Ohh BOY here it is. The Big Brother 22 ALLSTARS 2 cast. Super surprised CBS was able to drag a couple of these folks off social media to be on Big Brother for 3 months. Good work CBS you did the unthinkable. I am happy we got a season and an AllStars some great names in here going to love seeing some of these classic players one last time. let’s GO!
Live Feeds! Subscription. Why leave all the pain to Simon and Dawg
Nicole Franzel
(Big Brother 16 Evicted Day 56 then again on Day 66, Big Brother 18 WINNER)
Didn’t know how hated Nicole Franzel was until all these preseason shenanigans. She was alright in season 16 but a disappointment in season 18. Nicole spent most of that 18th season in bed with Corey. Their showmance really dragged us all down and wasn’t good for anyone to watch.
Verdict – As long as she’s not in a showmance and she can keep her thirst down it might be alright. The memes on /r/BigBrother of her are priceless.
Daniele Donato
(Big Brother 8 Runner-up, Big Brother 13 evicted day 55)
Like Janelle, another iconic player. Daniele and her father BB twitter personality, Dick Donato mad it all the way to the end of Season 8 with Dick taking the win. She married her BB13 castmate, Dominic Briones. This will be her first time playing without her father on the show expect a no-nonsense game.
Verdict – Great to see her back on the feeds a site favorite.
Da’Vonne Rogers
(Big Brother 17 evicted day 17 Big Brother 18 evicted day 51)
A definite fan favorite Da’Vonne is best known for her takedown of another Calafiore boy in the jury house during Big Brother 18. Maybe not the best player but sure knows how to bring the drama.
Verdict – Good pick in this COVID world Hope she goes in like a wrecking ball.
Christmas Abbot
(Big Brother 19 Evicted day 92)
Christmas sometimes referred to as Sh1tmas is a wonderful BB character with a kind heart beautiful both inside and out. She stood up for those that were bullied and went against the house mob with the virtue of a saint. She had a strong will and will always be remembered to be someone that stood by what was right and decent regardless of what the majority mob did.
Verdict – She spent the season with a busted foot and on pain pills. The mob she was part of threw comps to her and kept her around as a vote.
Tyler Crispen
(Big Brother 20 Runner up)
Tyler Crispin may be considered one of the more potent players of the new generations and also one of the most polarizing characters within the community. Fans either love him and his showmance Angela or hate them. He made it to the end of his Season and lost to his ally Kaycee by a vote of 4-5. He ended up winning America’s favorite that season.
Verdict – He’s got no Showmance this time around which might work in his benefit. At least he doesn’t have to worry about JC grabbing his junk. A solid All-Stars pick.
Ian Terry
(Big Brother 14 WINNER)
Ian Terry was awkward at first but as the game progresses he became a formidable player. He won a slew competition right when he needed to take out big players and earning the respect of the house enough to award him the win by a vote 6-1 against BB10 winner Dan.
Verdict – As long as they get him a squeaky hammock that can swing It’ll be all good. A great All-Stars cast pick.
Kevin Campbell
(Big Brother 11 Evicted day 73)
Kevin was teamed up with Natalie during his season and they went far with scheming and lies. Unfortunately for them, they were against the cat lady loved JEJO and for that, the community (OBB included) hated them. It was mostly Natalie but some of that rubbed off on Kevin. Does anyone remember the one last lie they pulled to mess with Jeff? it worked propelling them into the BB11 late game.
Verdict – Looking back in hindsight maybe they weren’t all that bad. Maybe JEJO were the bad guys.
Enzo Palumbo
(Big Brother 12 Evicted day 75)
Steller social game during his season. The founding father of the Brigade Enzo was a favorite from a simpler more enjoyable Big Brother time.
Verdict – Tossing grenades and eating with your mouth WIDE open that’s the Enzo way. Will he reform the Brigade with this cast? I’m here for it.
Janelle Pierzina
(Big Brother 6 Evicted day 76, Big Brother 7 evicted day 67, Big Brother 14 Evicted day 34))
After seeing her on Big Brother 14 I’m surprised she came back for another go. Janelle is one of the most iconic Big Brother characters of all time being the only player to have played in all three eras of this show. (Early Shapiro golden age, Grodner twist era, late-stage Grodner garbage cast era)
Verdict – Loved Janelle before and we can love her again.
Bayleigh Dayton
(Big Brother 20 Evicted day 51)
A popular player that really brings the drama whether it’s forced or real it is usually fun to watch. She married Swaggy-P from that same season. Their after-show antics on Social Media and other reality shows seem to be popular with many fans. Bayleigh is a polarizing character in the community, coupled with her feistiness it should make BB22 interesting.
Verdict – Looking forward to the minute by minute updates on how much gold Swaggy has accumulated on Instagram.
Nicole Anthony
(Big Brother 21 Evicted day 99)
Nicole was well-liked in her season being a fan favorite throughout but maybe losing some of that luster near the end.
Verdict – A great All-stars pick and should do alright with Cliff, not in the house. (Thank god Cliff isn’t on)
Keesha Smith
(Big Brother 10 Evicted Day 64)
Of all the season I have covered Big Brother 10 has been completely purged from my memory banks. She won America’s player.
Verdict – essentially a new player for me to watch. let’s go!
David Alexander
(Big Brother 21 Evicted Day 1)
David was evicted Day 1 and instantly became BB twitter’s favorite person in the world narrowly beating out Kim Kardashian. He got back in the BB21 only to get evicted again.
Verdict – Give him another shot why not he’s got fire in his belly which this show needs.
Kaysar Ridha
(Big Brother 6 Evicted day 47, Big Brother 7 evicted day 39
What can I say he’s one of the biggest names from the golden age. “WHAD UP KAY-SAR”. Kaysar doesn’t hold the best “all-Star” record but he was a great BB character. Would have probably won America’s favorite if they had it back then.
Verdict – Just get to Jury this time bud you can do it!
Cody Calafiore
(Big Brother 16 Runner-up)
A real studmuffin over here. He’s best known for making out with his dad and winning the BB16 final 3 Head of Household but coming in second. With that ever-important final HOH win, Cody evicted Victoria instead of Derrick. The one person he could win against was Victoria he settled for runner-up and 1/10 the money. Derrick won that season by a vote 7-2
Verdict – Cody was constantly threatening to Call people out but never did sh1t. He just hung around rubbing up on a married woman the entire 900 days that wretched season went on for. A more entertaining pick would have been his brother Paulie at least then we could update the gif of him peeing in the hot tub.
Memphis Garrett
(Big Brother 10 Runner-Up)
The same as Keesha, Purged.
Verdict – Memphis was some sort of gunslinger with Dan on his season and they made it to the end. Let’s see how far he goes on his own.
Live Episode results
Playing for the HOH they go in Four at a time with potentially 2 of them advancing to the HOH competition. They have 4 minutes to complete the challenge.
Nicole F, Sh1tmas, Da’Vonne, and Dani first four to compete. Sh1ytmas goes to the live HOH competition
The next four to enter are Tyler, Kevin, Enzo, and Ian. Ian and Kevin advance to the Live HOH.
Next four are Janelle, Bayleigh, Nicole, and Keesha. Nicole advances to the live HOH.
The last four are David, Kaysar, Memphis, and Cody. Memphis and Cody advance to the LIve HOH.
The 4 groups meet
The Head of household competition
Individual times the competitors are Nicole, Christmas, Ian, Kevin, Cody, and Memphis.
Memphis – 1:12.22
Cody – 22.06
Christmas, Kevin, Nicole, and Ian cannot beat 22.06 they each get to draw a Card.
Cody wins the first Head of Household.
Ian, Kevin, Memphis, and Nicole draws the Have not card and are have nots this week.
Sh1tmas wins $5000
The twist Grodner added to ruin is called “the safety Suite” no details given. There’s a new way to prevent you from getting evicted it can affect 2 houseguests. Throughout the summer new rooms will be revealed and each room will twist up this game like never before
At least some of these folks seem like they will be entertaining. How much fan favorites twisty twists are we going to get.
Grod will put just enough twists to ruin a perfect season.
How the hell does David qualify as an all-star? He didn’t even get evicted and couldn’t last one day.
I for one am glad they are giving him a chance. There are people I definitely like of this cast (Janelle, Memphis, Dayvonne for starters)
I don’t think he should be on the show either. He does NOT meet the definition of an Allstar. But in the news today, Julie C mentioned that they brought in a lot more than 16 people to be screened for COVID, and some of the HGs who were definitely going in the house had COVID. So that’s why David is in there
It could be he passed the covid tests and he said yes. I am surprised Rachel or Brenden didn’t turn up. (Thank GOD) I was really hoping for Regan or Brittney…. I know people love the Meow Meow but he is on my most annoying houseguest list….. live feeds and After Dark while Enzo eats is disgusting.
He reminds me of Nick from last season….both gross! Rachel is 6 months pregnant so I knew she was not in play.
ugh. Why did they bring Nicole F back I cant stand her
Someone has to lie in bed and play rub the sausage.
I am glad I am not the only one who had Kesha wiped from their memory
Keesha has always been my favorite!
Keesha had the best WORST BB birthday “party” smackdown to date. I’m happy she’s in this cast.
Its the weirdest thing I cant remember a single thing about that season.
Not even Renny from New Orleans? She was such a hoot.
come on. Jerry losing his mind? Dan laying on the couch the whole summer?
Strange you say that, I just texted my Mom saying I must have missed a season?
there was an earthquake
You can rewatch the season on CBS all-access. That’s what I’m going to do for the people I don’t know. You can fast forward through the bulls**t.
Saaaaaame, brotherrrr
Same here!! I remember nothing !!
The loveliness of live tv!!! ?????
Bay Leigh has GOT TO GO. Please please please be the 1st to go
Bayleigh can leave AFTER Tyler is finally out. I have been predicting his eviction for 2 years now.
You have been.. lol
Good luck with that. I can see Bay and Tyler teaming up. That would actually be a good secret alliance that I don’t think people will see coming.
Who will get further:
Tyler or Bayleigh?
Memphis or Cody?
Nicole or Nicole?
Tyler Memphis Nicole A
Lol just read your comment after mine.
Nicole of course. She’s one of the best players of all time and I called it on day 1 of her season.
Nicole A
I see the same. I think N.A. Could win this year. She’ll stay under the radar again at the beginning and then turn it on. I think she’ll make better decisions later in the game then she did last year.
Geez missing the first 3 hours on feeds because of west coast. guess its better than missing the first week!!
Missed opportunities
We’re missing some players once thought to be shoe-ins for Allstars, I wonder what happened. No Derrick, Dan, Paul, Victoria, Ginamarie, Shelly, Shelby, JEJO, BRENCHEL!
Some people I wished were on
Grateful were not seeing
Some people i wish was on.
Great to see BB this summer wasn’t sure it was going to happen and an all star on at that(to a degree). Like your picks of who you wished were on there. I agree 100% with you about one and people moan about here but Amanda from BB15 was a boss. Very strategic amd brought the heat to the house. She is my favorite houseguest to play. Loved her on the feeds. Also her and Davonne could have been explosive on the feeds
I’m 100% with you on Amanda Zuckerman. (Minus her McGrimey cohort)
Shelly,YES! Excellent housekeeper! When the house gets dirty I get squirmy.
i LOVE Frankie! He has a big career on Broadway now…well…HAD!
glad to see Janelle back!
Derrick BB16 for sure couldn’t stand him, only worse would be Victoria there with Cody.
What about Vanessa Russo?
Dude I am stoked. I love Janelle, and I’m excited to see Memphis and Kaysar. Could’ve done without Ian.
Everyone has someone that they don’t like. I could have done without Enzo & Cody
Did anyone else notice the stools were still shaking from the first run when Cody went? Of course he blazed it, he knew which ones were stable.
I did
Absolutely! He had a serious advantage because of that!
Yes! That was a bogus HOH!
Chenbot realized it too. She started waiting until they stopped before calling the next one out.
Did you also notice that both girls groups had the 2 hardest targets on the ball game. That really contributed to there only being 2 girls in the HOH.
-some pretty big production gaffs (mostly the have not room issue)
-have they figured out that now that les isn’t in charge they don’t really have to pay much attention to Julie? But hey, keep talking and hugging while she tries to get control.
-so what was up with the puzzle in the woman groups being the two bottom corners of the maze and the first men’s group being the second room in the maze, while the second men’s group was the centre of the maze? That seemed…. weird. like gotta stroke the male egos and make sure 2 men per group get in to play for hoh weird. Given timing, Do you actually think they planned for 8 runs in that final hoh comp? Not a lot of fill in space afterwards (unless you remove the talk to Cody in d/r part).
-if people that have same season connections ganged up as a start of season big pairs alliance to last for the first couple of weeks, they’d be smart. Won’t happen. It would be smart.
-0h. I was under the mistaken impression Kevin’s name was David. Almost since his season. My bad.
I was so pissed they made the women’s puzzles harder to win, ensuring less women in HOH comp. That was BS. The men’s first clue was soooo easy to get.
I was going to post the same thing about the girls maze but thought I would read all comments first. 3 girls out because of the time limit. The time limit was BS if they were further for the girls. Not cool. I am inly 60 minutes in to the show and already SMH at production/Grodner, and came to my fave site. Welcome back everyone. (The mask thing was weird).
There was some suspicious stuff going on during both parts of the competition. GROD loves cody.
Julie should have had an air horn.
I knew Ian is an all star player since I first lay my eyes on him. He will be joined by the 2rd best player in the house (nicole) to take down Tyler once and for all.
Big Brother 22 is going to be one of the best seasons ever.
Beyond excited for this season!! Kinda hoping for a Cody, Tyler, Janelle and Dani alliance. So far anyway
Swap out Cody for kaysar and sprinkle in some ian
Lol that works too! Of those 4 my 2 favs would be Tyler and Daniele. Great cast except for maybe Xmas… she can go ASAP
Season 12 was my first season so I don’t know a few of these people. I hoped to never see Christmas or Bayleigh ever again. I currently have a broken foot and that HOH comp had me cringing. Let’s hope that the competitions get more exciting as the season progresses.
I enjoy watching MTVs the Challenge and old BB players are on there taking over….Bayleigh was on the last season and she is the worst….
Cody translator.
“where did you dig up Kaysar.”
Somebody i didn’t pregame with is Kaysar. I thought I got everyone ever cast… but didn’t get Kaysar.
Fits well with Dani saying she was surprised Dan and Derrick weren’t there. To Nicolef.
sideye. okay. Knowing the twitter conspiracy theory that makes it background moment of the episode for me.
Go Davonne, Janelle, Kaysar! So many favourites are back and I am thrilled! Great cast.
I am so glad they didn’t bring back Paul, Josh, Andy…. I would not be able to stomach those people… cast isn’t the best, missing some serious all stars like Dan, but i love it anyway. And since most are married or in relationships outside of the house, we won’t have to put up with hook ups. Hopefully we will get mostly game play! Bring it!
PS, soooo happy to see Kaysar! trip down old school BB lane
Jeepers I forgot about the showmancing.. so excited we might not have one.
I’m a big kaysar fan.. amazing he’s back on with Janelle. Too bad no Howie lol
HAHAHHA… Howie… oh boy… but yes to Janelle and Kaysar back together!
Should be an interesting season of serious gameplay. Unlike past seasons, average age is around 33 so group should be more mature, and 2/3 are in relationships so hook-ups are unlikely.
Britney Hayes would of been a great addition. I also enjoyed Zach Rance’s antics.
While I would of preferred seeing Victor in over Franzel, am thrilled there’s no Paul Abrahamian, Andy Herren, Rachel Reilly, or Frankie Grande.
Britney would have been the holy grail. Not having Paul and Frankie on is pretty damn sweet.
Paul would have killed it for me. Or,Victoria!
i think Boogie and Dr.Will were my favorites ever!
Who do you all want the first evicted player to be?
Who do you think it will be?
The cast is mostly mega weak but I’m take what I can get this year.
Christmas, cause she was aggravating. Or Keseha or kevin cause i dont remember either… lol…
Hint: Worst Narcissist of the house. (Don’t wanna jinx it)
Enzo can go. Grodner’s boy,Cody can exit.Forgettable,random blonde lady can go.
Christmas. How is she an all star? She needs to be on the block every week if not evicted 1st.
I think it may be the weaker players up first for Cody’s game… in my regard the Nicky F, Bayleigh or Keisha. Be smart and take down girls to prevent a girls all-star alliance starting. Weird I don’t see many guys as being the weaker player from their personalities.
Curious to see if Sh1tmas has changed much with being a mom, having her partner cheat on her ( is a single mom now) and not having a horrible goon squad to bring out the worst in people since the last time she played.
The worst player or my least fave was perhaps this girl in the black hole season Simon refers to. I don’t remember her name but she hid under a blanket. She had serious issues. Anyone know who I am talking about?
Audrey from BB17?
Yes! That is it! Thank you
Sooo happy BB is back and with no obnoxious people that make my flesh crawl like Raven, Rockstar and yessss… Josh.
Feels kinda like a summer now. Hope they are able to safely pull this off!
I’m just a bit surprised that for an “All-Star” season, there’s only two former winners out of 16 competitors here. I know some of them have small children and that it may be tough to get away, but still for another million bucks you would think they might take that chance. I’m missing Dr. Will, Dan, Derrick, Rachel, Kaycee (I know it’s rumored she has the virus), and even Jordan! I just don’t see how some of these players can be called “All-Stars”, but are really just former players.
Dumbest statement by Julie ever: “Nobody wants to be the first person out and there is a new way to prevent that.”
Ohhh Julie. Sheesh. Haha.
Really happy BB is back minus X-mess. Still not sure how David and Bayleigh are considered all-stars, but hopefully they can make their short time they will be there interesting. I forgot how annoying Enzo is with his meow,meow’s all the time. He may be a good player, but annoying as hell to me.
I’m pretty jazzed about the cast!
They chose five people right off my want list and I wouldn’t mind seeing David actually get to play ?????
I’m just happy to be having a season! Lol.
Glad to see OBB back in business! Missed you guys!
Thanks Monalisafatgirl!
Totally jazzed for this season. Wish it had started in July though. 🙂