POV Holder: | Andrew | Next POV | April 13th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | April 15th |
HOH Winner: | JILLIAN | Next HOH: | April 18th |
Original Nominations: | Andrew and Peter | ||
Current Nominations: | ? | ||
Last Evicted Houseguest | ALEC & TOPAZ | ||
Have Nots | Talla & Andrew (Servants for haves) |
9:10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Talla heads to the kitchen and tries to reset the oven clock. Big Brother tells her numerous times to change her batteries but she continues to try and set the time. Big Brother then cuts the feeds. When they return: Andrew and Talla are in the bathroom. Talla is complaining to Andrew that the way she woke her up was rude. He says sorry and leaves. Talla is in a really bad mood. Big Brother tells them they have 2 minutes to gather in the living room. Andrew says one thing I know about you is that you are not a morning person. He says one day you are going to make some guy very miserable. The video of Emmett and Jillian starts and Andrew and Talla realize that it is the exact same video as yesterday. Talla says wake me up when its me on the screen. Andrew says he is just an a$$ grab king. I never noticed he looked like such a douche. Talla says he is such a milkman. Andrew says this is when you are thankful that you are not in a showmance. Talla says oh my god. Andrew says wait till he is on top of her.
Andrew says he look am I the milkman or the monkey man.. Andrew then starts making monkey noises. Andrew says the poor people on the cameras. Andrew says I might as well be on the beach kicking sand in my face. I don’t think I ever want to kiss another person in my life. We are playing a game and these people are tonguing each other. Talla says okay, I need to see where I come in. Andrew says Yeah that’s important. I never want to hangout with these people again. Talla says okay I saw me twice, I look good. Andrew says tomorrow big brother can we have a new one.. Talla and I farting. Andrew says she is so sweet and look at him. When it ends Talla says thank you for ruining my morning.
Video showing the actual makeout video courtesy of Youtube user BBxx2000xx:
9:40am – 10:15am Andrew and Talla head into the bathroom. Andrew and Talla talk about how Peter is campaigning and he wishes they could just tell him that we are all in an alliance and you’re going home. Jillian walks in and Andrew says hey look its the girl from the TV! They talk about how it was the same video. Emmett joins them and Andrew says hey its the guy from the TV! Andrew and Talla go to the storage room. They do a dance about being in the final four. They then head to the kitchen to make slop. Andrew complains about having to drink the slop and then make the other a$$holes food. Can you go to the fridge and grab me some berries. I will grab your berries all right! Andrew tells Talla I know it sucks that you are going to be on the block but at least we know that Peter is going home! Talla says at least I am a pond. She wonders if there will be another double eviction. Andrew says no! Talla talks about being a pond again. Andrew stops her and tells her it is a pawn not a pond. A pond is a body of water, a pawn is a chess piece. Andrew brings up how he doesn’t like how Emmett went on a tirade yesterday and said everyone cheated and they should review it. Andrew says no we didn’t and no I do not agree to that. Andrew says I can’t wait for this 72 hour sh*t to be over so I can say hey fu*king a$$hole get your own damn coffee. Andrew goes to tell them that they got one of their luxury items (hockey nets with a ball and sticks). Emmett and Peter come out to look at the luxury item.
10:30am – 10:45am Andrew makes breakfast for Peter and Emmett. Andrew heads back outside to talk to Talla. Andrew talks about how there are only 3 competitions left till the finals. Talla asks Andrew if he’s thought about who he would take. Andrew says he hasn’t even thought about it. Andrew heads inside. Jillian comes out and joins Talla. Jillian tells Talla that she has been think that Talla has a pretty good chance of going to the final 3. Jillian says that she is worried that they guys have deal. Andrew comes out. Talla changes the subject to say that Peter said he won’t campaign. Andrew says he better not because I will tell him don’t even waste your breath because I am voting you out. Talla is worried Andrew will vote her out. Andrew says I have told you a hundred times I am not voting you out. Andrew is called to the diary room. Talla calls for Peter and Emmett to join her. They talk about the luxury the got. She tells them that RC cars would be cool. Peter agrees.
10:55am – 11:10am Andrew and Talla are in the bedroom removing all the sheets. Andrew is annoyed with Emmett and how he is talking to Peter.
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I’m not too sure who I am rooting for to win yet. I have always been a fan of Emmett and Jillians, but I wouldn’t be disappointed if another person won. I am however bothered by all the rude comments that are being thrown toward the housegets on all of these sites. We are all sitting here “complaining” about how much the houseguests “complain”. It is the exact same thing only no one can see you doing it because you are not on camera 24/7. I don’t think any of us should be judging these people. Can you imagine being in a house without your cell phones, computers, TV, family or friends for as long as these guys have and still be all smiles and giggles all the time. They are acting like we all do in our everyday life but they are being filmed.
As for the Jillian and Emmett making out all the time. I don’t really want to watch it either, but they are two young people who like each other and I’m pretty sure they are doing what we all do. Maybe you should be complaining about how production keeps the camera on them so often while doing it. It is a normal part of life that we all do and who are we to judge them. Every singel guest left has there quirks and annoying habits, as do we all. If you don’t like what you are watching, or they are so boring and annoying, turn off your bloody computers and stop watching.
I also love how every year people want to see big moves, and then when it is just the weak and boring left they complain about it being boring and nothing too watch. Then they happen to leave in some big threats and then people complain that those people should be taken out. You can’t have it both ways.
I wasn’t much of an Emmett fan at the beginning, thought he was going to be Toms lap dog, but he has grown to be one of my favorites. We are all judging him for how he treats people in the house, saying he is rude and a bully and talks down to people. We are all writing the exact same things as he is saying on these blogs, so are we not just as mean and bullying as he is. I respect the fact that he is telling people to their face how it is. He says what he says and then always explains where it comes from so that he isn’t hurting someone more than he has too. I think he has shown some great composure considering some of the people that he has had to deal with in the house. He has in one way or another had his hand in almost every move made in the game. He doesn’t talk game to many people, realizes that it is a week by week game and doesn’t want to say something that will bite him in the ass later. To me that is a great strategy. He may have pissed people off for some of the moves he’s made or gotten Jillian to make, but there is not much that people can say about his “he said, she said” game. He is pretty tight lipped with his information.
Cudos to all the house guests past and still there. I can’t imagine how hard of a game this is for all of you and I respect you for doing it. I don’t always like what I see and hear, but for me to judge you as I look out my window looking at the beautiful sunshine with a fresh starbucks in my hand wondering what I could do today, would be ridiculous. Good luck to everyone.
Great post!

btw: enjoy your starbuck’s!
Seems to me that you just judged everybody on these websites. I know it’s Sunday but if I wanted a sermon I would have gone to church… practice what you preach. We all just like to state our opinions… it’s fun!
BRAVO Janet! Love, Love your post. Right on girl!!!
What’s the point of making them watch jemmet make out again ? That’s repulsive
– show to Talla and Andrew that Jillian and Emmett would probably take each other to F2, regardless what side deal they make with them.
– clearly saying to Jillian and Emmett that the majority of live feed viewers think they kiss too much. According to the posts here, that’s true.
– brain – f*uck Jillian and Emmett by rigging the game and providing Talla and Andrew with extra insight. Clearly seems to be working on Jillian.
– creating controversy so that we all have something more to talk about
Yeah, it is lol but that’s the point. It’s their punishment for being have-nots and hopefully their reactions will add some comic relief to the episode.
Andrew is obviously in love with Talla. I think making them watch the video is BB’s attempt to turn Andrew on and get something happening between the two of them (seemed to be checking if their plan was working with the camera zooming last night). I hope they make out!
Andrew is definitely NOT in love with Talla! AJ clearly had feelings for Talla. Andrew seems to have fallen for Jillian. He’s definitely jealous of Emmett and wishes he was in Emmett’s place. Which is sad, since the producers obviously cast Andrew and Jillian as a showmance in the making. If Emmett had been voted out the first week instead of Kat, Andrew and Jillian probably would have ended up together. But I think Andrew would have actually spent time getting to know Jillian, rather than groping and snogging her 24/7 like Emmett.
Ah well. Andrew will find someone great outside the house. The women will be swarming him after this.
Why are they being shown footage of emmet and Jillian making out?
Imo it’s to make Andrew jealous and resentful towards Em, so he’ll keep Peter in the house
I also wouldn’t be surprised if this Thursday they cut the feeds all day, wait until the eviction, and then announce that there is a reset and they bring in Gary or Alec. I hope anyways!! I am so sick of Jillian and Emmett. I need someone/ANYONE to bring them down.
Team anyone but Jemmett
Vote to bring back Topaz. Thanks
Why the hell on Earth is production showing the video over and over again??? I know a few people have mentioned this today, but it se
seems that BB wants to influence Andrew and Talla to target Jemmet when the evicted juror returns. Andrew is already mad at them so I guess they are trying to knock some intelligence into Talla. It has now turned into BB Canada XXX. Absolutely pointless. Make them watch the video then quiz them about how long they kissed and how many times Emmett grabbed Jillian’s Booty.
making them watch the vidro is a 3 day punishment as part of the have/ havenot competiton, they also have to be slaves to the other 3 for 3 days, i dont think its turning andrew on, he seems totally repulsed lol
As a grandmother in my early sixties, I didn’t find the kissing-making out video repulsive or XXX. Two young people with a high sex drive and a strong physical attraction to each other…nothing wrong with that, especially since they are genuine and not using each other just to get turned on. In the real world there are very few men who are good kissers and the guys could speak on my behalf and say there are propably very few women who are good kissers. Seems to me, Emmett and Jillian are masters with this kissing foreplay. Good for them. If it was my son or daughter, I wouldn’t be disgusted at all. It’s just plain old human nature. Guys and gals out there and Andrew and Talla too could learn a thing or two from this 10 min. vid. I’m not a big fan of showmances, and it has taken me a long time to “like” Jillian and Emmett, but they are ok in my books. And right now, I think I will be happy with whoever wins this roller-coaster game. Hmmm…maybe not Talla…since I read she comes from a monied family, but even Talla could be deserving…she may not have won much, but she has worked hard to put on a damn good show for the viewers.
Omg Andrew is SO FUNNY on slop!
Thanks for the info Cindy. Now I understand. That is a brutal punishment. I know its driving me NUTS!!!
I am wondering if this video is not so much to make the other HG’s laugh, but more so because what they see in this video is going to be the subject of a competition coming soon?