Big Brother 26 Spoilers Week 6 Power of Veto Ceremony results “F***ing nice guys always finish f***ing last”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Tkor
Nominees: Tucker, Makensy, Cam Angela
POV Players: Cam, Tkor, Makensy, Tucker, Joseph and Angela
POV Winner: Cam
Veto Ceremony:Angela is the renom
Havenots: No havenots this week

Spoilage – Angela is now on the block. Joe is out of solitary (didn’t even notice he was gone)

12:40 pm Tucker and Kimo (Likely Angela called Tucker out in the ceremony)
Tucker – that’s what I get in return when I finally ask her to do something Yeah it’s scary it’s what you f***ing signed up for. Blame me later if you did it. Say I convinced you. The only person that hasn’t been on the block.. so many reasons
Tucker – this sh1t means nothing to me right now can’t trust anybody. F***ing nice guys always finish f***ing last
Tucker – I hope you run th1s sh1t I hope you win.
Feeds flip for a moment in the rock room where Makensy is telling Joe about Angela’s attempts to get Tucker out yesterday. Quinn, CHelsie and Leah are also in the room. Feeds flip back to Tucker/Kimo
Tucker – I have three days and I can’t wait for it to be f***ing over.
Tucker – I love you bro I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I hope you win this thing out of everyone in here. Even over Rubina, she’s got her life set up. T’kor has already inspired so many people. You deserve this f***ing money
Tucker – she has no idea what I’ve done for her to try and keep her in this f***ing place.
Tucker – Backstabbing a$$holes let and right. She’ll see after the show what I’ll f**ing do. I don’t even have a final 2 with her.
Tucker – I’m just going to swim all day and answer trivia questions for three days.

12:50 pm Angela, Cam, Chelsie
Angela – did I make a fool out of myself
Chelsie – no
Cam – no, I don’t think so.
Chelsie – you composed yourself really well
Angela – you two have been so dignified and amazing with everything that has happened to you guys. You inspire me I couldn’t stay silent.
Chelsie – we care about you as a person.. we care about people
Angela goes on about how great Tucker is as a person.

1:00 pm Cam and Kimo
Kimo says Tucker feels betrayed. “That’s not really emotion based that’s fact based”
Cam- that’s true she (Angela) betrayed hi. Specifically coming from her that sucks. because he, he genuinely did not have to do that, and he stuck his neck out for. Broke the rules of the game and gave her veto. She still… I don’t want him to snap with Words you cannot take back.

1:06 pm Cam and Tucker
Cam is trying to comfort Tucker tells him he’s handling it well. Tells him he doesn’t want Tucker to make any rash decisions.
Tucker – thank you
Cam leaves. then comes back to give him a hug “I love you brother”
Tucker – love you to..
Cam leaves for good this time.

1:11 pm Tucker and Chelsie
Tucker is complaining that Angela is up “Angela can go up next week, Leah is a big F***Ing target, She’s never been up there she’s probably in charge of all this sh1t”
Chelsie – I told her before the veto too. She’s afraid of her.

feeds flip to HOH convo with Tkor and Leah. When we’re back.

1:50 pm Tucker, Rubina and Quinn
Tucker saying he had Angela’s back all this time.
Tucker – Bro her perspective is thrown so off in this game.
Quinn – Hey Angela I barely survived last week umm… You suggesting we send you home next week is some real scumbag stuff.
Quinn says all Angela said to him was how good of a person Makensy was.
Tucker – can’t trust anybody’s word in this game.
Quinn – she said she’s going to win the AI Arena, ‘she’s like I won two HOH’s I’m not going to count myself out;
Tucker – I’m going to f***ing throw it to her i’m done with this game.
Quinn – Bro don’t do that
Tucker – I’m done with this
Feeds flip when we’re back Rubina has left this conversation.
Tucker says he begged Tkor to put Leah up instead of Angela. He says Leah is behind the deep fakes. “She’s never been up on the block it’s a easy safe move you get Angela next time.. and she didn’t I get it everyone has their own game plan I did so much for you to make this a easy HOH. To ask for one favour in return because I haven’t gotten any favours for all the sh1ts I’ve been doing for everybody.
Tucker – not to mention you guys mentioned her name first.
Quinn – yeah .. I was fully convinced Angela was the deep fake.
Tucker – I want to play this game with the best of the best I thought I paved the way to let people know you can be fearless in your decisions in here. F***Ing was skeptical about T’kor. I was your Pawn I volunteered.. We’re playing two different games at this point and I’m not going to stop being me but I’m not going to stop playing this game.
Quinn – If you don’t win Arena you have the votes to stay
Tucker – I don’t want to stay (LOL)
Q – I don’t want to hear it.
Feeds flip When we’re back.
Tucker continues complaining about the game. “The whole reason I came here was to break the curse and show people someone from Boston can win”
Tucker – there’s not alot of people in here like me. Makes you feel less included makes you feel weird about who you are. I’m not going to change who I am.
Quinn – you’re a cool guy man.. .

2:40 pm T’kor and Tucker
They hug for 20 minutes. Tucker drones on about having a good life.. breaking the f***ing curse…
Tucker continues to whimper.
T’kor comforts him. (The accent is in full force)

3:30 pm

4:13 pm Cleaning for votes

4:45 pm Makensy and Chelsie
Chelsie saying that Tucker is going to go after T’kor now because he’s pissed she didn’t put Leah up.
Chelsie – He’s going after Tkor if he’s still here
MJ – He might do something unexpected if he’s still here.
Feeds flip

5:33 pm Makensy, Rubina
(hard to hear. No microphone on Makensy and running water)
Rubina says that Angela has painted a bigger target on herself.
Rubina and Makensy say they have each other’s back.
Rubina – I think you’re good

5:47 pm Chelsie and Makensy
Makensy is bringing up Girls night tonight. Chelsie doesn’t think people are in the mood. Makensy suggests tomorrow.

6:00 pm Angela and Tucker
Angela – and you said you don’t lie to me Tucker? you lied to me about Mackensy being the one that outed me..
T – she told me
A – no, Quinn told you
T – They both told me
A – you told me only makensy
T – you didn’t ask if anyone else
A – I asked you who?
T – And I said Makensy
A – and you left out Quinn
T – cause you didn’t ask
A – do I have to ask for truth?
T – I’m not talking to you anymore all you do is get upset
A – I’m not upset
T – yes you do.. you just like to call people out.
A – I call people out
T – you’ll see when you watch the show..
A – I call people put? Tucker? I did not throw you under the bus today you left the room.
T – I don’t care what you have to say after what you’ve done to me Angela.
A – OK Tucker have a pity party. I did nothing to you.
T – I’m not. I’m tired and yes you did do stuff to me. You absolutely hurt my feelings you broke my heart. I was fighting for you I was still fighting for you to get off the block. I was still fighting for you not to be the one that is renomed. All morning.
A – even if that is true.. Just hear me out.. even if that is true how do we stand a chance to win against you how does anybody
T – I’m not hearing you out
Tucker gets up to leave.
T – you just wanted to be top three and that is exactly what I was going to do
A – okay
T – I was keeping my word for you all along.
A – Okay well I’m not upset at you so…. (LOL)
T – cool I’m upset with you
A – You can be upset with me but I’m not upset with you
T – that’s fine you have no reason to be upset with me
A – I heard differently
T – that’s cool you will f***ing see when you watch the show.

6:02 pm Tucker alone
“F***ing pity party my a$$ I was trying to sleep”

49 thoughts to “Big Brother 26 Spoilers Week 6 Power of Veto Ceremony results “F***ing nice guys always finish f***ing last””

    1. I wanted Angela gone after the first (!!!) episode. And now more than EVER !! She is one annoying piece of work; I’m always tempted to mute when she talks.

  1. I got nice things. They like me… they really like me.
    Both of my nopes are on the block.
    Doesn’t mean EITHER will leave.
    But both are on the block and that makes me happy.

    If the house doesn’t at least do the math to get Tucker out if it’s an option… stupid.
    If the house keeps Angela… they get what they get.
    If the house votes out Mak… does ANY thing change? No.

    Leah, who pushed Quinn renom to T’kor is saying she didn’t push Quinn renom.
    sideye. She knows she was the other nom option. I think she’s realized Tucker has been coming for her for days…. whisper talk with lots of likes so i think….
    Joseph was the guy coming home with pizza to find his apartment on fire meme.

    Tucker can’t trust anyone. Nice guys finish last. Sir, you grabbed a whackjob, said you’re my bestest friend, and never once thought the whatckjob would whack. SHE CALLED OUT AN ALLIANCE CREATED TO PROTECT HER the day after it formed…. how did Tucker think she’d never whackjob on him?

    What has come out in the last 24 hours that hasn’t sunk in:
    Tucker threw veto to Cam because he’s safe with Cam and doesn’t know if Cam would target his alliance. So… that loyalty talk is self interest. gotcha.
    Tucker might have a f2 with Joseph Kimo and Rubina learned, and now know Tucker had a f2 of some kind with Angela… and a fake f2 with Cam. And hasn’t told his alliance about ANY of it until someone else reveals.
    Tucker was backstabbed by Angela and still pushed for a Leah nom… I’d raise an eyebrow.

    Yes Tucker should be playing his individual game. But he’s been sloppy for 24 hours. REALLY sloppy.

    Chart for week 6 attached. Please note, i’ve added some possible alliances that I think Storyline will push.
    Orange boxes in final 2 pairs section are the ones outed this week.

    1. Joseph and Quinn have decided that any alliance with T’kor and Kimo has a definite expiration date. You can’t trust an alliance with those two.

      Both are still coldwar battling over which gets to drag Leah to final 2 for the easy win.
      Joseph still thinks he beats Tucker final 2. Please someone… explain a successful game move Joseph has masterminded. I’ll give you time. You’ll need it.

      Tucker is mad he didn’t get his way. Told you this would happen the minute he wasn’t the Dictator of the house.

      So… did T’kor make the right decision? For me, yes. For herself… not sure.

      1. Tucker has it out for Leah because he did the same thing she did. Remember week 2 when he went around flirting up every woman so they’d be smitten and keep him around?
        Tucker has i out for Quinn because Quinn was doing Tucker’s plan and didn’t final 2 with him while Tucker was playing lone wolf don’t try to alliance with me.
        Tucke originally got mad at Matt because the house deemed Matt the uberjock… and Tucker wanted all the attention and screen time… and the showmance.
        Tucker got mad at Brooklyn because she was the social manipulator and a dictator can’t have a social manipulator that isn’t under his thumb because HE has to control the narrative and suck the oxygen out of the room.

        Is it bad to play by targeting everyone that plays like you play? no.
        Is it tiring hearing about false loyalty? very.
        Tucker wanted Angela to be HIS attack whackjob. THAT is why he saved her and tried to keep her close.
        Tucker craves brodown. He will always suggest a man added to the safety list. Every. Time.

        The entire lie down and play dead is strategy. Both in house and directly to Grod.

    2. Tucker and Joseph made a final two in the HOH room when Tucker was HoH. He was planning a final four with Angela,MJ and Leah during his HOH that’s why he wants them gone before they compare notes

      1. Tucker and Joseph’s pair started day 5 or 6.
        After Angela and Matt both called Joseph out on ratfloating. Joseph went into hiding and Tucker was there.
        The Side alliances proposed last week were in case somoene outside his group won HOH. He never wanted to work with them. It was a fake alliance unless he needed it to be real.

  2. 6th avenue is a wrap ! Welcome to the city of broken alliances.

    Only took 1 week !

    Classic Tkor- being a mhmmmhmmm hypocrite saying nothing about game and blowing up alliances left and right.

    This is an open strike against an alliance member who offered to be a pawn.

    1. Tkor has a curious accent. Kind of a mix of English royalty and Nigerian middle class in the diary room. But sounds like a every day American with the other HQ.

      1. I think she (Dinah) has a speech impediment. She’s just trying to cover it up by saying she has a unique accent.

      2. Dinah talks like a Brit because she spends a lot of time in England, probably trying to drum up sales for her crochet business.

  3. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAADAAAAAAAABADOOOOOOOO Angela on the block!! She may not go home but THE BEST BBHOUSE26 Live Feeds is when she is on the block! Time to watch fishes swim again.

  4. Tucker is pouting and wants to grab his ball and go home.
    All because he wanted Leah on the block and T’kor didn’t do it.

    This is what…. the 4th time he’s threatened quit? Each time he gets something from Prodo to entice him to stay. What’s he pushing for now… a reboot button?

    I don’t care if he’s pulling strategy to get sympathy. I’m eyerolling.

    1. I dropped my phone laughing when I heard Tucker said “Eeeyore” when Kimo walked in!! Unless that is my wishful thinking.

    2. He is such a whiner when he doesn’t get his way. But he’s got 20K headed his way. Does he need more of a bribe from Grod, perhaps a battle back?

    3. Tucker could be faking.. He’s done that before.. If the HQ think he not a threat because he wants out then they’ll keep him for now

    4. I don’t watch the feeds so I could be missing a lot…. but from Tuckers pov why would Tbor have 2/3 noms be from 6th Ave? Seems a little suspicious,…or stupid when you have the votes.

      1. #1 She blows up alliances on a weekly basis now. No reason to be surprised she blew up this one.

        #2 She never had a strategy going into her HOH, and thus……Kableeeeewwwwwyy!!! Up in smoke goes her alliance!

        #3 She’ll probably smoke the new one next week, by flipping on Quinn and voting him out, along with Kimo, Rubina and whoever else they can get to vote with them. She absolutely won’t flip on K’RubChelCam though.

  5. Next week, I hope the surviving person between Makensy and Angela becomes the leader and nominates Kimo, Tkor, and either (Quinn or Rubina or Chelsie) as the elimination candidates. The house is too boring right now.

    1. Would be better if Chelsie and Rubina were on the block with Tkor. Shes only using Kimo for now. Same as Quinn. Kimo should hang on to Tucker, Cam and Joe for final 4

  6. Someone please help me get off this Merry-go-round…I don’t know what’s what, who’s who, when when, why why…..I am LOST. What are these nuts talking about and what are their plans….just cannot follow a single thought from any of them. BB26 didn’t need to vote in an instigator…the whole house is FULL of instigators already. What a MESS. Everyone of them is confused and totally out of their comfort zones. EVICT them all….especially (am I on Love Island or is this Who wants to be my BFF) bat sh-t crazy Angela………and take hmmmmmmmmmmmTBor and Ride Along Kimo with you….out the Door.

  7. If Tkor weren’t so Mmmmmmm Tkor , I’d really like her game play. It is both bold and meek at the same time.

  8. You know what? I’m good with this.

    The two crazy HGs are in danger and Makensy is there in case the house decides to evict her. No matter what happens, one of my eviction wish lists will come true.

    My eviction preference:

    1. Tucker
    2. Angela
    3. Makensy

    1. Like him or hate him the house will be boring without Tucker…getting rid of Angela will be good bc it will get Tucker fired up to create more havoc. Getting rid of Makenzie is a waste

    2. I’m surprised more people don’t agree with this boot list. I guess it depends on if you watch the show for strategy or cringe entertainment. Tucker and angela have zero strategy. Angela is a train wreck and I’m surprised she hasn’t self evicted. Tucker has been wanting to leave since week 2? Let these 2 get evicted and maybe we can watch some sort or strategy occur. Realistically, all we need is Tucker to leave and the game will open up.

      1. Exactly.

        As far as I know, we’re still in the pre-jury phase. Julie Chen would have otherwise told the house after Brooklyn’s eviction.

        My priority this week would be to evict Tucker or Angela because they’re the most unpredictable with their jury vote. If I were in the jury house, keeping my sanity would be my primary concern and neither of these two would help with that.

      2. Completely disagree…Tucker has strategy, I think he’s done great at his social game..with all the trouble he’s brewed up alot of the people still like him, that’s hard to pull will be boring without him…Who exactly will make it interesting??most of them are scared to make any big moves besides tucker

  9. Tucker is acting like a spoiled little bitch. And I do mean acting. Send him to lifetime to make a movie. He’s like the Mafia if he does you favor,you owe him your life.

  10. This game is constipated! The HGs need to give a big push and flush in order to change the game. It will stink for a while, but it stinks now. So get going.

  11. Dear Blindfolded Giraffe,
    good job inadvertently lighting the match that started all this fireworks.
    shut up and let Whackjob and manbaby go for each other…..
    no really. SHUSH. Find your quiet place.

    just… aw screw it…
    80mph backwards and wrong way down a one way street.
    Wanna go faster?

  12. Man, Angela is acting like a psycho. She might be one for all know. Not really ready to go that far yet, but I’m inching closer. Jeez

  13. T’kor and Tucker’s hugging and rubbing was pretty intense I thought he was going to try and kiss her at one point.

  14. What Tucker did was stop playing his game. He needs to get out of that rediculous outfit that BB put him in for no reason at all. This is one of tge worse BB that I have watched. Get Tucker back up and playing the game or lose your audience.

  15. Tucker’s life in this game depends on his winning AI. That’s to bad because statistically is highly improbable.hf can win AI again . Tucker is in serious danger this week. I said it before, I will say it again: the irony of Tucker going out on T’kor oH is rich and she has ” no blood on her hands” because she has been wanting Tucker gone from the start. It amazes me, Angela is still there and may well be after Thursday. Tucker knows they would all vote him out. Leah has only to do flutter her eyes and Cam, Quinn, and Joseph will die on a sword for her so she is safe for a good while. Let’s face it, they all want Tucker gone( yes, as a game move it makes sense) but aren’t we all over Angela? Her play has worn out is welcome. Angela has to know she is just a number. Someone else said it here first, but I do think Tucker is hurt by Angela’s betrayal more than anything. I wonder, Tucker is ” friendly” with Cody. Has he paid attention to any of Cody’s tips? I will miss Tucker, the king of chaos. Rubina will continue to play on and into the T’kor/ Kimo show. Those three don’t seem to know that yeah they will be targeted soon how much ummm is going save T’kor? Chelsey will continue to use T’kor and knows she is safe ,she will continue to use MJ etc and Cam continue to play along with Leah’s ego. Quinn now stands a stronger chance at winning as well. He was my pick from the start. I think Chelsey will win, with Quinn coming in second. I don’t care for some of Chelsey ‘s petty Cam talks but wow, Like T’kor she’s not on anyone’s radar and that will keep her for awhile. Can anyone tell me how to get or what remains to get excited about after Tucker goes? If just feel meh about the remaining HG.

  16. What today reaffirms for me:

    T’kor’s number one may be Kimo… but Kimo’s number one is Tucker.
    Rubina will believe ANYTHING. Rubina will not have an alliance that doesn’t have Tucker attached… even trying to make him part of a Women’s Alliance.
    Makensy will always read at a week one level.
    Tucker is acting. With this house it will likely work because this house is stupid.

    Where people stand:
    Quinn wants Angela out. someone that calls you the devil is not a jury vote for you.
    Joseph and Cam think their final 2’s with Tucker are real.

    1. As always, your perspectives are on point and delivered with humor. I do have to push back against something though: Chelsey told Cam ( Cam would say they agreed to it) to make a final 2 with Tucker so he ( Cam) could report back to her. Cam is playing Tucker but I don’t have a sense he is all that loyal to Chelsey. I think Cam is more loyal to Leah . Chelsey keeps Cam on a short leash because I agree I think she is jealous of the attention Cam gives Leah and truth be told seems to appear to prefer Leah. Do you think Leah is this year’s Victoria?

      1. Cam outed his final 2 but ALSO told Chelsie he would keep Tucker if he were on the block. So…
        Cam isn’t so much honest with Leah, as he thinks he can sway Leah.

        The Joseph Cam talk on balcony told me everything I need to know. It wouldn’t be fair to take out a strong competitor if he lost veto and lost AI because he was crying that it wasn’t a fair fight….
        What Cam is really saying is don’t target the strong people.
        Remember, Cam came in wanting to Bro down and thinks only comp win totals matter to who should win. Cam doesn’t realize his big comp win… was thrown to him.

  17. I can already see how this is going to be edited.
    BBcan people… think of the Keifer edit with the rip-off Eminem fight music after he goes through his woe is me party with tinkly music. (you know… after he whined he was going to quit and feeds stopped for about a day). Only this time Keifer is a big blue dildo.

    Let’s be clear here:
    Tucker is the AI instigator that caused Rubina to have her cryfest by saying they should have gotten rid of her.
    Tucker has multiple final 2’s and Rubina is not his top final 2. She was number 4 i think… maybe number 3 on his final 2 list.
    He’s now saying he hasn’t been using her… when he has most definitely been using her.

    She is not going to take this stuff as just game when she finds out on finale given he’s roping in real world.

    When did final 2 stop being a final 2? I mean…. it used to mean more. Now it’s just a pair of temporary convenience or a manipulation tool… not 2 people fighting to the end together.

  18. Angela drives me crazy, her fake crying I would look at her and just walk away. The dark glasses, the hands up to her face. She is annoying! Now she has a thing for Tucker? I don’t understand why they are keeping her? She should have been gone after the first show after the first outburst! Did anybody find out why the feeds were down for so long a couple of days ago? Rebina crying?

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