Big Brother 22 – Sneak Peek Inside the House!

The much anticipated and long awaited premiere of Big Brother 22 is set to air in just a couple of days and we’re only just now getting our first sneak peek inside the newly redesigned house. Although its already been revealed that this season will be the second All-Stars season in the series, the identities of which big brother alumni that will be moving into the house has not yet been released. Unlike any other season the full cast is not being revealed until the premiere and the house guests are moving into the house live on the first episode. Typically the house guests move into the house the week before the premiere so there is a lot of game play that we don’t get to see on the live feeds. Its a huge bonus to not miss out on the house guests forming alliances and trying to piece together what’s happened so far.

We also usually get a sneak peek inside the newly redesigned house before now but we’ll take anything we can get at this point… Take a look below, there’s a “comic book bedroom” with superheros on the wall, a “photo bedroom” with black and white photos all over the walls highlighting freeze-frame moments from the 20 year history of big brother, and a “key bedroom” which celebrates a major symbol of the game – the big brother key.


Living room:

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15 thoughts to “Big Brother 22 – Sneak Peek Inside the House!”

  1. … So, I don’t know about you, but I’d find it moderately humbling to be called an “All-Star”, walk in and see the faces and memorable moments or characteristics of past players they couldn’t get / convince / afford up on the walls. cough cough mostly B-Team cough. I mean, when Cornbread gets a nod. side eye.

  2. Not thrilled about having to see the word “funeral” all the time in the kitchen. Just a bad reminder of things I’d like to forget.

  3. press release says feeds start approx 11.30 pm house time pt wednesday night, 2.30 am et thursday morning, so feeds on night 1 (3 and a half hours after east coast live premiere airing ends, and 30 minutes after delayed west coast premiere airing ends)

  4. I’m trying to find out where I can get the dog statues on the coffee table in the living room of Big Brother 22. I’ve been searching for “decorator” or “who furnished” the house to no avail. If anyone knows I’d appreciate hearing from you at [email protected] THX

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