After 89 days the finale is finally here where the winner is crowned for season 26 of Big Brother. Its all come down to Makensy, Chelsie and Cam. Tonight part 3 of the 3 part HOH will be played, where the winner of part 1 (Chelsie) competes against the winner of part 2 (Makensy). After the winner is crowned Julie Chen will announce who America votes as America’s Favorite House Guest.
The finale episode begins with Julie Chen opening the episode by showing part one of the three part HOH competition. Cam, Makensy and Chelsie compete. Their mission is to sever Ainsley’s power source. Makensy drops out first. After 37 minutes Cam drops and Chelsie wins part one of the three part HOH.
Next, Makensy and Cam compete in part 2 of the 3 part HOH competition. Their mission is to destroy Ainsley’s brain. Makensy wins part 2 and destroys Ainsley.
Julie Chen “Up next. The 6th jury member is revealed to the others as they sit down to debate who deserves the win Big Brother. Then who will become the final and most powerful head of household and who will become the final member of the jury. Stay with us.”
The jury sits down with Taylor (Winner of BB24) to debate the final 3. The 6th juror, Rubina joins them and she gives them the update of what happened. They then discuss and debate the final 3 and who they believe deserve to win.
(Tkor’s accent is out in full force again much like day one of the live feeds.)
Tkor – Cam played the game that I wanted to play. There are many moments where I was watching him look and I was I had to applaud because he did such a great job in handling stressful situations, letting you feel like you loved him, letting you know, being a Kumbaya in the situation.

Up next, Chelsie and Makensy compete in part 3 of the 3 part HOH..
The competition is called “Data Destruction”. It has been discovered that she has placed corrupt data in the BB system. Your job is to identify this corrupt data so that it can be destroyed. You are about to be shown a series of videos in each video, one jury members Avatar will tell you three statements about their game. One of those statements is corrupt and false. You must answer which one is the corrupt and false statement. A, B or C for each correct answer. You will receive 1 point. The Houseguest with the most points after six videos will become the final head of household of the season.
Question 1 – Both answer correct C
Question 2 – Both answer correct A
Question 3 – Both answer correct C
Question 4 – Both answer correct B
Question 5 – Both answer correct A
Question 6 – Chelsie answers A, Makensy answers correctly B
Makensy wins part 3! Makensy is the final HOH and gets to decide who to evict and who she wants to go to the final 2 with.
Cam’s speech – Honestly, I would love to sit next to you in the final two. I have
loved the game that you have played. I hope that you decided to
take me there. But whatever decision that benefits your game, do as
you please. You have earned it.
Julie – Cam are you forgetting something? Cam – shoutout to all my dawgs in the crib
Chelsie’s speech – Chelsea you have the floor. Thank you. Auntie Julie first all glory and all honor to God I would not be here if it wasn’t for him. Mark and Wendy you’ve raised an amazing amazing woman and you’re stuck with me now because I’m another daughter, Makensy I love you so much at this point. I can’t benefit your game anymore. We’re at the end, so I just asked that you make a decision that makes you proud. We’ve been running this game the 2nd half. I’d love to have two women sit here and represent well. I love you so much well deserved and thank you for not just the player you’ve been but the person and friend you’ve been to me. I love you.
Makensy votes to evict: CAM

Cam talks to Julie Chen
Julie – Cam are you surprised?
Cam – I’m not really surprised they both deserve to be in the final two they’ve had each other back the whole game, so I’m not surprised that I’m sitting here, but it does suck to sit here.
Julie – Do you think Makensy in hopes of winning at all did the right thing in keeping Chelsie?
Cam – I think that it will be very tough to sit next to Chelsie in any part of this game. She is a preacher. She knows how to talk and she can sway the jury. But I do respect the loyalty decision that she made.
Julie – Do you think Makensy realizes it’s not a slam dunk taking Chelsie?
Cam – I think she does but I think Makensy is a competitor and I respect her for that.
Julie – We heard you tell Makensy if you had won the final HOH you told her you were going to cut Chelsie and take Makensy. Is that true?
Cam – Come on. That’s my A1 since day one. I’m always going to stay with Chelsie the whole time. I love her so much. We have been together since the beginning, so I will one 100 percent stay loyal to Chelsie. That was just a little game.
Cam joins the jury as the 7th jury member.
The jury asks Chelsie and Makensy their jury questions.
The final two give their final speeches to the jury. The jury then votes for who they want to win Big Brother 26.
Julie talks to the 7 pre-jury house guests.
Julie – Tucker what surprised you the most?
Tucker – Oh man meeting Rubina is the best surprise of my life and I don’t know if this is the time I’m supposed to do it or not but I’m going to do it cuz I got you a bunch of flowers. Rubina says that she want to continue things with Tucker.
Julie asks Makensy her thoughts on Matt. Makensy says that they only had 9 days together “Matt’s fault”. She says that conversations are due.
Matt offers to hug Angela to put what happened in the house in the past.
Julie reveals that Tucker was the series of house guest avatars causing drama in the house. Tucker apologizes to Rubina for what he said about her and outing their relationship.
Up Next, Julie will reveal the votes….
Julie reads the votes:
Quinn – votes for Chelsie
Tkor – votes for Chelsie
Leah – votes for Chelsie
Angela – votes for Chelsie
Kimo – votes for Chelsie
Rubina – votes for Chelsie
Cam – votes for Chelsie
Chelsie is the winner of BB26 and 750k
Makensy is the runner up and wins 75k
America’s Favorite is Tucker (wins 50k)
(The runner ups for America’s Favorite were Angela & Quinn)
*** This post will be updated as the episode unfolds.. ***
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This season has been a struggle for Simon and I to balance full time jobs, family life on top of 24/7 transcribing the live feeds for 89 days straight. We hope you’ve all enjoyed our updates. We really appreciate all of you and hope you all come back next season! We’ll miss you all.
Without your support this site would not be possible.
That stupid comp gave off power ranger vibes. over the top. cringe worthy.
A once great shot reduced to a pile of shit. Thank you cbs for ruining survivor and big brother.
I hope we see real pain on Makenzie face when she realizes she would of won the game had she made the smart decision but my guess is she’s totally happy to give the diversity community another free win.
makensy’s probably not going to realize her mistake until about half an hour after the show is over when chelsie doesn’t talk to her at the after party and she realizes she got played.
The goal is to win the $750,000 which Mak would have won had she picked Cam to sit next to. But she chose Chelsie to sit next to; Mak chose her good friend instead of using her brain. That’s Mak for ‘ya. Congrats Chelsie.
No One and I mean No One will ever say that this is their favorite season.
Its been the best Season in along time.
Yeah, best season in about 5 years. which is more a knock against those seasons than a compliment to this one though.
Makensy will go down as one of the dumbest players of all time!
Besides Cody………taking Derek instead of Victoria.
Makensy is totally the Cody of this season and Chelsie was definitely Derek.
And Cam was the Victoria of season
She and Cody can hold hands. He at least had another chance with a cast of middle aged BB stars. I wonder what will be her choice.
Makensy is young, perhaps a bit naive. Completely isolated. Had no family, friends or anyone who cared to turn to for advice on the show. Conned and brainwashed into believing Chelsie and Cam were helping her. On her side, when they were just using her abilities to hitch a ride to the money. Chelsie bs praise Jesus, + BBF, a classic con line abuser manipulate their prey with. Isolate and make the person completely dependent on you. It was a crime. Big Brother or Auntie Julie should have stepped it. Disgusting. Worse players and season yet.
lol C 100% threw it she had B then put it back, smart move for her
I saw that too. She didn’t want to take Cam.
She didn’t want to lose Mak’s jury vote being bitter about her taking Cam and knew she would have Cam’s jury vote once Mak evicted him
Ye and that was never all know Chelsie knew the answer to… that Rubina non eviction blew up the pentagon with Chelsie, Cam and Brooklyn being the 3 voters out of the loop… so obvious she threw it… that’s how confident she was in her Mak misting
It’s not Live in my area. Mountain time zone. I’m so not happy.
I won’t ever watch BB again if Chelsea wins this season, AND I’m NOT alone!
Good grief, it’s just a tv show. Go outside. Touch grass.
ha ha ha love your comment!
That’s dumb.
Bye Chichi!
You sound alone.
She deserved the win.
Makensy could have made one winning move to win this game. Instead, she goes down in Big Brother history as one of the stupidest players.
Dang right !
Do you think Makensy will ever see how manipulated she was by Chelsie?
give it a week when chelsie doesn’t return makensy’s calls.
grant mattos from survivor: redemption island is a pretty interesting player to look at in this regard who’s owned up in interviews that he thought he was bffs with boston rob while filming only to now feel he was completely played by him.
And Mac would reply with her favorite phrase:I’m aware .. 🙂
But she CHOSE to make that move – out of loyalty. That was her decision, and she should have known (and probably did) it would be harder for her to win if she made it.
What I don’t understand is why people seem upset that Chelsie won, when by all game metrics she clearly deserved to win the game. Even the ones complaining are saying Makensy played stupidly, which she pretty much did ever since Chelsie convinced her to put up Leah and take her out. To me, that means Chelsie DESERVED to win! So what’s the problem then?
What if she chose Cam and still lost? Okay, THEN I’d have a problem with it, because Makensy played a better game than Cam did, but that didn’t happen, so no complaints.
I agree it was a dumb move, but she’s young, gullible, and has proven time after time that she’s easily influenced by people she trusts. Those are not attributes usually associated with winners of Big Brother. Did Chelsie take advantage of her? She damn sure did, because THAT’S WHAT YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO DO WHEN YOU’RE PLAYING BIG BROTHER!
If Chelsie won because people only voted for her because she was a female POC, like they did for Taylor Hale, then I’d be more upset, but that’s not what happened here. Chelsie deserved to win – Taylor didn’t. That’s the difference. In this case, the jury got it right, so good for them and good for Chelsie.
I agree with you but that won’t stop me from complaining. Chelsie did play the best game by far; it was almost as if no one else was playing by comparison. What bothered me through the season was the edited TV storyline that was crafted to benefit Chelsie. I wish those behind the scenes wouldn’t play favorites and just let them all play the game. I thought Makensy’s game was terrible but if she had cut Chelsie, it would have been a winning move.
Especially with this Jury. It is plausible and 1000% realistic that MJ was still going to lose to cam. Here in lies the problem with the big brother. It can’t be stated enough that she would have lost to even cam. This getting swept under the rug.
It would have still been better for MJ’s game arc to cut Chelsie, rather than be made a fool of during jury questions with Chelsie obviously owning how she manipulated MJ. That Leah rebound was really cutting.
I’m also not convinced that MJ would have lost to Cam. It depends on how she handled the questions, and against Cam she’d have better odds of not being so desperate and messy in her responses.
We also need to consider just how lame Cam’s responses would probably have been. What was his narrative? I didn’t need to win bc of my social game, okay. But what exactly did he execute? Pretty sure he’d been asked how he made moves and didn’t just ride with Chelsie.
I don’t think Tkor had full control of Kimo’s vote, and even Rubina seemed more independent once Tkor was evicted. I don’t seem them as a jury voting block.
I also am not convinced about Chelsie’s vote, either way.
MJ chose Chelsea out of loyalty but more importantly she thought she could beat her. Being an athlete in her mind having more comp wins automatically made her the winner.
MJ’s speech sounded like she wanted to vote for Chelsie herself. Derp.
Valid! Makensy’s speech was terrible. They’ve had nothing to do and that was the best she could come up with??
Why are you surprised? MJ only parrot what Chelsie said .
MJ looked like a bobblehead as she sat there nodding in agreement with every positive thing that Chelsie said about herself and every negative thing that she said about MJ.
Remember Chelsie told Make that she didn’t know what she would say except glory to God. She told MJ that her comps would stand on there own. MJ being the student of Chelsology believed her and napped while Chelsie continued to work on her speech.
It appeared MJs was agreeing with Chelsie running down her game.. Why? I thought perhaps MJs was brainwashed into thinking Chelsie deserved the win more than both Chelsie and Cam always in her ear telling her what to do and how t think,feel, etc.
Called it! Chelsie was smart to stay in game mode all the time. She swayed the jury and she will gets the cash. Her social skills, ability to manipulate, and she brought her preaching skills. Years from now her game will be spoken about in the same breath as Dan and Derrick. Clean sweep! I just don’t understand the ( though she said she would say it) Glory to God part. A diamond.. I don’t think so..
She’s a diamond alright.
To her credit, the way she continually worked Makensy was impressive.
Sponge Bob could have continually worked MK. She fell into Chelsie’s lap, and from there it’s just in MK’s religious DNA to be a follower.
SpongeBob would run circles around makensy. You only need Patrick Star to fool makensy
Still not in Dan’s league.
She won and she deserved to win, but she’s no Dan or Derrick. You can’t claim that distinction when you beat a bunch of lemmings. Think about it. Both of them claimed the “big move” of the season was getting Leah out. Seriously, Leah? As if Leah was some strategic genius who was the mastermind behind some big alliance, who was a huge threat to either one of them? Leah, who spent her time flirting with the two simps (Joseph and Quinn), one of which didn’t win a single comp, but still thought he was “running the game”, and the other who had one HOH and another hidden HOH, and he managed to evict 1 of his own allies on each or those reigns, but Hell, BOTH of her simps had been evicted by the time they decided Leah was this huge threat and had to go!
But I guess she was a threat because she had big bad Angela on her side (LOL), a 51 year old Karen, who nobody liked and nobody would ever vote for in the end (except for possibly Leah).
Yeap, Chelsie was definitely the best player of this season, but until she plays against some better competition, there’s no way she deserves to be mentioned in the same sentence with the legends of the game.
Dan’s funeral is so above and beyond anyone else but Wil. Derrick was solid and steady who led a group of sheep, but not a charming manipulator.
From what I gather, Danielle Reyes was also top tier and robbed bc White HGs could not tolerate having been played so hard by a Black woman. I have to watch her season.
It wasn’t about white PLAYERS, their beef was seeing what she said about them in d/r. The jury didn’t want another Will (another smarmy manipulator viewed by edit as the ‘villain’) to win. They didn’t want that to be the pattern set. They chose the lesser of 2 evils… and rewarded her protege who had originally been aligned with the jurors before flipping on them.
For the JURORS it was LESS about her race than her game strategy.
Culturally in the timeline…. I’d say she WAS robbed…. but the cuprits?
It was more the executives and the network… and frankly about half the nation… who were not prepared for a black woman winning by strategically manipulating and outplaying her opponents. THAT is why the decision was made for the unsequestered jury, and d/r to be shown to the jurors. Think back to 2002.
I’m aware of how offended the jury was by her DRs. I believe that’s bc they could not stomach a black woman playing them that way. But I do have to see the season for the nuances.
Why do people think loyalty is a good thing in this game? Loyalty is a commodity; you are either on the winning or losing side of it.
The game isn’t about loyalty it’s about winning the freekin’ $750,000. How is it that I know that but Mak doesn’t ?!!
Loyalty to ONE person in the game is an oldschool notion. It usually meant we the viewer would know what a houseguest was REALLY doing in the game, not what we guessed because they were telling everyone something different.
In a season with 2 ‘sides’ loyalty gains jury points.
In a season without alliancing where everyone is trying to be the middle between two fluid sides that shift weekly? Loyalty is worthless.
If a jury is judging by good / evil game, loyalty can be a plus.
If a jury is like this one…
where half of the jury vowed to vote best POC representative multiple times starting day 4… and the others in the jury were ALWAYS going to vote best version of their own game? LOYALTY was irrelevant.
major paradigm flaw in big brother. No matter what MJ was losing even as a week 1 underdog with a Big Brother comp record (arena wins that ended Chelsie and Tkor alliances) even to cam for pete sake. As you say “half of the jury vowed to vote best POC representative multiple times starting day 4” I think Chelsea would’ve flipped her vote for cam out of spite had McKenzie cut her with cam confirming that he wanted to take Chelsea to the end. We know under no circumstances Tkor and co. would’ve voted for MJ. It makes Tyler’s loss to kaycee or potientially jc that much more surprising.
From a ‘bigger purpose’ (keep reading before getting stuck on this as something icky) production storyline perspective…. what was new school missing?
We’ve had a woman winner in new school, but her win was based NOT on her game but based on just desserts. An asterisk winner whose game was defined not by how she played, but by how others treated her and the outrage it sparked.
So what production noted is a female winner that played an opportunist game of social control didn’t exist in new school.
We saw enough to know how they gave themselves a Paras… right down to the camtalks (that SOME houseguests were told NOT to do, while others were encouraged).
They were given bbcan6 as one of their study materials. SHUSH.
I’ve repeatedly stated the Mak had zero win equity since the end of week one.
I’ve repeatedly stated Chelsie was getting the downlow sanitzed winner edit since episode three.
I’ve already expressed my displeasure regarding the double standard of prejudice in big brother, and it’s endorsement by some fans. As of the first time Chelsie and T’kor started the talking points in coded language in week one.
WE KNEW CHELSIE WAS THE PRODOWINNER AS OF EPISODE 3. She got the bbcan winner’s edit. She got the prodomanip that she took credit for.
IS THIS SEASON MORE FICTION THAN REALITY THAN OTHER SEASONS? Not in new school. New school is all about projecting a pre-conceived season long story arc (that matched the same story arc as the preceding bbcan season… the betatest). What we learned in this comparative analysis? When judging real vs fake loyalty…. with a component of preferred bias, America is more concerned with racial dynamic than gender dynamic.
That’s the answer to the season long story arc question production asked.
As always, you give great commentary one of the best in this subsection-valid. But the issue that I’m really getting at is it is realistic that cam even beats McKenzie if he made it to final two and McKenzie blindsided cut Chelsea. With Chelsea’s psycho jealousy over other women with cam and then being blindsided cut by MJ it’s totally plausible that cam still get the votes to win the jury. Doesn’t help either Chelsea telling the four POC jury members being adamant about wanting a POC final 2. Moreso my point is there is a paradigm flaw in the game of big Brother & it has shifted way too far with DEI. When you have individual such as Tkor saying we have a black girl badge agreement card come on 4 poc jury vowed to vote best POC representative multiple times starting day 4! Cam even expressing this sentiment to Chelsea a couple of days ago. T’kor & Cam both have said a million times they want POC represent winner. It is realistic, and totally plausible that MJ still was going to lose to cam, regardless if he was in the final two with MJ.
Mak loses to Cam.
Chelsie votes Cam over Mak. We know she would be petty.
T’kor and her prejudice would push bias voting on her minions.
That’s four.
Quinn? wanting someone that played more like how he thought he was playing but better…. Cam vote.
That’s five.
We can say moron gameplay depending on comps.
from her perspective… not what she saw. she saw comp wins as power. She saw her final 2 with Chelsie as real. Therefore targeting those after her final 2 makes sense. THAT explains Leah.
WOULD MAK have come up with this as the answer? No. Why? BECAUSE THIS SEASON WAS ABOUT CRAFTING A MASTERMIND FEMALE NOT A COMP BEAST FEMALE. The way the house played from week one… this was known to ALL of US watching.
So, what would have happened if Makensy had taken Cam to final 2?
We’ll never know for sure, but my guess is this….
Angela, Leah and Quinn vote for Makensy to win.
T’Kor, Kimo and Rubina vote for Cam to win.
That leaves Chelsie as the tie-breaker, and she’s talked to no one since she just got evicted by Makensy five minutes ago. Is she bitter because Makensy lied to her? Is she okay with it, because she had no intention of taking Makensy herself had she won the final HOH? Does she vote “best game”, which is clearly Makensy, because she herself played a good game and wants the season winner to at least be a good competitor (which Cam clearly is not)? Does she succumb to the pressure of not only her fellow POC cast mates, but also many members of the POC BB fandom general public who think it’s justified and righteous to vote for someone based on their race, to partially set right years of them being cheated out of representation?
I’m not even going to guess how she would vote because I have no idea. I would hope she would vote for Makensy because she deserves to win over Cam. OTOH, I don’t have to live Chelsie’s life, and she might feel tremendous pressure to support the cause, which could influence her to vote for Cam.
I just hope one day soon we’ll get past this need to look at people’s races to determine anything about them, and just judge them on their character and how they play the game. I’m not sure if we’ll get there in my lifetime (I’m getting old people), but I sure hope we do.
Quinn votes Cam. His gamestyle was mastermind. the down low never a target aspect of Cam’s game would have pushed Quinn closer to Cam vote. The disdain Quinn had for Mak in terms of respect from week one on? He’s not a Mak vote under any circumstance.
To both of you guys beef and unautre nom thank you for discussing this into further detail! Because it seems it is being swept under the rug but totally 100% real that mj still would have lost to cam! There in lies this issue with the dei criterion in BB. Because Tkor , rubina, kimo vote cam. The 4 remaining players I think it is totally real cam gets at least one vote of Leah, Quinn, Angela, and Chelsie! If not more than 1! I think Quinn and Chelsie both vote cam! It is debatable even Leah would too for cam because of mj backdooring her and cam keeping hands clean sorting nudging with the assist for Leah being a renom on mj hoh. The bb world is completely ignoring this that cam would get the votes! That is a major issue!
You hear all this stuff that Chelsie says she would have voted Makensy to win over cam in interviews. But that doesn’t seem to be right meaning it seems she is lying about that.
Chelsie is doing pr.
She’s been conscious of her image for a while.
There is a reason they had a cold and frankly quite rude opportunist doing camtalks all season. It’s used to try to form a bond with the audience on feeds when prodo thinks a winner is not going to be well liked by normal behavior alone. It’s the Paras Principle.
If you could further detail of comparing the Chelsie pr/game and the parars effect. I know some results of bb can, but not necessarily production. It is quite interesting theory you are eluding to with Chelsie and paras. I just don’t see any way that Chelsie would vote for mj had mj cut her at 3 in a blindside! Yet you see Chelsie saying otherwise now in the media. It is hard to believe. Especially when Chelsie started the game with cam while bashing mj and Chelsie having hard feelings for him still. I don’t buy it she would vote mj to win had she placed 3rd.
Winners lie after they win about what they would have done. They are debriefed about the episode edit and what WE saw on episodes. Episode people don’t know about the number of times Chelsie was ignorant about Cam. Episode people don’t know the number of times Chelsie plotted Against Mak.
Episode onlies don’t realize that, in this way, Chelsie failed. Chelsie wanted Mak out week one. Getting close to her was opportunism not a genuine partnership. WE KNOW THIS… episode people DO NOT.
Paras effect: BBcan6 winner had a dedicated cam for 3/4 of the season. She’d sit in a room alone whining and bashing other houseguests and complaining about nominees, making predictions about who would be evicted. She bonded to audiences that wanted a new Neda… only she played like a new Sabrina. All of her predictions were wrong, and frankly, to me, she came across as a spoiled and arrogant bitch. But the edit they produced from that CONSTANT cam talking (no really… it was near CONSTANT), made her seem like a mastermind. The woman in final 2 with Paras made ALL the moves, and WAS the actual comp beast strategist that made it to final 2. She was hated for being the power that took out every juror.
Paras effect to me is encouraging a houseguest to camtalk so that feeders bond to the game of the person doing the most squeaky wheel talking to them. It’s a production tool, one realizes, when they learn that people like Cedric were told NOT to cam talk, that it was against the rules.
So what you end up with… a player whose personality you have bonded with that often predicts wrongly what will happen… but is edited as finger on the pulse. A mastermind. HOW many of Chelsie’s pre-jury predictions were WRONG. Most. And yet, to see the edit…. She was an oracle in control of the pulse of the house.
What is hard to believe is how makensy for sure loses to cam. That is totally getting lost in the fandom. instead swept under the rug and placing the all time dunce award on MJ as if she didnt take victoria to the end. When it is not true or deserved; she loses either way and deserves more credit even against chelsie. No matter how you slice it. Even makensy winning 3 hohs and 3 vetos in final 7 is LITERALLY a bb record within itself standing alone (more than chelsie the entire season)winning 2 vetos and 2 hohs in final 5 that is another record! It gets lost too chelsie winning 2 hohs that makensy didnt even compete in or having the jankiest AI win reading a board or with a final part 1 setup win. Comps aren’t everything yes and I understand your post above about this season jury, but jesus! Especially when MJ was a lone wolf underdog coming out of week 1 that was discarded left for dead by everyone including leah. Mak. did everything after in self-defense trying to survive and find a home. Most importantly she earned her way to the end setting multiple bb historic comp records and no votes against her at eviction and not backing her way/carried into the final 2 like a Taylor Hale. It is hard to believe that makensy even made to the final 2 considering how extreme/unlikely the odds were she had to overcome to earn her way FINAL 2. To no get one single jury vote doesn’t seem just or right. The problem with bb is that it is a constant moving target (jury values/fandom) in what constitutes a 1st place winner. Last season Makensy wins season 25 with the track record she pulled off to make final 2.
But this season the entire bb fandom has made her out to be the seasons dunce and fool as if she’s the goat that you want in final 2 to beat 9-0 like couch. Even losing to cam? Mak. deserves more credit than it seems with Chelsie never getting rid of her week 1 target MJ is proof that MJ did great work and chelsie missed on her evictions like all those times tkor swung and missed at her, or MJ’s 2 ai wins blowing up 3 majority alliances aiding in cedric and tuckers evictions or Tkor leaving because MJ pushing it to leah and not chelsie getting her way. Angela who was MJ’s main adversary from week 1 leaving due to chelsie doing MJ dirty work or MJ getting her way with Kimo leaving hence having cam and chelsie do the opposite of what they wanted or quinn being backdoored which was great for MJ’s game/deserved and chelsie got manipulated by angelas paranoia with that 5 person alliance. All that was more MJ making moves it gets swept under the rug as her doing nothing and all of it falling it under the umbrella that chelsie controlling mak. like a puppet. When those moves in particular about 4 of them in the stinking jury phase was more of mak. getting one over on chelsie that made the more optimal move. It is incredible it gets ignored how Leah ditched mak. for a month+ after week 1. Leah joined up with joe, quinn, and angela who were never really in the same line with mak. or had any real value in MJ. But MJ makes the move that reflects how leah discarded her and MJ gets labeled as puppet when all she did was take a different path to the end. After leah left Mak. for dead in place of her simps and angela. Mak. didn’t deserve lose unanimously like memphis or derek frazier. She sure as hell didnt deserve to lose to cam. Chelsie is being way overrated! But here we are Chelsie being deemed S-tier great and mak. accomplishments are somehow deemed worthless and not a good player. It isn’t right. Mak. sure as hell is much better than Taylor. Chelsie for sure wasn’t going to vote MJ to win over Cam no matter what screenrant says!
It’s true that Mak was in a no-win situation with no realistic endgame, if she had done anything to be seen as a threat to Chelsie she would have been evicted.
Re: Mak.
was always losing to everyone. Why?
She came in saying i want to be a team player i want to be loyal with a season of middle people (what would have originally been defined as floating).
HER PERSPECTIVE: To Mak she is final 2 with Chelsie. She is winning comps and getting rid of obstacles to her final 2 that she believes is also protecting her (we know this to be a falsehood, she does not). The jurors do know because some of the jurors were co-conspirators in the target Mak plans.
A loyal team player perspective player in a house and jury of original definition float style players is NEVER going to win. Why? A float style jury values strategic floating that has players in the middle spot between groups more than a loyal player that fought their way to the end. The jury viewed Mak as not playing, just winning comps.
Mak, for her part, DID NOT PLAY strategically through social manipulation. So… She did not deserve to win because she played a game the jury would never respect because of the tone and gamestyle set week one of the season.
In week four and week six. If there were three nominees with no AI Arena safety competition. Does Cedric and Tucker still go those weeks respectively? Does makensy go week 3 without Americas veto? As well as Jankie week outside. When there was two vetoes wasn’t Chelsea going to go leave at final 8 in a backdoor! I thought it was going to be two vetoes then all of a sudden they made Leah do that extra bottle throwing competition out of nowhere before renoms to make it an active Veto, which was bizarre!? Did that happen because Chelsie was in serious danger to leave that week? Also, would Chelsea have stayed week five if Brooklyn had won the AI Arena competition?
Isn’t it ODD that Angela wanted Leah to nominate both T’kor and Chelsie… but told Leah she wanted T’kor out. So T’kor would have still been evicted. If Leah had used the Jankie veto, Chelsie was not leaving given Angela was the swing, and as a prodoplant… was keeping the winneredit player. hmmm.
And what is effect? Now there is a reason to target Leah… instead of the bullshit WE SAW.
What does this tell us? Storyline was SUPPOSED to be both T and C on the block with T going to jury and C, M and Cam all having reason to target Leah…. who showed us that Houseguests can go against production…. but that doesn’t mean storyline changes. That means we get oddness in making the storyline work.
IT DIDN’T WORK in the Leah week and left us scratching heads and callling Mak a moron… because Leah attempted to pull a Quinn, alter the plan for their own benefit… and suffered the same fate as Quinn did after trying to get Leah not to use the veto on Angela KNOWING prodo wanted Leah to use it.
REMEMBER: The GAME isn’t how to play the house. THE ACTUAL GAME IS HOW TO PLAY PRODUCTION. Both Sgt. Porkchop and bbcan3 Sarah SAID this years ago when they won.
no Ai week 4… three noms. Cedric Mak Rubina. Mak leaves. Why? T’kor, Kimo, Chelsie, Cam, Brook Joseph vote to keep Cedric and evict common target Mak. EVERYONE was voting out Mak if she didn’t win AI.
No Ai week 6… three noms. Mak Tucker Angela. What we have to consider… Tucker effed up and said something to Chelsie that she complained to production about. He pointed out her race based deal with T’kor was bullshit prejudicial bias that would not be allowed if he made that same deal with a white person. HIS FATE WAS SEALED.
So we also have to pretend Tucker never pushed that button. WHO GOES if we change the structure and alter events…. oy. THAT’S TOOMUCH CONJECTURE…
Prime target was Angela. Comp beast house bully was Tucker. Irrelevant to the house so acceptable casualty was Mak.
Too close to call if a wasn’t a and b wasn’t b. See the problem?
What about in week 3, if mak. Doesn’t have Americas veto does Kenney or Tucker still go week 3 with or without AI? Does cam leave week 5 if Brooklyn wins the ai arena ?
Someone check my pulse, I think that I just died from second hand embarrassment.
Blew it, once more MK!
Tucker so high he can’t even open his eyes
Yes wth was wrong with him? I had second hand embarrassment for him!
Chelsie wins in a landslide!!! I wasn’t expecting Leah or Angela to vote for her at all.
Congrats to Tucker winning AFP!!
Great season and very memorable HGs. I’ll see y’all next year with the name “Team Chelsie”!
I can’t think of a season whose cast caused me to lose interest more quickly than this one. Glad it’s over and hope the CBS casting department steps up its game when choosing players for the next season. Thanks to Simon and Dawg who kept things real despite some new challenges being thrown their way.
Yes. Yes. and Yes.
My sentiments exactly.
Hm? No questions for Kenney about all of the swinging rumours? I’m shocked.
Swinging rumors? I’m not gonna ask.
It’s funny how every season there’s always one pre-jury member who is blatantly ignored on finale. As if Julie and production can’t muster even a minute for them. It feels personal, lol.
I noticed that too. And then Lisa was questioned? Even though i can’t stand her I’m glad she commented on Chelsie’s harsh DRs.
I think production pressed her on Chelsie’s mean DR about Lisa crying. They wanted that sound bite, but Lisa softened it by saying ‘go girl’ as if it was a game face strategy.
The strategy was acting like Chelsie gave a darn about Lisa weeping in a corner after being bullied by Angela. The DR is her true self.
I think LIsa realizes this but didn’t want to go there on national TV. She has her own image and business goals to ride on the BB post-game relationships.
This is the problem with modern era BB. People hide their true opinions bc of social media. Even if they don’t want to be influencers, they also are wary to not become targets of online haters.
Actually would have been fun if right before commercial, Julie had said to him: We know you want to go home, Kenny, but it’s only a commercial break.
swinging rumors? Do tell!
I second this!! Please tell us
MAKENSY, you still won’t be invited to the cookout.
Congrats to the latest DEI winner.
That Jankie ending was annoying, what a fitting end.
That part of the show reminded me of Romper Room or Barney! Annoying!
Barney the epitome of “annoying”
Jeez. Not a single vote for Makensy. Do you think she’s embarrassed, that’s a pretty sobering end – – – not one mesely vote.
Cast this season didn’t value comp wins. Look at how each juror kept trying to be in the middle of the house. That’s what this jury valued. Everyone trying to always hit the sweet spot between sides.
Quinn? Never valued Makensy. Seriously. He liked Matt more. Matt. He liked Lisa more. LISA.
Angela? Prodoplant will always be the hand of Grod in the vote. no if and or but.
T’kor and Cam both have said a million times that they want POC representative winner. EVEN YESTERDAY.
Kimo and Rubina vote how T’kor TELLS them to vote. THEY WOULD VOTE THAT WAY ANYWAY… But don’t kid ourselves. Kimo valued who he liked… and spent a have not week saying zero words to Makensy when it was just the two of them.
Rubina? Come. on.
Hardest to predict: LEAH. BUT what did LEAH value? Social manipulation game.
I hope she is. I don’t hate her. But she takes religious faith to a place of narcissism. She needs a good kick in the butt for her foolish game play that she thought was brought to her by god.
Exactly! She’s a mean person who is fake as h***. She’s actually a fraud.
I think she has a lot of kindness within, but also tends to follow the mean power leaders and then emulate them. It’s Chelsie who is fake and inherently uncaring and cold.
MK lacks a solid sense of self. I’m hoping she can find herself, but doesn’t seem likely. She’d need a big wake up call which would involve some serious bad turns in life. I don’t wish that on her. So I guess she’ll live her life with blinders on. Lucky for her she’s got privilege to keep her insulated and not burned.
To be clear. I meant Chelsie is the fake and fraud one. Not Makensy.
BB26 FINALLY… not a spelling mistake. PART ONE
preamble: still annoyed that prejudicial bias was a part of the season… even up to vote discussions yesterday (as in Cam’s assertion that Quinn, Leah, and Angela would of course vote for Makesny while T’kor, Kimo and Rubina would of course vote for Chelsie… it’s still coded but it’s the same code we heard week one and two and three and four and five and six). Still annoyed that prodo’s words you can’t say list… is not followed if they can edit it out or if nobody pushes the issue. What IS the point? Biggest annoyance: US bb has become bbcan when it comes to prodomanipulation.
BBcanstyle edit has said Chelsie since like episode 3.
The betatest theory feels pretty valid in my opinion… but can was can-celled.
Still get the feeling feeds will alter near future, all the cuts and attempts to edit prodomanip feeds… that’s how it started in can version. The Angela thing (trying to get her real world fired) and the Tucker/Rubina “leak”…. i dunno.
PREDICTION: CHELSIE THROWS PART 3 in an obvious fashion (likely switches out a question…. like q4 or q6 and we see her swtich) MAK IS FINAL HOH. EDIT WILL PUSH UNDECIDED FINALISTS AND IT’S BULLSHIT. They will make Mak look like she isn’t sure WHO SHE WOULD CUT. CHELSIE’S SPEECH PREP SAID 11 WINS. SHE THREW. BE PREPARED. CLEAN SWEEP VOTE EXPECTED. CHELSIE WILL WIN.
Trio made it to the end. Ainsley. 38 comps.
tight knit for weeks. Mak won 9, Chels won 5 (as of HOH pt.1) and got Mak to do her bidding.
SGT PORKCHOP swine introduces part one.
Those hand holds are so obvious now. Taylor is roundtable host.
Pre-jurors return.
WHO WILL BE FINAL HOH? Let the edit tell US. I still say Mak after a weird throw by Chelsie.
Chelsie wants part one… with the others hands so far over their heads…. pretty much guaranteed.
Mak says public enemy 1 since week one.
The angles of tilt are where the hand holds make a difference.
16 minutes. Cam core tight, grip locked. cold goo dripping on them.
Mak can’t fee left arm. 21 minutes.
26 minutes Mak is out.
The angles. and downward dog vs plank. SO VISIBLE.
37 minutes Cam is out.
Chelsie doesn’t know who she will take to final 2 anymore…. weeks ago she said Mak final 2 in d/r. NOTE THIS. STILL SAY SHE THROWS PART 3 BECAUSE OF HER SPEECH PREP.
SGT PORKCHOP swine returns. Destroy Ainsley’s Brain.
Mak felt dispensible and outcast, needs to win this comp.
Mak at 2, Cam at 1. Mak gets third.
Mak needs to take herself to the end.
Cam wants to win when it counts.
Different wire lengths make it hard. 9 lengths of hose.
Chelsie plans to beat Mak in part 3. NO SHE DOES NOT.
Chelsie might take Mak… but head says Cam, heart says Mak.
Mak deserves 2nd place Chelsie says. mmhmmm. STIIILLLL SAYING THROWS PART III
Rubina joins jury.
Makensy thoughts: 9 comp wins. Angela thinks they have weight. Makensy had odds against her. Quinn doesn’t get the Leah move. They thought Chelsie controlled Mak.
Chelsie thoughts: masterminded and lied a lot. SHE HAS TO OWN HER SHIT. Angela is upset with Chelsie. Bitter and Petty (she’s voting for Chelsie because she’s prodoplant who tf are you kidding) . T’kor values social and strategic game (she has mad respect for POC only we heard it starting week 2). Chelsie had shit jury management…. but Mak’s was only better with Rubina.
Cam thoughts: T’kor is pro Cam game. Majority alliance. Cam early game had initiative. He’s bloodless. D1 athlete that sucked at comps?
Angela wants moves owned publicly, won some comps.
Kimo wnats to know strategically and wants OWNERSHIP.
corrupt data identification. 3 statements. 1 is a lie. ABC. THESE ARE THE CHELSIE COMPS THIS SEASON.
1-QUINN C both correct.
2-T’kor A both correct
3-Leah C both correct
4-Angela B both correct
5-Kimo A both correct
6-Rubina a or b MAKENSY CORRECT B (chelsie switched b to a… who predicted this would happen… me… preamble…. so bbcan obvious).
BB26 FINALLY… not a spelling mistake. PART TWO
Cam: love to sit next to you, do what’s best for you. Shout out dawgs at the crib.
Chelsie: God shout out. Mak family shout out. Do what makes YOU proud. 2 women end, do what is best for you.
Chelsie says she doesn’t know what speech to give. we’ve heard 2 parts of it already. listen for the jury questions. If they are the ones she prepped we have bullshit shenanigans.
Mak was loyal. Mak knows Chelsie is tough competition. Cam was humbled by comps. Cam was taking Chelsie to finals, he lied in d/r and lied to Mak.
Cam revealed as Juror 7. Makensy revealed as winner of final HOH.
3 Questions for EACH JUROR.
ANGELA: Chelsie, centre of lies and deception, accurate? Why or Why not.
Spirit of speaking up or shutting up. I didn’t lie, i was wise with give or take info. Angela stinkfaces but she’s voting for Chelsie, she’s the hand of Grod this season. She didn’t own bad jury management and lying when she didn’t have to.
QUINN: Mak. what move did you make just for yourself. Mak says Leah was her move 100% to benefit herself. Yes, good for others, but nobody makes her do anything she doesn’t want to.
T’kor: CHELSIE::: biggest move to benefit yourself more than others. Convincing Mak to use veto on Angela who she hated ITHIS IS TO GET ANGELA’S VOTE SAYING MAK HATED HER… IT’S PETTY MANIPULATION) to target Quinn (the d/r did that), and convince her to get Leah out (another d/r did that moment). Power of words. Power of d/r pushing storyline that benefits Chelsie’s longevity in game…. and she didn’t even NEED it. THAT BOTHERS ME. T’kor is voting POC NO MATTER WHAT. WE KNOW THIS.
LEAH: MAK: comp record speaks for itself. SOCIAL GAME IS IMPORTANT. 2 alliances blown up week one. Stuck to Chelsie and nurtured that relationship. We kept each other safe after the house blew up Chelsie’s game.
RUBINA: what did Chelsie do to be a winner. Strategic Social and Skillful. Made sure there were always bigger threats. Won HOH comps. Put up half the house and only saw the block once.
KIMO: Makensy: what did you do to be a worthy winner. Comp beast. took out Tucker the other comp beast to make sure I could win comps. I made sure 2 strong women would be here.
CAM: Chelsie, What is different about your game than Mak’s. didn’t have to fight to survive. Showmance and Cliquey but I wasn’t like that because …. I’m a superfan. diamond formation game. she played great… I played better. NOW WE KNOW WHY CHELSIE EXPLAINED HER GAME TO CAM FOR DAYS…. SHE PRACTICALLY WROTE THAT QUESTION FOR HIM.
Even without that…. THIS jury did NOT respect Makensy in the game enough to vote her winner. THIS WAS NOT A COMPBEAST JURY. This was a sidewinder try to always get into the middle position in the house jury.
Chelsie: God. started from bottom now here. Position myself to not rely on comps. people that took her to the end. 6 comps wins. Don’t play hard play smart. Diamond formation.
Makensy: Showmance and alliance formed against her week ONE. On the block 4 times. I HAD TO WIN, AND I DID THAT. I PROVED MYSELF. LOYAL. KINDNESS. Until day 50 I was outcast. I brought Chelsie and kept her safe out of loyalty SO we could BOTH sit here. One of youngest possible winners. EITHER decision is a great decision.
Quinn most diabolical sick nasty player. Chels.
T’kor slayed. Chels.
Leah: most beautiful. Chels.
Angela: Big brother played best. Chels. She’s a prodoplant, she’s voting as Grod’s proxy.
Kimo: I’m voting for one of you.
Rubina: for someone taller than me.
Cam: earned their way to a win. CAM WAS ALWAYS VOTING CHELSIE. d’uh.
Clean sweep. Telling you now. Clean sweep.
OPINION: Chelsie played a better game if she owns it… and it would have been even better without the prodomanip i kept saying. Mak? Played an underdog game without owning underdog and without doing what was best for herself at EVERY opportunity. If she could make her road harder…. she did at EVERY TURN.
DO I BELIEVE CHESLIE OWNED HER GAME? NO. She turfed that question.
DOES THAT MEAN ANYTHING? ONLY RESPECT LEVEL. OWN THE DIABOLICAL MOVES AS DIABOLICAL MOVES. Don’t do what Chelsie did trying to gloss over and reframe as honorable. THAT’S JUST ME AND MY OWNERSHIP PERSPECTIVE THAT I”VE HARPED ON FOR MONTHS! Whoever wins wins. I just respect owning your whole game not just the things you consider positive and honorable. The jury management was what was easiest not what was best this season.
Prejury: Cedric: rollercoaster of going home on ally HOH. Tucker owns he was wrong about the big argument. Lisa: Chelsie in d/r was different person. Tucker: Rubina is his biggest surprise. hug no kissing on tv. Julie plays matchmaker. Mak and Mak flirtmance… or showmance. 10 days… his fault. conversation needed and due. Matt talks to Angela… owe a thank you. They hug it out… but Angela was fine without a hug. Angela hedges as a Karen would. Angela wanted a showmance for them but they don’t need Angela’s permission. Brooklyn: may or may not have had help in the theft.
CLIP OF CHARCUTERIE THEFT. Angela will get a charcuterie board at home.
AI INSTIGATOR REVEAL... UH OH. Tucker or Cam Quinn says. Tucker reveals he was the person that caused Rubina to meltdown. Rubina says doesn’t matter anymore. I didn’t want my storyline to be showmance.
REVEALS OF REAL WORLD NEWS: Biden dropped out. Kamala Harris vs. Donald Trump.
Chelsie wins bb. with first 4 votes.
sorry for delay… i forgot to put in the friday dr count to the dr totals> all dr totals should now be correct.
Bye all, if Simon and Dawg are crazy enough to do this again next year, I’ll be back to complain whether you like it or not.
Time to get my petty jollies.
Chelsie’s dress was awful. Looked like something from the Junior’s Store shop, tacky clingy and ugly color, cheap synthetic outlawed for use in packaging of consumables.
Okay I should get to bed now. Let’s hope Chelsie can mimic some taste, now that she has money.
She’s worn a few nice dresses in past episodes, though. There was a yellow one early on that was stunning.
Help me understand: MJ shaking her head in agreement with Chelsie while Chelsie was ( with great energy and enthusiasm) explaining why she deserved to win, MJ saying she didn’t come to win 750,000$ just came for the experience ( is she from wealth or was that the 22 year old in her talking?).
Makensy comes from a well to do family I believe has been established throughout the season on multiple occasions.
She was still heavily misted lol… she will realize come in a few days how badly she messed up… especially when she sees stuff like Chelsie practicing her speech everyday while telling Mak she doesn’t need a speech ‘her game speaks for itself’ lmao
Nope, I can’t help. Do they pay people to lose? I’d like to see all their pay checks.
That head nodding must be the singularly most bizarre F2 interview scene ever. With that smile on her face. It was like she was possessed.
The sad part is that when it was at the final 7, Makensy was in a great spot in the game. No one was targeting her at all.
Makensy had 3 HOH’s and 3 vetos in the final 7 which is a comp record that stand’s alone in history. This jury had no respect for comp wins rather they undervalued it completely.
I dislike Chelsie. This was a disappointing season.
SINCE THEY CARE SO MUCH ABOUT REMINDING PEOPLE TO VOTE IN THE 24 ELECTION. Don’t forget to vote TRUMP 24. THEY SAY IT WITHOUT SAYING IT obviously feel CBS expressing their bias/diversity. I’m a person of color, while I can express my freedom of speech or text, I will do so. I’m not for CCP style of censorship. If you want to attack me your free to do so and that’s how it should be. But don’t be a Angela. Lol Love ya’ll was fun posting on here and checking up on information. Cant wait for next year. Team Makensy the true winner.
Vote for TRUMP??? Are u kidding me?!
Who wants a convicted felon, a rapist and a liar and an old confused fool to lead our country? Not me!
Pretty sure Julie does not endorse the orange.
This site is for Big Brother fans to talk about the show. Please don’t turn it into a mini Facebook or Twitter. Keep your politics to yourself. Please. Thank you.
P.S. as for your handle, if Karma Works DJT won’t be in the White House next year, he’ll be in prison.
I haven’t LIKED the finale of a season of US bb in quite some time.
As US bb becomes more and more like the edit bbcan became….
we are entering a period of predictability that precedes a period of darkness.
I mean… to call winner before week 2 is not good.
Anyone thinking that’s good? Stawp.
I’m not liking the direction of the episode edits. This season was so full of fiction in the way they presented episodes that casuals wouldn’t believe what we really saw.
Anyone thinking this is good? Stawp. Really. Not good at all.
I had no favorites. I did say Chelsie had a good social manipulation game if she owned it good and bad. She owned the good and called the bad good too. So of the houseguests she deserves the win, but my respect for the win gets a little…. less.
When a houseguest preps the correct jury questions ahead of time… no. not good.
When speech prep shows us what will happen on finale night… no. not good.
When d/r calls decide game moves and a finalist takes credit for d/r monkeys…. SO not good.
SO we had a prodoplant and a prodopet that were in top 3 for afp. gee. TBH of the three I would have preferred Quinn. Why? That week 2 d/r that painted him as a race baiter that tanked him 100% with multiple forums. We’ve got Karengela who broke the shit words list week one…. and got us cumulatively days of feed blocks rather than prodo following their own rules… and she’s in the top 3. We have the guy that got turfed through complaint by the eventual winner and got a 20k bonus already added to stipend plus afp, meaning likely ended up with more than 2nd place…. and he was a nope.
Yeah, 2 nopes in the top 3. sneer. nopes are always nopes. That won’t change. not sorry.
Am I cringing like i did in 21 or 22? no. Am i rolling my eyes like i did in 25? no.
Will i ever point at this season and say that was the best season…. gawd no.
The more manufactured a season feels… the less I’m going to enjoy in my memory.
What in your estimation made it manufactured? How did you know as far as dr pushes with Chelsea along as week 1 winner edit and makensey never going to win?
On finale night of bbcan12 i wrote that bb26 should be a season about real vs. fake loyalty with components of bias and the season longquestion of race or gender… culminating with which would be the predominant bias to the jury.
What did we see? If THAT doesn’t scream manufacture…
I started noting the episode edit that Chelsie was getting in week one, and started noting the things that the edit ignored or sanitized that would make Chelsie’s game appear cleaner and more mastermind successful. This is something that has been happening in North American big brother edits since newschool began. The first things I noted was Chelsie being in Angela’s ear to target Mak was absent in episodes, as was Chelsie pushing a POC deal agenda by day 2 of feeds that was absent in the episodes until the deal shown in week 2 at the hammock that was quickly overtaken by the Quinn / Angela argument and that out of place Quinn d/r that had the usual suspects that would complain about a race based no noms and jury vote deal instead railing against Quinn for race baiting. See why that happened now?
That d/r that was cut from an earlier session and pasted in the argument section took all focus off the black houseguests making a pact that would get people predisposed to soapboxing about that…. and put all that focus on Quinn who was painted as trying to call someone a racist for game. And nobody realized the production bamboozle the episode edit had just played on them.
I noted the season tone starting week 2 with week one sets the season tone as a guideline. Check previous seasons. Week one always sets tone.
What we saw from week one carry forward to week 2 was multiple houseguests trying to play all sides and be in alliances or deals with EVERYONE. This means the houseguests that made jury would evaluate a winning game based on who was most successful at finding the middle seat and riding it out.
Jury members OFTEN vote for the game most like the game THEY wanted to play. WHO didn’t start out playing that game? Mak. Her game style was antithetical to the season tone. THAT means never going to win.
Who did the house have zero respect for as a body by the end of week one? Mak. A JURY in NEW SCHOOL will NEVER vote for someone they have ZERO respect for as a person UNLESS that jury has been made aware that the PUBLIC is in the corner of THAT finalist. This was not likely to happen with Mak because week one was spent with the fauxmance bullshit not GAME.
As far as d/r influencing game… Again, i’ve noted it many times throughout the season. Every time a houseguest is undecided in a course of action, or wishes to take a course of action that would be against Chelsie’s interest, there was a long d/r call. When the houseguest left the d/r… the decision was made and it was the best decisoin for what CHELSIE wanted or NEEDED to happen for HER game to be more successful. ONCE OR TWICE would be coincidental. It happened FAR MORE than ONCE or TWICE in my notations. THAT MEANS PATTERN. Pattern recognition in big brother storyline is one of my quirks. THEN we get the Wow Chelsie’s mist comments…. when without those d/r calls the decision was undecided or swinging the other way. IT HAPPENED.
Because of bbcan’s habit of d/r calls that change opinions 180 degrees… It’s habit for me to LOOK for d/r calls and note changes in attitudes pre vs. post. I can’t help it. Season 6 and 7 of bbcan were rife with this… and disturbed me enough that I watch for it. THIS SEASON OF US BB…. I keep calling it BBCAN 13 because the edit choices, the d/r oddities… are more CAN than US in nature. NOT A GOOD THING.
Considering how makensey came from nothing 1st week with Chelsea failing to get her out and made it to the end. It is unconscionable how Makensey didn’t garner more support from jury or fandom. Loses unanimously. Other seasons jury would have respected Makensey’s journey more voting for her where Makensey likely wins even last year. Makensy won just as many comps as Kaycee in final 9. However, more than kaycee did in final 7. Tyler was the mastermind season 20, but loses. whereas the case here Makensy gets 7-0 blown out… It doesn’t add up? What multiple examples as far as the DR completely flipped it to where it went in the benefit of Chelsea, even though it was nothing that Chelsea manipulated and possibly where d/r prodo denied MJ her input to influence the game? Was there another real cookout scenario that was taken place this season with the collective core? Do you see anyway, that this is to make up for Taylor not being a good winner.
Week one sets the tone. A house full of floaters with everyone trying to be in alliances with the entire house…. this means alliances and sices donèt exist to this group of people. Mak played pick a side style.
THIS means Mak COULD NOT WIN with this house and this jury from the jump.
Now… Let’s ask ourselves… if Mak got the emphasis of 40 more d/r like Chelsie did in order to get episode watchers to bond with HER perspective, and the editing was actually marked as 2 sides (which in essence it could have done given the edit was fictitious ANYWAY)… DO we Bond more with Mak’s perspective of team and loyalty… and find Chelsie being a rat floater (an ANDY GAME without the complaints Andy received… now why is that)… What happens to the viewership’s perspective. It’s all about edit manipulation and perspective manipulation. EVERYTHING in watching big brother episodically is seeing what THEY CHOOSE TO EMPHASIZE THROUGH THE LEADING QUESTIONS THEY ASK IN D/R and what EVENTS OR GAME MOVES THEY PRIORITIZE… AND HOW.
The episode EDIT marked Mak as a loser, and marked Chelsie as a winner. Look back NOW at week one episodes KNOWING what you know now.
That’s what I do… i look at what has been left out, project what that means, and follow along gaining evidence weekly to support my hyptothesis. By going back and rewatching week one, and maybe first part of week 2…. the entire road map of what will happen this season is RIGHT THERE.
“houseguest left the d/r… the decision was made and it was the best decision for what CHELSIE wanted or NEEDED to happen for HER game to be more successful.It happened FAR MORE than ONCE or TWICE in my notations. THAT MEANS PATTERN. Pattern recognition in big brother storyline is one of my quirks. THEN we get the Wow Chelsie’s mist comments…. when without those d/r calls the decision was undecided or swinging the other way.”
Which parts and times throughout the game did this occur exactly where it was production manipulation pushing and made the game decisions rather than chelsie misting her taking full credit where it could been makensey Or anyone else Wanting something different swinging it other way?
Thank you Online Big Brother! We truly appreciate all the hard work and dedication you guys put in!
Thank you! We appreciate you saying that.
I’ve watched every season and don’t think I would continue without this site. Thanks. Just sent another donation.
That’s a good reminder. I am sending another donation now too. Thanks Simon and Dawg. You two are the best part of Big Brother, and I agree that I would not watch without your commentary.
Thanks OllieandStan 🙂
I appreciate your site and have for years. However I can’t say the same about alot of the comments which have gotten worse since the infamous Cookout
Has anybody ever won Big Brother by being the most loyal player? At some point Makensy lost the plot. The goal was to win the $750,000. Taking Cam would have made that almost a sure thing.
She still would have had all of the pocs vote against her. Kimo, rubina , Tkor , and Chelsie would have voted cam.
Chelsea said in an interview that she would have voted for MJ. I think it’s really pathetic to call Chelsea’s perfect game ‘POC privilege.’ Just accept the loss. MJ made the worst choice—why blame Chelsea? If MJ wanted to win, he should have eliminated Chelsea long ago. He had plenty of opportunities.
The point is Mj would still lose to cam! Her losing to chelsie is one thing, but it is another severe problem that she loses to cam. We know quinn would have voted for cam. Even if you ask un autre nom who is in this sub- thread just below my post. Chelsie was doing pr, had chelsie been blindsided cut by MJ over her hard crush cam who would have for sure taken chelsie to final 2. Chelsie would not have voted for makensy regardless of what chelsie says on screenrant. Houseguests have been debriefed by the episode edit prior to speaking with the outside media. Even if you debate her vote it doesn’t matter regardless, because in this jury their was a dei voting block from tkor and co. that Mak. would not have received regardless under any circumstances- those are 3 votes she never gets whether it be because of dei or the fact those 3 were hardcore middle ground coast/floaters wouldn’t value makensy’s game/legendary historic comp run. Quinn was always going to vote cam over Mak. as he never valued makensy in the game and saw cam playing a better version of quinn’s own game. As we saw Quinn was pissed at Mak. for backdooring leah. Leah’s middle ground game would have valued a cam win over makensy as well. MJ backdoored leah and cam kept his hands clean. Again the problem that there in lies with this season is how Mak. loses to cam as well, and it is a major issue being swept under the rug hardcore that isn’t being discussed about the severe flaw in the game of big brother. Under no circumstances Mak. should have lost to cam when all he really did for most of the was just coast on dei/girls and won a single veto when he was constantly trying to win comps. That is what is being lost Mak. for sure loses to cam and that is the real tragedy. Mak. didn’t want to take cam to lose to him which would have happened.
Why do you constantly refer to Makensy as “he”? Once or twice could be a simple mistake, but you do it all the time. Why?
You guys are the greatest.
Keep the Kraken flowing!
Thank you for saying that! And thank you for all your comments and recaps! We appreciate you!
Congratulations to Chelsie on winning BB26 and Tucker on winning America’s Favorite Player
RIP Makensy is the new Cody!!
I’m quite sure no one will read this – things move FAST in reality show land and y’all will probably have already started forgetting this season – but I still would like to point out that:
– If Makensy was there just for the experience, why did she bother to win so many comps?
– If Makensy really played a game of loyalty, why did she evict Leah? That spoiled the logic in her speech.
Honestly: the girl has done a terrible disservice to herself! She was swinging her head agreeing with everything Chelsie was saying during her answers and speech, even when she was lowkey being dragged by Chelsie! WTH, Makensy? It’s okay to lose… but you don’t need to cancel yourself out and just say that “your game speaks for itself.” No, it doesn’t.
Chelsie was a little smug about the whole “I made sure people would bring me to the final, so I didn’t really have to win” and “I just won when I had to.” BUT, yeah, she deserved to win. It was just sad that Makensy made it so easy for her. I’d like to have seen them debating even if they didn’t address each other. Props to Lisa for discreetly spilling the tea that Chelsie was a completely different person in the DR.
The final was about the game, but it was largely Tucker’s solo show! Everybody applauded the finalists and the winner, but we saw who was delivering and moving a great portion of the show.
I enjoyed the “reunion.” I still think that this cast was nice and it was good to see that things never got heavy. It was priceless to realize that only 9 people in America (possibly the whole world) didn’t know who was the presidential candidates – lol.
I’m satisfied with this season. I won’t ever rewatch it, but it was good to have some light entertainment throughout the week.
I see you guys next season!
First time I’ve ever seen a final two speech where a contestant gave a speech for their rival. Sounded like Mak would have voted for Chelsie if she had a vote. And on what planet in God’s universe is Angela one of America’s Favorites. I find that a sad commentary on what people like to see on tv these days if it’s true. Makes me think some of you were correct in saying she was a plant and that was part of her deal.
Thanks to my Dawg in the crib! I’m not a regular watcher, so I appreciate your commentary and everyone’s comments.
MJ was losing no matter what! T’Kor would have persuaded Kimo & Rubina into voting for Cam. She has said numerous times she wanted a POC to win. Nothing against her, just stating her preference.
Chelsea probably would have voted for Cam since MJ would have evicted her. Leah (& Quinn) is still bitter for being evicted on MJ’s HOH after she didn’t touch MJ the week before! Angela didn’t like MJ from the start.
In my opinion, MJ wasn’t winning no matter who she picked.
Totally agree. This cast was about social game, they showed no respect for competition wins.
But Chelsie had both… she had the most Hoh’s of all time (tied I believe)… she was a comp beast too
She was a booth comp specialist. The part one of final HOH was bullshit. If i told you to do a handstand while i do downward dog to see who can last longer would you respect the win? That’s final HOH part 1.
Her arena win. Remember how prodo had to put the clues up on the wall in order so it became who can read fastest?
Chelsie was NOT a comp beast.
She won 6 comps to Makensy’s 11. If Chelsie is a comp beast Mak is a comp Godzilla!
MJ didn’t even compete in 2 of Chelsie hoh wins. MJ has the lone comp record for final 7 as well.
Chelsea said in an interview that she would have voted for MJ. I think it’s really pathetic to call Chelsea’s perfect game ‘POC privilege.’ Just accept the loss. MJ made the worst choice—why blame Chelsea? If MJ wanted to win, she should have eliminated Chelsea long ago. She had plenty of opportunities.
The point is Mj would still lose to cam!
Makensy omg, you are clueless…could have made ultimate game winning move taking cam, just blew 700k..for someone after the after party dies down will never see again..she said her biggest move was getting rid of Leah??? Her biggest ally??? Then Chelsie said her biggest move was convincing Makensy to get rid of Leah …lol..omg, Makensy is so gullible
MAK, I hope today you have awakened & realized that a person who used you all through the game is $750,000 richer and you are sitting there with 10% of that amount. If you had used your head at least once these last few weeks, you would have the win. Most likely, with Cam in the finals, you would have won easily.
She would have won if she was sitting next to Cam, Angela, or Leah. No idea why she didn’t do her best to get them all closer to the end over Chelsea.
Makensy won. She was robbed. It’s not normal for a healthy young woman to say, “oh I didn’t care about the $750 thousand, I just wanted the experience. ” Chelsie isolated, lied, cheated, conned, brainwashed Malensy into thinking she was her only friend helping her. When she was just using Malensy abilities to get herself to the money. Malensy, again young, perhaps a bit naive, and not familiar with how bad people manipulate you when they want to scam you out of something. Chelsie and Cam worked together lying to trap Makensy. No different than on line scammers. This wasn’t social game play. A crime was committed. It was abuse. All abusers isolate and make their victims feel dependent on them. Makensy, completely isolated, had no family or friends or anyone who cared for her and could be trusted to turn to for advice. Big Brother should have stepped in…. Sad the bad players loser jury couldn’t see what I did.. Makensy won. Chelsie just another con artist that got away with a crime. And that horrible awkward reunion. Julie didn’t even talk to the cop. Worse most disgusting season ever, imo.
Post of the year right here! High comedy! You DO know you were watching Big Brother, right?
Well MJ was consistent if nothing else. Hadn’t made a smart move all season, wasn’t expecting her to have a great epiphany at the end. She says she was rewarding loyalty.
Wait until she finds out that Chelsie has been trying to get her out for the last 4 weeks and that she would have walked over her cold lifeless body without giving it a second thought.
MJ wanted so badly to feel included and be in the club that she booted away 750K.
Angela proved herself (again) to be the class act she is by totally disrespecting Matt and not owning up to her immature, jealous insane behavior. (How was she in top 3 of AFP?)
Simon and Dawg maybe you should give out some season finale awards just for fun! For example: most awkward: 2.Angela telling Matt (after he said I know you have been wondering if I forgive you) and she said “not really” On point Award: 2.Quinn basically telling Leah after she tried to explain her MJ eviction,he wasn’t having it! Quinn told Leah and the jury that she (MJ) was Chelsie’s puppet. 3.Sour Grapes Award: MJ’s weak speech to the jury, nodding in agreement with Chelsie’s speech about why she
( C) played a better game. Really?! MJ talking throughout the season about needing a better job etc. then last night saying she didn’t come for the money. Mj needs to be deprogrammed from Chelsology! I doubt she will ever admit where she made mistakes even if she learns how much Cheslie played.For example, Chelsie throwing the final comp so Mj could win and boot Cam for her. Chelsie did that because she was that confident MJ would take her to the end! Face it we all KNEW MJ would take Cheslie! Mj even asked Cheslie if they could hold hands at the end. The icing on the proverbial cake: MJ saying the decision to boot Leah was “completely hers” then Cheslie saying, moments later, ” I convinced MJ to put up one of her greatest allies in the game.”
All LOL!
Chelsie has earned all the thousands of props for a win she is getting today (A win that was easily predictable weeks ago) but her personality hasn’t earned her the same applause. She said she “finessed her way to the end” and she did! Take notes future applicants and play to the season and cast you get not to past seasons and casts.
haha yeah we should have some awards to recognize the face palm moments of the season. I am still blown away at MJ’s terrible speech and how she had days/weeks to prepare and practice a winning speech instead she chose to sleep all day and play cards…
I see Chelsie won. I guess I do get to save a lot of time by not watching this season now. Way to keep the woke script of modern BB and Survivor going CBS. What a train wreck of an era we live in.
But on 1 positive note, they got America’s Favorite right.
You mean”America’s perpetually high as a kite protopet” right?
Not sure I didn’t watch. The right person got it is all I know.
If you didn’t watch, how do know who the “right person” is?
Thank you Simon and Dawg for keeping us all updated over the last 90 days.I know it isn’t easy. I encourage people to donate to help keep the site going.
To all the commentators: thank you for making this season so enjoyable! I especially want to thank Another Name, Gan and Beef. Your posts were not only humorous, but also insightful, fair, and always interesting. Please know, so many people who come here just to read all of your( Gan’s Beef, and Another Name’s comments. Many of them are still smiling from some of your precise observations. For example ,Gan, when you posted the comment “At last, something to look at ( this was after the post of Northern lights from Simon). Nice! LOL! Don’t underestimate the gift of laughter or wisdom you are bringing to someone’s day. I know it’s just a show and we all move on.. and so it goes, but you need to know and allow us to thank you!
Finally, un autre nom. I agree with another post who stated you are “simply the best!” You, dear one, are an icon.
Wishing all commentators, Simon and Dawg, and those who just come here to get the updates: good health and peace. May the road rise to meet you! ~Murtle
Thank you! We really appreciate it! 🙂
Til next year, I look forward to reading your posts. they’re always kind fair and insightful.
Post season oddities:
Tucker was a nope. No interest in what the performative inauthentic asshat has to say.
Not wasting my time.
Chelsie in interviews… some rumor about taking Mak to Italy on a trip. Lack of ownership of the negs of her game persists.
Cam in interviews thinks he had a special bond with T’kor. Not from what we saw other than both repeatedly pushing racial bias.
Mak in interviews seems to be more aware of her perception by about interview 3.
My takes: OPINION
They rely on THEIR perspective of the house dynamic and the game. The edit… and production steer us to adopt THEIR perspective in episodes.
What this means? We’ll never be satisfied.
Mak lost the game as of the end of week one, I thought she’d be evicted as last pre-juror before Chelsie went to d/r to cry about Tucker calling out opportunistic racial bias projection this season Mak took over the spot that would have been Tucker’s spot before the required rewrite that would have made it more of a parallel to can12. Chelsie was known to be the winner by the end of week one (4 episodes week one).
How many times did a houseguest have one game plan and game move in mind…. only to go to d/r and come out with the exact opposite opinion? Too many. AND WE OBSERVED IT AND KNEW IT.
It’s a reality entertainment program in the format of a gamshow…. so we been knew… all I ask is that we don’t see the hand behind the curtain. I contend we saw the whole arm.
We saw production plant a chaos factor to steer story and protect the eventual winner by being a Karen permapawn. We saw prodo bend over backwards for Tucker. We saw BOTH get edits they didn’t deserve. We saw both get the benefit of feed cuts to cover their less desirable traits.
We saw the edit sanitize the winner’s game as of episode 3. Poorly.
Yes, the winner played a game that should have won. The winner failed to own it because the winner had a perspective of the game that precluded ownership of the negative. This affected my respect for the winner.
The runner up was NEVER going to win. We KNEW this. The perspective of the runner up? WE KNEW she was a simp. She did not. Because… perspective.
Regardless, making every worst move choice from day 50 onwards… never a winner.
The season had ELEMENTS that could have been so much better…. but in my opinion, there was a failure to achieve because Production was TOO VISIBLE.
Downgrades were made safety passes by a prodoplant. Upgrades were made into negatives by a prodopet. mmhmmm. If this didn’t shine a light on what this season was about…. come on. Arena? If you are a strategic analyst… arena sucked ass. NOBODY KNEW HOW TO CAMPAIGN.
Finally, after looking at twitter, someone had posted that Chelsie played a perfect game. NO. A perfect game, which is the name for no nominations and winner does not apply because CHELSIE WAS A NOMINEE. Let’s get that straight. Was she the best of what was available? Sure. But, let’s not heap accolades that are false.
Once again the wrong person won. Why would everyone vote for a player that wasn’t as good as the 2nd place player. Mackenzie definitely should have won. These jurors were brutal
Because if you don’t vote for a female of color in 2024 you will be cancelled. Sad reality of the modern world.
Boring right wing comment lol
you know why they call it right? because it is right. and the opposite to right is wrong. and the opposite of right is left. Enough said. Does not take a genius to see how influenced the standing of modern woke society and cancel culture has fully played a role on modern era survivor and big brother casting and winners.
Please don’t turn this site into Facebook. This is supposed to be a place for Big Brother fans to talk about the show. Please have some courtesy & some decency and keep your politics to yourself. Thank you.
P.S. also, please keep your race-baiting, antisemitic, homophobic & muslim-hating comments to yourself. Again, thank you
Please don’t turn this site into Facebook or Twitter. This is a place where Big Brother fans can talk about the show. Please keep it that way & keep politics out of it. Thank you.
Yep. They can’t deal with losing a fraction of their supremacy.
Simon and Dawg, as always you have done an amazing job for those of us who have been coming here year after year for your updates and all the posters and their opinions.
I am thinking I want to try for BB27 but they probably don’t want a old man lol but you never k know as I am retiring this coming year so will eec something to do lol ?
again thanks to you both and Gan Anim, Un Autre, The Beef and all the rest who made this season bearable with their wit and insight.
see you all next year
MK interview, she’s sounding bitter and I’m here for it. I’m starting to actively dislike her. In my mind she’s gone from naive religious zealot, to an entitled narcissist.
“I would really do it again (take Chelsie), because I still had hope in myself. I didn’t think I was going to lose, or at least as bad as I did, 7 to 0. But I was confident in my own game. I was confident that I did play an amazing game. I survived a lot in that house and I proved myself every week. And if people on the jury didn’t see that and didn’t want to commend my game, then so be it. They can commend hers.”
Translation: Everyone in the house sucks for not appreciating how hard I had it and how amazing I am. They can all go suck together with Chelsie as their Queen.
Asked if Chelsie would have taken her:
“I want to say yes, based on the conversations we had. However, based on the questions and how she answered them, I don’t think so. I think she was manipulating me and was using me, and if that is true, so be it. Because at least I can say that I was a good person and that I was true to myself. And whether that is making me now a naive 22-year-old because I thought I had a really good friend and a really good ally in this game, so be it, because I still won that last HOH I got to win. I got to make the decision, and I got to make a decision for my game that showed who I was.”
Translation: Chelsie made a fool of me and I don’t trust her anymore. But I least I know I am a better person than Chelsie and I proved that by taking her to F2, which of course was not a stupid move but rather just a reflection of my outstanding character.
“And continually winning also puts an even bigger target on you as a threat. So I continually had to win even more! So it was a great game, but it was a very one-sided game for me. And it’s been seen before. Taylor did an incredible job having the same type of survival game, and she won. But again, it’s been seen, it’s been done. And so be it.”
Translation: I focused on one season of BB and related to Taylor and yet I am still completely overlooking that EVEN Taylor actually did have an independent mind and social game.
Boiling down MK’s loss: No one respects the game of a puppet,especially one completely lacking in self awareness or learning curve.
She will be back for an All-Stars 3. Cody redeemed himself for not taking the easy win so maybe she can as well? Although it seems Cody/Derrick are much closer than Chelsea/Makensy. We’ll see if they even talk to each other in a year from now…
I don’t know if BB would have her return. Cody was very charming and even magnetic on screen, although he certainly revealed his character flaws in All-Stars. But he’s still very naturally likeable and smooth.
They do sometimes throw in villain types like Memphis,but MK doesn’t fit that, either.
She’s not compelling in terms of personality or even underdog story (which Nicole had after her first season).
I don’t remember, is this the first time a final 2 contestant does not get a single vote?
This is what stats being shared online say:
Chelsie is the first woman to win the game by a unanimous jury vote, and the fourth overall houseguest to do so, following Xavier, and Cody (all-stars season), and Dan.
It happened quite a few times
Dan vs Memphis, Memphis got 0
Cody vs Enzo, Enzo got 0
Xavier vs Derek, Derek got 0
In CBB Tamar vs Ricky, Ricky got 0
As this website also serves the purpose of an online archive for all things BB USA, here’s a comment I saw on a website that featured a video interview with Makensy post finale that I thought was relevant o preserve forever:
Makensy is at stage 1
Comment by reader FredF on BigBrotherNetwork dot com
Anyone remember what happened the second the feeds went live for BB16?
Did people cheer in unison because Frankie had be dethroned….
or did he fart glitter everywhere?
Wait… wasn’t there something about whatername Joey(?) right when feeds started?
First 2 minutes of the feeds had Joey running topless. Thought that season was going to be awesome. Turns out it was one of the worst from that era.
I really wish I would have kept my recordings from all those seasons.
I miss “big brother after dark” when like having the feeds was worth it and the house guests were “real”
Last words:
Remember when Leah told Quinn that production was pushing her really hard to use the veto and save Angela and work with her?
Remember when Makensy was going to renom Cam despite Chelsie’s “manipulation” until she had that hours long d/r and suddenly wasn’t putting Cam on the block?
Remember when Makensy said after Rubina’s eviction that she knew what was going to happen even before ‘the people told her.’
That’s where bb lives now. Welcome to bbcan.
Enlighten of your words. It confirms how outrageous and delusional many are now pushing chelsie as an all time goat player and top winner with the likes of dan, will, andy, derrick, and cody.
,,,, sorry. Something bb related, but weird.
could not sleep last night… i’m still on 26 all gametalk happens late night brain.
turned on tv. global was replaying bbcan10. It was the double week.
Jess was HOH. Hermon Moose noms. I remembered just how much I hated the way Hermon played to the cameras and just how transparentlly ridiculous he was. Then I remembered what ACTUALLY HAPPRENED THAT WEEK. The HOH had a mental break when prodo pushed one thing and the house pushed another for renom. DAYS AND DAYS of feeds were cut because the HOH knew they would be cancelled by the fanbase for doing what was actually best for THEIR game given their perspective of house dynamic and alliance structure. The HOH was second to leave in the double.
I watched the edit and realized just how much production was cherry picking. They had Summer saying she was fine with POC males being nominated. I remember this was not the case in the slightest, because Summer was the one calling people colonizer and cracker behind the episode edit’s back. The HOH pulled a Quinn, siding with their allies instead of the production team’s wishes…. and was cut from feeds for the entire campaign time only to be evicted at the end of their HOH reign.
Watching one episode of a bbcan season just clarified for me what production did in the edit because I remember that season’s feeds. Realizing that just made US26 so much clearer.
If the edit shows you who is going to win early in the season: note it.
If the edit ignores significant plotlines: note the plot lines.
If the d/r in episode doesn’t match the feeds activity: Note the difference.
Once you have done so, ask yourself WHY.
That is now something we will HAVE to do with US bb.
@Simon @Dawg Do y’all have any bb24 videos/pictures/content that hasn’t already been made public?
I have most of the season feeds recorded.
Recorded as in all the content in OnlineBigBrother or like video recordings? If you mean video recordings, could I please access them?
Hey Joseph. I have the entire video recordings on a couple feeds. Usually just two cameras. I would bet there’s at least 70% of the entire season in there. I’m still trying to copy it all over to the file server.
Once you copy everything to the file server, could you please make the video recordings accessible to me?
It would be way more data that I want to send over the internet.
Well good thing she’s pretty.
@Simon sooooooo……
@Simon @Dawg I’m desperate for more bbcan1 videos so could yall pretty please make the bbcan1 videos I requested to be made public public?
Hi Joseph, I owe you an apology. I have been really dragging my feet on this. I’ll reply once it’s done