Big Brother 20 Week 1 Summary and Eviction Results

Big Brother 20 Week 1 – It’s been good first week; plenty of Game talk, plenty of community outrage and plenty of all newb goodness.  There’s two alliances that dominate the house with a healthy dose of power 2’s and Power 3’s. Tyler’s playing the hardest but he is a longer than normal HOH.  In a Vet season some of the things he’s done would probably gotten sussed out but seeing as this is more classic BB he’s not. (in terms of everyone kinda figuring out the game as they go along) all this sloppy game play can actually work at times. It’s good fun.

The main Big Brother 20 alliances

Swaggy-C, Bayleigh, Faysal, ROCKSTAR, Haleigh

Brett, Winston, Angela, Rachel, Kaycee, Tyler

Tyler has 2 person deals with: Kaitlyn, Angela, Kaycee, JC

It’s unofficial just be another BBfairytale

Part 1 Catch Up From Last Week

Sam and Kaycee received costume punishments for the week. Sam’s costume impacted the game whereas Kaycee’s was a waste of time especially this early. Swaggy Chris won a power allowing him to select 2 groups of 4 to be safe this week. Tyler goes on to win the Head of Household competition. Sam was awarded the BBapp power up  and Faysal got the BBapp punishment. Faysal has to eat all the ham before going to bed. Ham is periodically delivered. On the first night it made him puke. Sam’s power is kept vague as F**. There was an interview with julie Chen that Shed some light on the Power up.

Part 2 Nominations

Tyler nominated Sam and Steve his reasoning was they were the two people fall first during the competition. Standard Week 1 HOH reasoning.. This all happened pre feeds.

Part 3 Power of Veto

Veto players are picked : Tyler, Sam, Steve, SWAGS (Tyler’s Houseguest choice ), Scottie, Fez (Steve’s Houseguest choice)

Swaggy-c Calls the Veto Players sans Sam into the HOH room. The meeting goes down where Swaggy tries to convince them that Angela has the BBapp power and she needs to go up. He pointed out that before the power was given out she was  “Showing her T1tt1$s and all that” . The Foutte alliance goes on and on to Tyler how he needs to put up Angela to flush the power.

Sam tells Tyler she has the power.. or at least hints at it so he gets the drift.

Tyler tells Bayleigh she’s probably going to be the replacement nomination if the veto is used. All of  FOUTTE continue to try to get him to put up Angela. They are confident in their numbers which clouds their judgment.

Faysal wins the Power of Veto. He doesn’t want to use it to protect Bayleigh being the replacement nomination. They don’t want to risk losing one of their closer members especially since Swaggyc and Bayleigh are in a showmance. Tyler’s reluctance to put up Angela no matter how stupid their reasons are damages his standing with them.

Tyler wants to try and keep Sam’s power in the game plus he’s deveolped a close relationship with her. To Keep Sam and the power Tyler has 2 options. Try and Flip Haleigh who has been getting close to him lately. (she’s actually close to FEz, Brett and Tyler all the guys.. lol) or Try to Flip Kaitlyn. (She’s locked in some sorta fromance/shwomance on the rocks thing with Fez)

There’s some talk about what would happen if Tyler makes FOUTTE think he’s putting Angela up than put someone up like Bayleigh instead.

Part 4 Power of Veto Ceremony

Faysal does not use the power of Veto therefore nominations stay the same. By Monday night the vote split was going to be close (7-6 evict Sam)  Level6 wanted to keep Sam while FOUTTE wanted to keep Steve. There was a couple plans tossed around by the Bros and Rockstar to further their games. The Bros were thinking of keeping Steve. They felt closer to him over Sam and thought for some reason they could pull Scottie and Steve into their group. ROCKSTAR thought that the BROS were going to vote for Steve to stay so she wanted to throw 2 votes to evict Steve and Pin it on the Bros.

Part 5 Pre eviction

Tyler told the rest of Level6 about Sam having the power. They plan to try and flip Kaitlyn one last time. At around 11:40am the morning of the live eviction Tyler calls Kaitlyn up to the Head of household and tells her she has to vote out Steve. Says he knows the other side has the power and Kaitlyn will be F***ed if she votes out Sam. He added that she’s at the bottom of her alliance and that they don’t trust her. Tyler says the other side (Level6) has offered the two of them safety. Kaitlyn’s Aura told her she cannot trust Swaggyc. She compares notes with Haleigh and ROCKSTAR where she tells them she will be voting to keep Sam this week.

Kaitlyn’s Fromances 
Kaitlyn and Fez were in a “fromance” but then Kaitlyn caught Fez and Haleigh under covers. She made a joke about them looking like they were having sex.
Kaitlyn found out that the bracelet of hers that fez was wearing was broken.. it cost $85
FOUTTE begin coalescing around Fez leaving Kaitlyn in the arms of Level6. Using her powers Kaitlyn was able to figure out her teammates were talking about her. The fact she has a boyfriend back home was also mentioned by her alliance.
Tyler and Brett use this rift to start in with Kaitlyn to make her the swing vote.

(I got the feeling that Kaitlyn had the hots for Fez.. sorry boyfriend back home)


This Weeks Big Brother Outrage

Rachel and Angela comments = July 2, 8:52pm (Cam 3/4)
Rachel – My stomach is as dark as Bayleighs
Angela – I know, I’m looking Ghetto here with the skin coloration
Rachel – yeah
Angela – and if we have nothing to do tomorrow and the next day ..
Rachel – I can’t be in the sun for 2 days straight .. I’ll look
Angela – leather
Rachel – I’ll look changed ethnicity.. I already have.. basically.. I can’t be changing ethnicity two days in a row.. two more days in the sun won’t be good.

JC not keeping his hands to himself =  June 29, 9:35p (Cam 4) This was one instance where JC ran up to Tyler and grabbed his p$n1s. Early on there had been other instances of similar behavior that involved a ice cream scoop.

Head of Household and Eviction results

Sam = Bonus live +1 (if evicted she gets a chance to play in a live game saving competition competition. Completing the competition means she’s back in the game. This is good for 4 weeks, Can be used on a friend and can be called at any point before eviction)


Steve – Ladies and gentleman.. I’ve been thinking of something to say to sway your vote.. you guys are all great people…. thank you ..

Sam – I mom hi Joe.. I love y’all I also love everyone on this couch…

Kaycee Votes to evict Steve
Scottie Votes to evict Sam
JC Votes to evict Steve
Rachel Votes to evict Steve
Swaggyc Votes to evict Sam
Bayleigh Votes to evict Sam

Fesyal votes to evict Sam
Haleigh Votes to evict Sam
Angela Votes to evict Steve
Brett Votes to Evict Steve
Winston Votes to evict Steve
KAitlyn Votes to evict Steve
ROCKSTAR Votes to evict Sam

Steve is evicted from the Big Brother House

Steve tells Julie he was surprised.. he trust the Bros and the swagz side.

HOH Competition “Land a Job”

Scottie – 40K
JC – No Job eliminated
Brett – No Job eliminated
Winston – 12K
Sam – 50K
KC – 15K
Fessie – No Job eliminated
Kaitlyn – 80K
Angela – No Job eliminated
Bayleigh – No Job eliminated
Swagz – No Job eliminated
ROCKSTAR – No Job eliminated
Haleigh – No Job eliminated
Rachel – No Job eliminated

Kailtyn is the HOH

(Holy f* this week is going to be INSANE )


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23 thoughts to “Big Brother 20 Week 1 Summary and Eviction Results”

    1. What do you expect from someone who gave himself his own nickname. The guy is downright CREEPY on a scale of 10 he is at 10.

  1. Really don’t care for the HOH competitions that are 100% luck, having some kind of physical or mental challenge brings out surprises in people.

    1. I see the point but there are some folks who will never win a skill challenge. The luck comps throw in that random element that prevents folks from just ignoring certain players. It happens far too often and leads to boring play as we’ve seen for the last few years.

  2. Watching a couple of the houseguests now wrongly conjecture who flipped is funny to watch right now

    1. I love tonight’s outcome and it’s indeed funny to watch, but this is the problem of such a power / several powers that remains “vague” and “in the dark”: BB loses the notion that one has to live with the consequences of one’s actions.
      They’re all going to deny deny deny all they want all season long, since they can just blame any result on “some unknown power”.
      That’s the part I’m not a fan of.

    2. I don’t understand how there could be any question about who flipped given Kaitlyn told Haleigh and Rockhead she was voting Steve out. Everyone in L6 plus Tyler knows who the 7 votes to keep Sam were from, and surely H and R shared with their side that Kaitlyn flipped. The funny thing is how much $h@t can they actually give her for doing it since she is HOH this week???? I would be seriously careful about getting in her face about it if I was a FOUTTE member since they are down on the numbers and she could easily slam any one of their butts up on the block and send them home if they want to give her too much crap about how she decided to cast her vote, if you know what I mean.

      I think Swaggy-P has a block seat with his name already on it, based on what she has said. Not sure who she puts up with him (her “interest” in Fezzy makes that questionable in my mind). Guess we’ll see as the week goes on.

      1. Last night, Rockstar and Haleigh both hinted to Swaggy that Kaitlyn flipped. I need to check the feeds and catch up on what else happened.

  3. So Kaitlyn is HoH. This could be one very interesting week. Could Faysal or Hayleigh end up on the block? I just hope there are no production shenanigans with the trending thing to create drama because I think there will be a lot of natural drama. I can see Saggy and Bayleigh freaking out. Bayleigh couldn’t handle even being the possible replacement.

    Will Saggy reflect on his game and change his approach? Will Hayleigh try to flirt with Kaitlyn to protect herself? Will Tyler keep his hair down all week? Will Kaitlyn use this as an opportunity to go after romantic competitors or game threats? Will the Bros realize the girls just aren’t that into them? The possibilities are endless!

  4. Loved the looks on Swaggy & Bayleigh’s face tonite! Mr “I am the man” just got a reality check.
    The real man in the house is Tyler. What a coup. Hope he can keep it going. Would love for him to be in final 2.
    You’re right Simon….this is going to be nuts this week with Kaitlyn as HOH. Six million meltdowns & five million auras. Bet Fezzy stays away from Hailey this week. Wouldn’t be surprised to see him sleeping in the HOH bedroom.

    I am really liking this season. Best in a few years. Hope they keep with all newcomers from now on.

  5. Holy f* is right !!! Who knows what info is going to come out this week. Who the heck is she going to put up for eviction ?? Just how much power does Tyler have with her ?? We will find out. She seems very flaky tho. But the BB gods seem to like Tyler. He pulls her in close to him for her vote and she wins HOH. So crazy. I can’t even guess who she might put up and how far Tyler will go in trying to protect level 6. We just thought it was interesting this past week. It’s about to get real I think.

  6. Looks like Swaggy C is going bye bye … I might’ve not liked the game he played or his whole arrogance about the game , but at least he was entertaining these people in the 6 except Tyler are Boring . I might offend you die hard 6 fans or Angela fans but it is the truth and you can thumbs me down all you want at the end of day I won’t change my mind and I’m sticking by what I said.

  7. Is anyone else having problems with the BBVOTE? It’s been so frustrating. I got confirmation on my first vote , voted for the 2nd question, but never got confirmation, then never got another response. I really want to take part in the VOTE but now I just feel like ripping out my hair! Help?

    1. I was able to vote. I don’t care for this voting system. Why bother asking 5 different questions? I’m voting for my favorite player for all the questions, regardless of the question asked.

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