Xavier won the first part of the final head of household and Azah won the second part. BIGD was pretty much guaranteed a second-place but over the course of the last couple of days, he talked himself into a spot where he’ll could be third. Either way, the winner is probably going to be Xavier. In the final 2 with Xavier, Azah, I don’t really see the jury giving the win to Azah. In the final 2 with BIGD and Azah, she has a chance. If BIGD wins this season I’m calling Kraken.
This season while boring did have some great BB characters like Tiffany, DerekX, and Ky (as a villain calm down). All fun at times to watch. Other than BIGDelusional we didn’t hear the usually lusting over social media followers. It felt more like classic casting to me.
The only issue is we had to suffer through a season where one giant group steamrolled to the end but it was still light years better than Big Brother 22. The season was a return to consistent late nights which makes it one of the more difficult seasons to blog in recent memory. The Frenchie the clown HOH and some of those KY/SB HOH’s almost did me in.
Special thanks to all the commentors. There is a bunch of you with way more wit and smarts about this show than I ever could have. It’s a real treat to have you share your ideas on this site. Thanks!
To the donators thank you very much it keeps the wheels on this site.
Thanks to Ken at theKillshow.com for doing the Big Brother Breakdown it’s always a blast.
10:00 am Last shot of the feeds today before they went dark for good.
Results from the show
Jury meets.
The final Head of household winner is Xavier.
Xavier Evicts Azah (BOOO)
Jury votes

Pre-jury clowns
Xavier wins Big Brother 23 with all votes 9-0
America’s favorite player is Tiffany
Top two top vote-getters were DerekX and Tiffany
Final ranking for Big Brother 23
Solid season 6.5/10
Yup that’s about right.
Better than that! 9/10. Bunch of nice people I will miss!
For a season that had almost zero fights 9/10 is generous. But there was good cast members and generally some good game play.
I guess It all depends on why you watch the show. For me I watch it for those Amanda Zuckerman VS Elissa moments. Or the ragan Vs rachel throw downs.
We had a minor dust up with bigd and tiffany that was blocked on the feeds.
There was also the kyland/Xavier confrontation.
Ragan: “Rachel, you’re about as classy as your nasty hair extensions “. Lololol
Boring AF. I wont be watching again. Survivor either.
Stop lying to yourself!
Big Delusional: “She owes me! I’ve carried that girl.” WTH She owes you nothing! Absolutely nothing!
Big D makes my ass itch!
Said in the DR. I’m sure he was invited to be theatrical.
If you watched the live feeds he also said it to the cameras for the last 2 weeks, as well as to her face which is why Azah was so hurt and would have taken X had she won. Big lazy bullied and tormented her all week.
I’m going to have to keep an eye on BBtwitter (Shudder) for the next couple days to see how BIGdelusional will handle the fandom turning on him.
i’m betting antagonism.
He’ll chirp back about being too busy counting his cash as if it was deserved.
He’ll probably have spent it on something stupid, then realize he still has to pay half to income tax and file for bankruptcy.
It’s hilarious how he says he carried her, while he himself was carried throughout the season. They BOTH were carried by the Cookout to final 6, and then were lucky enough to have X and Ky want them to go to final 4 (again – carried – Azah’s win at F5 was given to her by X because he knew she was targeting Hannah, and he wanted to play for HOH at F4).
I loved how the jury laughed at the Couches arguments while he was speaking. It was the ultimate in disrespect for his game.
Big Delusional “She’s an emotional and mental burden”.
I almost died when he said this.
Thanks Simon & Dawg for everything. Hopefully the season of Celebrity Big Brother will be less nerve wracking (not that it hasn’t provided some entertainment, lol). I liked most of the houseguests this season while providing some SMH moments
You’re welcome Robert! BBCeleb always has some potential just gotta see the cast.. Maybe Corey Feldman .. LOL
Going old school. How about Danny Bonaduce as well, lol
In todays new online climate maybe they’ll cast a only fans “star”
I love the edit that they decided to show of the Azah/DF/X situation
Dare I say they showed it as if to say here’s the house tension but we all know who will win n couch is a bigger ass than we thought for being horrendous to her and he still got the seat. Most undeserving ass**** to ever sit in a chair.
Most boring season ever. Totally rigged from the beginning.
Rigged? In what way?
“Boring” is just code word for too many blacks. lol As a black person, I found this to be more interesting than seeing the non-black people bully and kick off the black folks every season.
I enjoyed the cookout and their mission and getting to see the first black winner of BB. However, every season with a big alliance that steamrolls gets boring at the end. Every time. There is nothing more to that statement, I am sure.
So wrong. Can you not see that fans watch it for GAME, not for contestants color? I’m so sorry you feel that way about this show.
I’m betting that round table actually went on for HOURS.
You KNOW Ky wasn’t even through with his opening statement on why he should be the write in ballot winner by the time the rest of them wanted to go anywhere else.
DX – “The best thing I can say about Derek is we have the same name. I think he got carried.” Speaking truth!
I also like the jury taking Ky to task for claiming DF/Hannah were playing at the same level and that’s why he kept DF. Does he actually expect anyone to believe him? They were in the house. They saw DF’s “game.” It didn’t move anywhere all season. Literally.
The way Production did the Kyland question of the competition, it could have been an SNL sketch, lol
i actually think Kyland confirmed with that comment about Hannah (who isn’t as great as she thinks she is) that he has no respect for female gameplay. He is surely talking out of his arse.
I agree about Ky’s disregard for female gameplay but DAMMIT, Hannah’s game was better comp wise and put in misting work for the Cookout. A gnat had a better game and was less annoying.
Maybe she’s a little to big for her britches, but she’s a LOT better player than the Couch was on his best day, and for Ky to insinuate differently, either shows he didn’t know what was going on in the house, or he is a complete and total misogynist.
The more Ky talks, the smaller his brain seems to get.
I wasn’t intending to insinuate that Hannah’s gameplay was in any way equivalent to the ‘gameplay’ (what now?) of BigD, precisely the opposite.
However, she did have a habit of presenting herself like she was playing 3 dimensional chess, when really it was not.
I agree with your assessment of her own abilities AND of her own contributions to the Cookout, but I maintain she still did a lot more than the Couch, and I think you and I are in agreement on that. Chaddah is a very smart little girl, but the problem is the “little girl” part, and the others (other than Tiffany) seemed to see her more as that, than as a full fledged alliance participant, because of her age. Now that really doesn’t matter when your own participation is nothing more than sleeping and lying around on the big blue couch (I’m talking to YOU Big D and Azah), despite what you may lie and “claim” when trying to “steal” the money at the end of the game. lol
I’m just glad we finally have our “first” black winner of Big Brother, so that can’t be used as a weapon anymore. Maybe people will stop lying about black players “always” being the first players evicted too – yes it’s happened, but it’s far from every season as the word “always” implies.
DerekX is one of my favorite BB characters in the past whack of seasons. His light-hearted attitude and humour got me through some grumpy hours watching the feeds.
And I’d bet he was the person who actually won AFP, but got Grodded.
No, I actually don’t think it was rigged this time. Even the haters admitted that Tiffany had better strategy and game play than Derek X. DX is a lovable player but I think Tiff won fair and square.
Agreed! I voted for Derek X for AFP, but not mad at all that Tiffany won. Was hoping it’d be one of those two.
I’m not so sure – in checking around social media the past few days pretty much ALL the prior big name BB winners/players all called out to their fan bases to vote for her. Last Saturday she was only 8% back so a week of the BB fraternity asking their followers to vote for her makes it highly feasible.
I love the kid, but hate that he only “watched” two seasons before entering the house, which I think severely impacted his ability to compete in the game. I just don’t think he knew what he was getting into, but if he did, he would possibly have done much better.
Is it possible Df played a good game, we didn’t recognize, even though he won nothing, what about social? To talk that much dog doo and not be voted out is impressive in my opinion, why he was not voted out earlier is beyond me.
How was he going to be voted out? He had 5 votes guaranteed to keep him and 4 of those votes came with a plus 1.
Actually all 5 of those votes had a pawn attached to them, as Big D was the only person who didn’t have a “plus 1” of the 6 Cookout members. I’m sure it was just too much work for him to have to keep up with and “manage” another person, what with all of that “work” he had to put in manipulating each and every HOH to ensure that not only no CO people went OTB, but also the person HE wanted e-voted out went up and went home!
Big D was so good at what he did, NOBODY saw it – not even HIM! That’s why there was so much laughter when he was making his “righteous” claims of manipulation and behind the scenes management control (I’m giggling right NOW, just thinking about them)!
For some reason, in the finale end game discussions, no-one pointedly expressed the obvious truths that he was kept in the house initially because of his alliance and then purely because he was such a shit BB player, everyone really knew that they wanted to sit next to him at F2. They couldn’t possibly lose.
Worst season ever.
By far the worst season ever.
Sorry, any season with Paul in it was 100x worse.
Is this the third or the fourth bb season in a row where the final hoh winner won because the other finalist got the first question incorrect?
Just asking in case it’s a future pattern to consider.
What are the odds of them getting 8/8 and 7/8 of the answers correct on those types of questions? I realize these are not the same “crap shoot” type questions they used to ask, and are actually based in facts of the game, but they are still pretty deep data type facts. I gotta wonder if they were “fed” some kind of cheat sheet to study from, in order to know all of those answers so exactly. I mean, I could see getting maybe 5 or 6 or them right, but all 8? That’s a lot of details to get exactly right!
I can see your point but I don’t study these things however b/c I analyze the show the votes, comps etc are sort of ingrained in my head & I knew 6 of the 8 answers off the top of my head so I can see it being possible they knew the answers b/c all they do is study that stuff.
What I found weird was X was grabbing answers before all three questions were read & the ONE question Azah got wrong was about her girl Britini — like how does she get that wrong? Brit told her “I’ve been on the block 3 weeks in a row” (W2-Ky/W3-X/W4-DX) & it was her fourth time OTB when she was evicted.
BigD still thinks he got himself to Final 2.
Big D is a ,BIG A**JOKE,you never carried anyone hell you barely carried yourself.Talking you carried Azah,please bro,most disrespectful brother I’ve ever seen,your true side really showed these last couple days,BIGA**JOKE BIG Dyou should be ashamed of yourself.
At least the vote X 9, Big Douche 0.
That Big D & Azah were part of final 3 is a joke. The entire season was a big joke on the people watching IMO. .
On finale night it’s clear X is going to win this game. What we don’t know is whether it will be a unanimous win or if Big D pulls any votes (Britini? Kyland? or Azah? as the ONLY possible votes).
I meant to get this up earlier but figured I’d still post it since I took the time to write it. At this point we know X won the final HOH & evicted Azah who confirmed she was going to take Xavier — A little bit of production shade — Azah’s shift to take X to F2 came IMMEDIATELY AFTER A DR visit.
As for their individual games — a few final thoughts:
Derek Frazier (Big D):
Strengths: aligning with alphas for protection, being part of the Cookout, viewed by “some” in the house as entertaining (*see below), knowing people in production (edits/BB Bucks)
Weaknesses: *others viewed him as misogynistic, cruel and an opportunist, couldn’t win a comp despite his request for eating & strength comps, as this week showcased was his OWN worst enemy.
Best Ally(ies): Xavier, Kyland, Azah, Ally (later in game/after Christian eviction)
Main Enemy: All women except Azah (until late in the game) but in reality we know it was Tiffany who took up residence in his head so much so that he spoke of dreaming about her twice recently.
Biggest Mistake: Attacking his BFF Azah as the game closed out. He told her PRIOR to F5 HOH he would need to put her up, repeated that PRIOR to F4 HOH & told her he’d dragged her through the game stating she spent the season staring at the wall. It was cruel and unnecessary. All he had to do was STFU and he would’ve been guaranteed a F2 chair (although it’s moot now that X won). It pointed to how poorly he’s played the game. While he spouts about how he ran the game & was the mastermind once Tiff left the game & those remaining had to PLAY the game we witnessed how terrible they actually were at it.
Biggest Move: Having friends in production & the same name as the most popular hamster (hence $100 BB Bucks) & COMPLETE GAS LIGHTING EDITS. But his very best move involved wrapping a chain around his couch leg and attaching it to Xavier.
Game Grade: F (and that’s GENEROUS!)
Strengths: Although she spent almost as much time as Big D in bed, she was well liked in the house and hardly ever on anyone’s radar. She had solid relationships with Claire, SB, Tiff, DX, Big D & Xavier. Honesty – if she told you something it was set in stone. Cooked daily (don’t discount how valued a good meal is especially when not everyone in the house cooked or wanted to). Was entertaining during social time – dancing & singing. Of the trio remaining has the best take on what actually happened in the house (who did what) & has best self assessment. Side note: she was the best dressed hamster of the season (I know that doesn’t matter but I enjoyed her stylish, colorful wardrobe).
Weaknesses: Of note – there are hardly any “game related” actions noted above and that’s b/c she checked out of actively playing somewhere between week two & week three. That was based almost entirely on her emotions. Targets were often females who showed interest in X (not trying to be shady – it’s true). Would give up mid way through comps (happened at least four times I remember).
Best Ally(ies): Big D, Xavier, Tiffany, DX
Main Enemy: Kyland, Hannah & most of the females
Biggest Mistake: Was going to take X if she won Part 3 and that would’ve trumped her not putting X/Ky up at F5 double eviction b/c she could’ve got Ky out in that round.
Biggest Move: Winning F5 HOH & Part 2 of HOH. The other options include talking Kyland out of staying on the block in week 1 & giving Tiff/Claire enough intel about the first version of Slaughterhouse alliance for them to figure it out which led to the creation of the Royal Flush. And she was the last person to hit the block in F4 (the only time she was OTB).
Game Grade: D
Strengths: Avoiding conflict, charm (especially early in the game & particularly with the opposite sex), aligning with weak players (Big D, Azah) to manipulate, using insecurities to paint target on others (Ky/Big D vs. Tiff), winning comps when most necessary.
Weaknesses: Inability to formulate strategic thoughts – his influence & manipulation were always based on bad mouthing others (disloyal, dishonest, arrogant, etc), misogynist, complete and total lack of game awareness (*see below).
Best Ally(ies): Alyssa, Hannah (shockingly given how he ousted her), Christian, Big D,
Main Enemy: Anyone who was emotional – but Tiff/Ky annoyed him the most as they represented his biggest threats.
Biggest Mistake: Although it won’t matter his jury management was TERRIBLE. He didn’t tell people they were leaving even seconds prior (Hannah, Kyland). B/c he was Grod’s chosen pre-game winner he avoided much of the typical struggles a player like Tiff had to address. If not for being Grod’s preseason pet & without the protection of Tiff, Hannah, Ky (*see below) he would’ve struggled to make jury.
Biggest Move: Impressing Grodner enough to be the hand picked preseason winner. In game – winning F4 HOH/POV & being insulated by copious alliances featuring people who would’ve targeted him otherwise.
Game Grade: B+ (that’s generous IMO b/c I’m more inclined to give him a B- but he’ll win so it’s hard not to give at least one of the F3 at least a B or higher.
The revisionist history of the trio particularly Big D & Xavier were head-scratching. Neither has OWNED their game & part of that rests in the fact they CAN’T b/c they honestly don’t know how they got to F3 (aside from the moves made from F8 forward). Case in point…
Week One: Christian won WCC and picked X to keep him safe.
Week Two: Ky won HOH easy week for everyone – Frenchie goes. But much of what occurs during this week sets the standard for the season & X is the person who benefits most in the CO from these actions:
Week Three: Xavier wins HOH (Add Britini to the list of people who want X out next)
Week Four: Christian HOH – this week speaks volumes about X’s inability to manipulate or use strategy. Hannah ended up OTB and initially WAS the target – it took Hannah’s own efforts & suggestions from Tiff to her/DX to create an alliance with Ally/Chris to shift the target off her back. Claire/DX became LASER FOCUSED on wanting X out.
Week Five: Derek X HOH – if not for the Royal Flush and the ongoing constant efforts of Tiffany then X would’ve been back doored this week. Despite his protestations of KNOWING EVERYTHING – he had no idea Chris was going up – he thought it was going to be Big D replacing Brit OTB. More importantly if X had got off his butt to do some actual work by grabbing Brit instead of sending Chris in to do the work they could’ve evicted SB this week.
Week 6: Ky HOH – X wasn’t happy with how this week went down as Ky went control crazy holding copious unnecessary meetings as he tried to outdo what DX did the week prior & to pull everyone’s game intel from them it showcased how volatile X could be as he wanted Claire OTB but Ky wanted to put up Ally. Ky finally caved but not before X marked him as untrustworthy & selfish. If not for week 9 things might’ve gone very different from week 9 forward! Cue Tiff winning her second HOH & X throwing a 10-day Tiff-bashing tantrum. Again during this week DX & Claire became extremely suspicious of Xavier & why Tiffany kept protecting him & shifting the target elsewhere.
Week 7: SB HOH – oh but for that 0.1 second! Had DX elected to not take the skinny bar across initially – he would’ve easily won HOH. THIS WEEK was arguably the turning point of the season & Xavier got the advantage I always point to every winner needing LUCK. First DX loses HOH (if he’d won he’d still be safe & in the house for week 8 — WOULD Tiff have elected to change things up in Week 8 if that happened? We’ll never know but GUARANTEED Claire doesn’t nominate him! Also it took Ky spending five hours with SB to shift her original noms (Ally/Big D with X as backdoor target) to Big D/Claire. If that doesn’t happen then Ally removes herself from the block & X is sitting beside Big D. Moreover, Hannah talking DX out of playing Roulette is another benefit b/c if she doesn’t then DX easily beats Ally in that comp.
Week 8: Tiffany HOH – overtaken by Claire secret HOH: Once again X lucked out by being insulated by the Cookout. Tiffany’s relationship with Claire kept Big D off the block otherwise she puts up Ky & Big D with one of the three men leaving.
Factor in X believes the Kings had his back throughout the entire game & if not for the Cookout intended to go to F4 with him (notably X cried twice this year over evictions— Christian & Alyssa – NOT for any member of the Cookout!). The reality was every single member of his team would’ve taken him out sooner. Even with the Cookout SB wanted to target him on her week & Ally had a F2 with Hannah NOT with X.
Look X will win as he should but let’s be clear he was NOT the main strategist of the season nor does he recognize or appreciate just how much Tiffany, Hannah & Kyland did to get him to F6 and how easy his path was because of them.
One note on this evening – THREE separate times X picked up the answer to the question before Julie read all three possible answers — and each time it was the right answer – so was that b/c he knew immediately it was the right answer OR was it because production GAVE him the answers prior? — Just saying.
And now we await final speeches & Q & A.
No questions from Tiff or Claire. Hmm. That’s… a production choice…. mmhmm.
Hannah trying not to laugh at answers. look at her. She’s trying not to laugh to every Couch answer.
Yeah that was total bullshit (not even going to * that!). Hannah was dying at every answer.
SHOCKER – Brent is the one who finally puts the respect on Tiffany’s name.
Well, for the first time, the third to enter the house in usbb won.
That’s the redheaded stepbrother of the first to enter curse.
If they were going to reveal secrets… would the houseguests have been surprised by Kycomplains? I mean, would it shock them that Kyren is offended on social media a lot?
IKR? Brent finally had something worthwhile to say! And Hannah doubling-over in laughter was the best part of Couch’s Q/A.
Was she the only one? I thought I heard several of them LOL? And why the Hell not?
I told my husband he picked up the answer before the questions were finished, even when the answer was C. How would he have known that? All BS
Because he knew the other two were true. They were looking for the one false answer. And if he was certain the other two answers were true then it would be easy to find the last one false.
Not buying it, he went for the cards before she even got to some of the answers. Not the first time with him either!
If he knew A and B were true as they were revealed, he could pick up C before it was asked because it would have to be false.
I saw that, too. I imagine everyone else watching also saw it.
A very good synopsis of the first 8 weeks of the season! Maybe slightly biased against X, but that’s okay because I AGREE with your bias against that rat bastard! LOL
In a fair world, I think Tiffany and X would have battled it out to the end, or maybe Tiff and DX, although as you and I have both recognized, DX’s naivety and raw meat rookery may have gotten in the way of him ever going that far. I guess we just have our favorites, and while Tiffany was your’s, DX was mine, so I would have liked to have seen him go further, if he could have gotten his head out of his arse. He just didn’t know enough about the game, so he got gotten a lot sooner than he would have if he knew more about it, IMHO.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see Derek X invited back. He was popular with the fans, and he’s young enough to do it again and wiser to the game now.
Totally fair – Tiff was my day one/week one choice 😉 but DX was a very close second. I really like that quartet (Tiff/DX/Hannah/Claire). Initially I liked Ky (that shifted quick) & thought Big D would be fun but that opinion shifted before week one was over.
In week one X was ready to cut Ky so I never bought into his Cookout mantra – I could see he was going to play the under the radar game at least until jury. Sometimes I can take to those type of players if they show something more but I never fully warmed to his game play (or lack thereof).
At least it is confirmed that Azah would have taken X if she had won the last comp
Credit goes to Another Name..
I wish I could “share” this. 🙂
Thanks, and thank you and Dawg for once again putting up with my shit for another season….
You guys are great!
Thank you Another name it’s always a pleasure reading your posts.
btw… if anyone remembers the canadian children’s television show the big blue couch… That is the ACTUAL big blue couch from the series.
Big comfy couch??
you’re right. my god daughter called it big blue couch when she wanted to watch it… oops.
I still have the theme song imprinted in my brain! My little brother was obsessed with that show lol
I Luv This!
Derek the Jerk still claims he started the Cookout. The look on Tiffany’s face was priceless — but not one of the jury laughed. Fixed much?!?!?!
There was plenty of laughter at his answers
When DF told the jury that he sent them home, one by one, they literally burst out laughing. Step over, Frenchie. DF is the true clown of the season.
I kept expecting the Enzo response…”Bro, they’re laughing at me!”, but that idiot is so delusional, I firmly believe he actually believes all of that sh!t he was spouting then, and all season long!
When he gets home and sees what people are actually saying about him…..I don’t know what he’s going to think. He can’t possibly think all of those people are wrong, after watching all the live feeds all season long and seeing him do NOTHING, yet claim to do everything. So maybe he just disappears into the mist….just like he suddenly appeared 3 months ago.
OMG the jury laughter when DX turned his key and said, “If you’re not gonna play the game, why are you here?” Some of the jurors actually doubled over. LMAO.
Hannah almost fell off her chair 😉
Julie did acknowledge to Tiffany that she started the alliance
Think Azah is having a small wardrobe malfunction.
That is the only kind she can have!
What the ACTUAL F? Tiffany doesn’t get to ask a question? Are you kidding me?
I know it’s madness
I am actually not surprised. The ones who asked questions only asked different variations of the same question
Yeah, all questions to DF were basically some variation of… “What did you actually do that was worthwhile this season?” LOL.
Duh, I started the Cookout and on every HOH I went to the HOH and made sure, with FACTS, that they targeted the person, with FACTS, that wasn’t in the Cookout, with FACTS, that I wanted, with FACTS, to go home, even though I didn’t do anything else, I brought the FACTS, to those HOH’s!
But they let Azah make up a question and ask it?!?!?!?!
Let her make it up? Lol, I’m thinking they gave it to her in d/r.
After they called X in and told him to remember bbccbaac.
I mean…
They always let the person evicted at F3 to ask a question (that’s been done pretty much every season).
I think they were protecting the 2 poor boys from having to deal with an assertive woman, in case it made them cry. The omission of a question from her was glaring and fishy even if there’s no interference from Production.
The fact that the questioners were clearly reading a question ‘prepared’ for them was also too obvious to be kosher.
Yeah – apparently Whitney had planned on calling out the misogyny in the house – specifically Big D & how he would shade her for what she wore & then praise Ally (her bikini comic & clothes). It was odd they didn’t go to her & Christian as the last two jury members but it was implied on Derrick/Cody podcast that was probably why they didn’t talk to her.
Did I miss Claire and Tiff’s questions somehow? I was waiting for Tiff’s question in particular and didn’t see it.
Ok….so do I assume that there was one bitter vote that was cast?
It was unanimous for X.
DF’s speech: “I put in the work”… “I created the Cookout” … “I masterminded the evictions.”
DF’s actual resume:
The jury response said it all, bending over, on the floor in unanimous laughter, they thought DF replaced Zingbot and made it to the final, giving X a unanimous win.
That’s the easiest $75,000 he will ever earn in his lifetime, and with the other money thrown in on top that he “stole”, it’s probably over $100k isn’t it? And all he had to do was lay on a couch all summer, lay by the pool for a while, and call a bunch of women some “bitches” a few times to get it done.
The top two don’t get a stipend but he’ll get to keep the $7500 from Domino Effect — still that’s an easy $82.5k for being horizontal 95% of the past 12 weeks. Where can I get a job like that?
Thank GAWD this farce of a season is over. Label me racist, but The Cookout totally ruined this year’s game.
We finally get a cast of all newbies who came to PLAY, and their games were sacrificed or sabotaged so CBS can “whitewash” their image by showing how moral they are (Julie and her inspirational not-quite-Bible quotes) and diverse they are.
And they had to play dumb about it (seriously NO ONE noticed or knew??) before being so enthusiastic that an all-black alliance evicted them based on their skin color.
Everyone had to sacrifice their personal game so DEREK F could sit in Final 2 ….
I can’t.
The man is sloppy, lazy, disrespectful, and actually thinks he contributed ANYTHING to propel himself to this point in time.
Call me racist, call me butt hurt, call me a hater but this season has made a mockery of the game and diminished the plight of ALL POCs to a fucking reality show.
Sure Jan
Will this season lead future seasons to more inclusion amongst players in an alliance, or will it lead to further segregation?
The next first night in the house will players band together based on appearances and afraid of who doesn’t look like them, or will they look for players who they think will be players?
I hope they bring back them early teams, only each comp will be different teams with comp teams continually changing. (I know it won’t happen or TPTB will find ways to rig who is on which team and safe for the week). A major focus should be make it near impossible for another large alliance to steamroll.
I also liked how MTV Challenge brought in the Skull system to earn a way to the final. BB needs to find something similar, so that anyone in the final chair will have a few points to consider voting them to win.
The whole “team” concept was to protect the POC in the beginning of the game, if you haven’t figured that out yet. That’s why the players weren’t “picked” but were carefully “allocated” based on gender and race so that two POC were placed on each of the four teams along with two men and two women. None of that was random and that and the Cookout really worked together to protect “the six” in their effort to get to the final 6, and ultimately our first black winner of BBUSA.
It was all part of productions plan, just like in prior seasons when a winner was picked prior to the season beginning. It happened last year when Cody was picked, and production assisted with pre-season alliances, and it’s happened in previous seasons before. It should be no surprise that it happened this season as well.
I know that.
My foolishness lies in hoping that we will one day get a true season where we can avoid any of the past and see a house where all have to be on point every week. No sucking, no hiding, put in positions where they may/will nom or vote a possible alliance member.
It’s literally a television show. Put your confederate flag to rest.
So many could not take it when the shoe was on the other foot…
But you know he’s right. Confederate flag or not, he’s right.
…. etc.
Boy am I glad this season is over.
This season was a complete joke and I’m also glad it’s over.
I actually think that the first and last lines of your post are the only parts upon which a reasonable BB viewer might dissent, because they are clearly subjective judgments.
The CO did not ruin the game more than any other disciplined, large alliance does. Peeps have just got to get over that.
Now, whether the COs creation story was pre-determined by Production or simply down to Tiffany’s smart game brain is an interesting point, but moot in reality. It happened, and they controlled the game superbly. It is interesting to see how Production immediately jumped on board to use the CO’s success to shine their corporate image, but this is a tv prog and CBS is a corporation and therefore has no soul.
I am personally surprised some of the players really didn’t see the possibility of a successful African American alliance in their ranks. This might reflect two things – that even in this small and rarefied ‘society’ the others underestimated the ability of African Americans to work successfully together or a number of the non-CO players saw themselves as ‘POC’ and therefore didn’t see the alliance?
The post-eviction lauding of the CO did smack a little of media-training for the players – but by then they were in the clutches of Production’s spinmeisters.
Nope, you are correct on all points. And no, pointing out the truth does not make you a racist, or butthurt.
Haven’t been watching. .. Decided to peek at bits and pieces of the finale, while watching the news. As much as I can stomach. …Ugh…… No doubt X wins. Interested in who will be fan favorite. Most of the HQ go home empty handed thanks to “unity” and playing for a greater cause, lol. .. All I can say is what a load of hogwash….. I think my watching BB days may be over….. Thanks for the opportunity to comment. Your part of the show is the best of the best.
So what is the over/under of Kyland, DF, & X not hanging out with each other like they originally said that they would do once Big Brother was over
I’d place 5-2 odds they DO NOT – X isn’t the type to change his mind once made & Ky overstepped the boundaries with mentioning Xavier’s family. Despite being given ample opportunity to walk it back in various interviews Ky stuck to his original version in every instance. For such an intelligent guy you’d think he’d understand they were giving him an opportunity to clean it up – & even AGAIN tonight didn’t catch on the fact they’re asking is b/c it WAS inappropriate.
So yeah – X will see those exit interviews with Ky doubling down on what he said & won’t want anything to do with him IMHO.
As for X/DF — Xavier is a smart guy so all the social media hits about his/Big D misogyny could be a factor but since he seems to enjoy celebrity I doubt it will impact him being friends with Big D (Joe Frazier’s son) post show. Did you see how excited X got learning that fact? They had planned on starting a podcast post show – we’ll have to wait & see if that still happens or if it will be marketed just to male fans (shade).
You can bet on an X Big D podcast. X because he likes the celebrity and Big D because he’s Smoking Joe’s son, and because they finished 1 and 2 (barf) in BB 23.
I agree with you about X and Ky, although I thought I did catch them hugging at the end of the show. Maybe Ky caught him at a vulnerable moment, but I doubt X will forget what Ky said about HIM, and not so much about his nephew. Ky keeps saying I wasn’t saying anything bad about his nephew, and he’s right. He wasn’t! He was saying bad things about X! Questioning his manhood, and saying his nephew didn’t have a man to look up to are NOT good things to say about a man, and that’s what Ky said about X, so I still think Ky owes X at the very least a sincere apology, and if that’s not forthcoming, I’d tell him to kiss my ass from now on, and let him go.
X went on Cody/Derrick’s pod last night as well as Rob Has a Podcast. It was confirmed X hadn’t misinterpreted what Ky intended. Tiff also confirmed the jury DID NOT see the video (remember Ky said they watched it – on line at a time?) so Ky was either lying about that or maybe production/an interviewer showed him separately. Tiff also said NO ONE thought what Ky did was okay (wait until she learns he was talking to her son on live feeds telling him his mother is a liar) but they all know Ky can never take responsibility when he’s wrong.
X said on the interviews he’d talk to him but it came across more as the polite thing to say rather than something he was just going to let slide with an apology. So I think our initial instincts will be proven accurate – he’ll distance himself as far as possible from Ky.
You might be right about X/Big D — the reason I’m not sure is DF doesn’t strike me as someone who’ll own his behavior & I just can’t see X wanting to be attached to him if they are always going to be viewed as those two misogynysts.e
It makes more sense to me for X to try to do something with his Kings teammate Christian. Last night the hamsters all congregated (sans the top 3) & Chris was there having flown to LA to be with Ally. So we’ll see – I wonder if Tiff will tell them about what X said (Ally was willing to give X “favors” to stay). If she shares that intel they won’t be as keen to be besties lol.
Oh, Couch is still going to want to get under Ky.
He’s just going to have to do it on the sly so that X doesn’t hear about it.
If I were Kyland I would definitely be telling Big D to go fuck himself and to quit dreaming about some “showmance” that did not happen or talking about seeing Kyland after the show. For one the man is not gay for two even if he was I do not think Big D would be a choice on his list. X is just who is he and do not expect Kyland or X to become pen pals. After this eve…its get lost to both X and Big D if I were Kyland.
Ky was big time trying to encourage the crush for weeks.
Ky identifies as pansexual according to his bio.
Closing thoughts:
I’m THRILLED Tiffany won AFP — did TPTB have a hand in it? Don’t know & don’t f*cking care b/c it’s the one & only time I’ll be okay if they did interfere!
I seldom get my preferred winner but her getting $62k (with her stipend) may not be $750k but she was my pick for best player this season so I’m glad she came close to matching what Derrick F will take home & IMO was the least deserving of ALL the cast member this season to earn as much as he did. I’m not sure if he also gets his stipend or just the $75k (plus $7.5k for domino effect winnings). Either way he walks away with at least $82.5k.
Other quick notes:
Looking forward to the exit interviews & whether X/Big D start to back off their revisionist history as they learn just how much Tiff/Han/Ky did to protect them specifically or if they stick with the same rhetoric.
In that vein — I wonder how Tiff will feel once she learns Ky was talking to her son on live feeds calling his mother a liar or about how X bad mouthed her for weeks & how Big D/X continued to state she was selfish & UNWORTHY of representing the season.
Will Ky – back track once he learns the analysts/former players view this season’s “best player” as Tiffany as he cut her believing X was.
I actually got teary during Britini telling her housemates about having autism (it was a very touching moment).
Azah looked PISSED at Big D (I don’t think she ever got over how he treated her these past few weeks).
Kyland STILL couldn’t just straight up say “I was wrong” and apologize for his exit (he did say sorry but it was disingenuous)!
I need to go back to see if I can see Big D’s/X’s faces when they stated DX/Tiff were the top two vote getters (did anyone else catch them?).
Kudos to Simon and Dawg for keeping us up to date on the house happenings & providing a forum where we can all post our thoughts & OBB contributors can dive deeper into the game. Shout out to Another Name, San_Diego_Gal, The Beef, Cujo, BB Fan, Nana1 et el. We may not always agree but I look forward to reading your comments and insights.
If you want to keep in touch with me during the offseason you can catch me on Twitter (same name) or if you’re a basketball fan I’ll be very busy this season continuing to write features about the Toronto Raptors, OKC Thunder as well as betting odds previews on all NBA teams.
Cheers! xoxo
Just look up frankie’s face for the 16 afp vote. I’m sure one of the three reaction shots readily available will match each of their faces.
LOL – ahhhhhhhh you had to give me one more coffee spewing laugh out loud moment didn’t you. xo
P.S. I meant to ask you did you see the tweet of Kyland on The Price Is Right? (it’s hella funny)
i think i did. lol.
trip to greece? got it wrong?
surprised he didn’t argue that he was right?
not surprised he was trying to get something for nothing.
You’re very welcome TTOTambz. You are one of our OBB superstars always a pleasure to read your posts.
Always my pleasure & thank you Simon 🙂
To you as well, I looked forward reading your comments! Till next season! Take care!
Totally agree. I’ll have to go back and check to see if they showed X and DF reactions to Tiff winning AFP. I don’t think they did. I’m glad BB doubled the amount, Tiff certainly earned it!
I’ve enjoyed reading your posts and look forward to next year. Thanks!
You know I love your posts, and I always find it “funny” that you write for the NBA given I was an NCAA Division 1 basketball official for 17 years before my back gave out, and I have several buddies that had long careers as NBA officials (Joe Derosa, Scott Wall, Sean Corbin, Scott Foster, Joe Forte, and more, almost all of them that had contact with the SEC). I look forward to hearing from you next season and getting your insight on the next group of “hamsters”!
found this screen shot of the moment Julie was about to announce AFP, this was X’s face
It’s the lawyer face of oh shit i shouldn’t have said that (after 3 weeks of putdowns).
I’m so glad Tiffany won AFP!
I am glad Tiffany won AFP. I would have been happy as well if DX had won it
They should have given babyD somthing.. his own cooking show perhaps.
Yes! He was robbed 🙁
Travis was on Derrick L/Cody podcast last night & told them as soon as DX got his phone he contacted him saying “so what are we doing next?”. Wouldn’t surprise me if the pair go on TAR or maybe The Challenge. Either way, I suspect we’ll see them again b/c CBS will want to showcase DX & he’ll want to do it with Travis which is why TAR makes sense.
Well, this finale has been a clown car all the way around. And now, Derek X lost AFH ..
Happy with 1st place winner and AFP. Disappointed with 2nd place winner, should have been Azah
X definitely played the best game! Julie’s last comment to Tiffany after being crowned “fan favorite” “air hug” while she stands shoulder to shoulder with her was absolutely ridiculous!
Are we supposed to actually believe Tiffani actually beat Derek X for America’s favorite? I am so over this show….
Your privilege is showing Karen.
Nope. I actually really like Tiffani and Derek X. I am basing that statement off of the polls. Thank you though for making an assumption about me.
Absolutely! I would’ve voted for him but Tiffany outplayed everyone including final two and she deserved to win the game! So she got AFH in consolation.
Tiffany is a deserving winner of AFP, but if you look at numbers alone there is no way she beat out Derek X. But it is what it is and I’m happy for her.
That was my point, the numbers. It just doesn’t make sense. I don’t mind that Tiffani won. I mind that it seems as if even that is rigged.
I know I’m biased (Tiff was my #1 & DX/Hannah my #2’s) but I do know the BB Fraternity came out in droves to push Tiff as AFP (people with big followings like Janelle, Da’Vonne etc). There was an article I think in EW where they spoke to 22 or so prior winners/players who predominantly picked Tiff as best of season.
To be fair, it wouldn’t be surprising if TPTB did give it to her especially if it was close — but then again they also pulled her into the DR/shut down feeds when she was actively talking about fracturing the CO preferring to make a run with DX/Claire/Christian/Hannah.They undoubtedly showed her the contract she signed that stipulates she HAS to do as they tell her. The next day was when she implemented “the plan”.
So if she was going to give up $750k out of being contract coerced I’m more than okay with her getting $62k (with her stipend). And DX will definitely either be back on BB or maybe another show like TAR.
I understand it was close. Perhaps what helped Tiffani was she was in the House longer and had more exposure to the public.. She played well and + seems like a supper nice woman.
I’m pissed that a worthless player (to himself, to others, to the BB game) made it to F2. It’s beside the point that BigD figured he earned it (what a crock). The message to all future BB houseguests is to be a totally lazy dumb worthless player and “you too can make it to final 2” then walk away with a lovely check. One can hope that when BigD returns back to normal life he quickly learns how he’s viewed.
That’s a wrap folks.. again thanks to everyone for supporting the site it’s always fun.
See ya for Celebrity Big Brother, Thanx to you and Dawg for the updates
Cross ur fingers for all black reality show folks on Celebrity BB.
I’m still on the fence about watching. I’m like 60/40 watching BBCelebrity3 and like 5/95 not watching BBCan 10. It pains me how shitty that show has become.
You mean feeds blocked 42 percent of the season….??
You guys (You and Dawg) did your usual great job this year Simon! I’m looking forward to seeing you both next season, and probably will see you for Celebrity BB USA as well. I just love the inside scoop we can get here, and all of the great posters that have congregated here over the years, and I’m even looking forward to seeing who Houka picks to win the next one so I’ll know who WON’T win. Hahahahaha
Seriously, love what you guys do, and hope you know I for one really appreciate both of you!
Final speeches. Towing the Company Line.
Both finalists say cookout forever type drivel.
cough cough… was it, like, 3 days ago the two of them were saying they would have said screw the cookout for a final 3 with Old Methdonald?
See, I was always of the opinion that the Cookout was a shield more than a mission to both of the finalists. X wanted to break it at 7, but Hannah won HOH. Couch…. he relied on everyone to keep him safe but let’s be clear, if he had the option, he’d have ditched the women actually preparing the meal the cookout enjoyed waaaaay sooner.
No questions from either Claire or Tiff, yeah.. hey production, taking that whole avoidance thing a little too far, aren’t you? Must have galled them to even have to admit Tiff created the plus one strategy. Shush. Facts are facts. But, if the result for the AFP is adjusted correctly by now… that’s enough crow eating. It’s gonna be Tiff btw. It just is. Even though prodo did her dirty, they know. It just is.
The QA portion sucked. No really. That was incredibly lame ass lob ball questioning that was beyond the pale for suckitude. Fire the schmuck that plotted that heaping bowl of crap and came up with those questions. Gawd.
Hannah saying she was honored to be part of the cookout? Oh honey. When she finds out she was an also ran in the minds of a bunch of cookout members almost up to the final 8… that’s gonna leave a mark. Oh there going to keep going back to that over and over, I can tell. Julie’s going to pitch to Hannah later. Book it.
Just me, but I really don’t care to hear from the prejury. eyeroll. Then again, I’m not USUALLY giving 2 craps about what prejury have to say about the game.
It’s not like they usually say what they really think beyond what production is willing to own.
Couch saying he’s Smokin Joes kid as a secret reveal. I’m STILL sure there was that feed moment in the house where he was pissed near the beginning of the game talking about his boxing training with do you know who i am attached… so…. what????
How many of these secrets would have changed a thing? To me the occupation secrets are silly. It’s one more level of secrecy you have to worry about in a game where you are already having to keep stories straight. Superfluous lying that serves no function imo.
Does Ky regret? Let me answer: No. Ky doesn’t regret shit.
There’s Julie asking Hannah again. sideye. Didn’t see that coming. whistles.
Oh. Xavier won? Hmm. How to put this… Trying to remember if it was even week 2 the first time I said X is the Grodboy this season… might have been early week 2 but outside chance i kept my yap shut until early week 3… so. Shocked. Most shocking thing is Brit voted for Xavier. that surprised me. Unanimous will suprise me more…
Oh. Unanimous. that suprises me….. not because Couch deserved a vote, but because have you listened to some of these houseguests this season?
Winner of the voter popularity contest: Tiffany.
As far as game is concerned, she earned it. For weeks hate or like her she was on everyone’s fingertips for comments. Dx came in second. Did he deserve second… not by the gullible game he played. If voters actually judged game? He was pittiful in terms of strategy. all those chess pieces, and he never figured out he should have been saying oh, half the pieces are one color and half are the other… and they’re on separate sides of the game? Hmmm.
Do i believe the result… i don’t believe any fan vote results. but hey.
And that’s that.
I am glad that it was unanimous. I thought there was a potential of Kyland being a bitter jury vote for DF
Same here!
AN – you would have bought the Brit vote if you watched TV episodes (I sent you a message but you might not have seen it — TWICE Brit was raving about Xavier’s game & she was super close to Claire/Tiff so I figured they would get her in line).
Did you catch they had to keep switching the cameras off the jury b/c Hannah kept laughing at couch? (it made me giggle — poor camera operator must’ve been told not to stay on jury lol).
I caught bits and pieces of the episode. Not gonna lie, I’m waaaaay out of practice for writing as an episode is playing. Used to be really easy to watch the tv, type, and check for typos during commercials. I’m really out of practice. haha.
Yes. I watched the final episode. So I watched 2 episodes this season.
I did see your response about Brit, and answered if anyone would pity vote it would be her (before joking that the jury house thought it was still the cookout, and were debating who got to throw the pity vote this time). I guess they decided screw pity, they’re getting cash that one of them doesn’t deserve.
I also told him about the Brit vote, and that she had NO reason to be loyal to people who weren’t LOYAL to her. That’s the thing about all of that smiling and nodding about the Cookout in the jury – and as AN said in his post – they were TOEING the company line 100% when doing so! But BOTH the Couch and Azah back stabbed her, and she knew that. Now I still believe she may have voted for Azah, because she was closer to her as a friend, but to the Couch? No way she was that close to that asshat, who not only backstabbed her, but also constantly put down ALL women in that house the whole season long. No way she rewards that kind of dis-loyalty with a vote based purely on loyalty. Now if he had actually played the game and DONE something, it may have been different, but since he didn’t, and given all of the rest of this – X gets her vote against him every time.
Big D manages to get me even more disgusted than Kyland. What a tool. Saying that he carried Azah, saying that he came up with the plan for the cookout, etc. Hurst my soul that he goes home with a check. He might be thinking: “What? There’ll be Celebrity BB and I wasn’t invited for that?” He deserved some live contempt from his former houseguests but… oh well, let bygones be bygones.
Azah had the opportunity of making history by sending Xavier home when she had that fundamentally important win, but decided to be a moron.
All in all, it was a good season. It’d have been nice to have someone/group suspect what was going on and that things had been a bit more complicated for the cookout, but still no complaints.
Simon/Dawg, Thank you so much for all you do. Your website has been going strong for so many years and I hope you’re getting compensated for all you do.
See you on CBB!
DX didn’t deserve AFP after he did what Tiffany and Hannah told him to.
And there you go DX didn’t win AFP. America’s favorite doesn’t go to a player who couldn’t make the right decision if it hit him in the face.
Thank you Simon/ Dawg!!
For countless years I’ve been with you, season after season for all my updates. Thanks so much for your hard work as dry as this season was. The right ppl took the money
You’re welcome BlueBee! it’s always nice hearing from a long time reader 🙂
There you have your black winner… are you happy now? he just need an alliance bases on skin color and carrying two goats to win.
You’re 100% correct
Well, in spite of my season-long sarcastic ranting, I thoroughly enjoyed this season. I’m THRILLED that Tiffany won America’s Favorite. Tiffany made the Cookout and she deserved that win. I was also glad to see DX in the top two. He was delightful to watch. As for our winner, it was fitting that X won 9-0. I have my gripes about X, but he kept his cool locked in a house for three months with Couch, and that alone is worth recognition. I also have high hopes that X will reflect back on the season and see that it was a group effort to get him across the finish line, and with that acknowledgement, he will demonstrate greater respect for the female gender.
Final Thoughts: Huge thanks to Simon & Dawg. Everyone please join me in making one last donation to the “tip jar.” Big shout-out to the posters here: Another Name, TTOTambz, Cujo, The Beef, Daring Librarian, Robert, and so many others that I’m forgetting to mention. You make my day with your posts. I love your wit, insight, and good humor. See y’all for Celebrity BB!
Thank you San_diego_gal! always appreciate your posts through the season awesome takes.
Hey! Could you please post some examples of Xavier’s misogyny on here? I’m quite sure I could find comments dissecting it in detail like a few hundred posts ago, but I won’t be able to find them easily. I saw some stuff during the broadcast but I’m sure I’d have seen more if I were watching live feed and reading this website often – I didn’t to keep the surprise factor intact. BigDbag was also a misogynist especially in regards to Whitney’s outfit and the way he put her on the spot and everybody, including the women, laughed and judged her. If people were making fun of his clothes I bet he’d get pissy and b!tch non stop.
Agree. I think I am beyond thrilled that Tiffany won AFP. It’s possible X will see the errors of his ways, maybe eat a little crow. He owes Tiffany a great big apology. (Couch needs to apologize to everyone including us. Just saying! I think Couch will go to his grave telling himself it was all him and everyone else were just his little bitches doing his bidding. The moment Julie mentioned celebrity BB I believe he thought that surely they are going to ask him to play.
I don’t usually watch celebrity BB. Who knows, we’ll see. If not, no doubt I’ll be back here next summer. Sometimes I kick myself for watching but I’m still here. At least I don’t make empty threats about never ever watching BB again. Lol!
I’ve enjoyed reading your thoughts/opinions and look forward to doing it all over again next year.
Thanks Simon and Dawg for all you do. I encourage everyone to show their appreciation and hit the DONATE button.
I liked the season 10x more than last season. Big Brother owes us another All Stars Season
Last season wasn’t all star. It was this is the people we could get during a pandemic.
I liked this season 1000000X more than BB22.. The worst seasons in the franchise are BB16, BB19, BB22.
BB23 was a move in the right direction with the casting. Now they just need to figure out a way to hamper Big alliances and we might start having some unexpected things happen again. Plus more booze C’mon
I hated BB15 also Simon. What I really want the most is another season of BBOTT. I guess it was too much of a headache for CBS to give us another 24 hour live show. I have never ever in my life seen so many Big Brother fans argue over HG’s like they argued over the cast of BBOTT.
I’d love to see a similar cast to this season with NO PRODUCTION INTERFERENCE. Although I know it’s unlikely CBS/Grod would do that – this season proved how it would be possible there were so many actual players this season – lots of super fans & lots of people willing to get dirty – strategize etc. The mission took that away.
I do think Azah would’ve been dragged late in the game BUT I doubt couch would’ve got far. Kyland’s control issues wouldn’t have been so readily accepted & Xavier wouldn’t have had the benefit of lying in the weeds until Week 9. That’s not to say X wouldn’t have made it far, rather it would’ve required him being much more involved earlier via winning more comps & being more forthright about game intelligence. As early as week two all of his Kings teammates were discussing taking him out.
IMHO w/o the Cookout I think the group that would have got the furthest was Tiff, Hannah, DX, Chris, Claire with Ally/Brit/Azah/X/SB in the mix. Too many of that group (DX/Chris/Claire/Ally/Brit/SB) wanted to target Ky/X earlier in the game & if Tiff/Han weren’t involved in the Cookout I bet they would’ve worked Chris to take out Ky and DX to take out X (which is what they expressed early in the game). Having those 4 targeting each other also would’ve allowed Tiff/Han/Claire/Ally & perhaps even SB in that scenario to be the benefactors of flying under the radar.
The Klingon won……. Shocker
Favorite screen name this season.
Not cute Simon. Lol
Big D is just pathetic. His comments about Azah were just plain rude. He only won because he was the easiest to be beat and proved how worthless he was every week. To think that he did anything even remotely competitive is a joke. The season was definitely one of the worst. I hope that next season we can forgo all the racism crap and focus more on the skills of the players and the game.
The only racism crap was from certain commenters.
I’m actually shocked Kyland voted for X.
I am too. I guess Ky matured just a little. X is still not happy with him though. Wait until Tiff finds out that Ky has been talking to her son about her on the Live Feeds, calling her liars etc. That is where the real drama is going to be!!
Don’t forget the drama around Big Dufus, Kyland and his ring! I wonder if Ky wore it again tonight lol
Yes. I forgot about the Ring
She got other things to be concerned about her son seeing.
FYI – seeing tweets congratulating Xavier for winning BB23 & Tiffany for winning AFP. In the ones I saw the likes for Tiff were double what the likes were for X!
What happened to all the fake social distancing during the finale with Julie Chen?
They sprayed her down with ivermectin moments before.
Lolololol!! Too funny Simon
Thank you so much to Simon and Dawg for having to watch the nonsense and keep us up to date! Till next year!
In my opinion the fans should vote for 1 nomination and have the fans vote out who they want out.
I’m also certain everyone saw X just totally ignoring Azah after he won. That was pretty hilarious (& expected.)
Did anyone notice an awkwardness between Azah and X it was like he was hugging everyone but trying to avoid her. Wonder if she feels played? Worst season ever and totally played exactly how production told them to. Derek X should have gotten AFP! Wonder how many viewers they lost over this ridiculous season? Interesting prize money has never been increased for any other season. Will they do a season like this on survivor too?
This season of Survivor is great so far.
I enjoyed Claire’s crafty comment when she voted. The third thing she loves which she didn’t experience tonight, was being proven wrong. She was referencing her warning to everyone about X. He won, she knew it would happen if he wasn’t taken down while there was still a chance. Very classy way to say it, with humor and subtlety.
I think that was a double fact – she was also the one that wanted Big D evicted & was working on that even prior to jury starting — saying if they didn’t take him out early he’d end up being dragged to F2 taking a spot both her/DX felt wouldn’t be fairly deserved.
I’m just reviewing parts of the Q&A. Did anyone else catch Xavier’s BIG LIE in his Q & A?
He said one of his biggest moves of the season was THROWING HOH to DX so that ONE OF THE KINGS COULD BE EVICTED — umm if that is true then why did you ask DX to keep ALL the Kings safe the minute he came down off the wall?
And he also had NO CLUE Christian was the back door target thinking Big D would be the renom. He can say well I was okay with SB going but the truth was he didn’t want any of the Kings going.
We’ll have to wait & see if some of the more dialed in analysts call him to task in his post game interviews. Taran of Rob Has a Podcast already was saying “IF” either Big D or X try to keep pushing their narrative he’ll tell them how Tiffany did a TON to keep X safe as well as Hannah/Kyland as for Big D he kind of laughed & said we’ll I won’t purposely embarrass him but I also won’t let him lie when the live feeds offer facts.
The other misrepresentation:
On the block 5 times with only one vote cast against him.
Does it count if you complain to the veto holder that you don’t want to be on the block anymore, so you are removed from the block more than once so that you aren’t up for eviction ON eviction night?
It’s like if the Couch tried to say he had the opportunity to become HOH 14 times. Sure, everyone that participates in an hoh comp COULD become HOH. Doesn’t mean they ever won HOH.
Taran and Rob were weak with their interviews. Probably too scared of hurting their own future chances to appear on a BB season and out truth and production.
Rob and Taran: what flavor of God’s Kool-Aid is your favourite?
Thank you Simon and Dawg for your time and hard work, it’s truly appreciated. This was my first season not watching the feeds, and I never felt like I was missing out.
I think this season is one for the books. It’s been historic, and it’s been polarizing. I’m glad it’s over. X was the clear winner of the three, and I’m ok with that. Was wishing for less predictability, but you can’t always get what you want…
The season didn’t have alliances going after each other, and I do miss that aspect of the game. It’s fun to watch and not know in advance what will happen. With that being said, this alliance format has happened before, the model works, so I’m sure it’ll happen again in some iteration.
The Cookout was a solid alliance in the fact that they got all 6 members to final 6. That is an undeniable feat. I’m proud of them and believe they are to be commended for the bigger purpose they played for, and a strategy well executed.
Summer just wouldn’t be summer without Big Brother. Cheers!
Thank you again Simon and Dawg for all the great commentary while putting up with the daily dribble. It helped keep me interested in what I felt was a meh season.
Final thought.
Okay, i watched a movie and came back.
Tamar is still black. Josh still identifies as a black latino cuban. Kaycee? Jun? Still POC. Just saying. Hey, it was important to state when they won, it’s still important to say it when it’s being subtly shushed. mmhmmm.
Here is my takeaway of the last hour of the finale of big brother.
Okay, not going to lie, I’m chuckling. With the parameter changes to casting, the problems of the past were already addressed. So, realistically, the cookout wasn’t actually necessary. Given the game dynamics outside of the cookout… the winner would have been one of four members of the cookout anyway. Look at how the board was set up in terms of ties, allegiances, social control and comp wins. One of four would have been the winner regardless. But the address/ redress issue had to be pushed in order to create that partisan attention that the network and company required in order to insinuate themselves into the discussion without accountability.
Just like after BBCAN9, I sat back and considered the game outside of the house. The viewership game, the spotlight cast upon us by measuring our reactions. I come to the same conclusion. If we can accurately measure the society by how a cross section reacts… There’s a lot of work to do. Rolls eyes, guesses the mongers are thinking sjw… and i’m thinking so the literal opposite would be selfish corruption loser, why would i want to be THAT???
16 people were cast to play this season, and one group formed a week one alliance to get rid of everyone not in the alliance before turning on each other, leaving the arguably second or third best player of the season as the winner. Is there a lie in there?
Future seasons can go one of two ways:
cookout blowback is one possibility, and there’s no way to call racism on it because it’s now strategic reaction, or… nope. no. that’s going to happen. just the one way future seasons will go for a good next full season or two.
To the narrow minded that started bitching the moment the new casting changes were announced, already saying worst season ever, and never watching again before the premiere: if you’re reading this…. be better and why are you even reading this, you said you’d never watch again a few months ago… nothing has changed.
I don’t always agree with you 100% but I always enjoy reading your posts. It’s the day after finally and I don’t know if anyone is still here but I just have to say your last sentence was BOOM, right on the money! To quote another commenter on here, to all those negative Nancy’s (putting it nicely) “BUH BYE!”
I’m in try to find interviews mode.
I really want the brave interviewer that actually holds their feet to the fire, and asks the tough questions. I’m getting a lot of puff piece bullshit… but still hoping SOMEbody chose integrity. Given nobody is calling Couch out and just letting him spew delusion…. I guess I chose the wrong time to want integrity.
I haven’t seen full interviews yet.
I’ve seen video clips.
It took the Couch all of about two questions to use the ‘you don’t see everything on feeds’ and ‘i don’t know what the edit said but’ lines.
When told point blank that Tiff was the captain steering the cookout ship strategically, X’s face was wide eyed, then jaw dropped to the floor. I’m not kidding.
It’s going to get bumpy. bring popcorn.
I don’t exactly know where all of the wikipedia edits on his name started, or ended…
but this one made me ear to ear grin.
Lol thanks for that!
Thank god it’s over worse season ever
Rigged from the start
Xavier’s Exit Interview
That interview was absolute revisionist bullshit. Very in keeping with what he would have been debriefed about by production so that the hero story remains untarnished…. but the interview allowed him to continue his semantic view of the season.
If they’re all like that and everyone slow pitches to him, I’m going to be disappointed.
Azah’s Exit Interview
Derek F’s Exit Interview. Delusional
Couch will go to his grave believing he was the mastermind behind the CO. Ugh!
can’t watch that guy anymore, had way too much of him during the season. One of the least likable players ever. He and his delusions of grandeujr can wander off into the sunset together as far as I’m concerned.
He has now found out on Social Media how disliked he is and going on an apology tour now
BB has become the new platform for political “correctness”. What a boring season… No one talks about black racism, but everyone points out to white racism.. double standards for sure.. happy for Xavier.. but truth hurts…
you mean nobody talks about black on white bigotry… meaning the expression of negative white bias by blacks as prejudice.
Using correct terminology isn’t politcally correct, It’s just correct.
This was thee most likeable cast in the history of big brother! Very Dope people! I love Claire, DX, tiff, Hannah, Christian, Alyssa, X and even Brittany
AFP…lol. We now know who’s still watching the show, the same people that voted for Da’Vonne to be AFP. Definitely should have gone to DX. It seems as long as you have a sob story America is prepared to hand you money. Almost as bad as Rachel Reilly’s sister getting AFP.
There are Us weekly and RHAP interviews posted on youtube.
I’m not sure if adding youtube video links is something we can do on here, or if it breaks any sort of agreements… so I’m going to err on the side of caution.
The Us interviews… slow pitch lobbed prepared questions. Canned answers. Couldn’t find the Couch interview.
All interviewers seemed to want Tiff interviews more than some of the others.
Ummmm… at one point Couch calls himself the first black runner up. Fool, Danielle Reyes wants a word. He continues by saying the jury was bitter toward him due to his game play, when the reality is it’s lack of gameplay that pissed the jury off. Taran’s side eyeing through the interview with Couch so much it’s like he has 2 lazy eyes. I think he had at least 4 aneurysms. I’m not kidding. But they really let him get away with a lot.
He isn’t just delusional… the couch is openly lying. He’s even saying his tears were fake last week. X is about 9 minutes 35, Tiff is about 12 minutes, Couch about 10 minutes of total bullshit, and Azah 10 minutes 30 of hyping up not playing at all as playing a game that is worthy of third.
I’ve yet to actually see anyone truly call anything that should be called out in interviews.
No hard hitters are coming out to play. Eyeroll.
I know Taran was soooooooo angry eh? He was holding back for sure. I was praying DF would ask him for his opinion b/c Taran said “If I’m asked I’ll tell him he’s the new standard for worst player in BB history.”
At least one twitter commenter has been invited to set up an appointment with Ky to discuss their views.
Leave it to a HORSE’S ASS to try to schedule one on one meetings post season.
He also reached out to Cody/Derrick but they decided to let some time pass first since he elected to not take yet another opportunity to apologize (they’re protecting him from the twitterverse)
don’t worry… he’s decided to twitter beef about the sister running his social media in the house instead…. oi vey. don’t just call her… tweet. dummkopf move.
Btw… is it bad that i never actually noped Couch?
I mean… in my head I figured I should only actually nope people playing big brother. That’s the ONLY thing that ever stopped me. He was furniture.
Worse season of all time and most rasist season of all time aswell, if 6 white people did what the 6 black people did this year it would be the biggest story around. This season made me sick to my stomach and for big brother to let this happened and also helped this happen is a joke. I’m done with CBS .
see you next season.
Ya probably lol, but I did stop watching this season when it got to final 8, just a really bad season, no drama what so ever.
Sounds just like what non-white viewers have been saying for 22 years!
That’s weird because there has never been a season where 6 white people get together and plan to remove the other contestants because of race,
Don’t bother stating the truth, as that doesn’t resonate here. The only things that go over well are the ALL white alliances ALWAYS evict the black players FIRST. The fact the alliances aren’t always all white, and the fact a black player is seldom the first player evicted (although SOME have been), has nothing to do with the fact many people continue to make this statement over and over again.
In the history of Big Brother USA FIVE black players have been evicted first, while 18 white players have been evicted first. 13 men have been the first player to exit the game while 10 have been women. David Alexander was the last “first” black player evicted in BB 21, and before him you have to go back to BB 14 to find Jodi Rollins as a first evicted black player, but she was evicted by the choice and sole vote of her coach, Dan Gheesling – not the other players. So he made a choice to try and keep his team strong (I think – she was an older woman, and obviously early in the game, before the coaches became a part of it that season).
The other three were William Collins – BB 1, Amanda Craig – BB 4, and Keith Henderson – BB 13. So, no, black players are NOT always evicted first, and not always by all white alliances, but even if they are (all white), if the sole purpose of that alliance is not to evict people who are a different race than they are, their motive is not prejudiced in nature, as this season’s was. But I will admit to being torn on that issue, as I do understand the desire to see a black winner of Big Brother, and how do you accomplish that goal without voting out the white folks? So it’s just a sticky wicket we’re going to have to accept this one time, but if it continues, it’s going to result in race wars on TV, and that won’t be good for anybody.
I think that DerekX was cheated out of AFP. Now, if DerekX did lose legitimately, I would want no other than Tiffany to win it. (I wanted Tiffany to win BB23) I was sure DerekX had it in the bag because all summer he was far in the lead of most or all of the online polls. I could be wrong; but, I don’t think I saw Tiffany’s name once in first place. I think Grod wanted a member of the CO to win! There have been so many complaints about the CO this year and Production’s interference, Grod wanted to “show” how popular the CO was! That’s why Julie said it was close between Tiffany and DerekX.
I also believe the first HOH competition was made for X… he had the long legs and arms to hold on to “the boat”. As others have pointed out when X and Azah went head to head, I also noticed how X had his answer up before Julie finished the question.
I liked X at the beginning; but, as time went on, his actions proved he was an unworthy BB winner.
If Grod/Production are going to interfere with the game, they shouldn’t be so blatant to insult our intelligence.
I thought I was the only one who saw that X chose his answers before Julie finish reading the questions. He had his finger up celebrating before Julie gave the last answer. How did he know he got it right and it wasn’t going to be a tiebreaker. I also think they told Azah to throw the first question.
LOL, that’s some high reaching you’re doing there. X has been relentless studying up to this point. If he recognized the false statement was A before Julie read C, that’s why he was grabbing the card early. Azah did it with a couple of the questions too. The only complaints about the CO have come from the racists. Most people can get behind the CO reasoning as to why but took more of an issue with such a large alliance.
I think a lot of people (like me) switched their AFP votes from DX to Tiffany by the end. I liked DX, and he got all my votes for money, but I really thought Tiffany made this season. I also thought she handled her eviction and post eviction with class. Another big factor is that I see DX being more likely to be invited back and accepting.
Well, friends, I had signed-off, but I could not resist posting one more comment on here (in case anyone is still reading through the comments).
Kyland is officially back on social media. He has responded (politely) to a few people who have given him criticism and asked them to DM him, so that they can video-chat to talk about it. Yep, you read that right. Kyland is now scheduling 1-on-1’s with the viewers. LMAO! Now, that’s a wrap to the season!
Oh , SDG, do check out some of the Couch interviews where he addresses his chauvinism. LOL.
He says that calling the women bitches was fine because he and his girl friends do that all the time. Mmkay… so in direct conversation with a woman where she doesn’t take offense to him calling her a bitch, I’d agree, that if they’d agreed the terminology is endearment not aggressive, that would be okay.
most of the time it wasn’t direct conversation with the woman he was calling a bitch. It was in discussion with another man behind the woman’s back where he would be calling the woman a bitch, and that’s a whole different ball game.
If only the interviewer had made him aware of that disctinction.
They really are just letting him off the hook.
LMFAO – that should keep him busy for MONTHS!
Been checking out interviews & social media. X’s instagram is a long video primarily of his picture with messages of congrats & the only video is of him with Christian & Ally. He’s also walking back the Tiff thing (a lot NOW) saying he saw her as the most dangerous in CO — if he didn’t win he knew she would. Ummmmm I’m hoping someone brings the receipts & puts up the video of him stating she was least deserving of winning and countless times he called her unworthy of representing the season.
As per AN’s note below Big D is doing what he does – capitulating & trying to paint a different picture. He’s clapping back at tweeter:
“Sorry, I was too busy sleeping this whole summer but I heard y’all were looking for me ? ……. My bad, I was too busy getting my 75k check.” (X retweeted it – so he’s just pretending IMO about changed feelings)
Rockstar tweeted: “Fxck your couch twitter I’m rich bitch” Big D retweeted it saying “Literally gurl!” which of course everyone is jumping all over.
Tiff’s kept it funny/classy in interviews but as the day progressed she must be getting tea/receipts about how Big D was slagging her & what Ky said/did b/c she’s started to retweet comments from others who are pointing out FACTS. lol
In interview they played it off like “we’re like a family who fights but centered on love” but my guess they only time they’d ever all be together would be for events (where they can earn money) or possibly for charitable functions. In terms of friendships though I’d say X stays in touch with only Big D from CO (maybe Hannah if she’s open to it) but moreso Chris/Ally. Big D will want to be besties with Ky/X (& Frenchie) and will seek fame wherever he can. My bet is Azah only ends up close to Brit but will be nice to everyone although she still looks shell shocked today in any of the group interviews.
Check out the ET interview & watch Hannah’s face while Big D is talking (she is NOT amused lol). Meanwhile, Hannah/Tiff are thick as thieves & I think the group they would’ve preferred to work with had the CO not existed will be the ones who stay the closest from this cast (DX/Claire/Chris/Ally).
For some reason a bunch of season 21’s and JC decided they should be at the afterparty…. ugh.
TIff instory video has them out somewhere
lots of scurrying around, probably lots of bevvies included.
Tiff audio: Who’s humping on Azah? Azah you getting humped on? camera turns…
audio continues: f*ckin David over here tryin to join the cookout… not gonna happen.
So alums I saw on vids at the after: Analyse, JC, Tommy, David, and I think I saw Enzo and JC. Chance there were more… but those are the ones trying to cling on to the current 15 minute holders because their own fifteen are long passed.
If I understood correctly… David was trying to claim that he is the reason for the cookout? His appearance on 21 and the work he put in on 22? Jeepers, if David were the inspiration we’d be watching Brent or Frenchie videos being interviewed as winner. C’mon. That guy? Honestly. Couldn’t give two shits about the cause unless he’s siting the cause to get something for himself only. He’ll get along great with the cookout men.
As per that ET interview. Let me tell you what the body language said specifically as Ky was talking: Ky. animated hands. defensive squaring of shoulder. He KNOWS he done pissed in his chilli, but he won’t own it and apologize. Hannah eye rolls. I know what eyerolls mean nothing else required but body is bristling having to hear this crap. Couch. looking down and away from Ky. he wants no part of this, he has his own negative publicity to worry about at the end headrolls like dammit just apologize asshat this is starting to screw with my livelihood. X. hands in lap, but thumbs moving like crazy. Legs wiiiide apart and shoulders puffed… he’d throw down if he could. Azah legs pointed as far away from the current convo as possible. edge of seat like she wants out of the interview because this could effect her future. Tiff….flipping hair. jaw muscles tiiiight. She’d love to chirp, but she’s gonna let him sink himself.
Everyone’s microexpressions are showing disgust and anger that this is going to continue being a thing because Ky’s decided it’s his 15 minutes, who cares how it screws up anyone else.
Yes! I saw that on Twitter that he was scheduling one on one’s. Hilarious
Save your time, just watch one set. They’re saying all the same stuff in every one and ain’t nobody calling them on it.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
Azah was playing the game… must have missed that.
X had his finger on the pulse… i object your honor.
Couch has confused an industrial sized buttplug for a pacifier… because everything coming out of his mouth is a pile of shit.
Tiff will say in every interview: I woke up every day saying ‘you know you’re cancelled now, right?’
There. That’s about IT.
I would love for Big Brother 24 or 25 to be an All-Star Season. My HouseGuest choices are: Evel Dick, Janelle, Kaysar, Day’Vonne, Rachel, The Neanderthal(Brendan), Danielle Reyes, Christian, DX, Claire, Chaddha, Xavier, Keith, Tiffany, Danielle Lickey(BBOTT),
Well Simon and Dawg thank you for another wonderful season of BB. This one was far better than the last 4/5 seasons.
I have watched but dropped the live feeds years ago because of the constant drops of the feed and because you two do such an amazing job it’s easier to give you the money than CBS. Lol
To the posters here you make it enjoyable and informative to stay up to date.
As for the season say what you want an alliance played the game and made it to the end, granted individual timed event that have DF coming in second on the comics paleeeeeese.
I would have liked Tiffto make finals but X knew he would lose if he was against her.
So to all of you I will see you next year unless S&D put up with celebrity.
Also once last donation Simon and Dawg to purchase some kraken for you.
Thanks very much Texastigger. Glad you like our efforts through the years
Just finished watching final episode on demand. What a shame DF won anything. Disrespectful to women. He claims he carried Azah, does he not remember X gave him the sole vote knowing he would vote out KY. Seeing his true colors and interviews from other HG he really deserved nothing.
Simon and Dawg, just Donated! I miss the season already. Waiting on CBB!
Thanks chessie_k 😉 much appreciated
Welcome Simon!
Thank you Chessie_K! We really appreciate it! I always go through withdrawals at the end of the season. It will be interesting to see who’s on CBB 🙂
You’re Welcome! Yes! I can’t wait to see who is on CBB!
Post Season
The twitterversal edition:
Other than more frickin singing… that’s pretty much all the twitter vids are saying.
You’re welcome.
Xavier’s Interview From CBS MORNING SHOW
Azah won HOH…Did not have Derek F. (Big D) evicted… Any “carrying” was repaid at that point. For Derek F. not to realize this means he may have been ungrateful. This, after all, is Big Brother…expect the unexpected.
Thank you Simon & your crew for this forum. You guys do a great job. I usually just read the days events and comments and rarely comment. But after the season I will not be sitting my DVR to watch Big Brother anymore. I believe CBS made some poor choices in allowing the way the show was moving forward. Not everyone will agree and that’s okay. It is my choice and thank you again for a great job!
Post season.
Opened Twitter for the first time in about a week and a half.
Here’s what’s going on in the new big brother house at Todrick Hall’s:
Simon and Dawg, are you guys okay? I hear that the weather was/is real bad in Vancouver, heavy rain and mudslides
Hey Chessie, Yeah we’re fine. The flooding isn’t as bad here on Vancouver Island. All roads from the rest of Canada going to the city of Vancouver are washed out. The main highway is seriously damaged.
So glad you guys are okay!! Take care!