Big Brother 20 Week 11 Summary and DOUBLE Eviction Results


This was the week that Level 6 started to break up there was also a “i love you” for those showmance fans.  One more thing to note is Haleigh thinks she was staying so expect her to be blindsided again.. Once a HIVE always a HIVE.

Posts of the week

Part 1: Catch Up From the previous Week + any new powers

Scottie was evicted. He said some bad words in his speech and twitter got outraged. Kaycee won the Head of Household competition. Julie Chen announced a double eviction for this week. No new powers were introduced hopefully that’s it for the season.

Part 2: Nominations

Kaycee stuck with their plan to get out Haleigh. She nominated Haleigh with Sam as the pawn. . Level six works on Halegih to make her feel safe.

Part 3 Power of Veto

Kaycee destroys the Power of Veto competition. There’s no talk about using the veto this week. The nominations are essentially locked at this point

Part 4 Power of Veto Ceremony

Kaycee doesn’t use the veto.

Part 5 Pre eviction

Brett and JC have conversations about taking out Angela. Brett brings this to Tyler saying that they have a better chance to beat Sam and JC in a final 4 than Kaycee and Angela. Tyler plays along with Brett but as soon as he can runs up to Kaycee to fill her in. Kaycee and Tyler are excited by this news and the two of them get “pumped up” about it. They were waiting for a reason to take out Brett. They tell Angela and decided to go after BRett before Sam and JC. The plan “stay 3 steps agead” is to take him out tonight during the double. Brett starts to pick up on Angela acting different, JC tells him he’s just annoying her. For some reason Haleigh thinks she’s got the votes to stay or at least that is what she is telling people. Wednesday night she’s bringing up conversations she’s had with everyone where they told her it’ll be unanimous for Sam to be evicted. Angela told Tyler she loved him late Wednesday night.

Where does this leave us?

Haleigh is going to be evicted. The double eviction will hopefully shake things up for the final weeks.

Results from the Live show

Tyler votes to evict = Haleigh
JC votes to evict = Haleigh
Brett votes to evict = Haleigh
Angela votes to evict = Haleigh

Haleigh is evicted.. The HIVE is gone.

Angela and Kaycee blame the eviction on Brett.

Head of household winner:Tyler

Tyler nominates: Sam and JC

Veto winner is: Angela

Angela uses the Veto on JC.

Tyler nominates Brett.

JC votes to evict Brett
Kaycee votes to evict Brett
Angela votes to evict Brett

Brett is evicted..

They will have a HOH competition later tonight this will air on Sunday’s show but we should find out on the feeds.

There’s an eviction episode on Wednesday. this will be taped earlier which probably means feeds being down for a day or 2 prior.

8:15pm The live feeds are still blocked showing bb re-runs..

9:20pm Still blocked..

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313 thoughts to “Big Brother 20 Week 11 Summary and DOUBLE Eviction Results”

  1. It will be an exciting night….especially if Sam or JC win HOH.


    My prediction is that Tyler wins this next HOH. What I can’t predict is who he will put up for the Double Eviction.

    Possibly it would be Brett and JC. Goodbye JC!

    Then again, Brett and JC have BOTH been really squirrely.

    1. I hope you are eight granny. I have a feeling Brett may pull out a veto and save JC.

      Tyler has Kacyee go up in JCs place and Brett JC vote her out 🙁

    2. Granny, they buried Brett in their GBM’s to Haleigh! He tried to bury them as well right after KC & Angela’s GBM but Hails knew what they said was true – she HAD told Brett they were her next target so that’s going to Jury House. It was awesome. Tyler just won HOH.

      1. If you predict the bitter SJWs will be hardest on a lesbian half-Philippina woman who wins comps but hasn’t manipulated them with false alliances nor rubbed it in much with stinging GBMs…. then you meet the intelligence requirements to be a member of FOUTTE.

    1. Tyler cannot win next to anybody. The people who do not see this cannot play out the end game. Everybody voted out from now on will feel MOST BETRAYED by… Tyler.

      1. Betrayed but I suspect like Brett they will respect the move. The Hive is bitter so two of Angela, Kaycee, and Tyler have to be in the final seats. They might not give their votes to Sam but it’s a huge risk. I think Tyler wins against Angela loses to Kaycee or JC. Kaycee wins against anyone except possibly JC. It’ll be interesting although I’m not sure how much drama will unfold over the next two weeks.

        1. Kaycee beats JC hands down. While he may try and argue that he was controlling the house, Kaycee has picked her time to become the comp beast. She’s got wins under her belt. But let’s be real, JC and Sam are going back on the block. LET THE MELTDOWN BEGIN!!!!!! Bye JC!

          1. I don’t think any of the Hive would appreciate JC sitting in Final 2 and claiming to have manipulated them like stupid puppets. Even Fez now knows that JC was in his ear telling him Scottie was coming after him. We all know Fez easily bought that because of his jealousy over anyone who spent time with Haleigh (male attention) but Fez isn’t going to easily admit that. Besides, I don’t think anyone is bringing JC to the end.

      2. i dissagree i think tyler will win i dont think the jury will be bitter. they always make it out that way but more often they vote for the best player. nit every time but most often they do. tyler just needs a good final 2 speech and im sure he will. if im everyone else i wouldnt want to take tyler to the end

        1. Not sure if FOUTTE would be able to comprehend a final 2 speech that explains game strategy, so that leaves voting emotionally by default. Bay might have the analytic skills but not likely the humility to listen, so I think final 2 speeches may be largely moot.

        2. Don’t forget that Tyler has a certain amount of charm and all of them liked him at one time. Put him up there and let his little smile and aw shucks manner shine through, he’ll do great against the almost comatose Kaycee or icy Angela. What he says and how he says it to the Jury will count a lot and I predict he wins.

  2. Holy Toledo, Sam was in the running to win that HOH… side note, the delay button guy sure is earning his paycheck tonight.

    1. My husband asked me, “why do they keep putting fish on the show?” LOL I’d say the “f” bombs were flowing tonight.

    1. Yes, Ty told KC that Brett wants her gone.. so L6 is striking first & getting rid of Brett. No the houseguests will have to cook for themselves lol

  3. Stupid decision Tyler. Pissing Brett off then sending him to jury means you just handed Kaycee the $500,000 check. Wrong move.

    1. I get the feeling Ty already knows that it would be the wrong move to bring KC to F2… as she’s been winning comps and is generally liked by Jury. He also knows jury hates Ang so he will cut KC loose after F3 and take Ang to F2…. in this scenario he’ll win BB

      1. Tyler will probably have one of his other final two houseguests do the dirty work to nominate Kaycee and she’ll just win veto to get out of harms way 😉

        Final 3 … Angela or Kaycee will likely be the ones to choose who to take to final 2.

        Should be interesting to see if Kaycee maked the wise move to cut Tyler loose and take Angela to final 2.

        That would be her best chance to win if it comes down to the 3 of them.

        It’s all a big “if”.

        JC or Sam may just win an endurance or crap shoot and mix it up a bit 😉

    2. Smart move. Angela, Sam and KC all three would take Tyler to final 2. Brett would cut Tyler in a NY minute if given the chance. Brett is going to jury, who doesn’t like him especially since Haleigh thinks he screwed her over a second ago. Now Tyler sends Brett to jury. Great plan; great execution. Angela just won POV. Brett, great ideas, but you and JC have to win a comp at SOME point.

      1. Brett candidly admitted to Julie that he believed he had a chance to beat Tyler in the end, and was serious about his F2, so no.

    3. Like I said before Tyler is thinking of getting the end of the game but not the endgame itself. Jury will be bitter. Brett probably going to vote for anyone besides Tyler. Kaycee is most likable.

        1. I think Brett has the brains to vote for the person who played the game well. He is just one vote though. It won’t go far.

      1. I think he may just have shot himself in the foot.
        Tyler betrays all his final 2’s and takes his GF to final 2: bitter L6 jury works on Bay & Hayleigh to vote for the woman to win, Angela wins.
        Angela wins in final 3 and takes her BF to final 2… Tyler is a wounded baby bird who always just did what the HOH wanted. Pulled to the end clinging to the shins of a strong woman. Angela wins.
        Thumbs down all you want, Tyler is playing a crappy endgame.

  4. So Happy Angela won Pov. More blood on her hands but who cares right. She is already the huge villain according to most of the house.

    Team Kaycee.

    Let’s go!

    1. Angela ” I call this being one step ahead”
      Tyler ” I call this being two steps ahead”

      Who will be the bigger villain if they make final two?

      Huge blindside.
      Crazy season.
      Love it 😉

      1. Ang for sure though neither of them did themselves any favors with “one step two step” crap. Great and necessary move but poor jury management.

      1. JC might have got In Brett’s head, but this is all Brett’s fault for telling tyler he wanted to go after ang and kc in double.

        1. A gamble but he correctly guessed he was #4 in the 4 anyway. He should have been more Socratic about it and focused on Kaycee as the threat, tested Tyler’s responses and asked for his leadership on what to do about it if anything… i.e. plant the seed and make him think the idea is his own. More subtlety.

      2. I don’t think it was a play so much as JC wanting to take control of the game but not being able to execute it. If JC had managed to win HoH I bet Angela and Kaycee would have been on the block.

    2. Brett was the first to get caught in L4 to try and take a shot at one of their own. But he was a class act going out and in his “Julie Chen Moonves” exit interview (she said that tonight; she never does so perhaps a show of solidarity towards her husband, who it looks like is guilty as sin). Back to Brett, he’ll vote game and he knows he couldn’t execute and respects the play. Poor guy 🙁 Blockstar!

      1. I also caught that, this is probably Julie’s last season but she should support her husband at home, not on television.

        1. She should support her husband anywhere she pleases. One doesn’t disown a spouse over mere accusations unless one is a spineless pawn.

      2. Actually Julie said Brent lol…she is a hive fan…that was for them 🙂 bretts face after she called him brent hahaha

        1. I don’t think Julie is NEARLY as aware of what goes on in the BB house as the Live Feeders and After Dark watchers. Clear from most of her other interviews. She also did an interview for an outside publication a few weeks ago and her comments about Angela versus Rockstar and Baleigh (to me) revealed how little she understood what has actually gone on in the house.

    1. What did Brett do? He’s won one veto. That’s it. He had no blood on his hands. He would have won if it was Tyler and him at the end. Smart move Tyler.

      1. What did Brett do? Spent hours cozying up to miserable, high-maintenance idiots to keep them from realizing there even was a level 6 alliance, make them think they had numbers, encourage suspicion within their ranks, & keep them calm for blindside after blindside. If that’s not doing the thankless dirty work, I don’t know what is.

    2. He’s saved himself once off the block with that one Veto win. He’s been in NO position to do any dirty work or clean work. Covert operations? Yeah. As they all have. His game caught up with him this week. But he owned it 🙂

      1. Yeah but they did him dirty by throwing him under the bus during eviction speeches. That was the wrong move. Haleigh will ask him about it in jury for sure. And that will piss Brett off. Now you risk Brett voting emotional. there Was no need for Kaycee and Angela to do that. Pretty disappointed in them for that. Angela’s goodby messages, while highly entertaining, have been bad game moves. She will not win unless she’s up against San or JC.

    3. I agree but he didn’t need to backstab. They could have all made final 4 and said let the best person win but Brett you’re 4th because you haven’t won anything .

    4. That is because he turned on them Christie. I feel bad for Brett too but he let the weasel JC inside his head unfortunately

    1. What Tyler’s fans may not yet grasp is that Tyler has zero chance of winning this game. They cannot grasp that most of the jury will feel MOST BETRAYED by … Tyler. There is not anybody that CANNOT beat Tyler in final two. If it helps. from Brett, to Sam, to JC to Angela or Kaycee in final three…EVERYBODY NOW LEAVING will feel MOST betrayed by Tyler. If that’s not enough to get through to the Tyler fans, Know this. This simple question will come up: TYLER, HOW MANY PEOPLE DID YOU HAVE A FINAL TWO DEAL WITH? or… TYLER WHO WAS YOUR RIDE OR DIE?
      At that point this bitter jury will give it to anybody else. Tyler played the kind of game you want to play if your goal is SECOND place. Tyler has ZERO CHANCE of winning this game. Let him take Angela to the final two and you Tyler fans will swallow your tongues in disbelief as Angela beats him. LOL.

        1. I’m not cheering for Angela. I’m pointing out that EVERYBODY will be able to beat Tyler in final two. If you do not see this, then you are not thinking. Some things to consider: Brett is now in jury. They will talk at length. By the end, the jury will also know that Tyler had final two deals with a lot of people. many of which will feel MOST betrayed by Tyler. This is not rocket science. I’m not cheering for or against anybody. I’m asking you to play out the end game and grasp that Tyler cannot win no matter who he ends up in final two with. Now everybody would expect Kaycee to beat Tyler. But Tyler fans think that Tyler can beat Angela. That’s where things get really hilarious. A lot of smug Tyler fans will be watching in shock as their boy loses to Angela (he’s going to lose to anybody in final 2).

          1. UGH!

            I think it’s really interesting that you typically put a comment in your posts indicating that people not seeing things your way are “not thinking” or blind, or stupid, or yada, yada. You even call Tyler fans “smug”. Wow!

            Anything can happen in this game.

            Cheer for people, not against. Our world is full of enough slime and hate. Don’t you think?

            Kaycee is my #1!

          2. Like I alluded to above… JC, Sam, Level 6 will be bitter as hell in the jury house and vote against Tyler. Foutee all think he’s a useless baby bird that only does what the HOH wants. He’s gunning for $50k

            1. Once Brett and Hayleigh talk In jury she will know KC and Angela lied in their speeches. That’s why Tyler would get her vote, not because he sent Brett out. Smart move by Tyler if he put Kaycee and Angela up to it.

          3. Plenty of time for them to feel lifted by the schadenfreude of seeing Tyler outwit the others with just as much skill as he outwitted them.

      1. Tyler’s response:

        My ride or die was me. Yes, I had F2’s all over the house. That’s what got me here. As a jury, you know that this is a game not of loyalty, but rather, figuring out how to get to the end. You all had your own plans to do just that. Ok…your plans didn’t work out & mine did. You can hold that against me or be honest with yourselves. I think that each of you is a competitor with class, not bitterness. It’s up to you to show America that bitterness doesn’t win.

        1. This is a social game , Tyler forgot the game is not just to get to the end, but win jury votes. Last year Josh figured that out and won. Tyler figured out how to get to the end, but not how to win. But he will get second place , and 50K isn’t bad.

          1. Josh did nothing. Paul buried himSELF and by default, Josh won. It was a big “screw you” to Paul by the jury, and Cody winning AFP was America’s “screw you” to Paul. Apples and oranges.

        2. Re: The “Tyler’s response” posted by YIKES!

          Confessing you had final 2s “all over the house” and owning it is way better than persisting in insulting everybody’s intelligence come finale night when all the cards are face up and everybody knows the score (even Fessy). But you Tyler fans are living in Fessy-land. Even if Tyler could be that eloquent and honest in the end, HE IS NOT SWAYING THIS JURY. You guys are slightly confused. Big Brother is not the game where you the viewers decide who played the best game. BY DEFINITION it is the game where the last nine evictees decide who among the final two gets half a million dollars. You think the people who came SO CLOSE to winning like Brett, JC, Sam, and Kaycee or Angela (who all had final two’s with Tyler will be as detached and magnanimous as you the viewers? They will take this MOST PERSONALLY. As for FOUTE/the hive…they just want to know who the biggest back stabbing weasel and liar was this season. Call me crazy, I doubt Rockstar, Bayleigh and the gang are so calm and detached and will simply applaud Tyler’s lying to everybody and hand him the half million. You guys continue to live in the viewers’ version of Fessy-land. LOL. Tyler played the perfect game for finishing in second place. He’s not winning in final two against anybody. Here’s hoping that Production steers him to picking Angela for final two. The Fessy-level viewers who think Tyler can at least beat Angela will be in for a bit of a surprise.

          short version: Tyler “crispy” Crispen : ZERO CHANCE of winning Big Brother 20.

      2. It all depends on if they respect the game play or will they take it personal. I think the L6/5/4 folks will give a nod to the nice move. The Hive is up in the air. I think Haleigh and even Fez will eventually concede they were outplayed. Bayleigh might as well. Angie(Blockstar) will not, she’s staying bitter. Scottie may go either way.

        1. I would hope that Scottie, a self-proclaimed superfan, would take this (THIRD) opportunity to redeem himself…but I’m not holding my breath.

        2. It is so hard if there was a ty and ang F2 from a jury standpoint. Both are comp beasts, and made huge moves that impacted the game. Tylers social game was way better, but Tyler was a snake in the grass, a wounded bird, – everyone’s friend…. Until it was time to cut them. Everyone has, and still has his back. The only person to ever think about nominating him is Hailey…

          Now Ang… She is the complete opposite, she was everyone’s enemy. She has been called out twice on live TV in Scottie’s and Fes’ speech. She has been and still is EVERYONE’S top target for over half the game. She has been very impressive to not crack under the pressure when making big moves, and executing them.

          If I was in jury, prior to DE, I would probably pick Ang to win. Not being bitter, but I think she has a tougher battle with big moves that left her vulnerable. I just would respect that fight more. Tyler had a possie, but Ang only had Ty.

          However, now that Tyler made this huge eviction, and finally exposed his game. I would choose him. They just play so damn well together, that I think they both fucking deserve 500k!

          1. “Ang only had Ty”.

            And Kaycee, and even, until final 6 at least, Brett.

            “Tyler had a posse”

            Tyler BUILT a posse (of individuals who in many cases weren’t speaking to one another — masterful). Ang had tougher battles b/c she wasn’t as smooth.

            1. Your right everybody seems to over look the masterful job he did the first 8 weeks while KC and Angela where doing next to nothing game wise.

        3. Fessy, no problem. Athletes tend to respect their opponents; he only threw shade on his exit to suck up to his girl & take heat off her b/c he knew she was the one who really hated Tyler/Angela & would never work with them whereas he was happy to do so. He also had to keep reminding Hay that it’s just a game: she took it way more emotionally & personally. Given her constant butt-kissing to Julie, I think her classy exit was pure strategy: she wants Julie’s powerful husband to hook her up with another TV gig.

          Won’t she be in for a surprise.

      3. Tyler MIGHT not win because this jury is full of ignorant and petty people….but Tyler and Kaycee are the only two who DESERVE to win. i think Tyler more so since he has been wirming bard ALL seask , not just lately.

      4. My convo-since Tyler has played ALL season. The HIVE evicted themselves so how can you really manage people that clueless

      5. As far as F2s being broken, Tyler already mentioned it in DR… they came to him. What was he supposed to say? And that’s gotta count for something in finale night, his game was so good that everyone wanted him to be their #1.

        And if he does go F2 with Angela, the showmance might pay off. “I’m sorry I didn’t keep my F2, I didn’t think I’d find love.” And he could play up that sappy sh!t to wash some of the blood from his wounded baby bird hands.

        1. Sappy shit isn’t usually recognized as great game play. Jury would respect more a woman who simply says “I sensed Tyler had a crush on me so I encouraged it, so that I’d be here at the end.” Then after she wins she can privately tell him, hey, I had to say that to win both the rational votes and fill the bitter hive’s black hearts with joy too. No hard feelings? And Tyler would get over it b/c she’s perfect.

          But I also really don’t think Tyler is going to argue that he derserves the win because awwww, doesn’t everyone just want to reward a guy for falling in love? (with anyone, let alone Angela)

      6. With the exception of Bayleigh, so far no one left the house bitter against Tyler. In fact, many of the Hive think he was doing Kaitlyn and Angela’s bidding. No one really talked bad about Tyler on a personal level and most wanted to target him because he was good at comps. Also, he never made a F2 with any of the Hive members and they outnumber those he did make F2 deals with. Also, Sam has always claimed that she wanted to help get Tyler to the end so even if he is the one to get her out, I think she will still vote for him, especially if he is next to Angela. Also, I don’t see Brett being the bitter type and if Tyler is up against another L6 member, I think there is a good chance Brett will give his vote to Tyler because he knows what game moves Tyler has made from the beginning.

        I think you underestimate how bitter the jury is against Angela. She not only got several out but she made nasty speeches and goodbye messages to several of them. She was never close to any of them and they hate her on a personal level so I don’t agree with your assessment that they would give Angela the win over Tyler.

      7. He is focused on making the final, he can’t do anything about the jury and he knows it. But he can’t win 500K if he finishes 3rd.

      8. I feel Tyler may get the Paul treatment from jury once they all compare notes. His only chance to win is against Angela or Sam, and even that’s not a given.

      1. I think it’s funny how everyone here thinks they know how the jury feels and how they will vote. The fact of the matter is no one knows what someone else is thinking or can predict what the Hive will do. Who would have thought that an alliance would have taken themselves out?? Granted Level 6 played well, but some actions of the Hive were just so crazy I don’t think anyone could have predicted. Tyler had so many final two deals bc people came to him. What was he suppose to say… “Sorry I have a final 2 with KC, thanks but I’ll pass?” That would be a Hive move, not a Tyler move. IMHO.

  5. Although, on the other hand, I REALLY was hoping JC was leaving tonight, so sick of the little puppet running around like he owns the place.

    1. That look Brett gave him when Julie announced the votes…ouch! I’ve a feeling that Brett AND Fessie are both going to have serious talks with JC fairly soon.

      1. And Brett’s look after the HOH comp when Tyler was telling him he was putting JC and Sam up. The way Brett looked at him. He knew something was very wrong. You could see it in his eyes.

        1. I “BELIEVE” that Tyler was telling Brett that he was going to push for veto and take off one player and put Angela or KC up…because he was encouraging Brett not to play for veto and let him (Tyler) get the blood on his hands; in other words, going along with Brett’s plan.

          But I noticed that Brett DID seem to be trying to win veto.

          1. Exactly. When Tyler pushed him to throw the veto, obviously, if you’re Bret, that’s not what you were hoping to hear.

    1. So irritating that they can’t just cut the audio like they did with Scottie’s little eviction tantrum. All those quick cuts just destroy the continuity… they might’s well just cut to something totally disgusting like scenes from a slasher flick or Jeff and Jordan’s wedding.

    1. Kinda stupid to piss him off at this point. He goes to the jury house full of people he spent most of the game schmoozing, armed with knowing *everything* about level 6 and the end game. He pretty much gets to set the narrative in the jury house to whatever he wants at this point. It will be him that sways them to bitter or not.

      1. Yeah, I really didn’t think they were going to be able to do it.

        Brett put the target on himself. How stupid. I wonder how his presence in the jury house will affect the rest of this game (the jury votes). I’m sure he will reveal a lot of truths.

        I honestly see Tyler taking Angela to finals now over Kaycee. I mean, he can’t win against Kaycee.

        1. Brett is actually the best one to go to jury…he will fill them in on everything they have been clueless about…Sam and jc don’t no everything and im not sure kaycee Tyler or Angela would give them all the details…brett def will..ughh wish we could have a full episode of jury…

          1. And he’s no longer on camera 24/7. If Blockstar gets in his face and comes for him, he can get right back in her face and defend himself. He no longer gives a (FISH TANK).

        1. I agree, I’m so sad that Brett got the boot. Gonna miss him not in the house. Gorgeous guy and he went out with class.

      1. It’ll be late though as they have to tear down the yard and slap up the new comp. It might make After Dark unless they want to save the footage. I’d love to see the hold a button to win HoH. They may not have an HoH on Sunday with these folks.

      1. Only 4 can play and you think JC or Sam can actually win a comp. Of course it’s Kaycee or Angela but not because of production.

      1. Tsk. More fun still if she could’ve shouted a few ignorant anti-cop, anti-America slogans and then set fire to a flag or something. 😀

    1. Julie with the “I’m outside the Big Brother house with Brent”
      Seems like they might have her on the same antidepressants as Sam.

  6. I mean you have to give it up to L6. They have completed dominated this whole entire season. But it wasn’t boring like some people are saying. In the beginning they were rarely in power yet still managed to control every eviction. And now towards the end they are dominating these comps. And people who feel bad for brettt I understand he’s a good guy but he made it known he wanted to nominate KC/Angela so he clearly wasn’t loyal making him a target. I know it’s still early and a little to go but mad respect to L6.

    1. They did dominate. The season swung when H won the Hacker and then the POV protected Tyler. If Tyler went at that point the season might have been very different.

      I liked H.

      The season has been boring for a few weeks though because L6 took out the Hive.

      1. I think we’d have had to watch less moping & clinging, more unpredictabity if they’d have evicted the Hive in a different order, H before Fes & Scottie. Would’ve been more competitive though so good for TV maybe, bad for strategy.

    2. It’s actually not early… Wednesday, it takes one vote plus the HOH to evict someone. Thursday it’s basically whoever wins the veto gets to kick someone out. This is the endgame, they gots to gets serious.

    3. You can thank the seasons biggest puppets/floaters (JC, le robot and KC ) that wear lifejackets for that, I wouldn’t totally give them all the credit besides the fact that the hive’s complete inability to stick together and communicate, so yeah!

      1. KC is the biggest floater? It seems to me like she’s the Comp beast of the house. She may have waited a little while but she’s definitely earned her spot.

        1. Of course she’s a floater, she only won a hacker comp. Well, she won a veto too. I guess she won HoH as well, plus that weeks veto and another veto but that’s it. Unless you’re counting staying on the good side of the jury as some sort of social game and holding back on the physical comps early as some sort of strategy. See how little she’s done?! She’s basically inanimate!

  7. I’ve been rooting for L6 the whole time, but I have to say this double eviction reminds me of the beginning of The Dark Knight when the clown bank robbers start shooting each other in the back. The only question is, who’s going to be left behind the last mask?

  8. As I thought. Brett gone. And a good move too. He was 2 faced in the end..completely sucked into JC’s plan.’s not like he was winning anything either.
    Next to go? I think Sam. Why? because she has cozied up to evictees.
    Fess is mad with JC..Brett must know now that he was JC’s pawn.
    Tyler is not playing in the next HOH…if JC wins..up goes KayCee and Ang.
    f Sam wins…Ang and JC.
    IMO of course

    1. JC is next. That’s my opinion as they all know he is targeting Angela and Kaycee. Sam’s a wild card Tyler will stick by for a little longer.

    2. Depending on what the comp is, KC has proven a strong competitor. Sam and JC, not so much. I might add, it was a good move to get Brett before he got one of them. But that said, he STILL is the best game player in the Jury House. So no matter what any of those sore loser have to say, HE out played ALL of them in the Jury House. And I don’t think he’ll let it slide without telling them.

    3. JC’s plan? Did you not see him when he was voting “Brent” out? He looked like somebody had just stuck a turd into his mouth. No, it wasn’t JC’s plan, and he only voted Brett out because he’s a chickenshitdeluxe, knew that the hand writing was on the wall (Brett was going, with or without his vote), and he didn’t have the intestinal fortitude to vote for his “friend”/ally.

      JC is wasting valuable oxygen in this game and has been since the very beginning. Hasn’t won a single comp., hasn’t influenced a single decision (although CBS would have us believe that he is running the show), and is only around because he aligned with the right side and is NO threat to them.

  9. This is the first eviction to actually make me sad though. I feel for Brett. He was a really good player. He went out classy and respected the game move. That’s how it should be.

  10. Truly amazing season. Brett was lining up to take a first shot, he lost but he took it very well all things considered. He’s a vote for Tyler and game play.

    It sure does seem like BB is pushing Haleigh for AF but I’m thinking Brett is getting my vote.

    1. This season has gotten dull after week 4. Way too predictable. Tyler and Angela are guaranteed final 2, and have been since 2 weeks ago. Tyler wins 9-0.

      1. I know a lot of people have found the season dull, myself, I’m finding in invigorating.

        I’m enjoying watching a group of people execute their game superbly. Even when the other side won HoH, L6/5/4/3 were able to control the situation and the votes. L4 in particular played very well together and it’s a shame that Brett tried to make a move when he did rather than waiting for final 4 when he might have been able to convince Tyler to go with him over Kaycee or Angela.

        Just look at tonight. L3 were aware of what Brett was up to. They prepared a plan and they executed it brilliantly. That is pure BB gold game play.

        For me the rest of the season won’t be dull either. Sure, JC and Sam will be gone soon enough, but how will the remaining three L3 get to final two? It’s going to be interesting to see how they work that out.

        Best season in a very long time, some of the greatest players ever…even a bitter jury can’t change that.

        1. This started as the best season ever. I am a level 6 supporter all the way, but there just has not been any drama since week 4, which is unfortunate.

          1. The well executed strategy doesn’t make for the best TV but you have to respect the game play. It is always boring just before the end when you have a dominant group I.e. the brigade.

          2. It’s a different entertainment. There was little crazy but a lot of nice gameplay. We haven’t gotten the Jerry Springer type entertainment but rather the soccer style with long periods of shuffling a ball with a burst of excitement every now and then.

        2. Same, Mr. Eyebrow. L6-3 aren’t downright mean and hateful people and on a personal level were kind to Haleigh. All the private conversation, the strategy, thinking ahead, comparing notes, determining who might be lying. I LOVE it. It’s the best in quite awhile. (I’ve seen every single season, but I didn’t even watch the finale of Celebrity BB it was so lame. Was skeptical about watching this season after the season that shall not be named. But enjoying it so much!)

    2. I was also impressed with Haleigh’s eviction. She went out gracefully. Hoping she can vote the same. I know Brett’s was tough being such a shock but he was great. Except for talking to Julie trying to still say he was going to be loyal to L6 all the way. Then Julie having to remind him. Ummm. We all saw you breaking rank and wanting to go after the girls. Lol.

      1. I’m just not seeing your logic here. This is not a Paul situation. Nobody liked Paul (I did, but nobody else). I think the key is of course people getting evicted have some bitterness but they have to vote for someone and it comes down to they all liked Tyler (even Bay came around) and most of them hated Angela. I see him winning in a Ty/Ang F2.

    1. Tyler can definitely win (not going to say “100%” because that’s ridiculous). Once they start discussing it round table with a mediator (like Dr. Will always did), it’s always pointed out respected game moves versus being a sore loser for being outplayed. Haleigh will respect the game. Fez is an idiot but he’ll respect comp wins only. Brett will respect the game. MAYBE Bayleigh will respect the game with some personal stirred into it because that’s who she is. Scottie …. still anybody’s guess. Big fat disappointment.

  11. People talk about how cold hearted Angela is. Well tonight I saw it, mean girl! Doesn’t have the courage to tell Hatleigh and Brett they are leaving.
    Tyler is cold hearted also.
    Canceling the live feeds, removing After Dark from the DVR. I know how it is going to turn out.

    1. It’s a blindside for a reason. It’s the reason the punter will sometimes throw the ball. Gotta keep folks on their toes.

    2. Why is it Angela’s fault? Why does it have to be Angela to tell her, where was everyone else to tell her lmao Brett was the one who backstabbed Angela/kc by wanting Angela gone. He was the one that wasn’t loyal.

    3. Brett had already made plans to take out Kaycee or Angela and was stupid enough to tell Tyler …with JC and Brett gunning for them, why would Tyler tell Brett? And what on earth has Hayleigh done for this side of the house that they owe her anything?

  12. I wanted jc out but i’ll take it with having brett out instead. I liked brett but him turning on the girls when they wanted to stay loyal is what made me upset. Cant wait to see the jury’s reaction when scotties, hails, and brett walk in.

    1. I was really looking forward to that ‘Britany’ moment when the four of them tell JC he got played, won’t be quite the same with just three of them considering JC thought he had brett (which it turns out he kind did).

    2. The girls on evicting Brett: “Oh we HAD too cause he wasn’t loyal”
      The girls on evicting Hayleigh: “Brett did it! Brett screwed you! It was all Brett” <– loyalty?
      Just saying.

      1. When they did GBMs, they probably already heard of Brett’s plans to cut them. So they owed him nothing at that point. And it’s just good old fashioned jury management. Maybe too little too late for Angela though.

        Also, Brett blamed Tyler in Scottie GBM. ?

      2. Genius game play. They obviously matched their gbm’s up to their plan which they executed perfectly. Plus Production helped them out by showing Ang/K.C. first and Brett last.

      3. They did that because they heard what he said to Tyler.
        When Angela found out Rachel was going against the group – she’s gone.
        When Tyler found out Brett was going against the group – he’s gone.

        “Never go against the family…”

    3. It made sense, though. He couldn’t beat Kaycee in the end and keeping her too long was risky due to her comp skills. It was a rational move.

      1. Simon / Dawg… how about posting a memorial wall collage of Haleigh’s finger eating photos? Poor girl. Someone needs to tape some mittens on her hands…

  13. Brett was a favourite for me. This sucks. Kaycee you need to keep winning comps and get out tyler before he gets you.

    1. Nah. Kaycee just needs to keep winning comps. She can take *anyone* to the end at this point, including Julie, and she’ll win the $500k.
      And she has the nicest hair in the house, too.

  14. I am thinking whomever votes Tyler out will have the jury’s heart. Bay and Brett 100%. Most likely Scottie, Hay and Rock. That’s 5 and done.

  15. Well, I guess Tyler and Angela want Kaycee to win. If Tyler wanted to win, he would have realized that Brett was right… they can’t beat Kaycee. She’s won a lot and been nice to everyone.

    Then Tyler and Angela have to pull the snarky veto comments… against their ally Brett. While Kaycee sits there and says nothing. Talk about no blood on your hands.

    Kaycee can win comps. This would have been a good opportunity to get her out. With that said, I hope she wins. I liked Tyler early on, but he’s gotten less appealing since he’s fake showmance with Angela.

    I was pulling for Brett or Kaycee… If she goes to the end she wins hands down.

    1. You do realize that Kaycee was all onboard with those “snarky veto comments” don’t you? It was planned out with Kaycee.

      1. Exactly. *Brett* doesn’t know Kaycee was in on planning the comments… no blood. We saw in Hayleigh’s goodbye message that Kaycee knows how to throw her teammates under the bus real quiet like. “Yeah guys… say that… it’ll be hilarious. Let’s go!”

  16. WOW! Tyler just handed the game to Kaycee…..wasn’t expecting that. Not one jury member will vote for Angela. Sam and Jc can’t win comps. Tyler has pissed off too many people to get the votes. WOW!

  17. Side Note— I lost a ton of respect for Julie tonight saying goodnight from “Julie Chen Moonves” for the first time ever. I’m all for solidarity with your husband and protect the family etc etc. but you and your girls on the talk made it a point to CRUSH every single male in Hollywood who was accused of sexual assault/harassment. AS THEY SHOULD BE!!! But now it’s your husband and you choose to not believe the accusations bc it’s in your house?!??? Unreal.

    1. I see it this way….

      While it all seems very ugly and everything, I do not know the whole story. I don’t even know half of the story even though so much is plastered in the news. I bet Julie knows more than any of us. She has the right to defend her man, and I can respect that. I won’t judge her poorly for her sign-off. (it’s really none of my business, anyway)

      I will also add that anyone using sex as a weapon should be castrated (men and women, alike).

      1. Same – only Les, the supposed victims and God know the real truth. While I am not necessarily a fan of Linda Bloodworth Thompson, I’ve known who she was since the late 80’s. This is an interesting article. The only one I’ve read all the way through. Not judging Julie, though. He’s the father of her son. She wrote this article 2 days ago for the Hollywood Reporter. Interesting read:

      2. weapon?

        The vast majority of the entertainment industry uses sex. It’s only recently that a tidal wave of hypocrites decided they rode that train as far as it would carry them and it was time to revert to childhood.

    2. She actually helped Lester the Molester unravel Janet Jackson’s career after NippleGate. She spread the Moonves narrative that Janet was unapologetic about the whole non-event, when Janet actually *did* apologize. I could give her the benefit of the doubt until she came up with that shit tonight. If “Brent” can go quietly into the night with class… why can’t she?

      1. Everyone assumes Julie is the perfect innocent star. Julie Chen has never been nice. She is always fake. She makes the perfect partner for that sleazebag. I’m completely surprised she didn’t drop him real fast since he’s not a career plus for her anymore.

    3. She obviously takes her marriage vows seriously. “in good times and bad”, you have to give her respect for that. If she doesnt have any more proof than you do right now, she is right to stand by her husband. She personally has not been accused by those women of doing anything so attacking her is wrong. Once or IF proof is given that these women have legitimate claims, it will be up to HER to decide if she will continue to stand by her husband. Blaming her isnt any better than blaming the victim because if these accusations are true, Julie, is also a victim in this.

    4. That’s a good point actually. I don’t watch hen gossip shows so I wouldn’t know what they say but presumably it’s whatever gets them ratings with their target.

    5. I don’t think it is a sign that she doesn’t believe the accusation. It is more of a sign that she is willing to standby him no matter what. After all, if it wasn’t for his sexual advances towards her, she would not have been married to him and made a big name for herself on daytime TV.

    6. Remember people, in this country you are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Accusations do not equal guilt, no matter what the media or TV pundits say. So, Julie standing by her man until he’s convicted isn’t a bad thing. Crushing someone based on accusations is so wrong on several counts. People that do that are idiots. And yes, I know that where’s there’s smoke, there’s fire but why not give everyone the benefit of the doubt until convicted. Then you can crush them.

  18. L3 is killing it!!! Tyler Hoh, n Angela Veto with a quick bye bye Brett for turning on ur alliance… I get it but its what sent u packing early… My favorite was the look on JC’s face said it all… “I’m screwed!!! Jc def needs to go asap… I loved when Julie Chen said sit down Son… Team Level 3 with Kaycee or Tyler for the Win!!!

  19. I’m so damn tired of the “bitter jury” BS. Some adults signed up for a game knowing full well how the game is played then get upset when they’re “betrayed”? What the hell did you expect to happen????

      1. In fairness one downvote could equal 15 in this crazy rating system. Lol. I always feel good when I get multiple votes.

    1. I agree with the sentiment, but the problem is many of the evicted don’t know “full well how the game is played.” The ones that do, like Scottie and blockstar, have maturity “issues.” some think it’s a dating game. And the ones that are there to play, think the game should be played with different priorities, be it honesty, comp wins, social, whatever.

      Just look at the whiney comments of some of these people here and elsewhere online who should know better than most about the game crying about blindsides and lying. They already gave you 4 thumbs down.

      1. Well that brings up another question: why the hell would you go on a reality show without educating yourself on gameplay? Unless you’re just they’re for publicity like the last few seasons…

    2. I’m with you 100%. I can understand BB19 jury being bitter with the bullying tactics, but this year’s jury members were simply outplayed. They signed-up for Big Brother, not Sesame Street.

    3. Ok, what is this really about and for who? You probably most likely didn’t mind the bitter jury for the past 2-3 seasons, am I right?
      Look, all my favorite players got kicked off this season but that does not give me the right to go home and cry to my mama.
      IT’S A GAME!!! Deal with it like I have for pete’s sakes.

  20. Tyler just lost this game. Sam JC KC beat him with a bitter jury. Angela is also hated but she has girl power on her side. Right now if its angie vs Tyler

    Angie- bay, hay, rocky brett KC

    Tyler- sam fezzy scottie jc

    I am being generous to tyler. I can see scottie going for angela. JC will go for angie if tyler stabs him in the back. That Brett deal will come back to haunt him too.

      1. No way he gets more votes than Angela. Remember Bay & rock star love girl power more than their hate for Angela. Brett will be bitter when he hears about the good bye messages to Haleigh

  21. It’s funny to me two of the more undeserving winners in Andy Herren and Josh Martinez along with mister trying to extend my 15 seconds of Fame swaggy C are all calling out Tyler for not telling Brett hey you took the first shot at level six so we had to get you out first. These guys are so jealous of him that they don’t even see how dumb of a game move that would be. Why would Tyler say that when JC and Sam would both take Tyler final two and Outing his Alliance in front of them would cause that to not happen anymore?
    These guys are just hating it’s unbelievable how much swaggy see comments on Tyler he’s so obsessed with him. I’m not even a Tyler fan I respect the game he’s playing but I want Kaycee or JC to win.

    1. Exactly right. And let’s face it. Swags might be a superfan..that doesn’t mean he’s smart. FAR from it.
      That man is THIRSTY AF.
      HIS alliance failed miserably. In fact, worst alliance ever.
      He was so full of himself…Meh.
      And Tyler is too clever to explain why they voted Brett out. Enough that he was targeting KC and Ang.
      What will JC do now? He must KNOW why Brett is out. Because of HIS plan.
      JC’S game is over.

      1. Remember his pre-game interview, all the things he stated he would do for his long game, Julie played it in his exit interview and he did NONE of those things. He went out in a blaze of glory 2nd person evicted. Brilliant Swaggy C (R.I.P.). Winston, Rachel, Kaitlyn and Rockstar ALL outplayed you. (JC knows he’s screwed… he’s going to be unHINGED tonight!)

  22. I like Brett. He was fun . BUT…he threw Tyler under the bus in his GBM to Scottie.
    He was disloyal to final 4. JC doesn’t know about level 6.
    I think Brett liked Haleigh..a lot.
    In the was BRETT who was disloyal to his alliance. They saved him multiple times.
    Haleigh went out with class. Nice.
    I think Tyler felt betrayed by Brett. And he knows what JC did.
    So now, Tyler is thinking of the end game.
    I’m just not sure if he gets tht KayCee beats him. He knows he has Angela’s vote.
    But who else?
    Sam, JC, Brett will feel betrayed.
    Bay, Fess, Scottie resent Tyler.
    His only hope is Angela. And he could lose to her as well.
    I don’t know how good Tyler is in summation. Or if it helps.
    Dr Will has to get through to Jury about the game.

    1. No way Tyler wins against Angela & Kaycee! As much as the hive hates Angela they will vote for her cause she a woman. Baylee will make sure of that. She hates Tyler. Brett might consider voting for Tyler’s game until haylee tells him about her good bye messages. If JC & Sam go before the girls they will blame Tyler. Which ever he sends out first, Angela or Kaycee, they will be mad at him. This group will vote off of hurt feelings & girl power. And at this point I don’t support Tyler. I thought he had a great game before he had to do like most men & let his little head do his thinking! Crap! And Brett & jc didn’t turn on Tyler & the girls. They saw the writing on the wall. You would have to be an idiot not to see how close Tyler & Kaycee are AND the showmance! I wish Brett would have won HOH

      1. It’s incorrect that Bayleigh hates Tyler. Bay was embarrassed about her actions once she got to Jury. I could see the woman angle being a concern but in the end, most of the hive feels like Angela is the mean bully and they won’t give her the votes.

    2. Brett was low man on the totem pole. His mistake was telling Tyler to vote out his showmance. He gave Tyler ammo to get the girls on board to get rid of Brett.

      1. You’re right Kelly and just when Tyler had to switch to dealing with all the F2’s he made. He’s just been looking for a reason to start cutting and Brett foolishly walked right into it.

      2. Brett and JC have big mouths and high ambitions but they have to ask others to make their plans come true since neither one can win challenges. They needed to BE the HOH and put up the girls themselves.

        Neither one was ever in power so neither one could ever set out plans and make them work. A week in the HOH room could have changed everything for either of them at any time.

        Oddly, JC actually felt like he was wielding power throughout the game and honestly is shocked that Ty hasn’t been doing his bidding. Even more oddly, Brett was honestly shocked that Ty didn’t choose him over the Showmance.

        Both of these guys deserved everything they worked for and accomplished…which was nothing. (Brett’s veto win was clever but meaningless).

        If their vote is bitter they will embarrass themselves, I hope they get over themselves and vote the best player.

      3. He had to know his position and that all he could do is hope to win with 4 remaining. If he didn’t, he’s gone, no disloyalty, just competition. Sad that he couldn’t stick with the group.

    3. I think Brett found Haleigh tolerable for the sake of intel and not being targeted. He even charmed Rockstar. You think he was into her too?

  23. Something struck me during the episode tonight. The preview for Survivor. David vs Goliath Talking about the strong vs the weak. Is this the theme for CBS reality this year. L6 vs the Hive. Just sounds very similar.
    I loved the GBM’s for Haleigh. I laughed out loud. Now Haleigh sees Brett’s lie and will share that for sure. So his previous GBM to Scottie has no merit if Scottie even believed it anyway. And Brett trying to tell Julie he was going to stay loyal to L6 all the way. Like no one would have known about his conversation with Tyler. And Julie calling him out about him breaking rank. Too funny. Poor guy. He must have forgotten about the cameras 24/7.

    1. The GBM’s were pointless once you evict the person out immediately next,you can’t turn a jury vote against a fellow juror.Brett can now reveal everything to the jury,if he speaks very slowly they might understand why they’re there.

    2. I think he and Haleigh will have a good laugh over it. Regardless of Angela and KC’s GBM’s to Haleigh, completely contradicting Brett’s GBM to her, he will take pride in being part of such a successful 4 person alliance and not want to associate himself with the stupidity of The Hive. He will eventually WANT to tell them that HE was part of an excellent alliance that played them all. He actually SHOULD take pride in that. It was super fun to watch. Until about a week ago, he was loyal. More loyal than any of the other Jury members. We haven’t seen much from them, they may have already eaten one another alive.

  24. Tyler is a beast at this game. I hate Angela though. She’s a bitch. Hope Tyler wins he deserves it. Played the game perfect. Hopefully he doesn’t get booted.

      1. Yes. But the women do not think Angie is a bitch. Girl power. The women think tyler is a bitch and angie is a strong women. angie beats tyler

  25. Just like the good old days when she maligned Janet Jackson for Molest Moonves. Way to support victims, Julie. Way to support victims.

  26. I know this might be an unpopular opinion, and as of know it currently stands that Tyler is still up in the air about taking Angela or Kaycee, if had to say I think hes currently leaning towards taking Kaycee To the final 3.

    However, I think in the case that Angela and Tyler make it to the end together. They might be greatest power couple of all time in big brother history. When you look at it Solely from a game perspective leaving the personal feelings aside how you may or may not like them.

    Again, as I mentioned this might be an unpopular opinion of mine but when you look at game. They did whatever it took to win, and were not afraid or unapologetic of making big time moves they were all out competitors. To have the desire to win at all cost that badly regardless of them getting all the blood in the world.

    Like I said this all just a hypothetical scenario if this does just happen play out. But I personally think that this would a major big brother accomplishment to be labeled as the greatest big brother power couple and I stress the term POWER COUPLE. I know some of you might disagree, I can honestly say that I can respect your opinions. But I truly feel that if both Angela and Tyler do go to the end they should be labeled in big brother lore as the “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” alliance.

    I know this point might sound kind of crazy, but think about this just from a game perspective. I will always respect big time moves especially because your wanting to win that bad regardless of how much blood your willing to get.

    Please take it from this perspective from a game point of view. When you look at undeniably the two greatest big brother players ever Dan Gheesling and the evil Dr. Will. They were all willing to make big time moves and blindsides and though some of their moves could be labeled as shady, I can respect that they just want to be recognized as greatest big brother players on a game perspective regardless of personal feelings.

    To all, I do apologize for my long post but as a fan who’s been following this show since 2003. it’s refreshing to maybe see the greatest big brother season of all time and to throw out a potential big brother scenario just from a game point of view personal feelings aside because at the the end of day I think we all can appreciate players that are willing to make big time moves in order win the game because they just happened to be always just one step ahead, or maybe in this case two.

    “Mr. and Mrs. Smith alliance”

    What is everyones thoughts and opinions feel free to reply? Again sorry for the long post, nothing but respect to all big brother fans.

    1. You must be Canadian with all of that apologizing. I agree with your opinion but jeez don’t worry so much about what other people in chat rooms think of you. Be confident!

      1. I’ll take your advice then, I declare that if Angela and Tyler are in the final 2. They would be the greatest power couple ever!!! And they should be known in a big brother sense as mr. and mrs. Smith. Point blank.

        1. LOVE your write up and totally agree, the greatest power couple ever.

          There is one problem I do have and that’s in the title of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I don’t know if you know it but that is what Rockstar named her sudden, brief and completely fantasy alliance with Brett.

  27. Thoughts:
    Explanation to Brett in Jury if you are Tyler and make it to the end: dude, you wanted jc and sam in the final four with us instead of kaycee because she can win comps. I’ve won more comps than her. red flag. you wanted us to betray our alliance, why wouldn’t you betray me?
    Hypothetical: If Sam had won hoh: noms angela and kaycee? Angela won veto. who does she renom? Not Tyler. Most likely not JC. so Brett and Kaycee are on the block. Brett still leaves.
    Question: does Brett think nobody watched feeds? His loyalty to level six was starting to falter during Angela’s second hoh, and was pretty much gone by Saturday of Tyler’s second hoh. What’s all this I was loyal talk to Moonvesbot? I mean? whu?
    What the foutte query: Why would Sam choose tonight to tell Tyler her real thoughts on Angela? That was the second time she’s told a guy to nominate his showmance. That’s… wow. whu x 2?
    Surprised “Brent” didn’t say, “thanks Judy.” More surprised they didn’t seven second delay fish her name at the end.

    1. Heh! Judy. Brett WAS pretty loyal, far as we know: First, to L6 at least as far as evicting the last of the hive. He was sounding out Tyler for the inevitable point when they had to start turning on each other, not really gunning hard for an immediate betrayal. And his top loyalty was ultimately to Tyler (a member of L6). Although that may have changed at some point, you never know.

      1. Brett was loyal in episode edit only. People can say JC got in his head all they want. But who sought JC out and played up that he was bottom of the totem pole lone island? Brett. He did the same with Sam. He’s been subtly plotting against level 6 (starting with Angela) for three weeks. He played along for the most part while other level 6 members were hoh. But come on. He may not have wanted to take the first shot, but he’s been preparing for the backstab since Fes was evicted. He just thought he’d be the one holding the knife.

        1. Real dumb move since he can’t win comps. He could act like this if he was HOH or knew he could win veto but not in his present state.

  28. So same old same old. At least next Wednesday and Thursday there will be a eviction both nights. Like I said before…convenient Angela told Tyler she loved him the night before when they knew a double was coming up. Hay still dumb to the end, believed KC and Angela instead of Brett (who was telling the truth FFS!). Smartest words between the fish (what was up with that? some production meddling?) Sam telling Tyler Angela acts all entitled but she doesnt belong there she needs to go.

  29. Come on ROBOT, you got this!!! I cannot believe it has resulted to this. Wow, worst season ever especially with #CarrotToppartdeux slithering to the finish line. #UGH


  30. FWIW I think H exited in good humor. What she actually thinks of Fes interests me a little. She is a good deal smarter than he is – Fes may have been the dullest knife in the drawer this season.

    A 21 year old Party girl and a 27(?) yr old Muslim is a very odd couple that will never last.

  31. Here is what I am hoping happens… Tyler and KayCee final 2. The jury gets over themselves and doesn’t vote bitter, they actually vote on game play. These two are the only two that deserve to be left standing at the end. Wishful thinking? Probably!

  32. You dont think Sam can beat Ty if she makes it to F2? Lets see…. the jury is bitter A F….. & she voted to keep Bay, Fess, and RS thinks Sam voted for her. Scottie & Hay are pissed at Ty… so yea if Sam makes it to F2 she’ll win Hive’s vote. But this is all wishful thinking…. as Ty, KC, & Ang already knows the hive jury is bitter A F and will not take Sam to final 2.

  33. I think anyone that is left with Angela will win. She seems to be the most hated by the jury. Despite what the jurors say now, once some things come to light when they see others evictions, it changes the way they think. It’s almost always emotional. I would think realistically Tyler has played the best game, but I was a Haleigh fan. She was the only one to actually see through his bullshit and put him up. He played everyone very well and it’s gotten him this far. Come the end though, I don’t know I’d say jury would vote Kaycee over Tyler, and Tyler over Angela out of spite. If JC or Sam make it that far and they win, I’d be really pissed seeing as how they did basically nothing the entire game.

    1. JC didn’t do nothing. He was better at getting into Fes’s head than Haleigh was (b/c he had way better emotional self-control than she had). When she saw Fessy being pulled by JC, she basically ragequit & out went another Hiver. JC also knew how to stay off the block (Sam considered him) and get off the one time he was ever on. Smart guy.

  34. I’m torn. On one hand, I feel really upset that Brett is gone. He was fun on the live feeds and part of Level 6. I also think that Kaycee, Brett, Angela, and Tyler were a group that fit well together and could have been friends for a very long time outside of the house, but I do think that this game move threw that away, unfortunately. They can’t say anymore that they were the strongest alliance and that they were the best of the best, b/c they didn’t even make it to final four, like the Brigade. And I would have liked to have seen the look on JC’s face when he found out about their alliance.

    So on one level, it’s sad that their bragging rights are gone and that they couldn’t stay together as a group until final four. On the other hand, they obviously couldn’t take each other to the end, completely, as two of them would have to be cut, so it would have had to happen eventually.

    Also, a bitter jury is not bad or good. For everyone saying that they jury should vote a certain way, that’s the beauty of the game. They don’t need a reason or logic to vote for anyone just as they don’t when they voted to evict them. It could be completely arbitrary. They could even draw straws, b/c there are no rules for picking a winner. It’s like when floaters get left in the game and people get upset. Yes, it’s very hard to swallow, but that’s how it’s played. A bitter jury is part of the game, regardless of who did more work in the house, won more comps, or simply floated by never winning anything. Is it fair? no! But that’s Big Brother.

    1. It’s the worst part of big brother. It’s like watching wrestling when they let the heels win too many weeks in a row.

    2. ” I also think that Kaycee, Brett, Angela, and Tyler were a group that fit well together and could have been friends for a very long time outside of the house, but I do think that this game move threw that away”

      I doubt that. None of them are babies: they (Brett, Angela, Tyler, Kaycee) all understand it’s the game they signed up for, I think.

      Too many strong players individually. If an alliance makes it to final 4, you have to think it featured a shepherd and a flock. Like the Brigade.

    3. I think you’re right but there’s a little asterisk. The #5 and #6 players going against the Brigade were better than #5 and #6 going against L4/6. So technically you’re right that they bweremt Final 4 but they had benefit of 2 crappy players to keep with them.

  35. The funny thing is i think tyler should take jc now to final 2 cuzs i think the girls in jury would vote against him if he took Angela or KC. But lets hope jc or sam win this hoh tonight so we get to see some action instead of the next 3 weeks being boring and predictable as hell. Only thing i can possibly hope for is the look on Angela face when he says he’s taking KC to the final 2 with him that would be epic!! And the greatest blindside this season ever! And i agree with other ppl that angela saying l love you to tyler is bs man! Come on tyler that bitch is using you!!

  36. I can just hear the HGs saying “everyone is going to be talking about our big move getting brett out tonight”…sorry guys that wasnt the biggest move of the night…

  37. Tonight did not disappoint at all! I loved it! To all those saying Tyler cant win with a bitter jury. Lets all try to remember who we are dealing with here… The Hive. The Hive will need to be guided several times through the voting process and will still not get it right… the winner is a toss up and will probably be chosen by a confused Hive voter who put in the wrong key because they didnt understand the instructions. Im thinking Fessy will be the one to make that mistake but, he probably wont own it. hehehe Im just excited about next week. I cant wait to see how it all plays out. My only disappointment at this point would be JC winning and even if he did, I’d still say this has been the best season in years!

      1. Sam cleans the toilet and the floors that JC pee’s on and works really hard in the house… shes funny as hell in my opinion and while she may not know what is going on lol she’s never told Tylers secret. She’s been loyal to him all the way and she has trusted him, even tonight when it was looking very scary for her. I would prefer her to win AFP for her efforts but, to answer your question, I like Sam more than JC. There are times I find JC funny too but, I find him exhausting and pushy. I have loved this season though and Im glad JC has made it as far as he has because he has kept it more interesting to watch.

  38. Well even though Angela won we all know this is Tyler’s HOH! Ha ha so let’s who he values more jc or sam!Cause we all know KC will listen to tyler on who to vote out. But yes another boring week ahead with kissy face sry i mean mustache face in the HOH! Man i hope tyler blindsides her in final 2!

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