YIKES! what a week on Big Brother 25. Week 6 started off with Cameron winning the head of household. He nominated Izzy and Felicia and kept us all guessing what his plan was. Veto was played and Matt gave Jared the win. Cameron told Jared to use the veto so he can put Cirie on the block. Jared didn’t use the veto. The vote was solidly for Felicia to go (The kraken flowed) Come Wednesday Noon Cracks started forming. Jag and Matt started getting clues that Jared and Cirie have been lying to them. With America and Corey’s help they realized how the house alliances were set up. This flipped the majority to Matt, Corey, America, Jag, Bowie and MEME voting to keep Felicia. Matt, Jag, Corey and America formed a core four. Their target was Jared then Cameron.
Thursday around noon everything blew up. All the game that the stunt alliance side has been involved in before Tuesday was exposed. In mini house meeting.
In the meeting some little takeaways (Please add more in the comments)
1 – Cirie list Bye Bye Bitches when ranting about alliances
2 – Jag didn’t in fact tell Jared this morning that the vote had Flipped Jared made it all up.
3 – Cirie and Jared know Bowie, Jag, MAtt, America and MEME are voting out Izzy yesterday.
4 – All it took was two members of the stunt alliance to be on the block and the entire thing burns down.
5 – Jared gets exposed for telling Corey 3 weeks ago about the 7 deadly sins.
6 – Jared thinks exposing Family style would do anything
7 – Jared thinks when you are wrong talking over someone is a way to win a argument
8 – Jared tries to point his way out of getting exposed.
Head of Household this week will be the WALL
Izzy – This has changed my life. I care about this game. I am fighting for my life wearing a pig costume
Felicia say the winner of Big BRother 25 will be a leader.
America votes to evict Izzy
Corey votes to evict Izzy
Matt votes to evict Izzy
Cirie votes to evict Felicia
Jared votes to evict Izzy (Ohh shit)
Bowie votes to evict Izzy
Blue votes to evict Izzy
Jag votes to evict Izzy
MEME votes to evict Izzy

Izzy evicted. On her way out she tells Cameron “Oh no piggy I’ll see you soon”
Izzy blames it all on Corey. She is the most betrayed by Corey. Izzy says Cirie will struggle in the house emotionally because she’s gone.
Julie tells them they are going “Old School” They are only having a Jury of 7 this year.
Next Thursday is Double Eviction
Jared being .4 is a season low .. rare that someone dips to those levels regardless of the season.
Kirsten needs to be higher..
Cameron holding the top spot is the best gutter to the penthouse story.. Now watch him head to the gutter again.
America for hoh.
With it being a 7 person jury, I hope his ass is out the door next. He’s in for a rude awakening when he sees how disliked he is in the real world.
I’m assuming the house meeting exposed the flip? Izzy knows shes being evicted? No blindside?
Yes, but there’s been 2 hours of yelling between when the feeds cut and the live show.
“YIKES! what a week on Big Brother 25. Week 6 started off with Cameron winning the head of household.”
Let’s all give CAM a big “THANKS” for a wonderful week, and give him a big “5” points on the board. Don’t forget AMERIKA too. Big “5” for her too.
And it goes without saying who deserves a “0”
Both Cameron and America got 5’s from me this week.
Please tell me Izzy is still going home
Why is Cory always under the covers? What is he actually doing under that pink blankie he keeps with him?
He does have America hanging off him all the time and he is Male..
Sorry not sorry but that picture of Izzy is just demonic looking. O_O
That’s what I said!
Cam has given this week some great big brother action. I loved all the chaos. Loved seeing Izzy taking off her glasses all smiles waiting to get pied in the face. It was great
Izzy if you’re by any chance:
You are a prick. Glad you’re gone.
She was so rude to Cam and Cory. Sore loser, sore winner, and sore spot on my television screen. Totally happy she’s gone. Finally can enjoy this show lol
I’m sure most of the viewing audience is thrilled. Everyone wanted her gone!
Cam orchestrated the whole flip and caused the game to change showed all the dummies they were being played but the live show showed none of that. He got screwed by editing
Simon, please darken Izzys picture at the top
Wow Jared and Blue couldn’t even stick with their side.
He left his momma to be the sole vote to save Izzy.
That just shows his lack of balls smh.
Jared MUST go this upcoming week.
Weak little annoying children like him don’t deserve to be jury members.
He’s so weak. During the fight today where they were calling Jared out for all of his lies, he told Cory, Matt, and Jag that he was voting Felicia out, and he said he’s doing it no matter what, to show that he was true to his word. Welp, he voted out Izzy proving once again what a POS he is lol
Cirie told him to vote out Izzy when he was in the DR hallway. They chatted for about 10 seconds near the DR door.
I noticed that, too. Didn’t want him on the wrong side of the vote.
Izzy should have tried to hang on. Jared didn’t look like he was going much longer.
I meant Bowie not Izzy holding on longer.
She probably told Jared to vote for Izzy to go. They were talking outside diary room during the vote. That’s not allowed on BB Canada.
No, Cirie told him to vote with the house so as to keep Felicia calm and on their side.
I am sure production told Jared what was going on because he isn’t smart enough to figure it out on his own.
I thought it was Big Brother RULES not to talk to each other while live voting is going on only jumps claps allowed. In the live voting Cirie told Jared to switch his vote. You heard them whispering to each other. Then Jared voted out Izzy. SNAKES they should be disqualified. Izzy is a pig calling Cory a pipsqueak and calling Cameron a real pig. Glad she is gone. I can continue to watch game. Hope Felicia wins and puts her “TV son” Jared on block.
JARED WON HOH! Cry more.
Did Izzy shove Cam away when she made the “piggy” remark?
She pushed him away when he came in for his goodbye hug, theat’s why he said, “real classy”
She sure did, called him a “pig” to be exact. Cameron called her a “class act” in return. And rightfully so! Such a bitter exit from the 30-something woman who acts and behaves like a 20 year old frat boy.
I think she did
Total mess of a person and totally deserved to be sent home
But look at the choices “she’s” made in life !!! She “married” a woman and plays the flute for a living to pretend.
I had to vote Izzy bro. Cuz bro. I couldn’t go against the house bro. Bro that would be so bad for me bro. I voted Izzy for the house bro. Now they’ll trust me bro.
Man… I forgot Josh won BB19.. What a train wreck that season was.
This feels like 19, only a more liked stuntcast.
That was disgusting. Only won because everyone was butt hurt by Paul
Does anyone else notice the foot bar is wider than normal in the wall comp or is it just me.
Hey Simon are the going to show hoh on feeds or can we start calling it rigged now lol
Feeds just came on nobody’s been pushed off yet.
Post Veto Ceremony
Jared can’t talk to mom
Felicia hopes she has 5 votes
Cirie this is hard…she wanted Felicia gone.
Cirie isn’t going to push
Izzy is only real with Cirie / Jared
Cory trying to keep America from pushing. America wants to push.
She reveals.The Real House dynamic.
Cam already knew that finds out the real know
prepare for future.
Matt still team Cirie. reveals power comp.
Cory finds out the loop is waaaay over there.
Cory thinks heaven or hell with the flip.
Cory / Jag dueling alliances.
R REAL Jag’s been played.
Unreliables. Cory thinks he’s doing it.
Cory goes to Bowie. They shit talk her.
Cory goes to Meme. Meme wants stronger one out, sorry Izzy.
Cory goes to Matt. we’re being played. 7DS reveal.
Jag / Cory / Matt bond.
FELICIA: long week, be a leader.
IZZY: life changing. learn from mistakes I’ll protect who keeps me.
Evict Izzy
America, Cory, Matt, Jared, Bowie, Blue, Jag, Meme.
Evict Felicia
Did she shove Cam? I was typing. no. just refused to hug.
So Jared and Blue folded (think Blue knows her snitching was outed). Meme snake message….who is the cowards and snakes? She wanted Fe in the dark. She was right.
Blames Cory. She doesn’t reveal the ditch America discussion.
Wouldn’t out the secret. She played for Cirie it seems.
GBM Jag, Meme, Cory, Cirie. She only absorbs Cirie’s message imo.
Wall shifts forward. dry ice smoke.
eavesdrop meatballs. wall back from tilt
Izzy had to have been one of the most arrogant players that I have ever seen. Not most but one of them, as one is still in the house, I thought that I would mention. She only played a social game which was being the little emotional support animal for the seemingly popular Cirie. I think that she really thought that she could get through until the very end doing just this! Didn’t really do anything else short of insulting others and being a Gen Y stereotype.
Live feeds on. (Switching on and off) Cameron getting in his spice. Bwhahaha hahahahahaha
Classless exit from Izzy. That was the real-word Izzy, right there. Hurling insults at Cameron and Cory because they beat her in a game. Pathetic. Also pathetic is Jared who clearly had his vote controlled by his mom at the very last minute, leaving her to be the sole vote to save Izzy. Did she have him neutered as a kid? Because he apparently has no balls. Hoping for a Cory or America HOH win to see Jared spiral and doom both him and Cirie for good.
“Classless exit from Izzy”
Not sure which of the two should take the Oink Oink price…ICKY…..OR MICHAEL from last year.
And what do they have in common? Well, they are both members from the same “community”.
Please get that pompous ass Jared out before jury!
Agreed..He has not played the game he is his moms puppet and Izzy did not play at all she followed cirie around like a puppy. What would gave got her more respect was if she used the info she had “the secret” and Made them squirm and took control..that would have been something to watch…if she was smart she could have controlled the power.
Omg Pippa I completely agree, he is SO, SO, Pompous!! He says a few days ago, “Despite what my mom wants me to do, I HAVE to Play my own Game”!!! Oh Really Jared, and when will that start!!????? Get him out!!!
Cities, Felicia and unfortunately America have dropped.
Seems to me that Corey was key to the flip. Most hg trust Corey and I don’t see it flipping without him. Couldn’t have even happened without Cam putting them on the block, so points to Cam. The work that Corey had been putting into his relationships all season paid off. I’m so glad this happened as the season, so far, was prettty dull. Almost forgot, points to Jared for blowing up his and Ciries game in while she was stuck to Felicia. Bravo!
Y’all please keep talk game play. Every time I read the comments there are attacks on the houseguest. Some of you sound so miserable
Bye Izzy 🙁 She ended up being a secret mean girl and she needed to go. I hope she finds peace with her own game play, but I worry she will see something else
Not sure how I feel about a 7 person jury this year, but on the bright side there’s still a chance to get Jared out before jury.