Big Brother 20 Nomination Results! “We’re going to get f**ked by a twist!”

POV: ? Next POV: Sept 8
POV Used No POV Ceremony Sept 10
HOH: Kaycee Next HOH: Sept 13
Noms: Sam & Haleigh Have Nots JC, Sam, Scottie

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Kaycee Nominated: Sam & Haleigh

4:35pm – 5:34pm The live feeds return from nominations. Kaycee talks about how she was super nervous. I probably looked like I was crying. Sam – its okay you did fine. Kaycee – it was the laughing. Haleigh – this is supposed to be a super serious thing. They’re super frustrated with us.

Bedroom. Brett and Tyler. Tyler – we’re going to get f**ked by a twist! Brett – I just keep running hypothetical through my mind like what is going on. Like everyone is too hunky dory. Haleigh – goes whats the point of me even unpacking? I’m like, you’re right. Tyler – still got a veto. Brett – one of has win this veto tomorrow. Tyler – I’m going to. Sh*ts crazy. Brett – we have to start practicing days too. Tyler – agrees.

Storage room. Tyler and Sam. Tyler – are you okay? Sam – I’m alright. Tyler – its not my ideal scenario but you’re going to be fine. Sam – its okay. I was kind of anticipating it. So it wasn’t a big surprise. Tyler – did Kaycee get a chance to talk to you before hand? Sam – she did. I told her, like I tell you.. I trust everybody. No one in this house has given me a reason not to trust them expect for the one up next to me (Haleigh). I am not walking around here like I’m untouchable. The way that I behave is strictly to keep my sanity. Tyler – I know, its all good. Haleigh joins them. Tyler leaves. Haleigh – are you okay. Sam – Yeah, I kind of expected it. I’m at the point where nothing good or bad has happened. Haleigh – okay I am here with you. They hug. Sam – we’re all going to have to do something like this. I got put up in the beginning and now again at the end. I am going to do what I did back then and enjoy my week.

6pm Bedroom. Brett and JC. Brett – I am just worried if Haleigh wins it (Veto). JC – oh its going to be me or you. (Going up on the block as the replacement.) We have the votes but still.. The only thing we can do is gun for it (Veto). She won’t put Tyler or Angela up. Lets just go hard for it. Like really hard.

6:18pm Kaycee and JC. JC – we have to win the veto. Kaycee – yeah. JC – I am actually proud that we’re the two gay people left in the house. We’re going all the way to the top. Kaycee – we’re about to be top 6! Sam knows she’s the pawn. I told her but we all need to reassure her. JC – you told her she’s the pawn. Kaycee – yeah I had to tell her. JC – what did you tell Haleigh. Kaycee – I pretty much hinted that she was going up. I mean she put me up twice. Why would I not put her up. JC – we need to win the veto. Kaycee – we’re go though. JC – the next HOH.. I need to talk to Sam just in case she wins it. If she did win it and put you up… I wouldn’t vote you out.

6:30pm HOH room. Kaycee and Tyler. Tyler – we’ll get this veto. Kaycee – worst case if she (Haleigh) wins it… which is not going to happen. Tyler – not going to happen. She will probably pick JC if she gets house guest choice. ..Just so she can beat him. Kaycee – we’re good. Its the calm before the storm. I had a really good talk with Sam. I told her there is one person I want out of the house and you don’t like her either. Just stay cool, calm and collected. Don’t say anything to her. Tyler – just hope she (Sam) doesn’t win the veto either. Kaycee – I know who I would put up as the replacement too.. “J” (JC). Tyler – we’re solid! I know what’s going to happen too. Tyler – the only thing that is going to f**k us up is the sh*t JC is saying. Kaycee – that you and Angela are.. Tyler – yeah he wants to get her out. I just want you to be aware because it bothers me. Kaycee – he would never even guess me and you. Ty;er – the only thing I am worried about is Brett and JC. Kaycee – we’re chillin.. get tomorrow over with.

6:42pm Stretching..

7pm – 7:55pm The house guests are cleaning and making dinner. JC is listening to Kaycee’s HOH music.

8:15pm – 8:36pm Kitchen. Tyler is cooking while they talk about past house guests and seasons. They sit down to eat. Havenot JC watches them eat from above.

9pm Angela and Tyler try to make a fake Angela. They use hair extensions and Kaycee’s fake weight as her body.

9:25pm Outside the HOH room. Brett & JC JC says that he had a joke about Angela and Tyler but stopped him self from saying it. Brett – Angela and Tyler sandwiched me and hugged me .. and I wanted to make a joke.. Hilton Head sandwich! JC – She (Angela) needs to get out of this house. JC comments on how Angela is close with Kaycee and Tyler and they need to be split up. Brett – I really thought I had it (HOH). I was like check the tapes. JC says he is going for the next HOH and will put up Angela and Sam. Kaycee joins them and the conversation ends.

9:34pm – 9:55pm Bedroom. Tyler and Angela. Tyler – I like you. Angela – I like you. We’re in fourth grade now. Do you want to sit bedside me during lunch break? I’ll share my chocolate milk with you. Do you want to sit on the bus together? Tyler – do you want to pass notes back and forth? Angela – its going to be weird you meeting my parents. They’re already going to know you. Tyler – they’re going to see everything I’ve said about you.. oh god!

10:30pm – 10:50pm Big Brother gives them wine and beer again. Havenot JC is not happy. Tyler – you would never say in real life .. wanna split that beer? Brett – no, no I don’t. They chat about seeing Nicole, Victor, Derrick, etc. today.

11:30om – 11:55pm
The house guests are sitting around chatting. Meanwhile Sam is doing her hair in the bathroom. Brett heads up to the HOH room with Kaycee. Brett – if they make JC a havenot again… I think he will walk right out the door. He is not taking this havenot well. Not at all.


Brett and Kaycee
Brett – worst case is sam or JC win HOH and they put two of us together that os why I haven’t been trying to come up here at all.. if we can still put it into their minds of putting up someone else
Kaycee – they’re not winning HOH.. this is the best case for us.. it’s use four against sam and JC.. it’s insane..
Brett – they throw everything because they feel so safe they think we are all gunning for each other
Brett – I want Haleigh out for sure the most..

Brett – we take halegih out right now then it’s just Sam and JC.. I don’t know if Sam is after JC
K – yeah
B – now if we got Sam out.. HAlegih would put JC up .. JC would put Haleigh up
K – yeah yeah .. true and that would keep one of us.. yeah you are very right at the very least it’s just one oiut of the 4
B – it doesn’t matter we control the votes..
B – I know that Haleigh has been skeptical from day one of JC..
K – she was supposed to put him up but she ended up putting up me
B – that’s because of Fes.. if Haleigh stays she would put two of you up
Kaycee – Sam isn’t putting up JC, JC will probably put up Sam
B – Haleigh has a way better chance of winning where as JC and Sam will just throw
K – yes exactly
B – i don’t think they will even try
Brett says HAleigh is driving him nuts
Kaycee – she is one of the fakest people in here

Kaycee – it has to be a double this Thursday..
Brett – no doubt in my mind, if they did it next week that would be crazy
K – dude, If it happens this week than Haleigh and Sam gone now it’s time for final 5 .. Oh my gosh this is going to happen so F*ing fast
B – Dude we have 18 days left and 7 f*ing people in this house
K – how do we have 11 competitions left.. is that accurate
Brett – After Thursday it’s just us and JC.. if everything goes as planned
K – we’ll make final 4 then hash it out from there..
B – whoever wins..
Brett – I feel bad who the fourth person is that has to spend a week in jury.. it’s only one week .. (the level 6 member that has to spend that week in Jury should be the one that gets AFP due to having to deal with the jury for one week)
Kaycee – at least it’s only one week..
B – I can’t spend time there;.. I wasn’t meant to do time

Kaycee say they should have fun now.. “It’s us.. we won the damn thing”
Brett – as much as I am pumped.. I am more pumped knowing what the jury house is like
K – Oh my gosh
B – those f*er’s.. that’s what gets me pumped
K – their whole alliance is over there
K – we have just one more from the other side we’re going to send her back to jury with the rest of her alliance
B – What do you think Swaggy is saying on the outside
K – I dunno..
B – you f*ing idiots..
K – no.. look at him
B – true
K – out of anyone he’s probably the worst
B – that’s true
K They’re whole entire alliance is in the jury right now
B – oh I know.. Do you think Fes and Scottie are fighting
K – they’re probably chill now
K – they are about to see Haleigh walk in there with everyone else
B – that will be awkward between FES, SCottie and Haleigh
K – crazy
K – it’s going to be Sam, JC
Brett – that’s why it’s best to stick with the plan
Kaycee says once it’s just them they are going wild in here
Brett- for sure.. we can chill and get wasted..
Kaycee – chill, get wasted getting loud.. going crazy
Brett – we don’t have to censor everything we say

They talk about getting a luxury competition next week. Brett says it will show some people’s true colours. if you go for the luxury over a veto or if you get a day trip out of the house and you pick “certain people”

They hug it out ‘I love you dude.. lets go buddy”

Houseguests start going to bed..

1:00am showmanceing.. . Tyler and Angela

7:04am everyone asleep



10:09am houseguests finally waking up.. Sam and Angela having morning coffees.


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158 thoughts to “Big Brother 20 Nomination Results! “We’re going to get f**ked by a twist!””

    1. i’m really looking forward to the jury footage of Scottie being spanked and sent back to the house.

      1. I’m really interested to see if Tyler will really vote Angela out. Brett and JC are correct in that Angela has two people in Tyler and Kaycee that have her back but if you want to win you need to take Angela to the finals because The Hive really dislike Angela. This is going to be fun when the back stabbing begins,

    2. OMG!! This isn’t about Haliegh but Tyler. Last night I had a dream and the song “When I need You” by Leo Sayer came into the dream. The song came out in 1976 (yes, I am THAT old and I watch Big Brother.) Fluster. ..any how I looked up Leo Sayer on the Internet because I forgot
      what other songs he sang and what he looked like back then. When his audio came on I SAW TYLER with shorter curly brown hair. Good gosh, if he had longer hair and it was blonde and he had blond eye brows he would look a LOT like Tyler except Tyler has a better body (Leo was REALLY thin) and Tyler is taller. Check it out and let me know if you agree Tyler could be the incarnation of this guy OR are my eyes deceiving me???? <<(Embarrassed.) Wish I could have Tyler and his B.B. buddies check him out and see what THEY think.

      1. OMG! I loved Leo Sayer when I was a kid! I had that song on 45. Did a little dance and everything. Yes, you are spot on!

        1. Gigi..a 45 and you danced a jig?! Hey girl it’s nice to know there is someone ‘out there’ ‘around’ my age that watches B.B. I ‘also’ brake out in a dance if I hear a tune that I can get down with. I also sing when no one else is around <<HOPEFULLY!

            1. Hi Killin’ it! I wasn’t young when I the first episode came out ..I was young-ER. I was in my early 40’s I think. I thought about sending in a video ( back then.) I was going to go on the roof of my house (have my husband take the video) and say, “I am waiting to hear from you Big Brother” ..then I was going to get off the roof and change clothes and sit back up there and say “I’m STILL here B.B.” …and once again for good luck. Never DID go through with it and now I am too old. I sure as heck don’t want to climb on the roof I’d never get down. Going ‘up’ isn’t bad it’s coming back down that would bother me. Ahhh sweet youth..time goes by entirely TOO fast. I am still ‘Hooked on a Feeling’ of being in the even though that time has passed..UNLESS..they have a ‘Senior’ B.B. They now have a Celebrity B.B. ..why not!

            1. Hi Scott! 70’s stuff ‘ain’t ‘ bad. I can’t get into rap or heavy metal. Too old for THAT stuff. Bet you are younger than me are YOU “Still Dancing?” It’s sooo nice to see that I am not the ONLY oldie watching B.B. My husband is 10 1/2 years younger than me and HE refuses to watch it. Hearing from all you people who DO watch it at ‘our’ age makes me feel good, not like I’m the odd man out.

      2. l see the resemblance when Leo Sayer was young (dude didn’t age well). Strong resemblance, actually. Tyler is prettier, though. Man, I played that song (piano) for everyone of my friends’ weddings.

        1. NLL,BF Who DOES age well. he is 70 years old. It is a sad thing but it happens to all of us. I don’t know of ANYONE who looks better when they are in their 70’s then when they were in their 20’s. Wow, I’d like to hear that on the piano. Must have made YOU feel good that so many people asked you to play it for their weddings. Did you sing also????

          1. No, my sister sang though. My dad played first, really well; we still have his red 1964 Gibson electRic guitar. We were born the same year so I grew up with that guitar 🙂

      1. Yes. They could not control the game in the house they can only control it in jury where they all belong, hahaha. Just hope Haleigh doesn’t win veto then they have no choice but to vote for either L6, or JC (who Fes now knows played him), or Sam.

        Anyone but hive I’m good.

        1. And Fes will STILL be on the wrong side of the jury vote, scratching his head wondering what the heck happened!

      2. HIVE may be in charge of the Jury once Hay gets there, but they’ll still HIVE to give $500k to a member of Level 6! They won’t even have a choice!

    1. Hope Haleigh win veto, JC goes up and JC goes to jury. JC may be better for TV, but he is super creepy on the live feeds and clips that aren’t making tv…..

  1. Shut the hell up JC hes so annoying! And why torture us another week with Hays drama crying playing victim she put Tyler up she put Kacee up now she wants to act like they wronged her lol.

    1. Send to her people! She’s whining and playing victim. Also if the hive was in control, I bet she’d be playing mean girl. Buh bye!

  2. Over on Twitter they’re making a big deal about Scottie’s speech last night and the big wig’s over at CBS are pissed off because of what he did and that he could be penalized for it. Don’t get me wrong, I do think what he said was messed up but why are they making a huge deal out of that but JC gets tons of warnings and nothing ever happens to him even after he was grabbing Tyler and kissing him while he was asleep? I guess because they only care how they look when they’re live in front of millions of people. This other stuff they can just sweep under the rug.

    1. You nailed it in the last two sentences. Two totally different situations, live TV is the big time and the feeds are background noise. Those same people keep complaining that tyler was sexually assaulted, etc, but tyler is aware of what happened and had no complaint, so that should be the end of it–it’s not for viewers to decide how he feels. The house guests express that they like JC personally, just don’t trust him game wise, so who are the viewers to judge. The feeds are reality tv and you can’t control how people are. IF people can’t accept that, they should stick to the cleansed TV productions and stop looking at feeds and spoilers. People get so worked up.

      1. Live feeds are a much smaller audience and the restrictions on them are very fluid, if they actually have any from an FCC point. Scottie could get CBS fined, not that I think that will happen. That’s why the producers drill them each time they have a live show about not doing anything stupid because CBS will surely retaliate if they get hit with some FCC warning/fine.

      2. Yes, live over the air broadcast and on-line or cable stations are treated differently by the FCC. Remember the Janet Jackson half time incident? That lead to a total fine 550K fine for it airing across it’s 20 CBS-affiliated television stations and after that a new Broadcast Decency Enforcement act was passed raising the fine from $27,500 to $325K per incident, per station.

        Why would CBS want to take that chance with Scotty again, he knew the rules of the live broadcast segments and chose to break them. Sure CBS caught the remarks in time but if they hadn’t the fine would have been in the millions.

    2. CBS has no real ethics they are intrested in ratings only……all publicity to them is good publicity……then they come with the fake outrage and take no blame……it’s corporate America at it’s finest.

    3. I put Scottie’s exit on slow motion..he didn’t give anyone ‘The Bird.’ Someone should ASK him about the comment he made. Totally agree with you, J.C. gets away with a lot more. Trying to touch women’s nether regions with an ice cream scoop, smooching on Tyler, etc., etc. WHY did production let him get away with THAT kind of behavior with a slap on the wrist?????

    4. Twitter is always brutal. It’s a shame that a self-proclaimed superfan turned out to he such a superdud. He’s earned a very well deserved place at the bottom of BB history, but at the same time he’s become a cult hero in that anime-counter culture that has always been here cheering for him.

      Congratulations Scotter, you won AF in the comic book crowd.

    1. backdooring is safer, but it lays bare who’s at the bottom of the alliance. unless you can trick people into volunteering to go up (which isn’t happening with this bunch), backdooring is trading a short term gain for long term losses making a third of the house, 40% of the hoh competitors, likely to put you up after an hoh you can’t play in.

      1. Plus trying to backdoor Haleigh now is tough. Only 1 person will not play in the veto this week. The odds it’s Haleigh sitting out are slim.

        1. The odds would of been 40% that Hayleigh didn’t play. Three chips are pulled for the veto and there are five in the box counting houseguest choice. I would of taken those odds instead of risking what could happen if Hayleigh wins the veto. If Hay wins that would crack the other side of the house now and lead to a flip on the double eviction for sure.

    2. There’s only 7 houseguests left and 6 get to play the veto. At this stage in the game there’s no use trying to backdoor her when there is a very high chance she was going to play in the veto comp anyway.

        1. Putting up Brett is better for Kaycees game in the long run.

          Brett and JC are ready to cut her loose so Why would she not take the first shot?

          1. Angela is brett target if anything. But its not a bad idea , it will build her a rezoma for jury .. and if tyler and angela will suport that .. she will only piss of j.c who as already thinking of putting her up.

  3. Another possibility, certainly not as high on the probability list of winning veto as perhaps Tyler or KC; but Sam winning Veto and taking herself down would leave Haleigh and JC on the block. Nice, right? JC needs to sweat a little more.

  4. Can you imagine how good Thursday’s show is going to be with the double eviction? I think the next Head of Household is going to be a bloodbath. Look for the second eviction to be a blindside.

      1. I would love for a how bad do you want it HoH comp. Just hold a button…I think at this point we’d have people pass out before giving up.

    1. I can see Production choosing a competition that can and may be the only one that JC can win. Like custom made for him. Maybe they think a challenge that is all luck hoping for him to win?
      Haileigh will go out, then it will have to be a quick challenge. I really can’t see JC winning an HOH unless it is set up for him to specifically win. I hope he never wins one. If he did win, he would probably put up Angela and KayCee.
      I don’t care who wins the HOH’s as long as Tyler doesn’t go up. I believe that there are still at least 2 people in the house, maybe more, that would not hesitate to take a chance to get him out.
      I want JC to go out at this double eviction!

      1. “I can see Production choosing a competition that can and may be the only one that JC can win.”

        I hope the comp is bull riding. Let’s see if JC can fly.

  5. Nothing says we at big brother care about you like an hoh basket that contains an OPEN bag of chips, snacks with a best before date that expired over a week ago, and tuna that the hoh winner bought for themselves but never got a chance to eat… in sequester… two months ago.

    1. btw… nothing says classy like asking your future wife to marry you in the “house” where she had two other boyfriends, one of whom most likely gave her carpal tunnel syndrome. eyeroll.

      1. There’s no way this was the one and only proposal Victor made for Nicole. They obviously would have had their own special and far more romantic proprosal and private and asked to keep it hush from public so they could reenact it for the big brother audience th same way Jeff and Jordan did a few years ago.

        1. well of course. but bringing back two people that were on the same season, but were not involved in any kind of relationship (both actually were with other people on said season, though one was before feeds) just seems like a reach and considering those relationships they did have on that season, sort of tacky to bring them back into that environment. Have Chenbot congratulate them on getting engaged on a Wednesday and quit flogging the horse of fifteen minutes of fame that should have ended by now. Can’t we just have a season where completely irrelevant past season wannabe but has beens just stay away? I really don’t care what reality show contestants from 3, 5, 6 years ago are doing now.

          1. Feel better now? I mean, you’re watching Big Brother Season 20 and you’re complaining about reality show publicity stunts?

            1. actually, yes. I do feel better. Venting can be cathartic. Since i’m trying to curb my natural inclination toward sarcasm lest it become passive agressive, yes, i do indeed fell better. Thanks for asking. 🙂

          2. They should have brought Nicole back to demonstrate her hand job technique.

    2. I guess they were planning on her winning an HOH sooner 🙂 or maybe that’s BB’s way of saying “It’s about time you won an HOH”

      1. Or maybe they had a basket ready for the person they were hoping would win, and had to make a mad dash to throw a bunch of crap together for the person that DID win.

  6. Man am I a fan of stretching! I dont know how to say that and not come off as a perv and I am positive I am ok with it…..

  7. Hayleigh leaves. Double evict they send Sam to jury too. It gets interesting who goes up next to Sam? JC? Sam wins the veto? Who goes up with JC? This will show the pecking order of L4. I am thinking if they’re smart they get rid of Kaycee. She is the most likable of all of them. What do you think???

    1. All depends on if Brett wins an Hoh. I think the correct order is Hayleigh, Sam, Jc, then Brett. If Brett or God forbid JC win an Hoh outcome could be different. If I am Tyler I want to be sitting next to Angela or Brett. I feel Angela vs anyone is a loss for Angela!

      1. At this point, that is pretty much the only certainty we could expect at F2. Angela should be cruising to the end at this point, if the others know what’s good for them.

        1. I was surprised to hear Brett say on Thursday’s show that he thinks the jury would vote for him if he sends Angela to jury. I thought he would be smarter than that because I think his only chance of winning is to be next to her in the final2.

    2. Tyler wants Brett out first of L6, he’d even like him to leave right after Haleigh.
      He’s been trying to subtly “prepare” Kaycee and Angela for his early move on Brett, but so far, the girls are set on getting Brett out after Sam and JC are gone.
      Tyler, Angela and Kaycee agree that Brett is the 4th in their group.
      I think Tyler would take the shot at Brett if he won the DE HOH, and he’d just tell them “trust me, vote Brett out!” after nominating him next to JC.
      The girls would comply.
      I think if Brett wins the DE HOH, he takes the shot at Angela.
      Sadly, Brett seems to believe in his F2 with Tyler.
      Tyler seems to think Kaycee is his best shot in the F2, and her apparently botching up her speech today yet again may have solidified Tyler’s opinion.

  8. I’m curious: Is it considered “romantic” to choose as the place to ask your girlfriend to marry you the very place where everyone knows and many saw her give a handjob to another guy – while Victor was in the house?
    I mean… I guess they bartered some good money in exchange for “doing it” (pun not intended) there…
    I can only speak for myself: If that was me, and I actually cared about letting everyone know that it’s real love, I wouldn’t do it here given the circumstances.

    1. Victor asked Nicole to marry him today in the Big Brother house. That’s why the feeds were down for 5 hours.
      They met on BB. Nicole was in a showmance with Corey during that season, and Nicole gave Corey a handjob, which was caught on camera.
      That’s why I’m surprised Victor and Nicole chose to get engaged in the BB house.
      Sorry if my post was confusing.

    2. Previous houseguests Victor and Nicole (Nicole is the girl that looks like Hayleigh and won one of her two seasons) gave handjobs (and other treats) to her boyfriend in the house at the time Cory and I don’t recall her previous boyfriend’s name on her first season. And then today, Victor who was in the house with her – but not as her boyfriend at the time but he really liked her – asked her to marry him there. But I’m sure this was just the tv version of the proposal. By the way, they just filmed Amazing Race and I heard they lost. Hope that helps a bit.
      Also, having Cory in the jury actually helped Nicole get votes because he campaigned for her over Paul that season.

  9. This is best season in a long time where everyone is playing there hasnt been a season like this since janelle was in im so excited every week to see shows!

    1. Fez for AFP – America Flipped, Playa!
      Haleigh for AFP – America’s Fakest Player
      RS for AFP – Big Brother’s Financial Aassistance For Players
      JC for AFP – America’s Favorite Perv

  10. I’m really hoping Sam wins the veto tomorrow. It’s time for JC to see the block and sweat a little. He is really annoying with the Angela and Tyler stuff Sounds like a jealous ex girlfriend and wanting to know why Tyler isn’t spending as much time with him. It’s flat out annoying at this point and it’s the only thing he speaks about. Get Angela out get Angela out. We need to get her away from Tyler. Enough already

    1. Instead of that I hope he gets eliminated on the double eviction night. That way we won’t see his antics for a whole week. I don’t know if I could handle that!!!!

    2. Tyler is trying to keep JC and Angela,because that is who he wants to go to final 3.I think that he now realizes Kaycee would probably beat him,so get Brett or JC(somehow) to take her out.(No blood on Tyler’s hands.)Brett would just be collateral damage because he is not a threat.

  11. “JC says he’s going for the next HOH.”

    JC, you’re not going for sh*t!! You can’t win anything! You don’t even try!

    Just maybe, if there are just 3 competitors…and it’s a crap shoot…and you don’t blow it…you might!

    PFT! You’ll find a way to blow it! And yet still think you’re playing the game!

    Biggest FLOATER!

  12. Live feeds fucking up. BBAD shows house guests getting alcohol, giving a toast hanging out etc. Live feeds have all four cameras on Sam in the shower not even taking a shower, not saying a word and you can barely see her. What’s the point of that

    1. From what I gathered, Hay was talking to the others about an ex-bf that had not signed a waiver so BB couldn’t show them.

      1. If that is true then I 100% get it. However then why show it for free on BBAD without an issue but not on the live feeds is what is annoying

  13. OMG ! They just got booze AGAIN ! JC will lose it ! And next week..when he’s not a have not..they’ll get nothing. :))

    1. Makes you wonder if Production screws with the people who have caused them the most grief 😀

    2. All the booze this week probably done by production staff on purpose to pay JC back for them having to call him out everyday all day long. Hope they got some satisfaction, I know I did.

  14. I’m sorry but I read something the other day about JC & Brett..they were talking about how Scottie told them everyone in jury HATES Angela and nobody would ever vote for her b/c of her gbm..whatever. Then these guys literally half a second later say “omg she has to go..she’s too dangerous “! I don’t think I have ever read something so dumb in all my life. Let’s take Tyler with us so he can beat us (he doesn’t have enough jury votes as it is so let’s theow his gf Angela and bf kc in there with those losers) and get rid of the ONE person I can actually beat lmao and I’m sorry..I love JC but he has no chance. He has zero wins and yes he did do lots of manipulating but if people aren’t already aware of that then the jury is not going to get it on finale night..he talks way to fast and gets flustered and you can’t understand him. (Plus we’re talking about the hive..they have a hard time understanding anything let alone something so complex)
    Anyways I just think it’s silly to take out the one person everyone can beat. For Tyler and kc it’s different..they have actually PLAYED the game. They have a resume whereas jc and Brett just don’t.

  15. Ideally…
    Haleigh gets evicted
    Level 6 win HOH
    Nominates Sam & JC
    Sam gets evicted
    Level 6 win HOH
    JC gets evicted
    Level 6 is final 4!

    1. if I was them I would be more worried about Rockstar moving out after the show was over. She probably feels entitled to staying there for free.

  16. If BB really wanted to send a message they’d notify Scottie that he will not be voting and that he will not be allowed to say anything during the live show; if he wants to leave right away, so be it.

    In the invent of a tie (with the jury minus one), the deciding vote will be cast for the person in final two who received the most AF votes; giving the viewers the final say and not the jury.

  17. Production is having such a good time giving JC exactly what he deserves. I’m really enjoying watching hims squirm. And, I honestly do hope he is a have-not for another week!

  18. Good to see JC upset now he can see how us fans are tired of gis antics crude jokes while people are trying to use restroom ice cream scooper on the women in house vaginas and touching unsuspected house guest while they try to sleep hmmmm painting the kettle black.

  19. Oh JC!!!! Go up there talkin bout gay solidarity as a pre-emption so KC won’t nominate you as a replacement. She’s smarter than that and hasn’t seemed to play identity politics so if he’s not a re-nom…I don’t think it will be because him and KC are 2 gay people in the house

  20. This may be old news…but Beast Mode Cowboy and Rachel Reilly are going to be a team on the Amazing Race. As are Corey (Nicole’s) and James (Asian Texan). I’m sooo fired up! :p

    1. No, some of them were cut from the line up. Nicole and Vic are a team and Rachel is with her sister. No Corey, James or Caleb.

  21. I missed the Brett and Kaycee conversation last nigh. just added it. kinda wanting but not wanting Haleigh to win the veto.. JC would go up and we would have a week of his melt downs..

    1. Haleigh or Sam winning veto today would keep the game a bit more edgy and JC will definitely go up in their place. We haven’t seen the spelling search, morph, caged eggs, or sequence explosion.

      JC is like a 2 liter bottle of soda shaken up and ready to explode. Putting more pressure on him will definitely make for a week to watch!

  22. I like that victor proposed to nicole on big brother!!! They met there even if she was in a showmance with 2 other guys on the show, its where they met n eventually fell in love after the show… I’m happy for them n can’t wait to see the proposal… I have a feeling Hayleigh will win pov n sam or jc will be heading to jury!!! Im rooting for Tyler n Kc to win the whole thing but see tyler possible going to jury sooner rather than later since ppl see him as not winning against him… Double eviction cld def send one of L6 to jury…

    1. I , myself am SICK and tired of whiny ass Nicole! She spent all of Season 18 under the covers taking care of “ Corrrrrrreeeee” and his pickle. Paul should have won that season and maybe last year could have been saved! Please B.B. stop dragging these wanks back in the house!

  23. It’s sad but I am actually hoping that Haleigh wins Veto, I want them to put JCs A$$ OTB and vote him out. Why aren’t they getting this, he needs to go. I know he can’t win anything but still, shut him up and take him out, he needs to be replacement. Then I can’t believe that they would get rid of sam before JC, dumbest plan ever. Sam does nothing but JC is running around saying all kinds of things not only to Brett but to Tyler, he needs to go this week on the double, since he wont have any time to say anything to anyone, he goes up and right out the door, done easy BYE. IF tyler take Kaycee to the end he is nuts, she will beat him without a doubt, thinking he knows this though. With scottie saying that everyone hates Angela in the jury house, he keeps her to final 3 and if it ends up being Brett/Tyler (the only 2 i personally believe should win) know that they need to take Angela…only way they will win for sure. I just want JC out, he is a whiny little sh1t.

    1. YAY! Someone else with my though bubbles. And… if JC gets popped up on the block next to Sam? He’ll likely spiral in to mega-overdrive if on the block from Mon through Thurs and they won’t be able to stand him a second longer.

      THEN go for Hay.

  24. Every once in a while when they talk about double eviction or twists in the game, my brain switches into bbcan mode and i say to myself, “well there are still two lgbt house guests, so following five seasons of pattern I guess it’s about time for a twist.” Then i remember oh, this is bbus… oops.

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