Big Brother 21 Nomination Results! “They’re like cock roaches.”

HOH: Nick
NOMINATED: Cliff & Jess
WACK Power: Christie
New Alliance “Undeniable Nine” – Nick, Jack, Jackson, Analyse, Christie, Tommy, Sam, Holly, Bella

5:10pm Jess and Nick. Jess – it sucks that nominations are today. Nick – I know I haven’t even had a chance to talk to anyone. I thought they were going to be tomorrow. I haven’t even had a chance to think about what I’m going to do. Now its going to be today so I have to hurry up. I was going to put Cliff up because I think he’s America’s player. Because of that Owl and sh*t. The knife. That Owl, he always has the f**king Owl. He is being weird. I don’t trust him. Jess – your decisions are your decisions. When I was on the block, I really tried to not play any game last week. Nick – He (Cliff) is getting paid for that sh*t. Jess – I want you to know that if you heard your name come out of my mouth.. it is a flat out f**king lie. Nick – I know, because you would have told me. Nick – the other nom what I was thinking is its easiest if its someone that’s already been up. You and Kat are the only people. It could be possible that one of you go up because I know its Cliff that’s going to get voted out. Cliff got caught talking a lot of sh*t and he is going home. If I did put you up, I wouldn’t put you up if I thought you were going to go. Jess – I really don’t want to go up two weeks in a row. Nick – he was caught saying he wanted to break up all the showmances and I’m in one so he’s got to go. Jess – its hard in this game deciphering whats real and what’s not. Everyone has their own game. People are talking. Nick – I have your best interests in the game. If I do put you up.. you will not go home. Jess – I think he (Cliff) has a power. Nick – he already offered himself up as a pawn.

– 5:30pm – 6:38pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Nomination Ceremony.
Nick Nominated: Cliff & Jess

Bella, Tommy, Nick, Holly and Sam are in the HOH room. Tommy – people in the majority think that you were trying to flip the votes.

Boat room. Cliff – I am just glad that Jessica didn’t throw her hands up and say one minute guys. (if she had a power) So we will so, either she doesn’t have the power or it doesn’t apply to nominations. Jack – eviction.. she can get sent home and come back from the dead. Cliff – if so, let her! At least she’s flushed it out. Jack – at this point its pawn city. Cliff – I told Christie week one I will play the game it needs to be played. If it means doing something like this then so be it. I don’t give up till the suite case it out the door. Y’all just keep me in mind and let me know what I can do. Jack – just know that I’ve got your back. I couldn’t win the veto last time but.. Cliff – you and Sam are the ones. Jack – if you get house guest choice I would probably pick Sam. But I am available for you. Cliff – we knew this was a possibility. Jess joins them. Jess – there are 16 people living in this house how is it completely quite. Cliff – they’re like cock roaches. Jack offers to play in the veto as House Guest choice for her as well. Cliff tells Nicole he is glad she isn’t up there. Cliff leaves the room.

HOH room Christie, Bella, Sam, Tommy, Nick, Analyse, Holly and Jackson. Nicole comes to the HOH door. Jackson tells her – Not a good time. He then closes the door in her face. Jack comes into the HOH room. Analyse – look at that dumb B***h. Tommy – bottom line is Nicole was playing both sides. The fact is we were hearing about this so no one was surprised when Kemi said what she said. And still chose to focus on it even though it didn’t matter.

Christie – she (Nicole) pulled me in the boat room and she said I don’t want to name drop. I don’t want to say but there is someone in the RV that created the black widow and pinned it on Jess. She said that she confided in you and gave her emotions, that she was insecure and that she came to you and you’ve been using it against her to make her feel weak and out of place so that you could put ideas in her head and bully her. I never pulled her aside on my sisters life!!!

Nicole is pissed that they wouldn’t let her in the HOH room. Nicole – I’ve done nothing but tell the truth. Cliff – you play the best game you can and you take the shots you can. They’re all laughing .. that concerns me.

6:55pm HOH room. Ovi tries to come into the HOH room and says that he doesn’t think its nice to not let people into the HOH room. Jackson – she wanted us to irrupt from the inside out. Nick, Jack, Jackson, Analyse, Christie, Tommy, Sam, Holly, Bella create a new alliance. Nick -On three what are we going to say? “NOT FALLING FOR YOUR SH*T!” They name their new alliance “Undeniable Nine!”

Nick and Cliff.
Cliff – no hard feelings. I want to work with you.

7:16pm Storage room. Ovi, David and Jack. Ovi – is everything okay? Jack – yeah everything is fine. Everything is fine, yeah. Ovi – you would tell me if something was wrong right? Jack – for you? No nothing is wrong. You’re in camp comeback, I can’t touch you. Right?! Ovi – yeah but.. Jack – why, why were we all up in that room? We were arguing and shooting the sh*t and hashing sh*t out. Nicole joins them. Nicole – am I going to find out anything from this conversation. Jack – I don’t know.. maybe. Jack leaves. David talks to Nicole about leaving things alone right now. You have to smile to because its going to be hard. Nicole – I’ll smile in the mirror because no one is looking at me.

7:25pm Bedroom. Nicole and Cliff. Nicole – I realized yesterday that 6 – 8 of them are all in cahoots. I realized that I was going to be put up there with you… and I did a last ditch effort to not be put up there thinking it would stay secret. Cliff – play big or go home. You can’t regret what you’ve done. We are trying to play the best game that we can. Nicole – they think I have a power that I don’t have. They think I did a rogue vote that I didn’t do. Cliff – I know you did not cast that rogue vote. Nicole – I don’t understand why none of them are talking to me. I tried to talk to Tommy and he said not now. I tried to talk to David and Ovi and they said they wanted to talk alone. Cliff – even if they aren’t able to keep it on a non-personal level.. you do it. If they let their emotions get the better of them be the better man. I am here for the experience and adventure.. if it doesn’t go your way you go back to your life. Nicole – I am feeling like a villain right now. Cliff – you’re not.

7:55pm HOH room. Tommy, Jack, Jackson, Nick, Bella, Analyse, Holly, Sam and Christie. Bella – she (Nicole) showed me her bracelet and said on my grandmothers life. Christie – she doesn’t even have her grandmother anymore. She said she lost her grandmother when she was young and then the other raised her and died about 3 years ago. On my grandmother’s life! Her grandmother isn’t alive! She said it was the hardest thing shes ever gone through. Tommy – she is going to try and pull the card that things are being misconstrued and to me the grandmother thing is proof that she is a manipulator. Like that is a skill. That is thought out and smart. Kat joins them and the conversation ends.

8:10pm The house guests are eating dinner.

41 thoughts to “Big Brother 21 Nomination Results! “They’re like cock roaches.””

  1. I just saw a video online from July 4th at 8:19 pm in the kitchen where Jackson and Jack both use the word n**** referring to David,can Simon/Dawg post that?Given the shows history could the Caucasian Broadcasting System have predicted the campers would use camp comeback as a way to segregate the POC?

  2. I can’t wait for the wretched 8 to tear eachother apart, unfortunately one of them is going to win.

  3. What. was. Nicole. THINKING?
    was she trying to save herself when she wasn’t really in danger?
    well she probably just willed an eviction into reality.
    How many times has Telebella kept her mouth shut with information? Zero.
    Who does Nicole talk to? Telebella.
    She wouldn’t have had much better odds with Nick, but slightly that’s for sure.

    This is odd.
    (Disregard the following if Production Rigging Conspiracies annoy you. You’ll dislike it. 50% of me dislikes it).
    The conspiracy theorist that still 50% believes they are trying to craft a Jackson win this season thinks… so they’re trying to get his rogue vote to matter in the edit even though it didn’t have the impact they were hoping for, so they’ll edit that the rogue vote paranoia drove Nicole to tank her game… while leaving out that most of the house figured it might have been Jackson. oh. Really good thing i don’t let that conspiracy theorist out of it’s cage to much.

      1. Right before noms, Nicole went to hoh to plead her case to Nick and Bella, that she was not the rogue vote. Nick said she was fine and left. Bella told her the Jacks were pushing hard for her to be evicted, but Bella and Nick have her back. Bella asked if Nicole had heard anything, or Nicole just offered (differing accounts) that the two couples were wanting Nick and Bella on the block if anyone else had won hoh. She said that all of the girls think that Nick is a bully and Bella can’t be trusted.
        After noms, Bella went to Nick and told him everything Nicole had revealed.

  4. six shooters were genuinely consoling nicole the last few days

    nicole rolled the dice and tried to use those interactions against them

    she can have no complaints that it backfired

    good to see one of the outsiders mixing it up though and trying to change the game

      1. nicole went to nick right before noms thinking she was going up(she wasnt) and said the 2 couples out of six shooters agreed bella/nick were bullying nicole the last few days by demanding to know her targets etc and that those 4 would put bella/nick up

        nick didnt buy it

      2. Nichole did nothing but confide in members of the 6 who are throwing her under the bus to bond with Nick and Bella so the 8 have a common enemy to save themselves.

    1. consoling yes. genuine, not always 100% sure.
      conversations before the conciliatory gestures always seemed to imply that they had an agenda in speaking to her (either to get information, or gauge if she would tell anyone what they had been saying to her, or see if she could be pliable in their plans).

      1. Holly did cry with her yesterday, Sis multiple times pulled her aside the last few days to ask if she was ok, and both seemed interested to want to work with her

        1. if Holly hadn’t expressed to Jackson a half hour earlier that she was worried because she’d being saying stuff about nick to nicole, so she had to see if she was at risk, I wouldn’t question. but she did say that.

    2. So lord of the flies style bullying and ganging up on weaker prey is justifiable because she played the game? Just because Nicole overplayed her hand doesn’t mean she deserves to be torn apart by these hyenas.

    3. Nicole knew full well that right after Bella formed and named the Black Widows she ratted them all out. What made Nicole think Bella could be trusted for anything? Shame on her for being so mind-numbingly stupid. That said, those morons up in the HOH room are a disgusting mob. Analice, the pipefitter, calls Nicole a dumb b***ch. What irony.

    1. It seems like it’s always the worst people that run the house.What does that say about society?

        1. That’s why I’m waiting for the ? spaceship to beam me up and take me away,if I have to endure a probing so be it.

      1. Sometimes a reality s*^t show is just a reality s*^t show…not everything is meant to be interpreted as a reflection of society

  5. Here’s the thing. I haven’t written a thing about this season because quite frankly I think it’s boring and I find the majority of the house deplorable. I’m rooting for Sam as he seems the most like able so of course he will be gone soon. I do however have a real problem with Bella. We all saw her form the Black Widows. I didn’t even care that she went and blabbed about it because her game is all over the place. But when she just swore on her sister. Hmm yeah I’ve had enough. Oh and Sis(I mean really that’s what she wants to be called-SMH) had no reason to call Nicole a b****. And then she just gets ostracized by that room. Ugh not sure I’ll make it to the end of this season at this rate.

    1. heat of the moment saying someone is a bitch after they attempted to put your game in jeopardy, i dont have an issue with it

  6. So hard to sit here and watch them bash Nicole. I was hoping Nick would grow some balls and put up the Jackholes. Bella is a nasty snake!

  7. The way these idiots are treating Nicole is disgraceful. I hate bullying like this. This kind of thing should be in the past. This is my generation taking part in it and I’m absolutely mortified. This is supposed to be the ‘enlightened, compassionate’ generation but this little microcosm shows otherwise. People so insecure with themselves they have to prey on people they see as weaker, and smaller. The only ones who have been helping Nicole through this are cliff, David and Ovi. Even David though showed he isn’t as strong a man as I had thought. Telling Ovi to apologize to the bullies and to know his place is not the right way to handle this. David should go up there and tell them all to f*** themselves. I need David to step up here. I want to go into that house and just tell these jerks off so much. The only good thing is eventually we all get to watch these assholes tear each other apart and see the the intra group fighting.

  8. At this point of this season and i never thought id ever say this….. ugh!!….. BB might want to bring Paul back to shake up this boring season.

    I HOPE!!!! Jack and Jackson go home soon!!!!!!!!!!

  9. If you listen to Nicole’s retell to Kemi, and compare it to Nick’s retell of what Bella said Nicole said, added to what Bella added Nicole said, and add a bit of reasonable deduction, what do you come up with?
    I think Bella and Nick realized Nicole was telling the truth, but chose to sell Nicole out to the alliance in order to get back in with the alliance.

    long term effect: rest of the alliance still takes out Bella and Nick first. the 9 will only be real until after the veto.
    reason: the alliance knows Nicole was telling the truth about what they said or did. They’ll conclude Nicole was also telling the truth about what Bella and Nick were doing.

  10. I’m only sticking around this shit show just to see the dickheads & plastic chicks turn on each other…… I miss Season 20 so much now! BB was revitalized last year now it’s gone back to crap…. So many unlikeable ppl! I really can’t stand f’n Bella….and Chrustie right now……Anal-gland is a waste of space…..I would love if Camp Comeback was America’s vote and Julie says, “ by an overwhelming majority of votes, David, you are officially back in the game!” Then zoom the cameras on the jackasses

  11. So frickin funny seeing Jess say she doesn’t wanna go up 2 weeks in a row and Nick, already having decided he’s putting her up, keeps talkin about how Cliff is goin up and how annoying he is lol

  12. Again I’m going to point out the fact that Nick is a child therapist. And he’s fostering/participating in this behavior. It’s very disturbing that he has access to children’s mental and emotional health.

  13. this is so stupid, an alliance that is basically the whole house ! well that’s brilliant said no one .

  14. In the BB Game you should do everything you can to WIN! A little lie here and there and twisting people’s words are how you get ahead. But……..something happens to the players once they enter the BB House. A week or two goes by and they start showing their real colors, I mean despicable mean hearted behavior. Sis is the typical “mean girl bully”. She probably belittled 99.9% of all the girls in her high school. Jack and Jackson are just delusional. They think they are the “Top Dogs”. Bella and a few others, I’m at a loss…I don’t ever know what to say. I hate the way this “mean group” of bullies sit around and talk crap about the other house guest, calling them nasty names and bashing them just to make themselves feel like a badass. They think they are better than everyone else. It’s just a sad example of our society today. If I were the mother to any of those BB House Guest I would be ashamed of myself for raising a (mean hearted, entitled, belittling bully). I’m sorry but it hurts me to see how bad some of these people are being treated and I wanted to express my feelings.

    1. I also boggles my mind because they’ve seen how “meanies” or “Bullies” are hated by the public, so why would you go in there and do exactly what you KNOW the public doesn’t like? So stupid! It’s like your memory is wiped out as soon as you walk through the big brother doors. I can see the one who say they’ve never watched before being ignorant to it, but I think the majority of them have seen the show before, just boggles my mind every season!

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