote for her, Arlie will never vote for her, Jon and Neda will vote eachother and if not Heather, Heather and Adel HATE sabrina……..I’m not sure where people are coming up with these magical votes. This won’t be a bitter jury, you can already tell. Arlie and probably Alison will vote for game. The only way I personally see Sab winning is if she’s up against Adel, and that’s obviously not happening anymore. It’s a cheap but effective way to win the game, taking Sab to final 2.
I do believe that Allison will vote for Sabrina, she loves her and shared the nose picker with her. Arlie stated before he left he wants either Sabrina or Adel to win. Rachelle, do I really have to say. If Adel is screwed by his alliance, I can see him voting for Sabrina just for spite. The 4 agreed to not vote for each other if any of them break their pact. Who knows what Canada’s vote would be, Sabrina does have people who like her believe it or not. I can see it happening. Nobody liked Rachelle in BB US, but the girl won. If Sabrina makes it to the end after being on the block as much as she has, she got this.
I think heather may team up with sabrina If adel go to jury
im starting to like Sabrina over Adel, hes getting too cocky.
Pfft!! That’s only because Canada stripped the power out of her hands. No power= no more power trip= humble Slobrina.
In my opinion, It’s not a good reason to start liking Sabrina!! Lol
sabs has always been happy, friendly and funny when things are going her way. she only flips out when it isn’t, like when R & S are up together and the targets, etc. When she was up against arlie she was still flipping out, until she got pulled down again.
Sabrina is the kindest soul & even the hg are saying that Canada proly likes her & she does have the majority of the jury votes…I hope she Wins, she’s got my vote! I wont be really upset if one of these 4 win except Adel, he is too arrogant fir my likinggg…They all played good Game, even Sabrina has her own game & Final 5 is who they are…Heather played dumb to catch the wise so it will be no surprize if she wins next hoh…its still anyone’s game really
Sabrina Jon Heather for the win!
joneda for the final 2 Jon for the win!
I think it will be Neda jon Sabrina
Good points, Kellym!
Assuming no last minute twist that saves Adel from eviction, Jon is gone next time if he does not win POV as he will be on the block if H or S is HOH.
If Neda wins HOH, J may get a pass as she may not want to show her hand yet. But J has to win POV to be safe or else renom.
If H or S wins HOH, interesting choices, J with Neda or J with the other lady?
So it seems that Neda has the upper hand in most scenarios, that is why she is playing it so close and smart.
But the next 48 h will be exciting as BB could shake things up – the previous eviction was too predictable leading to a boring week.
Ratings matter, right?
Right on!
But he’s funny this morning lol
Sorry don’t know what happened to my comment .
My browser not functioning well.
if heather wins hoh jon & neda will go on the block cuz they r her biggest threat sabrina has not won a single thing hence y she’s always kept safe & then depending in who wins veto one of Joneda will go home, If neda wins hoh, ultimatley heather will go home, but if she wins veto again then sadly Jon will go home…If a miracle happens & sabs wins then i think shell put up jon & neda & if one wins veto heather goes up & still one of Joneda will be evicted so it all comes down to comps but I strongly believe Sabrina Will be final 3 & possibly final 2…her non-threatening role is what kept her in the game…slow & steady wins the race if thats the case;)!
Sabrina doesn’t have all the jury votes… Maybe only Allison and Rochelle. Everyone currently in the house won’t give her the win. And this is the way everyone else in the house currently is thinking. I don’t know why everyone is pissed at Adel being cocky if Neda is being just as arrogant. Hopefully the house kicks out Neda this upcoming week because I’m sure they will begin to realize she’s a bigger threat than Jon. Hoping Jon and Heather make it to final 2 and Jon takes it. Anyone think an evicted houseguest will come back this season?
I am sure somewhere in all of the comments in the many post this may have already been said, but Jon missed his chance to make his biggest move….and that was putting Neda up as Heather’s replacement instead of Adel.
Loyal to a fault….that will cost him the $100K, as I don’t think Neda is taking Jon F2…and he is on the ropes not being able to compete for next HOH and most likely next to go home.
*scratches balls
Poor Adel!! He will be up for 48 hours by the time 1 a.m comes around when he’s done his punishment. His punishment is the worst by far compared to the others’ meager punishments.
Neda has a lot of nerve to complain.
More like 40 hours, and oh please. I’ve studied, written papers, and taken exams while being awake for that amount of time. It’s not fun, and it was my own fault for procrastinating, but still, he doesn’t have to do anything. It’s not that harsh.
Good for you!! It is still unhealthy and is dangerous to one’s health to be awake for long periods at a time. A woman died because she stayed up for 30 hours straight. I don’t mean to use her as an example but it’s just to show why it’s not healthy and is dangerous.
Its time for Adel to go. I never did get all the Adel love and I don’t think he played a good game. The other four deserve to go head to head for final 3. Yes, even Sabrina. She was running the game for the boys for weeks, and managed to be the last one standing. Once Deli is gone, may the best player win! I think Neda deserves it the most, but I won’t be disappointed if Jon, Heather or Sabrina win.
he’s way more deserving than Heather.
Absolutely. But she is safe this week and he is not.
hmmm…left a comment/opinion related to above posts and in the words of Duck Dynasty “she gone!”
not sure why…
*scratches balls…and head
Sabrina is annoying, but she has played a tough game. She aimed to make final 5 from the moment she entered the house and she accomplished just that….. even though it was with out her alliance (first 5). Then she was able to make a new alliance (the gremlins) after the first 5 failed, she also ran the house for a couple of weeks and can be persuasive when she needs to weather she was targeting someone or making herself less of a target. Her game went literally like a roller coaster (many ups and downs) which may explain why shes an emotional mess half the times. If I was a jury member, I’m pretty sure I would hate Sabrina or find her painfully annoying but I would still vote for her to win because she has played the BEST game so far and I would not allow my personal feelings to hinder the way I vote!!!
But, the reason she’s still there is she’s not a comp threat, and not because of any persuasive powers she has. If she had kept Arlie, and formed some new alliance, then maybe she would deserve the win, but being dragged along because you are the most useless is not anything to write home about.
The aim of the game is to make F2….by hook or by crook…Sabs has used a few strategies in order to make it this far….the one that works the best for her with the other HG’s right now is being a number…her ideas were used by other HGs to further their game and I don’t think she is as weak as people think…Even though I think she has played a good game I don’t think she will make it to F2
the end
bye now 🙂
I’m bored now……
OMG I’m gonna be so bored if Adel leaves. He’s honestly the best one on the feeds. I wish Ika was still there. He and Ika had the best chats
I think Adel’s punishment was the worst. When the military uses sleep deprivation as a tactic you know your @ss is in troube.