Big Brother 21 Week 12 recap and Live Eviction Results

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Last week Nicole and Cliff high on power planned on getting rid of Holly thus turning their backs on the Jackson/Holly/Cliff/Nicole final 4 deal. After hours of house arguments including some massive lies from Jackson and deals from Holly, Nicole and Cliff go back to evicting Tommy. In order to secure the vote to stay Holly has to augment her original final 4 deal and agrees to throw the next HOH and POV.

The HOH is played Holly drops in minutes, Cliff falls cause he sucks and Nicole wins! Cliff makes more deals with Jackson the night of that HOH agreeing to take each other to final 2. That next morning Cliff tells him it’s a one-way street deal. Jackson takes him but he takes Nicole. Holly and Jackson are nominated. Jackson wins the Power of Veto. Cliff and Nicole think Jackson will take them to final 3 and cut his second showmance of the season, Holly. He has been preaching to them for weeks about wanting the final 3 to be people that “fought their way” and has made a billion other deals within the last 24 hours. Spoiler alert he’s not evicting Holly.

What comes next is a deep dive into cringeville population 4. Nicole has a hissy fit and comes up with a bunch more deals. Ends up “pulling on his heartstrings” all to no avail. Cliff does everything he can to stay, Threatens to sour the jury, Threatens jury votes (his and Nicole’s), claims he cashed in his 401K and his family is in financial turmoil, begs and pleads to stay so that his family is flown to finale otherwise they’ll miss it, offers guaranteed final 2 and of course throws Nicole under the bus about the Tommy vote. As a bonus, he gives us hours upon hours of monologues about being honourable and having integrity. Jackson has a hissy fit that Cliff threatened Jury votes plans to light the house up with a speech. Holly puts on makeup. We get to see the s$x stool again.

Results from the Show

The jury segment is so much fun to watch.
Kat and Nick are in a showmance in the jury house. A jurymance.
Kat – once you get your Big BRother goggles on everyone looks good.

Jackson’s speech .. “this is not an easy decision to make.”
Uses the Veto on himself. Cliff goes up.
Nominees give their speech. Holly’s is confusing. Cliff calls his family the “greatest treasure”

Jackson votes to evict to Cliff.

Part one of the final Head of household will be shown on the Sunday Show.

159 thoughts to “Big Brother 21 Week 12 recap and Live Eviction Results”

    1. The jury house footage was great. I will not miss Cliff at all though. Now all three of them have a chance to win it all.

  1. Glad they are showing the jury house. Too bad they don’t have live cameras in it (would have been an enjoyable respite to the nonsense of the last 2 weeks)

    1. I think after the jury starts they should split time with houseguest on after dark but with the twist…. they do not know they are being filmed…lol

    1. I thought the impressions were all over the place myself, and while they don’t “like” Jackson there’s a lot of talk about “game play”. No comparison there. I don’t think they want us to really know how the jury house is leaning.

      But we did see a new pitch for Tommy to get AFP.

      1. Hope your right. Just know how the past few seasons played out (season 19 doesn’t count) so I don’t won’t hold out too much hope with this one either.

        1. Have some faith in production completely rigging the jury vote……for a moment there I was one of them.

          Juries are unpredictable, and while a lot is always said about the importance of jury management, but this year we have a very “diverse” jury, most of whom were on the opposite side of an alliance (thanks a lot to Crusty) and most of whom owe a portion to their being there to Jackson.

          As someone not under the influence of intoxicants of either the liquid or emotional type pointed out, Jackson did have a pretty “civil” relationship with most of the people in jury. He also clearly has the most impressive record of comp wins and will most likely be adding to that. If he goes to jury with either Holly or Nicole, both of the women have a fair shot at it…but given the personal relationships, I’d say Holly has a stronger chance over Nicole.

          That said, Jackson really couldn’t do a lot more to further his jury management; he had to fight it out against most of them, including his own F4 and Tiny Dancer. He just has to face the jury, FESS UP, make his presentation and face his fate.

          The F2 won’t be the only ones being judged. We’ll see if Tyler made that call right.

        1. I wouldn’t vote for Nicole or Cliff. I think Jackson should win. I also think Holly has played better than Nicole. She threw last HOH to Nicole, that would have been her Third HOH. Plus she played a couple comps while suffering from that violent stomach bug! She absolutely could have won one of those as well. I think the only reason people are fans of Cliff and Nicole is because they were such underdogs. We all love to root for underdogs. However when I really look at the past 15 weeks….Jackson has KILLED IT, with great support from Holly. I really hope they are the final two.

          1. I agree with you but Jackson and Holly have no fans on the other blogs. The people are giving him and Holly no credit at all. They are all Nicole fans. Nicole seems like a genuinely nice person but in my opinion, doesn’t deserve to win.

            1. Myself, I wouldn’t call most of her support Nicole fans; more recent converts.

              It wasn’t all that long ago and Nicole didn’t have many fans; I was one of the few. It was the power players who were drawing most of the support. As they were slowly eliminated, “support” would shift to the next not-Jackson house guest.

              It wasn’t really until Nicole became a viable choice against Jackson that she really started getting the love.

              I to think she’s a nice person and I had high hopes for her at one time; but she really disappointed me when she allowed Cliff to use her. I said it numerous times, she did have a very good read on other players and their games, but she was blind to everything Cliff did to her…even when she had plenty of indicators in front of her that should have been warning her. She has remained loyal to him, literally to a fault for me; but when she said Cliff deserved F3 more than her, I agreed.

              Maybe she will surprise me over the next few days but I’m not counting on it.

              Jackson – Holly for me.

            2. The game is not called Big Deserver it’s called Big Brother.
              What do any of them do to “deserve” to win? Are they saving lives or living on the street? Hardly
              It’s who played the best game and how Jackson played and treated people and his social game is a part of Big Brother.
              Unfortunately, If he did not manage jury right then jury may feel he dosen’t “deserve” to win, no matter how many challenges he has won.
              Comp wins
              Jury management
              I can say two of these things above Jackson did VERY well. Will that be enough?
              Only time and arguments will tell

              1. “I can say two of these things above Jackson did VERY well. Will that be enough?”

                Compared to the other two, should be. Will it be? We’ll have to see.

          2. But to be real underdogs they would have had to be everyone’s target… they just were not relevant and had a very small chance to find someone dumb enough to take them to the end… oh they did. Just kidding, Jackson was never dumb ( a douche at times but never dumb)

        2. I cannot tell a lie. I voted. on the poll here. never actually vote afp
          I voted for the least likely to ever win afp. just for the sake of people saying who the hell voted for chutney the mouthmuppet other than that one commenter from weeks ago. Chutney was horrrrible.
          I was bored.
          I figure AFP will go to whoever gets the push in the season recap.

  2. Not happening this year and very rarely happens that half of a showmance evicts the other half of the showmance. But, it did happen in season 5! Drew Daniel evicted his showmance Diane, and they were top three. In the end, Drew still got her vote, and he still won the $500,000. Granted they broke up sometime after the game, but my prediction is Michie and Holly will too.

      1. Lol! Drew was from around the area I was living at the time. I was very excited to watch him! I remember that season very well!

    1. On more than one occasion Jackson has stated that Holly will be his best friend outside of the house… in, not his girlfriend. He’s not in love with her and he knows it.

    2. Drew also has the distinction of being one of the former BB winners to be arrested (domestic violence against his boyfriend).

      1. I remember he was a twin. I remember many parts of that season. Was it his boyfriend? huh. I slightly remember the arrest only because of the reports that he was tased.

  3. Leave it to the Jacka$$ to only be thinking about himself as Cliff walks out the door. I hope Cliff flips that jury house upside down.

      1. It seems to me that Nicole and the rotund one weren’t taking a back seat in the trying to make themselves martyrs arena.

    1. I hate bitter juries. I honestly hope they vote for who played the better game. Last year Tyler was ROBBED, and two years in a row Paul was robbed! Especially BB18. Nicole aid in bed all season with Cody. Paul came on having never watched the show. He had no clue how it all worked, but he picked it up and against all odds made it to finale night basically on his own. Jackson has played a phenomenal game. He absolutely deserves to win.

        1. ThatBBfan,
          I remember Elena! she was mad bitter!
          Apparently she’s still bitter making Mark’s life hell on another reality show.
          Bitter is what’s expected. It’s not realistic to think that people went on a game, had their emotions jogged around and left without the $500000. I have seen people get bitter over $5 so it’s human nature to be mad at not winning. Now that being said being bitter can ultimately cloud others judgement on good moves n game play n that sucks. But knowing BB and that’s a possibility u must manage jury. For those that don’t consider that, they decrease their chances of winning. It’s all in how u manage jury.
          Paul failed to do this both times and it lost him the game both times. U gotta make people “feel” like u didn’t deliberately screw them (even if u did)
          Dan, prime example

      1. I thought Paul got totally robbed in season 18. The way he took his punishment as a secret service agent was hilarious. One of the best I’ve ever seen on Big Brother.

      2. Finally, somebody with a little sense around here. Totally 110% agree with everything you said. Bitter jury’s suck balls.

  4. Does Cliff realize he screwed up by not getting rid of Holly and Michie??? Given his interview obviously not. You can’t me a “gentlemen’s agreement” with someone who is not a gentleman.

    1. Could you narrow that down a little bit? The not a gentleman in the flannel shirt of the not a gentleman in the cowboy hat?

      1. Of the few Southern gentleman I’ve had the privilege to know, none have ever thought pi$$ing on the floor or the toilet seat to be acceptable behavior! I believe the word gentleman and Jackson should NEVER be used in the same sentence!! Spoiled entitled brat seems more fitting!!!

  5. I do hope Cliff never makes breakfast in their house. He just tried to serve up a waffle with a polished turd on top.

  6. When do they take the live feeds down for good. We don’t see much after they play the first HOH comp right ?

    1. Most years they keep the live feeds on until the finale. It’ll be great fun this year. You’ve seen Chernobyl? Those firefighters had a better fate.

      1. What could happen? You’ve got Jackson, Holly and Scottie Salton’s revenge carrying a Clifford complex.

  7. Eviction Episode Here we go:
    So recap says Nicole and Cliff were in the dark (Nicole knew when she talked to cameras the day of veto.) Recap recaps the choke up apology d/r from last episode. Nope. Was cool until the apology to the family. Remembered my bucket in case. It’s for image. Just like if they allow speeches in a veto for the first time in 2 seasons.

    Now it’s actually eviction episode here we go.
    Jackson reveals the obvious
    Wait… Nicole cursed on episode d/r. oh no. dirtymouth smurf. (ed. you listened to a buffoon, oh well).
    Cliff “How dare you” buffoon talk. I still hear circus clown music. (ed. how dare you think a showmancer is ditching a showmancer).
    End part one with Cliff never say die blahblahblah.
    Oh no, a new showmance in jury? well that’s two votes going for one of the finalists.

    Jury Segment
    Nick: Tommy angst. Kat dislikes Nick. I keep forgetting.
    Jess: Thinks she has power. Thinks she knew what was going on. oi.
    Kat not fond of Jackson’s social game.
    And Kat and Nick are jurymancing. ew. no. ew covers it. Sorry Bella. Called that Bella was a game move and games over week two and the night after she left.
    Christie. and she’s still talking. Christie vs. Nick. Both are valid. She tanked him. He’s bitter.
    A Commercial break in a Jury segment: That’s how you know they haven’t gone to jury house enough.
    Tommy enters jury. His biggest game mistake. the reveal. the reaction. who else called bitter Nick?
    everyone voting game sound bite. some saying whole game.
    (ed.Stay with the jury house. The other four bore me.)

    Part Three. Back to the house Cliff plays dirty.
    Jury vote threat. Here we go. Where’s the d/r.
    Here it is. Angry Jackson d/r. it’s comps and comp wins he is pointing out while openly denigrating Holly’s game. He didn’t have to make the final 2 deal. He did have to make the final three deal. The final 2 handshake was to twist the knife. Cliff twisted a knife too. Just my opinion. Cliff’s is dirtier. Much. I completely think Jackson is justified in being angry that Cliff just twisted a knife. And I’m 100% honest I’d hold the jury over a house guest too. It’s an exploitable weakness. Dirty. But Big Brother.

    The Obvious Vote
    Gee and back for the veto meeting. He gets his speech. (ed: He chose to do what he did. Everyone chose their game. Everyone did what they did ownership means not saying it’s everyone else’s fault.)
    Justification speech for image accomplished.
    Spoke too soon and Both Holly and Jackson making justification for image speeches.
    Cliff go dirty. come on. he won’t. normal speech start. Goodbye speech. Justification call out. Goodbye speech. Limp. Buffoon.
    Another justification speech for image. Really? Too much speechifying for image. and justifying at the doooor. ugh.
    Buffoon talk with Julie. Buffooning being called out. Thanks Julie. Just give him a clown nose. His silly borderline chauvanism shows through. A deal is only an important deal when it’s two men shaking hands? Really? doo- doo doota loo… le doot doo dula (the circus clown music). Bye Buffoon.

    1. Note: Holly’s inclusion in the episode is a testament. Zero d/r. Jack got a d/r clip. That says something.
      Most d/r inclusion for the season in order: Jackson, Crustie, Cliff, Nicole. That’s pretty much telling us the focus of the edit. Who gets to push the story in d/r. Sorry Beth.

      1. I just loved watching Vanessa get bashed against a wall for four hours. And her mascara running with a goopy beanie.
        It was cathartic after the adderall diaries.

        Tonight’s eviction was not live. it was taped a few hours ago. after the vote audience one was released, and audience two was brought in for the first part of HOH comp. Oh look. It’s bbcanada.

          1. BBcanada is free feeds in Canada. I think it requires some sort of vpn for outside of canada.
            The free feeds go down for HOURS and HOURS for comps. and parties. and the feeds blink out for small periods when something will be included in episode quite often.
            The next season won’t begin filming for months.
            the reason i said oh look it’s bbcanada: they tape all evictions in front of a live audience a few hours before the episode airs. Spoilers happen most weeks.

          2. Huge BB fan! BBCan, BBUK, BBUKcelebrity and BBAU (no longer as the BB game is gone and the house recently was vandalized n burned or torn down….sad)
            Anyhow, for any of you interested in watching they do have UK n AU on YouTube and a few seasons of BBCan

            Start with BBUK season 1 (all seasons on youtube)

            BBAU (most seasons on youtube)

            BBCan 5

            I find the public being involved is very interesting. In BBAU they have a point system where they get three points and get to give those points out how they see fit AND are forbidden to speak about nominations. They enact punishments on those they catch talking and announce to the house who it was and what they said. They also on BBAU do not except bs reasons for nominating someone. Big brother will say “that’s not good enough to vote someone, give me another reason”
            Very different BB styles with the rules!

  8. I thought Jackson was using the veto on Holly. That’s what he was saying after he won it. Is this another broken deal? Lol

  9. Best big brother episode of the season imo. Nick and Kat?? What the what?!? I might change my favorite player to Sam now lol

      1. The one thing about the episode I did not like (but was so damned indicative of this season), were the “I love you, I respect you” BS. I’m not sure if the home viewers saw how forced and fake they were, but having seen what has been said these past couple of days…just wow.

        One other thing, when the segment with my previous home came on (the Swaggy spot), most of the house guests sure didn’t seem all that impressed. It was like…oh…Swaggy. Ouch.

  10. Julie had to cut off Holly’s rambling speech. I wish she would have done the same during Mickie’s. His “I’m a man of my word until I’m not” eviction speech lasted longer than Cliff and Holly combined.

    1. Remember when they were on the fence, and seriously considered keeping Jess over Cliff for a few hours? Unwavering.
      Just another example of things we saw that they don’t know, but we still saw.
      Cliff saying he was the reason Holly stayed? No lies detected. But they wavered. should have wavered further. Lots further.

  11. What I do find funny is that so many fans think Cliff and Nicole were underdogs. They had no target on their back and just were not relevant as there were bigger targets in the game.. everyone was gunning for Jackson and/ or Holly throughout the game. You heard the jury, they are amazed and impressed by Jackson’s game play. They never saw Nicole as a threat because she was not. She was a vote like many others. She is the one who spun the “I had the deciding vote” anyone who voted on close ones could say that… oh wait, there were no close votes. Must agree that Cliff should have voted Holly out. It may have changed the HOH but I doubt it would have changed Jackson winning veto. Tommy may have given a run for it though. Tommy was going to throw HOH and veto, remember? Oh well gang season almost over and again we lived through it. Many people choking on the idea that Jackson will most likely win but hey, you never know how it ends until votes are counted. Just keeping it real… Nicole could surprise me and win the final and take Holly… unlikely but possible. Real twist would be Holly wins and takes Nicole… it is not over u til the owl says it’s over!

    1. You don’t think Nicole influenced any votes? Really?

      Why then was there almost always a last minute situation on Wednesday nights or Thursday mornings regarding which way she wanted to vote. Case in point – let’s look at the seven jury evictions prior to tonight …..

      Nick wanted to keep Jack over Jackson but they couldn’t get Nicole to shift to Jackson so they (Tommy/Nick) switched their votes to evict Jack too i.e. a 6-2 vote with only Christie & Sis voting out Jackson. Had Nicole shifted then they would’ve voted Jackson AND likely Kat would’ve shifted to keep her alliance with Holly/Jackson intact.

      The Kat eviction ALSO came down to Nicole who was balking at the “new 6 person alliance” and told Jess about it but the DR conveniently called her in at that very moment. Her intentions were to go with Jess to J/H & discuss shifting the vote. BUT by the time she got out of the DR Jess had told everyone & turned the house ass over tea kettle. That combined with Kat/Jess telling Nicole her family/students would hate her sealed Kat’s fate. If not for Jess especially, the vote would’ve been Holly/Jackson/Jess/Nicole keeping Kat by a 4-3 vote with Christie/Nick/Sis voting her out assuming Nick didn’t also shift to keeping Kat since he was no big Cliff Hogg fan & getting out Cliff would’ve pulled Nicole tighter to him.

      As for the Christie – Sis vote – Jackson kind of strong armed that vote but Holly preferred to keep Sis as did Tommy & Nick. If Holly/Nicole had been tighter earlier they could easily have gone to Jess & told her how Christie pitched Jess go OTB instead for the house to vote her out. THAT was a missed opportunity by the ladies which Nicole took care of later & Jess will also question in hindsight since that vote likely was the reason she left 2 weeks later.

      Nicole preferred to keep Nick but Taco Tuesday shifted that option, Jess was voting out EVERY man over a woman, Tommy knew Christie & since Holly was HOH Jackson was voting how she wanted so that week she had no leeway.

      The Jess/Cliff vote was obviously one where Nicole would keep Cliff especially with Jess acting so strange since the Kat vote.

      Her DE HOH with Christie & Tommy also went her way b/c she was closer to Tommy & knew he’d take her to F2 once Christie was gone.

      Which brings us to Tommy who we all know Nicole wanted to keep but Cliff refused to budge and for that choice he left this week.

      Based on those situations Nicole was either the deciding vote, major factor in how the house voted or the key to eviction via her DE HOH in 4 of those 7 votes. So — I’m not buying she wasn’t pivotal in the majority of the jury votes (love or hate Jack he pointed out that very fact in the jury segment).

  12. It was kind of funny watching Cliff’s holier than thou face change when Julie questioned his actions…. especially when she asked if he really thought Jackson would evict Holly….. just priceless. I saw a twinge of, Oh America must hate me look in his eye
    What do you guys think? He absolutely screwed Nicole’s game last week

    1. Curt
      Agreed! Cliff looked shocked, shook and in disbelief that he could have possibly played a sh%t game on BB. He screwed himself and made the game harder for Nicole. Nicole added to Cliffs dumb antics a little as well to her detriment. Now Cliffs gone. Only shot he has at me not hating his game play is if he can actually play and get jury minds thinking with facts vs emotion and wanna be game play. If he does that then he can be upgraded to just plain stupid

  13. Jackson should have used the veto to save Holly. Then Holly could have cast the vote to get Cliff out and Jackson wouldn’t be on the hot seat with Cliff.

    1. I know they did talk about that at one time, I don’t know how seriously…but I believe once Cliff pulled the jury thing there was no way Jackson wasn’t going to do it himself.

    1. Allison bb4 I think related more, with more time spent in multiple male house guests beds, while her ex bf was a house guest, and a real life bf she later went on the amazing race with.

  14. Nick just a ho!!! Not a Michie fan, but what the heck, had he not overheard Cliff and Nicole’s conversation, he would have went home. Jury sat there not saying anything about Nick bringing up Christie lying, so will it matter.

  15. Of course, you all realize that BB is only a try out for the producers’ main show AMAZING RACE with the BIG RATINGS (therefore more expensive sponsors etc) and all they are really looking for is a nice BB couple they can move on to AR…which is why they were hoping for Swaggy and his girl but that disappeared last year in the first episode when he lost….although they are still trying obviously by bringing them on to this year’s show….although they are no longer a couple.

    SO…it became apparent to BB producers that All American JACKSON and Miss Wyoming HOLLY were the chosen ones and the producers have been doing all they can to make mostly JACKSON palatable to the audience by rigging, advising, changing rules, cajoling others, suggesting and so forth to all the players when backstage. Especially to Jackson himself by making it known to him that his male chauvinism and unkindness to others was coming off really bad and Momma won’t like that. And so he made a critical turnabout in attitude after that.
    They probably even told CLIFF to tune down any exit speech bad mouthing MICHIE. And no bad mouthing in the other house too.

    Even if somehow one of the girls win….BB already has their Amazing Race couple…so they look at it as a good deal….even though it’s been the worst rated season ever. AND since Julie’s contract is up…and her hubby exited CBS as head honcho for sex accusations, etc…it doesn’t look good for BB future.

    We shall see.

  16. Anyone else think Holly just didnt look very excited about having to, once again, drag out that sex stool so she could get to F2? lmao. Holly:”I really love you”, Jackson:”She will be my best friend outside the house”. Oh and the jury segment. Could change but so far Sis seems to be the only one leaning towards Jackson.

          1. theres a good chance she banged jack in jury before sis arrived, he was definitely trying. “She won’t know”
            and she probably would have banged Sam if he was single. I don’t think she’s very selective.

  17. Jackson is the biggest hypocrite on the face of this earth. I would of been evictrd by production because i would of snapped his neck in the house. I hope nicole wins its based strictly on that fact that jackson is a lying ass piece of shit. Holly is pretty dang hot. Im not saying cliff deserves anything but jackson lied to his faceafter cliff anf nicole kept holly.

  18. Gotta say one thing to Cliff — Hook ‘Em! Sorry, but he just proved all of the Aggie jokes to be true. 😉

  19. Things I found interesting about jury
    Sis actually stating how it wasn’t fair Christy n Tommy knew each other (omg! A thought!)
    Nick is re – mad (made up word alert!) at Tommy for knowing Christie because had he known maybe he wouldn’t have molested Tommy as much
    Tommy exposed Jacksons made up lie to get him out aka dirty game…will that hurt him?
    Sis says Jackson is playing a “dirty game” (wow! A second thought) is she right?
    Many believe Nicole IS playing a good game making a final 4 deal.
    Some say Holly may have a shot. Interesting.
    Christie manifested winning double and manifested Tommy being in final three. She was wrong both times and the best part was Nick pointing out her failed manifestations. (Even though I can’t stand Nick, i.enjoyed it)
    No surprise, Jess realizes she’s clueless…AGAIN
    Wonder if Cliff will play a better jury game than BB game?
    And the Nick n Kat jurymance?? I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit…

    1. I kept looking for Kat’s face when the relationship was revealed. ‘Cus, you know… that’s gonna come out too. Even if it’s after season. And I don’t mean the know of but don’t know part that was the official take. So many more times on feeds when H would mention Kat to J it sounded like a friends for years statement.

    2. Tsk, tsk, tsk. You’re shortchanging Ms Manisfester. She knew that Tommy couldn’t be the next juror coming because she couldn’t sense his presence.

      I’m thinking she should slam her head against a wall a few times to reset the crystal.

  20. I’m not a Cliff fan, but seeing all the flooding in Houston, I do hope his family is okay and that he has a home to return to.

  21. Nick thinking everyone screwed him over but not publicly blasting his barber for letting him go to into Big Brother house with the Simple Jack haircut….

  22. Even after Julie confronted Cliff with the sheer ridiculous nature of his “deal” with Michie, i.e., “you (Michie) take me to final two, but I ‘ll take Nicole, instead of you. Wanna shake on it?”, Cliff stubbornly refused to acknowledge that he thought he could con Michie. Instead, he responded, “I was naïve.”. Cliff!! There was nothing naïve about it and you were not a victim. You totally perverted the intent and meaning of a “gentleman’s agreement.” You, sir, were no gentleman. Julie was trying to give you the opportunity to own your feeble attempts at deception and admit that no one with half a brain would have signed on to your very one-sided proposition.

  23. Jackson has my vote- he has played the best game of the three. Could he have been a nicer guy at times? Absolutely. But this isn’t Mr Rogers neighborhood. It’s Big Brother. A game show with only one winner. And just like Survivor, you do what you can to outwit, outlast and outplay. Anyone coming in expecting to never be lied to or blindsided or disappointed is playing the wrong game. I think Nicole and Cliff will be surprised when they watch the season back to see that Jackson protected them on more than one occasion by steering the focus off of them during nomination convos (especially Nicole)

      1. I truly wonder (and this ISN’T a shot at you Richie so please pardon me), but I wonder if someone were somehow able to add up all the people who have said that in 21 seasons, if the numbers wouldn’t bypass current viewers numbers?

        I’d love to see the show change a lot (MOST) of the format, I’d love to see Grodner replaced, an end to recruiting, better screening and selection of contestants…but I don’t count on it.

  24. I want them to bring back the turn table and keys where the HOH pulls out the key and says the person’s name and says they’re safe. Then that person pulls out a key and says that person’t name that they are safe. The two person keys box is getting boring. I want them to go back to the original way.

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