Big Brother 26 Week 8 Eviction Results **updated**

Julie Chen took the day off. “Cush” is robotic, unnatural and has poor notes on what is happening. So perfect for the roll.

Kimo and Quinn plead their case.

Quinn tells “Cush” he was named after him in Sliders (LOL.. Loved that show)

T’kor Votes to Evict Quinn
Leah Votes to Evict Kimo
Angela Votes to Evict Kimo
Rubina Votes to Evict Quinn
Makensy Votes to Evict Quinn
Cam Votes to Evict Quinn

Quinn is evicted.

Quinn gives his game a 7.2/12

AI tells the houseguests She is leaving for a bit and is leaving her protege who will be overseeing the game.

8:01pm The live feeds are still blocked.

9:01pm Still nothing..

10:04pm Nothing yet..
11:10pm No feeds for you..
12:43am Nope..
2:32 am NO..
5:00 am NO feeds for you
6:40 am Nope
7:40 am Feeds no
8:40 am FEEDS feeds feeds.. NO!

9:04 pm Feeds return

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Team Taylor

Quinn reminds me a lot of Brian from BB10.

Brian was a schemer in the house and made an alliance with the legendary Dan Gheesling. I fully expected him to run the house and go far in the game. However, he got caught making too many alliances and was backdoored the first week.

This is the trap Quinn fell into. He juggled too many alliances and got caught — The Pentagon, The Collective, The Visionaries. Even though his social game is what’s kept him this far in the house, his strategic game essentially blew up on weeks three (Tucker exposes Quinn’s Deepfake HOH), four (Quinn gets Cedric evicted), and seven (Quinn gets Joseph evicted). And since he was hellbent on keeping Leah safe at all costs, he ended up getting the boot instead.

My next eviction wish list is Leah, T’kor, and Angela. Pick your favorite option!!


the road to quinn saving himself was highlighting that t’kor/kimo/rubina were still a trio that need to be broken up, which is way more important than splitting up his duo with leah (which he should’ve insisted they weren’t even a thing even though they are). instead he gets overprotective of leah making them look like a super sus pair and he ends up in his current situation.

Mean Jean

Why is everyone forgetting that in rock room Quinn had a meeting with TKor and Kimo to add him and Leah making it a group of five. Chelsea knows how Quinn moves . He was with the three when Tucker was in power and he knew he needed numbers. But it’s obvious from the posts all season that Chelsea will never do anything right and it she does it’s followed by dislike for her or some other unflattering or coded racist comment. Earlier today someone called her cocky/uppity. But no one has mentioned the fact that MJ thinks the veto holder has the right to do one on ones ,make the decision on the renom,and use the HOH as if was hers. But I guess that’s not considered cocky or is it white privilege.

Don't Shoot the Messenger

There hasn’t been white privilege for a decade or two. Ask any white person you know. Not rich, just white.


Are you serious? White privilege is a racist remark. Sickening

Paul’s Beard

My next eviction would be Angela. Put her on the block and send her to jury. PLEASE

The wizard

Production is protecting Angela she’s going to the final 3

Team Taylor

I think Angela gets cut either on Double Eviction night or at Final 4.


As long as loud mouth Chelsia and Mental Angela are evicted I’ll be happy. Go Cam or Rubina.!!!!


How can you not root for Angel? Her antics and paranoia are entertainment gold.

un autre nom

They had an Season element already installed. Could have had Quinn come out to an Ainsley screen interview.
I mean… IT’S their entire season model… and they dropped the ball. HARD.


Hopefully he would at least be less preachy and not protect an abuser as does Julie Chen MOONVES

Queen BB

You are SOOO right Brat!!

Another Canadian

“Love one another”

Ugh. We know what your husband did


She’s trying to quote her husband, but what her husband said was “Love everyone!”


Ummm, nah.


Can someone make this make sense you keep a trio in the house so if they win hoh they are going to pick out ok the four that just voted out the one person that would not put you on the block it just doesn’t make sense

Gan ainm

Especially for Mak and Cam who just made themselves bigger targets by evicting an ally/shield.

Another Dixie

You have forgotten that we are watching the stupidest group of houseguests ever. I really don’t think they can see past the ends of their noses. All the trio have to do is act friendly toward someone (note, I said “ACT friendly” ) and they think they are now part of their group & will support them. Hopefully, there is a miracle HOH win & that person puts up 2 of the trio with the 3rd as the replacement if necessary. If they don’t break them up, those are the final 3.

The Beef

What happens if Leah wins? 😉 I’m hoping against hope for Chelsie and T’Kor on the block! Kimo and Rubina vote Chelsie out and Mak and Cam vote T’Kor out.

That leaves Angela as the tie breaking vote. Hahahahahahahaha!

Do it Leah, do it!!!!! This is what we’ve all been waiting for! Stir things up in there!!!!

un autre nom

Angela was target. Chelsie’s allies started thinking Kimo is a better target. Makensy wins the worst OTEV ever. Angela had a fake flip out. Makes up an alliance that didn’t happen but Quinn and Leah wanted to happen so makes sense but doesn’t make sense.
The Veto will be used on Angela now…. for reasons.
Quinn is fighting for himself. Chelsie’s choice: who to put up. Not should we use Veto.
Who will be renom. Who will hit Jury. What is the next Ainsley twist.
Jerry O’Connell substitute host. The chenbot got a virus. Reveals to houseguests he is substitute Chenbot.

Mak explains her process. We know the real PROCESS,
Mak uses veto on Angela… and it almost made her choke to say it.
Angela hugs and cries.
Chelsie says information came to light that she may be in jeopardy so QUINN IS RENOM.
Mak gets MORE d/r. Quinn should be target.
Kimo is Michael Myers? Quinn is a bigger target.
Chelsie says Quinn is wildcard and strategic. She’ll be good with both trios this way.
Angela is a cockroach admittedly.
Quinn says Angela is the Grod of bb26.
Chelsie crying about nominating Quinn. Head and Heart. Chelsie getting the not heartless edit.
Cam is saying Quinn destroyed the Pentagon so Quinn gotta GO. Cam says he’d like either man left to go. By Wed he’s saying no way just Quinn gotta go.
T’kor realizes the trio gets her to finals if they all stay this week given numbers.
why keep a voting block of three together? Logic makes no sense. He WAS planning to nom Chelsie NEXT WEEK. But that’s not in the edit.
Leah says Quinn is her number one.

Angela bussed Leah, the Leah/Chelsie/Mak conversation leading to Quinn renom.
It was what Quinn was trying to do. Leah cries and Angela swears she didn’t bus Leah.
UMMMMM…. Angela DID bus Leah.
Chelsie tells Angela exactly what she said. Angela DOESN’T remember what SHE said.
Arguing is useless. THIS IS A CHELSIE ANGELA SITUATION. She bussed Leah hard then said wait until I talk to Leah before you say something.
Leah is going to play Angela. Angela agrees to work with Quinn if Leah is the conduit.
Leah is going after 2 more votes from CAM and MAK.
Chelsie says kiss Cam. Kimo and Cam and Leah say marry Quinn.
Chelsie likes Quinn personally. They try to push Leah to kiss Quinn…. it’s not gonna happen…. and will be used against Quinn in campaigning… he’s so lovesick for her.
Leah doesn’t want to Showmance. Quinn has no game like we didn’t know. There is nothing happening. Quinn asks not like me or strategic. Leah says she has a crush on him. Insert name… cus could have been any man in the house. It was her strategy to play the men earlier in the game.

Quinn campaigns to Mak Cam Chels.
To Mak he says Trio votes trio, that means you will be evicted when they control the vote.
Will you come for us is the Mak question. Mak thinks Quinn logical evictee but heart…
Cam is told Quinn will be the pawn. Cam has no problem with Quinn as a person but strategically Cam wants Quinn out.
Chelsie is the tiebreaker. Quinn isn’t after Chelsie. The trio will still be a trio and will target Quinn. Quinn would target Rubina. Chelsie doesn’t promise vote. Quinn wanted to be on bb since elementary school. Chelsie could keep Quinn her heart says.
Chelsie and Mak talk. Quinn pulled heart strings. A TRIO is the problem. LEAH is the problem. SHE can’t be trusted.
The edit projects heavily that QUINN is evicted from the hop. This is the QUINN EPISODE down to the NOMANCE segment… and it’s a NOT ABOUT STRATEGY EPISODE.

Kimo: love you. best for your game. Representation again. oh he skipped just make it to jury.
Quinn: i want to stay. Superfan. Icarus allusion. Bette Midler allusion (both stories end in death). He loves Jerry O’Connell.
T’kor Rubina Makensy Cam
Evict Kimo
Leah Angela
By a vote of 4-2, QUiNN is EVICTED.
Quinn had 7 final 2. Most loyal to Leah. His HOH’s sucked strategically.
Cam and Mak voted unstrategically. He was protecting T’kor and put his own allies on the block. Left with a Hidden Immunity Idol.

Ainsley will take a world journey. A new bot will join for the week. Zingbot? Junior Artificial Neuro-Kinetic Intelligence Entity… SO Jankie. Ainsley: Where she gotta go?

un autre nom

Re: Quinn leaving.
The way he was not a warm hugger. He isn’t a hugger. He doesn’t like it. SO that isn’t a big deal to me.
What IS a big deal to me: Why would you lead a juror to believe he had a shot at staying?
BAD jury management.
True, Quinn talked himself into believing he was safe and convinced Leah he was likely safe. However, I never bought that Leah believed he was safe. I think her entire bedridden routine was emotional manipulation for a jury vote.


Angela rocks the boat so much that nobody can see through their stupidity. I think they need to do IQ tests for the show anymore. I don’t know if I can watch the show any longer after seeing the nonsense.How do they believe Angela?How I am so confused by how dumb these guys are.


Hopefully Jankie isn’t an AI Frankie.

un autre nom

If this were BBCAN i’d likely be saying that the first alliance introduced on screen wasn’t really an alliance, but was listed as Angela’s people: The Rock room group highlighted as soon as Angela won HOH as the people she needed to keep safe. That was the AI Assistants, Cedric and Chelsie as well as T’kor and Joseph.
In BBCAN edits of premiere episode, the winner was always shown as a member of the first group deal / alliance of the season. That would mean that the winner of the season if this was BBCAN is Chelsie, T’kor or Angela. The only time this was not the case was season 10 and season 12 where the first alliance shown was the newbies, all of them against the vets Anthony and Victoria… who also made a deal episode 1.

As i have said, the edit of week one episodes for bbcan was always easier to read: Predictable enough that you could name the winner by the end of episode 2. While it does have soooome parity to usbb… it’s not as cut and dried. Close, but there are sometimes mid season curve balls that demand storyline shift (season 24 national media reaction to the Taylor story making a rewrite necessary and an entire edit shift to occur… watch that season back and tell me the edit shift week 3 isn’t noticeable).

So, if we follow betatest to usbb final product theory:
we STILL have the real loyalty vs demanded loyalty with a gender / race subplot question.
Does this season STILL FOLLOW that???? Eerily.

Uncle Sam

Production seemed to push the pound to include Taylor and make the leftovers.

un autre nom

On feeds we knew the leftovers was a fake alliance made by the four pound members in order to get numbers. They said as much. They took the geeks nobody wanted to work with (early target Michael and complete nobody in the house Britt along with the subject of derision nobody wanted Taylor). The original plan was to get rid of a couple of the women, then throw the three unwanted to the wolves. The entire meeting to pump up the unwanted was artifice.
The edit before week three was aimed directly at Kyle and Monte as the season focus.
Sorry, I already wrote about 24 a lot in 24… i don’t mean to rehash.

Uncle Sam

One last thing I don’t mean to cause you inconvenience in rehashing. But you are so informative. After Turner was HOH being adamant about Taylor leaving at final eight. What made production and Turner want to throw Kyle under the bus for scandal at final 8 to save Taylor and Monte? As well as when Taylor was sleeping in hoh with monte and Taylor wanted Turner out at final 4. Besides a gentlemen’s, what made Turner keep Taylor over alyssa at final five? It was obvious strategic error at final five turner that is why I ask.


This is a little off game talk topic, but the past couple seasons they keep doing these cliffhanger episodes. I think they are trying to make the episode more dramatic or ensure that viewers will tune in to the next one, but it is not working. The dramatic angle doesn’t really work b/c thanks to spoiler sites such as this one many viewers already know what has happened and have a pretty good idea of what is going to happen based on things seen and heard on the feeds. The second option also does not work for the same reason. The feeds will probably be blocked for a couple of hours tonight, but then they will come back and Simon & Dawg will kindly fill us in on the new twist and who won HOH. So in a way I get why they are doing it, but I personally find it more annoying than entertaining. It seems like they started doing this b/c the former format was too stale so they wanted to do something different but it is not working. This is another one of those things that makes me say BB has run it’s course so either get some new, exciting, and dramatic things to make the game worth playing and watching, or let it just rest in peace.


Leah needs Angela to win the HOH and put up one player from each trio. That way Leah would be the deciding vote.

Don't Shoot the Messenger

There will only be five people voting next week…


Was there anything to what Ainsley said her protege was? Junior artificial neuro something something. She said it so fast I missed it all. Does it spell anything or mean anything to anyone?


I asked this before I saw the other comments. Thanks for posting what she said!


I think it spelt Jankie, which makes me fear Frankie.


Oh please no..

Another Dixie

Junior Artificial Neuro-Kinetic Intelligence Entity

Tucker For AFP

Zingbot is coming to town


Zingbot is coming next week!


It looked like rubina was trying to give Quinn a bracelet, but he didn’t want it. Does anyone know the significance of the bracelet? Thanks

un autre nom

Could have been the friendship bracelet thing from beginning of the season. Not sure. At some point early in feeds SOMEBODY made a friendship bracelet for somebody else. Not sure if it was Quinn and Rubina involved.
Could also be the bracelet that Quinn believed could be a signal that Rubina was bi. Last night Quinn said he thought move in day she was bi because of her bracelet, after Rubina said she thought Kimo was gay the moment she saw him on stage. Quinn also thought he was at least bi on the spectrum.
Pick your own adventure..

Mean Jean

Didn’t Tucker give Rabina a bracelet ?


Thanks for the information!

un autre nom

endurance comp… not on feeds.
anyone else smell Grod at work?
Just saying.


think it’s zingbot. houseguests are probably discussing the zings and they don’t want them spoiled for broadcast.

un autre nom

We usually know the broad strokes of zings by two hours after feeds come back from that. They’d have to leave the feeds off until Sunday.
I think they did the break after eviction with the 2 hours they have taken before non- televised HOH’s. then they met Jankie or maybe it was zingbot who knows… which is another hour and a half. This led into HOH which has instructions that last close to 45 minutes or an hour before the comp begins. That would mean HOH began at 1030pm bbtime. it is now 225 am bbtime.
GIven how they did OTEV with dr rounds for the comp done before feeds returned… and how this crew can’t seem to do endurance for longer than 2 hours… feeds should have been back about 45 minutes ago.

Seriously if there is a battle keeping the HOH running… that shows A LOT of cards when the house is split into 2 trios that have a final 6 pact, and a duo nobody wants in the house anymore.

I still contend there is a Grod Grodding Shenanigan happening. Because feeds down over 13 hours and 10 minutes is atypical this season.
Outside shot at injury or oddity. But a four hour comp not on feeds would be something we SHOULD raise eyebrows about… unless you are watching bbcan that shut down feeds for this long REGULARLY for HOH and VETO comps. And booze deliveries.


I remember hearing Leah say if Quinn was voted out she was leaving too … could it be she is trying to escape??
Could it be slip n slide and these cry babies aren’t capable of pulling it off in a timely manner??


slip n slide is both usually shown live and only takes about an hour (though i can see it taking longer with this cast)

Angela’s Wet Hanky

Angela for the win now


Meh, I thought O’Connell did ok.


Yep, sort of o.k. nothing special.
Not a fan of change in the hosting department.
But O’Connell is a super nice guy.

Sunny Day

Will there be a battle back this season? What sweet sweet justice it would be if even Matt got a chance to return. I know he’s out for good, but think of the plot twists, ha ha ha ha.

un autre nom

when they return feeds will be of lesser quality again.
I swear, the image quality gets worse and worse…..

un autre nom

They really just pulled a bbcan on everyone?
I mean… I got used to feeds going down for HOH and not coming back until people were getting out of bed…. but feeds were free so you sorta had to lump it.

just mauid

They must be doing the Slip-n-slide competition for HOH, with Angela as the pre-determined winner. Everyone is waiting as Angela crawls back and forth, filling her canister one ounce at a time.