Big Brother 20 Week 7 Animated Gifs

This weeks Big Brother 20 Animated Gifs. My favorite and a contender for years best is the one of Rockstar sucking all the d1cks. Going to miss Rockstar.


16 thoughts to “Big Brother 20 Week 7 Animated Gifs”

  1. My #1 = Sam carries Kaycee

    My #2 = Tyler and Angela hug

    My #3 = Scottie being Scottie

    Honorable Mention = Haleigh’s dance moves

  2. Simon or Dawg
    Can the feeds be watched on Smart TVs or Android phones? Never tried before but might watch slip and slide HOH tonight.

    1. You live in the US or Canada?
      In the US for sure get the CBS all access app or something like chromecast and you are good to go. If you are in Canada I don’t know if it’ll work you need a VPN somewhere inbetween.,

  3. A warning to @DawgsBigBrother Watch out for RocK/Haleigh conversations.. We have Meg level brain damage going down..

    Wow Angela really has some assets.

  4. Simon,

    You need that clueless shot of Fes with his mouth hanging open captioned ” Votes are locked.”

  5. I’ve been busy so I know that I am late to the party but I just caught up on Sunday & Wednesday episodes. Probably won’t get to watch tonight’s episode until sometime tomorrow. I will not go so far as to say Rockstar is the worst player in BB history (Because there is a long list of bad really bad players Victoria comes to mind real quick). But I will say that I think Rockstar in that veto comp will go down as the most or top 5 most disappointing performance in BB history. I’m over that side of the house now. I tried. If they don’t win the HoH comp tonight, BB just need to come on with the double eviction night. Get them all out. There are only 2 things that I’m looking forward to the rest of the season: 1. When JC & Sam both realize that they have been used (not apart of L6) and 2. When Level 6 have to battle it out with each other. There is a possible 3rd thing if somehow a non-Level 6 member (I don’t see it happening) makes it to final 2 then I might be interested in jury questioning them.

  6. These are awesome! Just now watching DVR of live show. They are showing all the best (aka WORST) moments of RS and The Hive. The “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” pitch, Fez breaking the vanity, RS telling KC she’s sorry she’s going home, All the green with envy ugly Angela obsessing hate from RS. Great feature of Tyler’s family and home town. His mom is a widow and live in a very modest small house. Very sweet.

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