HOH Part 1 WINNER: Tyler
HOH Part 2 WINNER: Kaycee
HOH Part 3: Tyler Vs Kaycee
Kaycee and JC’s t-shirts say “I climbed mount evictus and all I got was this lousy t-shirt”
9:10pm The live feeds return to the final three talking in the kitchen. Kaycee – I’m feeling that champagne. Not even tipsy, just relaxed. I am so glad we got that over with and to know that we don’t need to know the days or the faces. Tyler – hopefully! F**k! JC – so part 3 is live right? And I wait for you guys here? (Kaycee won part 2 of the 3 part HOH) Or do I sit outside seeing it? Tyler – I bet you get to watch. If its live. JC – I bet I know what its going to be .. its going to be physical.. why not everything else is physical. F**King, F**king swimming pool with sharks! Kaycee – great, I f**king lost. Tyler – I wouldn’t be surprised. Tyler goes to check the storage room to see if BB left them anything. JC tells Kaycee – I am actually really happy for you. I feel like a loser but you did good.
JC – literally Sunday, Monday and Tuesday … three full days sitting here looking at each other. Don’t get me wrong I love the stories and stuff but its 72 hours looking at each other talking about the same topics. We go around the same and laugh at the same jokes. Tyler – we’ve been doing that for 95. JC heads to the bathroom and Kaycee waits a moment and then silently celebrates with Tyler. Kaycee – We made it! We f**king made it!

Kaycee silently celebrates "We f**king made it!"#bb20 @bigbspoilers pic.twitter.com/7XfuTHUNx9
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) September 23, 2018
9:37pm JC pouting in the bedroom. JC – F**king Bullsh*t! It should be a mix .. a mix between physical competitions and mental ones. NOT F**KING PHYSICAL PHYSICAL! This is bullsh*t! Of course a football player used to training everyday .. there was no way I was going to beat her but I could beat her mentally. Hell yeah! I got myself here because of my mental .. and then you’re going to throw physical, physical. F**king physical. F**king 40 seconds.
9:50pm The final 3…
10:50pm Bathroom. JC and Tyler. Tyler – you and I made it this far because of each other. JC – I just feel like I couldn’t do my part. And this just f**king sucks. Have you ever been in a relationship were one person does everything and the other person is just there? That’s exactly how I feel. Tyler laughs. JC – its not funny. Tyler – about me. JC – leaves the room. JC – shut up. JC comes back. JC – if she wins she will probably pick you. $50,000 is a lot of money, I’ve never had that in my bank account. Tyler – neither have I.
Tyler – I think you have a very good chance of being America’s Favorite Player. I can’t really see anyone else being it. (lol)
11:25pm – 12am Tyler – what are you going to say to Kaycee? JC – for what? Tyler – before. JC – before what? Tyler – before the competition. JC – what am I going to tell her? Tyler – well you’ve got to get her to pick you. I don’t expect you to just sit around and cry about it. JC – well I never really told her like lets go to top 2 or nothing. Like even when I was talking to you I was like do what’s better for your game. JC – if she wins (part 3) I am f**Ked. She is not going to pick me. Angela was her little peanut butter. Tyler and JC chat about the past events of the season. JC – I hope the part 3 is what you think it is. Tyler – it could be anything. I think you’ve got this. JC – I feel they f**ked me over with that part 2. Tyler – you have to get that out of your head. JC – I’ve been saying I’ve wanted to do something where I could just sit back and enjoy it. People here are athletic that have been tough to play with.. Kaycee, You, Rachel, Brett, Kaitlyn, Haleigh, Winston, Fes, Angela. Kaycee joins them.
12:55am Tyler and Kaycee
Talking about the level 6 trip to Hawaii
T – make Brett buy the drinks
Kaycee – yeah
They chit chat about JC saying he’s got the power app..
They laugh about how they went to remember all the days and didn’t need to.
Kaycee – and the faces.. (they never did face morph this year)
1:18am Tyler and Kaycee
Kaycee mentions how JC will go crazy when he finds out about their final 2.
Tyler agrees brings up JC saying how he’s been stressed out since top 6
Kaycee – he’s been stressed ever since he came into this house
T – I know
K – He was always freaking out
Tyler says top 6 is when they started controlling the game and doing what JC didn’t want.
T – he wanted you or Angela to go during the double .. he wanted you or Angela to go the next week
Kaycee – at this point it doesn’t even matter.. even if he expects something or sees something between me and you
Kaycee – he really thinks we don’t communicate
T – he really thinks
K – when he finds out we have final 2 deals since day one
Tyler – laughs
K – I cannot wait to see his face
T – he won’t believe it
7:00am Zzzzzzz
10:18am Houseguests waking up
11:30am still getting up.. .
12:30pm Kitchen. Tyler and Kaycee talking about which of the house guests cooked for everyone or at least helped. They say that Fes was the only one that didn’t cook or help anyone cook any meals. Kaycee – even Scottie would ask if anyone needed help. Tyler – even Swaggy would make pizzas for everyone. And Fes we here for 72 days. Kaycee – its says a lot about someones character. They talk about how Fes came in here to get into a showmance. Kaycee – He was eyeing up Rachel before we even got in here.
12:45pm JC finally gets up and immediately gets it from BB for not wearing his mic.
Big Brother gave them bandanna’s to tie die. Kaycee is super excited.
1:40pm Kaycee, JC and Tyler are sitting in the lounge chairs in the kitchen. JC counts the days till Wednesday and then says F**K. They chat about past events of the season. Kaycee bring up who they’ll see everyone one Wednesday. Its going to be craziest thing. Like oh f**k its Kaitlyn! Oh sh*t Rachel! Or Swaggie. Tyler – Scottie said he is going to be hiding behind Steve when he sees Swaggy. For voting him out. Brett said he is going to give Winston a hug and have him hold Rachel back so she doesn’t attack him.
2:40pm – 3:05pm Kaycee working out. JC staring at the memory wall. Kacyee comes down to the kitchen and talks about making a clothing line with Tyler called “Coast 2 Coast” or “Level 6”. Tyler – those are some sick names.
4pm Tyler and Kaycee saran wrap the kitchen table to tie die the bandannas. JC – this looks so easy to do but its hard!
5:15pm The final 3 talk about where they will live after they get out. Talk of moving to LA.
6:13pm- 7pm JC – who would you date? Kaycee – they’re all girls. Tyler – first I would cut Fes, Rockstar, Steve, Sam, Swaggy, Bayleigh, Brett, Haleigh, Winston, Scottie, Kaitlyn, JC, (Jc – f**k you!), Rachel, Kaycee and Angela. JC thinks that Kaitlyn won’t show up to the finale. I don’t see her coming. Hopefully she does. They talk about how many followers they had before versus how many they will have when they get out. Tyler – thinks JC will have the most. Kaycee – I see us as top three (with the most followers.)
8pm – 9:15pm The final 3 eat dinner. After they move back to the lounge chairs. The conversation turns to talk about Kaitlyn and hope that she is doing okay. Kaycee – I hope America has been nice to her. They agree they will wear their tie die shirts tomorrow.
10:17pm – 10:35pm POP TV gives the final 3 a gift. Blow up pins and a ball.
11:40pm – 11:55pm Tyler is in bed. JC is showering. Kaycee is in the diary room.
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I’m praying for Kaycee to win part 3 and take JC to the end
Not gonna happen she takes Tyler if she wins
She is 100% loyal to Tyler. She is going to win. JC does NOT belong in the final 2!
KC takes Tyler, Tyler takes KC…Tyler will win. You heard it here. That’s all……A crackin’ season and the most entertaining in recent memory.
Tyler takes kc kc wins. No doubt
I think only Baileigh and Rocks will be bitter enough to not give it to Tyler. We’ve seen it so many other times over the years. Once people get over the initial shock, they usually want to be beaten by the best player. I think Hayleigh, Brett, Scottie and Sam are all definite votes for Tyler. I think JC and Faysal will vote for Tyler, too, but Faysal’s such a wild card, who knows?
hmmm, tyler broke a pinky promise
LMAO that just struck me funny. Maybe the people in jury will explain to Sam that that is what the game is about. The things that come out of her just make me shake my head. She now will never trust Tyler IRL because he broke the pinky promise. I honestly can’t believe that she thought Tyler would carry her to the end when she has done nothing. The girl really is going to need a lot of help when she gets back home.
Wow was Sam upset at JC for falling off during the HOH.
The highlight of last nights show was when they revisited Bayleigh’s meltdown.
Hayleigh got a nice spin….production sure likes her
Sam forgot to play the game. She made pinky promises with alot of people who were targeting him and L6 members. Fake, not a good friend. He must have missed the part where he signed his game away and promised to drag her butt to the end.
I recall that Sam made a final three with Brett & JC in the HN room. Also, she told Rockstar that she wanted Tyler & Angela out. So, her “pinky promise” is null & void. Sam clearly has a selective memory problem.
Tyler broke a pinky promis? Ge me a break , Sam was making pinky promises with everyone in the house if anyone broke a pinky promis it was Sam
I think JC will vote for Kaycee, otherwise he will feel disloyal to the gay community. Also, he will be very hurt by Tyler.
Maybe not if Kaycee is the one who cuts him.
I agree with you. Everyone will be ok but Rocks and Bay. It sure didn’t take long to get sick of them again.
She might not be team Tyler since he didn’t keep his word and let her win part 1 of the final HOH. He exposed himself.
But it sounded like he was getting ready to deal and she got hurt and fell. It didn’t look like an easy competition. i’m not sure that he really meant to win it but that he didn’t have time to fake it without tipping off JC
She isn’t the brightest bulb in the house should have gotten rid of Tyler in final 5 and making a deal with JC. JC did win final 4 HOH and he could have gotten Angela out then. IT would be Kaycee, JC and Sam. Kaycee could have cake walked it. Nope she’s going take Tyler and lose the money. I can only think she will try to convince the jury she wanted the strongest person next to her?? Tyler can paint her as riding his coattails. She just went along with what Tyler planned. I don’t recall Kaycee pushing for people to go. She just went along.
terrible strategy to go to final three with sam and jc. they could take each other and you lose.
Kaycee would be in part 3. JC and Sam are not physical players. Kaycee would have to lose part 3 comp to fail on who she would choose.
It is just luck at the end. Look at JC – in no way, should he have won anything over the other three….19 wins to 1
I like seeing people who play the game (lie, manipulate, etc) and entertain while doing it so I guess a Brett / JC final would’ve been the most fun for me, but Tyler-JC works. Kaycee & Angela were great too, but other than comps, loyalty & not being easily fooled like Rachel, I didn’t see as much from Kaycee. Still happy for all of them. Awesome season.
Easy Money
No way Kaycee does that to Tyler. Tyler could possibly do that to her, but not the other way around.
I feel only now, just now for the dwarf. He can’t compete regardless of any competition except the one he won. He truly thinks his mental got him wherever he thinks he’s gotten himself. But the truth is L6 has been dictating and he’s been along for the ride, so it’s time to throw the little man off the L6 ride. Midget tossing style on finale night.
Seriously, that’s ugly.
JC’s forehead is ugly.
Come on JC provided most of the humor this season.
if you ignore what they didn’t show on tv….like the groping….
I wonder if JC will enjoy watching the season?
WHY???? JC doesn’t deserve a damn thing. Tyler has orchestrated every single move all season. He and KC deserve to be the final two and Tyler for the win. This season has been an absolute joy to watch for any true Big Brother fan. I have watched every single episode & kept on top of the live feeds since day 1. To see the two most deserving players in the final two is so refreshing. My only ?? Is that JC is there instead of Angela. But I can live with that.
Agreed Michele
I completely agree. But I might be a little more salty about Angela not being there …….
I don’t give JC the credit he gives himself but he does deserve some. He was instrumental in the implosion of Fautee (or whatever those dumb bass’s called them selves). JC was entirely behind Fes wanting Scottie up by playing on Fes’s insecurity. That was probably the biggest move of the entire season.
Level 6 “helped” JC with his plan. His plan on his own (and with Brett) was to get Angela out and to go to the guy who is in a showmance with her? not a smart move
I’m praying for Kaycee to win part 3 and take tyler to the end
(That way j.c can still think tyler was loyal to him. Even with hearing the news of level 6 and tyler and kycee final 2 he would still blame kc The most . And production to dare having a hard comp for him)
I know JC is pathetic. Him saying “I feel like such a loser” because he didn’t win the comp and blames BB for fixing it against him. Seriously BB JC has been telling you the type of comp he wants why didn’t you listen to him? SMH. I don’t know, I think JC is the only one that thought JC would win. LOL. I am glad Kaycee won, now I just hope it’s her and Tyler at the end, which I believe it will be, she has been loyal to him since the start and if she doesn’t take Tyler, it may cost her Angela and Tylers’ votes at the end. I think even Tyler will take her because he has been saying he wanted to show the house that he wasn’t scared to sit beside a strong player and that just isn’t jc.
I realize that most viewers are a bunch of ungrateful sock puppets and cannot appreciate the greatness and entertainment value of JC. For those of you that can…I give you the best of JC:
Brett- “do you wanna bench with me”
JC- omg that was so gay.
Jc to Haleigh- “omg that tampon is so small it’s like having sex with Brett”
“Come on and get nice and fat my sweeties”
JC to to Brett: Everyday I understand more and more why they don’t have real knives in the house.
*Some Big Brother fans never laughed as hard as when… JC was learning to pronounce the word turtle.* “Tur-dles”
“Brett you’re so obsessed with me” “Do you want to bench with me” (flips his non-existent hair)
Brett: “So what am I?”
Jc: “You’re the side Ho”
JC: “Sam’s strategy was keeping all the bathrooms clean and feeding all the tarantulas”
JC “Its crazy, the first time in Big Brother history that 3 gay people make it to the top 3!”
Big Brother- JC, please stop singing.
JC- Oh look, Bob is awake.
Big Brother- Behave yourself.
JC- No. You behave yourself.
Big Brother- You are the reason we cant have nice things.
JC- No. You are the reason why I’m being the reason that we cant have nice things.
JC- “Hopefully I made America laugh a lot that they vote me best player. That would be cool” (no chance of that buddy. the sock puppets hate you).
Now back to the girl who evicted the mean girl that every girl on the jury can’t stand instead of evicting Tyler…and Tyler who will likely win the final HOH and make a $450,000 mistake by taking Kaycee.
you forgot ‘yatus’
Thank you for adding to the BEST OF JC. Your contribution of YATUS is so valuable that it has ALREADY MADE ITS WAY TO THE URBAN DICTIONARY :
“A period of time where nothing happens.”
(here it is used in a sentence):
“When Tyler didn’t understand what a yatus meant, he took a yatus to think about it.”
Agree with all except I think that Tyler will beat Kaycee. Very nice JCisms, though. Idk why people hate him.
Gullible. People here hate that you are so right!
Call me an ungratefull sockpuppet because I don’t like GROWN men who grab people….asleep and awake. He should have been kicked off the show WAY before the Tyler and Hayleigh incidents….
I could see production really pushing for that, would be the year for a gay woman to win BB
So happy Kaycee and Tyler final 2. It doesn’t make any sense to tell Angela about the final 2 and then not honor it when getting a choice. Tyler and Kaycee struggling not to show how happy they are. Hoping Tyler can have an epic speech and win the bitter jurors. But will still be a great ending to a great season if Kaycee wins. Have to admit. Seeing jc so frustrated gives me a little pleasure. He’s been so nasty to Tyler mainly about getting Angela out. Can’t help but feel bad for him at times but then he shows his ugly side and I don’t feel bad anymore.
Just curious, what’s the nasty part in lobbying Tyler to evict Angela? That is the game after all. Is it the fact that it’s precious Tyler, or that they’re in love? I mean, I get that it’s uncomfortable to Tyler because he wants to be careful to keep JC loyal, but other than them both playing strategically as one should rather than just fold in order to be nice, how is it “ugly”?
Nothing bad about lobbying to evict Angela. But after she’s gone, let it go. He’s been rubbing it in ever since. The jabs at her to Tyler are just unnecessary. And he’s pretty much shown his ugly attitude all season. Manipulating is fine. I actually like that part of the game. But then mocking Fes in the dr calling him his big dumb puppet is unnecessary. Calling Tyler stupid all the time. He really believes he’s smarter than the lifeguard and the football player as he put it. He just has an ugly attitude about most everything. Not saying he’s the only one. He’s just the one I was speaking about at the time.
I don’t take JC seriously when he calls Fes his big dumb puppet. His manner is too playful to offend me. And Fes did play a dumb game, after all. Angela, OTOH, is a mean girl. Guys don’t want to believe it b/c she’s hot, but it’s true.
Angela was echoing what Rockstar and Bayleigh SAID about HER! The mean girls are Rockstar and Bayleigh…not Angela. Angela took a beating from a bunch of jealous people on this show….and then Scottie’s nasty self. Totally uncalled for….
It’s that JC thinks that HE has been running the show! Lol. He is delusional! Tyler has run the show since week 1. He came in playing hard. He’s great at winning comps, manipulating without the others even realizing they had been manipulated, and he has a great social game. The only thing he needs to work on is Jury management. JC’s bullying approach is just obnoxious not to mention a whole lot of inappropriate things he’s done all season.
JC’s a nag who just won’t stop…
Well….I’m just glad JC didn’t win (not that I thought he would). IMHO, he really doesn’t deserve F3 much less F2. He has been a spoiled 3 year old brat the whole time. Right now on BBAD, he’s sitting in the chair with a huge pout on his face. Says he doesn’t want to stay in the house till Wednesday. Waa Waa Waa.
This is the first season in a looooong time where both the final 2 will be deserving to win.
Just loved this season!!!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait to see who wins.
Sounds like you’re describing Haleigh, except waaaay less dramatic.
Haley is awesome she just ended up on the wrong side she knew how to play Big Brother but you listen to the wrong people
Rockhead, Bitchleigh, and Fakeleigh were my three least favorite houseguests.
Final TWO not set yet
The little runt’s time is long past due. He has been a spectacular pawn of L6 and looking very much forward to seeing the look on his face once this is slowly explained to him over and over and over by Angela and Brett at the SJW Cabin on the Lake. It will take a solid day but that should be enough time for half-pint to finally understand.
If JC was in the final 2, the jury would vote for him to win. With Kaycee & Tyler in the final 2, It’s a toss up with the Jury possibly leaning towards Kaycee to win
It just occurred to me what a great vocal ability Haleigh has. She thinks on her feet, and it seems from the jury footage, that she is vocal in support of Tyler. She’s central to The Hive, as is Tyler to L6. She may be like the courtroom juror who stands firm and sways the entire jury. The vote will be interesting! Until I thought of that, I was thinking Tyler had lost touch with reality by taking Kaycee to F2 (as it seems he will).
Yes, she seemed to be the only hive member that understands the game and how it’s played. I think haleigh will be able to talk sense into the hive – maybe even to Bayleigh, but I think rocky would be a waste of air. that girl is just hateful. Bayleigh even seems to have turned on fessieboy. I think she thinks she played a great game, not sure she realizes her game was terrible and I had high hopes for her after scaggy left but that just seemed to have made the real bayleigh appear, which wasn’t good..LOL
Tyler and Kaycee would dominate amazing race
Like Cody and what’s her name. That was the universe rewarding them for all the BS they endured from last season.
No bs. They broght that on themself with a terrible game play . Jess hoh was one of the worst ever. Cody was one of the worst players ever.
First week with cody as hoh .Even if paul was on the block he would stayed. Alex told cody she is against srong guys and he still wanted to work with her.
I wholeheartedly agree with you. I never understood all the love for them.
No, they didn’t deserve the bullying. THAT is not the way to play Big Brother. Production was wrong in letting the bullying begin AND inviting the awful Paul back to the show. I haven’t missed a single season but the last two (before this one was pushing any small amount of patience that I had left). Cody/Jessica – $1 million….Paul – squat:)
And they wouldn’t fight like o5her couples
Hopefully they never get on the Amazing Race. We don’t need them ruining a great show.
Show me on the doll where Tyler touched you
Post of the day.
Waaahhh—did you back somebody who couldn’t play a game?
They absolutely would
Kaycee and Tyler are both counting on Angela to advocate for them in the jury house, and their F2 deal will surely come out. They’d both look shady if they DIDN’T choose each other at the end, even though taking JC would guarantee either one the win. I wonder if she’ll the FOUTTE gang about Level 6 also.
Let’s go! Good job KC! I would love to see KC and tyler on amazing race together i think they would makea great team. Dam im eating some boom chicka pop right now for the win!
Then again, Brett, Sam and Scottie are all gonna point out that THEY had F2s with Tyler also. This could really go either way. Dr. Will has his work but out for him this year.
CUT, not but
Scottie gave him respect for that .
Brett offered it like day 70
Day 84 or 85 Brett offered it lol. Whether the jury accepts it or not all he has to say is other than Angela all of you made multiple F2 deals or were in multiple alliances. Yes, I accepted 3 other offers, but first and ONLY F2 is what I recognized and was made on Day 1 with KC.
Everyone knows if someone offers you a F2 you don’t decline it’s death in the game. As for the other three deals:
*Sam, I got Kaitlyn to vote out Steve to save you and kept you sage. All while you made pinkie swear F2s with JC, Brett, Fes, Rocky and Scottie that I know of.
*Brett you offered on day 84.
*And JC although yours is the most difficult it occurred after KC and you went out of your way to puppet me into taking the people you had deals with. I know you’re upset but when both Brett & KC told me about your F2s with them and you repeatedly lied about having them I just figured you were doing what you had to in the game – just like I did. AND, if you notice every person I made a F2 with or was aligned with in L6 got to F6, so when I did work with you I made a point of trying to protect you.
Jeff is doing round table this year, not Will.
Nope – Jeff came into house to do the “memory” breakfast with them – hence why they freaked out over the additional fourth plate. Dr. Will was on Off the Block and confirmed he was doing the jury round table.
Will has already done the round table.
That was a rumor. Will Kirby was interviewed by Ross and Marissa on Friday for Off the Block and he verified that he would be moderating the round table.
No, watch Dr. Will in Marissa and Ross’ show….He is doing the jury again this year. He actually said that this was the first time in about a decade that people could make a case for any of the final three. Most years, it was hard to find more than one person (at most) who were worthy
Hi. I heard it would be Omorosa with the jury this year. Anyone else hear that?
I hope not!!! She’s the worst!
Even Allison G. wouldn’t do that to us.
I think Jeff Schroeder is the jury advisor this year!
No, it is Dr. Will. Jeff did the interview that they showed last night.
It’s Jeff S for the round table this year….
I would of been mad if JC made it to the end I hate when floaters make it to end not winning shit he won one thing he doesnt deserve to be there he looks so out of place.
They’ve got to be bored out of their minds; and the anticipation of just a few more days and getting through the last leg of this. We leave for vacation in the morning. I can check here for updates if I can’t watch the CBS show til later. I saw the picture above of KC & my heart sank thinking somehow she lost round 2. So glad I was wrong. Go KC & Tyler!
So what’s the chance that Tyler let’s Kaycee win the last comp so he doesn’t have to get blood on his hands and vote out JC? I’d say very high. Gotta love the JC frustration.
I thought of that too, Amy; but I think they both need as much credit on their BB resumes as possible. If he beats her and chooses her, he looks good and also was a strong enough competitor to win 2/3 finale comps. JC is going to be bitter so that’s a loss. But if they are an L6 team to the end, they both look loyal to their real alliance showing their “Fake Final 2’s” weren’t real because of their Final 2 and L6 beginning within 2-3 days of being in the house.
Bay indicated SHE had a Final 2 with Tyler (from Jury house) and we all know that’s a load of crap. They didn’t even have a fake F2 together. I suspect Jury members will call each other out for crap they know is false.
I do not like Bayliegh at all. She’s not stable in my opinion. Her blood spewing tantrum really showed her dark side.
And, since she’s only one point from being a genius, I think she could learn some words besides “Shut up” and “You’re so dumb”.
I’m biting my tongue as there is plenty of material to add to your comments. That was indeed a very special moment for her community to see her in all her glory.
I was thinking the same thing.
I can see it happening that way. He’s done that with everyone evicted so far, said so & so did it not him. I prefer somone that owns their game…all the way and not just at jury questions
If he had owned his game all along (from week 1 when HE started playing), he would be out a long time ago. The only reason why the other side didn’t try to target him was because he was such a good game player that he stayed under their radar. Coming in “guns blazing” is how Cody went out so early….
No way TYLER WOULD EVER NOT TRY TO WIN THE FINAL HOH!! That would be the stupidest thing for him to do. Imagine throwing the final hoh, because you were scared on how JC voted? It doesnt matter anyways, because I am sure he will vote KC any which way, because she is lgbtq. He didnt put her on the block, did he? JC is one vote, I dont think Ty will get no matter what.
Exactly. Besides JC could just ask him as his final question who he would’ve taken.
The reason I think he wants to win is to EMPHASIS his mastery. Also of note – I read an article outlining Ty’s pregame strategy: he wanted to make a loyal group alliance which included one solid F2 and then make a fake F2 with someone from the other side who could keep him safe & give him intel. Then he would cut them at F4 or F3 … pretty interesting.
Tyler’s pregame strategy matches his actual game strategy… Unlike Swaggy C who did completely opposite of HIS entire pregame strategy, and won’t shut up or go away.
He still won’t shut up. I read he is pitching a tv show called The Hive. He said they will always be known as the greatest alliance in B.B. history. He said that he brought them together and mastered everything. He’s still delusional. I think him and JC should do do a show together titled Who’s more delusional?They both think they worked everyone in the show.
Delusional! He can’t even take credit for master minding his early eviction. CBS show Sunday night was basically remembering moments from the season and it was not a good look for The Hive or Sam. Blockstar freaking out on Brett again (ON HER DAUGHTER’S BIRTHDAY), Bay spewing blood. Fools. Never owned it.
and it wasn’t even her daughter’s birthday. I read that it was the following day…..
Love Tyler/Kaycee Day 1, F2 going to the end! I truly believe Tyler will take Kaycee if he wins #3. She mentioned the potential of them in future reality TV as a dynamic duo and I think he’s sees the reality of that. Plus, he can’t tell Angela about him being a man of his word with his Kaycee F2 and then cut Kaycee. Short term $500K, yes. But long term earning potential with Kaycee (like Amazing Race, BB alumni), having a relationship with Angela (it’s love ya” know) and probably still winning $500K is a much better choice. Tylrr/Kaycer F2! Let’s Go!!!
I still think Tyler will win it all. He SHOULD! He has worked his ass off (except the couple weeks in bed with Ang.) But he is a comp beast like KC along with having a great social game AND orchestrating every move this entire season. That’s Huge!
I actually think he’s going to throw #3 to Kaycee (miss a question or two on purpose) so he doesn’t have to personally cut and crush JC. It won’t hurt as much coming from Kaycee. It also guarantees that Tyler gets JC’s vote.
Tyler throwing the final HOH is the stupidest suggestion I have heard in awhile. For one, Kaycee has another HOH under her belt. For 2, JC will always vote for Kaycee, she is LGBTQ. The final reason that it would be the stupidest thing in history to throw the last HOH, to risk your F2, and a chance to win some money. Imagine going out 3rd?? You would deserve that if you threw the final HOH… Think it through!
I respectfully disagree. I still think Tyler might.
Well, I have to admit that if they tell JC about their F2 since Day 1, Tyler probably won’t throw it because none of my reasoning would matter at that point.
It is hard as heck to throw #3. That is truly a crapshoot.
It’s not over yet.
I would’ve much rather seen Angela in the final 3 so that a deserving player would remain and JC could torment the jurors. But as long as it’s Tyler and Kaycee in the final 2 then I can accept that.
Tyler beats Kaycee 5-4
Agree. The boys and angela.
But haily may vote for him too making it 6-3.
JC stated that he never psychs himself up for comps beforehand, he plays along for the show but that’s it. The physical aspect of the final comps is to prove how badly you want to win it. If you just stand in a box and indicate true/ false it isn’t a real test of your desire to advance. Tyler had it right, JC doesn’t like to be uncomfortable which is why he baled on a lot of comps.
I don’t understand why people disregard Kaycee’s social role in Coast to Coast. She made sure she was tight with the women of L6 from the start. If even the slightest hint of something going off appeared, she was all over it bringing them back around. She was a huge influence in Ang/Rach accepting Tyler into L6 as the final member. And as soon as Rachel dared to question the game intentions of the wounded baby bird, Kaycee was absolutely instrumental in turning Angela against Rachel and getting Rachel evicted.
When Haleigh held her hacker reveal meeting and we got the FANTASTIC blow-up of Bayleigh, Kaycee was the one taking Tyler up to the HoH room, making sure that Angela and Tyler remained close.
After that, with the way everything turned out with L6 completely dominating the game from that point forward, her subtle manipulation shifted from making sure her and Tyler were safe amongst a few people to making sure Tyler kept to his F2 with her.
Yes folks, after that SHE was the one handling him. Using his own line against him during their talks. “They don’t know.”(one of the best sentences anyone ever said in the house). “JC was telling me about how he manipulated that situation.” Look the other one directly in the eyes and with a “only you and I” look on your face say “They don’t know”. It reinforces the bond between the two of them and at the same time makes the others look like idiots.
I got off on a rant and I apologize. Kaycee went on doing other things strategically right up until now as she does her half of the JC manipulation in the finals.
I do believe that she has done as much as Tyler in this game manipulation wise, she just didn’t do it in a flashy way. Which means no one hates her, everyone respects her, and she wins BB20.
I agree with your assessment. I hope Tyler and KC go all the way it’s so close they could taste it.
Nice try. Kaycee has nothing to do with steve and swag evictions. Had nothing to do with the fact j.c and sam voted with them. And awe tyler a lot for getting out brett when half the house in the final 6 wanted her and angela on the block. She knew brett was against her only thanks to tyler.
when voting for AFP it only lets me vote 5 times!!!!!!!!!!
You must be voting for the wrong person. Try voting for Fes. It should then work fine.
If you vote on the Messenger Bot it lets you vote 15 times.
Thanks for reminding me to vote for Tyler.
JC is going to find out that HE was everyone’s dumb puppet—and it will be glorious!
He won’t believe his own eyes.
If only JC could reach the peddles on his bicycle.
Salty much, JC?
Will the jury round table be shown tonight? Or is that all aired on the finale?
Round tables are shown only when a house guest goes on the block, which may be KC who will stay loyal to Taylor which may be her downfall or JC who would not have no problem making that move. JC stated he want him and Tyler in the F2. My guest is that Tyler will win either way and no one needs to know him to guess he will blow his winnings if family and friends do not sit down with him and suggest that he invest his winnings to stay fruitful with a once in a life time chance to make that amount of a prize. What Tyler does with his winnings in his 20’s is totally up to him, however Tyler fans would hate to learn later on he is broke again. A 20 year old is not a child or teen and Tyler is smart and may do the right thing. Appearance wise I would want Tyler to win over cry-baby-Rock* if she was in the F2. I know you can not judge a book by it’s cover, generally “yes you can”. Several fans commented on concerns that Tyler looking like the surfer type will blow his winnings, is the reason I posted the opinion of how he may use his winnings, he do not look the family man type now, sooner or later is not now. Most of the houseguest are young and need a BBro. counsel to guide them with their winnings. The mature house guest seem to go home first, because they are out numbered, which is a flaw in BBro. who chooses the house guest, also a lot of the challenges would be difficult for older house guest to win. I do not think Tyler and the lovely Angela will stay together, she do not look like the part of a surfer chick. Tyler had to let house guest go and maybe the house will see that, KC never put her self in that position, is why Tyler made more enemies. In my opinion Tyler is the daddy. The round table is not needed. LOL
Kaycees game was more subtle and clean than Tyler’s and deserves to win every bit as much.
I think it is going to be a nail biter. I hope so anyway.
I am very excited for their speeches! Kaycee was honest, loyal, and friendly. LGBTQ warrior woman! Tyler played the game hard, he was trustworthy, and social. He was a wolf in sheeps clothing, and really captured the essence of what we love about big brother. They both were comp beasts – true bb alumni. I think, for most of the jury, it will come down to their speeches and the crowd. I don’t know how this will shake out!
As an outsider, I think Tyler deserves it a little more, but Kaycee is a great second choice! This season was awesome, as long as JC doesnt get to finale night! Any which way, I am sad it is all ending this week. 🙁
Are you guys going to do BB Canada this year?
I get so caught up in BB and hate when it ends. I think that’s why they schedule Survivor to follow. Gotta fill the void! LOL My name is Stacy and I’m a Big Brother addict!
where i am, Survivor is on before BB finale.
Up against Kaycee, Tyler gets 2nd place.
I’d hoped that being in the jury house would’ve chilled Bayleigh out a bit but the clips sure didn’t make it look that way. She’s still as hateful and snarky as ever, even toward those in her own alliance. And she’s hung up on blaming everyone else for everything that went wrong. She’s just not a very likable person at all. She and Swaggy deserve one another, IMO.
That’s because this is really who she is… in the BB House or out of the BB House.
She was always hateful to her own alliance- making them swear allegiance on the Bible and calling them stupid, etc.
JC is this season’s Victoria.
That’s an insult to Victoria, and that’s saying a lot
Can big brother finally do a reunion show?like mtv does after shows. Or real housewives. So we can hear what they have to say after watching themselves back?
Priceless watching them, while they watch the clips in the jury house, as they realize how they were played. Hilarious!!!
Thank you!! I’ve always said that I wish they’d spend the entire second hour of the finale just basically letting them know what was actually going on in the house compared to what they thought was going on so we can see their reactions. They maybe spend what, a total of 2 minutes saying like one surprising thing on the finale as It is? Disappointing.
Why didn’t they do off th block with Sam or Angela?
Because Omarosa was available?
Sam was evicted in tuesday not thursday .. so im guesing there was no way to get her out from the jury house and they couldnt shoot in tuesday. For angela.. i heard she is going to seqwester not the jury house .. maby it has something to do with that. Would of be a lot better to have them than omorrosa :/
It doesn’t seem like the jury is that bitter. They’re just divided between Tyler and Kaycee like the rest of us.
Tyler had his eye on the prize and actively played everyone from day 1 to get to F2. His main loyalty was to himself. It’s a game and he was playing to win. Kind of like a touchy feely Derrick. I could vote for Tyler based on gameplay.
Kaycee won clutch comps, was mad loyal and got to F2 without playing anyone. Nobody pulled her to F2, she pulled herself. She had the opportunity to evict Tyler and remained loyal. I could vote for Kaycee based on a strong clean game.
Do you even watch the show????
Game wise who benefited from the other more:Tyler or Kaycee?
I believe this will be a close vote and it will be a toss up between the two of them. They both played a great game and both are deserving.
I thought JC was fun to watch but Kaycee and Tyler deserve to be where they are. I really have no preference who wins between the 2. I really enjoyed their real friendship and loyalty from the get go.
I turned on BBad last night and saw KC pacing and Tyler looking down at his hands, I thought they both looked unhappy and I had several minutes where I just knew JC had won. It made my stomach sink to even think of him getting to final two after the game he played and all his misbehaviors while one of L6 failed. I tell you, those were some lousy minutes I had and the game was ruined for me just then. When JC went to the bathroom and KC and Tyler exchanged big smiles I felt much better and started breathing again.
Made me realize the L6 final two is a good result for this season and anything else would have been as bad as last year. I’m happy now for either winner as long as JC is out.
Same here. And kc said to JC. You did so good. I was about to panic but then I thought I heard kc say if I hadn’t done something I would have lost. I was really confused then. The way she had been pacing in circles. But then like you. When jc left and kc started silently celebrating with Tyler. I took a deep breath and was like. Ok. I’m good now. lol.
Now that Angela has gone. have JC and Tyler gotten romantic?
Grow up!
KC and JC for the win!!! Because it rhymes
Production seems to have gotten over their tyler crush.
1- Tyler can not beat either JC or KC in final 2
2- dozens of tyler fanboys will down vote my comment
3- KC or JC will beat Tyler in the finale
4- Tyler fanboys will claim the jury was bitter and he deserved to win
5- I will remind tyler fanboys that we told you the jury would be bitter and thats why he would lose
Anallice…trying to steal Brett’s word are you, or is that your real name?
Wait! What?
According to Vegas afp voting is
1. Tyler(commanding lead)
4. Sam
5. Hayleigh ( a distant fifth)
6. Angela (barely out of top 5)
And no one else is even close
So the smart money has spoken. The dumb money, well see above 3 posts from Ann.
I really thought Twitter universe was the majority voting. That gives me a little hope one of L6 wins AFP.
Cat ladies are a silent majority.
brett FTW
Angela FTW she played Brett like a spade, and I’m sure for no reason she pisses you off.
how did Angela play Brett? it was Tyler who played Brett. Angela wouldn’t have known without Tyler telling her.
So apparently Swaggy is proposing to Bayleigh on finale night. Way to steal 15 minutes more –
Come on. How long have they known each other? I hope production doesn’t let that happen.
really shame on you production
Their relationship will be over if they dont get picked for the amazing race
What % of “African” American kids (or whatever the PC term is in 2018, I can’t keep up), are raised by single mothers…What, like 75%? So, the Swaggy Z/ BAILee wedding will last what, 6 months.
Best bet on the PC term thing is to ask a privileged white liberal since they’re in charge of telling others how they are being marginalized and helping to come of with new labels ease the oppression. Maybe contact some actors or musicians on twitter or if your near a major university and want to discuss in person, you should have no problem finding one there.
When did this site become a gathering place for white supremacists?
Dale, your post is hilarious, I don’t think a lot of people got it though, hence the thumbs down. I loved it!
Yeah…it’s so hard to keep up with what’s racist today….but if you have to ask it’s probably you.Thanks for sharing.
Swaggy’s “proposal” is for a new line of Huricane Bayleigh t-shirts.
So, is her pregnancy showing….or did Swaggy figure out that her bank account must be large? Not buying the “true love” there
Tyler has no one to back him in jury he will not win!
Tonights show could not have been a bigger waste of time… snooze fest. Why do they feel the need to drag it out so long at the end. They could have at least just shown the jury house and the complete 1st comp. A trip down memory lane is pointless. The only laugh I got was Sam in the diary room giving directions to the exit. lol
That was my favorite. Out this door and take a right and 2 lefts and down the hall and through a door and I’m OUTSIDE !!!!!! I did find the crying in the DR sort of funny as well. Otherwise. Agree. Waste of an episode. I thought we would at least get the entire HOH.
Bayleigh screaming at Tyler with blood coming out of her mouth was my favorite moment
I think we all agree the major failing of this show is the lack of jury footage. It was discussed in an interview I read once and the gist was it was too much trouble to set cameras up in the house which is a stupid excuse. They just continue to miss the boat on a major asset and one of intense audience interest.
Maybe they are not showing as much jury footage because this group might show us too much about they way they might vote. Production may want more time to sway the votes
They generally rent a house each season to house the jury. The cost to set up and tear down the cameras would be crazy and just having a couple cameras would not provide enough footage to justify the hassle.
I really don’t remember any season showing much from the jury house.
No matter who wins part three of the final HOH they need to take JC.
If Tyler or KC take each other to final two they screw themselves since both were comp beasts.
The only way either Tyler or KC win Big Brother is to take JC to the final two Because JC won nothing all season except one HOH.
I just want to point out that if Tyler and KC are in the final 2, (hence, not taking JC to the final), one of them will indeed win BB.
So you think taking JC and giving him 50K for doing nothing is smart? At least with Kaycee and Tyler there, they both deserve it and will both get money.
I don’t want JC to make final 2 , but I am thankful that he is in top 3 because he keeps the feeds funny!! I have laughed so much lately at all his crazy stuff! I wish Angela was in top 3 but it wouldn’t have been nearly as entertaining!
America’s favorite should be the one who played the best game in jury and was willing to get blood on their hands Going against a large majority of the house – and Angela deserves to be America’s favorite based upon how well she played….. she completely outplayed Brett who seems to be the overwhelming favorite for people to win and she deserves it based upon how she had the upper hand on him And how she was able to make it to final four and wom all those comps when she had the whole house hating her from the beginning.
So sad that in 2 days this ride will be done. One of the better seasons lately thanks to no vets walking in and playing. I actually would have loved to see one BB Over the Top season again with no vets involved. It was fun to watch online but having Jason on with his established following kind of ruined it. Thanks again Simon and Dawg for another great season on your board!
This has been my favorite season ever!
Should the 3rd competition be midget bowling of JC? I know we live in a politically correct world, but I think we are all adults. A JC midget bowling comp could be the most exciting BB comp in history. JC would wear the hockey helmut, there would be a slip and slide, and giant bowling pins at the bottom of a hill. Any thoughts?
Don’t worry Tyler will win. Production is telling the jury how to vote right now.
Tyler was their golden boy. No way they don’t let him not win.
Tyler’s resume is now big brother, TKO, and who knows what else…
We didn’t get vets this year but with Tyler this season we might as well as have. plant!
Tyler has tried out for years…..He was NOT recruited. If you want to talk about plants – talk about the recruited people (or better yet, do some research about recruits/BB)….Hayleigh – recruited – Sam – Recruited…. A lot of this cast hadn’t seen any shows until sequester before the show started. They don’t know the vets; they don’t know strategy. Tyler blew by them because he is a super fan with intelligence AND athletic skills…. Not a plant/
I think Tyler was not recruited and is a super fan. In commenting on “Bayleigh need to calm down in the Jhouse”. She starts out as classy, curvy and smart, based on her back ground and appearance. Bayleigh is totally psyco with PMS and Swaggy is in trouble if they become a couple. She wanted everyone in the BBro. house to like her, by sitting all over the house guess laps and rubbing her body all up on everyone. It will take more then that to win BBro. On final night, she will again forget she is on TV and will go totally off on Tyler, or maybe she will not show up or if she does, BBro. fans, sit back with a large bowl of popcorn, because Bayleigh is going to give viewers drama, and do not seem to care if her lovely family is watching. She should be mad at herself for losing challenges. And next to her is Scottie and JC, is next in line for the psyc. ward and a few others. I would be afraid to sleep with the bed room door unlocked. Congrats Tyler for winning phase 1 of the final 3 part HOH. Again I think Tyler should win with dirt on his hands and we are all praying Tyler will not blow his winnings. LOL
I usually watch the season over at this point before finale. Never got through the last one. Started this one over the weekend. So funny to see Winston when forming Level 6 say. We need us a little sidekick (Tyler). That little sidekick made it to the finals. And it was actually Angela who brought up Tyler when Winston was talking about them forningh an alliance. Which I didn’t remember. And to see Sams transformation. She had a few insecure moments but was still sassy and fun at first. Rachel’s crying when she got the crap app showed how emotional she was and that she would not be able to handle this game. The Bros were the bros. I’m still not up to where Kaycee and Angela are playing yet. Well. Except for the first week when Angela and Swaggy competed. But then she’s gone. It really is fun going back. Tyler has been playing from day 1 with only a couple of setbacks. Watching it all together really shows what a great game he’s played.