For Big Brother 21 we’ve enhanced two favorite features: polling, and houseguest ranking. The ranking system operates much like last years with a Ranking Grid and 1 to 5 stars assigned to each player. Onlinebigbrother is also expanding the regular polls on the daily live feed updates . Old poll favorites like: “who do you want to be evicted this week” and “who do you want to win HOH” are back! (Vote Dawg drain the swamp 😉 ) The most recent post on the site will always have the current poll.
When does ranking start?
Pre-feed rankings started collecting results the day the houseguests were revealed. It is set to continue to collect Day 0 data until the feeds start. No point getting excited pre-feeds. June 27th will be the start of Day 1. Opinions of the houseguests change radically after a bit of time watching the feeds. It might be a shock seeing top ranking houseguests plummet after a couple days.

Here is how the ranking works.
1) Daily, a new Survey will be available via Survey Monkey. The link will be plastered on each post or you can go check it out here -> Rank the Big Brother 21 houseguests
2) At the end of the day we will crunch the numbers to produce a formatted grid showing the ranking results. The Big Brother 21 ranking Grid will be the same as in previous years. The ranking grid is not updated live.
Gotta keep eye ?! ??