Big Brother 21 Week 3 Recap and Live Eviction Results

The Monday to Wednesday gap this week wasn’t the best. Other than Christie’s 9 years of PMS it was devoid of drama. Gr8tful or more specifically shitshooters still control the house. There is minor jockeying going on between their members but it’s all surface stuff.  With that said Tonight there are major things happening in the Big Brother house. The Camp Combackers finally get to [compete?] to return to the game. There’s also the Head of Household competition which I predict will be happening tonight.

This week’s summary

Nick wins the Head of Household competition and nominates Cliff and Jessica.. Christie wins the whacktivity panic power (a decent power). Nicole becomes the target Power of Veto players are Nick, Jackson, Jessica (picked Christie. Girl power), Cliff, Kat.  Kat wins the Power of Veto “I think I’m kinda a comp beast”

Christie thinks she’s the target becuase of a red flame. She blows her mind and freaks out “I’m going up I’m going UP”  Christie tells everyone about her power. to save herself from going up (going up) she had to threaten Nick with the use of the power later she doubles down with the ridiculousness  “I was going to throw up.. he was going to put me up.”  Kat uses the power of Veto on Jessica. Jessica now thinks she’s important. Nicole goes up as planned.

Christie pushes to get Cliff out this week to her sixshooter group. Using the cliff notes she heard the previous week and adding some colour She comes up with compelling reasons.  They are quick to agree to target Cliff. There’s really no flip talk. Nick and Bella very much want Nicole gone this will be a blindside for them. The biggest “talk” we had the other night was whether the 6shiters should tell Kat about getting Cliff out. After hours and hours of paranoia, they decide to tell Kat 60 seconds before the vote. At about 2pm Holly tells Kat the six of them are voting out Cliff but she still needs to vote out Nicole to stay close to Nick and Bella to gather information.

Alliances in the house 
unde9able  = Jack, Jackson, Holly, Sis, Christie, Tommy, Bella, Nick, Sam  (‘Real’ as long as Sam/Nick/Bella hold power otherwise fake)
gr8tful  = Jack, Jackson, Holly, Sis, Christie, Tommy, Bella, Nick  (‘Real’ as long as Bella/Nick hold power)
Six Shooters (Real) = Jack, Jackson, Holly, Sis, Christie, Tommy
Flamin Five  = Christie, Tommy, Nick, Bella, Sam  (Fake for Christie/Tommy. Real for  Nick, Bella, Sam  )
LOL = Tommy, Christie, Jack

Going into next week
Going by the last 2 days of conversation the six-shooters want to take out one of Nick, Sam, Bella. depends on which shooter wins HOH.
Jessica, Kat’s HOH will be whatever the majority (AKA sh1tshooters) wants
Bella is a wildcard and Sam will take a big shot at the douchecanoes

Cliff – howdy Julie howdy America … I love Big Brother …

Nicole – Grab life by the boobs

The Vote

Bella votes to Evict Nicole
Tommy votes to Evict Cliff
Sis votes to Evict Cliff
Sam votes to Evict Nicole
Christie votes to Evict Cliff
Holly votes to Evict Cliff
Michie votes to Evict Cliff
Jack votes to Evict Cliff
Kat votes to Evict Nicole
Jess votes to Evict Nicole (Girl Power)

Cliff evicted 6 to 4

Camp Comeback – Path to redemption
(The 3 that lose out are removed from the game for good)

Cliff dominates the challenge. Comes back into the game..

Evicted (for good)

7:40 pm Feeds on
They are telling him they trust him more than Bella
Nick says he wasn’t super upset that Cliff went
Nick – I trust you guys more than anything
Nick – I’m really sorry I trusted you a lot
Sis hugs Nick

7:40 pm Jack, Sam, Jackson, Bella
Bella is saying they need to pull the 9 together and get the people not in it out.
Jack – at the end of the day we’re all still 8 here

Bella says to jack she will not talk to anybody that is not in the 9. “you will not catch me by myself with any other person that is not in this nine”

7:51 pm
Christie calls Cliff a comp beast
Tommy says Cliff has to go next
Christie =- anything good that came out of this week is Kemi is gone Ovi is gone

Sis – I f*ing hate him… Cliff
(I f*ing dislike these people)

Sis telling Nick she trusts him… “I love you and Bella”

Sis – I’m really really really sorry.. I’m really sorry .. .I really hope that you can still trust me I have your back I really do I swear .. I have your back Bella scares me

87 thoughts to “Big Brother 21 Week 3 Recap and Live Eviction Results”

  1. There’s no doubt that this game was made for Cliff. I remember games like this (miniature version) when I was a young kid

  2. Wow cliff handled that comp like a complete boss. Endurance comp here we goooooo selfishly hoping people fall quickly so I can go to sleep 🙂

    1. He really smoked them, I was shocked that the others did so poorly (especially David- I think that’s why he was so emotional afterwards, two comps that he failed at- poor guy)

    1. When I was young, my family had a medium size puzzle box where I had to navigate a ball from one side to another while avoiding dead ends and holes. He may have had something similar growing up

    1. Wait Julie just said next Thursday will be endurance so what’s happening tonight?! Do you think the feeds will be back anytime soon? Would they wait and do the HOH at a different time?

        1. Right now, Cliff and Nicole only have each other. I’m hopeful that the raging JJ sauce is so thick that Cliff and Nicole get forgotten for a week or two. Jackson and Jack can’t wait to annihilate Nickella.

          I’m totally with you on the Kat thing. She is finding some footing, and it’s fun to watch. Who knows, maybe Kitty will make it to the finals….just slink right in.

          I wonder how many production peeps asked Cliff what game he is best at. Random choice? Likely, not at all. I’m truly happy for him, though!

          1. You think they’d do that?! I’m shocked, shocked I say!

            Wait…Hayleigh did say they asked her what she was good at and the next two comps were conveniently word scrambles which is what she said she was good at…

            She FOUTTE’d it up though…I think that’s the new F-word right?

            1. So many past HGs have talked about BB production interference in the game. I keep wondering when BB will stop puppeting so much, and I keep hoping each new season can just happen organically. But, I’m a fool to ever think that would happen in this highly scripted soap opera “reality” game show world. I would truly appreciate reality shows much more if they were really reality. We are all still living in a fictional world. I enjoy it, nonetheless.

              There is a new show on the horizon….just wait for it. It is coming. And it will be good.

  3. lol.
    hey cbs. look at the stage. 4 people sitting there. notice anything?
    JUST from a visual perspective. Just look.
    Well, we won’t have to worry about those pesky talks about image fixing anymore.
    NO. I’m not going to yell rigged.
    I’m just saying visually, that looked really really really really bad. JUST based on optics. That LOOKED bad.

    1. The only reason the old white guy wasn’t there is because he won the 2 comps. David lost. Ovi was an idiot and told them he had a power, so they took him out. I don’t really understand why Kemi. So maybe it was douches bigotry, idk.

          1. Is that why CBS doesn’t feel the need to publicly address the racism like they have in previous seasons?

          2. YAWN…here comes the dumb virtual signaling social justice warriors that SCREAM AT THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAINS “RACIST THIS RACIST THAT” Has it ever occurred to you that their games just sucked plain and simple? It’s triggered sad snowflakes like you will be the reason why Trump wins in 2020 by a landslide. Trust me, I am a ex liberal who voted for Obama twice and I am so sick of the R word every time things don’t go your way. Please my dog is racist cause he barks at people in dark clothing! LOL

            1. You don’t get it, do you! Implicit biases + mob mentality by the majority (white housemates in this case) = ostracizing of the “other”. We’ve been both overt racism this season + implicit biases play a significant role in how the first few house guests were targeted, i.e. “Ovi is weird”, “David scares me”, “Let’s blame Kemi for everything.” Let’s not forget the BB house is a social experiment, which means the victors need to be socially accepted first (+ comp wins, rigging by production).

        1. I looked at the screen and witnessed individual humans who competed at a game and didn’t win. If you see skin tones first and foremost, then that’s your problem.

    2. Yeah I’m not into the whole sjw crap but I have to agree. I had high hopes for ovi at the start of the season.

      1. Whether it’s game or not game. Someone WILL hold up the picture of the three sitting with Julie as the first three out of the game and that picture alone will be one word repeated a thousand times. True, false, a bit of both, irrelevant. It WILL be the picture everyone sees. It will be a lasting image. That is the optics. It’s not a good look.

        1. I don’t give a poop about people who make judgments based on the optics.

          You’re correct, the people who judge a person because of the tone of their flesh instead of the content of their character will be bothered by the optics. Those people are called racists.

      2. Ovi? Really? I was hoping for David to return and go all “Django” on the “Hateful Eight” !

    1. While Cliff is older than me, i remember those unstabletable games from my childhood at the county fair midway. I was too young to play them at the time. but i remember them.
      Well done for Cliff. When i saw I thought it would be a pretty even go for all four.

    2. Cliff surprised me, but he did great and he’s still around because that’s the second comp he’s won! David on the other hand is not out because he’s black, as so many would have you believe, but because he lost two competitions he probably should have won, given his youthfulness, athleticism and assumed hand/eye coordination (tonight;s comp). Ovi is out because he blabbed about his power and Kemi is out because of Bella. It’s almost a classic cool kids vs. the nerds or outsiders thing to me, more so than a race thing, as the “beautiful people” teamed up and left the others out. The exceptions to that IMO are David and Kemi, but David pretty much got himself evicted and cast out very early on with his poor performance in the very first comp, and Kemi just wasn’t coupled up when the 8 douche bags (basically 4 couples – counting Tommy and Crusty as a couple) formed their alliance. At least Camp Come BLack has come to an end!

  4. Please, someone, anyone, vote out Christie … she’s painful to watch! That freak-out was too much to bear.

  5. My favorite part was seeing Nick’s shocked face. Bella now knows that Nicole was telling the truth about how the six were going to put her and Nick up. I hope Nicole, Cliff, and Sam stick together and do some damage to the other side, please, please, let this happen!

      1. I’m really interested in the new HoH…that could really add some spice into the game. Depending on who wins we may see some of these people’s heads fully inserted to the HoH’s posterior. Everyone may be brown in the next couple of days well at least noses.

    1. I still think Nick and Bella were talking about Nicole telling the truth, that the alliance was pumping her full of information. They decided it was distrust in the alliance that Nick had mended with his hoh. This is while they were in bed. before he started counting to 10 in mandarin.
      If that didn’t happen and Crusty’s magic bladder is now projecting false images in my head… pray for me.

      1. Hahaha, I think you’re good, I remember that happening now. If they had any doubts, it’s now confirmed. Nick was literally tearing up when they cut to a live shot during the credits. What a freaking idiot!!!

    2. Agree – this is my least favorite season in a very long time. Usually I spend this month barely sleeping between covering NBA Free Agency and being immersed in BB. This year I’m not struggling with it b/c I’m not only not invested in any of the people.

      Even Nicole who everyone seems to adore I have some moments where she also gets on my nerves. I could’ve got behind David and still might be able to with Sam (we’ll see moving forward – & I’m shocked I’m saying that b/c his loud voice initially bothered me lol).

      So, here’s my thinking heading into HOH:

      1. One of Bella, Sam or Cliff have to win HOH – b/c Nicole/Kat & Jess will just do what the six want them to.

      2. Ideally Sam wins & then he pulls in Jess/Kat/Nicole/Cliff along with Bella/Nick. They discuss what has been happening in the house with an OPEN discussion where Nicole learns what was said (lies from the 6).

      3. During the above conversation they confirm there was an eight group & a nine group both of which were to protect the six. And, Kat learns what Holly/Sis/Christie & most importantly Mickie have said behind their backs. Sam has to stress to Kat she s only being used as a pawn by the six and is completely disposable to them. This is incredibly important since Kat is oblivious to how the group of 6 (esp Holly/Mickie) think/speak about her. They also need to tell her that group considered evicting her the first week to show just how disposable she is. As for Jess/Cliff/Nicole they need to learn they were the next 3 targets and Nicole was only kept so she could take out one of Nick/Bella/Sam so the six didn’t have to get blood on their hands.

      4. They have to discuss Christie’s power & how important it will be for one of them to win POV so Christie has no control of her people putting one of them on the block. It’s doubtful but hopefully they figure out Jack is the one who holds the other power (not sure he’s told anyone but Christie/Tommy & Mickie though).

      5. An important part of the above conversation HAS to come from Nicole who can help reveal a lot about Christie/Tommy as well as Holly’s comments & work behind the scenes. Likewise this could be where Kat opens up on what she knows & how they wanted to use her as the spy. Cliff had early convos with the Jackholes which may also shed some light to the group. Kat doesn’t know much but Holly/Mickie have shared a few things which might enlighten the group.

      6. They agree to work together as a 7 b/c THIS IS THE ONLY WEEK WHERE THEY HAVE THE NUMBERS & CAN TAKE OUT ONE OF THE SIX to regain control.

      7. Sam nominates Holly and Chrisite (just so she loses it on the block which will be equally enjoyable that she doesn’t have power & annoying b/c we know she’ll snap lol). I’d say its too risky to put up both Jack/Jackson from the start as they’ll gun for POV with one likely winning & then Christie’s power would be used to put up Nick or Bella. Plus by not putting up Sis this group may be able to pull her in (who Kat could also tell some things Holly/Christie are saying behind her back).

      For what it’s worth – I’m not a fan of Bella or Nick (though he’s more palatable). This is more about taking down the six which is comprised of so many players who I’d like to see ousted (Jack, Jackson, Holly, Christie to start & Tommy has dropped down my list too). Sis – meh.

      Anyway, if I had to guess it’s highly unlikely Jess/Nicole and Kat will ever stop wanting to belong to who they think are the “cool kids” club, but let’s just hope Sam & possibly Cliff have the ability to make this group understand if they don’t take a stand this week then they are ensuring the six are the last group standing with maybe one of them getting dragged along. This week has the potential to switch things up in the house — conversely it also has the capacity to ensure we’ll be stuck with the worst BB summer in quite some time. Fingers crossed one of Jack, Mickie or Christie walk out that door next Thursday. Long shot – but one can hope.

    3. Ole nick and Bella are stupid. Not sure why so many people in the house think the six shooters won’t do them any harm. I mean what do they think will happen when it gets down to the 8 of them?

    1. We didn’t get feeds back because Jack or Jackson was throwing another tantrum. There was just an apology for loss of temper.
      They cut feeds every time they lose it.

    1. Cliff wins HOH !!!!!! This season is saved !!!!! Put up both Jack and Jackson!!!!! Now is the time Cliff !!!

  6. If I was dark god grodner…
    Nicole, Sam, Cliff as the core, Making moves doing what’s right. Bella/Nick/kat as spokes to that suffering but in the game temporarily
    Shitasssix suffering and Crying as ZIING beats them day after day
    Jess falls down is forgotten by production out of the game for good
    Kat wins BB21

    1. Don’t mind the man behind the curtain, or Grodner and her flying monkeys will jump in and give jackson a special ankle wrap veto. Don’t let her see we have hope.

    2. But how does Jess’s hair compare to Veronica’s? Veronica’s entire game hinged on that hair…

  7. I m really glad that Nicole survived and Gr8tful is split. But it made ZERO sense for the 6 shooters to do this.

    1. They thought kemi would target Nick and Bella.
      They thought ovi would do what they said.
      Jackson said David wanted to work with him.
      To them Cliff winning back in was not a possibility, so they were gaining Nicole’s loyalty because they saved her, and the returning player would be with them too to replace Nick and Bella and Sam.

      1. But they had 8 solid votes. They have now outed their alliance to everyone.
        Just my opinion, but there were too many outside of the 6 to do this yet.

        1. How solid are the 8 votes? When everyone is aware than Nick and Bella were working with Sam to create a blindside a week earlier?
          They technically have Kat’s vote if they offer her membership. We know this.

  8. I was shocked to see Cliff ace that comp, but good for him! I was more shocked that nobody was even close. As for HOH… does it really matter who gets HOH? Doesn’t Christy basically have the power of who is on the chopping block?

    1. Christie’s power only turns the golden veto into a diamond veto. The veto holder would choose the replacement. So there would be one person selected by the HoH and one by whoever had the veto if Christie thought that person would use it how she wants. So the week Christie’s power is used the Veto holder and HoH each pick a person for eviction. Then it’s just numbers.

    1. I think Kaitlyn has finished her puzzle and will be reentering the game with Tyler’s Dad’s ghost…

  9. Listening to the Jack/Jackson/Tommy/Holly talk about no matter what Nick and Bella are going on the block, if anyone has a problem with it, tough shit.
    Such a moral quagmire for me.
    I want hairplugged voldemort and bellatrix on the block, but i hat the Jackholes too.
    Can’t we have a bbcan triple eviction? pleeeease?
    Is it possible i really don’t care who wins hoh as long as it’s someone that will put any of those 4 on the block?
    Ugh. watch Jess win and try to nominate a towel and a chicken breast.

    Oh good. Sam just told Christie he’s down for nomming Jack and Jackson.
    Sam. Come on. You just told Crusty you are going after the Jackholes.
    Really? You ask if she’s going to tell? If you have to ask you know the answer already, and the truth.

    1. Oh look. another sale on shovels. Sam has already purchased his. Bella’s in line asking if she can just have a back hoe.

  10. Question: How did Jack injured his foot? Did he trip over Christie’s salt lick in the middle of the night?

    1. I thought it was Jackson with the injured foot. I guess he’ll nurse that injury until he wins a comp.

  11. Irony: Nicole tells Tommy how grateful she is, not knowing that grateful was the name of the alliance that just exploded because of her.

    It was good to see Nicole smile.

    1. i think Sam slipped the name last night when he told Nicole about the 8, what happened in hoh to get her in trouble and the 9. as well as hinting about his 5 idea. who he would nom, and who his targets would be. I don’t think she used it intentionally, but i think he did let it slip.

  12. That was a stupid comeback challenge but man cliff smoked it. Sadly. He won’t bring any drama or excitement to the game. Not sure why the producers wanted him back so bad?

    1. What makes you think production thought Cliff would slay that comp? When I saw it, I thought David had it in the bag! Of course I was assuming he had some athletic ability and thus pretty good hand/eye coordination, which proved to not be the case. Ole Cliff was steady as a rock and just dropped those balls in one after the other!

  13. Post Mortems:
    David- no good at the physical challenges, but the only one who fully grasped all of the dynamics of the house. He was more of a thinker/ analyst. It would have been interesting to see his follow-through.

    Ovi- naïve, clueless, thought this was the place to make good friends and influence others to make the world a better place.

    Kemi- demonized by others , for no apparent reason; waited too long at the beginning of the game to engage with other houseguests. While she was busy analyzing, they were making up stories to justify using her for target practice.

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