Big Brother 26 Spoilers – Week 1 Power of Veto Ceremony Results

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Angela
Nominees: Kimo, Lisa, Kenney, Matt
POV Players: Kimo, Lisa, Kenny, Brooklyn, Angela, Joseph (Tucker is the host)
POV Winner: Lisa
Veto Ceremony: Lisa used the veto on herself
Havenots: Quinn, Tucker, Cam, Kimo

DEEP FAKE HOH Upgrade: Quinn
AMERICA’S VETO Upgrade: Makensy
MASCOT: Cedric & Chelsie

9:50 am wake up
Angela and Kenny
Kenny – I’m good with Tucker being up there
Kenny – I think either way, I’m good.
Angela -If I’m not, I’m not. But if that gets me longer down the road.

9:57 am Tucker and Angela
Sounds like they are slamming Kenny.
Angela – I’ve never had so much kiss ass in my life
Tucket – Kenny is not laughing at my jokes anymore
Tucker – keep digging yourself deep brother get the fu** outta here. it’s like if it was not this week, cool. We got to run it one. more week F*ck yeah, I’m fine.
They hug
Angela – I have somebody
Tucker – I have somebody and also like, yes, you do. And also like you can play that whenever you want. I know was you got I could see us wanting this to the end you know like and it could be nice because we.
Angela – you have My heart. I sat there. I want you guys. Yeah, just know you have my heart. Yeah. Whatever you need me to do.
They don’t make money with you. I will do that.
Tucker -And I know it. Cool.and right back at you
Angela – and from here out, that’s what I have to do. I know that so that I can earn your trust
Tucker – right back at you.
Angela – And I haven’t really been too much.
Tucker – No, no, that’s been great. It’s been great.
Angela – This is the first thing that I that’s happened to me and it kind of feels honest.
Tucker – And just so we know it anytime someone walks in. and I want to go to switch the script to like it’s cool if you put meup please like of course.
Angela – Yeah of course I don’t know how much time we got.

10:55 am Kenny and Joe
Kenny – I respect everybody in how they play the game.
Kenny – I did do some you were promising this one that this one that like, but in reality you in this game you can promise that because every week is something different. Like every week is something different.
Kenny – Like I can’t say awe Joe. I’m going to ride with you right to the end.
Kenny – Like you could say it.
Joe – right
Kenny – But you’re a fool if you think that is legit,
Joe – right yeah
Kenny – Because next weekend, someone else was on the block and someone else’s HOH. And then me and you were on the block together. Like, I
can’t ride with you now
Joe – but also too. It’s like, being loyal is also important because your word means a lot. I feel like so if you’re if your word is good for nothing, then people are
going to start to pick up on that. You know what I’m saying?

11:00 am Quinn and Kimo
Quinn – We don’t talk a lot. And then him, like, pointing straight at me, it was like, You’ve got the power. I was also thinking in the shower. I’ve been lying to people like saying, I don’t have the power. So I think I want to win this HOH and then use the power and hijack myself. And then I can put up people like big comp threats and. it could be blamed on Lisa. and I think that would be good.
Kimo – But I’m like you don’t think you want to keep it in your back pocket just in case a 3rd or 4th week is like
Quinn – but if I get exposed of like Quinn’s been saying it’s not him since week one now it’s week 4 it’s like week five I’m at risk true if I’m like clearly upset and it puts up like whoever I think that like I’ll have the people like be like O. K. It really wasn’t him. He’s being honest but I just
Kimo – also want to use it before or you

11:20 am Feeds down for the pound

1:20 am Feeds return. Matt is on the block and appears to be campaigning already.

17 thoughts to “Big Brother 26 Spoilers – Week 1 Power of Veto Ceremony Results”

  1. With the exception of Kimo, I couldn’t be any happier with the noms. Now let’s split up Kenney and Matt on eviction night.

    Also – Lisa’s becoming a nut job and she’s off the block now. I 100% guarantee she won’t win this game; too many people will be fed up with her eventually.

    1. To be fair it’s Matt that sent her on this spiral. She should know better than to fully believe what someone tells her unless it gets verified

  2. Quinn saying he wants to hijack himself should he win HOH is SO dumb. Like come on dude please don’t be that stupid to do that…

    For his sake let’s hope he never wins HOH while his hijack the HOH power is active!

    I can’t believe Kimo knows about his power too.. Like WTF how many people has he told because I thought it was just Angela (bad enough; why can’t people keep their mouth closed)? Surely it won’t be a secret from many much longer so what is the point of trying to pin it on Lisa or someone else if everyone knows it was you?

    1. The only time that would make sense is week 4. If he highjacks someone’s HOH and wins the HOH on his own within that period, he can have two HOH reigns. In theory it would be possible to have two back to back HOH runs.

      Another question, if he highjacks an HOH does the highjacked HOH get to compete the following week or are they out of luck?

      Finally, who would the stunt trick, it feels like quite a few already know he has it.

      For a self proclaimed super fan, he sure is playing like a newb!

      1. Yeah the rules are murky, especially for me since I need to see Sunday’s episode still, but overall I don’t think it is a smart choice. And he certainly should not be speculating so early about that plan to everyone. Is Kimo even high up on his people he trusts? I didn’t think he was.

        No offense to him, but he doesn’t seem like the best ally to pick when there are so many options atm.

  3. 30 second online search then checked by seeing clips on bbtwitter and searching online for preview clips.
    Angela was a contestant on the price is right somewhere around 2019, and then was on Dr. Phil’s House Calls in 2021.
    She didn’t win the coffee maker…. and went on tv to discuss her familial dysfunction.
    I’m hundo standing by my read of her.

    1. My takeaway from the Phil clip: she wanted him to come to her house because every other member of her family was creating a dysfunctional environment, everyone but her, and she needed Phil to fix them because she wanted a nice christmas.
      Now look at her house behavior.

    2. What? Wait, is she the same woman who appeared on Dr Phil who couldn’t stop cheating on her husband?

    3. I would not have known about Dr Phil because I felt a long time ago that he was a quack so I refused to watch anything of his

    4. aaand…. forgot let’s make a deal around the same time as price is right.
      4 cbs shows.
      wiiiiild guess:
      wannabe actress that got married somewhere around… 16 or 17, now thinking this is her time to meryl streep her way through every cbs show. Imagine her on survivor. don’t think she hasn’t thought about it.

      1. Wow.

        Excellent investigative work dude!

        The Pulitzer is yours.

        CBS needs to stop being so kind to Angela; like what secrets of theirs did she uncover and threaten to tell the manager about..?

        1. Lol.
          Maybe she’s part of a Karen chat group that threatens cbs with a lawsuit if they don’t represent at least one middle aged fukakta basket case per season on at least 2 of their programs. Because that’s what reality tv lacks….. emotionally volatile middle aged white women. eyeroll.

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