Big Brother 20 Week 4 Summary and Live Eviction Results


Big Brother Spoilers

As we all know, Sam won the Head of Household competition. Her reign was a bit different than what we’ve had in the past this season. Essentially she put two girls up for being floozies then proceeded to do arts and crafts for the rest of her stay in the Big Brother house. This gave Kaitlyn time to run around hoping into whatever guys bed that will give her attention. It gave Haleigh a choice to decide what guy to share her bed with and It allowed Rockstar to show off her awesome campaigning skills.

It’s been a real whirlwind to catch up on all our posts here’s the daily break down of the week: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 

Part 1 Catch Up From the previous Week + any new powers

The previous week was another surprise for the remnants of the swaggy alliance. Winston was evicted Leaving Scottie’s target Brett in the house.  Brett’s eviction speech which was an obvious lie hit a nerve with Rockstar and pretty much broke her for 3 days. He told everyone that she came to him and said she was flipping the vote to evict Winston. The lie actually got traction early on, thanks to the clairvoyant Kaitlyn.. To think RS came to Brett to give him her vote is laughable.. it was a great funny as hell BB moment.. The Aftermath was live feed gold. “Can’t even own it” (still making me laugh). Rockstar  retaliated with pots and Pans.. (Still making me laugh)

The Have nots were Scottie, Rachel, Bayleigh, Kaycee and no powers were issued this week. Sam’s power will automatically be applied to whoever gets evicted during her HOH reign. Meaning that person will have a chance to compete in a solo challenge to come back into the game.

Part 2 Nominations

Sam nominated Kaitlyn and Haleigh because they are the sl*ts of the house. Flipping their hair, Making calls like a cat, laying on the boys, dressing like floozies, “they wear clothes that half hang off”  all that good stuff. Sam goes into more detail about her reasoning why she nominated the Haleigh and Kaitlyn.

Part 3 Power of Veto

The power of Veto players were ROCKSTAR, JC, Fes, Kaitlyn, Haleigh and Sam. Haleigh drew the houseguests choice chip and selected Fes. Fes tells both Haleigh and Kaitlyn if they pick him to play in the veto he’ll use the veto on them. This was his plan to ensure if they get houseguest choice they pick him, “I wanted to keep you both safe” . He tells Kaitlyn prior to the competition if she throws the veto to him he’ll use it on her. Fes wins the Power of Veto..  He tells Haleigh if she commits to him as her only showmance he’ll use the veto on her. She does stop flirting with Brett so I guess she’s taking him up on the offer for now.

Part 4 Power of Veto Ceremony

Fes uses the Veto power on Haleigh. Sam nominates ROCKSTAR in her place. During the Ceremony Sam explained her power and how it will automatically be applied this week. Kaitlyn melts down at Fes “I threw it to you so we could both be safe” whimpering that she’s not worthy of being saved.

Part 5 Pre eviction

The Monday to Wednesday time period is usually a pretty hectic time with the HOH and nominees working on the vote and next weeks positioning. This week Sam was missing from most of the game talks. Rockstar’s campaigning was the same 20 minutes shopped to all the people she ignored the first 3 weeks. She worked the angles promoting a girls alliance, she has kids, Needs the money more than the rich people in the house, and of course I want to go through the entire experience that the show has to offer. If anything her campaigning hurt her.

This one conversation sums up what has happened to Rockstars game. She’s using personal finance as a reasons to stay is a main pillar of her campaigning. There’s dozens of examples I could pick from.

July 24th@ 1am cam 1-2 : ROCKSTAR, Fes, Scottie, Haleigh and Bayleigh

RS – words that come to my mind.. just so biter “Y’all going to keep this trust fund JAPPY BRAT here over somebody that actually needs to be here like for real Cool.. they are because they are that way all these people that don’t f*ing like me have summer homes in St Criox and f*ing 500 thousand dollars in their checking account (Directed towards Kailtyn and Brett)

Bayleigh – this is me being blunt with you.. those people are hear to play.

Kaitlyn’s campaigning was giving guys hand j**s, cuddling, whimpering, crying, smiling, flipping her hair, making cat sounds, pushing her chest onto guys and telling everyone she’s in a 5 year relationship. Check out her time spent in bed with Brett.. Part 1 and Part 2 .

Wednesday night she tells Tyler she’s able to communicate to dead people and Tyler’s dead father knows this. He’s been bothering her telling her he wants Tyler and her to be here on Eviction night and one of them will win HOH. (ZOMG) We also learn that she’s fes on day 8 that he’s her soulmate and to not be scared about her boyfriend. In the end the constant back and forth from the house guests is impossible to summaries. It was a real whirlwind for us. the house has flipped many times.

Where does this leave us?

Going on my GUT with this.. I think Kailtyn’s going to get evicted and I think she will come back crazier than ever. I believe there will be a couple votes tossed to her so the week will be interesting.


This Weeks Big Brother Outrage

No HUGE outrage.. I’m very disappointed with BB Twitter.

Head of Household and Eviction results

Rockstar – I would love to stay here.. Mission .. girl power..

Kaitlyn – thanks to my teachers… spiritual person.. intuition and following it.. Bravery.. higher good.. I love you all

JC votes to evict ROCKSTAR
Bayleigh votes to evict Kaitlyn
Haleigh votes to evict Kaitlyn
Fes votes to evict Kaitlyn

Brett votes to evict Kaitlyn
Tyler votes to evict Kaitlyn
Angela votes to evict Kaitlyn
Kaycee votes to evict Kaitlyn
Rachel votes to evict Kaitlyn
Scottie votes to evict Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn evicted

Bonus life app activated..

Kaitlyn has to compete to come back into the game.

She has 180 150 seconds to complete a puzzle.

Kaitlyn fails…. .(OMFG) GAME OVER….

kaitlyn is gone the game has taken a turn.

Feeds are off right now no idea when they come back.

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117 thoughts to “Big Brother 20 Week 4 Summary and Live Eviction Results”

  1. Whirlwind is right. My favorite part of your summary: “Rockstar’s campaigning was the same 20 minutes shopped to all the people she ignored the first 3 weeks. “

        1. Tyler has the cloud which allows him to put himself in a safe place and avoid nomination once. He has to use it before the ceremony.

          Bayleigh has the identity thief one which allows her to secretly replace a HOH’s nominees with her own choices.

  2. gee. camera passes across the room. Crazypants looks about ten seconds from maximum overload. i guess they told her.

  3. i actually really don’t want kaitlyn to go home. the show will be boring lol.

    i like angela but i kinda want her on the block, i’m sure it’ll ignite something in her and make her more interesting!

      1. It was only a 7 piece puzzle.
        Two legs one small piece on top of left leg another small piece on top of that little bit bigger piece on top of right leg. Shoulders and head

      2. Right!! I mean how much easier could they make it? Maybe numbering or color coding the connection pieces. “How could she possibly lose that?” Discussion between production members now ….

        1. The puzzle isn’t self supporting. If you watch, the puzzle before being taken down has the legs spread apart. It needs to be rebuilt like this in order for the pieces to fit. The problem is that the legs can’t support themselves and the hip and belly pieces have a split in the middle of both of them. The puzzle isn’t self supporting until the shoulder piece is installed. So you can’t build the puzzle from the ground up with split legs. You have to build the legs TOGETHER, like she did, so they support eachother. Problem is the hip and belly pieces don’t line up when you do that, as we saw when she got to them. So you have to balance multiple pieces on top of and against eachother. She finally stacks the locking shoulder piece in and the head, but from here she has to go DOWN the puzzle realigning everything in order to spilt the legs, all the while hoping it doesn’t fall over or split in half down the middle when you move the legs out. She didn’t go back down to do that, and she may not have had time to correct for this design error even if she hadn’t panicked.

          On first watch it looks like a complete failure on her behalf. (and it is somewhat of a meltdown) But after watching it a couple times you can see that Big Brother failed as well by designing a puzzle that was unable to properly support itself. Given the intensity of the moment, her unfamiliarity with the puzzle, and big brother’s failed design: I don’t think she had it as easy as everyone thinks. Part of her failure is on big brother and whoever poorly designed the puzzle. Had the puzzle been self supporting she wouldn’t have failed.

    1. Kaitlyn’s greatness is needed elsewhere. Some of us will miss her. The show will be less interesting without her.

  4. JC you little sneak! If she comes back Tyler will definitely take credit for that vote though.

    1. Him campaigning so hard to get her out and then being her only vote to stay is hilarious such a great season

  5. how? how do you fail at an 8 piece puzzle?
    no. really. (three pieces across legs, three across torso, one shoulders one head right?)

      1. I think that she probably knew all along that she would get the boot…I think what floored her was the 9-1 vote. She finally saw how much the other hgs had enough of her. Had to hurt but got no sympathy for her.

  6. That puzzle was definitely designed to allow the greatest chance to return. Avoiding panic was the real test. Kaitlyn panicked.

    1. Can’t say I disagree. In her eyes women aren’t allowed to be flirtatious. Being flirty is a powerful big brother tool and while I think it’s cheap it’s still part of the game. I, like some of the house guest thought the basis for her nominations were down right malicious. I was on the fence with Sam until her nom ceremony. One star ranking from here on out.

  7. Nooooooo!!!!!! I really hope this show didn’t just lose its engine for the season.

    Thank you Kaitlyn for all the craziness!

  8. How do you fail a five piece puzzle OMG!!!! I swear production thought 3 minutes would look like a gimmie so cut it to 2 min 30 sec and the girl could NOT do it!?!? They were not even prepared for her exit on the stage!!!! LOL

    1. It was 7 pieces, and probably a little harder than it looked….not to mention the panic. The torso supported the legs so it wasn’t as easy as putting the legs on the platform and stacking all the pieces on top. I think if she had not have stopped to cry right after she assembled it on the ground & said she couldn’t lift it…she may have had the time to finish.

    1. I agree, that was a genius move. They’ll either blame Tyler (who I would’ve thought did it) or on Fes and totally alienate him from his group. At first my stomach sank thinking Bayleigh and them got blindsided again with the votes.

      I feel bad for Kaitlyn, a little, her nerves totally got the best of her

  9. Maybe 2 seconds she would have got it. Had she not stopped to have a pity party for a few seconds she had it.

    Will have to see how it goes. I missed a few part of the show. Was JC’s vote expected?

    1. JC, that rascal. He was dead set on evicting Kaitlyn and wouldn’t budge for anyone. Then he is the lone vote to evict Rockstar! I admire that move a great deal!

      1. I’m curious if that was his intention after hearing everyone today. Who would expect him to flip like that? If this was done by him on purpose to keep some confusion in the house then he isn’t as scattered as I thought.

          1. JC’s strategy is to create MAXIMUM CHAOS. He wants Faysal’s side to think he voted to keep Kaitlyn. He wants Tyler’s side to think he voted to keep Kaitlyn. JC wants to sow distrust. He does not have to even offer an opinion as to who voted for Kaitlyn or try to pin it on one specific person. He wants the strongest players on both sides of the house gone or isolated so he can be their buddy and confidant.

  10. Thank GOD Kaitlyn is finally out of this house. Simon and Dawg, any news on when the HOH will be happening, because usually before the episode ends they show a glimpse of what the competition looks like.

    1. No idea on the HOH.. they usually tell us if it’s going to be on the feeds and I never got the email.. My guess is we have a bit before they come back

  11. Kaitlin dropped to her knees and acted surprised that she had a second chance. The real surprise tonight was JC’s vote. Kaitlin will have an even bigger surprise when she goes home to an empty Joe-less house.

    1. considering he’s been mentioned on feeds without block for hours this week… i’m wondering if there is a chance that the withdrawal of release /
      photo blur was just so there wouldn’t be so many annoying tags on social media.
      considering as well that the statement got one of his songs more hits might have been a bit of a play. is it inconceivable that social media / big brother fans got played? I don’t know if i believe that… but, the thought crossed my mind.

  12. Wow that battle back was a nail biter. I’m glad she’s out because she’s so annoying but it’s kind of fun to watch the train wreck lol

  13. Pissed that I missed the eviction interview between Julie and Kaitlyn…… . When I saw the puzzle I thought she was going to have it done within 60 seconds, she choked BIG TIME!!! She should’ve assembled the pieces together on the floor first, then reassembled them in the final standing position….. BTW Did anyone else catch her say Tony Robbins is one of her spiritual advisers? LMAO Good Riddance

  14. I feel bad for Kaitlyn. She acts like she’s in charge of her life, but she really is a lost soul. That’s how she was so easily manipulated by Tyler. Then she panicked doing the puzzle, that kind of shows how mentally she’s a wreck. She’ll definitely need to see a therapist when she gets home (especially when she finds out her BF is not there anymore).

  15. I would love to be a fly on the wall in the production office/cbs headquarters. I have a feeling it’s not pretty and a few heads may roll. They can’t be happy that cray Kait is leaving, she was definitely ratings gold, with all her drama. Wasn’t a fan of hers but she kept it interesting. Although I could do without all of the tears

    1. There’s more drama in these guys, plus you’ll have to evict Bayleigh twice with Little Swaggy coming into the house.

    2. True. She was an absolutely horrible player, taking out more allies than enemies, but her randomness and crazy was so much fun. It won’t be as much fun without her.

      I’ll bet the people making the puzzle will be fired. They miscalculated and didn’t make it quite easy enough. I’m sure production didn’t want this twist to fail and they just lost a DE episode I’m sure they had already planned on.

  16. People didn’t seem to catch that Kaitlyn was a ditzy version of Vanessa. At least they got her out when they had the chance. Vanessa whined and fussed her way to the finale. Kailtyn could have done the same.. I could see Scottie being the one to knock her out of the finale just like Steve Moses did with Vanessa.

    1. I was thinking more like Tiffany, who could turn on the waterworks at the slightest slight. Both girls need therapy (imho)

    1. Production was NOT expecting Kaitlyn to fail with the puzzle. They were not set up for an interview. Moreover, executive producer Allison Grodner was visibly upset when she realized Kaitlyn’s greatness is gone from the show.

      1. Totally. My 3 year old daughter puts together 8 piece puzzles. Not in 2+ minutes but still, ridiculously easy.

    2. im wondering if they had any good bye messages at all lol…i really don’t think they thought she was going to leave tonight…

    3. I have read that she still wants tyler to win, even though she says he lied a lot. she was shocked to learn that jc and tyler voted winston out. she got goodbye messages. my guess is production is really scrambling and had to take one of the player spots out of the hoh comp., revive the grod with smelling salts repeatedly, or just edit the extra place in the comp out like they cut out paulie (?) from the county fair ziggy marley segment in 18.

  17. I really am sad about Kaitlyn not coming back. I didn’t want her to ruin Tyler’s game but I have to admit….I loved her crazy. It was so fun to watch. I’m really gong to miss her. But what is jc’s vote about. Is he going to try to say it was fez or Tyler and turn people against whichever one he pins it on? Will anyone even care about the one vote ? Jc is definitely playing the game but I don’t know if I would say he’s playing it well. He talks way too much. But these people can’t even figure out that Tyler and JC voted to keep Brett. So. There is that.

    1. I enjoyed crazy Katie too but for me she crossed the line when she spoke of Tyler’s deceased father appearing to her.

      1. Oh wow. Guess I missed that. 13 hour work day today. That’s not cool at all. Tyler has to be glad she’s gone.

  18. I lost a lot of respect for Tyler, cowardly voting with the house instead of how he really wanted to vote. One of the things I’ve loved about this season was the close votes and blindsides. The everybody must vote with the house thing is so seasons 16-19.

  19. LOL Brett gets Kaitlyn to give him a Hand Job under the covers then votes her Ass out the next night….. Now That’s some serious Slut Shaming!

      1. For Both CaliMom & Guy from Canada (6iX!) If you go to: bbclipshow on twitter, it’ll be a 2 MINUTE video on Jul 24th under the caption “Brett & Kaitlyn staying warm”… caught them on the infrared…. she grinds her ass on him while they’re “sleeping” then she flips over face to face and puts in a lil bit of hand work beneath the covers towards the very end of the clip…. Funny clip of Tyler and JC talking bout her on there too

        JC to Tyler: “You’re thinking with your dick right now.”
        Tyler: “I am NOT bro. I don’t have an ounce of fucking feelings for that dumbass girl. I know I can control her and she is a fucking puppet for me.”

        If she was messed up in the head from Men BEFORE she got to Big Brother, she’s gonna carry some serious baggage going forward after looking at some of these clips and how the guys in the house talked about her… There’s also rumors (Bayleigh / JC convo) that she hooked up with Fes (probably just under the covers groping) during the first few days they got in the house before the LIVE feeds started, and that’s why she was so mad when she caught Fes in Bed with Haleigh (that scene where she yelled at him about a $80 bracelet) and ran to Tyler balling her eyes out that 1st week she flipped…

        1. She threw herself at Tyler and he wouldn’t even kiss her. He also told Kaitlyn that he has a CRUSH on & he thinks he LOVES Bayleig! All while Kaitlyn was trying to cuddle him in the HOH bed (google Tyler and Bayleigh big brother for the clip on youtube)

        2. Fes Tried to get with Angela first, Then He picked Haleigh over her both romantically and gamewise (voted her out too)

        3. Brett got his lil piece and voted her out a day later.

        And people pay her to be their Life Coach. SMH That’s like finding out your Accountant has Tax Evasion charges or your Psychiatrist has a Restraining order on them for stalking.

        People got on Sam for “slut shaming” but she wasn’t wrong for calling Kaitlyn out (the clip where she talks to Tyler about his Dad telling her that he wants her to stay in the house is nothing but disgusting Manipulation shows how awful & demented of a person she truly is)

  20. She had two and a half minutes or 150 seconds Simon=) You have 180 seconds. It’s not grammar so no jack boots…

  21. I don’t think production was prepared for Kaitlyn to go. I wonder if they had the HOH comp set up to include her? If so I’m sure they had to restructure whatever it entailed. Maybe??!!

  22. Mea Culpa ! I was TOTALLY wrong ! I really thought the puzzle would be something that would allow her back in.
    In fact,,I facetiously mentioned in a post that it would be to spell *Sun* in 10 tries.
    Kaitlyn blanked. Her HOH win was a luck thing. She had not won anything else.
    By the same token…Swaggy won with odds of 8-1 only..and then against 1 player. Nothing else.
    The strongest player in the House is Scottie.
    Mentally is right there. A Physical player as well.
    But..for me…I don’t like him. His nerdy voice..then deep and *masterful*.. His petty comments. His quickness to throw Brett under the bus when it wasn’t necessary at that point.
    He thinks he’s going to win.
    But his downfall will be his jealousy of Fez and Tyler. He will show his hand too early and be backdoored.
    Let’s see if I’m right on this one.

    1. Ian Terry, Andy the Rat, that guy who won Vanessa Russo’s season…the nerdy guy wins about half the time, so I wouldn’t bet against Scottie.

  23. Did anyone else hear Kaitlyn say that she pee’d herself during Julie’s ending remarks? She looked panicked but pasted a smile on when Julie said her name.

  24. I can’t recall a bigger, dumber, slab of useless protoplasm than Fessie. I’m hoping JC is going to blame that wonky vote on him in order to get him out but with JC you never know.

      1. EVERYBODY in the house calls him Fessie, including Fessie. But it is really charming that you are his champion. I think Fessie has found his soulmate.

  25. I read that at 11:33 this morning, JC/Fes, JC was setting up Brett or Rachel to take the blame for the one vote.

  26. I just watched it again…in the end she had it right..but she was not able to put together the waist with the legs correctly ….so close

  27. So Bayleigh won HOH, JC screwed the game, and his alliance. L6 had the Footsies on the ropes and they let them off because they were afraid of a little girl who couldn’t even put a 7 pc puzzle together. Bayleigh has no intention of going over to the other side, she’s too invested in Swaggy’s Misguided Children. Last week was just recon for her.

    1. Seems like your side of the house is crumbling fast. Can’t say I’m disappointed. That’s what yall get for trying to use mob mentality. Guess you were one of those ” cool kids ” in high school. Bayleigh/Scottie FTW

    1. I’m with you on that. ” I’m old fashion hehe. ” Your 27 , you don’t have a clue what ” old fashion ” is……SMDH

  28. Someone Said it a few days ago, but with that Red head scarf, the deep red lipstick, with the blue collar working shirt she had on, Sam is the epitome of the 1940’s WW2 Rosie The Riveter movement. People today, might not understand that type of empowerment compared to the modern SJW definition of it.

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