Big Brother After Dark on Showtime Confirmed for BB14


Big Brother After Dark on Showtime is on the networks official schedule. According to the schedule it starts on Friday July 13th
12:00 AM (July 12th 9:00pmPST). It’s on SHO2 and SHO2 HD.

Big Brother After Dark is a nightly 3 hour (9pm – 12am Pacific Time) block from of the live streaming video from the big brother house. After Dark lets you see one our of 4 live feed cameras. Big Brother After Dark started on season 8 of BB and has been on for every season since that.

11 thoughts to “Big Brother After Dark on Showtime Confirmed for BB14”

  1. BBAD will actually start at 1am ET after the premiere tv show airs in the west coast the nite of July 12th…?…

    1. I just double check the schedule and it starts
      “Fri, Jul 13 12:00 AM on SHO 2”

      Thanks for pointing it out, I’ve fixed the post.

  2. @Simon.I was wondering,what’s the point of paying money to have the live feeds?Anyone that wants to know,what’s happening in the Big Brother house,that CBS isn’t showing the viewers on tv,would only need to come to your site.I started coming here,back in season12.The updates that I read from here filled me in, on the conversations that was said between the house guests.This site also inform people ahead of time,about who won certain competitions.Which brings me back to my original question.What’s the point of paying money to have the live feeds?I would think,that reading your updates would be enough.What exactly are people missing that don’t buy the live feeds,but come to your site for updates?

    1. As much as myself and Dawg try we cannot capture everything that goes on in the feeds. I think we come close 😉 . If you want the complete Big Brother 14 experience use onlinebigbrother to find out when the exciting stuff happens and then use the flashaback on the feeds to see it for yourself. For example the fights are really funny to watch on the feeds and you know that CBS will not do them justice with the television edit. There is also some more adult oriented material that CBS will never broadcast..

      If you like listening to the houseguests discus life and matters that do not impact the game then the live feeds will let you do just that. We try to include some of these side conversations in our updates so people get a idea about who the houseguests really are but for the most part we stick to the really exciting stuff and events that impact the game.

      There is also other aspect of the superpass superscription like chat and some exclusive content that people may find interesting. I’m not a fan of the chat mainly because I don’t have time and I find the discussions here to be more strategic and game focused (For example a recent bracket from the superpass folks has Rachel and Jordan final 2 for BEST BB Player of all time.. seriously?? wtf )

      In summary get the feeds if you want to see the video of the exciting events on Big Brother 14 and want to get to know the players at a more detailed level.. don’t get the feeds if all you care about is the important spoilers and strategic analysis of the game.

      I hope this answers your questions.

      Feed sales make up a portion of what funds this site without feed sales our site would probably not be economically feasible.

      1. @Simon.Thank’s for answering my questions.I’m content with coming here and reading the updates.Even though you said that you and Dawg can’t capture everything that goes on in the feeds,the stuff that you guys do capture is more than enough for me.I’m interested in the alliances that are made,strategic moves and spoilers,and you guys do a good job at providing that information.On a side note,you said there’s a recent bracket from superpass,it has Rachel&Jordan final 2 for best Big Brother player of all time.I would love to hear the reason behind that,because in my opinion that’s a joke.

        1. Thanks JW..

          yeah people actually have Rachel and Jordan as the 2 best female Big Brother players of all time.. It’s one of the crazier things I’ve seen

  3. hey simon just writing in from canada and im curious to know if its possible to watch bbad up here in the north ??????????? we dont have showtime at least not in bc????????

    1. Hey Ryan, I really don’t know how you would watch it in Canada.. there might be some places online that live stream it on the down low.

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