Big Brother 26 Week 1 Eviction

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Angela
Nominees: Kimo, Lisa, Kenney, Matt
POV Players: Kimo, Lisa, Kenny, Brooklyn, Angela, Joseph (Tucker is the host)
POV Winner: Lisa
Veto Ceremony: Lisa used the veto on herself
Havenots: Quinn, Tucker, Cam, Kimo

DEEP FAKE HOH Upgrade: Quinn
AMERICA’S VETO Upgrade: Makensy
MASCOT: Cedric & Chelsie

BB A.I. Arena
They are shown random video clips of the houseguests for 2 minutes and are asked which houseguest was the most common. THe correct Answer was Quinn.

Kimo wins the A.I competitions and is taken off the block.


When this eviction is over Chelsea and Cedric have survived their punishments but they still can’t vote tonight.

Kimo votes to evict Matt
Lisa votes to evict Kenny
Mackensy votes to evict Kenny
T-Kor votes to evict Matt

Brooklyn votes to evict Matt
Leah votes to evict Kenny
Rubina votes to evict Matt
Quinn votes to evict Matt
Cam votes to evict Matt
Tucker votes to evict Matt
Joe votes to evict Matt

Matt is evicted by a vote of 8 to 3

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Ok.. The editing of tonight’s episode was so bad I expect the Casuals to be confused as to what they saw tonight

un autre nom

I was confused. And I overshare what i think way too much on what’s happening on feeds.


They needed to show people being unsure about Matt and placating him

un autre nom

They need to show a whole lot more.

As far as Matt: they need to show that he was too self centred to know he wasn’t the centre of the universe.
As far as Lisa: nobody knows she’s loopy.
As far as Angela: nobody knows the depth of her crazy.
As far as Tucker: he didn’t exist.

The edit was poor.


They didn’t even show Lisa vs Angela.

I really wanted to see Angela call her ‘Tinkerbell’ lol…

I thought they would have shown it after they teased her blowing up on someone but they showed her talk with Kenney in the kitchen.

That was a more justifiable blow up.

People that give up are the lowest of the low. Why even apply if you are going to give up and or self evict? SO many others would love to be on the show to truly try to win the game/money for themselves and their loved ones and people that give up just take a spot away from everyone.

Team Taylor

This was the best case scenario tonight!!

Kimo wins Arena A.I. Comp! Matt gets evicted 8-3! Makensy, Leah, and Lisa are completely blindsided!

I’m ready to nominate Makensy and force her to burn her upgrade power. Then I want to see either Angela, Leah, or Lisa get evicted next.


Angela is possibly next

Team Taylor

I’m good with that.


If Angela isn’t next, I will not watch any more of this season. She is clueless about her abusive behavior and I refuse to give her any more of my time. I’m surprised the producers didn’t intervene when she was ridiculing Matt’s appearance and intelligence. All the while refusing to allow him to respond to her allegations. Her character assassination of Matt was intentionally and unnecessarily cruel and her refusal to hear him out was childish.

Omega BB

Team Taylor is all I need to see to know who this person is.

Martin Tanley

Amen and only sees things through a racial lens

Team Taylor

Matt’s Filipino. Not sure why you think it’s about racial identity.

He was a key player who connected well with Kenney, Makensy, and Leah. Kenney is a level-headed guy who was top 3 in HOH and 2nd in Veto. MJ has an upgrade that could turn eviction night in her favor. Leah was top 3 in HOH and has a social game strong enough for people not to link her to Matt/Makensy.

Make no mistake — this group can do serious damage if they get power.

The Beef

As an older guy, I like Kenny, but he turned a lot of the informed fan base against him when he was basically ready to just give up, if it ended up being him and Matt on the block. I’m pretty sure the only reason he didn’t do that is because production intervened and TOLD him not to do it. So, as far as I’m concerned, Kenny can leave, just as soon as Angela’s ass clears the door.

un autre nom

Who in the house is nominating Angela with Leah and Lisa?
That’s the problem in the scenario.
Leah was determined last boot before top 8 by the core. Quinn and T’kor and Kimo want to work with her and like her now.
Lisa has a lot of detractors…. but most were saying they didn’t want to win this HOH.
Angela? The ONLY people after Angela are the people that would not nominate Lisa or Leah anyway….
I don’t get how that scenario happens, but if you can tell me who would fulfill that scenario that I’ve missed, I’d enjoy the information.


I can’t believe Matt is gone he is such a sweet boy! Does anyone actually like Angela in the house!?

Team Taylor

I think they tolerate Angela after her Saturday morning freakout and snapping at Kenney. She won’t win no matter what happens.

Matt’s a good guy, but a bad strategist. You never tell the HOH you’ll survive eviction and go after them — even in jest.


oh no We all like handsome boy and hate old lady. team shallow.

Don't Shoot the Messenger

1) He’s not handsome, not even close.

2) Angela is a psycho, regardless of her age.

The Beef

It’s not about her being old. It’s about her being a hateful, self-centered, paranoid, lying, maniacal, crazy person, who turns on friend and foe with equal tenacity and seems to have no sense of morality whatsoever. The only thing her age has to do with it is you would think someone her age would know better than to act the way she does.


Matt had a lot of class. Choosing to forgive Angela even if she did not want it. Angela will reap what she sowed.

un autre nom

When last people discussed:
Tucker, Chelsie, Cedric, Cam, Quinn and…. Lisa had all mentioned wanting to throw the HOH comp.
Doesn’t mean much. Only Chelsie and Quinn said it in camtalk to the live feeders.


Please let Angela’s ass be the next to go


There’s everything to hate about her and absolutely nothing to like about her.
She’s a p. o. s . Just stayin’.

un autre nom

Personal thought:
Did Rubina and Brooklyn make a strategic error?
The vote needed 6. Got 8.
Rubina and Brooklyn are in an alliance with Mak and Leah AND are in a not named women alliance with them as well, didn’t tell them their votes.
Not sure if they made strategic errors.
Nobody telling Lisa? Lisa. Interrogate and take it personally Lisa?
OH. EV-ER-Y BODY is going to hear about that. Everyone is about to find their job performance evaluations recommend Group Sensitivity Training.
did Lisa decide not to vote according to what ANGELA wanted because Angela needs to heal the hate in her heart, and can’t just be given what she wants because every word out of her mouth is a LIE (pasting together Lisa’s diatribes about Angela from the last 24 hours). REMEMBER: the fight never happened…. if you want feeds back…. the fight… Never happened. Nobody committed a removal offense. Didn’t happen. nope. everything’s fiiiiiine.
We should all just feel sorry for Angela because she feels excluded. head desk.


Lisa had said she wanted to vote with the House and didn’t believe Quinn when he said people were probably voting Matt out. The Barbershop alliance was fake and even MJ and Matt knew that. Brooklyn discussed the voting scenario with Quinn when discussing how they are at the bottom of the Pentagon alliance in terms of pecking order (since they were invited in and weren’t there at its creation)

un autre nom

Alliance was fake. I agree. Well aware. it’s one of those they don’t know i know situations. Everyone thought fake. but. It can be used as a justification for nominations if the wrong person wins HOH.
That’s my strategic error point.
It’s a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation.
Look at the houseguests saying the people they actively tried to exclude from the vote plan, are now possible targets because they were excluded from the vote plan using the justification ‘they voted the wrong way.’ No problem with that STRATEGICALLY, but the game ownership part of my brain says their exclusion from the plot already made them the target.
Lisa? Again, who KNOWS what goes through Lisa’s mind because in her universe she already has all the information, and she’s always right.

I sorta wish i liked a lot of these people more. It’s a struggle when too many people are trying to be good tv and not playing the game.

Omega BB

That BBAI was so sloppy & everyone seemed so confused, CBS BB’s production functions like amateurs sometimes.

Anyway, based on the comp we know BB didn’t rig it for MATT, no way he was winning that.


I was confused by his T’Kor answer because I saw more of other houseguests on the screen

The Beef

As far as I’m concerned, that was the 2nd of 3 comps that was pretty much totally random. The 1st round of the HOH comp was skill, but then it reverted to random when they not only mixed up the scoring values on the board, but made all even numbers = 0 and only odd numbers counted as their values. That’s just drawing straws at that point. With only 2 minutes to look at 16 different videos, there’s really no way you could really do more than SWAG the answer to that AI contest IMHO, so it was not really a legitimate comp. Just my opinion.

Even the veto comp was a bit suspect with people being able to “delete” letters at any time during the comp. I mean, your working on getting letters towards a specific word or words and then somebody deletes an e or an i and what do you do then? Yeah it’s a strategy, but it kind of screws up the whole comp doesn’t it? Had I been playing I’d have built my word around the vowel o and deleted first the e (like Kenny did), and if he already did that, probably deleted either i or a to eliminate as much competition as I could, but I still think it kind of screws up the whole comp.

un autre nom

Feeds have come back, but will be going out again at 8pm bigbrothertime for the HOH comp. The house was told HOH begins at 8. I doubt it will be on feeds.


Angela is AWFUL.


“Ice-Cream-Man” Matt IS GONE! 🙂
Now, Angela next please and then Tucker/Leah/Lisa please…crossing fingers…