Big Brother 26 – Rumored Early Cast Move in on Tuesday, July 16th!

Rumor has it that the all new cast of newbies will move into the newly redesigned Big Brother house a full 24 hours before the scheduled 2-night premiere on Wednesday, July 17th. From the sounds of the rumor the cast will be moving into the house on Tuesday, July 16th. Recent seasons of big brother, CBS has had a live move in date for the cast where they moved in on the premiere date and we got access to the live feeds after the premiere episode. I much prefer this as in the past the cast always moved into the house about a week prior which caused a lot of confusion and disappointment among the hardcore super fans as we would miss a lot of the pivotal game talk / alliance building and we were left to try and put the pieces together after the live feeds went live. With a move in date of 24 hours prior to the premiere its a lot less game talk that we will be missing and its likely so the CBS can get enough content for the premiere as its not live this season.

– It also sounds like the press day where they do the newbie interviews to give us the first impressions of the cast will take place this Monday on July 8th.

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