** This post will be updated as night 2 of the 2 night premiere episode progresses…
Last night episode one of the two night premiere of Big Brother 26 aired. The first 8 house guests moved into the newly redesigned house and after checking out their new home for the summer, Julie Chen ushered them out into the backyard. They learned that there was a 17th house guest (Ainsley) that pleaded for them to vote her into the house. Each of the 8 house guests voted on whether to allow her move in or not she advised them them she would benefit their games. The vote came down to a 4-4 vote.

After the house guests voted they learned that Ainsley was actually AI generated. The house guests that voted for her to enter the house then had to compete for a chance to upgrade their games and the house guests that voted to not let her enter the house competed to not have their games downgraded.
Julie announces that Makensey’s game was upgraded and Chelsie’s game was down graded.
Finally, at the end of the first episode we learned that Leah is a “self-proclaimed chubby chaser”.
Tonight, is the second episode of the 2-night premiere where the other 8 house guests will be moving into the house.
The second 8 house guests move into the house. Julie Chen then calls them to the backyard.
The second 8 meet Ainsley and like the first 8 house guests they get to decide whether or not to vote her into the house.
Julie Chen tells us that AI twist will soon be revealed to the house guests.

The house guests learn that Ainsley is actually BBAI and how she will be moving into the house regardless. She then explains the two competitions for those that voted for her to enter the house and a different one for those that voted for her to not enter the house.

The first 8 house guests meet the second 8 house guests for the first time.
The house guests games that will be downgraded are Chelsie and Cedric. They cannot compete for the head of house hold or the power of veto. They also can’t vote at the first live eviction.
Makensy and Quinns games have been upgraded but their identity or their secret power upgrade is not revealed to the other house guests.
Makensy and Quinn’s game will be upgraded to either the “DEEPFAKE Head of Household or the “America’s Veto” secret power.
11:13pm The feeds still haven’t been switched on.. just the kitten cams..
My 3 picks this year are Brooklyn, Joseph, and Chelsie. Let’s see what happens!
I’m going all babes and Bros. Leah, Ainsley, Makensey and Joseph.
Makensey fan club membership is temporarily closed
Fun fact, Brooklyn is friends with Aaryn Gries. It is quite peculiar you’re pulling for her being a mega Taylor stan.
Membership to the Makensey fan club is now open. Please submit your application below.
I’m nit impressed except for Joseph and cam maybe!
No ranking system this year. OBB is taking some new approaches this season.
Awww, I will miss it!
Welcome back everyone!
That sucks can’t even play VETO. I wonder if they can avoid being the first 2 nominees.
I’m rooting for Quinn! I’m glad he got one of the secret powers, and we’ll probably see tonight who the HOH is…
Does anyone know where Live Feeds can be watched in Canada. The site I used to use is down.
Angela is HOH