It is here! official confirmation of Big Brother 22 starting August 5th. We get a cast release on July 29th via the feeds. Coronavirus be dammed CBS is going to run the show with whatever “Allstars” they can drag off Instagram. It’s going to be grand and I’m here for all of it.
CBS press release
The summer reality hit BIG BROTHER will debut its 22nd season with an All-Star cast who have one thing in common – they all have something to prove. The two-hour live move-in premiere event will air Wednesday, August 5 (9:00-11:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT) on the CBS Television Network.
BIG BROTHER will once again have three weekly episodes. Following the premiere, the series will air Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT), and Thursdays (8:00-9:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves. The All-Star houseguests, including winners, finalists, legends, memorable personalities and some of the best to never win the game, will be announced closer to premiere.
What we know
Premiere – Wednesday, August 5 (9:00-11:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT)
Episodes – three weekly episodes Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
Duration – ? (Probably subject to an outbreak)
Live Eviction – Thursday’s
Feeds – No word yet when they start but we know they are starting and they’re US only .. of course.. So us canucks have to jump through hoops to pay for and watch the feeds.
Cast – We find out about the cast on Monday, July 27, and interviews on the feeds July 29th, 12pm ET, 9am PT. There are a million and one leaks out there for who is cast based on their social media activities. From what I can piece together there will be at least one person I like this season.
Can’t Wait Simon and Dawg!!
Simon I heard Enzo( The Meow The Meow)was going to be on there. I sure hope so! He’s one of my favs. Of course I always turn the volume down when he eats because he smacks real loud! Lol. Luv him though!
Awesome loved Enzo! I’m thinking everyone will have at least one All-star to get behind this season.
Yes I can’t wait!!!
Evil Dick tweeted that along with other red herrings. He also said he would be on leave till November and not doing his pod cast…
Okay. Thanks. Will check his Twitter out
I am hearing that the feeds are changing on the technical end. They are implementing more stringent DRM which will impact 3rd party apps like BBviewer. Sigh I wonder what else is changing….
the drm means no more usa feeds on bmx…a major blow to non usa viewers…no bbviewer either for usa viewers…simon it sounds like the method you use in canada (pre paid amex) for usa bb feeds wont work in other countries
im going to have to resort to episodes and after dark only this season via bmx or download sites
thats a shame, but im not as bothered as the cast isnt all star worthy, with some annoying players im not keen on seeing again as i disliked them first time around
happy to see the likes of dani d and janelle play again
I wasn’t going to do this but I’ll list off some of the “locked” cast for All-stars2. I’m sure it’ll change in the next 30 minutes….. ** This list is completely outdated **
Kaycee (Perfect)
Nicole F (Kraken)
Dani D (perfect)
Amber (BB16… WHY?)
Danielle R (perfect)
Janelle (Perfect)
Bayleigh (Sure why not I need to know how much money swaggy has daily)
Sh1tmas (A perfect wonderful person to have cast)
Diane Henry (100% perfect Loved Diane)
Paul (Kraken)
Kaysar (Perfect)
Cody (barf bag filled with Kraken)
Hayden (Perfect)
Tyler (perfect)
Josh (Kraken)
Enzo (Perfect)
Ian (Perfect)
Nicole A and Crazy speaking to dead people Kaitlyn have both tweeted out plans for podcasts during the season so … perhaps they’re lying.
My money is on a Amber/Hayden showmance
Sounds hot but that will break BB twitters mind..
Just saw Paul A is out
i thought she and cody had flirted etc during their season. if there was ever anything there they obviously couldn’t risk tilting caleb. i don’t follow cody so don’t know his personal situation but if unencumbered i could see amber/cody. (hey, i wouldn’t mind, anyway.)
Is Frankie going to be on there? I know Derrick isn’t because I watched his live IG last night
Which Cody? 16 or 19?
No Paulie? Thank God!
Paulie would bring some chaos./
True. Even though I think the guy is a jerk, those jury house fights were entertaining as hell.
Maybe Paulie will pee I’m the pool again
Tyler and Bay. Can’t wait for the fireworks there.
I really liked Nicole from last year. Is she the Nicole?
Nicole from 16 and 18. The extra thirsty one
You’re mean.
Whats mean is Grod not giving us any of these.
Audrey O
Natalie BB9, BB16
Any of the ballsmashers
And of course Hellen She got pushed for god’s sake! Grod not giving her a second chance after personally pushing her off that HOH comp is basically a war crime.
I did see below on the link that Nicole Anthony is on the list along with the other one. Hope Christmas doesn’t break a leg!??
lol i saw amber went radio silent on social media over a month ago….i figured either bb22 or covid given how uncareful she was in public. why her? she’s nearby and extremely available. she “moved” to la after the outbreak (crashing at someone’s place) and her gig prospects dried up. i actually liked her personality on bb16, but yeah seems like fodder for the more strategic hgs.
Kaysar and janelle. My first fully addicted season. Hope this is true. I liked it when they worked together. Some of the others must be on for draMa only. No real skills. So excited. Lockdown will keep reading you guys less conspicuous.
Oh look, It only takes an all star season to raise the average age to their 30’s.
So who are we putting money on to be the first all “star” (insert eyeroll) that will bitch about others there not being actual ‘all stars’ and not deserving to be there?
Who will be talking about financial need as a requirement for deserving to be there??
Will any of them use don’t evict me, it’s covid out there and I have no place to go and no job to return to as a sympathy suck tactic?
It isn’t a season of Big Brother without the whole ‘who deserves it and who doesn’t’ complaints being whispered in hushed tones.
Christmas? Of all the holidays to ruin. Why? She’s just a constant reminder of the level of prod. manipulation you can have in a season. They already have Nicole F. for that.
Seattle Kraken? Simon…. you got yourself a team?
Might have to start watching Hockey again 🙂
Just a FYI we’re doing the #KillShow again with Ken. Going to be great super excited.
Brent not being on Allstars is sad..
own it
why don’t you just own it
this makes me sad 🙁
Just saw this on CBS
Was trying to add a photo from CBS all access about the contestant interviews on the 29th. Guess we can’t add photos or I just don’t know what I’m doing.
What happened when you tried? It’s a new feature for the commenting I’m still figuring it out.
I clicked on the add a photo then clicked on photo library then clicked on the photo then hit done. That’s all. Thought maybe it was just in a reduced state since the photo didn’t show up.
Got it to work. Had to change the size to large
Yipppeeeeee!!!!!! Can’t wait it’s going to be especially nice cuz there is nothing to watch on tv!!!!! Thanks in advance Simon and Dawg
PLEASE PLEASE no Paul this time
I hope they boot him with a swiftness. I don’t need to hear/see him ever again.
I can see Paul and Josh being the first 2 evicted. They may want to get rid of Ian and Kaycee too prejury since they won before. I can also see them targeting Janelle, Danielle, and Dani first also, they’re very smart and strong players. I can’t wait to see how this plays out. I can’t eve predict a winner out of this cast yet. I sure hate that Rachel(pregnant) and The Neanderthal are not in this cast
Which is why I am not sure this list is fully accurate as I thought it was going to with those who didn’t win
This is the list allegedly. I think CBS will officially put the list out this coming up Wednesday
So glad to see Christmas on the list.
Sorry Simon, not a fan of Christmas. I started off being a fan, but that changed. Who knows. I might start liking people that I didn’t like at first, not that it really matters though
Ohh no fan here of sh1tmas.. just trying cope
any of the people on that list are correct, I am hoping beyond hope that Cody is not one of them
Thanks Simon for doing this again! Hope you and your family have all been safe and stayed relatively sane during this outbreak
OMG Paul is back! I love Paul! This is the season he will finally walk out of the BB house as the grand prize winner.
Paul coming back is a real treat from the Grod all mighty.
If Paul is on there, I would not be surprised if he goes out first or prejury
I’m hoping for 1st out.
I really hope they vote him out first. He is just toxic
He’s out
According to what I see on Twitter he, Kaycee and Josh are all out. Too bad Christmas isn’t out.
OMG! Didn’t know Bayleigh and Swaggy are on “ Say Yes To The Dress” Tonight!! TLC Channel. Bayleigh is picking out her Wedding Dress!!!
Ugh. I can do without both of these people. Will never forget Bayleigh going nuclear and spitting blood.
She’s not the first person to go nuclear and won’t be the last
She showed her ass on The Challenge. Lost her temper with Kaycee.
According to her on the challenge they already got married, just hadn’t had the big ceremony yet due to financial reasons.
Thank you for the info!
No Brett, Lane or Brit is super, super disappointing. I’d also like to see ex-con duo Matty and Adam from S9, along with super thirsty Nat the Barista to see if she’s out of Matty’s mist a decade later.
No James???
Hi Simon and Dawg, hope you are well
I expect live feeds to start probably Thursday August 13 around midnight ET
Simon I sent you an email and hope you can respond
No Cast today. Also looks like Interviews moved from Wednesday.
This is the new screen
Maybe they are pausing production….hope not.
Is it true that the cast announcement has been delayed ?
Kaycee and Josh tested positive. They will have to find replacements
You realize that is a flat out rumor from BB fandom…
I didn’t know, it was a rumor. Sorry!
No evidence whatsoever so throw the whole shaker of salt on this one:
A couple of the people that were to be on this season will not be appearing due to testing positive.
This rumor brought to you by twitter: so no Kaycee, no Josh?
Even Jessie Godderz was laughing at the rumors out there
Come on. If there isn’t an official statement, I’m not buying anything. Especially where the Grod is concerned. She’d have them sambotting through the house from seclusion (and one of them would still somehow win an hoh through a ridiculous string of unbelievable crap), If she thought she could get away with it.
rumor probably started since Kaycee was in Miami partying with Josh. South Florida is considered a Hot Spot for Covid.
TBH my ideal “all-star” (nope still hate the term) season is taking the most off the wall odd ball how did they get cast anyway because they really shouldn’t be in there people from other seasons… put half of them on adderrall (or take half of them off adderrall as the case may be), put the other half on full season slop have nots and then let them lord of the flies style hunger games it out. But I can’t have nice things. Semi-joking.
because hey, they haven’t revealed cast like they were supposed to so idle hands (or is the saying empty mind…. i don’t know something about a devil’s playground).
1) Everybody’s least favorite bullfrog in a trash compacter mixed with a foghorn went full on Karen as a strategy, and called Production because there was pregame strategizing going on. UH. d’uh. Any season that’s had more than one vet return has had some kind of pregame strategizing. They aren’t even shy about talking about it on feeds. Said complainant openly discussed having a pregame alliance on the last season she was on.
BELIEVABILITY FACTOR: 7/10 at best. Mostly because it’s nimby enough to be partially true.
2) Some people that have been rumored to be on this season, and show up in the promo commercial, are saying they aren’t going to be on this season for family and health and safety concern reasons. Giving this rumor status because most of the ones siting health concerns or family concerns are also the most likely to use hyperbole spin control.
BELIEVABILITY FACTOR: split decision. 8/10 they aren’t going to be on. 4/10 that they are giving complete reasons.
3) Rumors that there are cast shifts and changes happening that have delayed the announcement of said cast that, reasonably speaking, should already be in quarantine sequester period. if this were fact, i’d have to call it monumentally, if not pandemically short sighted.
BELIEVABILITY FACTOR: Who knows. Sounds legit enough… but lacks some logic.
Who’s #1?
Number One was Nicole F. her voice is beyond grating to me, hence bullfrog, compacter and foghorn comparison.
If the cast reveal does happen I’m here for it…. 30 minutes 🙂
5 minutes in no cast……
Sources are telling me ….. [spoiler title=”SPOILER”] NOTHING [/spoiler]
Apparently we’re getting cast reveal in less than 30 minutes
Although I’m standing here refreshing all the news sites, CBS press releases site, and watching the orange Live feed screen something tells me CBS is screwing with us again.
I don’t think cast is happening today, which I knew but this pretty much confirms it. Probably will reveal it on the actual move in day.
yup.. no cast so far 🙁
Meh. They just gave us the Marie Antoinette answer to “Anybody want Cake?”
Assuming that this still happens with minimal hitches. How about someone who is way on the eyes and easier than Frankie to deal with: Tommy
Tommy without Christine is worth a shot.
Please, no
i saw this on social media.
TV Guide has this listed under cast.
Sorry. if the pic (2 pics pasted together) doesn’t come up. I’m actually pretty close to luddite.
Who knows if this is current or was accurate until the latest rumors.
I’m feeling like this is a pretty accurate list. Maybe include Alts as well
Nicole Franzel
Ian Terry
Tyler Crispen
Bayleigh Dayton
Janelle Pierzina
Enzo Palumbo
Kaysar Ridha
Danielle Reyes
Kevin Campbell
David Alexander
Daniele Donato
Keesha Smith
Amber Borzotra
Cody Calafiore
Da’Vonne Rogers
Christmas Abbot
Nicole Anthony
Kaycee Clark
Josh Martinez
With Cody on and Derrick not I wonder if Cody will “call out” everyone in the cast like he always threatened on BB16.. damn I hated him that season..
I think I remember that. That was the first year I was checking out this site, every night when i got home my second job.
That was my least favorite season.
I didn’t enjoy it much, because i’d figured out the outcome after week two. Seasons where they openly talk about production storyline directives they receive from d/r annoy me more. It’s close. But that gets me more steamed.
BB 15 was my least favorite season, but 16 is a very close second. I believe this will be an interesting bunch if the list is right.
Hey Just me glad to see you back.
15 stunk as well. So did 19 but at least we had that slap in the face with Cody winning America’s favorite.
So many bad seasons.
and thy brought back people that participated in some of that…. just so we don’t set the bar too high. I’m thinking knee level. or stool level. but not quite scooter level.
I bet he’ll do anything to get away from that witch of a wife of his.
Wrong Cody. Thought it was the marine.
I am right with you on that. Besides decrying all the houseguests for letting Derrick run right through them the whole season all the way to a win, I REALLY did not like Cody
With the exception of a few newer players, I hope the old-schoolers destroy.
Who do you prefer: Danielle Reyes or Daniele Donato. I think either would be a good temporary tag team partner with Janelle to take some of the other players down
Reyes but just barely.
first allstar i had hoped danielle r and janelle wouldn’t target each other. and what did they do? target each other out of the gate. If i remember correctly.
As of this afternoon, it appears as though Memphis has been added to the tvguide cast list?
to replace josh?
could be. I’ve been more apt to believe that if Josh was removed it was due to breaking sequester than for testing positive. As much as i’m not a fan, I’d rather nobody get sick… well… okay. I can think of a few people I might secretly wish it on pre-coffee in the morning….
I’m thinking a) addition of a male for gender parity so it isn’t 10 women, nicole f. and 8 men. oh come on. like SHE’S joining a women’s alliance. Riiiiiiiight.
b) 2 people were on hold as far as remove or keep, the female alternate agreed, but they hadn’t heard back from the male alternate before post time?
oh. i cringed a little. because Jozea is in my fantasy “trainwreck at the asylum” veteran’s Lord of the Flies meets Hunger Games at the Thunderdome concept. At least until Whackdoodle Sam makes a garrote out of dryer lint because she was under the delusion that Jozea was trying to steal her boyfriend in the d/r. This of course takes place after one night only house visitor Niki Grahame pushes Helen thinking Helen had taken an extra shot of vodka. Who Is She? But don’t worry. Helen is okay. She’s hiding in the have not room with Jody and Cameron. They’re practicing a broadway number with Audrey. All blanketed.
We find out now next Wednesday.
Finally saw a report saying that they are waiting until Wednesday to officially reveal the cast so the rumors will have to do until then (Again I REALLY hope the rumors are wrong and Cody is NOT part of the cast)
What’s my don’t you want Cody on?
French kissing your dad Cody is problematic because he sucks.
BB19 Cody is problematic because unless he’s up against someone as vile as BB19 Paul he too has the potential to sucks.
It just all sucks.
Cody BB19 wont be on. Jessica is pregnant with their second child.
So many rumors about who is in and who is out. Just saw this video. Who knows how true it is?
NEW All Stars In & Others REMOVED From Big Brothe…:
One thing that I would disagree with in this video. He said Nicole’s popularity went up as the season went along; I would say it was steady and then took a dip
I guess to be fair he thought her popularity rose because he didn’t see it as other contestants were continuously becoming less palatable
Simon I sent you another email. Please respond when you can. Thanks.
I love the Comic-themed and the Photo Bedrooms!!!