The backyard and lounge were revealed today. Kyaks in the pool and 12-foot rowboat. There are also some better images of the bedrooms over what we got on ET the other day. One of the rooms has an archery theme so maybe we’ll see that in a competition. The trailer room is pretty cool. appears to have a little room within a room. (All new cast an interesting house, no rumors about a twist.. what is going on here?)
Big Brother Spoilers – If you missed it we had a Live feeds leak this morning. Christie is the Head of Household she wants to nominate a Boy and a Girl. Sounds like Kathryn and Cliff are going up. Cliff is the pawn. (Cliff is going home)
Feeds are always fun use this link to sign up Live Feeds Stream
Here is what CBS has to say about the house.
This season, Big Brother Houseguests will live in a house that celebrates all things camp! The House gets a great outdoors makeover. The house is inspired by the fun, collaborative spirit that embodies the camp experience

I miss the elliptical machine
CBS has this to say about the lounge
If the sun is a bit too bright to lay out in the backyard, Houseguests can move into the lounge and relax in a 12-foot wide rowboat!
100’s of LED’s!!! wow. 😉 Cbs has this to say about this Techno Camping nightmare
In the living room, a 23-foot tall triangular window is backlit by hundreds of LED units, illuminating a lush forest right outside the window. Adding to the cozy lodge is a fireplace, stacked with birch logs
This is a nice step up. CBS says there are paddles .. that could get hot.
Houseguests can head into the boathouse-themed bathroom, complete with paddles on the door and awnings over the room’s mirrors
Just a bit longer and we’ll begin 🙂
Love this idea of a tree house. beauty.
Very much looking forward to an archery competition. Apparently, they made a room soundproofed. CBS goes into details about the drystacked stone:
The second bedroom is all about the classic summer camp sporting event – archery! This room has dozens and dozens of arrows (some even stuck into the walls), several bows and quivers and bullseye targets. Covering the walls are dry-stacked stone on the bottom, and bales of straw above. Small and private, the bedroom is perfect for Houseguests plotting, taking aim, and hoping their game move is on target
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I really like the house, too. It’s just missing actual wildlife, which we get to see next week.
I only went to summer camp once or twice, and I remember snakes. Lots of snakes……and some toads. Oh, and mosquitoes.
The rock climbing wall would have fit in well, so I’m sorry to see that’s been removed.
Rumors of camp counselors have been abundant. I wouldn’t mind that, as long as it’s not Paul morphing CampBB into Camp Crystal Lake.
If they have camp counselors, I really hope they don’t get to play later like they did with the coaches thing.
Camp counselors is the first thing that popped in my mind when I saw the camp theme. Actually when I saw the Survivor theme for nest season I wondered if CBS would do the same with BB. More like a coach thing than them entering the game as competitors. Don’t know if I like the idea or not. Keeping an open mind until I see how it plays out if that’s what they are doing
Could there be shenanigans in the camper?! I’m sure there’s a camera in there too but people may forget to check the camper when discussing stuff.
I love the treehouse, I’ll bet there will be plenty of strategizing going on in there. I think it would be great if they had a dog in the house!
Please, please, can we just get this run-away train back on track this season? We have a bright shiny new group of houseguests, for which I am very much appreciative. No celebrities or all-stars, or re-treads of any sort. Allow this group of people to play the game without any coaches or tutors, or 3-4 weeks of ridiculous advantages or immunities granted to any one individual.
Yup ..
Camp counselors will drive this season kraken.
We’ve got 16 folks and that’s enough. Surely they can pull enough drama from these folks that dragging in former castmates wouldn’t be needed. Best case is we don’t see anyone from previous seasons in a game situation either playing or being a counselor unless it’s Veronica from season 16…we’d probably never know she was there.
2 thoughts
I wonder if someone will have to spend a week alone in the camper?
I bet the have not beds are logs
Canoes…I think there are several boat options that work well for being horrible bed options…
I was thinking hammocks, but I suppose those are too comfortable.
What is the site that has the live feeds for free?
Any posts with pirated websites which violate CBS’s various rights would most likely not get approved. I’m not sure of the extent of any legal agreements Simon and Dawg have with CBS/Big Brother but I’m sure they have some financial/legal agreement as they get a cut of the live feed fee if folks sign up through this site and they post images/gifs from the live feeds which I believe CBS owns. Check out support OBB at the top of the page!
A lot of color in the house this season. I can’t wait to get things started. Hopefully there are no returning players.
I’ve really been enjoying Jonathan Bennett’s interviews with the HG’s for
I’m impatiently waiting for Jack’s, though.
On another note, I can’t help but wonder how in the world Kat can talk so fast. I mean, wow! I get exhausted just listening to her.
I’m looking forward to the first episode…Hopefully this cast is as willing to play as last season without FOUTTE levels of stupidity unless they are all that inept. I swear someone in the DR had to tell them they couldn’t nominate themselves for eviction every time they were HoH.
Sadly i’ll be missing the first episode.
Hope the whole camp premise doesn’t mean camp counselor returns…. or night one ‘home sick’ eviction (my thought when leak included a comment about back to back nominations or whatever it was) to make way for said counselor to join the group week two with immunity that lasts for five evictions. Rolls eyes. please let me be this lucky….. leave all the dead weight past house guest crap in the never was file… please?
happy summer everyone.
There are quite a few house guests I’d like to see again, some I like and some I loathe, but I just don’t want to see them playing Big Brother unless everyone has played before. Paul’s second season reminded me of the Stanford Prison experiment.
Given the parameters of his multiple weeks of safety, and setting him up as rewarding others with safety in the first week (thereby creating a sense that he was to be deferred to), that experiment is exactly what they were attempting to emulate.
I don’t want to see anyone return. Producers that bring back known quantities into the game obviously feel that the cast they’ve assembled are deficient, and further, feel the need to stack the deck in favor of said returning known quantity.
Unless they have a season filled with the first evicted rejects we never got to actually know, and therefore don’t have any bias or production favor, i’d rather not see a season of returning players.
Oh goodness! HG swimsuit pics released leaving speculation that David has been evicted because Tommy’s (he is behind David in the pic on the rug) legs are mysteriously gone. Tampering is obvious (in regards to David); no doubt about that. It could just be bad edits, or it could be afterthoughts. I don’t know why BB would bother to do a group pool photoshoot and leave out David. I just don’t see that sort of “oops” happening. Then again, expect the unexpected.
I’m super ready for this party to get started.
It’s good evidence that David is gone. they’ve penciled people in like this before, haven’t they?
Well, there’s been obvious photoshopping before…… not sure about this type, though (inserting/replacing). It’s almost too obvious. ;-/
I could have sworn they added someone to a picture before I could be wrong. It’s early 😉
I know when they did the “nude” picture everyone was separate and they made a composite of all the pictures. They’ve Frakensteined the group picture before mainly because getting 16 folks together in a fun shot is hard. Of course it could be an attempt to hide who’s out. Way to go Cliff!