“Big Brother After Dark only has eyes for you even on Labor day.”

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9pm Jason is cooking, Paul is shadow boxing and Raven is ummm dancing? At 9:05pm Christmas comes out of the dairy room and says everyone gather in the living room! Paul sees the card that Christmas is carrying and reads that its from POP tv. Paul – POP is going to give us something fun to do. They did it last year for the final 3. Christmas reads the card:

Dear House guests,
Big Brother after dark only has eyes for you even on Labor day. That’s why we want you to chill and grill in a backyard party. Food is in storage and the beer is on ice. Take a well deserved break from your friends at POP!

The house guests jump up yelling and screaming. They run out into the backyard to see that they’ve got a badminton net, hula hoops, corn hole, croquet, a BBQ and a cooler of beer (2 each). Josh – YAY we’re getting bombed! Christmas – lets have a beer. Josh – shot gun. They all come out and cheers to labor day and POP tv. Paul – that’s friendship!

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9:10pm Storage room – Paul – dude I am f**king losing my mind. She (Raven) screamed right in my ear. Josh – relax. Paul – I’m going to have a panic attack! Josh – why are you going to have a panic attack. Paul – because I can’t do it anymore. Josh – do you want me to talk to her. I could say you need to stay away from Paul. Paul – no, no, no, I’m just venting. Don’t say anything. Josh – you worked your a$$ off to get here. Don’t let her f**k it up.

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10pm – 10:40pm The house guests are enjoying the food and activities in the backyard.

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23 thoughts to ““Big Brother After Dark only has eyes for you even on Labor day.””

    1. Because Josh was below-the-belt non-stop terrorizing people in a controlled environment. He knows they are unable to punch his stupid face like he deserves, and they are also unable to just leave like a more responsible person would do. Basically he’s like the bad guy’s little sidekick who punches and kicks the victims who are tied up, because he knows the boss is protecting him and laughing at his antics.
      Being called fat seemed to really upset Josh, so It’s my way of giving him a small punch for the tied up victims.

      1. He was a little bit heavier at the beginning of the season. He’s expressed having weight issues..I think with Mark. He’s lost some weight though over the weeks there. It’s a hot button and they know it so they us it to get to him. as do most people…find a weak spot and go after it.

  1. Production found some old dusty beers left over from Season 16…….and leftovers from Frankie Grandes HOH basket…..consume at your own risk!

    1. Lia, that’s what I think. Paul is playing for sympathy or reassurance. Josh is somewhat on to him and won’t do his fake fight plan this week. So now he’ll use another tactic to put all his ducks in a row. Is Paul hooking up with Xmas?

  2. Raven screamed in lil gnome’s ear. Perfect! Keep up the screeching so he gets a taste of his own medicine. Simon and Dawg, is there any way to fuzz out his face?

  3. Labor Day is seen by many as the kickoff to the fall season in the US. So as a summer show, I always preferred that Big Brother end before Labor Day. Seems more apt. Because come September the show always drags. Not sure if it’s because of the lengthened season or what not. But come September, I just want the show over with. Especially with this cast. They don’t deserve a BBQ.

  4. Paul you need a shower, Christmas aka Gumby

    Alex never ever trust an Asian

    Raven you troll

    Kevin get a job

    Jason you are one sick dude, I’m sure you will be in the news one day

  5. Between the lotioning her crotch and picking her nose, her a$$ hanging out her daisy dukes..
    Raven makes me gag.

  6. Paul is so mean to Kevin, that it is disgusting. Telling him not to talk to anyone. To stay in his room. If I were Kevin I would go nuts. Paul is 23, he clearly has not been taught to respect his elders. My Mother taught us to respect our elders. Maybe it is a Southern thing, because Alex is a nasty person too. As Jason said she is cold hearted. She is a horrible person.
    I wish Jason and Kevin were the final two, but that will not happen.
    I think it was set up for Paul and Christmas to win this game. Christmas should have left a long time ago because she has a broken foot.
    CBS will probably bring her back next year, I certainly hope not. NO MORE RETURNING HOUSEGUEST!
    If Grodner wants to have all these returnees, have a former houseguest season.
    There is truly no one to root for.

  7. Kevin should have been the only one to enjoy a barbecue, and they could have had some former players return to enjoy it with him! Alex and Paul can choke on their food for all I care! Jerks!

  8. “poor paul”…breaks my heart…he won’t be poor for long though…or will be $500k richer in about 3 weeks if he need$ it…hmmmmhhhh

  9. I dont understand all the hating on Paul. He didnt ask to come back they called him..so whats the problem? And when u play a game u do what u need to to win..especially this type of game.. Paul is doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing to win… How do u not see that just cause u dont like someone doesnt mean they dont deserve to win..the othet people havent done crap all season. List what any of them have done to deserve to win except ride off of Paul

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